President Donald Trump suggested Monday that “13 angry Democrats” on special counsel Robert Mueller’s team could face legal action over alleged “conflicts of interest.” This comes after the investigation has already run into numerous snags, including Mueller’s inability to produce any evidence.
“The 13 Angry Democrats in charge of the Russian Witch Hunt are starting to find out that there is a Court System in place that actually protects people from injustice…and just wait ’till the Courts get to see your unrevealed Conflicts of Interest!” Trump said.
Trump did not provide proof of the alleged conflicts, yet Mueller has yet to provide any evidence in his two-year-long investigation that would warrant keeping it open. CNN has reported that several members of Mueller’s team have donated to Democrats, and the dossier which allegedly spurred the investigation was paid for by Hillary Clinton’s team. Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election also has been being pushed hard by propagandists and puppets in the mainstream media.
As if it adds any credence, CNN thought it noteworthy to mention that Mueller is a Republican who was appointed by President George W. Bush, and the man who appointed him as special counsel, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, was appointed by Trump. So if Mueller is a Republican, then Trump probably wasn’t referring to him as one of the ” 13 angry Democrats.” But that’s only if one was expecting CNN to not spin this into some kind of propaganda piece.
Trump has repeatedly denied collusion with Russia to win the election, and considering the investigation into such has gone on for two years without any evidentiary basis for it, it certainly looks like it’s a witch hunt. He denied that he’s obstructed the probe and has defended his actions as “fighting back” against “the Russia Witch Hunt.”
“There is no O, it’s called Fighting Back,” the President tweeted, later suggesting that the investigation was being dragged out so it could damage Republicans in the midterm elections.
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It is very dangerous
to put certain Democrats above the law.
There are three hundred million guns
in America. There are billions of cartridges
for those guns.
I really despise Democrats.
I’m a law abiding man.
I believe in passive aggression.
The left knows nothing will happen to them, and they will continue to flush the U.S. down a communist toilet…
Rellik, the libturds’ day of reckoning is coming. They’ll deserve whatever they get.
Throw both uniparty fake sides and their games into a giant industrial sized toilet and keep flushing until all clear. Probably take a few months.”All the world over so easy to see, people everywhere just wanna be free.”
Trump – put up or shut up. Do it – bring them down. Have the damned Secret Service arrest the lot of ’em. Hand-cuff them, walk them off into a cell on public television. Let them rot in the cells without bail for a while waiting for the due process they have striven so hard to deny so many others. Try them publicly with no ‘redactions’ of any kind. Strip them of their property to pay for their legal fees as they’ve done and ruined men like Flynn. Sentence them accordingly. Treason, is it not still a capital offense? Don’t stop til the swamp is a pristine clear water pool that one can see a 100′ down to a white sand bottom. Again – either do something or shut up.
Trump will do precisely what he did to Hillary. Absolutely nothing
Not going to happen, I’d wager.
Totally agree heartless!!!!!
The sad thing is we are still acting with maybes! What moron, from day one, didn’t know what this is! Treason at unbelievable levels, and no one can do anything about it!
It is truly a sad time for America, and most have no idea, and could care less!
The wheels of justice are turning … in a time warp!
This is the first time in this country’s history, that our borders are not only not defended, people in government refuse to defend them. The corruption and treason is blatant, and no one even cares anymore. The people destroying the place are untouchable. Western Civilization has run it’s course.
There is no justice in the Courts.
Today an old lady was put in prison. She didn’t do nuthen. Really! She’s almost 90 years old. The sons of witches condemned her because they didn’t like something she said. Really! This is not a joke. The psychos put an old lady in prison for nothing.