This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The American Dream
What in the world has happened to our country? Most of us have very fond memories from when we were younger, and it is true that often our memories of “the good old days” can leave out the bad parts. None of us are perfect individually, and America has certainly never been without major problems as a nation. But have we ever witnessed the level of social decay that we are seeing around the country today? We are like a divorced, bloated, drug-addicted middle age man that has seen his life completely fall apart, and it would be nice to believe that we have hit rock bottom, but the truth is that we just keep on sinking even lower. The following are 12 examples that show that America is far more messed up than when you were a kid…
#1 When I was young, fast food was something that people would get as a treat every once in a while. Today, more than a third of the country has made it a lifestyle…
Americans’ love affair with fast food continues, with one in every three adults chowing down on the fare on any given day. That’s the finding from a new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
When asked by researchers, 37 percent of adults said they’d eaten fast food at least once over the past 24 hours. There was one surprise: Bucking the notion that poorer Americans favor fast food the most, the report found that intake actually rose with income.
No wonder obesity rates are at an all-time high and so many of us are developing cancer, heart disease and diabetes…
#2 Overdosing on drugs is now the leading cause of death for Americans under 50, and we now grappling with the worst opioid crisis in our entire history…
Drug overdoses are the leading cause of death for Americans under the age of 50, who are now more likely to die from a drug overdose than from car accidents or firearms. The United States has the dubious distinction of having the highest percentage of drug-related deaths in the world.
However, while opioid abuse is a nationwide problem, Visual Capitalist’s Nick Routley notes that there are specific areas that are being hit harder by this epidemic. Using the location data above, from NORC at the University of Chicago, we can see clusters of counties that have an extremely high rate of overdose deaths. Between 2012 and 2016, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio saw a combined 18,000 deaths related to opioid abuse.
#3 We often remember the 1970s and the 1980s as the time when cocaine use was out of control in America, but the truth is that cocaine deaths in the U.S. just hit a brand new all-time record high…
Cocaine deaths have hit a record high as the drug has quietly become increasingly popular while the attention of the media and health officials has been on the ongoing opioid epidemic.
In the last 12 months, 14,205 Americans died of cocaine overdoses, marking a 22 percent increase over the previous year, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
#4 And of course meth use continues to spiral wildly out of control. Just recently, a mother was arrested for leaving her two young children alone in a hot car with a bag of meth sitting on the front seat. How out of it do you have to be to do something like this?…
A Pasco County woman was arrested after she reportedly left two small children in a hot car with a bag of methamphetamine on the front seat while she was shopping in a Hudson dollar store.
Deputies responded to 12125 US Highway 19 in Hudson to check the welfare of two young children in a hot car all alone. The children, a 1-year-old girl and a 7-year-old boy, were both seated in the back seat of the car. Deputies found a small clear bag containing a crystal-like substance sitting on the driver’s seat. A field presumptive test showed the substance tested positive for methamphetamine.
#5 Speaking of discount retailers, something very unusual recently happened at a Wal-Mart store. After spotting an 8-year-old girl that he liked, an 81-year-old man offered to “buy her” from her mother for $200,000…
A man tried to buy an 8-year-old girl from her mother at a Walmart in Port Orange for $200,000, police said.
Hellmuth Kolb, 81, is charged with false imprisonment and battery. Police said Kolb tried to grab and kiss the girl and after he offered to buy her.
#6 In this day and age, we are inventing new ways to abuse our children. Just recently, it came out that a daycare center in Missouri had hosted a “fight club” during which the toddlers were urged to beat the living daylights out of one another…
A horrified Missouri mother is suing her sons’ former daycare center after two teachers hosted a ‘fight club’ and encouraged the toddlers to beat each other up.
Video has since emerged of the disturbing December 2016 incident, which shows children pounding each other to the ground while others break down in tears.
Nicole Merseal’s 10-year-old son filmed the horrific one-day ‘fight club’, which took place at the Adventure Learning Center in St Louis, on his iPad.
#7 And of course more allegations of sexual abuse seem to come out on a constant basis these days. In Massachusetts, a youth football coach has been charged with raping numerous young boys and recording the attacks on video. In the old days this would have been a major scandal, but these days this kind of thing happens so frequently that major U.S. news outlets barely reported on it. The following comes from a British news source…
A married father and former youth football coach from Massachusetts has been arrested for allegedly raping young boys and recording the sexual assaults on video.
