For all those individuals who claimed door-to-door gun confiscation wouldn’t happen? Well, it just did…in Florida. The report came out via Breitbart on 3/16/18, entitled It Begins: Florida Resident’s Firearms, Ammunition Confiscated Under Gun Control Law.
Yes, here it is: Here it starts.
Apparently, the individual is a 56-year-old man who has not committed a crime: he just falls into a category of people that could “pose a harm to the public good.” Here’s an excerpt:
The Orlando Sentinel reports that “four firearms and 267 rounds of ammunition” were taken from the man, and he was “taken to a hospital for involuntary psychiatric treatment.”
The seized firearms were listed as “a Ruger LCP .380 pistol, an M2 Mauser .45 pistol, a Charter Arms .357 mag snub nose revolver and a Mossberg 500 12-gauge shotgun.”
The paper notes that “the civil ruling removing his access to guns and ammunition was granted under … new legislation — which permits confiscating guns from people who have not been committed but are deemed a potential risk to themselves or others, according to the order signed by Broward’s Chief Judge Jack Tuter.
What’s even worse is that they have incorporated wonderful elements of Communism, namely stoolpigeons and snitches within the family or by order of a judge. Yes, Communism is that system that many deny, along with Marxism, that concentrated on removing undesirables and nonconformists by sending them to psychiatric wards until they displayed “correct thinking.”
For those who are not aware: Communism is the end-state, resulting in the death of all the undesirables and the enslavement of the masses. For “primers” on Communism, read George Orwell’s “1984,” and J. Edgar Hoover’s “Masters of Deceit.” Yes, Communism is alive, well, real, and waiting…in the guise of labels such as “the Progressive Movement” and “Social Justice,” clarion calls for armies of fools and illiterates who wish to change the world to be utilized in the call.
Utilized, and then liquidated after their usefulness expires: History has shown it again and again, with the “showcase era” being the entire 20th century.
Here is an excerpt that illustrates how the Communists work…turning family members against one another, using the “gendarmes” of the police force outside of their normal role, and bypassing due process of law with the use of judges:
The confiscatory order also bars the man from making new firearm or ammunition purchases. On March 9, Breitbart News reported that Gov. Scott signed a $400 million gun bill that includes orders which allows a family member or law enforcement to petition a judge to order the seizure of an individual’s firearms. The bill also put waiting periods in place for long gun purchases, raised the minimum purchase age for long gun purchases (from 18 to 21), and banned bump stocks.
Neat term, huh? Confiscatory order. Right up there with “Eminent Domain,” and “Annexation.” Chef DeJure: “Stroke of the pen…law of the land.”
Instead of denouncing the order and upholding the Constitution, the judge, addressed as “Your Honor” but without any…is now selectively interpreting the law and bypassing the 2nd and 4th Amendments to the Constitution in one fell swoop. All of this has been initiated by a pseudo-Republican governor’s stroke of the pen…entrée de jure, courtesy of Rick Scott.
Illinois is passing a legislative ban and the mandatory turn-in of “prohibited” firearms by 18-20-year-olds. Other states are following. What is not accomplished by the federal government is being accomplished by the states. They’re using the youth and the pressure of the media and social media to mold the public into compliance. What they cannot engender in that department they’ll close with de jure legislation.
The problem with laws? Once they’re in place, they’re able to be enforced by men with badges and guns…forcing you to comply. By the time the law is scrutinized by the courts, it is too late. That court scrutiny is not a guarantee that things will be set straight: it’s most likely they will not be. They win by passing their laws, and you are a “subject.” You become the victim of the tyranny of the majority, and the “Your Honors” who are paid politicians and puppets, selectively interpreting, bypassing, and violating Constitutional law.
They are coming for the guns. Each new “venture” elicits a new response, an incremental shift of the paradigm, as they craft their socialist society. They must have the guns, and they will be coming door to door for them…as they have just done in Florida. Take your steps now while you still can. In the end, a fight is coming. To win, people need to be smart. They need to be aware of what is going on…when to hold ‘em, fold ‘em, walk away, and run…not just stand and fight. The first battle is to admit to what is happening and prepare for what is to come.
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“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms … disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed one.” – Thomas Jefferson
“The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.” – Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
“To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.” – Adolf Hitler
“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” – Rahm Emanuel
check out this gun confiscation law from FoxNews:
“A New Jersey high school came under fire Friday after it allegedly suspended two students over a gun photo taken during a family visit to a shooting range.”
“…violated the school’s policy on weapons possession.”
“The Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs (ANJRPC) said in a letter that the school’s policies allow suspending students for up to a year if they are “reported to be in possession of a weapon of any type for any reason or purpose on or off school grounds.”
NOTE – “on OR OFF school grounds”
ht tp://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/03/18/uproar-after-new-jersey-high-school-allegedly-suspends-students-over-gun-range-photo.html
Homeschool anyone?
Much better is the student does not have to go to school period.
Exactly!, Felonious. But, that’s why government makes them be in school–at government gunpoint–so they’ll be vulnerable in a “Weapons-free Zone” for whomever will attack them for only government’s further empowering benefit.
NOTE – “on OR OFF school grounds”
That is some bullshit right there man.
