This article was contributed by Tom Beck with Portfolio Wealth Global.
Covid-19 is a GIANT MESS, which happened when the world’s economic machine was DOING AMAZING!
Many people WILL SCOFF at this, saying that their own personal situation wasn’t great and that there’s poverty and misery all around them. True, there are and probably WILL CONTINUE TO BE disharmonious circumstances in every city, in every neighborhood, and in each and every country, but those have LITTLE TO DO with the economic machine.
There’s a MAD RACE in place; you’re IN IT, whether you’re aware of it or not — it’s called CAPITALISM and though we keep hearing that “capitalism is broken,” please don’t KID YOURSELF!
If somebody else in your area is getting richer, wiser, more sophisticated, more loved, healthier or JUST BETTER and you are not, he is CAPITALIZING ON REALITY, while you’re not.
Do you want everything to be TRULY FAIR, before you begin to play the game? DON’T BE NAÏVE!
Nothing is fair and especially with governments; their single role is to do the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM to keep the masses in line.
Don’t rely on anything EXTERNAL; all riches start with ACTION on the part of the individual.
Did anyone tell young Warren Buffett to hit the books at age 13? He read hundreds of business and finance books by the time he graduated high school. Did anyone tell Elon Musk to develop PayPal or Tesla?
Do you think Steve Jobs’ mother pushed him to come up with the iPhone?
These people didn’t care who was the man in the WHITE HOUSE, what interest rates were, what their competition looked like or how IMPOSSIBLE AND UNLIKELY it was to become a self-made billionaire — they RE-WROTE HISTORY! believes we’re in a HUGE BULL MARKET for precious metals, but unless one positions himself to make a fortune from it, the WHOLE THING means nothing to him, apart from some bragging rights.
Execute now; it takes DRAMATIC ACTION and relentless commitment to making it happen; don’t be fooled by the media. Success is always the result of a combination of the following:
Put it in SIXTH GEAR and get it done; NO EXCUSES!
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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Am I betting on gold to go to $3000. Nope.
We’ve been following a slow-motion, Weimar-style economic fraud since 1913. If we compare pretty-printed paper (or 1’s and 0’s in a computer) to gold, I’d fully expect gold to go to infinity while I shoveled greenbacks into the boiler and/or fireplace.
We passively allowed the US regime to operate without real limits for over a century. Now we reap what have earned.
Bill Gates, who has no medical training keeps insisting that the majority of Americans that are opposed to accepting a covid vaccine are simply misinformed and are basing their anti-vax decisions on propaganda, misinformation, and because, well, they are simply too stupid to decide the course of their own medical treatment.
55% of surveyed Americans said that they would not accept a covid vaccine if they were paid $100.
1 in every 39 vaccines has resulted in injury, that has been documented, and undocumented injury pushes that vaccine injury ratio even higher.
Despite Bill Gates telling the national media how safe and wonderful his vacines are, here is what his vaccine company, Moderna is actually telling the government:
“[T]here can be no assurance that our LNPs [lipid nanoparticles] will not have undesired effects. Our LNPs could contribute, in whole or in part, to one or more of the following: immune reactions, infusion reactions, complement reactions, opsonation reactions, antibody reactions . . . or reactions to the PEG [a synthetic vaccine ingredient]… Certain aspects of our investigational medicines may induce immune reactions from either the mRNA or the lipid as well as adverse reactions within liver pathways or degradation of the mRNA or the LNP, any of which could lead to significant adverse events in one or more of our clinical trials.”
Johnson and Johnson also halted vaccine clinical trials for injuries, and Asrtra Zenneca has been caught rigging things in their favor when injuries occur through data manipulation as well, which is not strictly a common practice in the entire pharmaceutical industry for all of its products, it is the business model.
Physicians are complicit accomplices in all of this and refuse to report adverse side effects which are experienced by the majority of people that take the vaccines and drugs and to the FDA as well as other regulatory agencies, because they do not want to bite the hand that feeds them, but their patients are the hands that feeds them, and they have not only bitten our hands, they have cannibalized our entire bodies.
Trans-mugenesis could occur from vaccines, meaning that genetic mutations caused by vaccines may be genetically passed down, damaging the genetic pool of the individuals permanently passing down genetic mutations forever from descendant to descendant.
Why have Trump, Russia, and China also been pretending that covid is so fatal and threatening that lock downs and vaccines were necessary? WHO knows, but it certainly has been extremely disappointing and has significantly and irreperably diminished their credibility. They are all in this together, obviously!
Andrea Iravani
Yes, we can “thank” the Japanese for normalizing the end of life time warranties, and engineered obsolescence, in addition to paying for a warranty for a product!
Not to mention computerization of things that do not need computers at all! Cadillac was the first American carr manufacturer to computerize their cars, and the computerization led to mechanical failures by design, exactly as it is with appliances, where they can be hacked especially with the Internet of Things, that people’s appliances with smart meters are connected to against the will of the owner!
And Vault 7 hacking technology! A money makng fraud scam for the unions! Brotherhoods sworn to secrecy about their spying, data theft, data sale, and hacking rackets!
This country is full of losers! Perverted freaks and thieves! What a racket, and it is why America will never be MAGA as long as the surveillance state is free to data farm and violate people’s 4th amendment rights, thereby also violating people’s 13th amendment rights, in illegal enslavement as well as endangering people’s lives and selling data to people who are accomplices in crime! Many of these freaked out, perverted, predatory, psychos do not even hold any security clearance at all! It is fraud to sell something that does not belong to you and it is fraud to purchase property that does not belong to the seller! For example, your neighbor cannot sell your house to someone and keep the profits and kick you out of your house, and the puchaser cannot kick you out of your house and move in, because the sale was a fraud!
