Peter Schiff: Mish is Confused and Mischaracterized My Beliefs

by | Jan 29, 2009 | Peter Schiff

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    Peter Schiff responds to Mike Shedlock’s recent attacks on the performance of his client portfolios.

    My popularity on television and the internet has led a very small money manager to use his popular financial blog to promote his fledgling business by attacking the recent poor performance of my long-term investment strategy. The post is causing quite a stir and compels me to provide some badly needed context.

    To achieve his ends, this individual has distorted much of what I have been saying and writing, and has twisted the facts to support his own preconceived conclusion. In essence, his piece is nothing more than an overt advertisement (and a highly deceptive one at that) to use my popularity to advance his career. In so doing he has given my critics, particularly some who have been embarrassed by their roles in the “Peter Schiff was Right” video, their moments of retribution. In addition, some members of the press who have never been among my greatest fans are seizing the opportunity to discredit me as well.

    The crux of the blogger’s arguments are that my beliefs in “decoupling, hyperinflation, and that the dollar is going to zero” have been completely discredited by the events of 2008, and that the resulting investment losses suffered by my clients last year confirms the fatal flaws in my approach.

    In addition to mischaracterizing many of my beliefs, he also is confusing short-term market fluctuations with long-term economic trends.

    I’d specifically like to point out this quote from Peter Schiff, in reference to Mike Shedlock challenging Schiff to provide us with his clients’ portfolio histories:

    The blogger in question implies that all of my clients are down by levels similar to the account he cites. He has asked me to refute his allegations by providing broader performance figures for more clients. But, since Euro Pacific Capital is a brokerage firm and not a Registered Investment Advisor, I am prohibited by regulators from providing any details on the investment performance achieved by my clients. The blogger in question makes his challenge knowing full well that I am legally prevented from accepting it. He then uses my failure to refute his false claim as validating its accuracy.

    Read the complete article here


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