Derek Sheehan, 48, of Norwell, was arrested last week and later arraigned on three counts of aggravated rape of a child, three counts of indecent assault and battery on a child under 14 years of age, three counts of pose/exhibit in sexual act, three counts of photograph sexual or intimate parts of child and four counts of possessing child pornography.
#8 Another thing that happens so frequently that it barely makes a blip on the news are mass brawls. Just recently, a mass brawl involving “up to 200 school students” happened in Philadelphia, but once again it was almost entirely ignored by the media…
Over a dozen juveniles were arrested and cited after police say a large brawl involving up to 200 school students erupted outside of a McDonald’s in the Hunting Park section of Philadelphia.
Police say they were called for a report of a large fight on Broad Street and Hunting Park Avenue around 3:40 p.m. Police say when they arrived it “immediately deteriorated into a riotous condition” with roughly 150 to 200 students fighting and instigating.
#9 But even though there is so much pure evil going on all around us, if you really want to make a big media splash just do or say something that is really “politically incorrect”. In our current environment, just about everything offends “the thought police”. For example, Kleenex was recently forced to give their “Mansize” tissues a new name because the old name was considered to be “sexist” by some people…
Kleenex is rebranding its “Mansize” tissues amid cries of sexism from consumers. The new name? Simply, “Kleenex Extra Large.”
That’s according to a statement from Kleenex’s Texas-based parent company, Kimberly-Clark.
#10 When I was young, I don’t remember hearing about any mass shootings. Eventually they started to become more common, and now they are happening so rapidly that it is difficult to keep up with them all. For example, a mass shooting at a Halloween event in southern California that happened about a week ago barely got noticed by the mainstream media…
Seven people were shot late Sunday evening at nightclub in Southern California, officials said.
The Riverside Police Department received a call around 12:04 a.m. and responded to reports of a shooting inside and outside of Sevilla Nightclub.
Online flyers show the Sevilla Nightclub had advertised a Halloween event called, “The Purge,” seemingly in reference to the name of the horror film.
If something like this had happened 40 years ago, it would have been a top news story for weeks.
#11 If you were in an accident and you had to have your foot amputated, what would you do with that foot? Well, one guy decided that he would grind it up and use it in tacos that he would feed to his friends…
You see, Shiny was in a terrible accident that forced him to think quick on his feet. A car hit his motorcycle which sent him flying into a forest, causing his foot to shatter to a point where he would never walk again. Doctors immediately saw his foot and stated they needed to amputate it. Instead of crying about it, he decided to ask doctors a question: “Can I keep it?”
On Sunday, July 10, 2016, three weeks after the accident, Shiny (who prefers to remain anonymous), invited 10 of his most “open-minded” friends to brunch. They ate puff pastries, chocolate cake, fruit tarts, and gin drank lemonade punches and mimosas. What was unusual about this brunch? The main course was fajita tacos made from Shiney’s severed human limb!
Apparently this is not illegal, but it should be. If someone fed me their severed foot without my knowledge I would be absolutely furious.
#12 Of course any list like this would be incomplete without an example of gross government incompetence…
The agency’s inspector general traced the malicious software to a single unnamed USGS employee, who reportedly used a government-issued computer to visit some 9,000 adult video sites, according to a report published Oct. 17.
Many of the prohibited pages were linked to Russian websites containing malware, which was ultimately downloaded to the employee’s computer and used to infiltrate USGS networks, auditors found. The investigation found the employee saved much of the pornographic material on an unauthorized USB drive and personal Android cellphone, both of which were connected to their computer against agency protocols.
To me, the most incredible part of this story is that the guy was able to stay employed long enough to visit “9,000 adult video sites”. Didn’t this guy have a supervisor, and why did it take so long to discover that he was endlessly watching adult videos while at work?
As you can see, America is a giant mess and we desperately need to get things turned around. When people say that they want to “make America great again”, what they are really admitting is that America has fallen from greatness and needs to be restored.
We are deeply, deeply troubled as a society, and creating more prosperity is not going to solve what ails us. Ultimately what we are facing is a heart issue, and until we deal with our hearts nothing is really going to get any better.
About the author: Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is publisher of The Most Important News and the author of four books including The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.
