GOOGLE Is Doing Whatever It Can to De-Monetize us And Shadow-Ban us. During these TOUGH financial times, we ASPIRE to stay completely independent and pay our full staff, so we can continue to deliver VALUE to you. It is possible for you to HELP us, by supporting our COVID-19 expert survival report HERE!
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President Donald Trump is going back and forth, unable to decide if we should be “allowed” to work and return to our lives or not. Over the weekend, he said that it’s time for America to reopen once again and that it would be “sooner than you think.”
Politicians have made the solution to the coronavirus pandemic far worse by destroying people’s lives in order to slow the spread of what will be a seasonal sickness we will all get at some point. “We have to get back to work. We have to open our country again,” the president said repeatedly and emphatically at a coronavirus press conference at the White House.
But how soon could that be? People are already saying the government’s $1200 stimulus checks won’t be enough to save them from financial destruction.
My sense is that the president is about to lose his patience with all of his medical experts, who want to keep America under lock and key until the very last individual virus has been cornered in some out of the way place and put out of our misery. But he knows America can’t wait that long if there is going to be a country and an economy left to save. Trump understands this stay-at-home policy his health experts are foisting on him is doing more harm to America than the virus ever could. The cure is rapidly becoming worse than the disease. –Brian Fischer, One News Now
Things have spiraled out of control to the point that the Chinese are likely laughing at our willingness to accept tyranny and the complete decimation of the economy. The mainstream media continues to panic people while Bill Gates demands you give up your livelihood and lose everything you’ve worked for during a sustained months-long draconian lockdown that physicians say is not working.
AAPS: State Lockdowns Aren’t Having an Impact in COVID-19 Deaths
We are not saving lives, we are trading off lives. Suicides have already skyrocketed and they will grow exponentially if people cannot begin to legally feed their families again. This has gotten out of hand and if we want to remain a first world country without the looting, rioting, and violence, we will all be back to work by Monday. If not, we’ll devolve into something that looks like Venezuela with a totalitarian police state barking orders we are all expected to obey while being banned from making money to pay for food or rent.
Police surrounded a church in Baltimore which was meeting with just 10 people in perfect conformity with the edict of the governor. There were more cops than parishioners at the church. Violations of so-called “voluntary” house arrests are now carrying penalties of up to five years in jail and a $5000 fine. I heard this morning of a woman in Mississippi who was pulled over by the state police and ordered to return home immediately. This is not shelter-in-place, this is incarceration-in-place. –Brian Fischer, One News Now
We could all get back to work, and very soon if people would just realize how bad things will get if we don’t. The aftermath of this pandemic solution will be far more deadly than the virus ever was and could create a Great Depression that would make the last one look like a cakewalk. And the virus didn’t cause that, the government’s overreaction would be the cause of an economic depression.
Dr. Ron Paul On Coronavirus Panic: The Real Danger “Is The Government’s Overreaction”
Let everyone who does not have coronavirus symptoms go back to work and school. There is no concrete, scientific evidence that asymptomatic people can infect others – all the “evidence” is circumstantial. Urge folks, of course, to be smart and sensible: wash their hands regularly and maintain social distancing if possible. (However, I do note that when the coronavirus task force gives briefings on the lethal dangers of the virus, they all cluster around whoever is at the microphone as if they’re afraid their faces won’t be on TV. Not much social distancing there.)
Second, urge people to self-quarantine the moment they begin to experience symptoms, by staying home from school and work. This is exactly the same advice we always give with regard to contagious diseases. Coronavirus carriers are the most contagious in the first five days. –Brian Fischer, One News Now
This should have been the logical solution from the get-go, but instead, people glued themselves to their TV, panicked while watching fear-based mainstream media as it shoved the official narrative down their throats. They willingly allowed the government to remove their livelihoods and destroy what took a lifetime to build. Not many so much as even questioned the statistics, or tyranny and few are speaking up.
According to Fischer’s article, Singapore, with a population of 5.6 million, has, as of this morning, a total of six deaths linked to coronavirus. Six. And Singapore is running pretty much wide-open. Schools, businesses, and restaurants are open. If Singapore can keep its country open, we can certainly reopen ours.
Sweden Is NOT Using Authoritarian Controls & Economic Shutdowns To Fight the Pandemic
The way it is, it’ll be a rough year for lower-income workers and small businesses. But the longer we drag this out prohibiting people from working, the more likely it is we all be in a Great Depression together. And that will be far worse than this pandemic. One of the largest problems we have right now is that too many people believe they should get to live in a hermetically sealed world in which they are shielded from anything bad (feelings, viruses, mean words, etc.). Such a world does not exist and will never exist especially under the harshest of tyrannical dictatorships. Life itself is inherently risky, and we can’t insulate ourselves from all of its risks. In fact, life is so risky, that we all have a 1oo% chance of not making it out alive.
