The agenda no longer needs to be hidden from public view. With President Obama winning another term and democrats taking control of the Senate, the move to fundamentally change America from within has begun – with a vengeance.
We’re all aware of the restrictive gun laws in the State of California which require low capacity magazines for handguns, fixed magazines for “assault” rifles, and a whole lot of running around just to be granted the right to carry a concealed firearm.
Now, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who has championed gun control in her state for decades and co-wrote the original assault weapons ban enacted by the federal government in the 1990’s, wishes to bring even more stringent federal mandates to the land of the free.
What is being proposed by Feinstein is the most significant attack on the second amendment in history.
It would essentially ban thousands of firearms and require gun owners to turn them over to the Federal government.
I don’t have the minutes of the meeting (yet), but sources tell me California Senator and longtime gun-hater Dianne Feinstein’s legal staff held meetings on Friday with FTB/ATF legal staff to discuss a new “Assault Weapons Ban” Madame Feinstein would be looking to push through Congress if President Obama wins reelection.
This same “pretty good intelligence” says the items that would lead to a ban would ban pistol grips and “high-capacity” magazines, eliminate any grandfathering and ban sales of “weapons in possession”.
I don’t know about you, but if these things come to pass and I’m “in possession” I’m certainly not selling.
In fact, the lack of interest in the idea surprised the California liberal’s legal staffers. Apparently, they believe no logical person could possible disagree with them.
I began receiving the first reports of increases in gun buying by people concerned about tomorrow’s election. Dealers in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama and Indiana all tell me there hasn’t been a huge number of buyers expressing those concerns, but the numbers were noticeable.
Among that group -and the majority of “regular” purchasers- the core driving most of the purchasing seem to be in their mid-to-late 30s. Again, home and personal defense are the most frequently cited reasons for buying.
Source: Shooting Wire
At a Congressional budget meeting in September of this year, Feinstein alluded to her desire to reintroduce federal assault weapons ban regulations similar to those she helped cosponsor and pass in 1994 during the Presidency of Bill Clinton:
“Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to say, once again, in legislation, weapons of war do not belong on our streets…”
September 5, 2012
Is it any wonder that shares of stocks like Smith & Wesson and Ruger surged this morning in response to President Obama winning a second term? While the majority of stocks across the world are in the midst of a sell-off and economic conditions indicate the country is in a recession, America’s gun owners aren’t waiting to see what happens next.
Senator Feinstein is serious, and despite this most recent report appearing only as a rumor, her comments earlier this year and her actions two decades ago, should leave no question as to where this is headed.
They are coming for our guns; plain and simple.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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Read Bracken and you will know the future of America pretty darned well. He has it about as right as one can get it.
Seat belt…check. Helmet….check. Preps…check. Buckle up, this is going to be a bumpy ride…stay awake and keep your wits about you. And above all, believe that there’s a way out of this mess. btw: Market tumbles today. Nope, couldn’t see that coming at all (w/ sarcasm on). Cheers.
I can’t see this getting passed in Congress. But, there is always the “auto pen” or a U.N. mandate.
According to a recent executive order, (see below) we must now OBEY international regulations as dictated by the U.N.
Does this mean “international law” will take precedence over our laws and Constitution?
Remember this…
May 1 – Obama Signs Executive Order Declaring U.S. to Follow International Regulations
Promoting International Regulatory Cooperation – 5/1/2012
Obama: “The Best is Yet to Come”
(“Now the REAL work can begin.”)
REUTERS: ‘Victory puts Obama in position to expand government’s reach’
Accelerating the March Toward One World Governance
The Master Race is getting very nervous about he awakening of the ‘goyim.’ Of course the tribe’s banksters and ‘machers’ want to disarm us.
fuck them and fuck you diane feinsteinand I mean it you stupid bitch and I mean stupid!!! this is not just your country its the people’s country stupid cunt!! you can shut the fuck up. This is our country and you in my book are treading on our 2nd admendment clearly. ATF and whoever wants to record this are in clear violation of our rights and you are the traitors and we must protect our law and rights at any cost!!! you are the liars and thiefs and traitors who lied to the people to get into office. you have caused the problems in this country. We will not obey to this! We will all bond together on this stronger than ever. Go to hell
Molon Labe traitors! Come get some.
Hey clint, please don’t hold back your thoughts and emotions, you are confusing us!
Totally agree man!!!
GET SOME!!! My rifle says bring it on witch
What was that? I didn’t quite catch your meaning 🙂 We have to have each others’ backs.
On top of this I think I heard on rush about 6 months ago she was talking about ak-47’s saying something like “lets ban the ak’s with black synthetic stocks but not the wooden stocks, they look pretty and don’t look that threatning.” Something to that extent. If this is true she is one dumb work of art. Hey stupid bitch treading on our rights, don’t you know they are the same gun and makes no difference what color or type of stock is on the gun, shoots the same.
My God when I heard this it was unreal to believe someone is that stupid! Hey stupid bitch why don’t you and Obama,Reid,Pelosi,Maxine watters,debbie does obama shultz and every jessie jackson JR, Senior, adobted,dead and toddler jacksons and elizabeth warren go to fantasyland and take your deadbeats asses and stay there. We don’t need any of you idiots. Like to see all you work at dunkin donuts.
I reposted this but– Print some pictures of diane and Obama saying this is what they wanna do and post at gun shops and start spreading this. gun owners will absolutely allow you to post a page or 2 at their shops. it threatens their business and want to know whats going on and a lot of people that buy guns are not as engaged as us and dont know this since MSM does not post this stuff. good poing braveheart! I’m going to do this here in The midwest tomorrow if I can find the acutal article. Sure it will be out very soon since obama gets off his vacation he is taking again.
people are so stupid voting for a liberal. do they realize that without businesses doing good more jobs are going to lay off or fire people. Big deep cycle thats going to happen. Please preps or even new preps you dont have to go nuts on prepping but at least have a couple months of food and enough water to take care of yourself. you can never be too prepared and that goes with weapons and with all these deadbeats wanting to loot your home or your family.
Watch yourself in the streets and always be aware. Women you can absolutely take care of yourself with just a 3-4 inch knife like a spyderco or any sharp knive. Women if a man grabs you all you have to do is pull out a knive and This will not sound nice but all you have to do is take your knive and slice the perp straight across the ab area and his whole guts and small intestines will come out and its over for him. its like poking thru a hard orange and going straight across the whole area. doesnt take much and dont be afraid of this. It will be all over B4 you know it. This works. you have nothing to be afraid of!
IF your in a headlock or a chokehold you still can use your right hand and pull your knive out and stab them in the leg or possibly in the abs to drop them or slice them right across the arm and they will lose all control of the arm. must be done quickly and you have only less than 5 sec but practice and do it quickly and can save your life. Dont be afraid. you should be angry and focused when this happens! Cant be scared. you dont always have to be in this mode. but if you know your in a bad area, think about this and get into this mindset when in bad area. can save your life from rape or other things. that is my tip of the day to women or men. I knive is great for defense and many dont expect it!!!!!
Someone told me to use spaces and I did now, hope that helps making what I read easier. Im bad at writing.
In the news this morning…
“Hours after U.S. President Barack Obama was re-elected, the United States backed a U.N. committee’s call on Wednesday to renew debate over a draft international treaty to regulate the $70 billion global conventional arms trade.
U.N. delegates and gun control activists have complained that talks collapsed in July largely because Obama feared attacks from Republican rival Mitt Romney if his administration was seen as supporting the pact…”
Direct link…
Boy, isn’t she ugly? jay, people like her, pukelosi, etc..they’ll never face us, they’ll have a buffer between them and us.
I agree with Clint 100%. And as Americans we need to ban together. Dont be fooled, everyone of them in the white house is a traitor. They HATE America and what we stand for. D. Feinstein needs to retire she is waaaay to old. Our 2nd admendment means nothing to her. Remember people the goverment works for us!!!!!!!!!!!
Hah-Hah, I showed my wife your post. It sounds exactly like my rants at the television. I am leaving California after staying for a job after the service. I still have that good paying hobbit can’t stay here anymore
Read and prepare accordingly.
Howdy clint,
A thought just occured to me, you might ‘like’ this;
“Diane Finkelstein” = “Dyin’ Frankenface”
There you are, a happy thought for the day!
Note: I don’t usually apply ‘ad hominem’ tactics but in this case I’ll make an exception!
Here are a couple about ol’ Sour Puss and her guns.
And another.
I think I’ll print a couple of targets of her ugly face and try out my new AR-15 tomorrow.
This Feinstein cunt has her head up her ass if she thinks those of us who want to keepour guns will ever give them up to a soliali like her–unless she comes knocking personally on my door and asks very nicely that is lol.
she should be arrested for being possibly the biggest idiot this great country has seen. She may be even dumber than FDR.
Thank you for your posts, keeping people aware of these issues.
You are welcome! 🙂
I have learned so much from the articles and posts here. I try to contribute something to the discussion.
KY Mom
this wont get past the house or represenatives…
WALLY,those slime you think are going to protect the rights of the people are nothing but lying whores,they have already sold you and your family down the shitter years ago,look into EO march 16 ,2012,there’s your proof………………….
E.O! Bypass congress, then congress has 60 days to challenge an E.O. But congress has never challenged an E.O. before.
Per congress not challenging an E.O.
Fine…I will!
Thru the cross-hairs of a Leupold Tactical scope!
Let their JBTs come!
It may be true that the Congress has not challenged an Executive Order, but the US Supreme Court has, twice. Once during the Clinton Administration and once during the Truman Administration. If any Executive Order is seen as illegal. The US Supreme Court can bring about legal actions and thus leading to Congressional hearings and even impeachment. If they come after our guns I see the Supreme Court doing something about it. It is believed, and of course this is an estimate, that there are some 100 million gun owners in this country. That is a huge number. It is also believed that nearly 90% of those people have weapons that could be banned. I highly doubt that the government would get very far before they meet overwhelming opposition. Then we can drag all politicians that are guilty out into the street and set the example of what will happen if they take our freedoms.
I would love to see their (politicians) sorry asses drug out in the streets
WE have a lot of traitors in colorado,and I bought 100ft. of new ROPE just for them,it should support 1000 lbs.weight at a fall,but I really do think they should be nailed to a TREE,and have their skin removed,and left for the poor straving animals to eat………………..
In one year we will not recognize this country. Think it is bad now? we ain’t seen nothing yet.
After the results of the election came in, all I could see in my mind was the picture that we saw right after 9/11…..the one with the eagle shedding a single tear. The picture is no longer posted around the office, etc. but it is time to get it back out.
I’ll take Executive Order for 200 dollars!
That’ll make all guns illegal usurping Congress and all our paper laws that are ignored anyways..
Either turn in your weapons or
face incarceration
seizure of all property
and fema for all your family
the choice is yours
and after you do comply
you’re off to fema camp anyways..lol
HAROLD,you are right,but you did forget what they been bragging about,these sick slime are bragging there going to feed the children in the fema camps to their guard dogs,THIS should be more then a good enough reason to fight these slime ,we plan to feed every soldier coming to our area to our dogs, one piece at a time………………
THAT buffer they talk about,the one between government,and the people being robbed and killed by the government,IS none other then the terrorist gang known as THE POLICE GANG,so remember when its time to round these criminals up ,the police gang work for them and aways have,DON’T think for a second they will be on your side,THEY WON’T………………..
Executive order.
You are so right on—This will be implemented through the UN
KY Mom: Signing any EO saying that the U.S. will follow international regulations is about as useless as signing a petition in high school=pretty damn meaningless. The Constitution is the supremem law of the land and the President, EO, or not can’t override it, period. The U.N. tready on arms sales everyone is worried about must be passed by a 2/3 majority in the Senate before becoming law. That’s 67 senators have to vote for it and they don’t have nearly enough. Now having the BATFE change the rules of the game is another matter. By law but all proposed changes must be open for a certain period to allow for public comment. This allows groups like the NRA, GOA, and others to comment on them and challenge them before a judge if necessary. A change in rules could take months if not years should one or mone interest groups persue it through the court system. Lastly, if this administration tries to do what Clinton did, it has to go through both houses of congress and the Republicans still control the House. Last time is was the Democrats and the Speaker was Tom Foley who pushed it through the House, who promptly lost his seat to Republican in a district that hadn’t had one in over 50 years. None the less, we still need to be watchful and continue with our preps.
Wrong, if the president signs it and congress doesn’t act, it automatically has the full force and effect of law.
The UN Arms Treaty already passed. A couple months ago..when nobody was looking.
The Vienna Convention, which the US signed, specifies that any international treaty signed by the representative of a nation (the President, or Secretary of State in the US), must be implemented without hindrance unless rejected by that government’s representatives (the Congress in the US). All Harry Reid has to do is refuse to allow a motion to reject a treaty to get to the floor of the Senate and it will become the law of the land, trumping federal, state and local laws and any judicial ruling (including the Supreme Court in the US). _
I hope you don’t mind but I’ve GOT to post this to FB!!!
Do Not Post to Facebook!!!!!!!!!! Don’t use Google. They are profiling us, they have been for the past year or so. My articles regarding Obama and his executive orders, impeachment bill and other negative articles were deleted by FB. Either their being deleted or not being “seen” by my friends. Stay away from FB. If what we all think is coming down the pipeline, don’t let yourself be know that you are Pro America and not an Obama Supporter on FB, Google and watch what you say on the cell phones. After all the research I’ve done the past month, I’m scared, very scared. I’m a married woman with a daughter and I could not imagine why anyone in this country would vote for a man that is going to destroy this country. Wake up America! Everyone will wake up when its too late!! For all of those that know what’s going to happen, we need to prepare ourselves. Stay vigilant. The terrorist is in our backyard, the POTUS.
the civil war has begun… are you ready!?!?!
Feinstein looks like Hitler’s daughter. I say its time to force California to secede so they can set up their own idiocracy. Puerto Rico could come in so there will still be 50 stars on the flag plus they would have a much easier to handle social issue.
Not ALL of the market was tumbling today: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2012-11-07/two-rays-hope-collapsing-market
I don’t believe that many will surrender their guns. If they have such weapons as “assault rifles”, they know their purpose for being protected in Law.
Ignorance of the law is no defense, ignoring the unlawful dictate is a duty.
would dsomeone please explain to me what an assault weapon is??????could it possible be the stick i hit you over the head with?? or the rock i throw at ya?
According to the Dept Of Defense definition, an “assault weapon” is a semiautomatic firearm with the capability to switch to fully automatic.
So those AK47’s and AR15’s many folks have are NOT “assault weapons” by definition because they are semiautomatic only. In much the same sense the old M1 Garand is a battle rifle, not an “assault weapon”.
To me, anything one uses to assault with is an assault weapon, such as a Bic pen thrust to the throat. Hey Feinstein, going to ban ball point pens too???
Would you provide a link to where the definition is found?
I agree but I do have to say that ” Fienstien is one ugly woman, or is she just a ugly man ? “
man or woman would assume “human”. No way in hell, is my response to the idea that Feinstein is of the species homo sapiens
What a horrid wretch. I was going to say it was a face that only a mother could love but that would be a reach.
Locator, this morning, on the way to work, I encountered 2 homeland security guys at the convient store. Asked them if their badge supercides mine. They asked what is mine? I replied the 2nd amendment. They were speachless (dumb founded). Smiled as I left.
Fiensteen is neither human, he or she. IT is an asexual troll.
Her uglyness IS what is meant in Christs Parable of the Wheat And Tares…Read it fully.
The Good land owners field workers planted His wheat seeds. Then its dark and late so workers go to bed etc…A couple go into the fields again and see that now besides wheat there are Also “Tares”(weeds that appear same as wheat, so close in apearance need an expert to tell difference).
Woried, the workermen go tell the rich landowner. Workers ask Him..”Should be go imidiatly to Uproot them tares/weeds?”
Owner tells the workers NO! You must wait untill the time for Harvest, as thats when its all Matured(wheat And tare weeds both)…Because Only when fully Matured is it Very easy for even an amature to see difference between wheat, and tare weeds.
After Jesus spoke this parable, His apostles asked.”Lord you confuse us with such difficult parables, tell us what did you mean by all that?”
JESUS: I speak in parables so as to confuse those who are Not called, so They wont get wise to my true plans etc…
As for the wheat vs tares/weeds …This is what it truely means…The rich Land owner/employer of field workers IS GOD the Father…His land/fields IS entire land on earth.
The Field workers are Gods Good Children, but the Evil one who crept in after Dark/nite…And who planted his “Bad”/evil seeds aka tares or weeds is the DEVIL! Satan!
Satan planted his bad weed seed(evil children of the devil or Serphant Seed offspring in book of Genisis garden of eden etc).
Reason workers(good children) are told wait till harvest time when all plants are Matured. Is to make CERTAIN that ZERO colatoral dammage or harm occures to the Wheat plants(wheat=Gods children and children of field workers who plant their seeds aka childrens Human fathers etc).
Once Mature all workers will be able to eaisily determine which are wheat and which are tares(devils seed aka offspring back since eden aka satans kids/evil ones)
NOW! How this applies to Finestien?…Easy…In garden of eden God cursed satan and said “I(God) will put Enmity(devisions and hatred) between Your seed(satans) and the Womans seed(Eves aka Gods good kids).
to see what it means?…Jump fwd to Jesus tells pharisee rabbi’s and their jew followers “Ye(you) Are of Your Father the DEVIL/Satan!…He(satan) is a Liar-Thief and Murderer and been so since the VERY begining!(garden of eden aka begining of mankind).You(jews) Will Do the Lusts of Your father the Devil.(Lie swindle Murders).
Who/What is Finestien?…She is a jew aka an askenazi Khazer jew probobly russian or polish persuassions.
And also a Rabid Zionist(rabid seperatist racist jews who subscribe to Talmude teachings etc).
So Dianes massive distorted facial features, also so evident on vast majority of her “tribe” is Now so much more evident because obviously We/the world…Are Fast aproaching the HARVEST time!
When it will be super easy to tell which kids(Gods vs Satans) are which so NONE of Gods good called ones(elect aka christians) get taken Out!
Jesus said at end of parable, the Tares/weeds will get UP rooted, Roots and all(so never agan can sprout!) and His workers and angels will bundle them tare weeds together into bundles and TOSS em ALL into the Fire(Hell fires).
BUT: As for the WHEAT(Christain saved elect ones) They will be taken Into My Fathers(Gods) Storehouses and not a one shall be harmed!(Gods storehouses= Heaven on Earth etc)’
Now you know why She, finestien and her brethren tribe who at first glance can be mistaken for “White folks”(they do have causasion, mixed with Edomite/Turkish and Hunn/attilla hun and Asian Mongrol) are Really Khazer jewish folks aka Satans evil seeds since garden of eden era!
6000 years of it soon comming to a showdown!..PS We the Wheats WIN!!!!!!…pss I concure, yes she IS an ugly wench no if ands or butts about it.
Check out more of their group…Greenspan? Shumer? Liberman? Boxer(shudder!) ET AL etc etc.
This Parable is also swell as Bedtime storys for small kiddies by Moms and Dads who Care!
Angelo, the caucasians are from the two tribes of Israel that emmigrated through the caucas mtns. Though many call them jews, it is by inclusion. A lot of white people better get it right; if you say you are caucasian you are semetic/jewish. So always say/write you are other, i.e. non caucasian.
I am, sadly, no longer relying on the “law” to protect me. God has bestowed certain unalienable rights on us, thats my law. The results from last night indicated to me that this site just became a past tense scenario. Bring it you pieces of shit, im ready!
Armedtotheteeth I am like you i trust no one with the law,Dr,F.S.,Homeland security,or any other branch of service that is our public area, The military guys i have spoken to, also say we will be side by side when it breaks out,the ones that are here that are grouping together are smart, no one can join them, Due to spy’s by gov. Bet they will let us join when we are risking our skin to protect our neighbors and friends ….The UN will be here some day and target rich area at that time this is America, We are free people and will stay free!!
Not all of the stock market was tumbling today. Here are 2 bright prospects:
Aw heck, duplicates compliments of the droid.
I lived in kalifornia and I would not even go back to the state even for tourist purposes. I live back in the 1980’s and then the laws were suffocating and horrible. Now I know people that live out there and when they go to other “free” states they are SHOCKED to how other fellow citizens live. It is not just the horrendous anti-gun laws, it is so much like the restrictive east coast laws. One thing that california has yet to do is ban stun guns and stun batons, but give them a chance to do it and they will join the other 8 states that want people to defend themselves against an attacker or a wild animal with a rolled-up copy of the los angeles times newspaper.
The best advice i can give to someone that wants and respects freedom is to move out of a place like this. As a citizen or resident of the United States, anyone can live anywhere in the U.S. as long as they are not in prison or on probation or something. People don’t have top suffer through this, they can find better. Besides that the San Andreas is ready to break, way overdue for it. The smog in most places is the worst in the western hempishere other than Mexico City. The state tries so hard to resemble some of the most constrictive European countries. It is a mess, and really people move all the time out of it, the desire and the willingness to sacrifice some or even much has to be there to find a better place to live. Most people can swing it financially to, especially if they can sell their property there in california and purchase a much nicer place in another state.
Will this anti-gun movement spread to other states? Yes it will. The free states have to draw a line no matter what and not back down to self defense of the citizens. The old notion of just banning weapons supposingly used by criminals and terrorists is an old tactic and only leads the more restrictive measures. Besides that most people that own guns, and that is ALL types of guns are extremely responsible and more careful practicing safety than people using other devices could ever be. Never or seldom do you here about the people that are completely safety wise with their firearms from these total radicals that hate firearms, likely without ever firing any of them or seeing guns very useful purpose in preserving life and protecting the quality of life.
Come on you know why, do I have to spell it out for you?
Economic collapse the likes of which makes 1929 look like a picnic, coupled with a lot of inner city hand-out types that normally really WOULDN’T go there but now they’re dying and they are suicidal… so what have they got to lose…
All of them with 30 round mags.
Suicidal people do really screwy shit. There’s nothing scarrier.
I am DEFINITELY NOT saying I agree or anything but I mean I get why at least.
hey TheGuy, I call bullshit: the government wants to ban LAW ABIDING citizens like us from having weapons to defend ourselves; the gimme girls and gangstas on the other hand can have all they like.
I was a Boy Scout from my earliest days, I still salute the flag and I believe in the American way; but there is ZERO chance that I will ever voluntarily surrender my right to defend myself, and the tools with which I will do so. So no, I don’t give a shit what the pretext is that Feinstein or Obama or any of the rest of them want to advance, its all BULLSHIT
What are they going to do?Arm our troop’s with banded weapon’s.They are trying to dis arm us so they can own us.Let me tell you Frankenstien.I stand up for my belief’s.I fell in love with a woman and that left her husband who thought he owned her because they were married.She moved in with her step dad who is now passed.I had just moved to where I lived when I met and fell in love with her.He lived a couple states away.I told her that if a man loves a woman he would die for her.I never said a bad word to or about him.He showed up 3 in the morning and tried to pysically harm me.To no avail.He then showed up with a gun a week or so later in which I was at work.I got a call at work that the police had got the gun.They gave it backthe next day.Then he showed up a week later.I ended up being shot 7 times as fast as he could pull the trigger after ducking the first shot!I stood and took them all and never staggered back an inch.When he turned to my friend I went inside and got his wife to give me the pistol she had.He was trying to get in and I shot threw the glass .The gun only shot one time .I threw the gun to the floor and waited behind the door.I stuggled with him though I could’nt feel my hand’s and was shot 1 more timefrom floor level that went threw me too.I still held on to him and we walked backwards and sit down on the couch and the gun did’nt fire.I got it shook out of his hand and went to my knee’s and grabbed the gun.Why I was on ,my knee’s he was hitting me in the forehead.I looked up and said the law is on the way.He walked around me with a smile on his faceand left stealing my friend’s truck and went and did more damage and ended up being chased and caught.I know what it is like to lay dying.I went and layed under a tree when I stagered outside.I made my peace with the Lord.I went threw the chills and everything for probably 45 minute’swhen I heard my name being called.It was a police officer.When I gave him a self diagnosis of my injuries I ask if anyone else had been shot.He told me my friend had been shot and that we were both going to be air lifted out.I told him to get him out and do not worry about me.Just tell my family that I love them and I am sorry for anything that I ever did or said to hurt them.I could not ask for abetter family.Gid spared me and my friend.But let me tell you I stand up for what I believe in.The first thing the police officer told me when he visited my room in the hospital was that when they caught him he said he was going to finish the job when he got out.and in the court room he tried to make the judge believe he caught us in the bedwhich was BS.He told the judge that that was his wife.The judge told him she’s your wife but not your property.I grew up hunting and fishing since I was 2 for food.It was’nt for the fun of it.I am sick of you people trying to tell every one what they can and cannot have as if everyone were criminal’s.I think your chicken shit.Your trying to disarm true American’s so we ca’nt defend our selve’s when you come an try to take over.Attacking our economy in every way from a grain of salt to anything that we need to survive and thing’s that we enjoy.So if you think that I will just hand over my gun’s when I have done nothing wrong.Well think again.Maybe I willdie but at least I will die with dignity.My father died in my arm’s and I have his belt buckel.I am sure you have heard it before.I will give up my gun when they pry open my cold dead finger’s from it.Which if you read this it probably want mean any touching the heart kind of thing cause you and your peer’s are cold hearted.Gun’s do’nt kill people the people kill with gun’s. Any of you bastard’s want to put the gun’s down and meet me in the street,or the other way around that’s find to.You try to prey on the weak or make them weaker than you.You do’nt want people doing anything that circulate’s money between us for survival.Stick it where the sun does not shine.Another thing too,well if I tell you everything then you will know and it will be as if I do’nt know anything.
