In a brief article yesterday we reported out that the Red Cross had run out of medical supplies in Haiti following the earthquake that is believed to have killed tens of thousands. If you are a prepper or someone who is planning basic reserves if the SHTF, then consider the absolute essentials first and foremost.
Earlier this week, when UK weathermen forecast further snow and prolonged periods of freezing weather, UK residents rushed grocery stores and literally stripped the shelves of anything and everything of value:
This was a snowstorm, which will likely pass in just a few days time. Store shelves will be restocked within a week and things will return to normal.
Now consider the after effects of a serious disaster, like the earthquake in Haiti, for example, or a city-wide terrorist strike, or, for those with fears of a worst case scenario, a hyperinflationary depression collapse.
Once the shelves are cleared of all available essential goods and water, there will be no restocking for quite some time.
Dr. Marc Faber has said that in a world of fiat money printing, you need to own gold and become your own central bank.
Perhaps you should also own your own food and production methods and become your own grocery store.
Thank goodness payday is tomorrow. Last paycheck we went and stocked up and because of unforeseen circumstances we were cash strapped for any of the little things we forgot to purchase.
So I learned a valuable lesson on doing without juice and butter which is not easy when you have pre-teens. Learned about canning butter though which I probably would have not thought of without this minor experience.Â