This article was originally published by Ron Paul at The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.
A Fresno, California waffle restaurant dared to open its doors for business this weekend to the delight of a long line of customers, who waited up to two hours for the “privilege” of willingly spending their money in a business happy to serve them breakfast on Mother’s Day. This freedom of voluntary transactions is the core of what we used to call our free society. But in an America paralyzed by fear – ramped up by a mainstream media that churns out propaganda at a level unparalleled in history – no one is allowed to enjoy themselves.
Thankfully everyone carries a smartphone these days and can record and upload the frequent violations of our Constitutional liberties. In the case of the waffle restaurant, thanks to a cell phone video we saw the police show up in force and try to push through the crowd waiting outside. An elderly man who was next in line to enter was indignant, complaining that he had been waiting two hours to eat at the restaurant and was not about to step aside while the police shut down the place. The police proceeded to violently handcuff and arrest the man, dragging him off while his wife followed sadly behind him to the police car.
It is hard not to be disgusted by government enforcers who would brutally drag an elderly man away from a restaurant for the “crime” of wanting to take his wife out for breakfast on Mother’s Day. A virus far more deadly than the coronavirus is spreading from Washington down to the local city hall. Tinpot dictators are ruling by decree while federal, state, and local legislators largely stand by and watch as the US Constitution they swore to protect goes up in smoke.
Politicians with perfect haircuts issue “executive orders” that anyone cutting hair for mere private citizens must be arrested. In Texas a brave salon owner willingly went to jail for the “crime” of re-opening her business in defiance of “executive orders.” To add insult to injury, Governor Greg Abbott very quickly condemned the one-week jail sentence of salon owner Shelley Luther – but the officers who arrested her were only carrying out Abbott’s own orders!
First, we were told we had to shut down the country to “flatten the curve” so that hospitals were not overwhelmed by coronavirus patients. When most hospitals were nowhere near overwhelmed, and in fact were laying off thousands of healthcare workers because there were no patients, they moved the goalposts and said we cannot have our freedom back until a vaccine was available to force on us or the virus completely disappeared – neither of which is likely to happen anytime soon.
Many politicians clearly see the creeping totalitarianism but lack the courage to speak out. Thankfully, patriots like Shelley Luther are demonstrating the courage our political leaders lack.
When Patrick Henry famously said “give me liberty or give me death” in 1775, he didn’t add under his breath “unless a virus shows up.” If we wish to reclaim our freedoms we will have to fight – peacefully – for them. As Thomas Paine wrote in 1776, “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”
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It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
In a laughable section of his farewell address from the Oval Office on Wednesday, current sitting...
This article was originally published by Cassie B. at Natual News. Israel intensified Gaza...
This article was originally published by Micahel Snyder at The Economic Collapse Blog under the...
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Now is the best time to ditch your cell phone!
From Big Brother to BIG NANNY!
Contract traceing is the most disgusting display of government over-reach, 4th amendment rights abuse, HIPPA law violations,
government harrassment, and waste fraud and abuse in government spending that does not produce anything but
BIG NANNY NAZIS and a creepy, disgusting, stalker zone for mentally incometent losers!
This was RICHARD WOLF’S idea, from AMHERST UNIVERSITY so you know WHO to blame in addition to the DIGITAL MAFIA ( for which this is a new division of ), BILL GATES, and MARK CUBAN!
I completely understand the need for jobs to be created, but the fact of the matter is, that Bill Gates could easily afford to hire millions of people without government subsidies, so could Mark Cuban, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Peter Thiel, Warren Buffet, as well as many others whose personal networth just sky rocketed as a result of the robbery that took place while everyone was under house arrest!
Trump said that he was going to plant a trillion trees, which he would definitely require help with, so have the nincumpoops do something that benefits society! I refer to them as nincumpoops not because they are unemployed, but because they would be willing to become BIG NANNY NAZIS!
DITCH YOUR PHONE, or expect to be harrassed by contract tracers, asking everywhere that you went and met, as if everyone would remember in detail a month later, or whenever! As if it is any of their business! Think of the information swept up that could be private and personal that a complete stranger, as well as the government is not entitled to demand knowledge of! Even that would place healthcare workers in violation of HIPPA violations! If a healthcare worker contracted the virus, and a BIG NANNY NAZI would be required to get all of their patients names, in violation of HIPPA! That is just one example out of countless others that are none of their GOD DAMNED business!
