Washington D.C. To Hold Massive “Coordinated Terror Attack” Drill This Wednesday

by | Apr 25, 2017 | Headline News | 46 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    This report was originally filed at ZeroHedge.com


    April 26th is shaping up to be a busy day.

    As we reported on Friday, that’s when Operation Gotham Shield, an exercise involving FEMA, Homeland Security and a myriad of law enforcement and military agencies and which simulates a nuclear bomb blast over Manhattan, is set to conclude.

    Then, as we learned earlier, April 26 is also when the entire Senate will be briefed by Donald Trump and his four top defense and military officials on the situation in North Korea at the White House, an event which Reuters dubbed as “unusual.”

    April 26 is also when the USS Carl Vinson is expected to finally arrive off the coast of the Korean Penninsula.

    Now, in a statement from the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, the regional association reports that “law enforcement officials and other first responders will participate in a full-scale exercise on April 26 designed to prepare for the possibility of a complex coordinated terror attack in the National Capital Region.”

    The statement adds that emergency managers who work together at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) planned the exercise to help protect residents by preparing for an attack involving multiple target locations and teams of perpetrators.

    The exercise will be conducted across a widespread geographical area. According to the release, the regional exercise will be staged at six sites in the District of Columbia, suburban Maryland and Northern Virginia, and will involve hundreds of police, fire, and emergency medical service personnel and volunteer actors.

    The locations include neighborhoods in the northeast and southeast quadrants of the District of Columbia, Prince George’s County, and Arlington and Fairfax Counties.  Residents in those neighborhoods will be notified ahead of time to expect the exercise.

    According to Scott Boggs, Managing Director of Homeland Security and Public Safety at COG, “Law enforcement officials practice and exercise their skills on their own regularly because that’s the best way to ensure we are always ready to respond quickly and professionally. On April 26, we’ll go one step further and stage a very realistic emergency event involving multiple sites and actors posing as the casualties.  However, there is no reason for residents to be alarmed because the exercise will occur in a controlled environment.

    The is scheduled to take place near or at George Mason University, and last from 8;30am until 4:30pm.

    The statement also advises that the only media availability will be in a one hour block before the exercise, from 7:30am – 8:30am on April 26.

    Full statement below (link).

    Full-scale exercise focused on preparing for complex terror attacks to include National Capital Region first responders, emergency managers

    Law enforcement officials and other first responders will participate in a full-scale exercise on April 26 designed to prepare for the possibility of a complex coordinated terror attack in the National Capital Region.

    Emergency managers who work together at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) planned the exercise to help protect residents by preparing for an attack involving multiple target locations and teams of perpetrators.

    The regional exercise will be staged at six sites in the District of Columbia, suburban Maryland and Northern Virginia, and will involve hundreds of police, fire, and emergency medical service personnel and volunteer actors. The locations include neighborhoods in the northeast and southeast quadrants of the District of Columbia, Prince George’s County, and Arlington and Fairfax Counties.  Residents in those neighborhoods will be notified ahead of time to expect the exercise.

    “Law enforcement officials practice and exercise their skills on their own regularly because that’s the best way to ensure we are always ready to respond quickly and professionally,” said Scott Boggs, Managing Director of Homeland Security and Public Safety at COG. “On April 26, we’ll go one step further and stage a very realistic emergency event involving multiple sites and actors posing as the casualties.  However, there is no reason for residents to be alarmed because the exercise will occur in a controlled environment.”


    WHEN: Wednesday April 26, 7:30 – 8:30 A.M.

    WHERE: Maryland National Capital Park Police Headquarters, 8100 Corporate Drive, Hyattsville, MD 20785

    Contact: Jeanne Saddler
    Phone: (202) 962-3250
    Email: [email protected]

    h/t: @stockboardasset


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      1. A day……For the idiots in law enforcement, to play.

        My oh my…Aren’t we lucky.

        • I thought April 15th was the “National Day of Terror”?

        • Just another day to waste US resources on their False Flag Operations. They all need a Bullet to their skulls. The ONLY ENEMY the AMERICAN PEOPLE have is the US GOVERNMENT AND THEIR PHONEY POLICE STATE. PERIOD!!

      2. Just another day in Police-State Amerika.

        These aren’t the droids you’re looking for…move along.

        • I thought they just had a banker terrorist attack? Wasn’t that tax day Tuesday?

          • You’re right. We get terrorized every year!

        • Our stormtroopers in their outfits remind me of the characters in Space balls. A bunch of fracking dumbasses that have plenty of power, but no brains to think for themselves whatsoever.

        • Please share and wake up as many folk’s as you are able. God’s speed!

          June 16, 2016 Supreme Court Ruling: Police Have No Duty to Protect the General Public

          However, did you know that the government, and specifically law enforcement, does not have any duty to protect the general public? Based on the headline and this information, you might assume this is a new, landmark decision. However, it has long been the court’s stance that, essentially, the American people are responsible for taking case of their own personal safety.