The real question should be: “What idiot turns in their guns to the federal thugs?”
Oh yeah, I remember, the same idiots that handed over their gold in 1933. Right, and most everyone else placed their gold in a nice sturdy container, found a nice safe location and buried it! I expect the same from gun owners that have pistol grips and high-cap mags.
Just because some criminal passes legislation in a corrupt government through an unlawful, bought and paid for process, doesn’t make it right. Adolf Hitler made everything nice and legal too. So did Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot. Yep, all nice and tidy on paper, but we all know they were tyrants. Now it’s America’s turn.
Will you turn in your shit?
They may use the courts to get the “gun control” they want.
This could be the first serious danger of the Obama victory
“The re(s)election of Barack Obama has assured… a guaranteed gun grab in the coming months.”
With aging Supreme Court members, one or more are going to retire during the next four years.
Direct link…
Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her panty hose, is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound.
Screw the Supreme Court.
It was calculated that in ’33 only 10% of the population handed over their gold. What does that tell you?
‘Will you turn in your shit?’
Fuck no.
Look how much help Obama needed, from Hollywood, MTV, Old washed up rockers, rappers, 20 million mexicants, who knows how many illegal, never questioned? And only won by what a few hundred thousand, No where near a landslide. VERY WEAK. 4 more years of same old bullshit, same old assclowns, this time their going to push harder, ITS TIME TO PUSH BACK……. WATCH YOUR SIX>>>> TAKE NO SHIT….
i have this to fucking say they may take our lands they may take our jobs but they will never take my fucking guns for any one tries they will be sorry for the only way the get my guns is ove my dead redneck body
Take my love, take my land
Take me where I cannot stand
I don’t care, I’m still free
You can’t take the sky from me
Take me out to the black
Tell them I ain’t comin’ back
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can’t take the sky from me
There’s no place I can be
Since I found Serenity
But you can’t take the sky from me…
In his speech he mentioned something about being gay.
think it’s the f ing Gun part
could be dangerous
Safty first
Problem is in Calif. you have to have it registered, when you buy it. They know who has them. Hope the real estate market stays stable for awhile as the time to move has arrived.
@ John W.
Had a cop friend in martial arts class years ago, a good dude.
Sometimes after evening class, we’d grab a beer & talk.
This subject was discussed in length, a time or two & his advice was…
Hit the yard sales heavy NOW, buy old lamps, dishes, glasses etc.
Remove your good stuff & weapons, then get momma & kids outta the house. But she’s got to be in on it & be tough.
Replace your stuff with yard sale items. While family is away, you break in & trash the place wearing gloves. Break dishes, lamps, empty closets, cabinets & chest-o-drawers, flip mattresses etc.
Be sure to cut the phone lines too. Do this in the wee a.m. hrs.
Call the cops & report break-in & theft of property, especially registered guns! Get copy of police report & keep handy to show to authorities when they come looking for the weapons.
…in truth, I suspect that the JBTs would take you off anyway, because if you were on a registration list, they’re gonna assume you know how to use one.
Remember, you ARE the WEAPON…rifles, pistols & shotguns are merely TOOLS!
In my opinion, we’re better off making them PAY DEARLY for attempting to enforce such folly.
Aim small, miss small!
They are going to need housing for all our newly amnestied citizens. What better way than the homes of those who get taken away.T ruly hope I am just being paranoid.
Anton the dod already have told their suckasses their not after the guns,there after the people who know how to use them,the guns are not there MAIN TARGET,YOU ARE,adolf hitler used the same method,HE WENT AFTER THE BIKERS AND VETERANS FIRST,then the guns………………………the anti-christ obama will do the same thing,round up the dangerous people first,the GIRLYMEN SECOND,the guns third……………………………..
Not no, but HELL no!Any form of administrative confiscation enacted WILL fail miserably. If they want em, they’re gonna have to go door to door and come GET em, the old fashioned way. Now, how many folks in law enforcement or the military would volunteer for THAT duty? Maybe a few nuts out there that really like a challenge.
Fact is, if we refuse to give em over, they AIN’T gettin em…….They come to the door & get pushy, they go home ventilated.
Look at the tri-state area this last week! You got folks defending hearth and home with tennis rackets and axes! I ain’t giving them Dick! My family WILL NOT BE LEFT EXPOSED because some pinko broad in California has a problem with it…..
Further, how long do you think the US military will sit tight while the progressives land UN troops on our shores to collect the guns? My guess? Not long at all.
JOHNY ,the new age military don’t give a shit about the MONROE DOCTRINE, THE CONSTITUTION,THE DICK ACT OF 1902 or anything else,they were trained to suck off their sargent and they will,the top DOD people sold america out the day they got their first stripe,cause they had to suck there way to the top,and freedom don’t mean shit to them ,wake up ……………………….
ARIZONA!!! Im in the military… and your fucking wrong. I have been in for 10 years and have been to Iraq and Afgn 7 times!!! On the ground in trucks and now in rescue. We are the biggest group of Gun and American lovers you will ever find. I know groups of guys and their fams that have plans for travel when the shit hits the fan. And just for your “SA” When Katrina hit, the state and government wanted us and local LE to take The Peoples weapons away so they can shuffle them into buildings to be raped and killed!!! Yeah a few shot at us out of anger… They were dealt with. <What do you think those crazy bad dudes did to those that weren't military or LE and or couldn't defend themselves? When the boss men came over to give us authority to take weapons… The guys I know said politely "Go Fuck Yourself" With that said ARIZONA… "Go Fuck Yourself!!!" You know nothing and you sound like a traitor. Maybe you cant serve YOUR country, maybe your not smart? All I want you to do is not talk bad about the good men and women that serve to protect YOU. It's imbedded in our code and our way of life. To protect you from All enemies foreign and domestic.
Joe; Hide them. I can think of a better use for them. Watch ur corners, Shoot straight, watch ur six. and keep ur ass down.
Three words for it JoeR:
This is the pith and essence of what real patriots need to understand NOW. The US federal government has not represented We The People for many years. It has NO LEGITIMACY. We have NO moral obligation to pay it heed past the fact of self-preservation. We should be doing something everyday to try to drag our feet, slow things down, screw things up, sow confusion among them, belittle and humiliate them through humor, confound jury decisions, dismantle the arguments of statists we meet…anything and everything that hurries the collapse of this parasitic organism gnawing at the body of real America.
If your pastor says you should obey the government because the Bible says so, find another church. The principal is “render unto Caesar…” Will you tell me what a free American citizen owes to ANY Caesar? The answer is NOTHING. We are not serfs and slaves like Jews under Roman occupation were.
THINK THINK THINK. Prepare physically and psychologically so that you can ACT without thinking when you are called upon.
@ VK
“…THINK, THINK, THINK”…I could NOT possibly agree with you more. Incidentally, love the ‘moniker’, it’s ‘unique.’
Hi Voltaire’s Kidney,
The genitve source, the definitive well-spring of the thought, is of course:
“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their DUTY, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Excerpt from the “Declaration of Independence of the the Untied States of America”, fully signed 1776.
In the preceding, at the last, I’ve ‘capped’ the word ‘duty’ as simple matter of emphasis
Voltaire; You mean act like Joe Biden? I dont think I could stoop that low.
I believe it was during the second half of the first hour of his program today that Beck urged his listeners to buy and they would be grandfathered in. Doesn’t sound like this old snatch will allow that. I say buy from private sources and pay with cash. I recently made sure that I have the components (powder and primers) to load all of the bullets I have.
BTW, for those of you who are trying to be polite and not use the word bitch, and for those of you who are trying to imply that Feinstein should be called something worse, snatch is a rather polite way to say the “C” word.
Thie 2 graphs linked here are just from todays action on the stock market and are quite the opposite of the DOW.
say there JHP
The thought that Feinstein is in possession of anything even remotely resembling a cunt just made me throw up in my mouth
The hell with that! Why should anyone be polite! She is a stinking CUNT! She can’t be married because who the fuck would touch that ugly bitch? That is why she is so angry, because she never gets sex!
Bitch and her boy Barakula didn’t waste any time did they? For the life of me, the only reason this total asshat keeps getting re-elected is because of the illegal voters and brain dead liberals here. I live in CA and HATE it. I will be leaving this state asap, but it won’t be right away due to family obligations. I can hardly wait.
When I got to ca. in 1970 it was paradise. Greatest place in the country although even then L.A. sucked. San Diego is still very nice but the writing is on the wall especially if you are white. This will be South Africa all over again.
@ Nunjobizness,
Too right, Brother,, come on out of the dark lands and don’t let the door hit you in the ‘ass’ on the way out!!!
ANYONE CARE TO JOIN ME?????????????????
Consider yourself Joined, bulldog! I ain’t giving these commies shit! Go to rightwingamerica.com. Sounds like you’d feel right at home there…..
I’M Canadian , can I wacth your backs?
You can join us on the front lines. We’re ALL in this together. THis is going to be a “Global” gathering. Time for everyone, willing to stand up to the Feinstein’s, to be armed, again.
Hi EA,
‘THEY’ seem to have forgoten why they exist havn’t they?
Incidentally, you may be more right than you know, google “Hopi Prophecy’ to get another perspective on the end-game, dig a little…you’ll be suprised. 🙂
I am with you brother.
I’ll step into that breech Bulldog
the problem i see is it seems none of us know the other or where we are,,so how can i have your back or you mine??????we need ways to come together,,,
HOW? I am in Louisiana, is anyone down here????????
I’m somewhere in a northern blue state, desperately looking for employment in a southern red state. I hope to fix this problem soon.
I’m right there with you, maybe I will be the nut on the evening news but I will die a free man !
Already there Bulldog
I knew I wasnt alone. May I make a suggestion? We all live in different areas. The chances of any of us meeting up are slim. (too bad, most of yall would be an asset) Start having conversations locally and build up trusted friendships with people in your AO. The time may be coming soon that Free Men will have to stand up again. They are moving full speed ahead now, we must prepare like never before. I am going to use the M word (m i l i t ia) Build them at state levels and dont publicize it too much. They are going to act during the next year in my opinion.
small team tactics will be very important. 10 or less. 5 would be the very best. train, train, train.
Multiple small teams tactics will be the most effective.
Create a platoon break it into squads of 5.
My ideal is a 25 man/woman team.
Broken down as I stated into 5 grps of 5.
With specalties and xtrained into each one of them.
If you have no tactical background do not try and lead, now is not the time for my dick is bigger then yours.
too bad we cant team up.
cross train everyone.
I am gonna start looking for folks in my AO. It wont be long. If the UN BS gun treaty is inacted, we will all be in a world of shit if we cant fight it. (the time for political fights is passed)
With you to the end.
I will not comply, not because of toughness or lofty ideals, but because we all know that a full-tilt gun grab is being tried because they have treachery in mind. I have no illusions of surviving a direct assault, but I have to resist the atrocities as a duty to my offspring and myself. I could not look my kids in the eye and admit that I sold them out to save my own ass.
my names Robert Scott, i live in port saint lucie floria–not afraid to tell these control freaks who i am and where i am–and bulldog, yes i’m with you…
just let them TRY to come take my guns, matter of fact–i dare you–im well armed, equipped, and ready for your sorry asses…you show up at my door (not that ill be waiting for you, ill hunt your ass’s my self) you wont walk away but rather be carried away!
people–the second ammendment was given to us for a REASON–the time for talk has ended, time for action has begun. its time to rise up and use the 2nd ammdt. for what it was intended for. ill follow anyone who sets forth a motion and WILL NOT BACK DOWN!!!!!
I hate commies.
“Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both.”-John F. Kennedy
“Communism is the death of the soul. It is the organization of total conformity – in short, of tyranny – and it is committed to making tyranny universal.”-Adlai E. Stevenson
America has been set up for this moment, for a long time. The parasites have paved the way for this country’s final usupation from within. Amerika is corrupt to the core, and most people are conditioned to apathetic, nihilistic, conformity.
I expect most gun owners will give them up, without much of a wimper, especially White males, who are for the most part cowards, now. If you think it is time to bury your precious guns, you are sadly mistaken. You should be digging up the ones you have buried. Make no mistake, while most people have been going about thier business, the parasites have been building an army…
This is ABSOLUTELY not the time to give up one’s means of self protection. “Ban pistol grips”? Fuck off, not gonna happen. I don’t have pistol grips on my 12 and 20 to be “cool”, I do it because my house is modest sized and we have narrow hallways.
I will defend myself, and I don’t give a damn what FineSwine thinks of it
I agree that America has been set up and that if you have them they should be dug up not baried, but your co,,net about whites being cowards ??? Don’t bring your racial crap to this forum, either Jin the conversation and leave your biggot attitude at home. You are showing your colors and that kind of a com,net is what makes it difficult for any white to defend you when things begin to go down.
From a white man that is not afraid of you or your homies !!!!
Cowards come in all colors when staring into a barrel. The revolutionary war and the civil war, were the whites that fought and died in them cowards? WWI? WWII?
What a stupid comment about whites.
Your rite JustMe.I have been telling people this for 30+ year’s.Robert Scott said he is’nt scared to tell his real name.Me either.They will know your name but you have to have way’s to communicate with your brother’s in arm’s so you can distinguish who is with you.
Wow, what happened, I don’t like the new page layout. It is really hard to read for me. Gonna take some getting used to.
She probably wants to ban the firearms because she knows she should be shot by one. She is a traitor to the constitution and should be on trial for treason.
I think she has also has that ugly constipated look because she’s pissed off ever since someone dropped a house on her sister
She got on this band wagon after some asshole in Stockton shot up a school yard killing a bunch of kids using a so called assault rifle, that was back in the eighties. Instead of fixing blame on the individual shooter instead as all liberals do she took it out on everyone.
Yea, the guy that had a rap sheet of convictions a mile long, that should have been in jail for life already. They wonderful CA justice system that thinks they can ‘rehabilitate” lifelong violent offenders. I think the guy’s name was Patrick Purdy. But of course, it was all the gun’s fault, not the criminal who actually loaded it, aimed it, and fired it. What an effin moron.
At least she doesn’t have to worry about someone raping her…….
Even in this economy, that would be one of the “jobs Americans won’t do”.
I am trying to find this reading that you left a link to and it is telling me there is no such site. Can you check that the link is correct for me.
Boy, she is a mean lookin bitch!
The owner or the gun store I frequent has informed me that overnight the price of AR’s have tripled.
Mr. Eric Schneiderman, NY State’s Attorny; Would you please investigate this? It it a clear-cut case of price-gouging!
Prices can only rise by 10%, right? Any help you can provide in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
It is imperative that a followup to this “rumor” must be verified..and published asap!
I have checked all the sites/links pertinent to the article and no one yet has confirmation of such..
not that it isn’t true..but someone, somewhere must have some inside contacts..
Meanwhile, I’m sure potus already is drafting another E.O. to be signed at the stroke of midnight,under the radar, and never mentioned by the media once done..furthering the agenda to make all of us 2nd amendment ‘felons’.
With your astute articles of late..surely the Threat Fusion Center has you and your site on top of the “disappear list’..
and hopefully you have some “plans” laid out should anything happen
and keep us all informed..
the great unraveling is accelerating
take care
Hey all..
Just off the wires form Reuters..
After Obama win, U.S. backs new U.N. arms treaty talks
(Reuters) – Hours after U.S. President Barack Obama was re-elected, the United States backed a U.N. committee’s call on Wednesday to renew debate over a draft international treaty to regulate the $70 billion global conventional arms trade.
If you have anything that needs sighted in, get on it. Gunfire, even at shooting ranges, may soon be something you want to avoid, as it will draw attention from a bad crowd.
Does anyone have a link to explain the “exact” legal definition of an assault weapon ?
What constitutes a “high capacity” magazine ?
Thanks in advance.
…be safe…stay the course….BA.
A patriot must be prepared to lose his life in defense of liberty. This is the first question the new patriot must ask: “What am I willing to die for?”
When one is willing to die in defense of a just cause, one is truly free.
The government bought those 1,000,000,000 hollow-points for a very specific reason.
As far as gun grabs and Obama signing any U.N.Treaties – The Supreme Court has said many times – No Executive Order, Presidential Directive, Executive Agreement, no NAFTA, GATT/WTO agreement/treaty, passed by ANYONE, can supersede the Constitution. Do NOT let the President, the media, or anyone else tell you that your rights are gone…….They are inalienable rights……given by God! I will never give up my arms, except one bullet at a time……..case closed………
Again, another report, issued Nov. 7, 2012, from the U.N. as reported in Reuters:
“We seek a treaty that contributes to international security by fighting illicit arms trafficking and proliferation, protects the sovereign right of states to conduct legitimate arms trade, and meets the concerns that we have been articulating throughout,” the official said.
“We will not accept any treaty that infringes on the constitutional rights of our citizens to bear arms,” he said. U.S. officials have acknowledged privately that the treaty under discussion would have no effect on domestic gun sales and ownership because it would apply only to exports.
I tried opening enemies foreign and domestic dot com. It said “sorry, there is no such site”. It must have been good enough to get wiped.
Ever noticed the unusual CACHUNK when the AR locks open on the last round? Nice feeling. It’s so satisfying, like the last big swig out of your favorite beverage. Aaahhh, just finished one, reaching for another, gonna crack her open!
DICK ACT of 1902,gun control forbidden,can’t be repealed,PROTECTION AGAINST TYANNICAL GOVERNMENT,source-know the lies.com…….SO you see,the anti-christ and his demoncrate spawn intend to destroy america,our dear LORD YAHUSHUA,has made it possible to be in the good fight,against EVIL………………..
Could Obama use NDAA To Arrest American Militias?
Could Obama use NDAA To Arrest Militias on the Premise members are Militants and Belligerents that pose a threat to National Security?
Recently the Obama administration stated to Federal Judge Katherine Forest that under (NDAA) The National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 the President had authorization to lock up belligerents indefinitely. That they (were justified) to lock belligerents up indefinitely—because cases involving belligerents directly-aligned with militants against the good of America—warrants such punishment.) Pres. Obama could use NDAA provisions to order U.S. Military Forces to round up without evidence, millions of Americans including militias by alleging they are belligerents or a threat to National Security. Many observers believe Obama intends to extend NDAA to imprison U.S. Citizens in Indefinite Detention not involved with or associated with enemy forces.
Hitler included similar provisions in his fascist (Discriminatory Decrees signed February 28, 1933). Almost immediately after the German Parliament passed Hitler’s laws, the Reich Government ordered the arrest of German Citizens and confiscated their guns without probable cause or evidence; delegated powers to German Police and other authorities to arrest anyone Nazi authorities claimed attempted or incited public unrest: arrested among others were outspoken Germans, writers, journalists, peaceful protestors and artists. After World War II the East German Secret Police (Stasi) used the threat of Indefinite Detention to forcibly recruit thousands of informants.
The U.S. 2012 NDAA legislation Obama signed 12-31-11 is similar to Hitler’s 1933 fascist laws the SS and Gestapo used to target persons in Germany for arrest, imprisonment and execution without probable cause; and confiscate millions of dollars of property. Hitler used his laws to suspend Parliament and the Supreme Court insuring his laws could not be rescinded.
During the Obama Administration’s recent request for a (stay) to stop U.S. District Judge Katherine Forrest blocking enforcement of vague NDAA provisions, the Obama Administration—never clarified what constitutes a (belligerent); or militant; or what belligerent activities (directly aligned with a militant) to order a belligerent’s arrest or indefinite detention; or what is against the good of America. Under vague provisions of NDAA, the President could accuse anyone of being (directly aligned with militants by way of any political or other association; activity, statement, writing or communication with an individual or group government deemed (militant) to arrest and indefinitely detain Americans. Writers, journalists, Americans that disagree with or question U.S. Government or its allies—may under NDAA be subject to arrest and indefinite detention.
NDAA 2012, like Hitler’s 1933 Discriminatory Decrees enforces censorship; refers to the Patriot Act e.g. warrant-less searches of private property and forfeiture of property from persons not charged with crime. Provisions in NDAA 2012 keep the door open for corrupt U.S. police; government agents and provocateurs which there are many, to falsify reports and statements to target any American, group or organization for arrest, indefinite detention, complete disappearance; civil asset forfeiture of their property.
You may have noted NDAA referred to the USA Patriot Act. The Patriot Act lends itself to Government / police corruption; the Federal Government may use secret witnesses and informants to cause arrests and civil asset forfeiture of Americans’ property. Witness(s) and informants may be paid up to 50% of assets forfeited. Federal Government under 18USC may use a mere preponderance of civil evidence, little more than hearsay to Civilly Forfeit Private Property. Under the Patriot Act innocent property owners may be barred by government knowing the evidence federal government uses to forfeit their property.
Sections of NDAA 2012 are so broad, it appears U.S. Government or the President could (retroactively) deem an American’s past 1st Amendment activities prior to passage of 2012 NDAA—supported hostilities, terrorism or (Belligerents) to order the arrest and Indefinite Detention of any U.S. Citizen, writer, group or organization.
Under NDAA 2012 it should be expected that indefinitely detained U.S. Citizens not involved in terrorism or hostile activities, not given Miranda Warnings when interrogated, not allowed legal counsel or habeas corpus may be prosecuted for non-terrorist (ordinary crimes) because of their (alleged admissions) while held in Indefinite Detention.
Up Yours Diane, from my cold dead hands.
She’s already butchered gun owners and their families in cold blood during the Clinton years. I’ll bet anyone here a thousand dollars that; assuming she herself doesn’t pass away before her term is up, we won’t get through her gun grabbing efforts in this term without someone being killed. When it comes to physical violence against peaceful gun owners, Dianne Frankenstein is the head honcho. Any American who wants an all-out civil war between citizens and government is happy to see her in office. She’s the one you really need to worry about.
And this is just how STUPID these people are;
Gun sales going through the roof, right? People are broke right now, and yet they are scrimping every dollar together they can muster to purchase firearms, ammo & accessories. Does this SOUND like a populace that plans on complying with a bunch of euro-douches? Does it seem likely that people spending their last dollars on guns PLAN ON GIVING THEM UP AT THE BEHEST OF FEINSTEIN, OBAMA OR THE UN?
Or does it seem like a populace that’s had enough, and are planning on defending their 2nd Amendment rights when push comes to shove? THIS is the line in the sand, people. This is ONE bear that to continue poking with a stick, is the epitome of the word, “UNWISE.” Over 100 MILLION of us. How many door kickers can THEY assemble? If we refuse to comply ON ANY LEVEL, THEY ARE SCREWED. There’s not a damn thing they can do about it. Again, door to door to 100 million gun-owning households is suicide.
Thanks much for the reference — have ordered and will be reading soon.
See how well that’s worked out in Chicago and NJ. I fucking hate politicians especially lefties.
Agreed. The only thing I’d like to add is: “BRING IT ON BITCH!”
Hell ain’t half full.
Didn’t a Soviet dissident once state “If every time they went out to detain people they had to worry that a few of them may not go home that night, it would have given them pause” ?
