In America, the anti-gun crowd is constantly calling for more sensible gun control laws. Most of them won’t demand an outright ban and confiscation of everything, but they will say that we need more thorough background checks, longer waiting periods, shorter magazines, etc. To them, it’s all very reasonable. Make it a little harder for the bad guys to get guns, and make the guns a little less dangerous.
The second amendment crowd on the other hand, wants none of that and for good reason. They always make the classic “slippery slope” argument. If we let the government take something away, where does it end?
If you want to see what’s at the end of that road, then look no further than the UK, a country that is apparently on the cusp of a new wave of mass shootings.
A new study warns that gun massacres are likely in the UK in the absence of adequate gun control laws as over 1.8 million firearms are currently in the hands of British citizens.
The study by police watchdog Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC), which was released on Tuesday, pointed to the risk that exists because of failures and inconsistencies in the way prospective and existing gun owners are vetted and monitored.
It also said the assessment of an individual’s medical suitability for a firearm was less rigorous than the checks conducted on prospective bus drivers.
“Firearms are designed to kill, and to have a less consistent way of licensing someone than to drive a bus is simply wrong,” said Stephen Otter, of the HMIC.
Under the current system, police should obtain the details of gun license applicants’ medical history by contacting their general practitioners, but doctors are under no legal obligation to answer police requests for information.
Yes, a nation with some of the most restrictive gun laws in the world is at risk for more mass shootings. And not because they’ve turned almost every square foot of their country into a gun free zone, and not because buying a firearm is a bureaucratic gauntlet, and not because you can’t even cite self-defense as a reason to own a firearm. No, this growing risk is caused by a lack medical screening for would be gun buyers, and a backlog of firearm licenses that haven’t been taken care of.
Take note America. The slippery slope is quite real. No matter how much gun control legislation is passed, it’s never enough. Even in a nation with a population that is almost completely disarmed, the anti-gun crowd will never stop demanding to make gun ownership more difficult.
Read more:
With Knife Murders Spiking After Gun Ban, UK Urges “Save a Life–Surrender Your Knife”
Cold Hard Facts On Gun Bans: “The Cost Of Liberty Can Be Measured In the Loss of Life”
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If they try to take brainhurt”s guns, they’ll get a lead nutrient accident!
“No matter how much gun control legislation is passed, it’s never enough. Even in a nation with a population that is almost completely disarmed, the anti-gun crowd will never stop demanding to make gun ownership more difficult.”
I can’t see the logic in this article. The thinking behind it is disjointed, specious and juvenile.
The last time a man went crazy with a gun in the UK was way back in the 1980’s a place called Hungerford if memory serves me). Stringent gun controls were enacted shortly afterwards – since then no more gun crazies have committed mass murder within the UK. We’ve had isolated shootings, but no crazies like in America.
How many mass killings by crazy lone gunmen has the USA endured since the early 80’s? The right to bear arms?
OK, we’ve had Islamic crazies blowing people up but so has the USA.
Most Europeans look upon America’s obsession with firearms as bizarre, as do I.
I served 9 years with the British army, since leaving I’ve never felt the need, or desire, to handle a gun, this is probably as a result of actually using one to harm someone whilst serving. It’s not a pleasant feeling.
From time to time I read the comments on this site with a mixture of amazement and jaw dropping incredulity. Are Americans really so blood thirsty that they want to kill anything that threatens them?
I don’t expect this reponse to be posted as several other comments I’ve made here have been ignored. But that’s the land of the free for you.
You obviously know nothing about our government. If you did, you’d want to keep your guns too. You’d also want to have protection, if you had mobs of hundreds of feral blacks burning, looting and robbing as they went.
Our president is actually inciting this behavior.
I take it you don’t have a half-black muslim communist for a leader?
6pack. Yours is a typically confused response to my posting. What concrete evidence do you have that your “democratically” elected leader is a communist? I do know that some seriously deranged people are perpetuating rather facile conspiracy theories regarding his legal right to be potus. But what the heck, California elected good old Arnie.
As a matter of fact I live within shouting distance of where the London riots took place. Very unpleasant, but staying indoors meant I was not harmed. If I’d had a gun what difference would it have made? I was freely given a gun in Northern Ireland and look what a mess happened there!
All I do know is that every year the weird love affair Americans have with guns results in thousands of needless deaths (a lot caused by your own police). Your neighbours in Canada get by without mindlessly slaying each other, why not take a leaf out of their book?
Cerberus, you are just clueless.
In what way am I clueless? The trouble with a lot of people on this site is that they make sweeping statements without backing up those statements with facts. So, just in case you didn’t understand my question, I ask again, in what way am I clueless?
Oh, I’ve suddenly realised, I’m clueless because I don’t get sexually aroused when guns are mentioned. The American answer to every problem. Let’s not debate. Let’s shoot it!
Not mentioned by you is the millions who have been disarmed and murdered the last 100 years. I’d rather have my gun and take my chances.
But, before you respond. Give it enough time for your country to be breed out by migrants and then get back to me about how you feel about personal firearm ownership. Because I don’t think they’ll be as nice to you.
‘Not mentioned by you is the millions who have been disarmed and murdered over the last 100 years.’ Molon labe, just what point are you making and in what context? Sorry, I don’t get what you are on about.
And where does breeding out immigrants come into this particular debate? As the son of an immigrant to the UK (as you were to the USA) I do find your xenophobia strangely hypocritical.
Please, think straight before making yourself look even sillier, I know I’m here to be shot at but please take better aim!
Gun control quotes for your consideration:
“Quemadmoeum gladuis neminem occidit, occidentis telum est.” (A sword is never a killer, it is a tool in the killer’s hands.)
– Lucius Annaeus Seneca, circa 4 BC – 65 AD
“Americans [have] the right and advantage of being armed, unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust their people with arms”
– James Madison, considered the father of the US Constitution
“[T]he people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full possession of them.”
– Zacharia Johnson, speech in the Virginia Ratifying Convention, 1788
“During World War II, six million Swiss had guns and six million Jews did not.”
– Author unknown
“…sort of like the people who repeat foolish slogans like “guns kill” – as though guns sprout little feet when no one is looking and run around shooting people all by themselves.”