I used to say “who the fuck do these people think they are” in the 80’s. This… this is impressive levels of asshattery. This goes totally off the fucking range right here.
The New Jersey School system has granted unto itself the authority to determine what a student may or may not do when not at school and after hours? In addition, they presume to know what is in the best interest of and a better parent that that high school students own parents. So a student can be suspended for the “crime” of deer hunting with a firearm. Talk about delusions of grandeur and omniscience. Court case in the making here. So a student can be suspended even though that student has NOT committed a crime where he could be arrested by the police, has not violated any Federal, State, county or local statutes. The student has been denied due process because the school board has a irrational fear of firearms. So exactly what harm to others was done by those two students?
What was done in NJ and IL was to make a new class of criminals out of law abiding citizens who did follow the rules. It also means your property is NOT your own, as the government can steal it. It means you have no Rights, but only privileges which any government agency can revoke or deny at whim.
I have been to youth trap and skeet events where hundreds of kids aged 10-18 participated. Most of them carried their guns from station to station, along with the ammo they needed to compete. This was in AZ not NJ, but wtf? Never had any accidents or shooting incidents in the five years my son competed at any of the events.
Well, far as I’m concerned that’s good news to hear. Students being suspended will not have to be a part of the daily brainwashing of the “educational” ?? establishment. They just might then have the chance to become free thinkers and recognize the hypocrisy of the “programmers.”
True!, Sharon. And, they’d be safer, since gun-grabbers appear to have schools marked for shoot-ups to terrorize their masses into bleating for more vulnerability to government’s massive arsenals.
Only a matter of time before scum traitors are mowed down attempting their treasonous acts against our Constitution and God given rights. No tears from us. Burn in hell traitors. I’ll kill you if you come here.
You mean like that time politicians responsible for the NFA were killed, or how the Clintons who helped pass the first AWB were removed from office and forbidden from ever holding a government position? No nothing is going to happen. Events like what happened in this article are the new norm. It will only get worse from here on out.
Only cowards speak this way. Or government agents.
Unfortunately, until someone proves otherwise he’s right. We have yet to see any real resistance outside of the legal process with the help of the NRA, GOA, etc. No one is standing up and returning fire at this point, nor should they. Legal process is the best way but when a breaking point comes, you’ll know it. At that point in time it will either be revolution or capitulation but those in power are betting on capitulation since no modern country (Britain, Australia) has put up any sort of a physical fight against the gun grabbing totalitarians.
This is because they have not attempted this in the Bible belt yet where entire communities are armed to the teeth and neighbors will aid neighbors against these jack boots. Legal process went out the window when they circumvented due process and ignored the Constitution.
The Bible Belt is failing, like they did in the first War Between the States, to take the war to the enemy instead of letting the enemy have the ability to bring it to them. Blustering won’t scare the enemy into backing down. Knocking them down and out for good will make them unable to not back down.
I called it several weeks ago concerning “lists” after the FL school shooting. This dude was singled out probably by neighbors or family because he acted weird = list/target. Go to a shrink = list. Tell your doc you’re feeling down = list. Take a certain drug = list.
Watch your back, watch your mouth, don’t draw attention, blend into the crowd.
It is now the time to absolutely ignore every single gun law as each and every one of them infringes on the Second Amendment. Bring me a bearcat as I wish to possess one after I take it from the dead scum traitors who arrive in it. Think I’m fucking kidding? I’ve never been so pissed off in my life and I’ve been telling people for years this shit is coming as they deny it ever could. Meanwhile, I’ve been building things.
Menzo, these people have no idea of the hell they could get unleashed onto themselves. They’re forcing us into a situation none of us want and will just get themselves killed for their efforts.
Aim for their faces.
Easy Keyboard warrior
Their faces are most vulnerable even if they have level 111A masks and will be penetrated by rifle cartridges. You pussy.
You and Drizzt need to kick some ass with scimitars….
Unfortunately I’m not as skilled as Drizzt with the blades but I am with rifles and traps.
Wow,I’ve never been here before, you people are just plain crazy, grow up,find a new hobby, ever thought about stamp collecting,sincerely what is this fascination with guns, you don’t have to kill things to eat we have stores, and despite your crazy thinking the government is not coming for you, unless you you are to nutty to live around real people.please evolve come into light,freaking morons that you are.
you can prove what’s not going to happen? AMAZING TALENT
It would appear that has already happened. It only gets silenced so the “waiters-for-a-signal” won’t get that signal to “Charge!”. There can be a lot of government-instigated false-flagged “resistance” that will of course be bumbling and not achieve the elimination of the threat. That will be used by the powers-that-be and their mainstreamers to cheerlead the bleat to “crack down” (on dissidents). When the powers-that-be have been “attacked” and are declaring “martial law” and curfewing everyone (“for ‘everyone’s’ safety”, of course)–then, we’ll know that the ability of the powers-that-be to inflict upon and rule over their subjects has been severely diminished and that they are desperate to maintain their control of their subjects. Then, the powers-that-be won’t be. Keeping them (or any others) from ever being again will then be the maxim of the free.