The Last Days Warrior Summit is the premier online event of 2018 for Christians, Conservatives and Patriots. It is a premium-members only international event that will empower and equip you with the knowledge and tools that you need as global events begin to escalate dramatically. The speaker list includes Michael Snyder, Mike Adams, Dave Daubenmire, Ray Gano, Dr. Daniel Daves, Gary Kah, Justus Knight, Doug Krieger, Lyn Leahz, Laura Maxwell and many more. Full summit access will begin on October 25th, and if you would like to register for this unprecedented event you can do so right here.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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This article was originally published by Ramon Tomey at Natural News. President Donald Trump...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed that a dairy worker in Nevada has...
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you’re welcome,cuz thats what you deserve…nuthin.
I am an equal opportunity hater and believe in everything this person says, except when it is against me.
You all can go thank the Commie 3ew Hollywood for polluting the minds of generations for decades now, with glorifying scum, Low IQ, interracial low class filth, porno, violence and degrading women, and turning all those watchers all into useless eater pill popping, vaping, snowflakes with Zero Ambition. The New Gimmie Generation of slob freaks.
I would rather be compared to the wily vermin, than the sluggish ones.
I have learned that the painters in art museums used indigent street people for their models.
So did dramatic radio readings, musicals, film reels, and fashion shows.
To put these same exact people on a pedestal is also an example of decadence.
What makes you think they were subverted.
who the fuck are you calling vermin shitforbrains??!!!
Breathe you simple motherfucker… I’m pretttttttttty sure that each and every one of us is gonna get a good ol fashioned curb stompin sooner rather than later.
Ya see, what goes around comes around… It’s a cycle don’t cha know! The music is fixin to stop. Can ya hear the train a comin? I can……
Wooooo Wooooo!!!!
And exactly what have you invented or contributed to the welfare of society? #1 you sound crazy #2 you sound like some woman has spurned you. Put your big boy pants on and climb out of the mire you’ve created for yourself. Do something meaningful and satisfying and you will feel better.
None of the listed surprises me.
This has been happening for all of mankind’s memory,
We just have better information available these days,
so it only seems worse now.
I was always taught ” the data will set you free”.
There are bad people in the world, always have been.
I consider #2,3, and 4 to be OK. Survival of the fittest.
Give the stupids all the drugs they want and let them die.
God will sort it out.
#12 is a pet peeve of mine as I hate the government,
it is a necessary evil, but it should be throttled nearly
to death.
AND IN OTHER NEWS: Maryland: 60 Year Old Man killed by Anne Arundel police in GUN CONFISCATION.
And so it begins….
ht tps://govtslaves.info/2018/11/05/maryland-60-year-old-man-killed-by-anne-arundel-police-in-gun-confiscation/
Yup thanks to the new law that passed last year.
What happened ??? Google the “45 Goals of Communism and the 8 point Plan of Saul Alinsky; HRC mentor. Couple that with the fact that America took God out of the schools decades ago and let Satan in.
It’s that simple.
The results have been predictable. The Civil War which will follow will not only be between Red & Blue; but Christians & Atheists.
Make a list. Check it twice. 🙂
#13 Increasing numbers of stupid white women mating with black males producing DNA contaminated mixed breed mutt kids.
#14 Purple haired tatooed body pierced idiots with fucking earlobe holes and no hope of finding a decent job because they look like pathetic imbeciles and no decent employer wants anything to do with them.
#15 Too many useless eaters entering the country, either legally or illegally doesn’t really matter, bringing diseases drugs and more useless kids, don’t bring any useful skills, just burden the economy.
#16 LBGTQ mental illness infecting the whole goddamm country.
#17 Increasing “Diversity and inclusion” bullshit forced on employees reducing productivity.
#18 Dumbing down of amurika worsens in K-12 and university indoctrination camps.
#3. The reason cocaine deaths are spiking is because it is being cut with fentanyl or carfentanyl. It’s the modern day version of the “speedball” without the heron.
#6. Child abuse? Maybe, but when my older brother and I wouldn’t stop fighting, the boxing gloves were brought out and we were required to settle it then and there. We beat the tar out of each other but I probably lost most of those matches.
“What in the world has happened to our country?”
June 17, 1973.
It’s been heading, at a snowballing rate, in its current direction ever since then.
So true. Great article that I imagine will be appreciated more so by the 60+ crowd. (I am 64).