Hey Di Fi…..
Want a civil war? Go ahead. Make my day.
Homos, cross border illegals and commies are dancing in the streets today.
About 50 million voted for di’s leader.
Get out your Bibles, boys and start thumpin’. That and your preps is about all you’ve got.
For those of you that have buried them, what will it take to make you dig ’em up. Statement, not question.
They just could not wait to start jamming shit down out throats. Wait until Sarah Brady, Biden, Schumer Boxer and the Resurrection of Ted Kennedy’s corpse gets spewen across the airways.
There are 3000 plastic caskets/vaults that were manufactured by a plastics factory in Georgia. It’s on Utube. Guess who they were made for?
Thats obvious. But don’t think for a minute that many of those caskets wont have to be used for the perpetrators who will be participating in the biggest gun grab in US history. The Illuminati are counting on a high body count of any means. They won’t care who’s in the body count. A death is a death is a death to them. By whatever means disposable to them. It just proves what cold hearted filthy bastards they are. They are the very cancer on creation.
Government officials as far as I’m concerned. But then again, buzzards gotta eat same as the worms.
president obama talked about this during the second debate. if they try to take peoples weapons they will start the next civil war.
sorry for a second post back to back.
the best time to enact any type of new gun laws would be during his second term. because he will have nothing to lose.
I suspect our heads are going to spin when we get a load of what he has planned.
Remember this…
Michelle Obama’s Warning To Gun Owners
(speaking at a reelection fund raiser)
“let’s not forget what it meant when my husband appointed those two brilliant Supreme Court justices … let’s not forget the impact that their decisions will have on our lives for decades to come.”
“Currently, the Second Amendment clings to a 5-4 pro-freedom majority on the Supreme Court…”
Talk is cheap. Most people will comply especially if it will avoid injury/death to their families. No way to get around the fact that they will take children and spouses and hold them until the gun is turned over. How many people will be willing to risk this? They have so much power and we let them have it, just the Patriot Act(what a joke name that is)and NDAA let them do whatever they want. How ironic a law passed to counter Islamist terrorists will now be used by one to accomplish what the 9/11 perps could not.
John W.,there will be a lot of death caused by the demoncrats,BUT there’s a reason big rifle scopes belong on powerful rifles,these people(DHS/NWO) who plan to kiddnap families are TERRORISTS,they would rather you punch their “bus ticket to hell” then to stop,SO BE IT…………
Ban whatever you want to in California.
Keep the hell out of my gun closet.
I believe she is proposing this on a national scale. She has already had a similiar law passed in Ca.
She’s a mean looking old hag isn’t she? There is another word that I wanted to use but out of respect for the readers I didn’t want to use it but it starts with a b and ends with an h and there’s an i in the middle.
You’re being polite. That word is mild compared to what I’d like to call her.
That’s okay, I used it for you… I’ll probably get ‘hidden’… but that’s okay too…
Terry, go ahead and say it….
I would put her as a bad looking tomato….A sun-dried tomato.
Keep prepping
Hahaha, she looks like a bad person. Maybe she needs to get some. I don’t have any guns ;-). Does she for one second think criminals are going to turn in their guns?
Case in point, my brother who is a felon could buy guns easier and cheaper then I can. He no longer has them but what kind of BS is that. If i didn’t have to cross so many state lines i would have bought one from him.
gentlemen, please: what we have here is very simple. She looks like that because she’s been pissed off ever since someone dropped a house on her sister
JL before you call anyone a criminal,look up the DICK ACT OF 1902,all guns laws are forbidden,if you don’t care about your family the LORD YAHUSHUA says your an INFIDEL,thats a piece of shit in english,the second amendment says NO gun laws,only terrorists try to abolish gun rights,if you want your children to grow up as slaves,stay a coward,you’ll get your wish…………
rhymes with snitch?
“Drink up ,shoot in let the beatings began distributer of pain your lose becomes my gain”
Metallica .harvester of sorrows
Buy,buy now,buy many. Before they are gone for good . I would think this could spread all across this once great land of ours .
Damn if the liberals aren’t living up to their reputation…and expectations. Obama has nothing to lose in term 2.
Folks from cockpit, please return to your seats and check to make sure your seat belts are securely fastened. We’re about to encounter moderate turbulence for the remainder of the flight.
WHEN will the American people stand up and say ENOUGH ?
We need to start physically removing these vermon
You’re back~ I’m really glad to see you survived the storm okay. We were concerned about you, Rich99!
RICH: They have spoken. It’s over. I agree with you on the removing.
First time posting here, but I have been present for over a year. I think there are many of us who would love to do more than type about the sad state of affairs. In my opinion there shouldn’t be a light pole within 10 blocks of the white house that doesn’t have a politician dangling from it. But I think everyone is waiting for someone else to be the “first”.
And if there isn’t an coordinated movement, individually we will make a headline or 2 as some crazy, hate monger, right winger and be forgotten inside a few weeks in prison. And prison isn’t the place I want to be when the lid comes off. The one thing we had during the first revolution, that we don’t have for the 2nd, is a working government ready to take over the one we are going to kick out. Sorry for the long post. I love this site and others like it that let me know I am not the only one looking to preserve the core beliefs of this once great country.
God Bless all and keep prepping
I would like to welcome you Hamburglar. As a person that was just an observer for almost a year before I began posting, I’m glad you chose to join in. The more “like minded” people, the better.
@ RICH99. I guess 5-8 years out came a little bit soon. All kidding aside, you serve as a wonderful example of how each one of us can be nailed by a SHTF event at any moment and why each one of us has to never lose that urgency to keep preparing. Please tell us all about Hurricane Sandy, a massive Category 4 storm pressure wise and strom surge wise. Please tell us in detail about Frankenstorm, we all want to hear about it. This will help others be as serious as possible with preparing for SHTF that will hit us.
It was barely a CAT1. The storm surge riding on a full moon high tide did the damage.
@ John W. Wrong. First of all it had winds of 90 mph sustained that makes it almost a Category 2 based on wind alone. The pressure was 939 MB at the lowest point, that makes it a Category 4 pressure wise. The strom surge was 13.88 feet above normal, even with the high tide that actually only accounts for a foot or two. Hurricane storm surge is caused by two facotrs; wind and pressure. The pressure is lower and thus less weight of the atmosphere on the water. This forms a mound of water. Just like a tsunami upon reaching the shallow water this mounds builds. The water is unable to flow away and the water piles up higher and higher to the counter clockwise of the hurricane, the right side.
The storm surge with a category 4 pressure did the destruction. If you don’t believe me, contact the Weather Channel or Weather Underground and you will see what I have said is accurate. I don’t say things on this web site unless I have something to back it up with, some sort of scientific proof. Any good college textbook on the weather will also show the same decriptions to what I am talking about. I have enough books from college on meteorology that describe in detail about storm surge and pressure, they are older but they are quite correct to the present day texts.
@ John W. Saffir-Simpson hurricane damage scale:
Category barometric pressure Winds Storm surge ft.
1 Minimal more than 28.94 74-95 mph 4-5
2 Moderate 28.50-28.91 96-110 mph 6-8
3 Extensive 27.91-28.47 111-130 mph 9-12
4 Extreme 27.17-27.88 131-155 mph 13-18
5 Catastrophic less than 27.17 155 mph+ 18+
Hurricane Sandy had a pressure of 27.73 inches, this was a category 4 storm in pressure and storm surge.
Hurricane Katrina had a Category 5 pressure but only Category 3 winds when it land. The storm surge was over 30 feet. Pressure and wind determine the size of strom surge. Barely a category 1 would make it 75-80 mph with winds alone, it had winds of 90 mph. The reason the pressure was so low and the winds were not 130 mph+ was because it was so large and the wind isobars were not compacted together like in a regular size hurricane. The pressure however has much to do with how large the surge will be because of that doom of water that builds just like in a tsunami. The highest storm surges occur where the slope of the seafloor is a gentle gradual grade and the water continues to build.
Hi Rich. Glad you pulled thru.
I would love to share my experience with all of you but where would maybe it would be best to email MAC and he could create an article from it so everybody can read it
Hi Rich99,
Mac is about to launch a different expanded forum here, including PM and other improvements…drift back a bit, over the last few days if you get the time, to look for Mac’s post-in-foruum to get his explanation.
I definately wasn’t ready for a storm to cause a SHTF scenario I must admit and I was basically talking about the economics part of my 5-8 years…….I was wrong and I admit it .
hide them….bury them in your backyard!….but hide them because they will be coming for them
Thank you, but I’m to old to dig, and to beat up to crawl on my belly. So I suppose I’ll just have to die in my doorway. The OLD Greeks felt if you went down fighting you got a little better spot in Hades, good enough
Looks like time for the old guard to die with honor. Try to take a few with each of us and we will do a great service to our people and constitution. The banksters now have an issue.
@ OG
Care to place a wager, that some smart folks have done some research on said bankers & liberal gov-corp critters?
Betcha good money, some have their home addresses, vacation-property addresses, where their kids go to school, what businesses their spouses run or are employed by!
The internet is a wonderful tool.
Use it!
They can’t hide 24/7
There’s an AWFUL HARVEST on the horizon!
Believe it!
@ Anton Hackl – do you know of site(s) where this sort of info is centralized?
Scrounge up a lawyer buddy.
Yeah, I know…those types are not popular, but you’d be surprised at the number of them out there that support our position.
I got my data from a guy I helped get thru a QCB course.
Ping back to this post. I’ll get info & sites for you.
Will check back right here tomorrow 11/09/12 @ 1900hrs.
See ya….
And you ain’t never going to dig ’em up. Cowards everywhere. Too many commies, I guess.
Do not do that. Police and military are trained to find them. Instead bury them somewhere else handy and make sure no drone or anyone else is watching.
If you’re going to bury them, you might as well turn them in now…
If its time to bury them, its past time to use Them!
@ C & B
Wrong answer!
Bury your 2nds, the non-first line models like bolt-guns, lever-actions & pumps.
Keep your high-cap ARs, Aks, FALs, M1a close at hand. Have plenty of loaded mags too.
Aim small, miss small. Shoot first & often!
If you bury anything bury 8″ and 30″ lengths of 1/2 steel rebar and a bunch of it you’ll keep them ass holes digging for days when the metal detectors keep beeping if everybody buried some all over you’ll keep them looking for days…think how pissed off they will be …
Aerial detection of burying:
There are special cameras and software deployed aerially that can detect new or recent vegetation changes.
Example: You dig to hide a cache of whatever, then you reseed with grass just like the surrounding grass to blend in. With the specialized photography, the footprint of the area you dug up lights up like a Christmas tree.
Aerial detection of burying:
There are special cameras and software deployed aerially that can detect new or recent vegetation disturbances.
Example: You dig to hide a cache of whatever, then you reseed with grass just like the surrounding grass to blend in. With the specialized photography, the footprint of the area you dug up lights up like a Christmas tree. These detectable changes persist for a LONG TIME.
Answer: Dig up all the surrounding area too, and reseed all of it, so it appears homogeneous. It’s like Fed Up’s idea of scattering rebar everywhere.
Crawl in your hole and take your ARs with you.
Bury them vertically like fence posts or under fence post
I’m hopeful that our republican controlled House can keep this from happening. It would be much harder to push through an “assault weapons” ban when everyone and their grandmother is arming themselves. Our democrat Senator won was reelected last night, but even he is anti-gun control. More than half the homes in our state have at least one gun in them.
Although I have enough protection to last the rest of my life, I would be tempted to buy some more should anything like this actually pass.
What if Harry Reid passes this thing then offers a trade to The House on the fiscal cliff. It’s a lose/lose for the Repubs in The House.
You mean the same Republicans that brought us the Patriot act and NDAA? Those Republicans? Not to be criticizing but Ive had enough of both parties. Wrote in Ron Paul and I feel good. The state I live in went Romney anyway, and we replaced a Democrat senator with a much better Republican. Ive said it before, Obama will be our last President, and World War 3 and Civil War 2 will be fought at the same time. All in the next 4 years. Cheers and dont forget the ammo, makes a nice x-mas gift.
Hey survivor, how do we find out how many votes Dr Paul got written in? I’ve been waiting for that figure. I would very much like to know how many votes he really got. We need to know that.
John Boner will get right on this. Ha, ha!
Dianne needs a Dirty Sanchez…volunteers wanted.
Hey Feinstein,
Line in the sand…… GO FUCK YOURSELF!
Why Ms Frankenstein and her government thieves wants your guns?
Criminals love it when you have no guns!
that is a 2nd go fuck yourself you corrupt and tyrant self centered bitch!! we will not do this. try and waste all your resources to find all these weapons. i dont leave them in the same household. so go ahead and threaten the people, your about ready to have a heart attack from the look of you in the pictures.
@ baracalypse
Guns have been here for over 200 years and WILL REMAIN HERE. Alcohol and Tobacco haven’t gone anywhere, have they!? The 2nd ammendment will not be defeated in America. Let Fiend-stien BLOW SMOKE.
Send an extra 50 bucks to the NRA this year and then write about it, then encourage others to do the same. If you’re that worried, then go and buy yourself a 6 inch diameter PVC section from Lowe’s, some Oatey glue, primer and screw on end caps to make a vault. Saran wrap your heavily oiled weapons and bury them somewhere. Don’t forget to stuff in some ammo. What weapons?
Just research Australia to see what a weaponless society is like. The criminals have guns, the police are scarce + 2 hours away and the Sheep are easy pickin’.
I’m not giving nothing to the NRA. If they were doing thier job we should have been in Washington, D.C. by now.
Forget about putting your guns in the ground. They are of no use there. Time to put up or shut up. By George, haven’t you had enough?
As a Life Member of the NRA since 1986, I am totally embarassed by their lack of performance. And I met one of their young field reps from DC in Denver aseveral months ago who got real cocky and mouthy when I told him of my concerns about their non-performance. Consider the Gun Owners of America.
Hello Samson.
I was a member of the NRA and even met Wayne. They just turn into organization interested in money grabbing and compromise. Politicians in disquise. You do not compromise anything to do with the second amendment.
As far as GOA. Not going to help us in the long run so spend your money on your preps. All a bunch of con artists.
Life Member of both here!!!
May I suggest you check out Gun Owners of America? They were formed years ago when a group of 2nd Amendment supporters became fed up with NRA’a compromising. I stopped supporting the NRA many years ago.
come try this Australian and see what you get. My warning to the unwelcome is leave while you can or leave as devil shit, your choice.
NRA has lost credibility in my and many others’ eyes due to their recent softening on gun issues. Check out National Association for Gun Rights- they’re way more sympatico with real American Citizens. Stay Sovereign and keep stackin’…
Cold dead hands, ugly old bitch.
this will only happen if the Repub’s want it to
they control the House
and it pretty much takes a super majority of 60 to get anything done in the Senate
“and it pretty much takes a super majority of 60 to get anything done in the Senate”….. except the largest takeover of the private market in the history of the world and confirming gun hating Supreme Court Judges.
If it’s done by treaty, the Rebus in the House will have no say over it.
That should say Repubs.
No, it should say whiney, greedy, appeasing suckers…
Executive Order. Do you really think the Stupid Party will stand up to him? If so you have been in a come for the last four years.
I wonder how many citizens will be giving up their weapons and ammo (one round at a time).
The ‘subjects’ will do whatever their slavemasters tell them to do with hardly a whimper.
I was just telling my wife last night that the next step towards a new world odor (not a misspelling) was to disarm the American Citizen. They (we) are the biggest obstacle to the total destruction of the U.S. Constitution. Without our ability to fight against tyranny we will ALL be subjects. It is my belief that the second amendment is worth fighting and dying for and I am prepared to do just that! As Thomas Jefferson said, “the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants”. I consider myself a patriot and I know I’m not alone. Sorry for my rant, but I’m pissed off.
Mark: I’m with you all the way to the death if need be!
Do you really have the “huatspa”
If they marshals or atf showed up Jan 21st, Could YOU really be the next Waco Tx. or Ruby Ridge ID.
Lose your wife and son to be a footnote in history no one remembers
Give them what they want, then go dig up the rest.
Until the system collapses further your neighbors will just watch through there blinds and let it happen.
as for therest of us we will wonder “hey Have you heard from copperhead in awhile i haven’t. wonder where he went
Ya just had to bring up Ruby Ridge and the effin FBI murderer. GD backshooter. GD coward that he IS.
Turn your guns in…
Should we put Ruby Ridge and Waco Tx. in the same category as a national gun turn in? Consider them isolated instances with questionable indicators. Example gun violation and child abuse and not the exclusive act of gun confiscation. The order of frequency is too far in between. As the amount of ATF/FBI intrusions occur, I would hope that gun owners would come from the affected area to repell the invaders.
Something to consider.
Ruby Ridge Was boched blackmail
The marshals wanted an in formant on white supremisists, So they had him modify a shotgun (he did side gunsmithing to suport his family)
When it was axactly legal the infromant wouldn’t pay him until he shortened it to a illegal length.
In good prepper form he had a highly defendable sitejust like many folks reading this/
When they come they will take people one by one. You will think it can’t happen here right up until it happens to you.
Hell i didn’t believe they confuscated guns in Katrina until i saw video of three large cops put a little old to the floor and hit her until she gave up her pistol
Google it you’ll be stunned
Couldn’t agree with you more. Remeber hold center mass and squeeze.
That would be gun control to endorse.
For the next few months, I wish I owned a gun store.
The picture alone is scary!
Y’all Beware! Nice choice Mac! People you need to sell your firearms to Democrats that have canoes.
It’s obvious to me now, the shit storm is on the horizon & coming fast. “people” like this would have ATF, DHS and others confiscate our means of self defense from law abiding citizens. While, ignoring violent criminal types for fear of being “rasist”. Step up your preps NOW!
The show is about to begin! Good luck!
Sorry Feinstein. My father, grandfathers, extended family and most relatives have done time in the military. We have all fought enemies of the USA to keep totalitarian despots off our shores and out of our lives. We will not comply with you or your Marxist leader.
@ Iraq Vet
That’s where the word “DOMESTIC” comes into play!
You can have them when you pry them from my cold dead hands
Heres me flipping the bird to anyone who will try, i really dont care
So true, they send the SWAT team and then they pry it from your cold very dead hands.
One by one, every house with registered firearms. That’s how they going get’em!
If my neighbors house is being “hit” they better have flank security and that will not matter. My neighbors will have backup, we all will die, just as soon die for something I believe in. There will be no quarter!
Bimbam: Not enough SWAT Teams. They will go pretty fast.
i work in the emergency response field, and i know many SWAT members, and i know for a fact they would not follow through with these orders. but i am in the midwest
With due respect, how in the hell do they accomplish this? There are roughly 5 million Active Duty, Reservists, and total Law Enforcement in America (over half of these folks would not be carrying a gun). How do they make even 1 million gun owners comply? We have at least 100 million gun owners at present, with the exception of the Fudds and other “sporting use advocates” there are many veterans and expert deer hunters that would fight. There are just too many guns to go up against.
One would have to assume that all military and LEOs obey the orders to confiscate and then you need enough to do it in one day. There is no way you could keep this completely quiet, someone on the net would get the word out and if you shut down the net and phone service, some body will get spooked. Even if the net and phones were taken down you would have to shut down every highway in the nation to prevent people form spreading the word by vehicle.
Why do I believe that it is crucial to get this done quietly? Obviously once the word gets out it is “game on” and there are not enough enforcers to to do the job. Many Rebels (patriots) would take off the gloves and go for the win. Who will protect the homes of the LEOs while they are out confiscating, who will protect them when they are off duty getting groceries or on date night with the old lady?
Additionally, what would happen to the Feds ability to make war when the Dollar tanks even more. The first hint to rebellion would hurt the currency. Not only would making war on the tax base we unwise, any set backs on the “battlefield” would affect their ability to raise funds for the war. It seems like a logistical impossibility. You go for the guns, you lose. You regulate ammunition, you tip your hand and lose. You get foreign troops to help, you lose. I cannot foresee a scenario where it would work.
Thank you for your time.
I totally agree with your points, excellent, and not to mention that the LE are also members of the comunity, I have a hard time believing that all the veterans would allow anyone to take their weapons, I have a hard time believeing that the LE would go along with this, except for one or two nutjobs, but when we are talking law abiding citizens that have never had more than a parking or speeding ticket, then how does anyone think that any local authority will go along with this sort of scheme, the politicians who would enact this are few, the population that owns firearms of all sorts are many, I can make someones life miserable with my little stainless 77/22 bolt gun just as much as a guy with an AK, I would hope that the god fearing law abiding productive members of society that own firearms would never allow this or anything like it to happen again, there are just too many of us now, and almost everyone has a bit of concern with regards to the overall state of our economy and the disconnect from the government.
Be prepared folks,, and dont buy into the bull that the government will protect you, we are all responsible for our own wellbeing.
Like I said, I DONT CARE, they can come and take whatever they want, but they also better bring the body bags because I have done nothing wrong and will not relinquish my 2a rights, and will die fighting to preserve them rather than be steamrolled by the government that has gotten out of controll and is now overstepping its bounds,,,
there are 80million gun owners in the u.s.with close to 300 million firearms.could you imagine what would happen say just 10% resisted thats 8 million people.or say 5%?there aren’t enough cops.yes gun confiscation is coming but they know (the govt) that forcibly taking them would be next to impossible.look for a more benign way say like thru the tax code and the irs.
The more I talk with people in the military, and LE they are not going to go along with any door to door getting guns. They will have to bring in the blue helmets for that. Along with a hell of a lot of body-bags. The first attempt at getting them and the WAR will begin. Forget about burying them, if you have them USE’EM.
Clean,and load them and be ready.
‘forget about burying them, use em’.
Exactly right. What good is a buried weapon when one is being shipped off to a FEMA camp??????
Good thing the founding fathers didn’t bury their weapons.
FEMA Can’t find there ass with both hands They aren’t the ones to be worried about.
The new Grads of homeland security choosen to Lead in time of trouble.Also the Atf is already harrasing gun owners They would have no problem rounding up people and guns one by one.
By the time most folks realize there is a problem it will be to late.
My understanding and observation is the Blues are only *Peacekeepers*. They have restrictive ROE and they hole up in their compounds trading goods for children and diddling each other and then run at the first shot.
It is the Federal Regional SWATs (not sure what they are calling them) who will be the ones assigned to this sort of shit. The same types that invaded the small businesses for the IRS. SImilar mindset to TSA VIPRs.
Any preppers in Panama ,Panama hurry,,,,time is running out….
Nobody wants your guns. everyone relax. good god i am worried about your health. you guys suck on guns like a pacifier.
Nice to see the Government parasites visit this site….
Quit tryin to start shit nut, ur probly the most worried about it.
Is that why one of the provisions of health overhaul is that if you won’t or can’t comply it’s a FELONY.
Oh, then guess what. Then you can no longer legally own a gun.
Why is that?
What do you suck on bozo? Let me guess.
“DEMOCRACY is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch
LIBERTY is a well armed lamb contesting the vote”
Benjamin Franklin
I intend on contesting the vote. Where will all this end? Badly I’m afraid.
Man I just had a yard sale and sold all of my guns. Want to see the receipts? Grin
I took all my guns with me when I went fishing and the boat capsized and they all fell overboard, honest!!!!
Was I supposed to keep receipts? Why? Nobody told me that was necessary. I won’t get in trouble will I? It’s not like I made any money. I just moved it from one thing to another.
I had a midnight sale of all my weapons on Tuesday/Wednesday! Sorry, my puppy ate the receipts though. 🙂
nothing in writing yet
but bears watching
I doubt she is going to let go of this issue
Israhelli foreign agents and dual-citizens Charles Schumer, Barbara Boxer and Frank Lautenberg are in on this too, while Israhelli foreign agent and dual-citizen Carl Levin has actually taken us back to pre-habeas corpus (and thus, PRE MAGNA CARTA) times with the NDAA of 2012 — but it’s supposed to be the Muslims who “hate our freedom.” Riiight!
Some apt bumper sticker ideas for the coming times:
a) Criminals prefer unarmed victims; Zionists prefer unarmed Goyim.
b) When guns are outlawed, only Zionists will have guns.
c) You can have my gun when your Zionist controlled police pry it from my cold dead fingers.
d) Guns don’t kill people — Zionist dictatorships kill people.