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I read research by someone:
states shut down vs. states not shut down
Guess what??
The states with businesses open had less deaths than shut down states.
Hey, let’s treat it like the flu… check records for past 10 years.
And if we act prematurely a lot of people will die sooner then they think!
Been talking to co-workers (remotely of course) and one thing that was noted is that because spring is starting to sprung many people get their annual allergies this time of year. So how do other people tell the difference????
Just another wasted opportunity from the ugly Americans! While being 100% opposed to all of these messures of mandated shut downs, surveillance, and further abuse of civil liberties, Americans that were pushing for this who ridiculously claim to care about every life, did not say, we are on strike until charges against Assange are dropped, or until our liberties are restored, or until the troops are brought home, they said in a nutshell, you are hostages that are not allowed to leave until the Federal Reserve and Federal government meet give us the money, and refuse to prosecute for the robbery and hostage crisis that they enacted! America sucks not because of Trump, or Hillary, or Sanders, or Biden, but because of Americans! A single person cannot cause that much damage, and a single person cannot repair that much damage! I wish that my Mother was still alive to tell all of you off!
Just thank your lucky stars that I don’t have my period, because I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore! You are lousy excuses for human beings!
Let’s everyone be thankful.
All basically true, though.
You sound like a very lonely, bitter person. I will pray for you! you don’t have to live that way – smile…..
Alone, but not lonely. The meaning of life has been destroyed by the surveillance state. There is no reason for me to engage in socializing or intimacy of any type because of the surveillance state.
It would be lonlier to be in a room full of people that I cannot relate to, are trying to censor me, and being under surveillance. If that is the kind of life-style that you are into, it may work for you, but I want nothing to do with it.
Who let the dogs out? I’ve been going out by myself everyday. Go for a ride in my unit. Only thing I miss is the local gin mill. I don’t drink at home. Conversation with friends is important. Soon me pretty’s!
Unfortunately in the absence of a cure or vaccine the reinfection rate will return necessitating another shutdown. One need not be an optimist nor a pessimist but just a realist.
A “cure” or vaccine is the object of this, using peoples fear to justify laws requiring universal vaccination and carrying proof of that vaccination to be allowed to move about in public or have any access to public places.
And the majority of the public have already proven they will go along with it and help enforcing it on any lawbreakers that try to slip by without it.
The world has changed, in a bigly way, and too many people still do not recognize it or recognize the extent of it.
Regardless if this has natural accidental or intentional origins the end result will be greatly increased government power and control.
“GOOGLE Is Doing Whatever It Can to De-Monetize us And Shadow-Ban us. During these TOUGH financial times, we ASPIRE to stay completely independent and pay our full staff, so we can continue to deliver VALUE to you. It is possible for you to HELP us, by supporting our COVID-19 expert survival report HERE!:
I would have gladly helped out if you hadn’t destroyed the site with mass censorship and days of purgatory for posts. This place used to have HUNDREDS of posts and good people….. Look at you now….
I agree. Clicks mean income and when you ain’t getting clicks, you gotta beg for money or put up a paywall.
“Mac Slavo” is the nom de plume of the new administrators.
The real Mac Slavo has left the building…
Heads up! Jmbullion has 1 oz. silvertowne rounds for 20 bux. A few 10oz. bars too.
Well, the pendulum swings very quickly in Trump time, because he changed his mind again after Kudlow and CDC officials advised him to wait until fatalities pass the apex of the curve, possibly three months out.
Trump said that he would like to start the economy off with a big bang, which is a frightenning choice of words coming from a financial fraud and war economy president, which is the only widely supported political and economic system in America by voters and businesses.
Everyone is insane.
Sanders ended his campaign and DNC voters chose a senile sex offender out of 32 candidates.
Say after me: Trump… is… compromised… He will say whatever his Rothschild bankruptcy bailout bankers tell him to say.
Montana Guy,
Which Rothschilds have been occupying the White House unelected since 1992? It has not been the Rothschilds. It has been Goldman Sachs!
Say after me: Trump… is… compromised… He will say whatever his Goldman Sachs bankruptcy bailout bankers tell him to say.
Do you work for Goldman Sachs?
“Suicides have already skyrocketed and they will grow exponentially if people cannot begin to legally feed their families again.”
No sane person wants to share a workspace or public fixture or be cooped-up with the suicidal. Just imagine, if that person was your “boss”, due to our ironic job appointment system.
“People are already saying the government’s $1200 stimulus checks won’t be enough to save them from financial destruction.”
My best possible guess, based on human nature, is that you will have to jump through a (Hollerith) hoop to get that stimulus.