– Doug Casey, financial columnist
“If you don’t have to give up your car because others drive drunk with theirs, then why do you have to give up your gun because others commit crimes with theirs?”
– Anonymous internet wag
“When a crime is committed, does the gun go to jail?”
– From
“Let’s stop playing games. The problem is people, not guns. Our society suffers from a deficiency of personal responsibility – not from an excess of personal freedom.”
– Star Parker, African American writer and commentator
“The horrifying truth is this: we live now in a culture that not only does not respect life, but discards it like trash — not only at the beginning of life, but also at the end, and every place in between. What has happened to us?”
– Catholic Deacon Greg Kandra
“…we’re also going to make it clear that when a pig gets iced that’s a good thing, and that everyone who considers himself a revolutionary should be armed, should own a gun, should have a gun in his house.”
– Bill Ayers, leftist activist and confidant of gun control happy Barack Obama, in A Strategy
To Win, appearing in New Left Notes, September 12, 1969. Note: This quote is included both show the hypocrisy of today’s anti-gun left, as well as expose them as the
purveyors of violence the left has always been. This in no wise implies support of Ayers, and I am utterly against what Ayers articulates here.
“The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.'”
| – HL Mencken
“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government”
– Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
“Blaming Newtown on guns is like blaming Chappaquiddick on the Oldsmobile.”
– Ben Crystal, Personal Liberty News
“Eliminate guns and they go to bombs, eliminate bombs and they move to poison or something else. Bad people are just bad people.”
– “David,” otherwise anonymous internet poster.
“The trigger is in the head, not the gun.”
– Michael Howell
And what happens when people are not able to arm themselves? Just ask the citizens of Hungerford, England, where twenty years ago Michael Ryan went on a shooting spree, killing 16 people. As no one in the town was armed, he took over eight hours before anyone with a firearm was alerted and able to stop the rampage. While Obama used children a stage props, including plaintive letters from children asking him to ban guns in his January, 2013 anti-gun dog and pony anti-gun sales pitch, he forgot to discuss the recent cases of Kendra St. Claire, who used a gun to protect herself from a home intruder, a mother who shot an intruder to protect her two young sons, or an 18 year old widowed mother who shot two intruders to protect her baby.
Hungerford happened in 1986 – nearly 30 years ago. I crazy in 30 years is nothing to be complacent about. However, I’ve lost count of the number of crazies America has spawned in the same time frame, not to mention Americans sponsoring terrorism in supplying money to the IRA.
The right to bear arms? The right to murder someone who doesn’t agree with you more likely!
Cerberus :
Sorry these men are giving you such a hard time but it is for your own good. First you give up your guns and the next thing you know the nobleman will want to sleep with your bride (Mel Gibson). As far as the IRA, I don’t know. They tell us that we are on the side of England. You see, it’s not our Country. It’s OUR bankers. Not the schmuck who works for the bank, the owners of the global banking cartel beginning with the Rothschilds. They make money by supporting both sides. I’m sorry if you got caught in the middle. American people are good. We just don’t trust our Lords and Masters. They behave more curteously when the people are armed.
B from CA believe me, from what I’ve gathered by reading the comments posted here, the people on this site are not qualified to give me a hard time, but thanks for your concern.
I’ve been to the States quite a few times and have always admired and welcomed your generosity of spirit.
For the life of me I don’t see how an ageing Australian with a somewhat muddled view of world history can ever be a threat to me. Mel Gibson isn’t even a good actor.
Although I have UK nationality I also have dual nationality and have served in the armed forces of both my adopted country (UK) and that of my birth country. This gives me, hopefully, a more rounded and somewhat less parochial self interested viewpoint without the need to cuss someone who does not agree with me!
The last revolution in England ended up with the citizenry chopping off the head of a king. Since then the monarchy has been somewhat cautious about upsetting the peasantry! The English also have the quaint custom of hanging the odd Admiral so really, they are not afraid of their lords and masters. Hence, no need for guns.
This Earth is just getting crazier all the time…
Allahu Snackbar !!!!!
Give the brits their fucking guns back and watch it all reverse itself.
Does anyone besides me think the recent and growing backlash against muslim illegal immigrants in Europe and the UK just might have something to do with the left calling for further disarmament of the British citizenry?
LOL So true.
Interestingly, even in Piers Morgan’s England, Sir William Blackstone, in his 1765 Commentaries on the Laws of England, a seminal work that profoundly influenced America’s founders, said that having arms for defense is a “natural right of resistance and self-preservation.”
Thomas Sowell points out in his article Invincible Ignorance, gun control apologists are easily disproven by a number of easily verifiable facts: Gun ownership is higher in rural areas than in urban, but urban areas have a higher murder rate; legal gun ownership is higher among whites than blacks, but the murder rate is higher among blacks; and most tellingly, gun ownership doubled in the late 20th century, but the murder rate went down. And while liberals crow that England has stronger gun control laws than the US, with a lower murder rate, a mere scratch beneath the surface exposes serious flaws in the gun grabber argument. Long story short, England has had a lower murder rate than the US for two centuries, and for the bulk of that time, the laws did not differ.
In fact, Sowell notes in the mid 1900s, one could buy a shotgun in London with no questions asked, while New York, which had the stringent Sullivan Law restricting gun ownership since 1911, had several times the murder rate of London. In 1954, there were only a dozen armed robberies in London, but by 2000– after stringent gun control laws were put in place – there were over one hundred times as many armed robberies. Sowell concludes by noting “Neither guns nor gun control was the reason for the difference in murder rates. People were the difference.” The short Sowell article can be found at And one point Sowell left out: if it is true that – as the left posits repeatedly – drug control doesn’t work, why would gun control be any different? With the 300 million guns in the US, how effective would confiscation be? The reality is that there will be plenty of guns left – but only in the hands of criminals.
But of course, gun confiscation will not work – even law abiding citizens indicated in a poll that 2/3rdds of them would not comply with an order to turn in their guns. In a Fox poll of of U.S. voters, question 46 in the survey of more than 1,000 registered voters asks if there was a gun in the household. Of the 52 % said yes, someone in their home owned a gun . But on to Question 47, addressed to those with a gun in their home: “If the government passed a law to take your guns, would you give up your guns or defy the law and keep your guns?” The response: 65 percent reported they would “defy the law.” . But in any event, the whole confiscation issue is absurd: 70% of gun related crimes are committed by repeat offenders, so why the over-the-top obsession about non-offenders?
