This article was originally published by Daniel McAdams at The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.
According to a recent Axio-Ipsos poll, Americans are increasingly skeptical of the official case and death reports being served up by politicians and the mainstream media. Are we getting closer to the awakening needed to put an end to COVID tyranny?
Plus in today’s program: New York Times admits that lockdowns will kill more than COVID; What is happening to Australia; Houston Mayor threatens residents; the real danger to Americans is not COVID according to this important map. Watch today’s Liberty Report:
Ron Paul further questioned why Americans were so reluctant to wake up to what’s happening in a separate article:
Europeans Are Waking Up to Government Covid Tyranny. Why Are We Still Asleep?
Tens of thousands of Germans marched through Berlin on Saturday, proclaiming a “Day of Freedom” and demanding an end to government-mandated face masks and “social distancing.” The UK and Netherlands also saw large protests against their governments’ tyrannical actions in response to the coronavirus outbreak.
According to media accounts, the Berlin protesters held signs reading “We are being forced to wear a muzzle,” “Natural defense instead of vaccination,” and “We are making noise because you are stealing our freedom!”
Good for them!
The New York Times Tweeted that the masses of Berlin demonstrators were all “Nazis” and “conspiracy theorists.” Does the “paper of record” really want us to believe there were perhaps a million Nazis active in the streets of Berlin? Wouldn’t that be alarming?
The fact is, Europeans are realizing that their government-mandated lockdowns did little or nothing to protect them from the virus, while causing economic catastrophe and untold human suffering.
They likely looked around and noticed that Sweden, which never locked down its economy, rejected face masks, and kept its restaurants and other places of business open, did not fare any worse than the countries that have been turned into open air prisons for much of the year. In fact, Sweden had a lower death rate from the virus than strict lockdown states like the UK and France. No wonder people are starting to get angry.
Unfortunately, while the Europeans are waking up, Americans are still asleep as our freedoms continue to be trampled. While Europeans demand an end to government tyranny, here we see states with minuscule new deaths returning to lockdown. It is as if all the wannabe tyrants from mayors to governors are finally realizing their secret dreams of ruling by decree. Their dreams are our nightmares!
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When testing is increased, the number of cases will go up? Why do they say that? Maybe a certain percentage of the testing swabs are seeded with the virus. More testing could show the number of cases going down if that was the case, but more testing always shows more cases. Interesting!!
In the US the government is incentivizing for every case they “diagnose” they get thirteen thousand dollars? And you wonder why the numbers are skewed? Wake up!