Time is critical and many are calling the 2018 mid-terms the most important election of our lifetimes.
This totally explains Hillary Clinton’s haste in getting on the campaign trail to help Bob Menendez of New Jersey secure his Senate seat.
As the video below shows, Clinton’s motorcade quickly entered the parking garage where the campaign event was being held. They were in such a hurry, however, that they didn’t notice the cement pillar right in front of them.
LIVE LOOK at @HillaryClinton trying to save @SenatorMenendez. (Spoiler alert: she crashes.) #NJSen pic.twitter.com/7poUpIYxl6
— The Senate Majority (@NRSC) October 16, 2018
As reported by Gateway Pundit, Mendendez is down by 10% in the latest poll taken in September.
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Was the pillar named TRUMP?
thats one chauffeur who’s probably going to be sent on a “diplomatic errand” to the Saudi embassy next week to meet 15 of her good friends…
That’s CONCRETE!!!! Not cement….
Get ready Hillery
More slams are COMING your way.
ROTFLMAO! Hillary running into a concrete pillar! This made my day.
You know how the elite love their symbolism.
Symbolic train wreck.
Better to let her crash the SUV than what she would have done to the country.
But it was a vast right wing conspiracy to place that in her path…..
Too bad she survived the accident.
Hillary Magoo wasn’t driving because ass kissers never go away. The former assassin first lady wife of a crooked president draws the suckups like mosquitos at a dusk barbecue.
Female Secret Service driver apparently. Our tax dollars at work!
Borodino, I’ll bet that female driver is an affirmative-action retard.
Crooked Hillary…Parkes Crooked!
I saw her crash her broom worse than that!
Driving miss Daisy…….
Driving Miss Dikey.
Jim, LMAO! Good one!
On a serious note, the Left does have a plan to gain control–for a long, long time.
ht tps://www.theepochtimes.com/how-57000-socialists-and-communists-plan-to-take-over-the-democratic-party_2654589.html
Plan to?
They’ve already done it.
Pay attention much?
Menendez needs all the help he can get, thencriminal bastard.
Caught taking bribes… sorry, gifts from wealthy supporters and still allowed to run for office. NJ is the most corrupt state in the union.
Scary part is the scumbag will probably win because of the volume of supporters he’s promised free shit to.
Never rest. There are so many more campaigns to save.
menendez is one of those communist faggot pedophiles
Give her a break…they were coming in under heavy sniper fire!