And gun control happy England had also best not call the kettle black. While the numbers are probably massaged lower than they really are to make things look better, the UK has had a very troubling 77% increase in violent crime recently, with 2,034 violent crimes per 100,000 residents – while what we consider crime ridden South Africa has “only” 1,677. Is CNN’s Piers Morgan listening? And if so, is he intellectually honest enough to address these facts?
If not, the UK’s Telegraph let all the cats out of the bag in a July, 2009 article, entitled UK is violent crime capital of Europe, found at . A few salient facts from this article by Richard Edwards, the crime correspondent for the paper: since around the time of England’s gun ban, there has been a 77% increase in murders, robberies, assaults and sexual offenses. In 2007, there were 927 murders (apparently, it’s “gun murders bad, all other murders good” to the left), and 5.4 million crimes in total. In 2007. The Telegraph reported – from figures cited from Eurostat, the EU’s database of statistics – that from 1998 to 2007, “crime in the UK had increased from 652,957 offenses in 1998 to more than 1.15 million crimes in 2007. In other words, with over 2,000 crimes per 100,000 population, the UK – per the Telegraph – is the most violent place in Europe. Interestingly, Japan – which is also disarmed – has a massively lower homicide rate, according to the UN statistics cited at In fact, for Japan, with a population of around 130 million, total homicides were 506, while the UK, with 53 million people – less than half that of Japan – had 722 homiicides, per the most recent data. I.e., England has about three times the murder rate of Japan. Clearly, there are other factors at work – reducing violence to just firearms is grossly simplistic
Well arm up then brits!!!! Put your purses down and pick some guns up. Enough is damn enough already
Once again, the comments are more spectacular than the article!
How about thorough background checks and mental health exams along with a fee or tax to vote? What’s more dangerous? A psycho with a gun or a psycho with a batch of blank ballots and no need for proof of ID?
It’s not a right if it’s taxed, licensed or restricted.
More importantly, how about mental checks for politicians
Ha ha LOL
this should be mandatory for all country’s.
An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.
Robert A. Heinlein
My quote of the day
Hi five 🙂
To to liberals out there and MAMBE PAMBES
I am tired of this this WORLD IS A DANGEROUS PLACE NOW
We all know what is wrong it is just who has the BALLS to meet the CHALLENGE TO MAKE THINGS RIGHT ……
They lost the moral argument in the US.
If crime goes up the anti gun people call for banning guns. What do Americans do in response; they buy more guns. The anti gun people may pee on the Bill Of Rights but gun owners have become a huge voting block across most of the US. Let the anti gun people restrict access to firearms and over time that voting block diminishes.
Hey, Doom and Gloom articles and Gun articles are interesting but sure wish we had a few more prepper articles. I’m needing a new chainsaw and just thought I might get some comments on what you preppers might think would be the best for the average wood cutter. I’m thinking about a Stihl with an 18 inch bar. Any other ideas out here? Trekker Out
Hand saw. 20 pound sledge and a wedge for splitting. You’ll lose 30 pounds in no time.
I have my father’s Sthil wood boss 028 AV from 1985 and it still runs great and starts on the 2nd or third try. I had the carb cleaned and rebuilt about 10 years ago and replaced a vibration grommet last year. Just saying.
Hope that helps. Parts are still available for it.
Have a good one.
Got a Husky 18 inch bar and like it. However, I feel I should have spent the xtra bucks and bought the Stihl.
I agree PO’d, i took a little break from the road in 2004, and ran a crew of right of way workers for about nine months or so with a state contract deal.
The owner had other crews and always use the Husky equipment. I had to keep equipment maintained and the chainsaws left something to be desired.
I have had Jonsereds and Stihls. Both are better than the huskies in my opinion. But, having a dealer close is key.
My old 044 Stihl has the most available RPMs as any saw ever.
it is a powerful beast, and with a sharp chain will slice thru a seasoned 32 inch red oak log with ease. A 20 inch bar is a must for cutting up big wood.
Don’t sell yourself short on a workhorse chainsaw, or you will regret it. Heavy weights are easier on the back than one would think. Under powering because of wanting lightness, will work the piss out of an average man, when working up big hardwood logs. It is better to have a smaller trim saw also, for the light stuff.
Trekker – My bread and butter cutter is an early 1980’s 16 inch bar Stihl, it has never let me down and straight up workhorse. Picked up a used 14 inch Dolmar a couple of years ago. Light weight and a smooth cutting machine. I’m very impressed with the Dolmar product.
If I need to cut some serious big stuff, I have a buddy down the road that allows me to use his 20 & 24 inch Huskavarna saws, awesome cutting machines and outperforms my Stihl when it comes to speed.
I use a 2008 31 Ton MTD log splitter [Horizontal & Vertical positions] – had minimal problems with it(replaced hydraulic lines/minor carb work), but works like a charm.
An 18 inch bar is more than plenty, may not be a bad idea to invest also into a smaller scale for the smaller jobs.
12 or 14 inch bar.
If money is an issue, buy a quality used one. When I picked up my Dolmar, the original owner used it for 1 day only. Reason he brought it back is because it was too small for his needs and traded it in for a 16inch Dolmar. I received $60 off from the original sticker price and it included a warranty.
Trekker I don’t heat my home with wood. but I have a way to do so. I bought a Echo 18 inch at home Depot. I’m a Amsoil dealer so I used their 100:1 mix Sabor oil in my new saw.(even though saw required 40:1 mix, I went 100:1) I put up 10 cords with virtually no smoke and the saw performed excellently. Good saw for the money. Good oil too.
Hey guys thanks for the input. I have an old homelite with a 16 inch bar that has cut a lot of wood but once it gets hot it is a bugger to start. I’m pretty sure I’ll go with the 18 just not sure about the brand yet. I have a neighbor that cuts a lot of wood and he has a Husky and a Stihl and he likes them both. But there is some good info in all your comments. Thanks Alot. Trekker Out.