We can assume that’s already happened. They won’t report it in the mainstream so as to not “signal” the “waiters” who depend on a signal to follow the crowd. The mainstream are likely, though, to spin it to seem like something else–terrifying their own victims to run to their victimizers (the powers-that-be) for “safety”– in order to try to save the elites’ power from the jaws of defeat.
There have been several strange, incongruously-“explained” events that have slipped out in the “news” but then, have been otherwise hushed up. We can assume many more have not even slipped out.
The “waiters-for-a-signal” will be snuffed out–largely quietly–by the powers-that-be, one-by-one, with so comforting-sounding mainstream explanations for it while the “waiters” wait for someone else’s signal to “Charge!”. This will be so as not to signal the others who also wait.
Yet, when the “snuffers-out” have their own ability to “snuff out” itself snuffed out, even so stealthily–or not, then we’ll see them get desperate. When they declare martial law (“lock down”, round ups for FEMA camps, etc.), or just effectively enact the same as in “gun-control”, and import their Russian and Communist Chinese and other UN “peacekeeping” and “humanitarian” troops to “keep order” and such, that’ll be the sign that they’re on the ropes. Getting them there and keeping them there will be the watchword for the free.
“Someone else” can’t be depended on to get them there, though many false spins of the events that do occur will be spun by the powers-that-be so as to herd the masses, by the terror of what they’re being told by the mainstream, into the elites’ corral–even as the elites are watching their own doom unfold. As Robert Burns put it in his lyrics of “Scots Wha Hae” (“Scots Who Have…”): “Tyrants fall in every foe, Liberty’s in every blow,,,,”
The solution is simple: If a rogue government comes for your guns and ammo …. give them your ammo !!! 🙂
It can be assumed that has already happened. It’s only being kept hushed by the mainstream so as not to “signal” the “waiters-for-a-signal” to “Charge!”. When everyone’s curfewed and martial law (“lockdown”, “shelter-in-place”, etc.) is declared, then we’ll know the powers-that-be have been decked and are trying to get back up. Then, the byword for the free will be: “don’t let them get back up”.
Psychiatry is the only part of the medical industry that insists upon treating people involuntarily. Psych has a long history of bizarre, sadistic “treatments”. It uses refusal of “treatment” as evidence of your need for said “treatment”.
Psychiatry is completely dominated by the left. It is a communist thing.
KY Mom great quotes. This plan B for the Libtards. What they originally planned is Hillary putting control in the Supreme court and eliminating most fire arms in her first term as Hitler, Mao and Stalin did. Next will be hate speech arrests…
And President Trump takes the lead with. Confiscate the Guns then Due Process. Priceless.
I found a document from UNODA (office of disarmament affairs) jest of it says “we must confiscate weapons from civilians so we can finish implementing UN Agenda 21 (plan to make us part of communist one world gov., Agenda based one 3 E’s environment, equity (one line says “it isn’t equitable for some to buy & sell property & make a profit when not everyone can afford to”, and economy (don’t want capitalism) So your right on!
trump lies
cold dead fingers ……. this is the only way they get mine …….
Irrational reaction to a tragic event. Ironic that they are trying to justify it on the basis of the gun owner being a danger to others. Innocent until proven guilty? You have to prove it. Sane until proven otherwise is consistent with this principle. It is “civil asset forfeiture” applied to guns.
Brian, excellent points. Who claims that man was a danger to himself or others? A relative? Or the judge? I also still believe in innocence until proven guilty. Any and all types of complaints have to be proven and verified before someone can be penalized in any way, shape, or form. The crap they’re talking about in the article is NOT how things work with me. If I’m not presented with a complaint that can be proven and verified then I’m not obligated to do a damn thing. I don’t get penalized over fabricated complaints.
Yes who said he was a danger to himself and others? Some one that doesn’t agree with him? Was he one of those horrible Tea Party people? Does he teach Sunday school? Maybe he didn’t like Obama……there is more to this story and we should all be demanding the truth!
So was this man a
Ignored is that, once again, as text book perfect example with the Parkland FL shooting; ALL of the warning signs were there, well in advance of the atrocity that POS was a danger to himself and others. But not a damn thing was done, by those who could have prevented the shooting from happening. People who have a moral compass and sense of ethical behavior do NOT go post comments that they want to be a professional school shooter. So we are supposed to trust those who have clearly failed in the past, trust them that they will get it right in the future and further more to trust them NOT to abuse their authority? As my dad used to say; I may have been born in the dark but it wasn’t last night.
I have been saying for yeas, it is simple, they will NOT stop until they take ALL of the guns in this country period. Naturally the criminals will NOT follow this nonsense and not be part of but they will continue to be violent criminals and what are the citizens left with – oh right, the gov’t GIVES US 911, damn, WTF is going on within this country people? Communism is alive and kicking! Please, wake up people, the time is now. How long until the knocks at the doors are a coming for you?!?!
In Hawaii county if ordered, you must surrender your guns. You will not get them back. However the cops almost universally will not go to your house to get them and everybody claims to have lost them while out hunting or gambling on cockfights.
I never violate any constitutional Federal, state , or local law.
They might just as well have taken them, under those conditions.
What do you think they’ll do to you if you use one for the only purpose I’ve ever found for them… defending myself in a home invasion robbery scenario?
