A senator in the United States says he “won’t rule out” attacking Russia with a nuclear weapon. Republican Mississippi Senator Roger Wicker said it was a possibility if there was a conflict with Ukraine.
“I would not rule out military action. I think we start making a mistake when we take options off the table, so I would hope the president keeps that option on the table,” said Wicker about a potential standoff with Russia to Fox News’s Neil Cavuto on Tuesday.
On Fox News, Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS) floats the idea of bombing Russian military assets — and says he wouldn't even rule out a nuclear strike pic.twitter.com/I6SatMy6hi
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) December 7, 2021
Isn’t it interesting how the rulers talk about war, destruction, and death so freely and easily when they aren’t the ones that are going to do the damage or be on the front lines? When Cavuto asked what military action against Russia would comprise, Wicker said it could mean “that we standoff with our ships in the Black Sea and we rain destruction on Russian military capability.” But he also warned that isn’t all the U.S. is considering. “I would not rule out American troops on the ground,” the senator declared, adding that the US also shouldn’t “rule out first use nuclear action” against Russia, according to a report by RT.
“We don’t think it will happen, but there’s certain things in negotiations if you’re going to be tough that you don’t take off the table, and so I think the president should say that everything is on the table,” Wicker added. Luckily, Wicker was immediately called a “bloodthirsty” and “insane” lunatic. Rightly so too. Using nuclear weapons shouldn’t even be a consideration.
The GOP is so bloodthirsty that they are ready to bring WW3 & unleashing nuclear winter on us while denying people their positions to protect us from these very things. This is damn dangerous. https://t.co/uO9nW1MEnp
— Russell Foster A New Texas (@RussellFosterTX) December 7, 2021
The ruling class is becoming increasingly unhinged. We had better hope people begin to think and act in a more moral manner toward their fellow humans, or those marching off to war will bear the brunt of the punishment for following the orders of these sociopaths. While many took Wicker’s words as crazy, others sadly, backed him up.
Republican Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger, however, backed Wicker’s call for all cards to be on the table. “Russia advances till they hit a brick wall. We can be the brick wall, or we can retreat from the Sudetenland and hope he doesn’t intend to rebuild ALL the Soviet Union. History repeats itself but we always deny it’s happening,” Kinzinger declared, according to RT.
War Hawk From The Trump Era Warns That The US Should “Prepare For A Limited War” With China
This rhetoric is crossing into dangerous territory when a psychopath in the ruling class talks of nuking others on a different plantation. Always choose to do the right thing. It’s getting interesting out there, and all we have left to fight against this tyrannical slave planet is our humanity.
I know people who voted for Biden because they were convinced Trump was going to get us involved in a war and Biden would prevent that happening.
Wonder if we’ll find out someday, the world’s looking a little tense lately.
Russia gets a bye (of sorts) but China doesn’t? Not supporting war with Russia but tacitly supporting war with China, isn’t rational.
Sure, Russia has 6,400 nukes and China only 300 or so, but its not about Chinese weakness, its about racism against the Chinese.
Russians are white, though in racist terms Slavs were classed as an inferior kind of white.
Face the obvious – European Globalist Socialists were right there with COVID-1984 ready to go. They unleashed COVID-19 in Wuhan, knowing it would hit the USA eventually, and knowing they could inflame racism against the Chinese.
Globalist Socialism is modeled near-exactly to Nazi National Socialism. Hitler was a Rothschild pawn, albeit a wild one who dallied to conquer Europe first before attacking Russia like he was supposed to.
The Reich’s Aryan Card certification system included honorary white status for useful Jews and other minorities, just as Globalist Socialism is superficially ‘inclusive’.
A China-U.S. war is ‘safe’ for Europe, assuming its contained to a limited war primarily using EMP nukes. Although that’s a fantasy, we’re on the firing line either way.
The endgame of a China war will less be to win, but to isolate China as North Korea has been isolated, in a forever state of war. All it takes is the declaration, and maybe some token hot action before an armistice is called.
The ultimate prize will be Western conquest of Russia, but that’s a long way off, having more value as a pretext than a real goal.
Generations will experience the novel 1984, for real. If you think COVID-1984 is bad, wait till Globalist Socialism has the pretext of an unfinished and unfinishable war with China.
Russia gets a bye (of sorts) but China doesn’t? Not supporting war with Russia but tacitly supporting war with China, isn’t rational.
Sure, Russia has 6,400 nukes and China only 300 or so, but its not about Chinese weakness, its about racism against the Chinese.
Russians are white, though in racist terms Slavs were classed as an inferior kind of white.
Face the obvious – European Globalist Socialists were right there with COVID-1984 ready to go. They unleashed COVID-19 in Wuhan, knowing it would hit the USA eventually, and knowing they could inflame racism against the Chinese.
