This article was originally published by Selco at The Organic Prepper
Note: This following articles is an excerpt from Selco’s best-selling book, The Dark Secrets of SHTF Survival. To read more of this sobering reality check, you can get it in PDF for $5.49 or in paperback for $17.99.
When the SHTF, there might not be army outside shooting at you, but there might be gangs who prey on you to get your supplies. Being under siege feels like someone takes the ground away you walked on.
Nothing is like it was before. When you defend your home, you need to have a mindset change. Home is not a cozy secure place anymore. Home is the place you chose to defend yourself and loved ones. You will feel very different about the place you used as a defensive base forever.
To stay protected or to try to protect against firing and shelling required some skill, knowledge and in a lot of the times good luck.
I can say that in the beginning, people acted very brave. But on the other side that was not courage, it was more like a lack of knowledge of how easily a man can be killed. People went out like kids with water pistols only that getting wet might be own blood or blood of friend on you.
I watched few times a man attacking another guy who is hiding behind some cover. The attacker is just running towards the guy behind cover and constantly shooting. The other guy behind cover just leans forward for a second, gets the timing right, and kills the foolish attacker.
When you have a bunch of civilians with a lot of weapons, some strange situations can occur. Remember I am talking about civilians. Most of them did not know too much about war, fighting, tactics, and everything else.
We did not have some smart philosophy of street fighting, especially not in the beginning. But as time goes by, some of the obvious things get figured out or learned if you like.
If somebody wanted to attack someone who is inside a house, the most usual way was to use RPG or hand grenades on some of the openings to shock people inside and create some shrapnel flying around.
Quite often, guys used human shields to get to the house. A lot of people got killed because they thought it was not OK to kill some poor prisoner in order to defend the house.
Imagine that three bad guys come towards you and they push two older women in front of them. Terrible situations. And after some time, most shot at everything that looked suspicious… no matter what.
Most of the fighting in the city was like shoot and hide, fight while moving. It was like fighting with shadows, they are everywhere, and each shadow can kill you. You often fight people who you do not even see good, so to walk or run lightly was the key.
Often you do not see the enemy and shoot at whatever. Sounds bad but in a lot of the situations very good thing was to shoot at anything that looks even close to suspicious, and in most of the situations, not even stop later to check.
You never know how well you hit. Just grab your stuff and move.
I remember that. Always on the run.
Fear was one of the greatest allies of fighting, so if one of the groups wanted to kill or expel another group from some street, position or building, the usual method was to talk to them for hours over the megaphone device.
Maybe from this perspective looks ridiculous but if you listen for hours or days for one and same story how you are gonna be treated good if you surrender yourself, after some time a lot of folks are gonna start to believe in that.
Or in another case, you may listen for an hour what that guy gonna do to your family and you if you do not surrender yourself.
After watching a video of Syria and the people there, some memories came back. Some dark memories that usually hide deep inside of me. Not easy to get to them. But this is one that came back.
My friend got caught with his buddy in one house, actually, two of them are left something like behind enemy lines, in the basement of a destroyed house. An enemy group, some 150-200 men were doing a sweep through that street, robbing and killing civilians who had not had time to run. He said to me that they spend two days in the basement, covered with all kind of junk, watching outside through small opening. A few meters from opening was a corpse of a little girl, maybe 10 years old.
In order to see if somebody was coming to their basement, one of them needed to be constantly at that small opening, watching. He said he managed to watch the atrocities that those people did to civilians and somehow push that deep inside his brain, over time, to put these memories away. But to stare at a dead kid all that time, with her eyes wide open and her blond hair, he almost lost his mind.
One of them had a pistol and a few bullets, other one had a rifle, 30 bullets and a homemade grenade (made from unexploded tank grenade).
They make an agreement that if they see the enemy is coming to the basement, they gonna fire everything and blow themselves with that grenade. Nobody came into their basement, though. A burned house was not interesting for other guys. After two days, the enemy group just pulled back.
They survived the war, both of them. One of them became a drug addict, lived very fast for a few years, and died from an overdose.
The other man is still my friend. He is in his mid-40s, prepared, armed, strong, skilled. He has two kids, a boy and a girl, teenagers. Both of them know how to shoot, and how to defend themselves. Everyone handles it differently.
I can only write stories here. The reality is a whole different thing. Once things turn ugly, some things can feel so wrong they cannot be understood or processed with a normal mind.
Actually, there is no way to deal with that.
Sometimes with friends, we can speak about these things. Sometimes we laugh. Other times some of my friends are quiet for days. I have periods like that too.
I think none one of us is dealing too good with that, maybe pushing it away from time to time, I have, for example, some periods when I am too aggressive, easy to explode. It happens rarely now, but I still have those times.