“Oh yeah that thing you lost in a hunting accident… yeah. You’re not supposed to have that, huh. That’s funny. Well that will be 5 consecutive life sentences for you…”
What makes you think I’d call a cop If I deafened my home from an home invasion?
Yep, that’s what shovels are for.
I’d use a backhoe.
What makes you think you have to?
Pfff neighbors? They’ll call if they hear World War 3 next door.
What are you gonna do stuff him under the mattress?
I live in a rural area.
Sometimes I hear full auto weapons fire on a large parcel next to mine. That is really illegal here. Nobody calls the cops on them. Even if someone did call the cops, they will take hours to get there. They know who we are.
They know we are all law abiding country folk.
Full auto isn’t illegal anywhere to my knowledge. It’s illegal for those that don’t have proper paperwork, a class 3 license and weapons that are acceptable under the license.
Federal law allows the states to determine legality of Class three weapons. Some states allow ownership…some don’t.
We exported them bluejeans, rock and roll, and movies, in an attempt to break their culture.
… and you honestly think they just sat there and took it.
… right.
Mumble McCarthy was right…
We are now each others’ bastard children. Some fucked up bizarre crony capi-commu-list shit hole, the both of us.
Government and other organized murderers are the only beneficiaries of “gun-control” (of only the people’s guns, not government’s). The price of illegally-made guns will be astronomical and so wildly lucrative for the Mob when legal guns are made “illegal”. That’s the stock-in-trade of the Mob–illegal contraband. The Mob and Government–one and the same.
Boys and girls, it’s coming time.
The time came some time ago. It’s past time. Time is now only running out.
“The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.” – Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
“To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.” – Adolf Hitler
Hmmmm HELLO – anyone maybe notice anything here guys?? Seriously this crap is NO joke people.
I was just reading on a site for teachers of children. The subject, Adolf Hitler.
The SA, brownshirts, began as a small group of war veterans acting as a vigilante group with the name of the “Free Corps”. Their purpose was to fight Communists who were engaged in Bolshevik Revolution in Germany, just as they had succeeded in doing in Russia.
This explains why the gun grabbers are so set on going after American Veterans who served in active duty. These gun grabbers are the next generation of Bolshevik Communist’s trying to overthrough the native people just like in Russia.
By the way, Hitler did not advocate that tactic, he merely exposed the tactics of his enemies.
Yeah I think they should disarm Americans. Right after they outlaw all police carrying guns and outlaw all warmongers weapons of murder. Not until then. Homeless people need self defense too.
Aljamo, I don’t have any problem with gangs, convicted felons, foreigners, and people with PROVABLE AND VERIFIED mental health issues getting disarmed. But good people who never break any laws? No f#$%ing way. I don’t give up anything.
Brave : Respectfully, and I am truly on your side, but listen to what you just said. This week Florida, next week Texas and Georgia, and on and on and on. Before you know it, YOU ARE A CRIMINAL or a submissive. I all ready know the answer to the next question but just for the hell of it I will ask anyways. When they pass the law in your state, you will no longer be one of those good people who break any laws. Will you then be a good law abiding citizen or the criminal that you said should be disarmed.
Now, you are steaming mad because I even asked you that question, but look at your statements above.
When they outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. You might be buying your guns and ammo from those gangs, convicted felons, foreigners, and people with provable and verified ( BY THE GOVERNMENT DOCTORS, LAWYERS, LEO’S, JUDGES, AND ALL AROUND LIBTARDS ) mental health issues.
None of us are as smart as all of us.
None of us are badass as all of us TOGETHER.
I have said this before, and I agree that if it is time to bury them than it is time to use them. Armed or not, concealed carry or not, every body here knows they are on a list or two and this site and others like it are monitored. So, they know that Brave ( INSERT YOUR OWN NAME OR HANDLE HERE )is not going down without a fight. So they can make an example out of you OR wait until you go to town. Now you are in Wally World ( or where ever you like to shop ) and their is a miniature FALSE FLAG. Cops come in guns a blazing and you have know idea they are coming for you, so you are complying. Then you find yourself with some free jewelry, BRACELETS. When you get let out next week, because we had a mistaken identity, you get home and find out all of your weapons are gone. Yeah, whatcha gonna do now?
Preppers prep. What does that mean? That means that you prepare for civil unrest, or an EMP, or the big volcano, or a hurricane, and on and on. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PREPARING FOR YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT TURNING AGAINST YOU?
Put some food and money away for a rainy day. Bury some of your stash. Most folks here don’t have 1 handgun, 1 rifle, and 1 shotgun. You never know when or for what reason but you might have to go dig up some insurance, PROTECTION.
Right now is your last chance to stock it up, lay it in, buy the stuff that you and yours think you will need for the coming tribulation that is upon us. Make things right in your life, your house, and your heart.
I keep hearing that they are nibbling away at our rights. WAKE THE F___K UP. They are not nibbling anymore. They are tearing it off like wild animals.
If we don’t come together as one, we will only have ourselves to blame.
Indeed!, fishandmud. Where were all the fellow residents on his block, his street, his town, or in all of Broward County, or Florida who weren’t there on the rear and the flanks of the gentleman’s confiscators, or on the rear and flanks of the rear and flank counter-attackers of those residents?