Have three Stihls One 14 that my wife uses, a 16 that my brother-in-law uses and a 18 that I use. We use them manly at BOL#2 which is also my Deer hunting property in MO. I cut most of the big stuff and my brother-in-law cuts to a point and my wife takes care of the small stuff. For a week of hunting we never run out of fire wood for the camp site.
Don’t forget to stock pile some 2 cycle oil and bar oil. I just picked up 3 quarts for $7.00 at wall mart on sale. I’ve also been putting away chains for them. One of the guys in the group sharpens saw blades as a second income. But they only are good for maybe 2 or 3 times.
So yes go with a 18″ Stihl. Go with a 25 or better.
Mountain Trekker
STIHL 290 20 in. bar.
I have a Stihl ms 311 with a couple different blades. One safety blade and a square tooth gap blade. It runs like a champ and will cut up pinion and juniper and quaking aspen and lodge pole all day long. Stihl ms 311 is a great chainsaw and starts and cuts like a champ.
The Stihl with 18″ bar is fine for general use. Mine has been going since 1974.
Get the roller tip, it’s important. If you’re going to cut brush, get a brush bar.
Do get a good Collins axe and at least three falling wedges, and learn how to use them.
I don’t cut anything down big enough to bury the end of the bar out of sight, that limits me to about a 16″ tree at the base. I’ve dropped a lot of big snags, but for firewood there’s no need to kill yourself.
Forgot to add, you want to spend the money on falling dogs, the teeth you add to the saw frame at the base of the bar. Dig those into your log and let the chain pull itself into the wood. Takes a lot of the work out of cutting logwood. You still have to control the saw, for safety, but the lifting effort is much reduced.
Smokey I have used saws with those teeth, never knew they were called falling dogs, they are handy I must admit. Sarg my old Homelite cut alot of hardwood when I lived in Missourah, Oak and Hickory and my favorite, Ash, out here in Wyoming I’ll be mostly cutting dead Pine and Fir. I checked out the price on the Stihl and man they ain’t cheap, seems like the one I want will run around 600 bucks. But as the saying goes, You get what you pay for. Trekker Out.
Ouch ! Mine cost me $300 in 1974, I made $65 an acre for thinning at the time.
You’ll only pay the price once, though. I’ve gone through one bar and 3 or 4 chains, and a new sprocket wheel, just wear and tear. The chains are my fault, I’ve never used a saw guide to sharpen them, just hand and eye.
You’re absolutely correct Braveheart –
It worries me that America could follow the path of countries like the UK and others when it comes to being disarmed.
I would like to think that most gun owners would not comply with being disarmed. I know some will, but to me……
…. A Government that attempts to remove the Right to Bare Arms nationwide is a declaration of war on it’s people.
F’em up their stupid ass’s!
FTW, a very tiny percentage already have through the so-called ‘gun buy-back programs’ which I just laugh at. The police claim they’re trying to get ARs and so forth off the streets and all they’re really getting are some old revolvers, hunting rifles, shotguns, etc., some not even in working order in exchange for Kroger gift cards and shit like that. they haven’t gotten one ‘assault rifle’ or even one semiauto pistol off the streets. I also laugh at the term ‘off the streets’. GMAFB! THESE WEAPONS THEY GET CAME OUT OF PEOPLES’ HOMES, NOT FROM THE STREETS. What a f#$%ing joke. I doubt seriously most gun owners will willingly give up their guns. But there is that proposal to start classifying all gun owners as having ‘mental health issues’ as a way to disarm us and that is something to be concerned about. Let them come for me and they’ll see what my ‘mental state’ can turn into.
There was a buyback in Florida a couple of years ago. The local police chief was crowing about how successful the program was, and mentioned the safari rifle that a widow had turned in. He said, “That rifle could have cut someone in half, it’s great to get this kind of weaponry off the streets.”
With idiots like that for police chiefs, we’re in trouble.
Smokey, they always claim they want to get the ‘assault rifles’ off the streets. All I’ve ever seen turned in are od hunting rifles, shotguns, and revolvers at the buyback event here in Memphis; NEVER one ‘assault rifle’ or even a semiauto pistol. And even then these weapons were never ‘on the streets’; THEY CAME OUT OF PEOPLE’S HOMES! Today’s cops to some degree are idiots all the way to the chiefs.
That’s one reason they constantly promote psychology. They want to get everyone tagged with a mental health issue so they can strip them of the right to be identified, in a court of law and in the court of public opinion, as CREDIBLE. If you can’t change law, cercumnavigate it. These clever Devils created superstitious religious beliefs, when people became aware they morphed into psychology. Study philosophy. Psychology is the natural development of thousands of years of thinking. “My people suffer for lack of Knowledge” The Bible. Chapter?? Verse?? Look it up!!!
Read the writings of Aristotle. Your opponents have. That’s why they laugh at you. Most Americans lack even a basic education. Even college grads. By design. Wise up or die a fool.
That’s one reason they constantly promote psychology. They want to get everyone tagged with a mental health issue so they can strip them of the right to be identified, in a court of law and in the court of public opinion, as CREDIBLE. If you can’t change law, cercumnavigate it. These clever Devils created superstitious religious beliefs, when people became aware they morphed into psychology. Study philosophy. Psychology is the natural development of thousands of years of thinking. “My people suffer for lack of Knowledge” The Bible. Chapter?? Verse?? Look it up!!!
Read the writings of Aristotle. Your opponents have. That’s why they laugh at you. Most Americans lack even a basic education. Even college grads. By design. Wise up or die a fool.
BH, the answer is that they are NOT more susceptible to mass gun violence, the premise is a false one, being used to generate support for further disarming the population.
What they ARE susceptible to, is more casualties during an event, seeing as how the likelihood of a citizen being armed and able to return fire is about nil.
London is now majority non-white. It’s the reason that the “Bobbies” have begun carrying firearms. Disarm the English then flood their country with people that want to kill them. Hang the Queen for treason!
The most common form of violent death from fire arms or knives occurs in London from ethnic minority suspects. They exist outside the realm of legal gun licensing and acquire their weapons illegally. Increased legislation would do nothing to stop this killing. The best solution would be to crack down on gangs and gang culture. There is no sadder sight to see than a podgy bobby with spindly arms trying to chase down a violent black suspect. It will make you cry.
