President Donald Trump has suspended foreign aid to all countries, pending a review to come in 90 days. This comes as reports show Americans are tired of paying for Ukraine’s war with billions of dollars and advanced military equipment.
Amid a barrage of other orders signed by Trump on his first day in office, the White House announced the decision to cull foreign aid as part of efforts to reassess the strategy and ensure alignment with national priorities. Trump has been a critic of U.S. foreign assistance to countries, including Ukraine, during his reelection campaign, promising to ease the burden on the American taxpayer and focus on domestic priorities.
Accoridng to a report by RT, the current U.S. foreign aid allocations are “not aligned with American interests and in many cases antithetical to American values” and “serve to destabilize world peace by promoting ideas in foreign countries that are directly inverse to harmonious and stable relations internal to and among countries,” the executive order published by the White House on Monday reads.
“I will, very simply, put America first,” Trump said in his inauguration speech on Monday. The United States has been propping up Ukraine in the conflict with Russia, ensuring the war rages on. In 2022 alone, Congress approved over $112 billion in assistance to Ukraine. One of Joe Biden’s last political moves as ruler of the U.S. was to allocate more money for Kyiv’s war efforts.
The Biden administration very obviously favored war-mongering over domestic aid and disaster relief for the American slave class.
America Last: Biden Administration Prioritizes FOREIGN AID Over Domestic Disaster Relief
In a recent poll, Americans have said that their rulers are printing too much money on foreign aid in general. According to the findings, 51% of respondents say the country is “spending too much” on Kiev, while 28% believe the current amount is appropriate. Only 17% say the country should boost spending on Ukraine. Similarly, 53% of those surveyed say U.S. aid to Israel is excessive, with 30% considering it adequate. The survey, conducted from January 2 to 10, involved 2,128 people nationwide.
Most members of society are not warmongering sociopaths like those in the ruling class. Every day, human beings want peace, and they are beginning to understand that rulers need war to make money and cogeal their power.
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