I have been moderated but allowed to speak elsewhere. 0 – 2 hours? It has been 2 1/2 hours. Anyways, I copied and pasted it again. Lets see if it works.
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March 19, 2018 at 6:52 pm
Brave : Respectfully, and I am truly on your side, but listen to what you just said. This week Florida, next week Texas and Georgia, and on and on and on. Before you know it, YOU ARE A CRIMINAL or a submissive. I all ready know the answer to the next question but just for the hell of it I will ask anyways. When they pass the law in your state, you will no longer be one of those good people who break any laws. Will you then be a good law abiding citizen or the criminal that you said should be disarmed.
Now, you are steaming mad because I even asked you that question, but look at your statements above.
When they outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. You might be buying your guns and ammo from those gangs, convicted felons, foreigners, and people with provable and verified ( BY THE GOVERNMENT DOCTORS, LAWYERS, LEO’S, JUDGES, AND ALL AROUND LIBTARDS ) mental health issues.
None of us are as smart as all of us.
None of us are badass as all of us TOGETHER.
I have said this before, and I agree that if it is time to bury them than it is time to use them. Armed or not, concealed carry or not, every body here knows they are on a list or two and this site and others like it are monitored. So, they know that Brave ( INSERT YOUR OWN NAME OR HANDLE HERE )is not going down without a fight. So they can make an example out of you OR wait until you go to town. Now you are in Wally World ( or where ever you like to shop ) and their is a miniature FALSE FLAG. Cops come in guns a blazing and you have know idea they are coming for you, so you are complying. Then you find yourself with some free jewelry, BRACELETS. When you get let out next week, because we had a mistaken identity, you get home and find out all of your weapons are gone. Yeah, whatcha gonna do now?
Preppers prep. What does that mean? That means that you prepare for civil unrest, or an EMP, or the big volcano, or a hurricane, and on and on. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PREPARING FOR YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT TURNING AGAINST YOU?
Put some food and money away for a rainy day. Bury some of your stash. Most folks here don’t have 1 handgun, 1 rifle, and 1 shotgun. You never know when or for what reason but you might have to go dig up some insurance, PROTECTION.
Right now is your last chance to stock it up, lay it in, buy the stuff that you and yours think you will need for the coming tribulation that is upon us. Make things right in your life, your house, and your heart.
I keep hearing that they are nibbling away at our rights. WAKE THE F___K UP. They are not nibbling anymore. They are tearing it off like wild animals.
If we don’t come together as one, we will only have ourselves to blame.
a felony conviction does not mean anymore that you have committed an offense which makes you a danger to self or orthers physically. Most people are unaware that a majority of felony crimes are not violent and the current laws give a life sentence of having no real self defense in a violent world where criminals have access to knives and guns. I feel it is cruel and unusual punishment to deprive a rehabilitated felony offender of a basic constitutional right without a hearing process to get that right back. Its too basic and too important to write away to casually.
The problem with TDB’s rational for disarming somebody is that psychiatry is quackery and completely subjective. I know of no clinical test for any psychiatric “disorder”.
Look up the process for “disorders” being included in the DSM. They vote on it.
Braveheart, with all due respect sir, I don’t think you have fully thought the matter through.
“But good people who never break any laws?”
Flaw with that: There are some many laws and regulations already on the books, that there is no way of knowing what harmless action can be considered a felony because a Federal Law includes or refers to a trivial regulation.
Being a “good” person is zero protection. Just asked those who have had their money or property legally stolen by an LEO invoking “asset forfeiture” laws. All you have to do to get your stuff back is to prove in court that your stuff was not used or connected or suspected with a crime.
Being a “good” person is zero protection against a false allegation. Remember once accused, you will be assumed to be guilty. It will be trial by media with the odds stacked against you.
Nor does being a good person protected you from being a victim of a government agency violating the same laws they are supposed to enforce (e.g. Operation Fast and Furious). Those you cited by the laws we have already have are in theory supposed to be disarmed. Being a “good person” means that both the government and criminals see you as a potential victim to be exploited.
You mainland guys think you have it bad,
here in Hawaii, you must get permission from the police to buy a gun, you must register all guns, and if are made to turn them in you will never get them back, the police make them disappear.
Because of these laws Hawaii has the lowest rate of gun ownership per capita of any state.
Hawaii is a single party state, Democrat, there is not a single Republican in our senate.
I never violate any constitutional Federal, state , or local law.
wait til the chinks or ruskies decide to attack america…..you are at it’s FRONT DOOR, and will be FIRST…….and there aint no gun behind every blade of grass no more…..
We are 8 islands. Only one Oahu, has any strategic value. That is where most the Democrats live. On my island it would be un-wise to try much of anything. I’m surrounded by Cowboys and “good Ole boys”.
Not all of Hawaii is Hawaii 5-0.
I never violate any constitutional Federal, state , or local law.
Later they could go after those with heart disease, diabetes, auto immune diseases and people treated for substance abuse in treatment centers saying none are physically fit to shoot a gun.
Doctors updating medical reporting on their patients in data bases, it would be easy for gov./ police to tap into computers. This would include over half the people over 50 and even more over 65. Time will tell. Expert who wrote books on the deep state, said guns would be out of people’s hands by early 2000. (Committee of 300) 3d edition, Dr John Coleman. It is 2018 and are people waking up now?