So in New York City, or a large metro area, people may come in contact with hundreds of people a day on side walks, public transportation, work, school, restaurants, so would they get hundreds of calls for everyone that they may have passed on the side walk?
Furthermore, this does not solve anything!
If people don’t feel well, they will do what they decide to do!
This will not make society healthier in any way at all!
The entire concept of it is sick, insane, creepy, stalker like, disgusting, grotesque, disturbed, dimented, illogical, wasteful, pointless, retarded, and a total pain in the ass!
Richard Wolf claims to be an economist, and pretends to be a professor of economics, who obviously does not understand the first thing about economics!
He should be fired! Is that the best idea that the dimented idiot can come up with for jobs?
Call Amherst University and demand the firing of Richard Wolf!
the virus has spread everywhere including remote areas in montana and spreads right thru a house or building. the numbers are that less than 1% of the population is infected. less than 1 thousandth of 1 percent has died and less than 5% of those died with no other underlying conditions. driving in traffic is more dangerous than dying exclusively from covid 19.
and govts knew this by april 15 or earlier, shame on govt for not saying they screwed up and opening everything.
anyone who still complies is a sheep unless they are trying to avoid being put in jail for non compliance
Now is the best time to ditch your cell phone!
From Big Brother to BIG NANNY!
Contract tracing is the most disgusting display of government over-reach, 4th amendment rights abuse, HIPPA law violations,
government harrassment, and waste fraud and abuse in government spending that does not produce anything but
BIG NANNY NAZIS and a creepy, disgusting, stalker zone for mentally incometent losers!
This was RICHARD WOLF’S idea, from AMHERST UNIVERSITY so you know WHO to blame in addition to the DIGITAL MAFIA ( for which this is a new division of ), BILL GATES, and MARK CUBAN!
I completely understand the need for jobs to be created, but the fact of the matter is, that Bill Gates could easily afford to hire millions of people without government subsidies, so could Mark Cuban, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Peter Thiel, Warren Buffet, as well as many others whose personal networth just sky rocketed as a result of the robbery that took place while everyone was under house arrest!
Trump said that he was going to plant a trillion trees, which he would definitely require help with, so have the nincumpoops do something that benefits society! I refer to them as nincumpoops not because they are unemployed, but because they would be willing to become BIG NANNY NAZIS!
DITCH YOUR PHONE, or expect to be harrassed by contract tracers, asking everywhere that you went and met, as if everyone would remember in detail a month later, or whenever! As if it is any of their business! Think of the information swept up that could be private and personal that a complete stranger, as well as the government is not entitled to demand knowledge of! Even that would place healthcare workers in violation of HIPPA violations! If a healthcare worker contracted the virus, and a BIG NANNY NAZI would be required to get all of their patients names, in violation of HIPPA! That is just one example out of countless others that are none of their GOD DAMNED business!
So in New York City, or a large metro area, people may come in contact with hundreds of people a day that have the virus, on side walks, public transportation, work, school, restaurants, so would they get hundreds of calls for everyone that they may have passed on the side walk?
Oh, and if you don’t talk to them, they can post it on social media! So now they also get access to your social media accounts?! This is sick as hell! This is just because the governmemt wants people’s social media accounts! And the Digital Mafia WANTS them to have it, so that when they get shut down, the government will be blamed, and not the Digital Mafia that sold all of your data!
Furthermore, this does not solve anything!
If people don’t feel well, they will do what they decide to do!
This will not make society healthier in any way at all!
The entire concept of it is sick, insane, creepy, stalker like, disgusting, grotesque, disturbed, demented, illogical, wasteful, pointless, retarded, and a total pain in the ass!
Richard Wolf claims to be an economist, and pretends to be a professor of economics, who obviously does not understand the first thing about economics!
He should be fired! Is that the best idea that the demented idiot can come up with for jobs?
Call Amherst University and demand the firing of Richard Wolf!
This is just a CYA psy-op for the digital mafia to cover-up the fact that they sold data!
A cell phone is a lfe threatenning toxic ball and chain, big nanny nazi!
