California Governor Declares Bird Flu “State of Emergency”

by | Dec 19, 2024 | Headline News, Health | 3 comments

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    California’s governor Gavin Newsom has declared a state of emergency in the state due to the bird flu outbreak. Newsome’s emergency declaration follows an outbreak of the highly pathogenic bird flu virus among dairy cows in Southern California farms, according to the news release on the governor’s website.

    According to a report by Fox News, after initially being reported in Texas and Kansas in March, bird flu has been confirmed in cattle across 16 U.S. states, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported.

    There have been no cases of human transmission of bird flu in California, the release stated, with all infections linked to exposure to infected cattle.

    The mainstream media and health “authorities” have been warning of the bird flu’s transmission to humans for months now.

    Rising Cases of Bird Flu in Mammals Spark Concerns Of Human Transmission

    “This proclamation is a targeted action to ensure government agencies have the resources and flexibility they need to respond quickly to this outbreak,” Newsom said in a statement. “Building on California’s testing and monitoring system — the largest in the nation — we are committed to further protecting public health, supporting our agriculture industry, and ensuring that Californians have access to accurate, up-to-date information,” he continued.

    “While the risk to the public remains low, we will continue to take all necessary steps to prevent the spread of this virus.”

    Bird Flu Mutation Raises Pandemic Red Flags

    Also on Wednesday, the first case of “severe bird flu” was confirmed in a human patient in Louisiana, according to the CDC. The patient was hospitalized on Wednesday with an H5N1 infection.

    This genotype of the virus is different from the B3.13 genotype detected in dairy cows, human cases than multiple states, and some poultry outbreaks in the country, CDC said. –Fox News

    The risk to the public is still low. According to the CDC, a total of 61 human cases of H5 bird flu have been reported in the United States since April.

    A Single Mutation Could Cause Bird Flu To Become Transmissible Between Humans

    There have been upticks in the rhetoric over the bird flu lately, and this could still become a pandemic. It is rolling out much slower than the COVID-19 scamdemic did, but it’s still progressing. Be aware and prepared just in case this explodes and becomes a real problem.



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      1. yeah I think I heard all this BS before as Elon would say GFYS nuff said Do Not Comply

      2. More manufactured hysteria using improperly handled PCR tests. Do no comply.

      3. Anything can be the “vessel” when you’ve got a PCR test that can, literally, show you have anything if they crank up the cycles. At 75 or 80 cycles the amplification level will show the test positive for something that the test subject has never come in contact with. The PCR test was the engine that created the fake hysteria in 2020 for the COVID-19 hoax. I didn’t comply then and I won’t comply now. More studies out that the tests were faked and that the hysteria amplifying mask reminders do more damage than good.

        The general public is so ignorant of biological processes. They stick their thumbs up their but then suck on it if doctors said it was healthy.

        When you’re not ignorant of these processes people hate you and tell you to just “follow the science” even though what they really mean is just follow the TV and what politicized medical outlets tell you.

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