@ Ahab
You forgot one…
e) ZYKLON-B…the original pesticide.
Had a Tee-shirt made up with the above phrase. Really pisses off the the non-exterminated!
It’s war BITCHEZ…
This will start someplace when they come to confiscate and you hear about a major shootout in some area. Keep your eyes open.
Do you suppose Ms. Feinstein has a security detail?
Do you further suppose that in the event actual “security” is needed, that the persons in her detail wag their finger at the potential assailant, and speak to them in a stern voice?
Mayor Asshat of NYC banned guns in NYC, except for his own security folks, of course.
Look how well that turned out; NYC is practically the Garden of Eden, what with everyone just getting along and being nice and stuff.
Sadly for me, I recently purchased a firearm.
Less than 2 weeks after purchase, I was in the forest practicing.
I received an urgent phone call and immediately jumped in my car to hurry to town.
To my enormous regret, in my haste to get to town, I apparently left my weapon sitting on the ground next to where I had parked.
When I returned a day later to recover the weapon, it was gone.
I’m quite embarrassed about this; since the weapon wasn’t stolen so much as lost, do I need to file a police report to indicate I am forgetful and easily distracted?
I just don’t know what to do…
Clearly you need reeducation. They will teach you how to improve your memory at camp.
With a face like hers she doesn’t need a security detail. As for your nice weapon that was stolen. Did the Dr. say you have early Alzheimers?
Feinstein has both a security detail as she is extremely wealthy as well as a concealed carry permit and she does carry.
Sorta funny she can carry because she fears us.
But we aren’t allowed to carry beacause we fear her.
Well the politicians have done such a stellar job so far and I expect they will perform even more if not better in the near future. If there is a far future… I think they will have turned back into monkeys by then!
Such is evolution.
Oh! You thought it was a one way street? No wonder you’re confused!
In seminary I wrote my thesis on “Just War”. As Christians we have a God given right to defend ourselves, which goes beyond any Government/King.
Therefore, on behalf of myself and my 1 million fellow members of the NRA, I’ll quote a past President of our group.
I am a sinner, saved by grace.
I had the luxury of meeting Mr Heston at a pro gun function over 20 years ago.
Moses he was and Moses he will always be.
Omega Man. My favorite.
I met him on a USO Tour overseas…a truly good Man and American.
it weasnt grace that saved you butt it was a full mag
Or a spare and a radio with A-10s on the other end
@ Rev Ike.
To the bone….git em Ike!
Wow, this sure didn’t take long…the day after the election.
Feinstein had no real challenge in the election. CA elected 2/3rds of its legislature to the left of Moscow yesterday. Governor Moon Beam has been decent to gun owners but he’ll go along with his new legislature I’m sure.
This article reflects a story by Feinstein that was available before the election but not reported to the main stream because a lot of gun owners voted for Obama and they didn’t want to jeopardize that. Did you know 1/3rd of all NRA members live in Pennsylvania? I heard that last night – wouldn’t want them to switch from their Obama vote.
The NRA does not give out the addresses of it’s membership. The NRA and more specifically the NRA-ILA is far more broad based than Pennsylvania.
You can guarantee that the left itching for the brass ring will go overboard thus awakening the politically inactive gun owners. Jim Florio the one term former Governor of anti gun NJ is not a too distant memory in the minds of fence sitting elected officials. The NRA will bite back politically hard and it has sharp teeth and plenty of them.
Please, be kind to dogs and don’t call Feinstein a bitch.
A bitch is a female dog. They care about their families/packs, they are loyal, they will protect their family with their lives, and they learn from thier mistakes.
A politician is a person in a government office. Politicians use their families for publicity, their only loyalty is to money and power, they hide behind armies and bug out at the slightest provication, and create problems calling them solutions.
This thing you are calling a politician does not have any of these traits. Bitches and dogs are far superior
to this scum. A bitch is a better PERSON than most politicians, and a bitch isn’t human.
I have a couple of litter mates. Brother and sister. Overall they are fairly good for house mutts. But, when the male is outside the female will park herself right at the pet door so he can’t come back in without getting snipped. He’ll paw a door and then we’ll call the little “B” away from her self established guard post, so the male can come in. I agree, a person can be worse things than a female dog, but they earn the “B” tag honestly. Both dogs and people.
This is my favorite Dog book of all time. It is not for the wussies that believe in “clicker” training only. I keep a standard choke training collar in my BOB with 25 feet of chain stitched 3/16″ nylon rope for a lunge line. Even if I don’t have a dog, I can make one mine, and useful in a short amount of time with what I learned in that book. Good luck doing that with only clicker.
I actually got lambasted and deleted from a pro gun “group” in California that was so pro Obama it made me stick. They’d actually claim Obama didn’t matter because the Republican House would protect them. Fools.
I was told long ago,
California is like a bowl of granola
What ain’t fruits and nuts is flakes
This is what happens when you have women and negroes in charge.
This lady should be KICKED out of office for being LAWLESS because now only criminals (like her) will have human hunting rifles, and high-capacity mags, etc., all the better to HUNT you down with it.
THIS IS NOTHING BUT DISARNMAMENT OF THE POPULACE and is in violation of the Constitution. This is one very EVIL LADY. Get her out!
she has a ccw
She’s one of the few in Kalifornia that can actually have a CCW.
Everyday peons are not allowed CCW permits.
Actually a CCW is not uncommon among the top acting community. Sean Penn has one and he is as liberal as you can get. What holds “The Famous” from obtaining one in California is a checked criminal background that is all too common in their ranks.
The rich and or famous operate under a different set of rules everywhere. “Equal Protection Under The Law” is a hollow phrase.
You just made my point.
“some pigs are more equal than others”.
We should compile some kind of viral video or post exposing all the anti-gun control freaks that have CCW’s and armed security. I bet some people just don’t realize this situation exists.
Rich99 and Copperhead, glad to have you both back. Copperhead, I agree with you;burying weapons is useless. keep them where you can get to them quickly and easily. I did maintenance on mine over the weekend and checked all my preps. We all know what’s coming down the pike. Everyone remember this; THEY WILL TAKE YOUR GUNS ONLY IF YOU LET THEM! NEVER, EVER GIVE UP YOUR WEAPONS TO ANYONE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! I honestly believe we’ll all be forced into a fight over our weaponsand anything else. I’ve already drawn my line in the sand. I’ve already taken my position. ANYONE WHO COMES FOR MY GUNS WILL RECEIVE SOME ‘PRECIOUS METAL’, AKA HOT LEAD! There’s nowhere near enough LE or military to do it. Even if ‘blue helmets’ were sent in, they could never accomplish it. With at least 80,000,000 gun owners and at least 2 guns per household in the US; NO WAY, JOSE! The communists aren’t wasting any time. Mac, I’m going to print Feinstein’s picture and make some copies; one for my dartboard and i know some people at the range who would love to have one for their targets. best wishes and keep prepping. Braveheart
we need to begin training and working and organizing together
Good point on that! Print some pictures of diane and Obama saying this is what they wanna do and post at gun shops and start spreading this. gun owners will absolutely allow you to post a page or 2 at their shops. it threatens their business and want to know whats going on and a lot of people that buy guns are not as engaged as us and dont know this since MSM does not post this stuff. good poing braveheart! I’m going to do this here in The midwest tomorrow if I can find the acutal article. Sure it will be out very soon since obama gets off his vacation he is taking again.
people are so stupid voting for a liberal. do they realize that without businesses doing good more jobs are going to lay off or fire people. Big deep cycle thats going to happen. Please preps or even new preps you dont have to go nuts on prepping but at least have a couple months of food and enough water to take care of yourself. you can never be too prepared and that goes with weapons and with all these deadbeats wanting to loot your home or your family.
Watch yourself in the streets and always be aware. Women you can absolutely take care of yourself with just a 3-4 inch knife like a spyderco or any sharp knive. Women if a man grabs you all you have to do is pull out a knive and This will not sound nice but all you have to do is take your knive and slice the perp straight across the ab area and his whole guts and small intestines will come out and its over for him. its like poking thru a hard orange and going straight across the whole area. doesnt take much and dont be afraid of this. It will be all over B4 you know it. This works. you have nothing to be afraid of!
IF your in a headlock or a chokehold you still can use your right hand and pull your knive out and stab them in the leg or possibly in the abs to drop them or slice them right across the arm and they will lose all control of the arm. must be done quickly and you have only less than 5 sec but practice and do it quickly and can save your life. Dont be afraid. you should be angry and focused when this happens! Cant be scared. you dont always have to be in this mode. but if you know your in a bad area, think about this and get into this mindset when in bad area. can save your life from rape or other things. that is my tip of the day to women or men. I knive is great for defense and many dont expect it!!!!!
I guess I know what career I am going into after college…. GUN SALESMAN
Sweet. I’m becoming a gunsmith after college. Great minds think alike.
Why waste the time on college? Put the time in a machine shop.
Senator Feinstein is a staunch gun control advocate. Despite her stance, in the 1970s, she obtained a concealed firearms carry permit, and carried a handgun with her. A CCW permit is rare in California, and was the only such permit in San Francisco.
I say we virally expose her somehow
How about introducing a virus the old fashioned way; on the tip of a .308 projectile, directly to her non-existant, un-patriotic heart.
This disgusting and demonic Zionist beast (look at the seething hatred and misanthropy that comes through in its facial expression in the photograph) is from San Fran. She KNOWS the inside and outs of the Zebra murders of the 1970’s, yet advocates making the Amerikan citizenry defenseless before such fiends through federal fiat. She KNOWS full well what can happen to people who can’t DEFEND themselves:
‘[Informant Anthony] Harris revealed the existence of the [Black Muslim Death Angels] group to the police, and told them of a homicide which did not make the papers; it was that of a homeless man whom they had kidnapped from Ghirardelli Square. They had brought the man to Black Self-Help Moving’s warehouse, gagged and tied him up, and while he was still conscious, took turns hacking away his limbs. Harris told the detectives that they had dumped the body into the bay. He told his story in such detail that the police were convinced of its veracity, especially since the police had, on the previous December 24, recovered the bound and badly butchered torso of a male, missing its hands, feet and head, that had washed up in the city’s Ocean Beach district at the foot of Pacheco Street.’
I have a question…
First off, let me start by saying I own an ak 47, in fact I own an arsenal saiga ak47 and 2 m&p 40’s with 15 rnd clips.
Now my question…. Why is it so desperately important to have an “assualt” styled weapon?
Perhaps you’d be better informed if you would bone up on how tyrannies begin.
Come back when you’ve done your homework.
Thanks for playing.
More to the point is why do they want to take “assault style” weapons? Is it because the LOOK like assault weapons? Most are only semi-assault weapons.
Why have we been conditioned to think it was ok to make NFA34 the law of the land? Since when does criminal misuse constitute law abiding restriction and confiscation?
Don’t give an inch on the debate. “Shall not be Infringed” means “Shall not be Infringed”. You can’t get clearer wording than that.
Ed Johnson
Data from the FBI Uniform Crime Reports show that rifles of all types account for less than 400 murders per year while bare hands and feet account for double that and cutting instruments about 1800. One can assume that the semi auto rifle inaccurately labeled “assault’ account for maybe 100 murders per year in a nation exceeding 300 million in population.
Being that crime is obviously not the issue the question you should ask yourself is why do they wish to remove these rifles from civilian hands? Answering that question will tell you why it’s important that they not be allowed to do so.
First of all, @ kowalski, I’m 48 yrs old, I served in the marines from 1983-1987. Your pathetic condescension is not only unwanted, but extremely childish. This conversation is for adults, show some respect and grow up, please.
Second, dont believe me to be naive. I said nothing about agreeing with witchy-poo. I specifically asked what the importance of owning an “assault” styled weapon is, ie; A semi-auto with high-cap mags. As of yet, my question has not been answered.
I bought my rifle simply because I know the baddies will have them. In my opinion taking a lever action or a bolt gun into a fight with semi-auto’s equates to taking a knife to a gun fight.
Ed johnson i`ll answer you becsause i can,,,so why didnt you buy a 243,,30-06..270 semi auto,,,i just love my black beauty,,,,
Ed Johnson
“I specifically asked what the importance of owning an “assault” styled weapon”
They are by design more effective. If a Marlin 30-30 was as effective they would be issued to the military.
I’m assuming that you realize the intent of the Second Amendment. That being said I fail to understand your lack of understanding.
Yes, the Second Amendment was speciifically written for semi-auto’s. Especially when since they were so popular during the time. Apperantly giving one’s own personal reason is thinking outside the box.
More effective? Last time I looked dead is dead reguardless of what you’re shot with and grats to you,
you’ve stated precisely what witchy-poo’s arguement is, ie; Military use.
Forgive me for playing devils advocate. Believe me, any further posts will be from the pov of the simpleton sheep. Thanks.
Ed Johnson
Freedom of speech in the First Amendment covers the internet, radio and TV. No prudent person would limit it to double space type on a printing press.
The intent of the Second Amendment is clearly to put the civilian population on equal footing with the Federal Government. That is not my spin; It’s written throughout The Federalist Papers. It’s the Founding Fathers spin.
“More effective? Last time I looked dead is dead reguardless of what you’re shot with and grats to you,”
More Effective? I’ll answer it with your own words, “In my opinion taking a lever action or a bolt gun into a fight with semi-auto’s equates to taking a knife to a gun fight.
Ed johnson, your last paragraph defines my reason to own semi auto black rifles. Because I define “baddies” as being criminal element. That would include some military, some cops, a number of government officials and just your everyday run-of-th- mill scrote.
BTW, I have two AR’s in 7.62×51 and their excellent deer guns.
Then talk like an adult, instead of coming off with the focus group “why do you really need a gun like that?” line of bovine scat.
If your question was rhetorical, then you have to be a little more clear in the wording of your question so the rest of us will “get it”. The fact that your post was “thumbed down” by 20 other viewers should give you some indication that your question was either misunderstood, or unappreciated.
The fact is….your question about why owning such a weapon is important, is a bit unwarranted here. Most of us know EXACTLY why such a weapon is important…and why tyrants like Diane Feinstein and the horse’s ass in the white house want to take them.
You don’t need them, turn them in.
Most people will never really NEED a gun. Those who do will need one very badly.
@ EJ
You have the Air-soft type models, right?
You know, the ones that dispense little plastic projectiles, so you can play ‘Army’ inside the house.
Someone please tell me why that bitch Feinstein is still living.
This is the kind of crap that makes us look stupid. The kind of crap the government quotes. The kind of crap politicians quote to show how brave they are for “standing up” they get death threats. This kind of crap is killing the cause. Knock it the fuck off.
STFU slave.
It doesnt make us look stupid it make some of us look crazy. I can live with crazy.
@wow u r a moron….
Actually….the government doesn’t need death threats as a motivation to take our guns.
The folks like Feinstein, who have made it very clear that they are the enemy of freedom are the ones who have brought this on themselves.
I have not, and will not threaten anyone. But I will not be disarmed.
And these little pissant tyrants can take that to the bank.
She would have to be alive first to be still living…my guess is that she is one of the original zombies
The same reason Cheney is still living,their transhumanist scum.
From my Cold Dead Hands! Ive got lots of shooting lanes from my urban foxhole! This is Detroit and we live in darkness,because the city is broke! The police are afraid of our neighborhoods, especially at night! they wont come for our guns! not now, not ever! Our punk ass bitch police force, corrupt as it is,…Is afraid of us. They don’t protect or serve us, they only serve themselves! And when the Shit Hits the Fan,, They will be back home in the suburbs, protecting their families! Meanwhile us urban preppers get a lot of practice,because we have been holding our own for quite a while now!
It didn’t take long for the new civil war to start. less than 24 hours and the Lefties are calling for a ban.
I am tired of it all. Lets get it on and get it over with. My firearms are probably one of the last freedoms I can call my own. You motherfuckers in DC want them ?
When the Stazi comes knockin,we’re gonna start rockin! LOCK N LOAD!!!
Wow. I never saw that coming.
Molon Labe you parasitic piece of shit
SEMPER FI my Brother!
Sorry about the back to back post. Apply some common sense. The gun companies send you letters talking about the lefties taking your guns….you all run out and buy more guns…..repeat the process every election. You are all being taken.
Well many wish they bought some extra this and that a couple of decades ago when Mr Clinton proposed restrictions.
At worst your employing an American in the noble occupation of firearms and ammo manufacturing. Would you suggest the money’s be better spent on tickets to the religious celebration of “Worshipping The Sphere”?
I received no letters from gun companies; have you?
I bet the folks in Jersy which they had been scared into buying some guns
A smart person might have a few .357 revolvers and Marlin Carbines stashed away just in case their semi-autos go missing…..just say’n
If they come for my guns, their going to get the ammo first. One round at a time…
ZOG ZIONIST Cali Jooo Diane Feinstein – Needs to be paid a visit by the “BOYS FROM PROJECT CHAOS – FIGHT CLUB !”
“You do not Puck with Us!”
~N.O. ;0p
Fight Club Funk – Do Not Puck With Us
I’m only shocked at the speed at which my worst fears are coming to pass. Obama’s second term is gonna be harsh.
It’s time to “lose” your modern firearms and become the Grey Man. Here’s a few suggestions from a land (UK) where strict Gun Control is already a miserable reality to help you adjust to the new paradim.
1. Bury your guns away from your main home (for retrieval after shtf)
2. Become “The Grey Man” http://forum.survivaluk.net/showthread.php?tid=186 OPSEC is now more important than ever.
3. If you live in an urban area/non-gun friendly state consider joining a historical reenactment society asap. Historical weapons use & manufacture is a useful skill to have ; ) Historical artifacts attract FAR less attention than the latest shiny Igun from the authorities if they enter your property.
Homemade black powder can still pack a punch in a home invasion emergency. You can learn how to make lead shot round a campfire with like minded types whilst bolstering your image in sheople land as a geeky type even in fairly urban politically hositile (to you) areas.
The link below should get your grey matter ticking over nicely
4. If you aren’t already in a rural area move to one asap. The guns the UK subject retains the right to use legally are those used by the upper classes to pursue country sports (hunting & clay shooting) and farmers. The rich aren’t weaponless when shtf, only the law abiding middle and urban working classes.
As Qui Chang said in the TV series, Kung Fu, “A wise man walks with his head bowed low”.
Hamburglar, welcome aboard andI’m with you about the political hacks. Only a matter of time before a REAL SHTF takes place. Lonelonmum, under other circumstances I could appreciate your advice, but i don’t see the US going the way of the UK. Ther is without question a civil war brewing and will break out soon enough. Best wishes and keep prepping. Braveheart
Dang braveheart, you just might be right. I can’t believe that the number of voters was below both 08 & 04 ? Something seems fishy here.
Got a brother in the gun/ammo business. He is expecting non-stop sales for the next two weeks.
I an a sinner saved by grace.
I pray you do not go the way of the UK! I can only speak for myself, but having visted the US a few times for work I am praying that Civil War is avoided with everything that I have.
Our UK Sheople forget we are actually subjects not citizens. The US has long shone like a beacon of hope for so many around the globe. To see that light now dim, well it hurts.
(My advice was aimed more at urban Single mothers than the general readership of this site. Not everyone can afford to risk the gubbermint raising their children in their stead).
I’m thinking it times to pickup that BFG “BIG PUCKIN GUN” BERETTA .50 CAL SNIPER RIFLE !
I feel the need to reach out and touch someone …
~N.O. ;0p
Fight Club – Do not fuck with us https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWVxI6XZAuE&feature=related
Marine sniper engages Taliban with Barrett M107 .50 cal rifle
Fight Club – Do not fuck with us https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWVxI6XZAuE&feature=related
Army Sniper at Outpost Mace in Nuristan, Afghanistan – Barrett Rifle
Yeah…good luck with trying to ban and THINK that Americans will ‘just turn them in’…
True, they do not have the moral high ground to brow beat us with. We might be outgunned according to the experts on the left, but one can tell how desperate they are. However with the will to resist and the home court advantage, their defeat is just a matter of time.
I wonder when reading a “Resistance is Futile™” screed I wonder if they are trying to convince us or themselves.
I smell fear on the pro tyranny camp.
I complety agree with you. God bless.
This article is B.S. The Dems didn’t take control of the Senate, they’ve had it for the last four years, and the Repubs still control the house…How’s this gonna happen? Just a lot more do-nothings getting nothing done.
Going to happen like Obamacare, the repeal of DADT, and the non enforcement of DOMA. We have a loose canon playing Commander in Chief. Anything is possible. Think not? Guess again.
You will have a clear answer to “How’s this gonna happen?” before the next four years are done and it has become fait accompli. We gotz too pass the sucker to know what’s in it. We have “Insanity at the Gates”! That’s how it’s going to happen.
Best tighten your bull rope. It’s likely going to be a wild ride ahead of us.
@ Shapeshifter
They passed Obamacare did they not?
Good news !! looks like I wont have to save for my retirement after all. Since I will be dead before I give up any of my private property to this bitch
That ugly broad would scare little children!
But She wants to “love you long time”
My bad, She wants to Screw you long time
Sorry i misunderstood
Thanks, step. That’s a mental image I REALLY didn’t need.
my m-1 is waiting…….
I wont be like some deer on opening day wondering why he got shot. I will go to the hunters house the day before and take him out while hes sleeping
My mother was a Jew whose family fled Mainland europe in WW2.Had the Jews not given up their ability to defend themselves, perhaps the Holocaust would not have occurred.
If I had more than one firearm I would probably store at least one in a safe place, readily retreivable with a supply of ammunition and pre 1964 silver coins. But that’s just me. Feinstein as far as I’m concerned is a collaborator. Not to be trusted.
truth that.
I wouldn’t completely agree that it can’t be done with a Repub house. Remember the heathcare bill, deem that it passed and send it up for signature. The house never got to see it again after the senate changed it. There are ways around everything.
Half the Repubs are in on the whole NWO thing.
They wont be happy til they get a war, well….here it comes. This is not the first round weve had with Mrs FINESWINE.
It amazes me how evil these people are.
PURE evil while telling you they are doing it in your best interest. Blows me away.
BI: Made a call or two and dropped you what I found out in the last article.
Kevin 2
Our Ancestors enabled our very existence by being ingenious, & employing their critical thinking skills. I think we should honor them iykwim ; )
Well, now he is a Lame Duck president.
I like and agree with what Charles Krauthammer
said last night.
All I can say is bring it, I dare you Fine Swine. Lets kick this off right. Go ahead and ban guns and see how that works out for you in a time of guns being more popular than ever before.
How totally predictable and expected…
The government knows who has what and simply rock up and take them or arrest you for failing to hand ’em over as I’ve been saying for how damn long now ?
And so the final phase of disarming the people and oppression begins, just like Australia with Port Arthur or Dunblane in Scotland.
Best of luck tackling a SWAT team with a 22LR bolt-action my little Americans.
zombiedawg, I dont think so, they know what you bought but you could of easily sold them at gunshows and thats all you have to say for cash. try and track that. wont be able to. you sold a rifle to a deadguy who was your grandpa, what are you gonna ask him? lol sorry but they cant. too much trouble and nobody will obey and follow by the scares. many will but the preppers know better. by the way I sold all mine last month. i needed cash for gas. lol
As usual stupid is as stupid does zombieDawg. Dont know whats out there do ya. Know what a Solothrun 5000 is look it up. It was once sold in the back of comic books back in the day, no papers ether, wonder how many people got one in this country, I’d say quite a few.
Zombie: The only way they know what you bought is on the 4473 forms and Log books, and they have to go to the gun shops to see them. Patriot gun shop owners will have a fire that will destory all the 4473’s and log book’s. If they don’t well I will say they live close to where their shops are. Three or four body bags of swat aday will soon put a stop to it. And yes there will be losses on the other side. FREEDOM IS NEVER FREE!
I for one will give my life so my grand kids will be free.
amen copperhead i will stand back to back with you any day
The ATF is severely infected & thereby hobbled by affirmative-action hires, especially in the desk-job data logging cubicles.
They’re notorious for losing info, screwing up files & even purposely deleting files, if disciplined or denied promotions & raises.
Why do you suppose the other agencies refer to them as F-troop?
Remember that ancient sit-com?
“Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to say, once again, in legislation, weapons of war do not belong on our streets…”
Well, that’s funny… because neither does OUR own military!