I hope we all never have to go through this again. But if the time comes, I’m ready and you should be too.
Selco survived the Balkan war of the 90s in a city under siege, without electricity, running water, or food distribution.
In his online works, he gives an inside view of the reality of survival under the harshest conditions. He reviews what works and what doesn’t, tells you the hard lessons he learned, and shares how he prepares today.
He never stopped learning about survival and preparedness since the war. Regardless of what happens, chances are you will never experience extreme situations as Selco did. But you have the chance to learn from him and how he faced death for months.
Real survival is not romantic or idealistic. It is brutal, hard and unfair. Let Selco take you into that world.
About Selco:
Selco survived the Balkan war of the 90s in a city under siege, without electricity, running water, or food distribution. In his online works, he gives an inside view of the reality of survival under the harshest conditions. He reviews what works and what doesn’t, tells you the hard lessons he learned, and shares how he prepares today. He never stopped learning about survival and preparedness since the war. Regardless what happens, chances are you will never experience extreme situations as Selco did. But you have the chance to learn from him and how he faced death for months. Read more of Selco’s articles here. Buy his PDF books here. Take advantage of a deep and profound insight into his knowledge by signing up for his unrivaled online course. Real survival is not romantic or idealistic. It is brutal, hard and unfair. Let Selco take you into that world.
Please feel free to share any information from this article in part or in full, giving credit to the author and including a link to The Organic Prepper and the following bio.
Daisy is a coffee-swigging, gun-toting, homeschooling blogger who writes about current events, preparedness, frugality, and the pursuit of liberty on her websites, The Organic Prepper and DaisyLuther.com She is the author of 4 books and the co-founder of Preppers University, where she teaches intensive preparedness courses in a live online classroom setting. You can follow her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter,.
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But on the other side that was not courage, it was more like a lack of knowledge of how easily a man can be killed.
Yes, people die very easily. I killed 19 people in Vietnam….. I was on vacation there last year! 🙂
john stiner, two points
The vast majority of KIAs in RVN were unknown for sure who killed them, who actually fired the kill shot. I was there in 68/69 and I do not know one person who knows what you say you know ? I was on the Cambodian border up around Tay Ninh and lots of vegetation cover in the rubber tree plantations and jungle.
Also most of you need to simply realize nearly all of the soldiers were simply civilians right off the street, right out of your own neighborhood. Many were not very good soldiers and most were not heros as many like to claim. Just being in RVN did not make anybody a good guy particularly. There were lots of shit heals and whacked people simply because they were nearly all taken right off the street and out of the hood more or less ! A few months training and bingo , a supposed soldier. That does not mean there were no kick ass soldiers for sure. But the majority were not. Most simply wanted to get home in one piece.
Quite often, guys used human shields to get to the house. A lot of people got killed because they thought it was not OK to kill some poor prisoner in order to defend the house.
I would not hesitate to shoot through a human shield to kill the bad guy….. unless the human shield was my family member. But my family members know to duck because a head shot is quickly coming.
john stiner, what I take away from his stories and other things I’ve read is the importance of NOT getting caught in a war zone!!!! It’s better to be a refugee than being in the front lines of a war zone.
You may not be really aware that your area is in a “war zone” until shells begin blowing up around you! It may appear you are safe, and then things happen so fast you are trapped.
JS, if I also have to shoot through a human shield to nail a bad guy then so be it. Bad guys have to be taken down regardless.
Thanks cuz…
At least, now I know where to put the head shot when ya come to the hills with new “friends”.
NGIC, go take a flying leap.
Hey cuz…
Hold my beer. 🙂
I’d like to know just how much ordinance guns ammo were available. Something tells me there a lot more in US. I see no possible way things can get that out of hand for long
You would be dead wrong!
Think for a change, don’t just blast off. The cities, the US have 3-5 days of food that’s all. In major riots, who is going to deliver more? Most of the low life people in them don’t have a clue even what to do with a bag of flour. They live on food stamps and fast food. Half of NYC doesn’t even know how to drive. Wouldn’t make any difference if they did, you cannot evacuate NYC or Chi or LA. first idiot that has a wreck or runs out of gas it’s all over. Ignoring the fact that places like LA have no where to go. Yougo kept going because outside help supplied the cities, not here. The huge grain bins in Minnesota and Nebraska aren’t going to help, nor are the cows in Wyo. You tell me what’s going to keep the stupid masses alive more than 20 days.
I was recently listening to an interview of the governors of Iowa and Nebraska.