TO ADD TO THE LIST: I also remember when milk and butter were left in a milkbox right outside the kitchen door twice per week, usually between 5-6:00am before the family awoke. They were delivered fresh from one of the local farms (or brought in from farms a few counties away) as were eggs twice per week or every three days.
The bread man also delivered freshly made breads and rolls once per week and left them on top of the milkbox. Some households had a separate milkman and egg man. The egg man delivered a few dozen recently laid, fresh as can be eggs, once a week, early in the morning.
None of these food items and products were packaged tamper-free because they didn’t need to be. No one ever tampered with them. Payment was left inside the milkbox in an envelope — cash — usually a few singles and some small change. You think that system would work today? Hell no. The milk and other dairy items and bread would be stolen for consumption, the eggs used for whatever, and the cash payment in the envelope pocketed.
I yearn for the world I grew up in and don’t even recognize today’s world. Nothing about today’s world reminds me of back then.
I yearn for it too and I never even got to see it. It was already going downhill pretty fast by the time I came around.
Alcoholism though. I do remember one hell of a lot of alcoholism in my extended family, in your age range.
People have replaced the Lord’s desires with the devil along with their own lust and they wonder why things have gotten worse.
Demosocialist/Democrat Party
Starting with The Kennedy regime— Marijane and all other drugs
Clinton Mena airport bringing all types of drugs from south america mainly Colombia.
Couple that with all forms of perversion and the destruction of as much as he could of the constitution.
China did not have a space program —- until Chinese engineers were allowed free unfettered access to Los Alamos Labs during his tenure as president.
Obama — Destroyed race relations.constitution,and every thing else he touched both in America and world wide.
This is one of Snyder’s best articles yet. He asks what happened to our country? THE COMMUNIST AGENDA! That’s what happened. Hollywood, MSM, civil rights, feminism, LGBT freaks, etc.
#1 When I was young, fast food was something that people would get as a treat every once in a while.
More truth in that statement than he realizes.
#2 Overdosing on drugs is now the leading cause of death for Americans under 50
Nothing new there. in the 80s everybody was overdosing on cocaine.
Now that marijuana is more accepted than cigarettes, the death rate will only get worse as marijuana is a gateway drug.
Nobody will link gateway drug marijuana to the current opioid epidemic because it does not fit the democrat narrative.
Never have used hard drugs, common sense is lacking when the medical system pushes dangerous drugs which is their business model. Look at who runs roughshod over the people, those holding a license to kill with no consequence. Freedom for the people will take stomping on a lot of elite toes repeatedly. The upper level rot is deeply entrenched and this election will put a spit shine on the complete debacle thrown in our faces. The lemming people remain fairly calm considering they have no rights to speak of.
mother was arrested for leaving her two young children alone in a hot car
It was common to leave your kids in the car, but everybody had the smarts to roll down the windows.
After spotting an 8-year-old girl that he liked, an 81-year-old man offered to “buy her” from her mother for $200,000…
That’s way too much. Going rate is no more than $500 a pound on little girls.
happens so frequently that it barely makes a blip on the news are mass brawls.
Mass brawls involving black people are not allowed to be reported because it is perceived as racist.
AKA “Chimp out”
AKA going ape-shit.
In our current environment, just about everything offends “the thought police”.
Political correctness has nothing to do with how you should think. Political correctness is only a tool used to control the people and control the political narrative.
I don’t remember hearing about any mass shootings.
I do.
Remember when “going postal” meant you were going to shoot up the place?
That was because all the postal employees were doing mass shootings at the post office.
The first mass shooting I remember was the Texas clock tower shooting at the University of Texas in the 1966.
Mass shooting are nothing new, we are just being inundated with new coverage because it fits the Democrat narrative that all guns are evil and you are evil for owning one.
The agency’s inspector general traced the malicious software to a single unnamed USGS employee, who reportedly used a government-issued computer to visit some 9,000 adult video sites
Wherever that is, sorely needs a protection racket.
#7- unfortunately, sexual abuse of children was a fact of life then as it is now. It’s just that nobody talked about it in the bad old days.
“We often remember the 1970s and the 1980s as the time when cocaine use was out of control in America…”
There were 70’s and 80’s versions of all the same moral vices. Now, more pharming and headshop “research chemicals” “not for human consumption”.
Printed and early, digital media made all the same kinds of people become vicious, pre-internet.