(in my best austin powers voice)….”that’s a man, baby! yeah”
I have to share, and I figure this is a good thread to do it in. I flew down from DaNang to Saigon yesterday. And this morning I’m going to a range to fire a full-auto AK and M16…very excited! Oh, and a big FU to Feinstain lol.
Ended up skipping the M-16 (can do that at home). Fired the AK-47, 30-cal browning machine gun, and the M60. Good clean fun. I highly recommend visiting the Chu Chi tunnels outside Saigon. Very educational day.
Lots of fun on full auto.
I have fired M60, MG34, Sten, MP5K, MP40.
I’ve heard some half-cocked theories from The Real Tin-foilers about reptile aliens (google it) in positions of power on various forums. Just saying that if anyone looks the part this old snatch takes the cake. Civil War.
It makes me feel good seeing all the support we have on this issue from our military veterans. Thank you for everything you have done for us and continue to do for us. I love you all.
How The Jews Control Elections
Nov 5, 2012 by Brother Nathanael
According to experts, it is only a matter of time before the U.S. bond market collapses with an interest rate spike that money manager Michael Pento says will turn into “an interest rate shock that will make the Great Depression look like the days of wine and roses.”
The U.S. faces a financial storm of biblical proportions; I am talking a Noah’s Ark tsunami. The real fiscal cliff isn’t what is coming at the end of the year. It is the debasement of the U.S. dollar at the hands of the Federal Reserve that is printing $85 billion every month in “open-ended” currency creation.
The Jews Control the Federal Reserve.
Cocopuff: They also work a second ful time job, working for Satan. Being only in spirit form satan requires His sons and daughters to do his dirty work thru the ages.
Ye are of your father the devil..And will do the lust of him. He, the devil was a liar and thief and Murderer from the begining. Jesus Christ speaking to the Temple Pharisee Rabbi’s and All their jew folowers.
When weapons are out lawed, Only out laws will have weapons!!!
Dr. Pepper
AND no worries here about forcible ballistic impotency. The odds are inextricably better that we will be picnicking on the moon via our Ford Coupes before disarming America’s Americans. It takes MANPOWER and manpower takes MONEY.
(WE) as gun owners have to change the way we speak. I do not own any ASSAULT weapons. I only own DEFENSE weapons. I do not plan on assaulting ANYBODY….However I will DEFEND myself.
the best defense is a good offense
In my opinion, one must become isolated in their daily lives and the people they allow in it. For me, the fox new channel (which was my main source of the news), is banned, as are all others in my home. If I want to know what is going on in the world then I will read it on the internet.
My Family will never become second again to the anticipation of a new president and the dream that it will fix everything. What we got is more of the same and then the same on steroids. They will never get anything of mine and they will never step foot on my property. I am a free American and I will die a free American. I will mind my own business and I will prepare for the worst case scenarios.
My gut feels like it was sucker punched and instead of being a victim, I will be a protector of my Family and I will retain my dignity and my life as I see fit to live it. So help me God, no one will infringe on my rights or on my sacred home. They can go to hell in a hand basket before they disturb one second of my life. I have turned them off and I have put a wall between the sick, vile world and my Family. This is the new America and it is scary. What will our kids face when they enter the adult world? Teach them now, home school if you can, protect them from the mind control and the manipulation of those who want them to be little agreeable robots. This new culture of true Americans will have to lie low and keep the enemy at bay. Just writing that last sentence sounds more like I’m talking about a movie, not the real world but it is real and it will get worse, much worse.
A few hours of driving, mixed with a heavy dose of Dwight Yoakam, is allowing me to gradually regain my (ab)normal mental faculties. I think I’m about to shake off this funk that I’ve been in. But it’s a bad one. Probably the Mother of all Funks. In fact, it’s a real motherfu- oh, never mind. You know what I mean.
Tomorrow’s another day. And the sun will probably rise again. For tonight…I gotta stop in Fargo and talk to the Hermit. Perhaps I can glean a bit of wisdom from his words. Or at least, maybe he’ll have pizza!
Hammer Down! Bismark- 60 miles. And it ain’t snowing yet!
Welcome up north Okie!
guess what zionist traitor to the Republic, you don’t have the jurisdiction to do so and you know it. you operate on presumption, but those days are coming to an end.
Hmm…”those days coming to an end” would require White men to grow brains, and spines. Not likely…
Gee I hope you are wrong because we all Know none of them animalistic african black Apelike monkeys will assist any of us americans eh!
This is the first of a long list of things the liberals/TPTB/fake Conservatives/NWO crowd will try and shove at us. I hate to see it and say it but; all this shit will come about like a line of dominos falling into place.
The year of 2013 may be the year in which the song comes to reality. “Bye Bye Miss American Pie”.
When the 25% of the electorate that voted for freebies and the 25% that voted to give it to them, start seeing the SHTF before their eyes, the reality of it all will be too much for them to handle. Singin’, “This’ll be the day that I die”.
“I met a girl who sang the blues
And I asked her for some happy news
But she just smiled and turned away”……
“The church bells all were broken
And the three men I admire most-
the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost-
They caught the last train for the coast
The day the music died”
Good one don’t tread! Bye Bye American Pie
That’s one serious case of (MAN FACE).
Bitch can try! I say pass the law. Pass it so we can show the government how serious WE ARE. The government thinks they can simply walk over us and that we will conform to whatever they pass. If they are that naive, pass it so we can rise up and put them in their rightful place.
For all those idealistic people that voted for Ron Paul or whoever, just made it possible to dilute the anti-Obama vote by a smidgeon aka a non-pro Ronmey Romney one. This was all BHO needed and he won. Reminder “bi-partisan” to him means shutting out the GOP from
every bill they can until 3hrs before voting in it.
What we have lost now with another 4 years is likely catastrophic… both for guns rights and the US economy. The market crashed yesterday by 313 points after the BHO win… and will get worse and this is likely where you have your 401Ks.
We are a country under God, indevisable BUT being so bi-polar we cannot even begin to fix the mess we are in because of the diametrically opposite ideologies. Dems want to spend until the End of Time on social handouts and GOPs want fiscal budget balancing. These are 2 totally incompatible concepts. They won… and be there no mistake in your mind we are royally screwed. First up on their agenda is GUN CONTROL..
Be Ready Its Going to Get Ugly…
Oh B.S.
People voting for Ron Paul did not throw this election to Obama. Get real.
Obama won because, as Bill O’Reilly said, “Obama promised them stuff.”
When you add that to the folks who think the murder of the unborn is perfectly ok and some kind of Constitutional right, you’ve got enough people to give him the election.
What we are hearing now from the pundits is that the Republicans must change their platform position on abortion. (i.e. approve murder of the unborn)and change their position on immigration (i.e. allow illegals to continue to flood into this country)
In other words….become more like Democrats.
The reality is, it would have made little difference had Romney won, because this country has an economic Tsunami approaching that can’t be avoided.
Romney….despite his rhetoric….was no friend of the 2nd amendment.
You are quite mistaken:
1. Votes for 3rd party allowed osucka’ to have a bigger margin without having to work for and gain that vote, and
2. Everyone on this site is venting because it DOES make a difference that Romney did not win! osucka’ is so much worse so much earlier than it needed to be; Romney would have stanched the hemmorhage temporarily giving us more time, and blunting the impact somewhat!
Ok….so let me ask you a question. Suppose I were someone who had been an Obama voter in the last election, but changed my mind this time around and decided to vote for Ron Paul.
Does that mean that I was helping Romney?
1. You didn’t vote for osucka’
2. It depends on perspective: if you wanted osucka’ to win, any vote cast for the third party(if he can’t realistically win, like Paul) helps Romney because Romney doesn’t have to neutralize that vote with one vote, and then surpass that vote with one vote So having to get 2 less votes would help Romney.
The very bottom line: If the rest of the torpid Republicans had gotten off their asses, this too would have helped Romney………
My point is….for every voter who was an otherwise Republican and voted for Ron Paul, there was just as likely an otherwise Democrat who did the same thing.
Why do I think that? Because of the huge number of young, college age folks who were rabid Ron Paul fans.
If you think most of them would have voted for Romney, had Ron Paul never even been born, you’ve got another think coming.
Ron Paul’s following was from across the political spectrum. I know this, because I managed to convince several people who were “otherwise Democrats” to vote for him……if he had been the Republican nominee.
But there is no way they were going to vote for Romney.
The bottom line is….whether you want to admit it or not….had Romney been elected, the ultimate outcome would still be the same. The descent might have been a little slower….but only slightly.
Again I say….this country has problems so deep that the election of Romney was going to make little difference. Because the difference between Romney and Obama were not really all that significant.
The argument has been made that Romney’s Supreme Court Justice picks would have been better. Well…..maybe….maybe not.
I mean….That John Roberts guy has worked out swell hasn’t he? Remember him? He’s that “conservative” guy who cast the deciding vote to find Obamacare Constitutional.
Oh yeah….that worked out great.
And how about David Souter? He was a Daddy Bush appointment. Wasn’t he a great one?
My point is…..you guys keep getting suckered again and again to vote for the lesser of two evils. Well…..that’s EXACTLY what you get.
Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.
Maybe not, but he would not have been an enemy. And no, Ron Paul was not the ONLY reason Romney lost, but he definitely was a factor.
But at least the Democrats and the left will OWN this.
Imagine if you will, Romney being elected and the country going over the edge of the cliff (which it certainly is going to do, if it has not already). You’d be looking at a 4 year administration under Romney…during which virtually nothing would get done…..but a whole lot would happen. (and I’m not talking good stuff here)
There is no way Obama is going to be able to not own these next four years. I just hope we survive it….and I doubt we will.
But I don’t think we would have survived Romney either. Again…..the fiscal problems this country faces right now are simply too immense to overcome. We WILL default on our debt. Whether it be outright default…or hyper-inflation of the currency. The end result is the same.
The problem with most people is….they are unwilling to come to the realization that this country is un-salvageable in its current form with the idiots we have in D.C. I’m not even sure Ron Paul could have saved it, because he would have received Zero cooperation.
Face it. There are simply too many people in this country who are more than willing to live at the expense of others, and see absolutely nothing wrong with it. Until you fix THAT…the hope of restoring this country to a Constitutional Republic is a pipe dream.
It is that attitude of entitlement…and an attitude of lawlessness that prevails in much of the population that got Obama re-elected. Not the few number of people who wrote Ron Paul in on their ballots.
And to support my last point…..
Come & take it.
I saw some Anti-Jewish comments in reference to what Sen Feinstein wants to do. Please remember not all Jews are liberals and the U.S. comes first to us. I own 2 handguns (.45 and 9MM) 2 rifles (Winchester 94 30-30 and an AR 15.) I also served 2 voluntary tours to Vietnam and I’m a Jew. If you want to post comments about her being stupid, etc that’s great. But please leave the religion out of it.
Emanuel Celler, Howard Metzenbaum, Herbert Kohl, Charles Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Frank Lautenberg. These are the Senators and House Reps who have pushed through the biggest anti-gun laws. All Jews.
Jews always claim they are on both sides of every issue. But about 90 percent of them are on the Left’s side, including the big media bosses, so the “both sides” stuff means very little in reality. The bottom line is what matters, and the bottom line is that Jews overwhelmingly support gun control and mass immigration.
For the West, of course. Not for Israel or its machine-gun-carrying “settlers”.
One of my favorite pro gun people passed away two years ago. You know of Aaron Zelman (May he be known for good) of JPFO?
Zelman, Aaron S. December 21, 2010, age 64 years, of Erin, WI. Beloved husband of Nancy Zelman (nee Soderlund). Dear father of Erik and Jeremy Zelman. Further survived by other relatives and friends. Funeral services 11:00 AM Friday, December 24, 2010 at Beth El Ner Tamid Synagogue, 2909 W. Mequon Rd., Mequon. Memorials to JPFO, P.O. Box 270143, Hartford, WI 53027 or Beth El Ner Tamid Synagogue are appreciated.
I can’t find Feinswein’s comments anywhere. Shootingwire or otherwise.
Please provide a source.
I can’t figure it out; are you lampooning yourself as a way to lighten things up? Or so short of things to talk about that any fringe issue is fair game for inclusion?
For the life of me I am unable to understand how someone can call themselves patriotic American in one breath, and demand the right to out-gun the police in the next.
What I really don’t get is, why the prissy, half-hearted stopping at assault weapons? Why aren’t you demanding grenades, RPG’s!, flame throwers! howitzers!! Tactical nuclear weaponry! Get with it, Daily Crux: the citizenry needs to be armed beyond the scope of the lousy cops, beyond the Marines! Get the lead out!
Come to think of it, grenades WOULD be handy
Wow! Two jew Trolls in a few minits apart from each others posts!..OY VEY!
We patriots need move to israhell since There you can use full autos etc and take live target practrice shots most any time against UNARMED Innocent Palistenens!
Just ask Axlerod and rham emanuel since they Both joind israhelli army IDF while neither served in USA militarys!
I read that they also Both shot Dead small children on the palasteen side. I rekon they felt it necessary for Fear of unarmed small kiddies eh.
Remember: jews Invented communisin, as a political system to Kill white christians(other non whites too) and overtake entire world into Their wet dream of world domination as per their Talmude teachings.
Aint gonna happen here in usa pal!…jews booted Out from 109 countries since 70 ad era…Always because jews Never do a damn thing wrong to deserve it….Right?!
Jews=good all other goyims=Bad-Racist antisemitesnazihatemongerhitlerloverswhowanttokillsixmilloinmorejews.
I aint buying it.
Nobody gets booted from every nation they ever Infiltrated due to being such wonderfull folks eh.
Check 1918 russia revolt to see How them kommie jews killed 100 million innocent White Christian folks.
Then cry a river in support of jews Master race agendas.
I am tired of race traitor whites almost as much as kommie jew killers….Thats reason I got Lots of ammo!
Oooh cool, how about a tank? That’s what I really want. Never have to worry about a parking spot again!! And the ability to take out a libtard at over 2 miles away!!!
Weapons Parity! Now you’re talkin! I expect there’s more of that stuff lying around than most would imagine. Not to mention the native ingenuity of your average American tinkerer… Again, guns etc. are just tools- the actual weapon is your mind. The rest is details…
Typical straw man argument.
Come back when you have a better understanding of both the Constitution (and the reason for the 2nd amendment) and the real position of those who understand why the gun-grabbers want to ban these weapons.
Thanks for playing.
We each must search ourselves and determine where we stand. I pray that it doesnt come to that. if so maybe a new list should be started and those that are on it should listen to things that go bump in the night.
Amendments are only good if we have them,the same go’s for the constitution. Do you see a pattern on what they are doing. They want a civil war they can’t beat us man to manso they will take us down from the inside, starting with the collapse of our economy, then watch who starts the riots in our country.
It will start with us deserting Israel and then look out.
May I suggest a Patriotic song…
Come try and take them,see what happens. MOLON LABE!
With the economy getting worse I am sure will be seeing more shootings which gives these liberals more of a reason to push for gun control.
i’m not giving up my guns to these bags of shit!
Oh you know this is right. I agree. people are out of money and stress is breaking a lot of people. there have been so many shooting lately in Ca. You see so many now that are just shooting themselves after they shoot whoever pissed them off. YOur right I agree on this. Most of them have been with pistols and I bet the sad thing is they dont care these people died. they are wishing these people were killed with ak-47’s instead so they can ban them more quickly.
6.3 quake Vancouver Island. BI ?
Commiefornia man.
Get me outa here.
Vancover Island 6.3
@ Be Informed,
Would love to get an analysis of the 7.4 in the Caribbean and now the 6.3 on the west coast.
What’s next??
6.3 on Vancouver Island just about 25 minutes ago. This was right in the middle of the Cascadia. It could be that the Cascadia fault was in the process of breaking and relocked. This is serious, IF it breaks before Thanksgiving it will be 8.8-9.0. The Japanese 9.0 had a 7.3 two days before. This is a possibility of that breaking and did not finish until later. Everyone you need to watch this, I am not kidding. That 7.7 did a lot of stress release on the fault, enough for it to snap. I am going to continue to keep checking back all night long. Cascadia fault goes, next is the San Andreas and after that the New Madrid like it has happened before in 1700 and then in 1812.
BI: Did you see my comment about the USGS and the WVSZ.
Thanks BI! Keep up the updates!
The Survivalist Pledge
To help all that can be helped,
To defend all that can be defended,
To save all that can be saved,
To free all that seek freedom,
To stay alive as long as I can and stay free as long as I live.
@ copperhrad,
I like it….thumbs+
Let them come for mine Im ready willing and abel to send then strait to hell, only they have to find me frist its time to stand your ground our fore fathers must be turning in there graves i for one have had enough no more I will not live in the peoples republic of america I will fight for my god given rights all enemys
@ Norse Prepper and everyone else. 96 hours, 4 days. If the Juan de Fuca plate, Cascadia fault has not gone off by then, this means that it has relocked itself for at least until Thanksgiving. Everyone needs to watch for several indications. First a larger quake in the general area, 6.4-7.5, if this happens I give a 70% chance of the mega quake coming with 3 days. Look for polar earthquakes of 5.0+, especially the Antarctica region west of New Zealand, OR the Arctic region north east or directly north of Iceland. Any earthquake of 6.6+ south of the Cascadia fault to about San Francisco. And any Pacific earthquake of 7.5 or larger. Any of these within 4 days will dramatically increase the chance of a mega northwest earthquake. Look for these signs of stress.
That 6.3 is way more of an indication of SHTF will a fury up there than the 7.4 on the Caribbean plate. The 7.4 on the Caribbean plate completes the western cycle of it, now the mega quake on the eastern Caribbean fault is in the mix.
thanks again Be informed, was watching today on history a bit about the plates etc. thank you for posting this daily.
Thanks Be Informed! Keep us posted. I think this could end up being a tipping point.
3 by the antartic ridge….Hang on…=(
Zionist VAMPIRE Jooo’s Have Over-Run AmeriKa ;0P
AmeriKans Better Wake the Puck Up !!!
The Zionist VAMPIRE Jooo Mafia have Literally taken over AmeriKa from the Top to the Bottom .
The is “No Section” of AmeriKan politics , industries , banking , media that is not Dominated by ZIONIST VAMPIRE Jooo’s at the fedgov and stategov levels !
Just like Cockroaches and Rats they are pucking everywhere !
~N.O. ;0p
@ Be Informed
All I want to know is when Feinstein’s place drops in the ocean. Hope her and B.Boxer are sipping wine together when it breaks loose.
Holy crap is she ugly.. at least Ann Coulter is hot. I’ll keep my guns to defend against looks like that! Why are the head Dems so freakin ugly?
have you seen that adam”s apple on Coultergeist ??????
I’m not sure she’s of the female persuasion
Satori….you’re a hoot. Never noticed that, but I don’t really follow the Fox comedy tour.
No but with her giraffe neck she could graze grass on the other side of the fence.
Because they inbreed!
YES….YES!!!! GREAT IDEA!….Come get’em.
“Whatever happens at first, we are certain to have triumph at last, even if we had for arms only pitchforks and flint-lock muskets ; for every bushand hay-stack will become an ambush, and every barn a fortress. The history of nations proves that a gallant and free people, fighting for their independence and firesides, are invincible against even disciplined mercenaries at a few dollars per month.” — General P.G.T.Beauregard
I would like to give her 2 things..
1- A bag for her ugly head
2- show her my big black steel banana clip!
It’s said.. Once you go Black.. You”ll need a wheel chair after!
Looks she needs a good Dickin’
“It’s said.. Once you go Black.. You”ll need a wheel chair after!”
Or about 50 showers.
Over the line?
only a blind fucker with no sense of smell would plunge into that nasty gash.
There’s a strategy for dealing with those that would attempt to go door-to-door and confiscate weapons. It does not involve barricading yourself inside you home and making an Alamo-like stand-off.
Can you elaborate?
Come and get ’em!
Clint Hospo, I’m with you all the way. I’m willing to stand with anyone and everyone on this forum for the 2A and everything else we hold near and dear. The anti-gun crowd will go full speed ahead with their efforts now. the globalists are running out of time to establish their NWO and we are the only thing left standing in their way. If they come for my guns, they’ll receive some ‘precious metal’ aka hot lead! Braveheart
Try it big government and you will see a bloody revolution like you have never seen!
Try it big gov. and you will see a bloody revolt like you have never seen before!!!
Gun Grabbing is a mental disorder. Use this documentary to educate and spread the word:
Alex Jones Calls Out Gun Grabbing, President Obama Calls for New Gun Control in Speeches
jewish fight club
Evidently missed that episode (one of the few things on the idiot box still worth watching)but got a truely excellent belly laugh from it. Sense of humor, check. That and the rest of the “preps” will come in handy in the rapidly approaching future.
I would tell you to “watch your six”, but that would be like telling a “male dog” to lick his own ……! Know what I mean Vern.
Accelerated timeline emerging at warp 9 crew. “Beam-me-up” isn’t an option.
Come get them Feinstein, you old worn out has been 20 dollar whore.
Ok, I’ll amend my statement to reflect only those states where SMGs etc ARE required to be registered.
The concept of buying/selling assault weapons over the counter is just unimaginable for other countries like Australia, UK etc etc..15 years ago was different !
But still – any registerable firearm that looks to get seized by a search may well expose other weapons to be affected by upcoming prohibition too…so go bury ’em !
Tell that to the real jews in isreal.
They are Fight for their verysurvival everyday.
Meanwhile Obama turns his back on them and bows to those terrorist loving countries.
They are doing the work we used to keep the middle east in line
Werent no problems in mid east for centurys, till jews went there based on phony balfour document fomented by Rabid Zionists and khazer bolsheviks.
Yes jews in israhell fight to survive from small kids throwing rocks at 40ft tall concrete walls!
You are soooo misguided. Is your real name J. Haggee? or TD Jakes perhaps?
Ever heard of hasbula lobbing rockets in from syria and yemen lebenon .
You wouldn’t put up with half the crap we have asked them to.
how may bus stops or dance clubs would blow up before Repubs. and Dems. Would level that F$&*(%# place. 2 maybe 3, then all hell would brake loose.
Step above..Read and Learn about Lavon affair-King David hotel bombing-USS Liberty navy ship(usa) attacked by Isreali Jews in 1967 Unprovoked attack On usa navy ship= 34 dead and aprox 180 severly wounded. An UNarmed listening spy ship international waters etc.
Your jew pals did that and planned to BLAME egypt for it so america would attack egypt!
Them isreal jews were Never our true allies. Nothing but Racist seperatistic jews, 95% khazer fake jews too boot!
Either You are a tribe clan jew?…OR severly misguided or uneducated on factual truth regarding the jew issues and agendas.
Your choice…Learn yourself Now?…Or kommie jew re-education fema type camps and jews or zionist kommie liberal/neocons Will fill you in on jews master race idology and JWO/NWO agenda desires. Wake Up!
You seem a little full of titles there at the end.
Just remeber without a good jew like judas, christ wouldn’t have died for our sins.
it’s all part of the masters plan Relax and god bless
Will “they” come to your door with a SWAT team to take away your weapons? Not likely. Not with all the technology being used against us. Not with all the Executive Orders being signed by the POSIC. Not with all the Fusion Centers, not with the new NSA facility, not with FEMA camps, not with drones, not with all the ammo just purchased for recent DHS graduates(camp guards)… I suggest the following scenario.
After being accused of not providing security for US citizens in Benghazi, POSIC signs an EO, bypassing Congress, making military look-a-like weapons illegal. Turn them in, OR, you will be deemed a potential terrorist, subject to other EOs already signed. You will lose your US citizenship if caught with such weapons, sent to a FEMA camp and held, until you tell “them” where any other weapons are. This directive will come down from DOJ, it will go to the regional Fusion Centers who will be tasked with identifying the most “dangerous, outspoken” individuals. These could be militia people, website moderators, even identifying specific weapons, i.e. .50 cal. “sniper rifles”. Fusion Centers will then use drone technology to start tracking said “targets”. This info will be fed to the new NSA center in Utah. Once they have your “patterns”, they simply pick you up in church, at the grocery store, anywhere they feel “safe” you wont have access to your “assualt weapons”. Now, you will be sent to an undisclosed FEMA camp, you have NO idea where you are. Escape, hah. A government agent will go to your house, explain to your spouse the situation and tell them, give us the guns, and you will be released. Unfortunately, your FEMA camp is very very “rough”, and there was a riot, you were beaten to death (tortured to provide the location of buried weapons). They learned at Waco, frontal assualts dont work well.
