This article was contributed by James Davis with Future Money Trends.
Precious metals are having a BREAKOUT YEAR; silver is already closing in on $28/ounce, which means that it has already PIERCED ABOVE our $26/ounce target, which was its EPIC RESISTANCE.
The mining sector will undoubtedly become the most profitable industry of 2020 with this legendary tailwind at its back.
I am pinching myself over this; it’s like the MANIFESTATION of the CULMINATION of years of stressing in our newsletters the idea of just how unsustainable the monetary path that we’ve embarked on is.
Without getting political or taking sides, my message is that the Obama administration MISSED ITS CUE when it came to taking the button from the central bank. Obama’s administration HARDLY DID ANYTHING on the fiscal end, so it tasked the central bank with the IMPOSSIBLE MISSION of improving the economy without ever having a chance to succeed at it since all they do is lower and raise interest rates and maintain stability in the financial system.
Bernanke and Yellen couldn’t have helped the patient since he needed surgery and all they could offer was PAINKILLERS.
The central bank doesn’t really intervene or reform the real economy; it’s mostly in charge of creating SUFFICIENT LIQUIDITY.
Courtesy: Zerohedge.com
The gold/silver ratio is NEARING 74:1, which is a critical resistance line for it.
Silver has DONE WONDERS since the March lows, yet my analysis points towards MUCH HIGHER prices for it, perhaps even as high as $31/ounce by the end of the year.
The most obvious driver of this REPRICING of precious metals is the loss of REAL-WORLD bond yields.
There is no way of getting a return on savings, plus the dollar is GETTING CLOBBERED.
Money managers are truly DE-DOLLARIZING in earnest.
Courtesy: Zerohedge.com
We haven’t seen this type of RUSH TO THE EXITS away from the dollar in over 18 years!
If this is a LASTING TREND, silver can definitely aspire to reach $50/ounce and higher.
I’m having a good time just sitting with a cup of coffee and watching the screens turn GREENER AND GREENER like a beautiful national park in the spring.
Let’s recap this ASTONISHING 6-WEEK period:
Courtesy: Zerohedge.com
Gold is currently TREMENDOUSLY OVERBOUGHT, but the last two times it occurred, instead of entering a correction like most expected, being a contrarian and actually capitalizing on this as a BUY SIGNAL worked best, as you can see in the circled area above!
We’ve been waiting for this moment since 1971; this is the END-GAME.
Gold at $3,000 is now an option that you must begin to SERIOUSLY ENTERTAIN in your mind!
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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Damn shame our government will confiscate it from you. If you don’t think they aren’t keeping track of your PM purchases then think again.
I am very concerrned that the same psychopaths in the American power circles that staged the 9/11 attacks are going to blow up the Bucks arena where the DNC convention will be held. My suspicions arose the day that they announced the venue since it only has a seating capacity of 17,500 people, and the DNC has claimed that defeating Trump is the most important election in DNC history practically. This venue was chosen prior to Covid. Since then, the DNC has announced that Biden will not attend because of Covid, even though it will primarily be online attendance because of both the small size of the arena, and Covid hysteria.
This arena and the Milwaukee Bucks is owned by former Democratic Wisconsin Senator Herb Kohl, owner of Kohls Department stores and Kohls grocery stores.
Herb Kohl has wanted to build a new Milwaukee Bucks center and bill it to the tax payers, despite his extreme wealth.
Just as Larry Sylverstein World Trade Towers owner was aware of extensive investement that would be required for standard maintainance of the World Trade Towers, he decided that it would be more lucrative to engage in the largest insurance fraud ever perpetrated on U.S. soil, and to bribe everyone off.
I would urge everyone not to attend the DNC convention. Antifa has engaged in terrorist attacks of national monuments, buildings, and community property in collusion with insurance fraudsters in FIRE economy, Financials, Insurance, Real Estate.
All of these fraudsters are being bailed out by the United States Treasury department in acts of treason with the Federal Reserve.
The deregulation starting in 1992 recreated the criminogenic petri-dish of the same conditions that existed for the Great Depression, so it is by no meams no surprise that this country is in the shape that it is in.
As everyone knows, they intend to incite a civil war, and they would probably choose something like this to serve as the catalyst.
Don’t fall for it! Don’t attend the DNC convention! Cancell it! I see the signs! I’m ahead of you sick mother fuckers!
Andrea Iravani
I am very concerrned that the same psychopaths in the American power circles that staged the 9/11 attacks are going to blow up the Bucks arena where the DNC convention will be held. My suspicions arose the day that they announced the venue since it only has a seating capacity of 17,500 people, and the DNC has claimed that defeating Trump is the most important election in DNC history practically. This venue was chosen prior to Covid. Since then, the DNC has announced that Biden will not attend because of Covid, even though it will primarily be online attendance because of both the small size of the arena, and Covid hysteria.
This arena and the Milwaukee Bucks is owned by former Democratic Wisconsin Senator Herb Kohl, owner of Kohls Department stores and Kohls grocery stores.
Herb Kohl has wanted to build a new Milwaukee Bucks center and bill it to the tax payers, despite his extreme wealth.
Just as Larry Sylverstein World Trade Towers owner was aware of extensive investement that would be required for standard maintainance of the World Trade Towers, he decided that it would be more lucrative to engage in the largest insurance fraud ever perpetrated on U.S. soil, and to bribe everyone off.
I would urge everyone not to attend the DNC convention. Antifa has engaged in terrorist attacks of national monuments, buildings, and community property in collusion with insurance fraudsters in FIRE economy, Financials, Insurance, Real Estate.
All of these fraudsters are being bailed out by the United States Treasury department in acts of treason with the Federal Reserve.
The deregulation starting in 1992 recreated the criminogenic petri-dish of the same conditions that existed for the Great Depression, so it is by no means no surprise that this country is in the shape that it is in.
As everyone knows, they intend to incite a civil war, and they would probably choose something like this to serve as the catalyst.
Don’t fall for it! Don’t attend the DNC convention! Cancell it! I see the signs! I’m ahead of you sick mother fuckers!
Andrea Iravani