This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge.
A non-profit organization established to privately fund President Trump’s southern border wall has completed nearly a mile-long section on private land near El Paso, Texas.
We Build The Wall – a nonprofit founded by triple amputee veteran Brian Kolfage, boasts former White House Chief Strategist and former Breitbart executive Steve Bannon as its director, while former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach is the effort’s general counsel.
According to Kolfage, the segment took just three days to complete.
“It’s just under one mile long,” he told the Daily Mail, adding “The wall starts at the Rio Grande River and goes up Mount Cristo Rey where the US Army Corps of Engineers said it was impossible to build.”
Kolfage said once everything is said and done, his organization will sell the wall, which cost between $6million and $8million to build, to the federal government for the bargain price of $1.
‘We’re going to sell this wall to them for $1 and release the title to them,’ he said. ‘We can’t give the government the money because that’s not the way it works. But we wanted to show the American people how to get this job done.’ –Daily Mail
We Build The Wall announced in a series of social media posts on Monday that construction had commenced on the Texas landowner’s property, days after a federal judge blocked President Trump from tapping into billions in Pentagon funds to begin work on two of the highest-priority wall segments – one spanning 46 miles in New Mexico, while the other 5-mile section was slated for Yuma, Arizona.
“This is the first time any private organization has built a border wall on private land,” said former Kansas Secretary of State and general counsel for the wall project, Kris Kobach, who told Fox & Friends on Monday that the project was undertaken due to the “ridiculously large gap” near Mount Cristo Rey which drug and human smugglers have been entering the United States. Kobach added that the Army Corps of Engineers had previously deemed the strip of land too rugged for fencing.
A couple photos taken with my phone just now of We The People’s wall! @BrianKolfage @WeBuildtheWall @mamendoza480 @TheAmandaShea @Bring_Back_Phil pic.twitter.com/3myvkiIm5e
— Dustin Stockton (@DustinStockton) May 27, 2019
“It’s amazing to me how crowdfunding can successfully raise a lot of money, and how many Americans care about this,” Kobach told CNN.
Jeff Allen told CNN he owns the property where We Build the Wall’s team is working, and he’s excited to see it.
“They are doing an incredible job,” he said. “I have fought illegals on this property for six years. I love my country and this is a step in protecting my country.”
Daniel Garcia Salinas, the director of a nearby museum on the Mexican side of the border, told CNN the new wall went up rapidly over the weekend, changing the horizon behind the Museo Casa de Adobe.
Garcia said that when he had left the museum Friday afternoon there was no fencing there. By Saturday morning, he said, portions of new wall had been constructed.
“They moved very quickly,” he said. –CNN
Bannon, meanwhile, told CNN on Monday that the stretch of private wall connects two 21-mile segments of existing fence.
“Border Patrol told us it’s the No. 1 most important miles to close. The tough terrain always left it off the government list,” said Bannon. “And that’s what we focus on — private land that is not in the program and take the toughest first.”
“The whole idea is we want to supplement and complement what the federal government is doing,” added Kobach. “We can complement it by closing the gap and making that wall in El Paso that much more effective.”
Kolfage’s GoFundMe project was established in December, and raised over $20 million in donations. The average donation was $67, with 300,000 people contributing according to Kobach. The project appeared to have stalled at one point, leading some to raise questions over what happened to the funds.
Recent reports detailed how some donors questioned why they hadn’t seen any construction despite the millions donated, but organizers said they had to keep plans secret to protect the project.
“Remember powerful people want to stop our progress, so to not tip anyone off we are radio silent!” Kolfage wrote in a Facebook post shared by the group earlier this month. “The (American Civil Liberties Union) would file a lawsuit to impede our wall success if they knew where and when.”
On Monday, Kolfage hit back over Twitter, writing “All the haters said it was impossible!! Bahaha where ya at now?”
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Could we outsource the whole project to this company?
They can obviously do it faster, and more economical than the Corp of Engineers……
Oh great. One mile down, only 1,873 to go.
At a cost of an estimated $25 million per mile.
“We’re gonna build a border wall, a great wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it.” Donald J Trump
Not so fast with bad math. Flat areas can be dugout at 3-5 miles per day. Fence erection and roads at 1 mile per day, so the cost will be much lower for flat ground. Fence erection can be increased to match 5 miles per day.
In any case the wall is far cheaper than the 100’s of billions per year for medical, schooling, food and housing that is provided to the illegals via the stupid welfare programs that they steal from. Time to institute 100% Everify and take away the job magnet too.
There is no private property. There is zoning laws. You can’t just build a 30ft wall if the law says it can’t be more than ten ft high. Some guy did this near me and he had to pay a big fine and had to take it down. democraps can fight this in court if there is zoning laws. Don’t believe me though check it out for yourself. Around here your fence can’t be higher than 6ft.
Wouldn’t it be a lot cheaper and easier and faster to just dig a trench along the border and fill it with Cobalt 60?