So, what can we do? An underground communication network where we can check in routinely, if anyone comes up missing for say, 2 weeks without communication to anyone, or perhaps, a cluster of people doesnt check in for 2 weeks, the network sends out a warning notice. But wait, wont families talk about missing members? Well, sure, but will the MSM carry the story? And if they did, hey, you were a potential terrorist, you broke the law, the government is just enforcing the law. You had a chance to turn the guns in, you chose not to. No story here, move along.
Also, humint, people in Fusion Centers, information from reliable sources something is afoot. Same for units that operate drones or work in the new NSA facility.
Even if you dont agree with my little scenario, I think it could make a good book, maybe.
Yall be safe and DAMN, she is UGLY, she doesnt even rate a “would ya?’ Not even with Obamas…..
Sadly DGB Stone I see your scenario becoming an all too frequent reality.
In parts of S.America & E.Europe people just disapeared on a regular basis. The perfect pick up location is the school run as guns are banned on the premises. You drop off little Tommy and then get picked up as you return to your truck. Any witnesses who complain will be told to “think of the children!”.
NDAA laid the perfect groundwork for your story to pan out. I believe History will pinpoint NDAA as the turning point in the descent into Tyranny.
So after reading this whole thread I just have a couple things that I hope don’t obtain negative reactions. Why are we putting ourselves out there with the comments of destroying our enemies? They know we will fight back,not all will I do agree, but hopefully many would. I just think for this, yes be angry and voice your frustrations with the system, but don’t give them tools(quotes) to help their cause. Next, I agree this group and many others should start setting up meetings. If every state had at least a few places every month you could all go for meetings and organise I bet we would make a better plan of attack,plus know the people would could count on personally if SHTF situations came to play. This of course could be more than just who is going to do what, but also a strong force to change the political system. I have seen numerous times people saying if all the gun owners would unite we could change laws and the system. So lets do it, lets act. I remember talking to a truck driver doing a delivery to my store one day and he said “if we all just drove down to D.C. and stopped moving or drove 5 miles an hour till we got the changes we wanted, it would happen. Sadly though no one wants to organise at that level.” Let’s not be that group. If we want our voices hear, the voices of honest and good weapon holding/ loving Americans than the time for talking has passed. This election and words from a woman who doesn’t obey her own rhetoric cannot be Changed unless we react, for within the system until the only thing left is defending yourself.
No one in their right mind seeks death. But what we should keep in mind is that the old saying ” I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees” has it all wrong. Take a look at what happens when you are defenseless. Read up on Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao and so on. The truth is, it should say “I would rather die on my feet than die on my knees.” When you go into one of those camps, you are…DEFENSELESS. What you gave up to them was you last hope for saving yourself and your family. You WILL die…but it will be a death of no value or meaning.
If you want to know what’s worse than resisting, read about what the Utashi did during World War II to the Serb, Jews, gypsies and Serbian Orthodox priests. It was a decent into hell. What they did was so sickening, Nazis and Italian fascists were sent in to try to rein it in…and they were horrified.
Once you are taken, whatever demented and grotesque fantasy your captor has can and will be played out on your body, your mind, and those you love. Read what the Utashi did and imagine that happening to your wife or child. You will grow a pair on the spot.
Think now. Contemplate what your life means and what value your life may have if you give it up. Will it be to defend human freedom or as the object of some obscene and depraved dream of your captor. Decide now, act when called upon.
I really believe to have a country wide gun seizure TPTB will have to bring in the U.N. Which now that idiot in the White House is paving the way. I would not turn mine in, if I had any. 😉 I am really worried about the next few years. We can only do as much as we can. Everyday I do a little more.
Just had a 4.7 in the ring of 55-57 degrees south that 78% of the time are precursors to larger earthquakes when they are 5.0+. This does mean something though because it shows the plates are active. Watch out for the Cascadia fault, that 7.7 really did some serious jarring of the fault.
I was looking at the betting site at intrade in which you can bet on certain events. Like at the horse races the more that something is bet on the lower the odds go down and less the payoff. Right now they have a bet going if there is going to be a 9.0 earthquake or bigger anywhere in the world by year’s end. It is going right now at 2.1%. This would mean a small bet would probably not make the odds go down much and it would be a 47-1 payout. Let there be so more action around the Cascadia and I might have someone place a bet for me, and I don’t use my e-mail at all. This is kind of a sick way to bet on a mega quake occurring, but it is interesting that they have this bet going. I am surprised that after the 7.7 and 6.3 right at the Cascadia that the odds are 5-10% or higher. They have been at around 2% for a long time. I would only bet however if I saw more indications it was going to break. It should be at 8.8-9.0, but the longer it goes without breaking it should easily top 9.
I saw the activity today and thought, “Hmm, wonder what BI’s take on this is?” T’anks!
Coincidentally, we’ve had a moderate flare this evening – an M-1.7 – which was of the ‘Long Duration Event’ type. If the past is any indication, then it’s the occurance of these LDE’s that signify’s an uptrend in solar activity.
From the fall of last year through the spring time we saw many such events, including one which was uniquely peculiar; Most flares begin impulsively, that is there is an abrupt, order-of-magnitude change in the recorded solar X-flux kevels. This is then followed by either an equally rapid decay in the magnitude of the emissions – which is referred to as an ‘Impulsive’ type of occurance, or (alternately) a slow decay in the output which may last from between several hours to some few days. The ‘odd’ one I reffered to above did not commence as an impulsive event, but instaed was seen to ‘ramp’ slowly from background levels higher and higher until it was fully of a magnitude to be classsified as a flare event. The final magnitude was in the mid-M range, but the subsequent decay curve was measured over a nearly 3 day period – Verrry long for even an LDE type event.
This occurred in the latter spring before solar activity went on hiatus for a time. The measured flux peak – for this cycle – occured around that time and was measured to be around 191 solar flux units (‘sfu’ for short) which remains the highest value recorded thus far. A bit ago, about two maonths about, we saw a large increase which neared this maximum value, peaking at about 187 sfu before diminishing again.
None of what I’ve stated above is the slightest bit odd or ‘off’ as it were, in the previous cycle, for example, in the first third of 2000-2006 when the last cycle peaked we saw a maximum solar flux output that crested near 251 sfu, which is very high in the historic sense. What IS odd though is that usually the measured flux output, when graphed, is a fairly chaotic looking mess from which little, if anything, can be predicted…not so this past 5 months. We have seen – in both peak magnitude and relative frequency – an unusual, almost eery regularity. The character of that regularity is such that for all intents and purposes the curve descibed by the plot closely mimics a sine wave. That level of regulaity is more than uncommon….
An analogy which just occured to me yesterday when looking at the graph for the last several months is that of the muscular activity’human heart’….it is THAT regular.
Over the next 4 days several active regions, as identified by NASA’s ‘STEREO’, specifically the SECCHI beacon’s continuous data feed from both STEREO A and STEREO B satellites – will rotate into view on the visible solar disk. Today’s M-flare is the lead segment of this new set of groups. Said M orginated from an as yet unenumerated region on the North-West limb. What appears to be a much larger group/spot is trailing that in the southern hemisphere, one we have seen only a few weeks ago, NOAA 11594, the same which was the cause of a significant beyond-the-rim (western rim) event which produced a very prominent and large CME as recorded by NASA’s LASCO (Large Angle Spectrograhpic Coronagraph observatory). At the time that we last saw 11594, as it passed around the western limb it was a very large, magnetic region though diffuse and very early in it’s develomental cycle and did not seem to have the potential to have produced such an ejection. We’ll see what it has become when it rotates in again in about 32 hours from now.
BTW, you’re ‘InTrade’ suggestion is intriguing!
As are you, I am GLAD that the political ‘mess’ is out of our hair finally. The last several days were an awesome strain on the minds of so many people…what a circus. Anywho, Going to get hotizontal for a bit…
‘Guten Abend, Mein Fruenden’
2 quakes just on the wires..
your take?
@ possee. The earthquake in Guatemala was the final sequence of earthquakes on the western portion of the Caribbean plate, now the big one on the eastern portion of it that is a tad smaller in size than the Japanese fault that broke last year at 9.0. The tsunami from this will be incredibly devastating to the areas within 1500 miles of the plate boundary if it is 8.3 or larger, which it should be.
The one in Iran is the result of the Arabian plate and African plate. The African plate is moving east, and the Arabian plate is moving north and in collision with the Eurasain plate. The most intense energy build up is focused towards western Iran and all the way back to Greece and Turkey from this squeeze. Because of this strange movement though, earthquakes in this region usually do not have the time to build up enough strain and pressure to some supersize. You get more frequent 7 to low 8’s rather than one or two monster 8.7 and up.
Hello BI
Thursday November 8 2012, 17:38:05 UTC 62 minutes ago western Indian-Antarctic Ridge 5.2 10.0 USGS Feed
Your take?
Best regards,
@ Anonymous. That 5.2 was probably a little too far north and west of what would indicate anything on the Pacific plate. This one seemed to aim like a sniper right at INDIA.
Take my guns and i will take your make up…..you can go to work for Orkin holding your head under houses and chasing all the shit out from under there
@ SnotB,
Too right Btother…Hahahaaaa!
oops, heart stopped on that one. paddles please…
I’ve never owned any guns. That’s by choice. I’m for choosing for myself. To own a gun or not. I have 9 kids so it was easier not to worry about my small kids getting a hold of it. My youngest is 8 now. And with these times, it’s time I get a gun.
My 15 year old son loves guns. He has been drawing them since he could hold a pencil. He knows the history and specs of every gun ever made. Military gweapons are his passion. Needless to say, school teachers, school officials have always harrassed him and me about his “obsession”. Thinking he’s dangerous. He is not. He is in ROTC, wants to join the military like 2 of his brothers. My husband worries about having a gun because of him. I’m not worried. I want take him with me buy it and to learn how to take care of it and learn to shoot it..
I’m in alabama currently. Last 4 years we’ve had to keep moving to find jobs. Since obozo took office, we’ve moved from MI, to GA, to PA to TX, back to MI, and now AL. We had 7 months last year of being homeless. Our house in MI was foreclosed on because it was so far underwater we couldnt sell it and couldn’t afford the payments anymore.
I believe the only way to survive is to arm ourselves and gather the southern states together and secede from the USA. It’s time for the New Confederacy. It’s about a different kind of slavery this time. We cannot let those northerners take us down with them.
Mrs Potatohead.
That’s what I’m talking about! And send those transplant Yankees that are anti-gun a packing.
Big difference in not wanting to buy a weapon and being anti gun.
“Big difference in not wanting to buy a weapon and being anti gun.”
Very true. I’m the last person in the world who would force anyone to own a weapon…or anything else. And I would go so far as to discourage someone from owning a weapon if they did not have the mindset to use one should the situation demand it.
But I have a real problem with people who think that just because they don’t want to have a gun, no one else should either.
And I have an even bigger problem with the hypocrite/elitists like Feinstein who think it’s ok for them to be armed…but nobody else should be.
I’m doing further reading here. What are these FEMA camps? I’ve heard bits and pieces about them over the last couple of years, but nothing concrete. I think if they were real, wouldn’t Glenn Beck have told us about them? He is usually a great source of truthful information.
Also, what is with the hating of the Jewish people? What do they have to do with confiscating guns? Maybe this dumb democrat Dianne Feinstein is Jewish, but how does that apply to all Jewish people?
He did tell us that he believed that they were real. That was in the morning, that night, he completely reversed himself. Someone got to him, he has a family….
I’m sure it can be found on goggle.
FEMA COFFINS, so when they dispatch yer ass, thay have something handy to put it in…
Mrs. Potatohead:
First, I think you’re new posting here, so welcome!
The FEMA camps are locations all across the United States that seem to be set up in the manner of a prison. They are as of yet, unpopulated but advertisements have been seen for staff for these camps.
The concern is that these camps will be for “re-education” for dissenters, for example. Many also believe that citizens will be herded into these camps “for their own good” as a way to gain control of the populace. Think about the disaster that has taken place in the North East – this would be an easy opportunity to corral a large number of citizens. Some go so far as to believe that these are basically death camps, where people will be sorted by their willingness or defiance towards “re-education”.
Don’t take it from me – research and read and form your own opinion. There is mounting evidence, though, that something very very bad is planned regarding these massive empty facilities.
The Jewish thing is related to two issues (which are really just one issue. Zionism, which is entirely different from Jewish ethnicity, although not everyone sees it that way, and a strong dislike of how much influence Israel has over the American government, media and popular culture through lobbies like AIPAC and the Anti Defamation league. That tiny little country bleeds the American defense budget dry and laws are constantly passed pledging even more American dollars, sons and daughters to its defense.
I hope this has given you a starting point for your research. 🙂
~ D
“advertisements have been seen”
By whom? Care to share?
“citizens will be herded into these camps”
“Think about the disaster that has taken place in the North East – this would be an easy opportunity to corral a large number of citizens.”
And has this happened?
“There is mounting evidence, though, that something very very bad is planned regarding these massive empty facilities.”
mounting evidence? where?
massive empty facilities that no one has ever seen?
“Don’t take it from me ”
No worries there.
Hi Daisy!,
A place: Hazelhurst, Georgia.
Roughly three miles outside of city limits there is a high-security incarceration facility located thereat.
Same is nor ‘visitable’, has no prisoners, has a skeleton staff which will not discuss anything about the facility and has full triple tiered 14′ high, concertina razor-wire topped fencing all around. Additionally, there IS a railhead (spur) which pipes directly onto the compound’s grounds.
This is the only ‘odd’ place I have personally witnessed along the way but in conversations with various others co-located there – truckers, laborer’s and such – I’ve been told that there’s literally dozen’s of these distributed across the southern states
Whyfor I wonder?
Though I haven’t tried it myself, one might try using Google Earth to ‘look’ around the locale to see what the most current imaging being listed is. 🙂
3 miles outside the city limits?
Let me save you the effort of looking at Google Earth.
3 miles in which direction?
NW toward the airport?
If it isn’t “visitable”, who visited to tell you about the triple-tiered 14′ fencing, and the rail spur?
Look at googlemaps for the railroad lines. (hint, start looking at Railroad Street)
Take a close look at that “railhead”.
1) Along the Route to Baxley, Ga.
2) Visible form the main Road
3) Need anymore help?
4) Used to drive by it every day (for six months) 🙂
MRS Potatohead…Try this web site link for exallant info on all issues/agendas regarding the jewsih and isreal agenda etc…Instead of an actual link I am posting it where You must use the usual proper dot or period symbol.
Reason= Actual links get held up alot…
Go read at www dot realzionistnews dot com
Replace the “dot” part with an Actual . as per normal links has…Every posible question can be answered there.
Site owner is a Former born and raised jew from new york area…but for aprox 20 yrs now hes an orthodox christian of the ROCOR which means “Russian Orthodox Christian-church, Outside of Russia”(hes in usa colorado area)
He tells it like it is. Facts and Truth. A toZ every posible issue you can think of he has it!
I hope this assists your search for knowledge.
Daisy, you are getting so damn good at this. I have re-assigned myself to amateur status in deference to your talents.
Ah, Yental, you are way too kind.
I learned from all of you smart folks on here. 😉 There’s such a tremendous amount of information on this site and so many people willing to answer questions on so many topics! I think the combined IQ here could light up the entire Eastern seaboard!
Hi All,
BTW, to the little ‘coward’ who’s dinging BI and I lately without any apparnet cause, ‘pipe-up’, got a beef?…make it plain, soon. In case you hadn’t noticed I’m more than capable of attending to matters.
‘Step-up to the plate’ as it were…don’t be afraid! Rest assured I’ll terminate the issue swiftly… 🙂 In the event that you’re not up to the task, which is to say, likely, then crawl back into you little cubby-hole and sulk like the ‘jungen’ you are…. Have a GOOD Day!
this whole issue can be summed up in one simple statement:
“Live free or die”.
pray and prep my brothers and sisters, time’s so very short and they will come hard and fast… i suspicion like the suicide waves of Korea and VN, they will be hellbent for leather with nothing to lose…
Scare tactics folks.. this is all they know is scare tactics
these pussies couldnt take a lolly pop from a 2 year old.
besides with as many guns as there are in this country and the numbers growing daily, that cant keep up.
there are millions of un registered guns in this country, they cant take what they dont know about..dont talk about what you have or where it is, and if they do come for them,, let em have them ammo first.
How amny want to bet that this dried up ol bag has armed guards, and a security team, all with guns.
If she wants my guns, then she better come and see if she can take them.
gang up on me and it wont be pretty.
remember folks the rules of engagement have changed since Waco and Ruby Ridge..if you dont know what that means, you should find out
lock and load brothers in arms
There proposals present they will not take anything presently owned. They will stop future sales and require registration of existing firearms like NFA 34. At some later point in the “Boiling The Frog Strategy” the letters go out demanding surrender of the registered firearm.
They’re like a slow progressing cancer.
With a bit of luck they will massively overstep and alarm too much political opposition.
@ VRF,
Yup, I beleive that you’ve hit it directly.
Just a couple thoughts:
1. I thought a law was passed in 1986 that disallowed the feds from keeping lists of gun owners???
2. 50% of the voters picked presbo … so remember opsec; don’t talk about what you have.
3. I would be careful about joining groups since the fbi and atf seem to manage getting agents into them and entrapping members. Happened in Georgia about a year ago.
“they “can’t keep lists
Didn’t say anything about seizing someone eles list
Gun dealers, Pawn shop, sporting goods store.
@ VRF,
The previous post is, apparently, a victim of Mac’s ongoing ‘trouble-shooting’ efforts over the last few days. When typing it in the browser executed a ‘wierd’ auto-reset of sorts – similar to the ‘pranging’ that had been happening a bit ago. Oh well, small enough of a matter, continuing….
Rawles posted an article a bit ago, a statement, in which he flatly discounted the notion that such was even possible, here. I concur with his evalation of the matter. To be sure, such a thing must ALWAYS remain in the minds of those who inhabit a ‘democracy’ for the surest sign that something ‘is a-foot’ is always those actions which seek to compel identification of ownership, and subsequently the corresponding locations of the arms of a citezenry. This was most recently seen in Nazi Germany in the late 1930’s and is the ‘bread and butter’ of any method whose ill-intent is to disable the ability of a populace to defend itself, is it not?
My support of Rawles conclusion is direct and simple in light of the vast number of arms in the hands of the citizens of these United States and is best summed up in the words uttered by Isuroku Yamamoto, Fleet Admiral of the Japanese Fleet which laid waste to Pearl Harbor.
Yamamoto had spent 5 odd years being schooled here in this country in his youth before returning to Japan afterwhich he entered military service in the Japanese Navy. Said service was distinguished even from a relatively early point and later, before the onset of hostilities with the US, when he had risen to become a member of the Japanese General Staff he made the following observation with respect to a proposal being made at that time, one which suggested an invasion of the US along it’s western coast. His response was simply;
“We can not invade the western coast of the Untied States….there would be a gun behind EVERY blade of grass…”
…and thusly so. Rather soon it may well become the case that we must needs demonstrate to the Cretins which populate the ‘Congress’ of this land WHERE thier true responsibilities lie, but it is not quite that time…yet.
Some several post ago I presented an ‘illuminating’ suggestion as to the future, proper use of the word ‘Congress’ – back-track a bit, if you like, to see what that consist of…you might find it, and those immediately following it ‘instructive’. and amusing.
Till later…..
I love my country. I served 20 years defending the Constitution thereof. I am now of the belief that those years were in vain. Because while I was away, defending our rights abroad, my countries landscape changed into the ones I was defending against. I still keep to my oath. It is in my bones, as it should be in those all who have served. I love my country, but I detest my government. I pray that my children will not have to live in the chains of socialism. I will do what is required of me to ensure their freedom.
Greetings AO1(AW), from AS1(AW/SW). Stay strong shipmate, you’re not the only one who served who feels as you do.
Semper Fi my hope is that if there must be trouble, let it be in my days that my children and grandchildren might live in peace.
molon labe
I agree. I did 14+ active army. Wednesday I removed my cav plate from the front of my truck, I am turning in my Iraq Vet license plate. All references to amerca have been removed. Too many of us have faught and many have died to be able to accept what happened tuesday. I will continue to prepare myself and family for the commies to TRY to take my freedom. I am now a free man, not amerikan until such a time that the citizens of this hell hole can appreciate what vets have done for all these years. If they chose to try to stop the tyranny, I will help, but so far I have seen no sign that the sheep intend to step up. I think they will just bow down.
Get ready for alot of us bitter clingers to go ruby ridge on TPTB when they come.
The greatest problem with this is the gun owning non semi auto high capacity owners not banding together as a unified block. I seen the attitude of “I don’t know why you own that” and “Their not taking my over under trap gun”.
I have a lot more respect for an anti gunner that does not own a firearm and never will.
The pro gun strength was multiplied in NJ two plus decades ago with the demand that tube feed .22 rifles be included in their “Assault Gun Ban” S-166. That multiplied the political opposition greatly as many looked in their gun locker and wondered just what they would loose.
Neal Knox (God Bless His Soul) wrote an article two plus decades ago where he tracked “Going Postal” type mass shootings with proposed anti gun legislation. The shootings were too timely to be a coincidence. When GW Bush held the Presidency and Republicans had both Houses there was zero chance of new firearm regulations and low and behold the “nuts” pretty much stayed home. Look for more manchurian candidates. Is it possible? Who knows? Does it happen? Just track the incidents and decide for yourself.
Over time the body politic of the “democracies” of the developed world have been ostensibly manipulated agreeing with X but getting Y.
They know that gun grab’n can not work period. This is nothing more than telling their supporters that they are going after guns(but keep sending me your money). You see my hands are tied those other people are holding up the process not me(don’t forget to send me your money). I think this is the game plan on guns(don’t forget to send me your money) because every so often they come out with this line, (but don’t forget to send me your money).
@ Copperhead,
‘Bread and Butter, Bread and Butter, Bread and Buter…
…monotonous….ain’t it? (From the ol’ disney cartoons…
Oops, kinda ‘dated’ myself there, Drats!
Agreed, almost has the flavor of the ‘schlock’ TV evangelista’s don’t it?
Politicians like Dianne Feinstein are exactly why the 2nd amendment is in the Bill of Rights. It has nothing to do with hunting and EVERYTHING to do with tyrants like her. My interpretation of the 2nd amendment is that the common man shall be allowed to have any weapon the government has that can be used against him.Yes, this includes full auto, Abrams tanks, whatever. The playing field should be level to protect yourself. I, myself, would like to have a Blackhawk. Anybody found one in military surplus yet?
Might be able to source all the parts , check e-bay
Im with you on your comment, everything they can point at me I should be able to point back,, that is how they play anyhow.
Tit for tat i say.
Besides, UN can cram it where the sun dont shine, Im a human on the earth, im not a military force, im not a government..they cant regulate anything when it comes to my civil rights so they can suck it.
and you can only have your 2nd amendment right taken from you if you allow it to be done..I just happen to fit in to the group that will make anyone work for it first….my mind set will be failure as not an option.
Guns are for hunting tyrants and commies and bears, oh my.
Commie hater
You forgot bankers, zionists & the enemies of GOD!
*adjusting elevation turret on tactical scope.
Lets get ready folks they want a fight
You don’t have to be a civilian to commit treason. She and her ilk are doing it every day!!
Feinstein said, “Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to say, once again, in legislation, weapons of war do not belong on our streets…”
Git Em’ Z!!
In a similar thread, googling ‘Hangmen’s Knot’ produces
an immense number of useful suggestions. Over 800 years ago, the HOPI indian Elder’s prophesied that, near the end-time, “The ‘high’ ones would be hunted, this will get out of hand…” LOL
Not usually one for ‘prophecy’ myself but given the way things have been going the last 4 decades. I’m about willing to “…get some of that ol’ time religion.” 🙂
As a moderating suggestion, in the future, we could adopt the practice and convention that “From My Cold, Dead Hands” is abbreviated simply to “FMCDH”.
G’Day all!
and her ass needs to be locked up if seen in broad daylight.
