The outgoing Biden administration has drafted plans to “help” incoming tyrant, Donald Trump with the enchantment of the United States’ nuclear forces. When it comes to war, the sociopaths in power have no problem working together.
Biden administration officials told the Wall Street Journal that this policy focuses on developing advanced non-nuclear systems and forging deeper ties with allies in Asia and Europe. However, the Pentagon “is also preparing options to deploy more nuclear warheads should those efforts prove insufficient,” or in the event that arms-control diplomacy falls flat, or delays occur in fielding new U.S. nuclear systems, the written plan said.
According to the plans, ruler Joe Biden signed a classified nuclear weapons directive earlier this year, ordering the Pentagon to “develop options to simultaneously deter aggression” from the other nuclear powers.
One senior WSJ source warned that, “if current trends continue in the negative direction with Russia saying ‘no’ to arms control, China building up and North Korea building up, there may be a need to increase the number of deployed US nuclear weapons in the future.”
However, the outlet noted that the final decision on whether the US needs to bolster its nuclear posture would depend on the approach of Trump, who will officially take office in January. The Republican will have some “ready options” on the table, including adding warheads to Minuteman III ICBM missiles, deploying additional submarine-based nuclear weapons, or resuming the development of a submarine that carries nuclear-armed cruise missiles. –RT
The U.S. has been attempting to bolster South Korea’s nuclear weapon supply as well.
U.S. Is Ready To “Support” South Korea With Nuclear Weapons
One thing that the U.S. left and right always seem to agree on, is bombing others and being “prepared” to bomb others with increasingly vile weaponry.
While Biden said in October that the U.S. was ready for nuclear talks with Russia without any preconditions, Moscow has dismissed the statement as “deception” and a ruse. Russia claimed the “talks” were mentioned merely to score more political points to fuel the Democrats’ election campaign. Russian officials have also said that tackling such an issue was impossible without taking into account the overall security landscape.
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