FT, spot on. The British are some of the world’s biggest morons. None of the thousands of guncontrol laws on the books have done a damned thing to reduce gun-related crime in the US. There has always been an underground market for guns the real criminals go to for their guns and never go to licensed gun dealers anyway. The antigun crowd doesn’t care that criminals never follow any laws like other people do. I don’t give up shit under any circumstances.
Brave I have a pen pal in the UK and the brain washing is complete there. She can’t understand why we are allowed to have weapons. I asked her why we had to finish their wars for them.
The anti gun crowd can kiss my white ass. I’ve carried a weapon everywhere I go for years (Arizona baby!), and never once did my sidearm jump out of it’s holster and start shooting random people. More laws won’t and can’t fix stupid.
Citizen, spot on. There is no known cure for libturd, antigun stupidity. Anything the gun grabbers or any other libturds say about my rights falls on deaf ears and I declare it to be null and void.
One word about the BRITISH
That was two words !
Did you mean ‘INBRED’?
Seems the Fed Rate is going to stay unchanged. Trekker Out
Hi guys. I did a **heavily** researched and footnoted article on the scam of gun control, posted at You can download for free, and copy/paste details out of it to your heart’s content. One more excerpt from the article:
Thomas Sowell points out in his article Invincible Ignorance, gun control apologists are easily disproven by a number of easily verifiable facts: Gun ownership is higher in rural areas than in urban, but urban areas have a higher murder rate; legal gun ownership is higher among whites than blacks, but the murder rate is higher among blacks; and most tellingly, gun ownership doubled in the late 20th century, but the murder rate went down. And while liberals crow that England has stronger gun control laws than the US, with a lower murder rate, a mere scratch beneath the surface exposes serious flaws in the gun grabber argument. Long story short, England has had a lower murder rate than the US for two centuries, and for the bulk of that time, the laws did not differ.
In fact, Sowell notes in the mid 1900s, one could buy a shotgun in London with no questions asked, while New York, which had the stringent Sullivan Law restricting gun ownership since 1911, had several times the murder rate of London. In 1954, there were only a dozen armed robberies in London, but by 2000– after stringent gun control laws were put in place – there were over one hundred times as many armed robberies. Sowell concludes by noting “Neither guns nor gun control was the reason for the difference in murder rates. People were the difference.” The short Sowell article can be found at And one point Sowell left out: if it is true that – as the left posits repeatedly – drug control doesn’t work, why would gun control be any different? With the 300 million guns in the US, how effective would confiscation be? The reality is that there will be plenty of guns left – but only in the hands of criminals. But of course, gun confiscation will not work – even law abiding citizens indicated in a poll that 2/3rdds of them would not comply with an order to turn in their guns. In a Fox poll of of U.S. voters, question 46 in the survey of more than 1,000 registered voters asks if there was a gun in the household. Of the 52 % said yes, someone in their home owned a gun . But on to Question 47, addressed to those with a gun in their home: “If the government passed a law to take your guns, would you give up your guns or defy the law and keep your guns?” The response: 65 percent reported they would “defy the law.” .
But in any event, the whole confiscation issue is absurd: 70% of gun related crimes are committed by repeat offenders, so why the over-the-top obsession about non-offenders?
And gun control happy England had also best not call the kettle black. While the numbers are probably massaged lower than they really are to make things look better, the UK has had a very troubling 77% increase in violent crime recently, with 2,034 violent crimes per 100,000 residents – while what we consider crime ridden South Africa has “only” 1,677. Is CNN’s Piers Morgan listening? And if so, is he intellectually honest enough to address these facts?
If not, the UK’s Telegraph let all the cats out of the bag in a July, 2009 article, entitled UK is violent crime capital of Europe, found at . A few salient facts from this article by Richard Edwards, the crime correspondent for the paper: since around the time of England’s gun ban, there has been a 77% increase in murders, robberies, assaults and sexual offenses. In 2007, there were 927 murders (apparently, it’s “gun murders bad, all other murders good” to the left), and 5.4 million crimes in total. In 2007. The Telegraph reported – from figures cited from Eurostat, the EU’s database of statistics – that from 1998 to 2007, “crime in the UK had increased from 652,957 offenses in 1998 to more than 1.15 million crimes in 2007. In other words, with over 2,000 crimes per 100,000 population, the UK – per the Telegraph – is the most violent place in Europe. Interestingly, Japan – which is also disarmed – has a massively lower homicide rate, according to the UN statistics cited at In fact, for Japan, with a population of around 130 million, total homicides were 506, while the UK, with 53 million people – less than half that of Japan – had 722 homiicides, per the most recent data. I.e., England has about three times the murder rate of Japan. Clearly, there are other factors at work – reducing violence to just firearms is grossly simplistic
anyone familiar with north Florida? twice a week i drive 45 miles to help a friend out at his place of business, he is near old kings, moncrief rd area. last two days maybe 3 shootings within several blocks of his place, 100% black population, i open carry on his property. every day some sort of violent act with a gun in this area, yet the neighborhoods around my property are filled with gun owning rednecks and we seem to be able to not shoot at each other.
I have always doubted that reality. Surely there is evidence of black on black crime. But I’ve always wondered if the numbers are inflated.
Couldn’t drug dealers who live in urban cities and sell to teens and twenty somethings in the affluent suburbs, just be getting a free pass to a new life with a new clean identity through the FBI and the witness protection program. Oakland California which has the best weather and beautiful homes in the hills. Forests with deer. A planetarium. And downtown one big FBI building.
Is Oakland not one of the jewels in the crown. I love Oakland. By any means – No LIE.
no inflated numbers here. if you removed the black population you remove the crime.
If anything, the numbers are less than the actual reality.
Black on black crime is at least triple the rate of white on white crime. At least triple.