They sure can try but in the end, if they want them, they” have to come peel them from MY COLD DEAD BODY! Whatever the case may be, no Federal entity will be able to enforce any type of weapons round-up in certain parts of this country. If they do, be ready, because a Revolution will be brewing.
Brewing now mountain ready ,
East Tennesseans have a habit of questioning authority. I have a hard time seeing some of the people in my area turning in any type of firearm.
Drudge has a link which reports that the U.S. is back supporting the U.N. small arms treaty, one day after the election. Couple this with Mr. (oh, he is a she?) Ms. Feinstein’s Bill and one has to think that they are “going for the guns”.
According to a former KGB agent (Yuri Bezmenov) the last step in a Communist takeover is to cause riots, so “Order can be restored”.
Stay Frosty, stay loaded.
I am but a sinner, saved by Christ’s grace.
I don’t think the federal government can be brought under control, whether the Dems or Repubs are in power; look at the results over the past several decades. And I don’t think the federal government can fund all its promises; when you add together the official federal debt and the unfunded part of social security and medicare, you come up with $437,214 per person; very few people could pony up their share and those federal obligations are on top of about an average of $50,000 per person personal debt and another $6,000 per person share of state and local government debt. Many people are going to be left holding an empty bag as we finally reach a point where it all collapses.
It eventually will boil down to ending the federal government as it exist today and starting over, breaking up the US into separate nations like happened in the USSR in the 1990’s when they couldn’t pay their bills either, or fighting a civil war against those in power who just won’t give up thinking they own us as serfs.
However it plays out, owning guns and ammo will be essential. What is coming will make Katrina and Sandy look like child’s play. Don’t let them take your arms.
So in the grand scheme of things, just what can we do about it?
If we believe that a gun confiscation law is unconstitutional, than it is no law. The question is, will law enforcement or the military begin to engage.
There is a window of opportunity when the orders are given, they are disobeyed and the issuer thrown in jail for treason. No Bloodshed.
Those in Law Enforcement, know when they are going against the Constitution. “I am only doing my job’, is a poor excuse. Also gun owners know when they are doing wrong. It is the crazies in between that do things most would not think of doing. I would not mind execution on the spot for those who commit these atrocities.
Hi Slingshot,
You’re looking for this, from the horse’s mouth as it were;
“An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed.”
-Norton v. Shelby County, US Supreme Court Decision 118 US 425, 442 (in 1886)
The clear illegallity of those who continuously effort themselves to ‘Legislate’ thier way around the Constitution is such that …in light of the foregoing, the citizens of THIS country may with perfect moral/ethical basis, refuse any such as the Supreme Court itself has alrady ruled. That is until the day when my post to copperhead (above) becomes the single remaining response.
Meant ‘response to VRF…” last part 🙂
Stop being a slave; paying taxes and supporting these tyrants and all the leaches. Together we stand, divided we fall.
Was addressing slingshots question “just what can we do about it?” Stop financially supporting ‘them’.
Hmmm, wouldn’t surprise me at all to find out that Diane went long on S&W, Colt, Ruger, Remington, etc. What better way to make a quick million or three than by threatening to shut down gun ownership? We, the sheeple, would invariably run out and buy, buy, buy, sending the stocks ever higher.
Then sanity will return 3 days after she dumps the stocks.
LOL…didn’t think about that…GOOD ONE!!!
Ok, going to put this one out again, as I have made this post before –
If and when gun confiscation comes to this land will you:
a) Go out in a blaze of glory or
b) Hand them over and head to the airport, one-way ticket out of the country.
Heel standing by…
Those who would enforce this are enemies of the state.
YOU are the State, and the Hand of Justice of Almighty God.
Apply justice… judiciously.
Thought you might like a story of the future, in the State of Mochelle…
A Trip to the Grocery in the Near Future
by Natty Bumppo
November 8, 2012 05:30 ET
With all the new technologies in place and those being tested on the American public to keep us safe, I thought we should take a look into the future of grocery shopping.
It is the 7th of the month and according to the Dept. of Homeland Security’s new “Travel Now” program. This is the 1st of 2 days your family is permitted to visit the grocery store for the week. The day is sunny and beautiful this is Sunday and your children are at home and want to go shopping with you. So you load them up into their proper restraints and off you go.
Then while you are driving through town the bio-metric scanner determines what you have in your vehicle, guns, knives, drugs, liquor and what trouble you would be in if you have a copy of the Scriptures, the car did not shut down so you continue on. And that is not all, because as soon as you arrive at your destination, the local Pigly Wigly grocery. You then must walk through a body scanner with a retina scan to determine you really are what your National I.D. card says since you are one of the last holds outs to ‘get chipped’ and also to make sure that those are your children. For your sakes I really hope the scanner does not have some technical glitch that day because you will never see your children again.
After you gather your groceries into your cart and you are approved by Michele Obama’s calorie counting police, you get to the checkout lane and discover that the RFID in your cell phone used for purchases mistakenly doubled the gas purchase you made earlier which will take a month to refund if you can prove you only received the 5 gallons at 50 credits to begin with that now you don’t have enough credits remaining to make the purchase of the entire contents of your cart. No problem you say, just remove a couple items and it’s a go, but then a red light begins to flash while your items were scanning.
Unfortunately you took out the wrong items. You should have kept the carrots and not the bag of cookies. Because the calorie count fail safe installed 2 days earlier by the Michele Obama’s calorie counting police at the isle’s scanner told that you have an unhealthy cart and you are again required to go through the store and re-examine all potential purchases as you go through the process again. Finally you are cleared to return to your car from the local Pigly Wigly. You are so thankful that that was your first demerit at the grocery, 2 more and you would be required to take a special class on ‘healthy hearts and healthy homes’. After the class and if you receive 2 more demerits then your children would be removed from your unhealthy home and placed with a government approved ‘healthy hearts and healthy homes’ facility until they become of age after reeducation to remind you about proper dieting and report back to their superiors on your behavior. Your scared because your oldest is 7 and your youngest is 4 and they never come back to the families until the age of 10.
Read the Rest of the trip at;
Read, and prepare accordingly.
Within this generation, there will be only two choices: God, which means giving up this world but winning eternal life through His Grace; or, the Beast, which means winning this world but giving up eternal life. Choose God.
Three choices.
Two are of God, one is for the children…
Will you give your children to the Beast?
THIS is your choice, given by the Preacher men(Pharisees)… bought and paid for by the Beast, with IRS tax breaks.
The catholics and protestants no longer have a monopoly on God, the lady of 12 stars clothed in the light of the Sun, while standing upon the Moon, has been delivered in the New Song, and the MYSTERY of God is finished…
You must leave the system, trim your wicks, fill your lamps, and hide, to go into the wilderness, on the wings of an eagle(freedom from the system).
Quit listening to Pharisees that worship death.
The Piper plays a new song,
that the Chorus may sing,
and the people dance,
that the forests echo with laughter.
pipermichael dot wordpress dot com
page: Babylon and the wilderness
You forgot the part on when your kids are removed to be placed into a healthy heart home, That home Will consist of eiter Two Daddy HomoFaggot perverts…OR…Two femanazi Lezbo-Dyko=Perverts women.
Do you have any stories where patriots get so fed up, they round up liberal komies and throw them against the New 2200 mile long Wall to seperate mexico from usa at southern border zone, and patroits from all 50 states arrive to begin target practice events?
Not my story Angelo,
but I do like the premis…;)
A better premis, one I have looked at, is the one where the ‘liberals’ begin disappearing…
Because the good guys are… well… good. And don’t want to go around shooting anybody, so, we..er..they… build ‘detention centers’ of their own, secretly of course.
And only The Shadow knows where they are…
Screw that detention camp idea.
Give them a Lubyanka breakfast!
…the knowledgeable here will understand.
We’re supposed to be the ‘good’ guys…;)
To You Piper Michael-
That sounds like a cut and paste of Rawles Bigoted Sheeple Philosophy.
Congratulations for being part of the Flock!
I will build a road block and only ‘bad’ people will try and cross it and I will catch and ELIMINATE them to Save The World.
I am completely Blest that you do not live in my Longitude and Latitude.
Dum ta Dum Dumb.
It wont be the guns that they come after. They know that nobody will give them up willingly. It will be the ammo. “You can own all the guns you want” they will say, but only 5 rds of ammo, or some low number. Anyone with any more than the prescribed number will be labeled a terrorist. Off to the FEMA camp for you. The masses will agree because after all, who needs more than that right? They cant control all of the guns, and they know it. Red Dot ?? Primers? Brass? All of them are cheap right now, and anyone can buy them.
Might want to grab a few while you can. Would be great barter items and 1000 primers you can fit in your pocket. Maybe a cottage industry? Learn to manufacture your own ?
I’m for gun control too. You have to use both hands.
If you want the answer to all of worlds problems, look under the problem and you find a fucking jew. Hey man, it’s not my fault these people behave and believe the way they do! Look it up jerk!
f 8te…Not to mit pic, but I do think tha actual quote you refer to goes more like this..(from memory so not an exact quote).
If you look at all the worlds troubles and problems, and compare them all to a puss filled infected sore on a human body.
And then if you were to slowly peel back the scab off the sore, and got a magnafying glass to peer into the puss at the very center of said sore, what you will find every time….Is a little face of a jew staring back up at you from that infected puss.
I think it is from Mien Kamph by A. Hitler(?)
Did you ever wonder why things are so screwed up.
OR Part 2. Did you ever think why Southerner’s Hate Yankee’s.
It is all a matter of demographics.
You see in the North and some places out West, there is a type of person who wants everthing. Whether it be an item or a service. They want somebody else to do it for them. That costs money or a law needs to be enacted. They vote for higher taxes because they do not want to pay for it all themselves. Soon after, years in the making, they form voting blocks and consolidate thier power. More and more taxes and more and more laws. Then something happens and they do not like what they have created and want to move because they can’t stand it any longer. They move east or south till they find a place that is comfortable for them. They are pleasant with the new neighbors and try to fit in. Then they begin feeling homesick for the things they left behind and the process of screwing things up starts all over again. They destroy what was a decent way of life. They come from Stockton and San Francisco, Philliy, Detroit, Camden, Trenton, Flint and they all want to come to the south. Shitholes all of them. All Democractic controlled. Now it is happening to Florida. And Florida will change. But that is not all, for the rest of you freedom loving states will be faced with the same problem. They come with new taxes and laws. To those who have filled thier nest with shit. Why don’t you save yourself some moving expenses and stay put. Maybe those democractic states can have some kind of exchange program for wandering boneheads.
The ‘snowbirds’ tried to pull some of that on the beach here. To put fences up on our pristine sands, mandated to be free to walk from one end of the state to the other.
We reminded them, that what they called the ‘civil’ war, was really called the ‘War of Northern Aggression’, and we considered this ‘aggressive behavior’.
A few broken windows, a few slashed tires, and in one hard heads case, a bucket of tar and feathers left on his porch, they got the message…
You guys, really, Dianne Feinstein would be EASY to convince. If you had a pair.
Really? Tar and Feathers.
From the words of Mr. Montgomery Burns, “Excellent”.
It is eaiser that even that little bit. Up here in N.Mich areas where I reside, I met a really stupid idiot liberal like a klaif type couple of women.
I overheard one tell the other how since she moved here recently, she can’t stand the smells from horse and cattle manuere.
Then she complained of all the guns and shooting going on almost non stop daily!
The second bitch tells her you should get a Petition going and try to get such animals banned or moved farther away from Your home!
Then she added how she, the #2 woman, so hates guns and in her opinion That would be the very first thing to petition to Ban completely etc!
This was a resturant with a few others in it. I got pissed and being not one to remain quiet for long, I leaned over towards their table.
And politely said that this is UP NORTH! Gods Country And Mine and all them what lives here besides me.
Abd further more as to all them so hated guns and shooting going on, I promiced then both it was only untill we all band together when shtf and go out hunting Liberals like kalif type assholes.
Don’t know if they still reside anywheres near here still?…But aint been no petitions nor complaints heard since.
Personally I much prefere the smells from large barnyard animals when compared to the scent of kommie liberals.
You Must always react fast or else your rural home front will end in a liberal nitemare soon as more libs come to live there.
Up here every person knows the true meanings of “There goes the neighborhood”!
Try being in Tc Mi it is like san francisco east
So General Sherman did have the right way to deal with you folks huh
Sherman and the rest of the Carpetbaggers made a lasting impression that still lives on today. Too bad General Lee did not continue into Washington, D.C. after the first engagements.
Seems Lee ahd mitts Problem to little to late
I’ll give you that. The way things are going, the South may get its wish afterall.
I was 12 before I understood that Damn and Yankee,
were 2 words…
There are some guys in Pennsylvania that feel the same way, about Federals… they call themselves the sons of the Whiskey Rebels…
Same diff.
same prob.
Been with us since the beginning.
The BS of the Federals has never lived up to the marketing.
Read history.
See what’s happening.
Return to the Articles of Confederation,
after the War.
(Whether its wwiii or whatever…as long as the Federals GO AWAY.)
Slinging it back to Shot –
Being a ‘Yankee’, I want to respond to this –
I AM staying Put.
It is not uncommon to hear people talk about the inbred, back woods, bum F***, white trailer trash southerners. I believe it is where the majority of the 47% of food stampers live. The Discovery channel is full of programs about swamp people and moon shiners.
This site has become a divide and argue forum.
How any one would want to live around the radioactive Misery River, or that other one you now, the sewer, sometimes called the Mississippi River.
Or any where near the leaking Nuclear Power Plant clusters all over the south and east – 50-100 miles away is NOT far enough.
Or how about those toxic military bases, they have some great poisons laying about.
And then there is the dead soils, the Monsanto frakenfoods, the over abundance of sprays and poisons from the skies.
And the best yet, the strong Christian Values that just can’t wait to exercise there right to KILL the first person that tries to touch their bag o’ beans, in self defense of course.
It’s Guns and hate and if that is not enough, it is more Hate with a sprinkling of more bullets!
It is Right, no Left, No Blue, No Red, No White, definitely NOT black, It is Muslims, No Jews, No atheists, No Pagans, Wait – It is Congress, no it is The New World Order, wait, no, it is the Environmentalists, yeah that’s it, because they don’t want us sending our next generation into the poison to breathe coal mines and polluting the air with that filth.
It is Corporations, and bankster mafia, drug lords, pharmaceutical companies and a government too full of themselves.
Now, having had the best rant I have personally ever posted, I would like to say –
I do not hate you because you choose to live where you do or have what ever faith you hold dear, or eat GMO’s, or alter your own DNA by taking the vaccinations and flu shots.
And I would appreciate it if you did not hate me because I was born in one of the most fertile, beautiful, rich areas of the world. And I would prefer it also if you stayed where you are.
@ HalfKin.
At least you are being honest and not afraid to say what is on your mind. Yes, a good Rant. Don’t worry, I not headed your way but can I send a few Yankee’s back home. Plllllease.;0)
@ HalfKin.
There was another post but don’t know where it went.
Anyhow if you agree to stay where you are. I will stay where I am. Deal?
Can I still send you some Yankee’s? Pllllllease. ;0)
Made a deal with CoocoPuff Crachead also, by the way.
SlingShot – Deal – staying put.
But you can keep your snow birds,
fortunately in north idaho where i live, winter usually sends the califonian back home. they should learn how to shovel the shit out of their own nest instead of fouling another one.
Hello SHTFplan. I am UK based and own hi capacity rifles and shotguns. I even have silencers on my rifles, and also possess an Accuracy International AW50 50 BMG rifle for our sport of Long-Range target shooting. My 10-shot Fabarm PSS-10 and my pistol-grip Benelli Supernova are used in official Practical Shotgun competition. My point is, even in heavily restricted Europe, we can own such firearms, and statistically they do not impact on crime statistics to measure as a threat. If they did, they would have been banned decades ago. So the threat in America is not based on evidence, and seems hysterical opportunism to pave the way for full broad firearm total ban. Historically, the American 2nd amendment envisaged the people being able to organise and resist government-level tyranny. Back then, it was King George and RedCoats with muskets. Now, it is the U.N. and legions of Globalist sympathiser politicians who hate the Constitution. The new RedCoats are your Globalist sympathizer TSA and other Neo-Stasi organisations who are horrifically over-armed and planning to take on Constitutional people to allow Global rule to take America.
Hey UK Lyn,
Look up the Whiskey Rebellion…
It started out good, then collapsed. We’ve been fooked by the Federals since the Constitution was written, but nobody seems to have figured that out. They don’t really ‘get’ that we replaced an aristocracy of royalty, with an aristocracy of money…
pipermichael dot wordpress dot com
pages; The New Whiskey Rebellion
and; What killed the idea of America?
Piper Michael
The ink wasn’t dry on the First Amendment when they penned the Alien and Sedition Act.
Government by it’s nature controls and will continually increase the scope of that control given the chance.
Hi UK Lyn,
Thanks, an ‘international’ perspective IS welcome. Point well taken…..
UK Lyn
Are you permitted to have those weapons at your home or must they be stored with the police or at the place of shooting?
UK Lyn
Nice analysis bloke.
Suggest you grab some popcorn, a bitter & plop yer butt in-front of the ‘telly’.
…as the commercial break over here, is almost over & the drama is about to play out.
Stay tuned.
BTW, nice hardware selection, mate!
It was really tough to read the New York Slimes user comments yesterday. Every hard core lib was talking about how conservatives have no chance later on and that we are anti-science, bigoted, racists and that we should just succeed from the union. I say, before the tyranny gets too overwhelming for us, we should be forming state militias, slowly creating our own governing communities becoming detached from this corrupt, insane tyranny before it’s too late. Due to the influx of the 3rd world invasion voting solely for the entitlement ticket, I believe we have reached the tipping point. The Republican ticket is not the answer, just wait and see how much slobbering they will do to pander to all the entitlement crowd, it will be sickening.
Please do not support this economy, you are just handing money to unions, slave labor, & to the people who voted democrat, let it die with Obama and his filthy liberals. Buy the bear minimum, forget the ipads, designer clothes, expensive cars, buy all local necessities. Arm yourselves to the teeth because it’s over here in America. Your liberty is threatened and people like Frankenfeinstein are waiting in the wing to steal it from you. I hope we have the guts to fight back one day for all the lies, corruption, treachery that they have spewed on us, we can only take so much, we have a tipping point too. Hopefully, 1776 is right around the corner.
thank you Rtype.
But it goes deeper…much deeper. You have nailed the need on the head, but forget it, people will not come together in unity. I have tried. Many have tried, we truly are iron and clay.
Failing to leave religion out of it, is leaving out the major reason why we have become useless.
There are truly those who don’t care about science. They are too stupid.
We worship money above God.
We are ‘nice’, and do things ‘the right way’, while that way runs over us.
We are apathetic because the Preacher men say so.
We are ‘waiting on the Lord’ to ‘come fix things’.
Or as some have said; ‘angels will descend on my AO just in the nick of time, no worries.’
They mock God, when they hold Him to THEIR schedules, but they are too uneducated in spiritual matters to see it.
We think we must give up our head or our soul to the Beast that comes, because the Preacher man said so. Third options are not even considered. Going ‘into the wilderness'(ie leaving the system, and setting up our own system) is not discussed by these perfidious preachers because they are beholden to the Beast and Mammon before God(if they preach about end times at all). So, they will hand their children over to the Beast, and commit suicide by government. They are not taught to ‘trim your wicks, fill your lamps, and hide in a back room’, to become The Remnant, which is what the Bible truly teaches. They won’t even bother to read it, because they ‘can’t understand that stuff’…
They do not understand that the preachers are trained to keep them in ‘submission to Godly authority’… its in the Bible! (it was put there for that reason)
(while the preachers, don’t pay taxes… they ARE the Harlot that rides the Beast.)
They do not understand that the Bible was written, edited, manipulated and translated from older Gnostic works, by a new church called catholic, that was helping to set up an empire. The Holy Roman empire. Some think the book was written by the hand of God, they are so dumb and don’t care.
In the words of Hosea; “my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge”…
No truer words were ever said.
All that will form up, will be A Remnant.
well kids
I’m heading off on fall camping trip #3
that’s right #3
the SUV is loaded
I’ve got my new tent and sleeping bag
bike is loaded on the back
and I am outta here
see ya when I get back
(if I decide to come back!)
and remember
The Bengazi treason has the Navy Seals, Special Ops, and CIA paramilitaries in an uproar. You know there is talk among the special troops. Same thing happened to DeGaulle. Maybe a different outcome this time?
Liberals crack me up, they believe you can pick up a turd by the clean end. That would be by the muzzle, Feinstein.
Molon Labe
what is the precise definition of an “assault weapon”?
You want the real definition, or the liberal definition?
The liberal definition: Any gun that is black or camouflaged, has a pistol grip and a clip thingy sticking out at the bottom.
@ Walt K
Ummmmm….intelligently, you’re correct. But intelligence doesn’t apply to liberals.
But per liberals, its everything from your ‘middle leg’ to fill-in-the-blank weaponry, is an assault weapon.
it has a selectable firing mechanism. safe, semi-auto, full-auto.
They would be inclined to define it in such a manner to include as many guns as possible. That’s where their Achilles Heel is, greed. Let it “spill over” to John Q Citizens supposed hunting gun and the opposition grows exponentially.
Thank you Daisy !
Just hours after the election………….
Have a great time and be safe.
Y’all Beware! Count some stars!
Arrest this Traitor!!!
I understand all the anger and frustration. However they want this fight and are trying to bait us into it. Keep cool heads as the revolution is a sure thing but don’t make it on their terms. May the good Lord bless all patriots no matter where they are from. Remember they are just looking for the reason to have martial law. I’m not saying roll over by any means just keep a cool head and pray.
God Bless you all
Her is something to think about: she says battlefield weapons should not be allowed on the streets yet did they not declare all of the USA a battlefield now?.
I smell TREASON.
should we the people start holding TREASON trials?
when i looked at the pic of that hideous fuckin face of hers, i damn near turned to stone. how old is that smelly skank anyhow? Maybe she’ll croak before she can do any more damage to our country. friggin troll…
Frankeinstein can kiss my a**! If that goes down I’m moving outta California along with many others I would assume. Just try to take my guns!
I’m not an Attorney so I’m posing this question with the intent of it being answered by someone knowledgable.
A treaty is “The supreme law of the land” but the question is can a treaty conflict with the Bill of Rights? Has that question ever been legally addressed with common law ruling?
Yes it has…I think it was chuck baldwin articles at newswithviews website that he wrote of a us supremes case back in 1946 era(?) which stated that NO treatys can be valid if any of treatys intent is to do away with us const, or alter in such a way as to render it worthless etc…AND the BOR IS part of the const so it too is included. I think it also mentioned Civil rights of we the people specifically too.
If not baldwins articles, try JB Williams perhaps and at same website as chucks articles.
AM: Correct. This is why the Globalists are pushing Illegal Immigration so hard. These Mexicans (mostly) have no comprehension of what America is all about as they have a 6th to 8th grade Mexican education; nor do they care.
They just want to eat.
By changing the demographics of the nation, the Globalists hope to eventually hold a Referendum to dissolve the American Constitution given by Nature’s God, and replace it with the North American Union under UN auspices.
See SHTF Illegal Immigration for details.
Excellent analysis, Mr. Kidd.
1st thumbs up for ya!
DK…Yep and also the Vatican is whos been quietly behind the scenes pushing more than any other org or group, other than Laraza(The Race!) and illeagles themselves has.
The vatican and especially the aprox. 2200 USA Catholic Bishops council has been steady at work each year to influence Our politics and Laws.
But all we usually hear of is vatican anti abortion complaints. MSM Never mentions the Facts that, it is under total control of them 2200 american bishops IS who Owns 600+ Hospitals nationwide!!!(vatican owns& bishops manage)
So of course what else We never got told of is the Facts that it is same 2200 bishops who Pushed for Obama Care health care laws!
US supremes now has 3 Jews and 5 Catholics(all conservative judges on supremes ct) and the 9th justice is a questionable “jew”Sotomeyer!..Even if she aint jew she may as well be.
I think a Much larger Hidden agenda is ongoing by vatican to flood america with so many catholic mexicans they soon will posess total catholic majority control over the usa.
And if the Pope simply tells them hispanics that “Momma Mary” wants mexicans to…insert whatever vatican or pope desires happen to america, and the hispanics will do it without question.