” The huge grain bins in Minnesota and Nebraska aren’t going to help, nor are the cows in Wyo” due to flooding many of those grain bins aren’t accessible, nor will they be for some weeks. Lots of dead cattle also.
I suspect there is enough inertia in the system that people will have food for a while, but you are correct in that large cities don’t have a lot of food storage and most people there aren’t set up to deal with empty store shelves and missed Golden state foods deliveries(A McDonalds supplier).
The author of this post was dealing with a war and lived in a city. I doubt he was making his own flour and baking his own bread, like I would be doing if the stores were gone. The lesson he teaches best is to get out of cities before SHTF. If you are foolish enough to live and stay in a city or refugee center, he paints a rather accurate, bleak picture of how you have to live to survive.
In a collapse, the usual scenario is that the city/urban people would demand Washington to raid the rurals for food. Washington will not alllow the cities to go totally down. Maybe LA and Chicago.
Many people think the people in the police and military now would not be such patsies. The LE and soldiers who wouldn’t confiscate from the preppers would quickkly be fired and replaced with the mobs and urbanites who will do anything for three hots and a cot, and the right to dish out the violence rather than receive it. Maduro simply emptied the prisons out and put them to work in his gestapo.
We must NEVER lose our guns, they are what we need to stay free. In the story, the two guys have guns but they are low on ammo. Plus they obviously have stayed in the wrong place too long. Good lessons. I like Selco’s stories.
” I see no possible way things can get that out of hand for long”
I see a long time of civil unrest and death
Yes the first week/month/year will see the majority of death for many reasons.
violence maybe the least issue after lack of hospital/medicine, food/water/shelter.
It takes time to kill people
How many new Yorkers do you think have guns???
@ Jakar, you might just be surprised on how many new yorkers have guns or some kind of weapon. Just saying
It cannot go on for long and the Gov cannot stop it. Go to any mega city, watch the endless lines of trucks, trains, ships needed. The Cities can demand anything the want. The Gov cannot supply. The LA Basin is 12 million plus. With thousands of stores, the US Army is 200,000. A few fires, a few fire hydrants opened, (Remember the Gov has 3-5 days to get it up and running) . meanwhile the 100’s of thousands of store workers have left their jobs and are desperately trying to get out. The traffic jams alone would take weeks to clear.
Here is some Sunday afternoon viewing for you all. You might learn something too!
Downloaded and stored away.
L.A. riots
Hurricane Andrew
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Sandy
Burned out buildings, rioting, looting, shooting, people dumpster diving 2 days after hurricane Sandy in NYC, gun confiscations in New Orleans, people shot by police, women raped…etc.
Can get bad real fast.
the most usual way was to use RPG or hand grenades
Nobody has access to those in America. That is a Russian thing.
What i fear most is fire. I fear that someone will try to burn my house down with a Molotov cocktail.
If you see all the looting and rioting, Molotov cocktails are very prevalent in all the videos.
Hopefully I will be able to shoot the bastard while he is still holding the bottle. That would teach him a lesson.
john stiner, I remember a scene in the movie “Gangs of New York” where they would set fire to a house to get the residents to flee. Once they came out, people would rush in and steal everything that wasn’t nailed down, BEFORE the police and fire showed up.
I learned a valuable lesson!
john stiner
“Hopefully I will be able to shoot the bastard while he is still holding the bottle. ”
One would think that tight pattern duck / goose gun with #4 shot serves no purpose in a SHTF situation. Being on the receiving end of a bottle of gasoline with rag wick shattering in front of you and simultaneously catching about 180 of the 240 pellets in your face, hands and chest would likely deter the person to their right and left. Actually if you had a mob to deter a charge of heavy bird shot at 50 yards will make one ponder their decision.
Shoot the bottle while he’s still holding it before he cocks his arm.
First you have to be awake. Second, you must see everyone out there. More than one arsonist? Third, they are going to set fire to your place. And you ARE going to come out. Now what?
‘First you have to be awake.”
That’s a given. It’s doubtful if you can protect the homestead alone
“Second, you must see everyone out there”
Thats a luxury. You must see the person(s) with the Molotov cocktail.
” More than one arsonist?”
At some point you can be overwhelmed.
“Third, they are going to set fire to your place. And you ARE going to come out.”
We’re not leaving our shelter unless it’s on fire, not before.
K2, I hear you. I posted because it looked people might have had tunnel vision. Expecting to see the arsonist and shoot his arm, etc. Unlikely one guy is coming to set your place on fire and loot it. Multiple shit heads.