Globalist Socialism is modeled near-exactly after Nazi National Socialism. Hitler was likely a Rothschild pawn, albeit a wild one who dallied to conquer Europe first before attacking Russia like he was supposed to.
The Reich’s Aryan Card certification system included honorary white status for useful Jews and other minorities, just as Globalist Socialism is superficially ‘inclusive’.
A China-U.S. war is ‘safe’ for Europe, assuming its contained to a limited war primarily using EMP nukes. Although that’s a fantasy, we’re on the firing line either way.
The endgame of a China war will less be to win, but to isolate China as North Korea has been isolated, in a forever state of war. All it takes is the declaration, and maybe some token hot action before an armistice is called.
The ultimate prize will be Western conquest of Russia, but that’s a long way off, having more value as a pretext than a real goal.
Generations will experience the novel 1984, for real. If you think COVID-1984 is bad, wait till Globalist Socialism has the pretext of an unfinished and unfinishable war with China.
Unbelievable! We cannot beat goat herders in Afghanistan after 20 years of trying, and cannot build our own rocket engines, and we are going to possibly nuke Russia??!! Let me guess, they’re going to win as well!!
The level of stupidity and misplaced hubris is simply amazing!
This is not stupidity, it is part of a plan long in the making. In case you haven’t noticed, TPTB have declared war on you. NONE of this crap is stupidity or accident. It is foisted in a way that you think the politicians are idiots (they are) and to blame when reality is they are owned and just follow orders. You don’t even know the names or faces of the people that really run the show. It’s all just a dog and pony show to make you blame the bottom rung puppets.
Russia got defeated by the same goat herders after a 9 year war.
There might be something to be learned from goat herders.
Guess I’ll get me some goats! 😀
Goat meat is 3 times more nutritious ounce for ounce than beef. And with very poor forage they thrive. Our goats would eat tin cans if what had been in the can smelled good.
I spent a lot of time in Afghanistan. It was very beautiful not that long ago. Steeped in history going back some 10,000 years. To describe the Afghanis as “goat herders” is typical Americanese; pure unadulterated ignorance. The Mujahadeen were given stinger missiles, this became the bane of the USSR’s efforts in Afghanistan to shut down the United States opium/heroin operations. The heroin was being smuggled into the USSR in efforts to destabilize the USSR. The heroin operations have continued under supervision of the US and the heroin has been used to destabilize the US (among other places) by Americans (our homegrown lecherous, treacherous, traitorous rat bastards/bitches) domestic terrorists. Besides, it’s a trillion dollar cash cow.
The entire US Cuntgress is a criminal mob. A single “limited atomic strike” on Russia would mean the end of the world. A single Russian MIRV can obliterate Boston to Baltimore – Pittsburgh to some point out into the Atlantic Ocean. These cuntgress people like wicker should be dispatched; they’re psychopaths and extremely dangerous sociopaths (besides being a bunch of fuggin liars, cheats, petty tyrants and thieves).
The US has become the “little super power that can’t”; produce socks, underwear, chicken Mcshittynuggets, surgical instruments, machine tools, college edumacated “literate” graduates…..
You don’t think they can shoot nukes back at us you dimwit?
Great comment, this dimwit is on the level of the stupid congress-critter that thought the island of Guam would flip over if all the people got on one side of the island (like a tiddlywink). How do these people live from day-to-day. I come from a long line of farmers – you just can’t live in that environment if you are at that level of stupidity.
Require voter-IDs and pay attention for whom you vote.
Isn’t there some kind of international law that makes it illegal for politicians of any nation to threaten to attack another nation without any provocation?
Russia can help itself and the world by targeting those that hide in the dark with there money and power. They did it with the Rothchilds . They could also do it with their proxy nations to deflect any repercussions from the backwash .Any way they choose will sure be helpful.
What did the goat herder say …while watching over his flock at night?
Thanks for the NV goggles.
This scenator is a maniac, a fool, and a sociopath. He, and those who think like him don’t speak for me, So whatever they do, they’re not doing it for me, don’t do it in my name. How can someone be so detached from reality to think if the US hits Russia with a nuke they won’t do the same to us. This is truly the craziest thing I’ve heard yet. Who in their right mind would think it’s a good idea to start lobbing nukes. These maniac politicians are willing to sacrifice untold numbers of Americans to defend the border of another country 6 thousand miles away, but won’t defend our own borders. My GOD, I keep saying we don’t have a republic, out gov’t is a kakistocracy, a gov’t of the worst people our society has to offer.