          • Agent76, there are federal and state supreme court rulings going back 4 decades that I know of saying the same thing. SCOTUS has been very consistent on that issue. For more details on it, check out a book titled Dial 911 And Die, by Richard W. Stevens. A real eye-opener.

            • As a book reader myself I appreciate your recommendation Braveheart1776. In the meantime you should read this great article.

              May 6, 2016 How Much Liberty Do Americans Have Left?

              This post explains the liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights – the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution – and provides a scorecard on the extent of the loss of each right.


        • The stated Exercise is More Conditioning the public for FED Occupation. FED Goons with guns and toys.

          TSA is not for terrorist. Their checks are a Inept Joke. I have gotten more thorough screening going into a nightclub on bad side of Atlanta. TSA is JOKE.
          TSA is for YOU John Q Citizen. To condition you to submit to FED thugs groping your woman and your package. Prollov conditioning.

          The Washington DC drill is a practice for their Government induced False Flag Operation. More conditioning.
          If there is a terrible event, then the US Government and FBI was likely behind it.
          The biggest threat to your average citizen is some US government thug.
          Not some half assed wanna be fantasy world rag head in black pajamas with a cool kid black flag. Piss on those ass wipes.

          Come to Texas in black pajama’s and flags, and we will clean you out fast.
          Two ass wipes tried to do idiocy at art show. They had Rifles. Cop only had side arm, Dropped their ass quick. That is what happens when you muck about in Texas. Act stupid and get dropped. Ooo rah.
          My twelve year old daughter can pick their rag head eyes out at 1200 yards. She likes shooting a Garand with open sights. I’m not kidding. She out shoots me with her great Grandad’s rifle. Wish I had her young eye sight.

          Again ISIS is little threat. If they do anything it is because CIA funded the op and likely planned it. How else would these “bad” guys in Syria get all those matchy matchy white Toyota trucks, ammo. magazines, and gear. The Intel agencies WANT A WAR. Are leading Trump into multiple wars.

          US Government is greatest threat to average person. Because they consider EVERY AMERICAN citizen their enemy to be snooped on, spied on, stolen from, robbed, beaten, bullied.

          Everything on Media is a Lie. Every word spoken by Politician is a damn LIE.
          Take care of your family. No one else will. But the government will rob and take your stuff.

          I’m good to go. My twelve year old daughter will keep the pajama boys piled up at distance.

          Go to War with Mexican Drug Cartels. Secure the USA Border. STOP ALLOWING foreign anti Americans into USA. STOP ALL IMMIGRATION.

          Question: Was Sandy Hook real? Or just another Obama False Flag? I can’t find accurate info. Net is damn confusing on issue. Consultant from Florida claims it is a False Flag, Guy seemed like expert in security field? Anyone here know truth? Is Sandy Hook shooter real?

          What about that Navy yard shooter? Is there a coup within Navy? Or was a dude just nuts? Please Let me know if anyone has real answers to questions. Thank you.

          • Anonymous, truer words were never spoken. Good post.

          • Sandy Hook was REAL. Friends of the family lost a child that day…don’t know about all of these other 1/2 baked situations, etc, etc.

            • “False-flag” doesn’t mean the atrocities don’t actually happen. It means that the official mainstream narrative about such an event–and the policy imposed on the people as a “response” to what that narrative says about the event–is the “false-flag”. It’s “false-flagged” to look like the thing that the powers-that-be want us all to bleat for them to go after “caused” it. Who surreptitiously equipped (as only a government agency could equip), trained (again, as only government would have the expertise to train for such execution–kids don’t have, nor can they self-master such abilities), and then had the accused assailant (drug-induced?) to conveniently destroy his computer so that evidence of how he had been clandestinely trained would not be traced?

          • Well-said and truly so, Anonymous!

      3. Meanwhile:
        In Oakland, CA a “mob of teens”** (estimates are 40 to 60 of them) swarmed a BART train and robbed several people, beat up a few, then vanished before the cops arrived. The transit police chief did, however, give a hand-wringing speech afterwards. And promised to get the rest of those security cameras installed as soon as possible.
        **Bay area media hasn’t said a word about the ethnic/racial makeup of the mob, my guess is it was a bunch of white Mormon kids… you know how unruly they can be.
        Arkansas, on the other hand, just switched on the ‘vacancy’ light at the Death Row Motel. The state executed two rapist/murderers in one day. Seems the arkies have a different sense of justice than the northern California lefties. Even if it did take about 15 years after conviction. Plus, they gotta use up that death serum before the expiration date.
        On a lighter note- I was listening to a stuttering televangelist the other day. He said, and I quote, “You ain’t seen n-n-n-nothin’ yet. B-B-B-Baby, you just ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”
        Now, who can argue with logic like that? It moved me so much I almost sent him some money….. almost.