Andrea Iravani
I posted the above comment of TheSaker, and it was posted in total, then, a few minutes later, this section was removec by the moderator:
“Many of these freaked out, perverted, predatory, psychos do not even hold any security clearance at all! It is fraud to sell something that does not belong to you and it is fraud to purchase property that does not belong to the seller! For example, your neighbor cannot sell your house to someone and keep the profits and kick you out of your house, and the puchaser cannot kick you out of your house and move in, because the sale was a fraud!”
I told the moderator that they did not have my permission to edit my comments, because it is fraud and identity theft and speaking on my behalf, and requested that it be reposted with an apology and gave them 10 minutes to correct but refused to do. It has my signature on it and to change my comment makes them guilty of impersonating me and impersonation is identity theft.
There are some really freaked out moderators with an extreme form of deviant personality disorder that work for Saker and are posters. Amarynth is one of them which she said in one of her posts, and I believe that Bro93 and Ioan who also posts as Dimitar is another one, and it is sick as hell because they let me know tbat they are spying on me!
Bro93 is a Trumpet, and will not post criticisms of Trump. Bro93 censors, and refuses to post things that discredits his pro-Trump propaganda. I believe that he is a moderator, because I kept posting a reply to him, which never was posted, and even changed search engines, and all said that the comment was received. Even though my comment to him never appeared, he kept posting new comments, and he was the only one posting new comments for about an hour, so that is why I think that he is a moderator, in addition to his gas-lighting and letting me know that he is spying on me, which is just sick! Why would he spy on me of all people in the world? If he is spy, why not spy on someone in a high position of power?! Not that that is right either, but to spy on me?! WTF?! What a psycho and a total fucking loser!
To make matters worse, The Saker, aka Andrei Revskey has stated in his autobiography that he is getting a degree in Theology. He worked for Swiss intelligence agencies, according to his autobiography. This is very troubling that another fraud with apparently deviant personality disorder and wolf in sheep’s clothing will be pretending to preach Gospell, when in actuality it is selling God! God is free. Nobody has to pay to have God in their life, as disappointing as that may be to some!
Death to data farmers, hackers, and spies! It is the only way to MAGA, unless they are sent to prison where they belong! They endanger our lives and property! They steal our lives and property! They are parasites that we cannot live with! They do not deserve respect, kindness, forgiveness, or mercey! They have destroyed the world and the meaning of life, and are guilty of the most heinous crimes against humanity conceivable! Why do they refuse to accept that no repectable person would ever condone their sick, evil, predatory, deviant, life styles?! I would rather die! Who in the hell wants to associate with scumbags that violate an individuals rights?! What in the hell is supposed to be in that for me?! Hell! That’s what! No thanks! It would be a fate worse than death! Misery loves company!
Andrea Iravani
This society is too corrupt for me. Most people are evil. That is just the way that it is. Gamers play. People that have morals live by a different set of rules than the Gamers. They are frauds that are full of shit. Being with them or like them would be a fate worse than death for me. When someone has sold out their morality, any other gains will never be enjoyed, which is why they are easily bored thrill seekers, always in search of something to replace their soul, which they have lost.
We are at a time when more people are corrupt than honest, which was not the case before. The risks are too high. The con artists are complete frauds that live the exact opposite of what they preach. Many of them are in the media and alternative media and many of them are accomplices in crime, or in fact out right criminals. Concealing knowledge of a crime makes someone an accomplice of that crime.
Andrea Iravani
This society is too corrupt for me. Most people are evil. That is just the way that it is. Gamers play. People that have morals live by a different set of rules than the Gamers. They are frauds that are full of shit. Being with them or like them would be a fate worse than death for me. When someone has sold out their morality, any other gains will never be enjoyed, which is why they are easily bored thrill seekers, always in search of something to replace their soul, which they have lost, so that is certainly not winning. They have lost and are too delusional to even realize it. If everyone requires a support group just to be able to cope with society, then this is obviously an unihabitable society, and society is the problem, and a support group will not have the solution, since it is part of a dysfunctional society.
We are at a time when more people are corrupt than honest, which was not the case before. The risks are too high. The con artists are complete frauds that live the exact opposite of what they preach. Many of them are in the media and alternative media and many of them are accomplices in crime, or in fact out right criminals. Concealing knowledge of a crime makes someone an accomplice of that crime.
Andrea Iravani
This society is too corrupt for me. Most people are evil. That is just the way that it is. Gamers play. People that have morals live by a different set of rules than the Gamers. They are frauds that are full of shit. Being with them or like them would be a fate worse than death for me. When someone has sold out their morality, any other gains will never be enjoyed, which is why they are easily bored thrill seekers, always in search of something to replace their soul, which they have lost, so that is certainly not winning. They have lost and are too delusional to even realize it. If everyone requires a support group just to be able to cope with society, then this is obviously an uninhabitable society, and society is the problem, and a support group will not have the solution, since it is part of a dysfunctional society.
We are at a time when more people are corrupt than honest, which was not the case before. The risks are too high. The con artists are complete frauds that live the exact opposite of what they preach. Many of them are in the media and alternative media and many of them are accomplices in crime, or in fact out right criminals. Concealing knowledge of a crime makes someone an accomplice of that crime.
When the psychpathic, predatory, criminals that have perpetrated the litany of crimes against me have been prosecuted and imprisoned, and I have received justice, then maybe society will be safe enough for me. Everyone realizes that the Justice system in America is totally corrupt. I will not participate in an undeniably unjust society. I have reported crimes over and over to authorities, institutions, and government officials at all levels which have all been totally ignored, proving tbat society is just too corrupt, and there is no justice.
All of America is a No Go Zone! In case you haven’t noticed! How could anyone deny it?! This started long before BLM riots too, so don’t even think about using that as an excuse!
Andrea Iravani