Go ahead! Microwave yourselves with your cell phones! Micro-waves cook by vibrating molecules! 5G vibrates water molecules at the high end of the frequency range!
A government mocrowave, spy device, and theft device all in one, and you only have to pay hundreds of dollars, plus monthly user fees, for the government and digital mafia to spy on you, steal from you, and cook you to death!
Kind of like a smaller version of Hansel and Gretel!
My guess is that the Criminals in Charge are getting sick of being embarrassed for their evil treachery, and being criticized for it and plan to end the internet.
They are just too corrupt and they are megalomaniacs and narcissists.
“Did they expect us to treat them with any respect?!” -Pink Floyd
Seriously, what did they think that we would do?!
After the Digital Mafia causing 3 market crashes, my prediction is that they are going to end the internet, but the spying will continue! Don’t be fooled! Spying through electricity, appliances, land lines, DEWs, mind raping technology! Probably what the chip vaccines are all about! Complete evil!
Don’t forget, Obama had the space weather warning that space weather would wipe out the internet!
Maybe that is next time, because you can bet on their being a next time for the economy to fail with these retarded bandits in control!
Thanks Ron Paul for continuing to advocate for freedom. Tyrants hide behind Covid-19 medical professionals. Both have insufficient regard for INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. Life is rife with inherent risk. In a free country, the CITIZEN decides which risks to take. Broad lock-down edicts by Tyrants must not be tolerated,
Approximately 3 million Americans will die this year, with or without Covid-19. Folks should try to put things in perspective. Will Coronavirus even be in the top-10 causes of death in our country? Even if it is, a lockdown of our society is unsustainable.
Lies, damn lies, & statistics (thank you Benjamin Disraeli & Mark Twain for the relevant phrase) were used to transform our society into a disfunctional mess. Wake the hell up folks, do you really believe you can do this lockdown fiasco forever?
So, I recently walked through the countryside, and found that the most suggestible people groups were brought here as Oompa Loompas.
I crossed paths with our once-abusive chief of police (lovingly nicknamed by peers for his abuses), who I knew through his extended family — also, wearing masks in his front yard, which is not a requirement, here, at all.
As Thomas Paine wrote in 1776, “These are the times that try men’s souls.”
Seriously? They were having a moral crisis?
“The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot”
If you’re capable of critical thinking, you were participating, oh-so conditionally.
But, lemmings and worker bees pretty much keep going until they fall apart.
This quote is better suited to redcoats, actually, who kept standing in formation, for inane discipline.
“An elderly man who was next in line to enter was indignant, complaining that he had been waiting two hours to eat at the restaurant and was not about to step aside while the police shut down the place. The police proceeded to violently handcuff and arrest the man, dragging him off while his wife followed sadly behind him to the police car.”
I would say that you nonchalantly cross paths with authoritarians, on an hourly, if not monthly basis. You go shopping, walk dogs, ride bikes, and picnic right near their offices and parkinglots. They drive away and go straight home, or else to their friends, or to their favorite haunts.
tbh, their lives would be totally unlivable, except for a tyranny of the majority. Most of the people reading will be easily-manipulable, so staunchly loyalistic.
You cannot imagine providing basic goods and services for yourselves, or business solely by private association, without these taskmasters, who would gladly be allowed into the waffle house for your caring service.
Waffle is also a verb —
To bark incessantly.
To wave; fluctuate.
Do we know whether any exclusive, no-advertisement, word-of-mouth businesses were forced to shut down? Some trendy scenes, which you copy in outward appearances, are inwardly run as speakeasies.
Does the raid just happen to monetized people, in monetized venues, where trashy musak is played over the blown-out intercom, and the patrons have zero concept of independence in real life?
If your labor positions didn’t cover life support, you were oblivious and should not be missed, imo. This state is covering your expenses — RINO bosses and consumerists — while you show them what you are doing, out in the open, and gladly present yourselves to be taken as political prisoners.
Trip to Walmutt to get some price-gouging asswipe. I laugh at how the anal-retentive $7.50 per hour employees, how they demand that the customers follow the laws of the store, one-way shopping isles, standing safety marker signage on the floor spaced six feet apart. I broke all of the stores laws, I even farted in line, guaranteeing a cloud of virus fecal-bin-laden gas for the “hero” working the price scanner. Fuck them.