All scenarios are not the same either. Is it temporary because of some disaster man made or natural; will the rule of law resume? If a mass mob threatens violence in this situation a warning shot or a very precision use of lethal force to counter a bona fide lethal threat is appropriate. If it’s truly tribal SHIF, no government now or with any expectation of the future responses are different. One has to realize that under all of the circumstances the least violence is preferred. You may win the battle today, make a dire enemy due to a heavy handed response and only achieve a larger more organized vengeance attack later.
K2, good point! If your going to plan an attack, don’t make it from your neighborhood, take it to them! Anyway I saw your response to the jersey thread and ya you might make 100K a year but what does it cost to live there? This is a factor in the ratio of wages vs. cost. I live in a low cost place but work in a high wage place. Therefor I am just as well off as someone living (where I work) as someone making 100K at my place of residence. Ya I have expenses for travel, motel etc. but it still far exceeds what I would make here. I make over 45 an hour a lot when on overtime. And probably 35-45% or so of my income is overtime. I have a wierd job though and work wierd hours and is union. I can live on 1/3 of my income as I have NO debt. The rest is all spent on preps, guns, improvements, toys, and whatever I want. I could never do that in NJ on 100K a year!
The people in NJ making that 100K are often only making it there. If they moved they wouldn’t even come to half of it. I lived on the west side of the state with America (or reasonable facsimile thereof) just across the Delaware river; I voted with my feet and fled to Delaware almost three decades ago. I since retired in Florida. Delaware was a cusp between the south and the north. Homes were cheaper, property taxes a fraction, gun laws far less. Even though it’s not codified “shall issue” it is. If your “squeaky clean” you can get a carry permit.
” don’t make it from your neighborhood, take it to them! ” In survival mode looking for trouble is a “luxury” and down right foolish. A small wound can become fatal. Want to survive? Live like a rodent.
I would consider anyone I saw with a Molotov cocktail to be a target of opportunity…..to be shot on sight. It’s a poor man’s WMD.
I’d shoot the bottle first if I could. Now that would REALLY teach him a lesson.
Honestly….I hate the thought of all of this. Not looking forward to violence in any form. I’m hoping it can be avoided.
I don’t want to deal with waking up at night with nightmares of what I’ve done…whether it was a righteous act or not. It’s still the taking of human life.
The only people who are not affected by that are people with sociopathic personalities.
Anon5, take out the scumbag with the Molotov with either some birdshot or buckshot and most likely the rest of the mob will turn tail and run. I agree the one with the Molotov is the biggest threat. Take him down and the others will run. If they don’t, then give them a dose of hot lead also.
If it comes down to a war don’t bet on what people will have. Yah the gang bangers got a 5 shot snub nose that they have never fired at a target in their lives, and think that a box of 50 is a lot of ammo. I bought a 30 cal BAR Semi Auto (Fully legal). I asked the people if the Gov ever opened the list again how much would it cost me to have them redo it back to full Auto. They said $500; Knowing they charged $95 an hour to work on guns you figure out how long that would take. Once you set up for them, primitive grenades are stupidly simple.
Way to many guys in this country have fairly modern machine tools in their basements. That’s one of the reasons I like Wyoming; I don’t want anything to do with that crap. We keep both our liberals under close watch. The city provides a cannon range about 3 miles from me & “Game and Fish” is there to help you not cause trouble.
The people who are criminals during civilized times will be the first looters stealing items like TVs. Once the realization sets in that its survival time society really starts going Neanderthal. After a time the former accountant if still alive becomes a savage. It’s all predicated upon a post physical catastrophe that one may not initially survive.
You often fight people who you do not even see good, so to walk or run lightly was the key.
A Nazi soldier complained after WWII that the American soldiers would shoot at absolutely anything. If a leaf fluttered in the wind, the Americans shot at it.
john stiner, “so to walk or run lightly was the key”. Here’s how to accomplish that. By the way, that’s also the final test before you get married so when you come home late at night you wont wake your wife up.
I think none one of us is dealing too good with that, maybe pushing it away from time to time
If you were in America you would be getting a disability check and voting Democrat and thinking the world owed you everything and it was all the white mans fault.
Has anyone purchased; “Selco’s best-selling book, The Dark Secrets of SHTF Survival. To read more of this sobering reality check, you can get it in PDF for $5.49”. I’m wondering what people thought of his book?
I guess I’ll put a crowbar in my wallet and purchase it in PDF format. He deserves my support because I just employed a variation of his advise. That he would rather have a thousand Bic lighters than a generator.
Instead of another generator I bought:
1. Panasonic BK-3MCCA16FA eneloop AA 2100 Cycle Ni-MH Pre-Charged Rechargeable Batteries
2. eneloop BQ-CC55KSBHA Panasonic Advanced Pro Individual Battery 4 Hour Quick Charger with 4 Led Charge Indicator Lights
3. Several Portable Power Banks
4. Anker 60W 6 Port USB Wall Chargers
5. Finally, Solar Portable Power Station with Lithium Battery Supply
If you want to get a deal on ALL 3 of Selco’s books click on the link at the end of the article. All 3 for $15.00.