Richard Ramirez. Satanic Panic. The Mexican neighbors did things with skinned goat heads, in the gutter, and lighting supposedly hit the radio tower, on the Bob Larson show.
Brown grocery store looters, during one brown out. We could hear it from our house. It was like Sesame Street.
White people started moving away from California, while there was still supposed to be a difference.
They eventually had to dredge the place of litter, and started charging real money to get into campsites, petting zoos, etc. It used to be free-ish.
When asked by researchers, 37 percent of adults said they’d eaten fast food at least once over the past 24 hours. There was one surprise: Bucking the notion that poorer Americans favor fast food the most, the report found that intake actually rose with income.
Right because it costs goddamned $10.50 to go to goddamned McDonald’s now.
I remember when it hit $4 and that was ridiculous.
I could get a giant Poke bowl for $10.50. How that place stays in business is entirely beyond me. Even Jack in the Box is cheaper than that.
The issue isn’t poverty it’s TIME.
You get the party bag of frozen chicken breasts for barbecuing and eat those and frozen veggies and water you can eat on like $150 a month easy. It’s time, that’s the issue.
A Pasco County woman was arrested after she reportedly left two small children in a hot car with a bag of methamphetamine on the front seat while she was shopping in a Hudson dollar store.
Deputies responded to 12125 US Highway 19 in Hudson to check the welfare of two young children in a hot car all alone. The children, a 1-year-old girl and a 7-year-old boy, were both seated in the back seat of the car. Deputies found a small clear bag containing a crystal-like substance sitting on the driver’s seat. A field presumptive test showed the substance tested positive for methamphetamine.
A horrified Missouri mother is suing her sons’ former daycare center after two teachers hosted a ‘fight club’ and encouraged the toddlers to beat each other up.
Video has since emerged of the disturbing December 2016 incident, which shows children pounding each other to the ground while others break down in tears.
Nicole Merseal’s 10-year-old son filmed the horrific one-day ‘fight club’, which took place at the Adventure Learning Center in St Louis, on his iPad.
Back in my day the teachers just sat back and grinned like the Cheshire Cat while shit like this went down all by itself, due to so many kids coming from homes full of recently divorced alcoholics.
Entertaining for them I’m sure.
As was the kid that got a broken nose and 4 of his teeth knocked out when some other kid slammed his face into the drinking fountain.
As was the 5th graders that held me at knife point every week when I was in 1st grade.
As was whatever went on in the bathrooms. Use your imagination. Whatever you think it was it was worse.
Oh I don’t sugar coat “the good old days” by any means.
“As was the 5th graders that held me at knife point every week when I was in 1st grade.”
In the first grade, we had one 6th grade Afro-wearer, nicknamed Rocky, who came over the school fence.
I guess, the rest came by raw instinct. My parents never taught me to say and do that stuff.
All of these examples are simply Darwinism at work. When society loses another to opioid overdose, it’s not we are losing Einsteins or anything. I want that gene out of the pool if these idiots make choices like that.
In rural Maine a decade ago, fruit and vegetable stands run by families were run unmanned. The items were placed out for purchase and you merely placed the cash in its place. The same was true with special boxes containg baked goods like pies. It was all on the honor system.
In the seventies, there simply were not many fast food places in rural Kentucky. There were mostly mom and pop diners. They had been family operated for 20+ years and a hospitable waitress who knew your name and family greeted you, took your order, and in a reasonable amount of time a delicious meal that was piping hot was presented.
People went to them once a week and they were quite affordable and pleasant. A single guy might rarely routinely eat there but that seldom lasted as most single guys easily found wives. I didn’t know a single soul who routinely ate fast food and that nothing in common to food served from a diner which generally was terrific.
Watch the old Mayberry tv series. It pretty much was like that here in the seventies and even until 1985.
Heck there weren’t even buffets served anywhere except for large places like Louisville.
Michael I agree.
I had this same discussion with a friend the other day.
I had strict parents and grandparents, very caring though
Dad was home from the war, built a new home for us
from the basement up…..3 BR-1 Bth, on a 1/4 acre lot (one half
block from a small school) at a cost of $9500. It took him a few
years to finish…. interior doors and beautiful hardwood floors…
but his family of 5 was warm, fed, clothed, loved and happy.
You could buy a brand new car for $1200…. he bought a used
one. He bought a new B&W tv in 1953 for $95.
A cart full of groceries for a week ran about $25-45.