The you know who, Supremists, are aware of a growing national move towards freedom and patriotism, as well as the internet’s success for that patriotic national pride among the citizens of the USA, in Europe, in Australia and New Zealand; and the waking up of the masses to the murders in South Africa and to who has promoted the genocidal laws there and here.
Funny thing is, it wasn’t Obama, but an R governor on an R POTUS’ watch.
Two sides of the same coin. Traitors all.
They all go to the same schools, sleep with the same little boys and girls, and are aiming for the same thing.
True!, both fishandmud and Menzoberranzan. Government–by someone else–is the problem. Being able to be door-knocked upon (or kicked in, along with the windows, “at 3am”) or to be accostable or abductable by them (anywhere at anytime) is their ability to rule over everyone else. The opposite of all of that is the solution.
There are no gun laws, exept the 2nd. Anything else is an infringment, and therefore illegal. Uphold the law, resist tyrrany.
They took away my 2nd amendment rights when my bitch ex-wife filed a restraining order on me….no due process, and I wasn’t there to defend myself. I could not have a firearm in my possession for 12 months. NEVER AGAIN. I will NOT relinquish my firearms thru an unconstitutional order. Come to my door for my weapons, and I will blow your head off.
Would it not have been ironic if when some kids that walked out of class on that protest got run over by a crazy with a pickup truck, killing (17) kids. What would they have said then.? We need to have more laws restricting the ownership of pickup trucks? My protest sign would then be re-worded to “Trucks don’t kill people, people kill people”.!!!!!!
During divorce procedures, attorneys regularly include a restraining order. Your wife’s attorney most likely did this at the time he filed the divorce papers. Attorneys advise women that if they don’t include the order, they will have to come back later to do it at additional cost. In other words, it is routine.
If you cared enough about a woman to marry her then surely you could find some way to be at peace with her memory, especially if you have children, but even if you don’t.
Why don’t you sue to have the practice ended, unless the spouse has been convicted of violence against his wife. Represent yourself. Sue her lawyer, too.
_ just a thought
I am NOT running anywhere. Without a home nor a base to be able to live you will not last nor live. When the day comes it comes and that is the day!
Exactly. At the end of the article they seem to suggest running. We cannot win that way.
Menzo, I’ve got another trip planned to the BOL for next week. The way things sound maybe this will be the BUGOUT for me? Once I get to the BOL FOR GOOD, no running for me nor for any of my family. Whoever suggested running can go run themselves if they want. Me, I’ll stand up and fight.
If today is my day, let me die in a mountain of empty brass.
And where is all this man power to confiscate said firearms going to come from? Martial law and confiscation can not be implemented. If it was even a possibility, they would have tried it already…
patience glasshoppuh, patience….
CB, they’ll have to bring in “help” to make the attempt. I expect the “helpers” to be gangs, illegal aliens, UN “peacekeepers”, etc. But they’ll never find enough of those to do it. Google the history of UN peacekeeping operations. Not really impressive.
This is such a crock of shit. The FBI & local Police had 30+ reports that this kid was wacky. He even posted on social media about wanting to he a school shooter. Nothing happened. Anyone remember hearing see something say something? A lot of freakin good that did. The first thing that should have happened is due to gross neglegence some FBI & Police should be fired & face legal suits. If they had fone their job none of this would have happened. Before new legislation is penned, there should be a stipulation that if this law is put into place & this happens again… then obviously the law does not eork & it must be discarded. How is it people cause drunk driving deaths every day of the year… but we dont blame the car or the booze maker ! More laws will not stop crazies on a mission. Locks keep honest people honest. The criminals are breaking windows or driving a truck through the front door. When someone is set to make a statement by killing a bunch of folks, they will find a way. Look at all of the truck attacks mowing folks down. You can not legislate sanity. They will come up with plan B. It is hood to be in Texas where there is little chance of mass gun confiscation. If the Commies have any sense they already know that.
If not , I expect they will learn quickly.
RT1957, if they come for mine they’ll just end up very dead very fast.
A little background for what I have to say here. I am an Oathkeeper. Oathkeepers are all prior military, law inforcement, or EMS.
There are several oathkeepers. I have a friend who is prior black ops. He once said that he is not worried about gun confiscation because it is impossible for the government to go door to door to confiscate guns. They are not stupid. It is just that they don’t have the man power. It would start a war.
I agree with that assessment. So then the question becomes how do you get the guns. If they do it in the way the way the article is describing it can be done I guess. One by one. It would take years to do it this way and would require many more laws over time.
If you look at how those in power do things it is rarely all at once. We are slowly being enslaved over time. One law, one regulation, one ordinance, and one corrupt judge at a time. After the next shooting what happens then.? Then the next and the next. How many new laws are passed? How fast will this movement pic up. There will come a point where there is push back? How hard will the push back be? Will it become violent?
The only way they can get the guns is slowly at this point. It is happening right in front of us.
I recall taking an oath when I went in the military.
“there is no duration defined in the Oath itself. The term of service for each enlisted person is written on the DD Form 4 series, the contract which specifies the enlistment period, which for a first-time enlistee is typically four or six years,”
I was a 6 year. I don’t have to listen to officers or president in my military chain of command anymore since I was honorably discharged from that chain of command, but I do have to
“support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”.