        • Good ones Smokin’. I hear tell DHS is looking for an actor to portray Arch Duke Ferdinand. Gonna have him ride in an open convertible when they simulate the nuke strike.

        • I hope teenagers never try to rob me as I would be forced to kill them as I am not a defenseless sheep. It would really suck to do it but it would be on them.

          • Menzo, same here. Black teenagers really are a problem.

            • Blacks in general are a real problem. Society best wake up and see what is really going on within this damn country.

        • Smokin, if any of those young apes attacked me, they would’ve been needing to go to the emergency room.

          • LOL

      4. Hopefully the “terror attack” will result in lots of dead politicians. The more the better. And spare me the crap about hoping they’re all from one party or the other, party don’t make any difference anymore, they’re all scumbags.

        Come to think of it, a bunch of dead politicians isn’t a “terror attack” at all…it would be a PUBLIC SERVICE!!!!

      5. It seems that peace has been taken and fear has replaced it at all levels of society.

        Troublesome. Could see more people flipping out from an unfounded fear or overly paranoia.

        Be careful in public places.

      6. Seems like whenever there is a drill, the real thing happens shortly afterwards.

        • You nailed it right there that is precisely how the government thugs operate!

        • Typically the “drill” has often been the rehearsal before the live show.

      7. can’t wait
        fuck this dumb planet and everyone on it

        • ^LMAO!

        • I knew I was right to check and put some extra oil in all my weapons over the weekend.

      8. This stuff is a waste of time.

        No one is going to make a major coordinated terrorist attack on our country, or any other kind of major attack for that matter, and terrorists are known for a lack of coordination among each other (they usually don’t even know who each other is).

        Train for something more realistic, like a truck driving through a crowd or a gunman opening fire on in a nightclub or theater or something that actually happens in real life.

        • Anonymous

          911 sure looked like a coordinated to me and it sure looked organized, and well funded to me.

          With all do respects go back to bed, and wake up again.

          Law enforcement thank you for training hard to protect us.

      9. 9 Mexican states on alert after radioactive material stolen.


        • Iridium in some industrial x-ray equipment being carried in a pickup truck that was stolen.

          Not exactly something to worry about in general, as long as you don’t find and play with it, if anything the thieves may end up giving themselves some degree of radiation poisoning because they don’t know what it is they stole or how to handle it when they try to find out.

      10. And we have the possibility of solar flares from a recently opened big hole in the sun.

      11. please explain to me how constantly being forced to chose the lesser evil is actually a choice…………….evil is evil there is no lesser.Has long as the one party with two names controls US politics we will never be able to vote in change ……Look at Trump , we THOUGHT he was different but if you have been paying any attention you would have noticed by now he is not ,He filled his cabinet with the swamp swimmers Olympic team , has let Hillary roam free and is now going after Wikileaks instead………..He is starting to smell a lot like GW Bush and it cant be long before he goes the full Obama……….who incidentally is also still walking free after being caught in Watergate2.0 on steroids. .

        For over 50 years we have tried protesting boycotting petitioning and voting to effect real change , and it has done nothing but get us to here the eve of WWIII and a corporate /bankster owned government……………..the founding fathers not only warned us this day would come but knew the second amendment was the ONLY cure………Nothing will change without guns to their heads , why would it ? no one fears ‘peaceful’ lawful protest. any more than you would fear a 2 foot tall mugger armed with nothing but his flaccid penis .

        • Well said truth

      12. Apr 19, 2017 Operation Gotham Shield NYC & NJ on April 24th – 26th

        Just found out about Operation Gotham Shield in New York City and New Jersey on April 24th, 25th and 26th. I’m just trying to spread the word.


      13. Better trained than not,,,,

        • …and a window into their strategies.

      14. Libturd snowflakes love to dress up and play pretend.

      15. In the event of a terrorist attack:

        Grab your newborn baby and run like hell to get away from the monster who wants to puncture a hole through your babies skin and insert numerous germs, poisons, and toxic substances.


        __ this is not a drill


      16. I can’t help but wonder if the states would not be better off without DC.

        • …Would have always been better off. Most of the wars would have been avoided. Military alliance between the several United States is one thing. “Federal Union” (empire) for them to be already subjected under (under the ruse of being “defended from invasion”–while being already invaded by Feds, who are themselves foreign within any of the states!) is quite another.

      17. Did you know that NK has solid-fuel, submarine launched short-medium ranged Polaris type missiles…..it’s the the KN-11 launched from its Sinpo-class subs? And those missiles can be armed (and probably are) with nukes, in the 15-30kT yields. That means any coastal US city can be hit w/ a Hiroshima sized burst. Can you imagine NYC or LA hit w/ several of these.? The don’t need accuracy when their lobbed into a major US city. The casualties would be in the millions…And the USS Carl Vincent will arrive in Korean waters tomorrow. My God….Pray for the world. Its getting close.

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