America Last: Biden Administration Prioritizes FOREIGN AID Over Domestic Disaster Relief

by | Jan 16, 2025 | Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Headline News | 0 comments

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    This article was originally published by Ramon Tomey at Natual News. 

      • Outgoing President Joe Biden’s administration has been criticized for allocating billions of dollars to foreign conflicts while offering minimal aid to American citizens affected by natural disasters.
      • After California’s wildfires, the administration announced a one-time payment of $770 to victims, which has been met with outrage compared to the $60 billion in aid sent to Ukraine.
      • The pattern of neglect extends to other domestic disasters, such as the $750 payment for Hurricane Helene victims and the $700 per household for Lahaina wildfire victims.
      • The Federal Emergency Management Agency is reportedly underfunded despite receiving $29.5 billion in the last budget, raising questions about the administration’s commitment to domestic disaster response.
      • Social media users and critics argue that the administration’s “America Last” agenda reflects a betrayal of citizens’ interests, prioritizing foreign aid over the needs of American families affected by disasters.

    The administration of outgoing President Joe Biden has once again demonstrated its misplaced priorities, allocating billions of dollars to foreign conflicts while offering mere pennies to Americans devastated by natural disasters.

    This “America Last” agenda has become a recurring theme for the Democratic administration, leaving citizens to question whether their government truly values their well-being. The latest example of this troubling trend comes in the wake of California’s catastrophic wildfires, which have destroyed an estimated 10,000 homes and displaced countless families.

    On Jan. 13, Biden announced a one-time payment of $770 to victims of the wildfires in the Golden State. This paltry sum has been met with widespread outrage, especially when contrasted with the $60 billion in military and humanitarian aid sent to Ukraine.

    One social media user wrote on X following the news: “$770 for fire victims in California, while $200B goes to Ukraine? That’s $2M per person if we cared as much about our own. America Last.”

    The outgoing administration’s response to the California wildfires is not an isolated incident, and its pattern of neglect extends to other domestic disasters as well. In October, Vice President Kamala Harris announced a $750 payment for victims of Hurricane Helene. But this sum was widely criticized as insufficient compared to the extent of the damage hurricane victims suffered.

    Last year, victims of the Lahaina wildfires in Hawaii were offered a similarly inadequate $700 per household – a paltry sum compared to the billions Washington is sending to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The disparity is staggering and raises serious questions about the administration’s commitment to its own citizens.

    “Ukraine and Israel got billions for wars that pose no danger to Americans. Maui victims got $700, and now Kamala announces that Helene victims get $750,” wrote Gunther Eagleman on X. “The federal government doesn’t care about Americans.”

    Disaster victims last under Biden and Harris

    While defenders of the outgoing Biden-Harris administration may argue that foreign aid is necessary to uphold global stability, this rationale rings hollow when juxtaposed with the suffering of American citizens.

    The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), tasked with responding to domestic disasters, is reportedly underfunded despite receiving $29.5 billion in the last budget. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has admitted that FEMA lacks the resources to handle the ongoing hurricane season. This revelation is particularly galling, given the billions funneled to foreign nations.

    “The Biden Harris regime is now saying FEMA does not have enough funds to make it through hurricane season, right after giving billions more to Ukraine,” said independent journalist Nick Sortor. “Enough with the America Last BS.”

    X user Foxworth also chimed in, writing: “If your worldview can’t explain why we’re sending tens of billions to Ukraine and Israel and suddenly have nothing for American flood victims, then maybe your entire worldview is wrong?” (Related: LA County Fire Department donated essential firefighting equipment to Ukraine – and now Los Angeles is burning.)

    The outgoing Democratic administration’s priorities are not just a matter of policy, but a reflection of its values. While billions flow overseas, American families are left to fend for themselves in the aftermath of devastating disasters. The measly payments earmarked for survivors of the Los Angeles and Lahaina wildfires and Hurricane Helene are not just inadequate – they are insulting.

    The outgoing Biden administration’s “America Last” agenda is a betrayal of the very people it is sworn to protect. The government’s first duty is to its citizens, not other nations.

    Watch the music video for “Where The Money Go Joe,” a new song by the Health Ranger Mike Adams about outgoing President Joe Biden.

    This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on


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