As mainstream media and social platforms continue to lock-down and censor content that doesn’t follow the progressive socialist agenda, President Donald Trump weighs in with his view.
And, as you may expect, he doesn’t like censorship. But he’s not just talking about the censoring and de-platforming of conservative or independents, he’s warning the Left that should such activities continue, it could well be they who may be censored next.
A warning to all Americans, delivered by President Trump at the CPAC conference.
We’re standing up to social media censorship… that’s the new thing… I would rather have fake news like CNN… I would rather have fake news.. it’s true… than to have anybody including liberals, socialists…. than have anybody stopped and censored…
Every one of us is like a newspaper… you have Twitter, Facebook, whatever you have… you can’t have censorship… you can’t pick one person and say ‘well, we don’t like what he’s been saying, he’s out’
Because you know what? It could turn around and it could be them next.
Trump: I would rather have fake news like CNN than anyone censored
— Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) March 2, 2019
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This is what the stupid socialist leftists don’t get. First they’ll censor the right. Then the left. Then there will be no one left to speak out.
Sure, more SPINNING!!! Crisis Actor in Chief performs another Oscar -winning rant.
Drumpf signed into law the biggest hardest censorship bill ever, creating an uber Monarchy that cant be offended or we get jailed. People, for God sakes WTFU
Obviously the Cohen testimony was fake news in that it simply covered up the bigger crimes of the Trump administration and the federal government in general. Truth has no place in America today. Bernie Sanders needs to STFU because he spouts more of the same lies but seriously offers nothing of substance with his rope a dope rambling.
The Cohen testimony covered up the bigger crimes of Trump. Aljamo the TOE-jamo you must be a complete moron. You must love Hillary and her real crimes that are being covered up you leftie.
When I first started prepping I researched what the warning signs of collapse would be. One of the major signs is when they start censoring the press and free speech.
It is VERY serious how the have demonetized and de-platformed conservative and nug channels on various social media platforms. Especially YouTube.
The control grid is not only in place but it’s being powered up and put into operation. “They” will do ANYTHING to maintain power and control.
“The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.” Thomas Jefferson
I only go to the alternative media for my info and even there I find some questionable sources. No one in the MSM tells me what to say, believe, etc. Anyone who tries to censor me will have a fight on their hands.
Gimme a call when the people want to actually do something besides engage in warnings. It’s far past time to warn, now is the time for action.
What the hell are we waiting for?
We are already censored. In order to have free speech, you must have the ability to speak freely anywhere. The left is censored, in a way, by the right, in the fact that what some leftist says is not always read. They get to post, and those posts generally do not get deleted, but the post doesn’t necessarily get read.
Those on the right are sometimes successful in getting a message posted, and it will get deleted sooner or later, and the poster will ultimately get banned.
I don’t agree with everything I hear or read, but I do agree that the person has every right to speak or type their message. I am quickly beginning to agree with the left’s mentality — if you can’t silence them by speaking louder, then silence them with a good punch to the face.
I am not a pacifist, but neither do I think I am violent. I will defend a person’s rights, as long as those rights do not take away someone else’s rights.
Free speech includes hateful and offensive speech. As long as the listener can walk away, free speech should exist and be defended. I disagree that a person has the right to speak to a “captive” audience, like a teacher speaking about his/her belief as if it is fact.
As a nation, our government should not get involved in how a company performs its business, as long as no laws are broken. Unfortunately, our Bill of Rights does not dictate a punishment for infringing on others rights. If a business starts infringing on rights, any subsidies, tax breaks, grants, etc. should be immediately stopped, and prior benefits paid back. That might stop some, but Google, FB, Twitter, Microsoft, Apple, and others are now too big to care. Huge fines, per person for every person affected, per offense, per day, might make them think twice. If you hit a business with a $10,000 fine, for a website that reaches 50,000 people per day, and the website is down for 5 days, would equal $2.5 billion dollars.. I don’t see any company that would be willing to take a risk like that. And think of the benefit… AOC would make out like a bandit in her NGD.
Free speech? Maybe a long, long time ago, but not now. Even after SHTF, we will never have it back.
How the worm turns, the current occupant of the WH is a hypocrite and a liar he lies everyday, but when he gets called out on his lies he immediately screams ~!Fake news! Here is a NEWS FLASH folks, this administration is the most corrupt in recent history worse than Richard Nixon’s, Here is another news flash and NO its NOT FAKE NEWS So far the Special Counsel has indicted 34 people and secured five (and counting) guilty pleas from the presidents inner circle Manafort,Papadapoulos,Gates,Flynn and Cohen. next up at bat Stone and Corsi also waiting in wings Allen Weisselberg and possibly Pecker of the enquirer for round two. Oh yea that’s fake news right? Wrong folks this administration is going to run this country off the rails I guess the conservo’s would rather burn the country down than to actually participate in Democracy. IF this guys was a Democrat the Repubs would be howling and screaming for blood and yes they would have opened numerous congressional investigations. This is called Accountability folks being held accountable. Rest assured this criminal administration is going to pay for it’s sins.
You’re a special kind of stupid, aren’t you? Bless your little heart.
Seems ,no matter what we think about Trumps intentions, He is planting unstoppable ? Seeds against the group that controls 98% of ALL media?
John 8:44, Rev.3:9, 2:9.?
Lenin used the left wing to destroy the right wing, then he used different leftist factions to destroy each other. Once they were all gone all that was left was ignorant, scared sheep. That way he could drive one of those super expensive cars he owned around Moscow without worrying about being shot.
Doesn’t it seem that maybe the words of the New Testament, Are the most tried to be destroyed words in all history?
I wonder if the bottom line for the New Testaments media message is, Try not to hurt anybody?