Conservative political commentator Tucker Carlson took part in a wide-ranging interview that was released on Monday with journalist and author Michael Shellenberger. During the interview, the two discussed the possibility of a “Twitter Files”-style exposé of the United States government under the Trump administration.
This could lead to a light shining on the likelihood of American biological labs in war-torn Ukraine. In August of 2023, we relayed a statement from Robert F. Kennedy Jr., in which he claimed that there are definitively Biolabs in Ukraine, and they are there because the U.S. is developing bioweapons.
RFK Jr.: “We Have Biolabs in Ukraine Because We’re Developing Bioweapons”
In the interview, Carlson said “that most people just kind of you know, they they’re easy to control. You just yeah, tell them what the program is and they go along.” He followed up saying: “I welcome our new alien overlords.”
There are a lot of bio labs in Ukraine which are working on biological weapons. That’s what they’re not there for, livestock vaccine, Sorry. And you know, the thing that people don’t in this country understand is that the Ukrainian military is selling about half of the arms they get from the United States into international black markets. And they’re winding up, in some case, with the drug cartels in Latin America. That’s a fact. Okay. Is a fact. And you can buy them. And I spoke to someone who did buy some, actually. So I know I know this is a fact. And they’re bragging about it. So they’re selling conventional weapons, including weapons systems that are very dangerous and very destabilizing that would make commercial air travel impossible, for example.
So what are they doing with the pathogens in those bio labs? And does the Biden administration have a manifest? Do they know exactly what’s in those labs? And will they turn it over to the Trump administration? So we keep track of these things. And the answer is no. Actually, the answer is no. I know this. Wow. So that’s like the scariest thing that’s ever happened then. And so, like what? You know what? I think the Ukraine war has the potential to destabilize the world more than anything that’s happened in my lifetime, just because of the scale of the weapons systems and biological agents involved in the most corrupt country in the West, which is Ukraine, attacking Ukraine. I feel sorry for Ukraine, but what the hell? –Tucker Carlson via ZeroHeddge’s transcript
Will an expose occur during the second Trump administration? It seems unlikely that any ruling class will willingly give up the power it’s secured. But that doesn’t mean it’s entirely impossible. It would be overly optimistic to hold out any hope that any ruler will fix the problems created by rulership existing in the first place.
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