A United States airbase in Syria has been struck by drones. This is the second time in a few days that Americans have been targeted in the Middle East.
Rroops at Rumalyn Landing Zone in northeastern Syria have been attacked by a drone, Reuters reported on Saturday, citing a U.S. defense official. This is definitely going to help ratchet up the tensions in the Middle East, as Israel and Palestine continue to battle it out.
Israel Doubles Down On Its Goal To Eliminate Hamas
“Initial reports do not indicate any injuries, however, medical evaluations are ongoing. We are currently conducting a damage assessment,” Reuters further reported, citing an unnamed US defense official on the Syrian drone strike.
Washington is expecting more attacks after some of its troops were wounded in the attack on Al-Asad Airbase, Axios wrote on Monday according to a report by RT. This comes as Israel has been bracing for an attack from Iran, following the assassination of Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran last week. While both the militant group and the Iranian leadership have blamed Israel for the killing, the Jewish state has neither confirmed nor denied any involvement, except to the U.S., allegedly.
Israel Admitted To U.S. That It Killed Hamas Leader, Ismail Haniyeh
The assassination and the killing of the senior military commander of the Iran-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah, Fuad Shukr, by Israel in a strike on Beirut, have fueled concern the conflict in Gaza was turning into a wider Middle East war.
The United States currently has 900 troops in Syria and 2,500 in neighboring Iraq, who it says are on a mission to advise and assist local forces trying to prevent a resurgence of Islamic State, which in 2014 seized large swaths of both countries but was later pushed back.
Iran Is Expected To Attack Israel SOON
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I don’t think Syria has ever given its permission for the US to even be in their country, let alone construct an air base.
Correct. In fact they have given their “anti-permission” to do it. They want us out but we won’t leave. The death of the empire might not be great for we Americans but it will be absolutely great for the world. Make Earth Great Again involves keeping the USA’s nose out of other people’s bizness!