There was no crime… people often left their doors open at
night when it was hot. A thin screen was all most people used when
Most everyone went to church on Sunday…nothing else was open.
We all knew the neighbors for blocks around….personally….even
the dogs names. Sometimes we knew the extended families.
If one person was hospitaized….often they got 30-40 cards just
from neighbors. Unlike today… everyone is too busy…and most have
never met their neighbors.
We had employer insurance … hospital, medical in 1953. Major surgery
only cost $500-1100. But only one paycheck to pay our 20% of the cost.
(This is where our health care started to go south. Anytime there is
big money backing insurance ….then comes the financial manipulators. Soon it
becomes the unaffordable problem of $2000-8000.)
The 60’s brought drugs, crime, Vietnam, (155,000 died. I don’t know how many
injured, lost limbs, organs, mentally destroyed) For what???????
LBJ the globalist socialist, communist ? Grrrrrrr
Except for Reagan we have had no peace without crime, sex, drugs, war. filth and
violence on every “picture screen” possible, because they are all owned
by Demoncraps.
Ok, I’m done talking about good times.
Im 47 now but I remember being 9-10-11 yrs old and my dad sending up to the Arco station to pick up cigarettes for him. More Green Packs he smoked way back then.
I was brought up in New York City for the first 11 years of my life, and everything then, believe it or not, centered around God, church and family.
German, Irish, Greek, and Italian immigrants assimilated and contributed to America.
Most stores were mom and pop operations then, big box chains didn’t exist.
My family eventually left NY and headed to a small town in Oregon.
Looking back, what an idyllic time it was!
No gangs, no graffiti, two parent families (not 2 mommies or 2 daddies)… Life made sense.
Morality, goodness and kindness was stressed. Evil was condemned and punished.
Now everything is upside down and inside out!
It seems that after the Kennedy assassination in 1963, the decline of our nation accelerated until it devolved into the dying, fetid, cesspool it is today.
God help us all!
When I was growing up that coach, who raped 14 boys and videoed it, would have been beaten to death by the boys’ fathers, and no one would have done a damn thing about it.
raped numerous boys < 14 yrs of age
Every loving parent desires for their children to have an even better life than they themselves did. It’s why we make so many sacrifices and accumuate wealth to leave as a legacy but meanwhile acquiring better property and having better meals and clothing for our kids.
As great as American life used to be for blue collar workers in the seventies, it was not by any means an easy life. The economy was rough with high interest rates. Nothing was secure. We lived very modestly. It’s hard for young pampered kids today to understand how little extra money there was back then.
Regardless we were not innundated by immorality on every side. Hollyweird was merely subversive not enemies of the American people. Today they are able to flood propaganda due to the internet. That was not at all possible with radio and four tv channels.
Wall Street and Banking were not total enemies of the American citizen. Corportations had CEOs that didn’t earn such excess that it penalized every blue collar worker. The politicians in both parties listened to the People and then made legislation.
The Church was not full of wolves and openly heretical. There were problem clergy as pastors and priests but that was a tiny segment. Now Christianity looks very strange in formerly mainstream denominations.
Every sign points to the coming great apostacy and total rejection of Jesus’ teachings. Yet your greatest hope requires having an internal moral compass through devout faith in Christ.
The greatest heresy is the nonbiblical concept of a preTribulation Rapture, a concept that Jesus did not teach, nor did his disciples,nor the early church fathers.
Jesus taught that the god of this world, Lucifer, would seize control through the Antichrist. And that those who followed the Antichrist would be eternally lost. Don’t believe you will avoid suffering when Jesus himself said Christians would suffer before we see him in the clouds.
If you only accomplish one thing today, read Matthew 24. Jesus tells you what to expect and how to save your family and yourself. And to follow that up, Jesus gives you the parable of the wise virgins who prepare in Matthew 25. Salvation through Jesus and being prudent and wise is connected to being prepared.
m said, “The greatest heresy is the nonbiblical concept of a preTribulation Rapture, a concept that Jesus did not teach, nor did his disciples,nor the early church fathers.”
When Biblical people were seperated from disaster — Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Daniel, Noah, the firstborn of Egypt, etc, etc — where was holy ground located? Wholly in Heaven, or wholly on Earth? Some of each? Regardless, they would have been in God’s manifest presence.
What do the two theological concepts have in common? What you posted is a non sequiteur.