It’s become quite apparent that there was never an excuse to impose the draconian lockdowns. This was economic terrorism by the ruling class, and the damage has been done. Thirty million people have already lost their jobs as tyranny came crashing down upon them.
According to the government’s number, and as reported by Breitbart, new claims for unemployment benefits fell to 3.84 million in the week ended April 25, data from the Department of Labor showed Thursday.
That brings new unemployment claims, a proxy for layoffs, over the past six weeks to around 30 million. Continuing claims, those filed after the initial week of benefits, rose to just under 18 million. Economists had expected around 3.5 million new claims. Claims hit a record 6.87 million for the week of March 28. Each subsequent week has seen claims decline. Last week’s initially reported figure was revised up by 15,000 to 4.4 million.
They Don’t Want You To Know The Truth! It’s Time To End The Tyrannical Lockdown Ourselves
Everyone keeps saying over and over again that this is the fault of the coronavirus pandemic. It’s not. Let’s be truthful. The economic destruction is the aftermath of tyranny and the absolute destruction of basic human rights. This has nothing to do with a virus. It has to with the media propagating fear in order to get governments to control our behavior and obey the tyrants. Now people have no financial security and they traded their freedom for it.
For Optimum Health, Find A Cure For Government & Mainstream Media
This was nothing short of economic terrorism, and every governor who commanded businesses to close is a criminal. But we could have stopped this. We could have refused to comply with the tyrannical demands and not given away our rights. We could have refused to beg for them back while waving signs with the names of our oppressors on them. We could have saved ourselves by disobeying. Now we have an economy that’s fitting of our police state. Terroristic.
We will continue to be controlled and enslaved as long as we allow this shit to continue to happen. It’s past time to wake up. I know I keep saying that, but it’s true. The time to push back was six weeks ago when we could have salvaged our livelihoods and our freedom by disobeying the tyrants our of existence. But obedient order followers have helped make sure we all get to be enslaved.
There are still people waking up to what’s happening. The censorship continues so the mainstream media knows their days are numbered. But it sure would be nice if people could open their eyes sooner to their enslavement.
A quote commonly attributed to Harriet Tubman:
“I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.”
It is time to abolish permanently the last form of slavery.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
Egg theft is becoming the new heist, as thieves set their sights on breakfast foods because of the...
Egg prices hve gone up astronomically since the mainstream media has taken to panicking the masses...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed that a dairy worker in Nevada has...
Former far-right Fox News host Tucker Carlson claimed that the Ukrainian ruling class is selling...
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But how can that be possible when the stock market had it’s best month in history? Could it be that the stock market is wrong again?! Not slow learners! Non learners! For bailing out the God damn fucking psychopaths, AGAIN! I never supported ANY Wall Street bail-outs! This is just positive reinforcement for reckless, predatory, financial fraud and criminally psychopathic behavior!
But how can that be possible when the stock market had it’s best month in history? Could it be that the stock market is wrong again?! Not slow learners! Non learners! For bailing out the God damn fucking psychopaths, AGAIN! I never supported ANY Wall Street bail-outs! This is just positive reinforcement for reckless, predatory, financial fraud and criminally psychopathic behavior!
It is time to slam the breaks on the stock market and crypto currencies and outlaw both of them once and for all! They are obviously nothing more than a well dressed gang of criminal thugs in an organized crime ring! How much proof do you need?!
Many are protesting the house arrest for all orders, and many are protesting PPE not being provided by employers, but, unfortunately nobody is protesting the increased surveillance the bail-outs, and the corruption, which the house arrest and social distancing were intentded to eliminate by design, to prevent another Occupy Wall Street protest movement. This is maybe the reverse of Occupy Wall Street, it might be Wall Street! I haven’t been to any of this year’s protests, but the fact that Wall Street, the bail-outs, and the additional violations of liberty ( which does not include PPE, check the constitution including its amendments) are not being protested, leads me to question the authenticity of these protests.
It might just be Wall Street that is protesting for more bail-outs.
People have been so duped, psy-oped, and brain-washed that it is really extremely pathetic.
The psychopaths in charge managed to turn the entire world into a total wasteland.
And then the politicians took a hammer and sickle to the economy. Hat tip to Uncle Mike.
How can anyone claim that KJ Noh, a self proclaimed peace activist and a frequent guest on Sputnik’s Loud and Clear CIA run radio show is a scholar?!
KJ Noh claims that the state was created in response against Christiandom and Christian domination to proclaim that geographical regions are soveriegn and not under the authority of the Christian church.
States have existed prior to Christianity!
Everyday, I hear total fabrications that are in complete contrast to the facts on Sputnik radio, the new CIA controlled MSM!
This one was just too hard to overlook!
The government will save us from God! You heard that message Loud and Clear on CIA run Sputnik radio!
Churches, mosques, and synagogues all forced to shut down! Personally, I do not go to church, because church does not have patent rights to God, but it is an extremely serious 1st amendment rights issue that people are free to worship as they choose to do so!
Bio weapon terrorist Bill Gates said that he is going to produce 14 billion doses of vaccines bevause there is simply no alternative, and he knows that he will get it done, and that it is a multi-dose vaccine, and that the entire world must cooperate with him. I refuse to cooperate, and I really do not give a damn how much money, influence, or status you have! Give yourself all 14 billion doses psychopath!
Bio weapon terrorist Bill Gates said that he is going to produce 14 billion doses of vaccines because there is simply no alternative, and he knows that he will get it done, and that it is a multi-dose vaccine, and that the entire world must cooperate with him. I refuse to cooperate, and I really do not give a damn how much money, influence, or status you have! Give yourself all 14 billion doses psychopath!
Mr Slavo time to explain
The Declaration of Independence
We the People are now going to have to dissolve the
Poolitical Bands .
I would like to quote a line from the men in black movie that has stuck with me ever since as I find it to be true, especially today;
“a person is smart, people are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it”
the usa and world has given up everything, freedom, livelihood and their future for what had shown by march 30th that it was killing less than one hundredths of a percent of even those countries with terrible healthcare and medical systems.
the doomers like economic collapse are finally right, the world as you knew it is now gone, it will not come back and the future is total control of the people in all countries.
the American experiment is dead, enjoy spending time in what remains as it now burns itself out.