Sorry, I meant to post this, not the above:
And regarding the limited bullet magazine issue, a few points need to be made. First, it is common knowledge that ‘stopping power” with certain calibers is questionable. William Levinson, in Why Does Anybody Need a 30-Round Magazine, in American Thinker, Jan. 3, 2013, notes this was learned by the US Army in the war in the Philippines during the early 1900s, when more than one dead US soldier was found with an empty gun by his side, a head split open by a machete, and a dead adversary not too far away who had later bled to death. The issue caused the Army to change calibers to a .45 caliber. Of course, not everyone carries, or is able to carry or use, something so big and powerful, and what is carried may not be able to “convince” a determined attacker who is, say, hopped up on PCP. (See for a full rendering of the drugged up attacker issue – perhaps multiple attackers!)This also assumes accurate shooting – something people struggle with in the best of times under perfect training conditions with a stationary target!
I personally have a neighbor, a former Marine sharpshooter and retired senior Illinois state trooper, who related the story to me of one fellow Illinois policeman who was shot through the heart – and of course died – but before dying was able to continue his return attack by running approximately 50 yards and killing his attacker. This same state trooper related to me another situation where an armed attacker took some nurses hostage at the Illinois Inst. for Mental Health at 1601 W. Taylor St. in Chicago in the early 1990s, and engaged in a gunfire exchange with multiple police, led by one Lt. Ottomo of the CMS. Despite being hit by – as estimated by my state trooper neighbor – between fourteen and eighteen 9 mm rounds and three shotgun blasts, he continued to resist by shooting until he was finally jumped by the police and physically subdued. This criminal actually survived the encounter with a minimum seventeen shots to his body. And all this with highly trained police shooters!
A similar case to the above occurred in Miami in 1986, in a shootout between two bank robbers, William R. Matix and Michael Lee Platt, and police. While both robbers were killed, so were two officers, with three more seriously wounded. Sadly, one of the bad guys, William Matix was hit through his arm and lung, but still went on after that to kill two of the Miami Division special agents who had stopped him before dying himself.
A similar example is the case multiple bullets not stopping an individual is the sad case of Dustin Theoharris, who was an innocent party in a mistaken Seattle area police shooting, who was hit 16 times at very close range by the police (with 20 total bullets shot), and lived. See Incidentally, in arguing for large magazines, it is of note that 20% of the bullets the trained police shot, at close range, actually missed. In Katie Pavlich’s article, Why Do We Need High Capacity Magazines? To Stop the Bad Guys, found at she outlines the same concern, noting “…knock-down” power does not exist with small arms. As one instructor put it, ‘Real life isn’t like in the movies when somebody gets shot with a handgun and they go flying across the room… and “handguns of all types don’t reliably stop a dedicated adversary from stopping their actions.’” Rather, many times multiple rounds are simply needed. In fact, according to Pavlich, “Overseas, the average number of rounds per enemy casualty is 50,000. The truth is, it’s not always easy to hit your target when you’re under stress.”
And William Levinson reviewing the cases of home invasion by multiple gang bangers in his above noted article, Why Does Anybody Need a 30-Round Magazine, is not alone. Just one example out of approximately 8,000 home invasions per year was discussed in the April, 2013 edition of the Chicago Tribune at,0,1180374.story, in article entitled: Cops: Man one of 4 to storm Hoffman Estates home with assault rifle, where a suburban Chicago home was assaulted by five men and robbed. An AR-15 on the side of the defender sure could have come in handy there!
Perhaps in the Hollywood movies, one shot is placed perfectly every time. But if so, I suggest we then require the Learjet leftists of Hollywood, or our politicians in D.C., to have their armed guards allowed pistols with only a couple shots. And we should also ask why the police get to defend themselves with multiple bullet magazines, but the average citizen cannot. As Levinson asks in, if it is true that ordinary citizens have the basic natural right to self-defense (which, importantly, pre-dates the Constitution), then they “have a legitimate need for the same kind of weapons that are available to police officers. If a police officer or a civilian has to use a firearm for any non-sporting reason, he or she must use it for exactly the same application: self-protection against one or more violent individuals.” What is so difficult to understand about this?
A very clear, real-life video demonstration of the futility of limiting magazines is illustrated by Sheriff Ken Campbell of Boone County, In a nutshell, the accompanying story, found at, notes a shooter, “…using a Glock pistol, fired his first string with two 15-round magazines in 20.64 seconds, then with three ten-round magazines in 18.05 seconds and finally with five six-round magazines in 21.45 seconds.” Another shooter, and inexperienced woman identified as “Christy,” then repeated the exercise, firing “the same sequence, with two 15-round magazines in 22.9 seconds, three ten-rounders in 25.51 seconds and the final five six-round magazines in 26.93 seconds.” Now, I slept through junior high math class, but even I, myself, can do this kind of math. Magazine limitations will do little to nothing to stop further Sandy Hooks and Aurora, CO. massacres. This story is also found at Very importantly, this video shows that the time it takes to change magazine would not allow someone from even 25 feet away to get halfway to the shooter before he can change magazines and start firing again. And while on the subject of sheriffs speaking out, here is a compilation of sheriffs speaking out against gun control across the country-
Now… compare the above information to Dianne Feinstein’s comment here: ‘Limiting magazine capacity is critical, because it is when a criminal, a drug dealer, a deranged individual has to pause to change magazines and reload that, the police or brave bystanders have the opportunity to take that individual down.”
But, the reality is that Feinstein has even less of a clue about the magazine issue than noted above. The fact of the matter is that the average number of rounds used by a criminal in a homicide is less than five. As Magpul Industries noted on their Facebook site at “We are told that one of the reasons that [Colorado] Gov Hickenlooper [signed] the magazine ban is the statistic presented by the Golden police chief that an increasing number of Law Enforcement officers have been shot with magazines that hold more than 10 rounds since the expiration of the federal AWB. Since most handguns ship with standard capacity magazines that hold more than 10 or even 15 rounds, that would make sense … but what that statistic doesn’t tell you is that the average number of rounds fired in a criminal homicide is less than 5 rounds. The capacity of the magazine never comes into play. It just happens to be what is in the firearm, regardless of how many rounds were actually fired. This is just another example of how the anti-gun lobby has to twist statistics in order to find support for their position. The real, objective facts support none of their agenda, so half-truths and distorted statistics are used to tell the story they want to tell…. As this fight continues, ask for the whole picture. Ask how polls were conducted, and what questions were asked before believing their ‘stats’. Question bias is another favorite tactic of the anti-gun lobby. Accept no statistic without the whole picture.”