My DD 214 did not invalidate that part of the oath.
Exactly brother!!!
Good post Mike in VA.
To win: leave.
I hear the Philippines are lovely this time of year.
Face it man you’re not turning this shit show. It’s going full throttle for the iceberg.
I’m astounded this is ALL they’ve done (and this is bad enough). I have all sorts of ideas in my head, as I role play “what would I do if I were them”… and they’re all far more draconian than this. Also they all work.
Shall not infringe. Why would you let “them” impose their will on you? Don’t run. Fight!!!!!
It’s coming to a head very soon.
Make sure you have everything in order.
don’t get caught with a firearm to defend yourself and don’t be too far away from your firearms.
They are going to go after the wrong guy someday and the Civil war will start.
I had better not get an order to go after some ones guns because, I will quit right then and there. I will let anyone and everyone know at that point that they are not keeping their oath to defend the Constitution.
You and many like you are why they cannot go door to door. The majority of the military and police would not except and order to confiscate guns. Some on here disagree but I know too many service members who have said exactly what you said. I have done it before but say it again thank you for what you do and your service.
Another thought that I will post. Gun dealers are required to keep the paperwork for a gun purchase. If you know the dealer you buy from then bring up this subject. Fires happen all the time that destroy paperwork. Paperwork goes missing and such. Think about who you buy from. Also wise to have some private purchases.
Gun dealers have to be careful or they will be shut down. I lost my FFL and sales log book several years ago during a gun show trip. When I reported it to BATF and requested a new license, I was ran through the wringer. I almost did not get my license again and had to stop doing business for several months while I somehow “proved that I had actually lost my log book.” Even though I no longer do business, I still keep all of my communications with BATF about the loss. Never know when they may bring it back up.
With the new laws being inacted, they could use people’s comments on social media and blogs like this one to lock people up and take their guns. If they can use relatives words to do it, then they damn sure can use your words. Watch your comments.
I agree. They can now use your statements, medical records, and online post against you. In the beginning when I posted on here I was very careful about what I posted. I made a decision along the way to post more than what I would have in the beginning. I felt I maybe could help one person or maybe bring someone into our cause. They cannot get us all because they don’t have the manpower. If they tried war would begin and they know it. It will be slowly over time. Screw um. When they slowly over time more and more will wake up. It is just a matter of time.
Just like if Florida, they will do it one person at a time and everyone will just say he had it coming. It won’t be a mass confiscation like people think. You go out to the store and they grab you or raid your house while you are away. They are getting a lot of green lights to get injunctions and involuntary commitments. Even the officers in forcing the warrant will be told it is a dangerous person that has a warrant for his arrest.
Yep. The local police around here are doing all sorts of SWAT team military training exercises and we suspect that is what they’re gearing up for.
The SWAT commander has publicly stated his lust to use the swat teams against the public more often. Our local government is full of sociopaths, narcissists, and communists.
I comment on a local site
for me, 2ahawaii. I have
been warned about LEO watching
and acting on comments.
I have made comments on this site
that Hawaii WILL take your guns
if they can. I’m sure LEO somewhere
(I don’t like cops)
are reading our comments.
I don’t have any guns
so I’m not too worried.
I never violate any constitutional Federal, state , or local law.
Leverage is a very powerful tool..There’s not going to be a massive,nationwide “door to door” confiscation of firearms..The more likely scenario will be anyone refusing to surrender their firearms will be subjected to one or more of the following; A fine..Lose their job;Lose their home;Lose their vehicles;Lose custody of their kids;Bank account frozen;and sentenced to prison..
Or when the “fiat” finally crashes into the sinkhole, Uncle sugar will give out a weeks worth of rations for your pesky peasant rifles. I seem to recall “a certain someone” giving the power to confiscate ALL THINGS in a national emergency. Then off to club F E M A for you…
The man with nothing to lose is a dangerous man.
Even Arizona is jumping on the band wagon:
Dead Meat…yep you got it !
Communism is the end goal. Read this book: “Hope of the Wicked” by Ted Flynn. The single end goal is power and control.
“The name of the game is to control.” That is how Flynn ends each chapter.
Adam Weishaupt established the Order of the Illuminati, on May 1, 1776, in Bavaria. Karl Marx popularized Weishaupt’s ideas. The wheels have been turning for a long time.
I don’t want to know who someone works for, in public, I want to see their secret society alliances, published. Skull and Bones? CFR? Trilateral Commission? Freemason? Those are the places where the levers of power are pushed.
I remember posting some time back about the law abiding citizens being baited into some type of fire fight with these traitors of the constitution. Use the wisdom the good Lord has blessed you with, but remember I think this is indeed just the beginning of an ongoing beta test. Remember Katrina, California, and of course those cities with the strict gun laws that are working so well. I don’t know how many more posts I will be putting up here. I know this place as well as many others are being monitored. I’m not being paranoid just practical, so keep your powder dry and your heart right with God. Cherish everyday you have freedom and enjoy your family. God bless and good night
I have come to this site for several years under a couple of different names. I have never killed anyone. I have guns and grew up with them for hunting and just because it seemed right. The only reason I would ever kill someone is because they came on my rural property and were threatening my family. I would feel terrible. Some shitheel attorney would sue me and it would probably ruin my life and break me even if it was justified. How many of you have killed people? Please chime in. I am sure there are quite a few that were military or police. I would like to get a feel for it. Thank You.
