In the final hours of his position as head tyrant of the United States, Joe Biden gave Dr. Anthony Fauci a blanket pardon for crimes he has yet to be charged with. Fauci has been accused in the court of public opinion of reducing the COVID-19 scamdemic to a starting point for medical tyranny.
During his five-decade tenure as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Fauci played a central role in mismanaging the government’s response to numerous public health crises, including HIV/AIDS, Ebola, and Zika. However, it was his handling of the COVID-19 scamdemic that cemented his status as one of the most polarizing, authoritarian, and oppressive figures in modern-day America.
Joe Biden, who sought a constitutional amendment to remove immunity from presidents for their crimes, has pardoned not only Fauci but his son, Hunter Biden, as well.
Hunter Biden Pardoning Sets A New Precedent
The pardoning of his own son of his crimes is a steaming indictment of the horrible oppressive system of control we are under.
This is just more evidence that politics are only for those who rule. People are currently sitting in prison cells for victimless crimes all over this country and Hunter Biden is the ruling class’s first priority because he’s the head tyrant’s son. Noting says the government is slavery more than this. The only good thing about this situation is that more human beings are going to see the government for what it truly is and stop propping up the system that elevates some while oppressing others. –SHTFPlan
While presidential pardons are traditionally granted to individuals convicted of crimes, Biden’s use of the power to preemptively absolve those who have not even been formally accused of wrongdoing marks a dramatic departure from precedent. Fauci’s pardon represents a shield from potential legal fallout related to his handling of the COVID-19 scandal, where he lied to Congress about his agency’s involvement in funding gain-of-function bio-weapons research in Wuhan, China.
He served as a key advisor to both Biden and former President Trump, routinely misled the public on the potential of laboratory leaks, suppressing dissenting scientific opinions, and contributing to policies that caused widespread economic and social harm.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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