I feel for the folks in the UK, but they brought this on themselves. They gave up their Liberty for security and got neither.
If they grow some balls and start fighting for their right to have firearms. I just might have a rifle or two that didn’t fall into the hole in the earth after the last earth quake I might sell.
Well said, Sarge. I am old enough to remember the “Battle of Britain” and WWII.
The limeys with their bolt-action .303 Enfields carried the day.
But, then again, you had statesmen, like Churchill in charge. Not the lilly-livered cowards and perverts in charge of Britain today.
UK–grow a pair.
Sitting shaking my head from here in the UK.
1. The landowners (elite) and criminals never gave up their firearms. Noone knows how many ww2 weapons are biding their time in waterproof pipes buried under the rosebush on the front lawn either.
2. Machetes, vehicles, axes and knives kill just as effectively as bullets, Homicidal maniacs realise this, even when the rest of us exist in denial.
3. Some of those arriving from places like Kosovo don’t seem to realise they ever left the warzone. Some the worst gang activity is by peeps with “white” skin.(or did you all miss how Alexander Litvinenko died of acute radiation poisoning)
4. You are taking your views of the UK from London – an international hub of commerce. This is the kind of the place you visit, do what you gotta do, and get out to return to sensible life at home. Outside such hubs of cosmopolitan commerce life is very different.
The only peeps who don’t approach places like London, New York, Hong Kong, Lagos & LA in this manner are those in the servant class who are to poor to have a “real home” somewhere civilised or those stupid enough to believe the MSM hype. (amazingly these beings still exist even now) Being of lowly peasant class I stayed there only till I could afford to get a place mortgage free someplace else.
5. To an outsider the decline of freedoms in the US over recent years is looking just as awful as the same decline this side of the pond. Those guns you are so fond of boasting about don’t look to be doing a whole heap to protect your rights at the moment. In fact those who really do know how to use the darn things properly are the very people being disarmed fastest – veterans.
6. The global elite don’t care what colour any of us
are. Historically they’ve used poor whites, blacks, reds and yellows to work their plantations, mines etc and there’s nothing so useful to them as a contented slave – happy to blame his fellow victim for his plight instead of pulling a Spartacus style revolt with his fellows.
7. Expanding on 6 – nothing scares them quite so much as our collective unity and non-compliance. Thatcher had to turn the army on the miners, and that’s not so long ago.
British and rather proud of it, as it happens.
Sgt, the UK, US, Canada, etc. – we are in every bit of much of a predicament as the West was in the dark days before the Battle of Midway or Battle of Britain… with the threat to our liberty, freedom, the true rule of law (think Hillary, Lois Lerner, Obama crony Jon “Sorry, I lost your $1.6 billion” Corzine, etc.)
I am a STRONG 2nd Amendment supporter; however, the real battle is one for the hearts and minds of the young. THAT is why the fascist left has completely taken over Hollywierd, the lamestream media, and the education system. We now have a slim chance to save our freedom, but it is through information dissemination and education. Yes, the fascists have the above, as noted. But one thing: their ideas are absurd and bald lies even a 2 yr old can see through (tho not a “Yes we can/Yes we have no bananas” chanter!
So, the real battle is one of ideas. THIS is what we need to do much better, and is why, as you see in my posts above, I try to post FACTS with source references.
As Churchill said, “Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves.”
The “Crown” in the U.K. has LONG been terrified of their own “subjects”. Yes, if you are a “citizen” (as we here in the USA call it) in the UK, YOU are a “subject” and nothing else.
WHY, would the “Crown” ever want to arm their subjects for ANY reason? It’s never going to happen under their present monarchy. Even with that hardcore Socialist(almost Stalinist) Prince Big Ears-Charles waiting in the wings for his mum to die so he can “take over”. I predict his mum will either bypass his attempt to reign OR, the “subjects” will rise up and take their country back from the “Crown”.
The subjects in the UK traded the false assumption of “security” in-the-name-of safety, for their false sense of well-being. Yes, even in London’s Metropolitan Police far more “Bobbies” are carrying CONCEALED firearms in their holsters inside their trousers pockets, than ever before. The streets of London and most major cities in the UK are not safe at all.
Decades-Long “Megadrought” Looms For Entire US As Lake Powell Runs Dry, NASA Warns
“With the number of people living in the U.S. Southwest and Central Plains, and the volume of water they need, having increased rapidly over recent decades – and, with NASA scientists expecting these trends to continue for years to come – the current severe drought combined with the tapping of the Lake Powell’s water at what many consider to be an unsustainable level, has reduced its levels to only about 42% of its capacity.”
Direct link…
Using Water Beads to Maintain Moisture in Your Garden Soil
“I was almost ready to abandon my plans for a fall garden. Then a friend suggested that I buy some baby diapers, take them apart to retrieve the little moisture absorbing beads within, hydrate the beads with water, and plant them in my garden along with my fall seeds and transplants.”
“Before heading out to look for a sale on baby diapers, I had the presence of mind to sit down at my computer to see if I could buy the beads without the diapers. She had called them “water beads,” so I typed that into the search engine. Yes indeed, such a commodity was readily available. I ordered a 1 pound bag for less than $10.
When they arrived, I got out my food scale and my measuring cups to determine how many gallons of hydrated beads would result from my supply of tiny dry beads. Static electricity is a bit of a problem with the dry beads, and many of them ended up on the kitchen floor, but I was able to figure out that one ounce (by weight) of my dry beads turns into approximately 3 quarts of plump beads (the size of your typical bath oil bead) when fully hydrated, a process that takes a couple of hours.
I used scissors to expand the hole in the top of an empty one gallon water jug to a diameter of 6 inches, and hydrated my beads in this container. The handle made it easy to tote my beads out to the garden.
I marked the corn rows in the raised bed garden that had formerly contained my lettuce, dug a trench 4 inches deep, sprinkled in a cup of water beads for each 18 inches of row, and replaced the soil. I made holes 2 or 3 inches deep every 6 inches, and dropped in my corn seed.