If one person “claims” they seen an Image of Mary in the knothole bark of some farmers tree, within 48 hrs there are 100,000 mexicans from as far away as mexico city.
Hanging out for a week straight to wait for the sun to be precicely at right location in eve sky in hopes of seeing the “Image” of mary on a tree trunks bark knothole!
They never claen up the massive mess made by their crowd when leaving neither.
Without doubt if Pope says “Kill Whiteys” because they are all devils?…LOOK OUT!
Theres alot of hidden agenda ongoing in america and most has eyes that do not See. Nor desire to see!
“A treaty is “The supreme law of the land””
Screw that.
The supreme law of the land is natural law, wherein is included the right to self-defense.
Our Constitution recognizes that right. (thus the 2nd amendment). Notice I said recognize….not grant.
The right of self-defense is God given. It is logical and should be self-evident to any thinking person.
John Locke referred to the right of self-defense as the “first law of nature”.
Only tyrants seek to abrogate natural law.
The 9th Amendment is where the right to self defense comes from. The 10th Amendment is where the power to enforce the right to self defense comes from.
Article I, Section 8 is what makes us all the Militia, whether we want to be militia or not and the 2nd is self evident: shall not be infringed.
Bring it on, di. You look like you swallowed a frog.
Molon Labe
Again…..the Constitution (more specifically, the Bill of Rights) does not grant rights. It is not the source of our rights. It does not guarantee our rights.
The Constitution RECOGNIZES rights that are given by God (or natural law if you prefer).
Natural Law (as relating to the right of self-defense for the purpose of this discussion) is as immutable and incontrovertible as the laws of physics…like the law of gravity for instance.
To pass laws denying a person the right of self-defense is as stupid and futile as passing a law abrogating the law of gravity.
Again…the Constitution is no guarantee of our rights given by God (or natural law). The only GUARANTEE of our rights is for people to have both the means (this is where firearms come into play) and the willingness to defend those rights by whatever means necessary. A firearm is simply the most effective tool available to the average person that they can use to insure that their God given rights are not violated.
Well said, Walt.
Australia 1996 was the U.N template on disarming a nation….
Most Americans i discussed this topic with said it could and would never happen in the USA…
The U.N wants every single individual disarmed, Read through the treaties for yourself… Theres hundreds of pages all on disarming private citizens..
And to my understanding, U.N signatory countries are obliged too act on all signed treaties, and U.N law overrides your countries laws…..
And i can assure you, like our Socialist government, yours will be more then happy too oblige the UN….
And a lot of gun owners are going to be more than willing to resist them.
And what about the HUGE role played by the “American” Jewish community in bringing the current state of affairs into being?
They have systematically corrupted and debased the culture and used their media control to demoralize, demonize and defeat White America. They have used their political power to promote minorities at the expense of the real America and to change the very demographics of the country.
They are now doing what they think is their victory dance (with their fellow non-whites) on whitey’s grave, and are rejoicing over the fact that whites no longer have even the pretense of self-determination in what used to be their country, since Obama was able to attain reelection even though he lost 60% of the White vote.
The “American” Jewish community has long ago come between Americans and their government, using tactics that should be prosecuted under the RICO statutes to destroy pro-American candidates and ensure that only abject servants of Israel are given stewardship over the vital interests of the American people.
The Jewish community exhibits all the signs of an implacable enemy as far as the ethnic stock culture and spirituality of white America and ALL western countries are concerned. Jews were the inspiration and vanguard of those who murdered America. One day, even Jews who give themselves “tough” sounding names will not be able to stem the tide of outrage that will call their tribe to account Even if every Jew in Congress attempts to disarm and disenfranchise every White American, they will FAIL.
As their seething, all encompassing EXISTENTIAL hostility toward the land that succored them becomes obvious to more and more people, it becomes clear that, if their genocidal regime in Amerika is ever forced to step down, payback will be a REAL b*tch THIS TIME, and perhaps as TOTAL and FINAL as that which they have openly advocated for the peoples of the White world.
Have a nice day and spare me your utterly PREDICTABLE feelings of self-righteous outrage. Your people have killed our country — so fuck your feelings.
“U.N law overrides your countries laws”
Who said? I’m unaware of any US Supreme Court ruling to that effect. This has yet to be encountered and challenged.
Then let the U.N. try to enforce their laws.
I look forward to it.
Armed but not organized does us NO GOOD !!!!! Organization is needed ASAP
Gun Ban?? Stop the pandering about the bitches’ comments.
Don’t lose sight of the facts. The Second amendment says “shall NOT be infringed”
End of question.
this is where my line in the sand is. i will not leave my family defenseless. i have no hostility towards anyone or anything. I dont care if the left or the right run this country. I will keep going to work and supporting my family. i will not be turning in my guns. they have never killed or hurt anyone and that track record will continue until my familie’s lives are at risk or until someone tries to take away my ability to protect them.
Good point
I’m of the same philosophy; I shall never relinquish the tools I need to defend my life from tyranny, slavery or the genocides that were so common in the 20th century.
I will happily, and without compunction use deadly force towards any man who attempts to forcibly remove these tools.
That’s not exactly my philosophy. I was talking about immediate harm to my family. Someone else can fight the fight of tyranny, slavery, and genocide. I will fight only to stay alive.
@ Line in the Sand and Dave.
So what is the strategy? Do we take the fight to them or hole up and wait for them to come to us. If we take the fight to them, we run the risk of running into superior firepower and if we hole up, they wait us out or over run us. In both cases our family will be at risk.
Division is a killer.
Indecision is a killer
Being unprepared is a killer.
Stupidity is a killer.
Poor Planning is a killer.
If you take a good look at what is being said here, we don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell.
First time buyers of guns that have no field experience.
Many would fall to heat, rain or cold. The daily grind in the dirt and having to take care of others while fighting. Many can’t follow and even fewer lead a group of men with some degree of military tactics. After the first couple of rounds come ripping through the stucture your taking cover in, many will say, “I had enough of this shit”.
I shall never hand over any weapons for any laws written by any Jew.
This “chosen” tribe has no problems with Israeli’s owning machineguns, but they have this itching desire to disarm the Goyim (they call us “cattle”).
So Feinstein, Bloomberg, Lautenberg, Wasserman Shultz, Bader Ginsberg, Boxer, Waxman, Wexler, Lowey, Harman, Schumer & the many more can kiss our 100 million asses!
Ever notice the eyes on these career idiot politicians?
Feinstein has one that looks like that of a serpent and truly evil; while the other just looks like a “pissed off at the world bee-autch”.
Thank God and Greyhound; the last woman I was associated with like that was my 1st ex in about 1984; she’s gone.
My little woman of nine years said just the other day; “why don’t you ever kiss me good night anymore”.
I studied a second or two, and then said listen to this, and pulled up a recording done by Vince Gill and Marty Stewart a few years ago when they did some spoofy little tunes and called themselves the ‘Notorious Cherry Bombs’.
The song went thru a few funny lines and then the chorus came in; “It’s hard to kiss the lips at night, that chew your ass out all day long”.
She wasn’t amused.
I was thinking the same thing! All of these career politicians have faces contorted like the Emperor in Star Wars…
LOL Rise Lord….FrankenFeinstein….
This is all B.S. Ain’t gonna happen she is just kissin ass for her liberal friends. This would never make it through the House of Rep.
The biggest problem I foresee when the SHTF, most of the people willing and able to defend their rights are scattered for the most part. You know that in the event of severe civil uprising that the US Gov Inc. will do what they criticized other nations of doing, they will cut social media like FB and Twitter so that people will not be able to come together, they do NOT want us to gather in numbers.
If this gets passed and citizens actually surrender their firearms, the government will do to us what the Germans did to the Jews. Stock up and prepare for the unthinkable.
Diane Feinstein, not sure about her religious leanings, would have a different opinion on gun control if she were a citizen of Germany circa 1939.
In Germany, she would have been the one in charge of pushing the button to start the furnaces!
Folks, about the election. If you think for a memeber those results were honest, don’t. Massive absentee ballot fraud and voting machine fraud kept O in, and fixed the composition of the senate, and got rid of Allen West.
The amount of energy and turnout at the RR rallies in the last week of the campaign should make this ver clear.
The governemnt has gotten away from the citizens. Remember this.
Didn’t HITLER ban guns ?
Yes, and that specific law was translated – with a few changes – into our 1968 “Safe Streets Act”. Every up and coming dictator must de-fang and de-claw the populace before removing the velvet glove from the iron fist.
Quote: “The American Revolution looked very unlikely until that fateful British march to Concord and Lexington to enforce gun control laws. Then it exploded.”
Just giving fair warning: – history not learned will repeat itself.
Game On.
The one thing this old broad is forgetting is We the People are the ones who came up with manufacturing firearms in the beginning, doesn’t matter what she tries to do we can and will over come her dumbass ideas anyway.
We know how to make weapons, we can even make gunpowder and ammo etc. I know a bunch of old rednecks who reload their own ammo now, if need be they can help out the rest of us who don’t do this. The one thing I see in all of this is an eventual national revolution of all of us to take our country back. The bad part of that will be the raping of America in the meantime leaving our beloved country in shambles. The good part of that will be the awakening of the liberal Dems, they’re gonna get screwed too but they don’t realize it just yet. I for one will not forgive them turning traitor but most of the rest of America will, it’s our way. Keep your powder dry Brothers, God Bless America, in spite of Obama!!
She looks like a deaths head to me! Screw the ugly turd!
we have a huge problem when the new patriot is portrayed by the mainstream as being the wellfare hoards! any real patriot is now classified as being a right wing extremist nut job. i cannot believe diane fineswine is at it again. she is going to cause more death and destruction than she will ever understand.
It’s really unfortunate that Dan White didn’t take out Slimestein along with Moscone and Milk.
Ms. Frankenstein
I would say “come and take it”
but I’d rather “give it to you”
I don’t want to piss anyone off but I do want to ask a couple of questions. Please do not attack me I am truly interested in hearing your view and I absolutely respect everyone’s beliefs. Given that disclaimer here it goes.
I believe in weapons for including guns for household protection but why do we as regular citizens need guns and magazines that can shoot so many bullets at a time. It just seems that every time you hear about these mass shootings it’s the bad guy that has the damn big gun with endless bullets. is there a middle of the road solution that will leave We the People with adequate guns and bullets to still be fully protected and still be able to eliminate these high capacity magazines and weapons. Don’t get me wrong I think Feinstein is insane and overreaching but at the same time when the Second Amendment was written do you think anyone could have imagined weapons like the ones we have now and if they could would they have been so willing to include them.
KY Prepper, I think you get caught up in the high capacity gun argument. What all these idiot politicians will NOT address is the OFFENDER. What will deter these scumbags from mass murder? A quick trial followed by the DEATH SENTENCE. Made public, so that others can see what awaits them if they choose the same path. But, we need sure swift justice for these crimes. Not letting the murderers lanquish for decades while some liberal judge can’t bring himself to set the date with the executioner. Only that will stem the tide of these mass killings.
Really, how many people are killed every year in this nation by AKs or ARs, etc.? How do the numbers compare with say death by knife, or hand gun, or beating by hand, or baseball bat, etc.? How about some actual stats on the “great danger” posed by so-called assult rifles. I never see them give the numbers.
They have no numbers. If they did it would not support what these goons are trying to do. They have nothing but emotion. If they had hard numbers that might be different. Libtards operate your emotion and that works for most pussys. Got it?
Exactly, the punishment never fits the crime, a few public executions would change all of this bullshit.However keeping prisioners around is a thriving industry and they gotta keep people employed at any cost.
You’re a damn idiot! If I could, I would like to carry an
M-79 grenade launcher for home defense!
If obama or frankenstien want my firearms,they can have them if they personally have the backbone to take them.Besides i can,t see anything like this passing the house.
Weapons of war do belong on our streets for the US government is currently at war with the American people by destroying our rights, freedoms, and the constitution.
MOLON LABE ! 2nd Amendment Shall not be INFRINGED !!
You may get our guns, but you’ll get the bullets first. Get my drift?
Keep in mind……..THEY, do NOT have enough people to do squat!…………..MOLON LABE !
So if “guns of war” don’t belong to the US, why should surveillance UAV’s, police violence, concentration camps etc. belong there? She is speaking one thing but doing the opposite.
The Second Amendment was incorporated into the Bill of Rights so Colonial trap and skeet shooters could continue their sport once it was invented.
i am a minuteman by historical reference. ready and waiting for the call to arms. the second amendment was created for what we speak of here. ironic? even in the late 1700’s, man knew what would happen if all were disarmed. we are our only hope. there is no one else to rely upon. organize or join an already established contingency. if they worry about spies and such and deny membership, give them your contact info and state you are available when the time comes.
SCOTUS will be no help. either you have a constitution that is UNUSURPABLE, or you don’t have a constitution at all. period.
our nation is curently being weakened from the inside. the breaking point will be painfully obvious and as many as possible will need to be prepared to pick up the slack. UN forces on any soil means invasion.
Your ally is a fellow firearms owner that does not own a high capacity semi auto.
Your weapon is THE TRUTH. Here is a link to the FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table. Less than 400 murders per year are committed in the US with a rife of any type.
I am curoius as to what turned senator feinstein into the right wing, gun hating, nazi cow that she is.
Ed here you go. I will try to explain. She drank the koolaid.
Bring back the noose !!! Bring back the guillotine !!! Its time to take our damned country back !!! Weve been hijacked by pigs at the trough, who have no concern other than attaining a huge pension in just a handful of years on our sweat and blood. theyve gone unchecked far too long, kill a few and put the fear of the people back into these swine !!!
November 11, 2012 at 1:30 pm
I am curoius as to what turned senator feinstein into the right wing, gun hating, nazi cow that she is.
The term “Well Regulated” in the Second Amendment meant “Well Manned and Equipped ” in 1791 as was determined in the 1939 United States v. Miller case after referencing the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. The concept of Government Regulation, as we understand it today, did not exist at the time. United States v. Miller also determined that the term “Arms” refers to “Ordinary Military Weapons”. American Citizens have the right to Keep and Bear, which means Own and Carry, any weapons that a soldier carries into battle. That includes past, present and future weapons. The American people still have some work to do with regard to taking back their rights.
Good God Dam Luck Feinstien
I bought my guns, you got the tax money and lived lavishly on it and now you want them back, well ms Fuckenstien,Obamie and the United Nuts, I will enforce castle law on all thieves with extreme prejudice!
Fuck you Very Much
Avg Joe
Have any of you done your research on the U.N.’s Agenda 21 which our presidents have endorsed? In essence it’s about global sustainable development which directly infringes on many of our Constitutional rights. Stating that the human race is growing at an unsustainable rate. You guys have to educate yourselves on this. This is the main goal. The only way the government and the U.N. can successfully achieve this goal is by first making our populous dependent on our government, i.e. Obamacare and next by disarming our citizens. This is what is being worked on now.
Time to understand what is really going on ladies and gents…..
Like the character Ike Clanton stated in Tombstone, “You’ve got a fight comin’. It’s comin’ today.”
Now, let it be known that I am a hardcore, 100%, full-on conspiracy theorist/realist. I do my own DD with those things that interest me, so it’s not like I hear that Alex Jones say something and then I run off repeating it. In fact, it’s been several years since I have ventured onto his, what I consider, conspiracy theory creationist for the Zionist puppeteers site. Same goes for Jesse Ventura. He puts on a good front, but in the end he is still part of the puppeteer’s brigade of marionettes. That being said, here goes.
It is my full belief that when the order is given, by his majesty O(s)bama, via the powers of the Black Pope and his minions, the currently stationed and training, on our soil, UN troops will be called into civilian disarming detail, as our troops will have been thrown into further worldly warring ventures, again, by his majesty and his handlers. It is already common knowledge that UN troops have been acknowledged on our soil, though in small numbers, by certain mainstream media outlets. Of course, the reason for their presence revolves solely around training exercises with our forces. Whatever!
Given our understanding of the human rights violations committed by many of the said UN allies, we can also interpret that when such an event comes to pass, they will not be obedient to our Constitutional protections/rights. This means that when they make it to your house, my house…they may or may not bother knocking or asking, “Where are your guns?” My belief is, and this fits with the opening scenes of the original film RED DAWN, their goal will be to seek out those of us whom are: registered gun owners, hunters, survivalists, military veterans, etc. and they will carry out a ‘shoot first, look for the guns second’ tactic. Once there is a satisfaction of minimal resistance, and a perceived “governmentally facilitated” order has been restored, the call for people to go down to their local hospital, shelter, or wherever large numbers of people might muster, will be spread and the Biblical “great falling away” will begin.
To put a face with the term falling away; in order for us to get to the point of UN troops being unleashed on us there first has to be a crisis large enough, which will create the chaos required to inject order. In this case, when this even happens, the power will be out…total darkness will sweep across our lands. Food and water will disappear from the shelves. Cash and credit will be useless, because there will be no means of accepting it, trading it, storing it. This is why the rich have elevated the price of a naturally occuring mineral, which THEY have total control over, in that they mine it, they process it, they hoard it and they raise its value to keep the average person from owning anything more than a cheap ring or necklace. Yet, to try to even get these items from the weak minded, they create the companies that advertise (heavily) “We’ll buy your broken, unused gold and silver!!!” Hell yeah they will. Who wouldn’t??
To fast forward- there is no telling just how long the darkness will last. But, when people are starving to death, dying from thirst, dying from disease or untreated illnesses, when people are killing themselves to keep from dying a slow, painful death, when they’re killing each other for scraps of food or clothing and warm shelter (remember: no power = no heat/no ac) they will start turning to someone whom has an answer. Eventually some power is restored. People will begin to flock to these locations. There, they will be bombarded by a face, with a voice, whom will be comforting them with words of hope. That hope, he will say, will come in the form of a globally unified mark, which will allow them to buy food, water, clothing, shelter…and so on. This, my friends, will be the beginning of the great falling away. Millions of Christians, non-Christians, Hindus, Jews, Arabs, Catholics, etc. will line up with blissful anticipation of receiving their opportunity to live. This part, of course, is no conspiracy theory.
So that’s it…so to speak. I could write for endless miles, but the idea here was specifically to clarify my point about how I see this going. Like I said, I am a conspiracy theorist. Then again, I believe what is written in Revelation. And, in that belief, I realize that no matter what happens, who starts it, how it plays out, it is destined to happen. Always has been.
You pretty much laid out the NWO plan to destroy the United States economically and to cleanse it of Christianity. I agree with you. However, most of the people I share it with don’t want to hear it or turn away because they know it is true but just toterrible to think about.
I have heard something disturbing and invite discussion. I have heard that the new primers for ammunition have a shelf life of approximately six months. Is this a misfire, or is there something to it?
We knew this was coming but and still they voted in Obama again. All so you can have your “freebies”. Is it really worth it? It won’t be when we no longer have weapons to defend ourselves, jobs to provide for ourselves and for those on welfare and then there will be no more “freebies”. When will our country wake up?
America is tired of International bankers, bureaucracies, secrete societies and united nations dictators trying to influence the way we live. The CIA spying on all our private lives. We live by different principals than any other nation on earth. All these wana be dictators, lairs, and officials who has raped and broke this nation out of greed while we work our ass off to pay taxes make ends meet you use against us, without any regard or imput from society and, you live lavishly at the public’s expense!Maybe we should take a look at Sweden’s Policy on gun control, what a shocker!!!Look it up on YouTube, Every male is issued a military weapon to keep in their home and mandatory training by the government. What a concept that the only leaders in our past who wanted and did take weapons from the people were, Stalin, Linen, Marx, Hitler and a few more, its easy to find if you look. All you countries that have allowed this kind of behavior and brainwashing need to rethink and take a look at where you are at now. America is not giving up its right to bear arms and we are not taking any loopholes.We don’t care about heads from other countries telling us we don’t need arms, shut the fuck up and go home. We are not going to give you any cheese to go with your winning. Instead America is going to come after all of you and we will find you. Then will the purging and cleansing begin no matter how long it takes. This is America and the constitution has been subverted enough, if you don’t like it then get the fuck out while you still can. America has woken up.
It’s time to just say no! don’t turn them in, sue them, take them to court have their scumbag butts in court every spare moment defending this , sue them personally, if the lowlife SCOTUS even upholds their B.S. we need to say no!!!
I think our great nation will be a much nicer, safer place if all the guns are taken away.
If nobody has them, why would we still need them?
I trust our leaders to do the right thing, even if we don’t always understand why, they care about us.
As long as the government have guns then they will protect us all.
To the author: Go preach your message to the parents of Sandy Hook Elementary. You second amendment nut-bags have no idea how ridiculous you sound. Where should the line be drawn? Should I able to have a tank? A nuke? Why are you fighting for M16s and AK47s? Why?
@ Brad.
How about you people who do not want the Death Penalty? Hang on to that one. If a person kills another and it is NOT Self Defence of his life, his loved ones life and his property,(Firebombing your home for example), he should face the DEATH PENALTY in my book.
There is no repondsiblity for their actions. Others should know what happens if they commit hideous crimes like this one.
As far as AK’s and AR15’s they are useful tools in defence our our land. I shoot these weapons all the time and will tell you also FULL AUTO WEAPONs. Yes they are legal with papers.
Senator feinstein is going after our second amendment rights to own a weapon, any weapon, that is truthfully reasonable. there is a town in georgia that made an ordinance to require every resident to own a gun, the crime rate went down drastically in a short period of time, when you take away guns, that are already semi-automatic (just like a hunting rifle) and ban its ammunition sale, its production for civilians, and ban its re-sale, one you will drastically harm the economy, two you will cause a revolution for our second amendment rights, and three classify your self as an anti-american liberal marxist S.O.B
It’s funny. If you look up Frankenstein’s bio (I used Wiki)you will find that she magically profited, by way of a career, because of the result of a pissed off gunman. What’s more intriguing is the fact that in a very, very short time, she went from college grad, to doing some city government work…to having a net worth of $26Million. And then on to, as Wiki states, somewhere in the neighborhood between $42M and $99M. Yes, it’s true. She married into either government men or doctors, but that begs even another question given the era. How did they amass such vast wealth so quickly, when people just didn’t make, then, what they make today?
I digress. My point is that she is the epitome of what freedom haters represent.
As I stated in my original post, I am a conspiracy theorist/realist. I look at all sides of the major players is such situations. And, the point must be raised and, at the very least, considered valid. That point is that the majority of those in control in the governmental heirarchy…and even in the mind altering Hollywood, are of Jewish descent, and are very rich. No…I am not profiling. But, anyone whom doubts this should just do their own DD.
I am reminded of something Jerry Seinfeld said, about his pre-standup days. He was actually going door to door, selling light bulbs. Not an actual job, per se, but a job nonetheless. Well, he said that he knocked on the door of a man whom asked him his name. When he said Seinfeld, the gentleman said, “Jews don’t work.” That man introduced him to some people and the rest was history, as they say. Just food for thought.
Stay off of the mainstream outlets. Nothing there but fabricated, regurgitated crap.
“It would essentially ban thousands of firearms and require gun owners to turn them over to the Federal government.”
No, idiot. You’re wrong. No one would have to turn firearms over to the government.
When I look at this retarded blog post and the comments, I see a lot of uninformed, paranoid, borderline retarded people who undoubtedly have some kind of mental health problems. Go get some help people. You’re delusional.
Here you go friends. Any gun ban law is illegal.
they gonna git my bullits first, by god
I have three words to say to this horrible cunt:
Fuck. You. Bitch.
No offense, but “the stupid’ is waist deep in these comments. Nothing is going to be banned, there aren’t enough votes, the GOP still controls the house. But by all means keep panicking and paying $1500 for a $700 gun, the scaremongers (aka the NRA and the Gun companies) are laughing all the way to the bank.
IF this administration decides to attempts to invoke any UN Treaty onto the American public, then our Constitution, Bill of Rights and freedoms will become null and void. No sitting president or member of the congress or senate who is a patriotic American and honors their oath of office would ever entertain that idea. Sorta makes you wonder! The United States of American is a sovereign nation – governed by the framework set forth by our founding fathers. It is this sovereignty that prevents tin pot dictators and political sell-outs from violating our Constitution. Time to recall, impeach and replace all those treasonous politicians with those who want to restore the Constitutional Republic to what it was set forth to be.