Speaking of cancer, here is some info on black cumin seed oil I talked about the other day. I take it every day.
ht tps://www.naturalnewsblogs.com/why-arent-hospitals-treating-cancer-with-black-seed-oil/
A moat with alligators would be a great deterrent,way scarier than a wall. The slogan would be ” Dig The Moat”. Entry points would have a guard shack and a drawbridge.
Mine it…..no need for a wall
There are a number of cheaper alternatives to a wall like a combination of spotlights, sirens, drones and cameras everywhere. There is something psychological about wanting the physical border wall erected. It separates US from THEM, and I am all for that. But truthfully, most illegals, and drugs as well, don’t come through the border anyway. They fly in and overstay their Visa and no one comes looking for them.
In any other country they’d be at your door 24 – 48 hours after your Visa expired. But not in the good old U S of A. Nope. No one comes looking for them so they just make the US their new home. For years, even decades.
As far as drugs, the vast majority enter through regular legal ports. Some through the underground tunnels but most come in through our ports. The money would better be used for our crumbling infrastructure that is only getting worse, not better.
If you lose a loved one due to a bridge collapse or sudden underground water-main break that caused a flash flood in a no-flood zone you’ll wish the money had been used for the infrastructure, including the grid system, instead of an outrageously expensive border wall when there are cheaper alternatives for the wall. And like I said most illegals overstayed their Visas. But I get the psychology behind the wall, it’s a physical barrier. Out of sight, out of mind.
Somewhat taken out of context. Just imagine the Palestinians as Mexicans, and it will all make sense —
(Referring to a digital, rather than physical, barrier.)
one thing get real doesn’t take into account. those who fly in and overstay their visa or enter thru legal ports. they initially are here legally. they have passports and other documentation. and most likely are not third would loser’s and criminals. Again they did not break the law to get here. and are more likely to be a better quality of person. Those who illegally cross the border are criminals from the get go. and are more likely to continue to break the laws. Folks who the wall will deter are scum bag outlaws.
My relatives came from some nasty places, but were never so ‘ghetto’ as these embattled border towns.
They knew exactly where this was headed, eventually, and considered self-deportation some generations ago.
He hasn’t come anywhere close to restoring the implied, social contract — I mean, just ordinary expectations — to WASP masculinists.
Rather than profiling these people — as any snarky gradeschooler can do — he doesn’t see them as a replacement demographic, once they get papers and shots.
So, why is that being built, anyway.
Please, when giving your reasons, do not use anyone whose jobs numbers have never been better.
Reusing the Israeli example, once again…
There is even a parallel highway system, with a wall between those two countries. (Maybe US nation-building has paid for this redundancy, abroad.)
Why, if scapegoats are allowed to participate in the economy and run for office and insult the country while holding office, there.
Who is it really intended to control, then.
Now if private efforts would finish the job and encircle the whole US… Maybe that would keep the gringos from roaming the globe stealing everything they can get their hands on… A cheaper alternative would be just to give the southwest back to Mexico from whom it was stolen. This situation certainly seems like a whole bunch of chickens coming home to roost, does it not?
I take it you don’t live in the Southwest. Well I do born and raised. Where do you live? Maybe we should give your home back to whom ever it was taken from!
I’m all for stopping the wet-backs but not with a wall. Shoot them and let them lay. They will stop coming.
Mark my words – in the end a wall will be used to keep US in. We are building our own FEMA camp.
Already a large portion of my place has a 6 foot thicket at the fence row. I have planted Osage orange , Hawthorn , false orange and privet there. Certianly it keeps me and mine fenced in as much as fencing others out. However there is one fact its my hedgerow and I have the keys to the locked gates. planted a lot more osage orange this spring. you collect the hedge apples in October as soon as the fall from the trees. let them set in open containers out in the weather all winter. after the last frost you mix the rotting fruit with water and make a slurry. make a 6 inch deep trench and pour the slurry into that trench and cover it up. and the seeds in the pulpy slurry will grow. a hedge row gives you privacy, is a windbreak and prevents water and wind erosion. its habitat for birds and other wildlife. and a thorny hedge prevents even the most determined human trespasser for being able to access your place. get those yellow false orange fruit in the fall when they drop to the ground. quarter the green fruit. place the quartered section in a hole made with a garden trow about 4 to 6 inches deep and cover. plant about 18 inches apart. and in 4 years you will have a good barrier.
There are sections where there are 100 yr old cemeteries and building the wall over them would mean desecrating the graves. It was also reported that in order for the wall to be built in some sections many bodies would need to be exhumed. That will result in a string of lawsuits along with eminent domain lawsuits when they confiscate private property. Combined with the exorbitant costs and resources and legal implications to build the wall its not worth it. In theory the border wall sounds great but it’s just not realistic and never really was. President Trump did not do his homework before blindly promising us a border wall.