When I was finished planting, I watered the entire raised bed. I returned 12 hours later to check the moisture level, but did not need to water again until 24 hours had passed despite the continuing 100 degree heat. Within 6 days, all the corn had germinated and the little plants look happy and healthy.
Meanwhile, I bought new herb plants. This time I added half a cup of water beads to each partially filled terracotta pot before placing my transplants, filling the remainder of the pot with soil and watering. Twelve hours later the moisture level was fine. I watered again at the 24 hour mark and every 24 hours thereafter. The herbs are fuller and healthier than when I first planted them. I expect them to survive this time.
This simple, inexpensive idea saved my fall garden plans. All my future plantings will include water beads.”
Grow Your Own Groceries dot org
Direct link…
Send our gun haters to the UK. They will be happy because there are no guns. We will be happy because they are gone.
SR, I got a better idea. Send all our antigun morons to SYRIA to preach their same shit to ISIS. Problem solved.
The “anti-gun” crowd isn’t anti-gun at all. They are “Firearms Elitists”. They are not trying to get rid of the guns. No! Not at all. The first thing they do when they’re in trouble is call for a man with a gun. The trouble is they are deluded into thinking *THAT* man with a gun is better than the common man on the street with a gun. What none of those ignorant F.E. bastards realize is this: Those men they call when they’re in trouble have absolutely no accountability toward anyone’s life. The police murder 1200 people are year. Well, OK, they *KILL* 1200 people a year. If you look at the conditions, most of them are murders. How often do you see cops going to jail for it? Not very damned often.
The country would be much, much safer if everyone owned and knew how to use a gun properly and there were no cops. Actually, it used to be that way. Very, very few cops, lots of people with guns and there were very few murders and no mass shootings. Now we have lots of cops and look where we’re at.
I’m not saying cops cause the problem, but, they are certainly a contributor.
It is simple fact: when they wrote the “shall not be infringed” phrase, they created an unlimited right. Wake up! Study law. You will realize that every single regulation ever written to restrict firearms manufacture or posession is FLAY OUT ILLEGAL.
Yes. EVERY ONE! Because when they said “shall not be infringed” they meant it. They didn’t make *ANY* exceptions. None.
Every federal law…
Every state law…
Every local law…
“An unconstitutional law is no law at all.”
If it restricts arms possession, its an illegal dictate.
Waiting periods…
Background checks…
Open or concealed carry prohibition…
Transport requirements…
Insurance requirements…
Possession prohibitions…
They spelled it out and they meant it. “Shall Not Be Infringed”
Essentially, infringing on the right to bear arms is treason. Disarming Americans helps the destroyers by making it easier to destroy on multiple levels.
Anyone that tries to tell you its not is either ignorant, stupid or a liar. It only takes a few hours of study to understand what the second amendment means, who it was written to restrain and why it was written. And, as you can see, they really want to infringe on the right because *THEY*, the people who want to rule you, know that if you have a gun they can’t just do anything they want without consequences. A disarmed society is like a cat with no teeth and no claws! Whats he going to do? Meow you to death? Same with us. Do you really think they’re scared of protests? No. They know that in America, the protests are the precursor. They know we can bring the guns and we’ve got a lot more than they do!
So, next time you see “anti-gun” propaganda, take note: They’re simply trying to be selective in who gets a gun, but then, realize that the people they are giving a pass to murder more people, by a magnitude of 100 or more, than the likes of all the mass shooters combined.
Do you think we’d still have a country if we didn’t have our guns? Religious freedom? Property rights? I think they would have all been gone by now. They know that if they push us too hard, the hammers will start dropping so they don’t.
At last netranger tells it like it is!
It sounds like Britain needs Piers Morgan back to tell them how great gun control is for their safety. Ask him to come back…please ask him to come back.
Well YAHHHH I mean… if it’s guaranteed no one’s gonna shoot BACK… then what do you think is gonna happen???
Having almost been on the receiving end of home invasion robbery, I can tell you I was glad bed words to have a gun. Just racking the slide was all it took (that time, fortunately). If not, my choices are being tied up with my head shoved down the toilet and my keys up my ass, or going to jail forever for daring to defend myself (I’m in Cali).
My ideal universe is still rock salt on the first round, the real deal as a follow up that I hopefully don’t have to use. I really don’t like the idea of killing someone.
Unfortunately I find that a long gun is next to useless indoors, because yeah… tight halls, have to open doors with one hand…
Anyone know of a really short (pistol sized) shotty (Cali legal 9_9), or alternatively, a non-lethal pistol round?
No one likes the idea of killing someone, but deliberately going into an armed confrontation with a non-lethal round is not clear thinking.
You fire a weapon only in defense of your life. If you have to defend your life, then using a non-lethal round is admitting to the court that you did not need to defend yourself, you already took self-defense off the table. It’s the equivalent of the ‘shoot to wound’ argument. If you shoot to wound, then your life was not in danger, as shooting is an extreme last resort. The threat was not enough to require deadly force.
That non-lethal round is 10% of your defensive capability. Don’t waste it on your own ego.
Great Britain used to have guns and in the late 1700’s the young USA still kicked it’s butt.
As your butt has been successively kicked in recent years by little yellow men with nothing more than bolt action rifles!
It happens to all colonialists at some point in their attempt to control the world.
Firearms are designed to send a projectile down range, that’s it. Whether it is used to kill or not is up to the person behind the trigger.
Chile was able to quickly evacuate a million people out of the way of the earthquake generated tsunams
casualties were at a minimum
are Americans as well prepared ???
Are American Cities Prepared For Massive Tsunamis?
ht tp://
What would a Seattle tsunami look like?
ht tp://
I live in the most anti gun state in America.
I’m presently trying to get my police chief and his
deputy fired. I will get them both out of office
and in jail under US code 18 section 242.
I will make money which I will donate back to the county.
We SHFT people need to be aggressive. We stash things
away. Which is good. But we need to be active. The most
dangerous thing on earth is Democrats. I live where there is
earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, flooding, et al.
The biggest threat to me is Democrats, and slugs.
Remember that muslim turd on the train the other week? Three unarmed passengers kicked his ass.
There’s bravery for you.
Well done fellas.