These .gov scum advocating a nuclear holocaust should shown a short rope and a tall tree. Courtesy of Bill Clinton and the Republican-controlled CONgress they gave us Permanent Normal Trade Relations with the Chicoms. PNTR removed nearly all tariff and trade restrictions on product manufactured in Communist China. Entire FUSA factories were shipped lock, stock and barrel to the communists. Corporate Amerika paid the politicians to enact this treason upon America. Thousands of factories were closed. Millions of FUSA citizens directly and indirectly lost their jobs; their livelihoods. Those red-blooded “Americans” bought the Chicom garbage creating a five TRILLION (do you know how many zeroes are in a trillion ?) trade deficit with the Red Chinese !
Consequently, little if anything is manufactured in this once great nation. We cannot feed or clothe ourselves any longer. Thirty-five percent of all foodstuffs consumed in FUSA are provided by the ChiComs ! Batteries of all kinds and sizes are made in Red China, Vietnam, Pakistan and many 3rd world nations; not in yesterday’s USA.
Today’s “woke” military cannot function without batteries sourced from outside our borders (Oops forgot. We have no borders any longer). Our textile industry has been long gone destroyed over 20+ years ago. Medications, vitamins and a host of medical devices are made by the ChiComs and their 3rd World proteges. As much as 20% of the parts/assemblies contained in some General Motors vehicles are manufactured in the Peoples Republic of China ! Hell, one cannot buy brakes or a radiator made by the ChiComs and their New World Order compatriots.
So. Can any of these treasonous and seditious CONgress critters tell us HOW we are going to nuke the hand that literally FEEDS us, the ChiComs ?
If one is looking to blame any one entity for the unfolding debacle that is today’s FORMER United States of America, look in the mirror ! YOU have contributed to the decline of Amerika. One can blame themselves. Our many, many citizen fools elected scum to run Amerika. Thanks to you, the career politicians from dogcatcher to the Oval Office, HAVE ran the United States of America. They have ran this nation into the GROUND ! ! !
If the shoe fits wear it.
Prepare yourself as best as you can. Make Peace with our Lord. And GUN UP !
i have something for you guys to think about that im having a hard time finding information about . but if explored more this could be the biggest story in years besides whats already happening now, but allow me to try and explain what i mean.
believe me or not is up to you, but i believe theres news that nobody is thinking about thats really important. okay so we know theres a secret boys club that controls the 99 .well its my belief that they have the world fooled into believing the tribulation period is almost here, the antichrist is coming. well if you think about it, i t sounds like these secret boys clubs are fooling the world into believing whaty their doing in secret is actually bible prophecy , so its alll meant to happen , its destiny, you cant fight whats fortold in the bible. but if you look at the way the illuminati infiltrated the church along time ago, i heard the author of left behind has ties to illuminati.. i guess whaty im trying tosay is,, if you believe the end times already happened inthe past then your correct. this belief was known throughout the world for 1600 years and then all of a sudden a certain family comes to power and they start growing like cockroaches. its my understanding they changed the preterist view of sccripture to say that the end times happenes a generation after the rebirth of isreal. well whazt happened in 1948 isreal was created and this bible prophecy has been fullfilled. however when you do your homework you see that the very people who put is-real on the map was Illuminati
also i just learned that the creation of isreal by these people is a total fraud. God didnt call them back, they didn’t repent and except Jesus. todays isreal is no different then any other pegan nation. its all a lie, just like the flat earth belief. this i believe is important, because in my heart i feel like theres to many christians who are blind and in a spell that these globalist have created for our nation. we need to try and wake up people to this fact… please read brian godawa end times its not what they told you its information warfare wake up
We have super-sonic missiles. Russia has hyper-sonic missiles. I am guessing aim at Washington DC. That could actually solve a lot of Americas current problems.
Is the Biden administration stupid enough to try this? Only time will tell, if you are around to see it.
So one of the big mouth vaxxtards at WaPoo “died unexpectedly” of heart problems. He and his neocon pals gave us the phony Russiagate stories as well. And he cheered the bombing of civilians in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Another anti gun, Zionist warmonger pushing the 9-11 propaganda. Fred Hiatt was a proponent of FORCED JABBIES, open borders and hate speech laws. He was almost as evil as Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romney…
Remember North Korea, the war that never ended.
All it takes is a hot moment of war between the U.S. and Russia or the US. and China – or both – and we’re locked into 1984, for real.
A quick armistice will be called but no peace treaty ever signed.
Then we’re at war forever, under a forever police state pretexted on that war.
COVID-1984 was just the beginning.
This is the US trying to provoke Russia to start the war. They are picking a fight to make an excuse to get the war started that they could not make happen when Obozo was in office.
Let’s not leave out the appropriate adjectives when describing the speaker. It should read “A very STUPID senator…..” There is NO excuse for this kind of irresponsible rhetoric. Where the hell did you go to school senator? We need a cretin-test so we can weed out the idiots. If you don’t know what the problem is with this type of statement – there is NO help for you. Semper Fidelis.