Another reason to never tell anyone you have a gun.
Please remember to vote if you live in Illinois.
Please remember to Call governor Rauner and demand he VETO ALL gun control bills.
Keep making those calls
WOE…….WOE……Que keyboard warriors talking about how they are going to shoot the first person that tries it with them….Ready….GO
You pussy.
I’m an old gray-haired woman. I’ve never owned a gun in my life– too much red tape. But I tell you, I’ve had a very bad feeling about all this— the whole thing makes me sick to my stomach– angry and scared– because its obvious what they are doing and its not good. It reminds me of Nazi Germany– when “things” were just beginning to happen there.
Also, I keep thinking about those concentration camps we read about years ago– at first I figured it was pretend but the more I investigated, the more I realized they exist. You know– the places surrounded by barb-wire– all turned inward. And the revolving doors that turn inward but not back out. And the railroad tracks leading to them… and the fact that they are all empty… WHAT ARE THEY FOR??
Kessinger said that it used to be easier to control millions of people than to kill them but nowadays, its easier to kill masses of people than to control them.
From weather underground–
“Those of us living within the borders of the U.S. currently find ourselves living with the churning engine of a hyper- militarized corporate fascist force of a democracy that is spiraling into darkness. The blades of this death-machine are grinding the living planet into dust.”
1st off Liberalism is a mental disorder! Second, I am reminded of the Words of Jesus, ” The children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of Light.” Meaning that they devote every waking minute to their devious plans and they have the plans given to them by their “father” the devil. I am amazed at the progression of their evil schemes!
But that does not mean we cannot fight and win. The world would not be here if brave men and women had not fought AND won! Fight.
Obviously, the recent shooting at the high school (where numerous students were slaughtered)occurred by our government so they could bring about the new bill Trump is signing– the beginning of the destruction of the second amendment…
Just like 9-11 (in which the government slaughtered hundreds of innocent Americans)occurred so they could bring about the Patriot Act, the phony war on terror, etc.. The Foundation for the Police state and destruction of the constitution.
Basically, a dark cloud is hanging over the US, trying to engulf us– a dark force is trying to take over our country. And it does not have good intentions….If it did, they would not lie constantly; they would be upfront. But they are not upfront about anything. The lie about absolutely EVERYTHING!!
They lie about everything- as if they take their cues from the book, 1984- “black is white and white is black” and kill us whenever they like, using cops dressed in military gear, storming into homes, unannounced, killing innocent babies… or like the young man sitting on the steps of his house– just sitting there innocently after serving 2 terms in Iraq. And suddenly, he was surrounded by cops dressed in black and they tazzred him over and over until he died!!! He wasn’t doing anything!! Just sitting there! All he had in his pocket was a pocket knife!! They said they did it because they suspected him of selling marijuana! and the cops got off free!!!
The “Destruction of the Second Amendment” only happens, if we allow it to, by turning in our Firearms voluntarily…So,Don’t turn in our firearms under any circumstances willingly!
Truly so!, markbjj. Surrendering them defeats the purpose of having them–to use them in defending the right to have them in defense of all the other rights of the people.
And I can’t seem to forget the young black man who was at a department store, slinging a toy rifle as he talked innocently to his wife on the phone. Suddenly cop cars pulled up, sirens blaring and red lights flashing. He knew immediately why they were there and hurriedly dropped the toy rifle on the floor, screaming, “its only a toy!” “Its only a toy!!” and those mother fucking bastards killed him anyhow!!! They just kept shooting him until he died!!! An innocent man!!! And now these same mother fucking bastards want US TO GIVE UP OUR GUNS???!!! DO THEY THINK WE ARE NUTS??!!!
That was at a Walmart store. The guy was looking at BB guns in the BB gun isle at a walmart store and some shitbag dialed 911 and made a false report of a man with a gun, swat showed up and killed the guy dead while he was browsing BB guns. All BB guns are bow in locked cases at walmart stores now because of that incident.
Get the full story here: http://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/broward/parkland/florida-school-shooting/fl-florida-school-shooting-guns-seized-lighthouse-point-20180316-story.html
The man told officers he “was being targeted and burglarized by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and a neighbor who lives in [his] building,” the judge wrote in his order. “[He] could not describe the neighbor but stated that the neighbor [can] ‘shape shift, he can change heights and I’m not sure where he comes from’ and ‘to be honest, he looks like Osama Bin Laden.’”
the guy was a freaking NUT JOB! I am a second amendment supporter-but THIS “confiscation” makes total sense.
No, It doesn’t make sense. And you don’t know what was or wasn’t said. Government and media falsify documents and make shit up all the time for the advancement of their communust one world global agenda.
The cops who aressted him are probably communists
Well said and true, Anonymous!
Okay, if I ever immigrate to the states, I’ll go live in Florida, away from all the gun toting nutters.
This is in Florida, under a GOP governor and GOP Trump!! Amazing.