3. Several Portable Power Banks
Every time I drive past the local library I see the homeless people and people with their electricity cut off on the outside of the building charging their phones in the electrical outlet.
I bought a 28 watt folding solar panel thats designed to charge any 5vdc device and gave it to some tent city folks.
No it hasn’t been sold for drug money and nobody has been shanked over it.
They use it to keep phones charged so they can be assigned day labor jobs.
Anon, with all the dick-swinging bullshit bravado comments on this articke like “I’d shoot through a human shield” or “I’ll headshot people and my family knows how to duck” or “omg I was in ‘nam so blah blad blah”, its nice to see a genuine Christian gesture that will make an ACTUAL difference and isn’t obvious posturing by a fool.
My hats off to you sir!
I’ve been without electricity the last few days. I have 2 sleeping bags which I put inside the other and am warm at night. Still, it is a MISERABLE EXISTENCE!! I don’t want to get up because everything is freezing! I have no way to refrigerate food and so go without food a lot. There is no lights to study or read by or make progress in the horrible situation. Still, I CAN go out, get warm food and coffee and go to the library internet. I COULDNT’ IMAGINE IT BEING WORSE!! (What Selco went through)… as it is, I’m living “on the brink”, barely surviving and its just a miserable, miserable situation!!
It is exactly the same thing…..except people are shooting at you.
Let me get this straight… ITS FREEZING OUT AND YOU HAVE NO WAY TO REFRIGERATE FOOD? That comment is beyond reply it is soo stupid. Ever heard of candles? Flashlights? Fire? Wow… just Wow.
freezing?? like in freezing temps??
And you don’t have a way to refrigerate??
I’ve used a big cooler with ice for keeping perishables frozen and stuck it outside a few times during winter. It works.
Hey Genius …good news
You might be able to make it into the “Woodstock 2019” lineup.
As it stands the promoters should be sued for desecration of a historic event.imo Maybe you can pull it out of the shitter.??
What brought that on?
The summer of 1969 was the summer of Molotov Cocktails.
That’s how my brain works …thought I should clarify.
Problem is they would be extremely offended by my songs lol. If you heard them you would know what I mean. Nothing like being attacked by 1/2 million angry commies!
Nothing like being attacked by 1/2 million angry commies!
True enuff lol
AT least at the original fest most proclaimed to be anarchist…no matter they sold out and are part of the machine now..
Ya stupid fuckin hippies! But there were those who held true like steppenwolf, sabbath, and a few others. Here’s a cut from one of my songs lol…
“your a backdoor man
you get it anyway you can
your goin to frisco with some crisco in your hand”
From another song:
“your so fuckin stupid
there’s nothing you can do
why’d your momma have to go and raise a fool like you
dingleberries hangin from the bottom of your chin
giving birth to fools like you should be a godamm sin”
And another song:
“Eat shit
you shitty little beech
Eat shit
it looks like little logs
eat shit
you can even eat your dogs”
Ok one more lol:
“driving down the freeway a doin 45
I can’t believe an asshole like you is still alive
holding up the traffic for all the rest of us
park that piece of shit and take the fuckin bus!”
Thats a start lol. Now you know what I mean 😛
I took “freezing” to be the euphemism for “uncomfortably cold”, not “temperatures consistently below 32F”
You are right on it brother, I have not stopped laughing.
These little twinkle toes out here do not have a (Clue) on what to (Do)
They will be like Richard Pryor with there hair on fire.
I guess it will be the song LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR.
I will be 2 mountain ranges away from everything with no phone, no lights, and motor car not a single luxury.
But I guess I will be tracked by satellite by Racoon City, and when they zoom in on me they will see me flipping them the bird or me mooning them or both 🙂
At least now you have a good idea what to have ready for the next time.
Anonymous, when it is cold you do not need refrigeration for your food ?
No way to refrigerate food? But it’s freezing outside…? 5gallon bucket is a multi -tool….
You can easily make a waste oil/ olive,corn oil candle…. You need Selco’s book & many others, to survive is easy…..to survive fighting for your life not so easy…..either you get good at surviving
Or Good at dying…..very short learning curve…..
I’ve never commented on this sight before but you have got to be the dumbest person I’ve ever seen here. You don’t have food because you don’t have a refrigerator, Seriously. I’ve gone with out electric for months at a time and I’ve never starved. If you can’t survive for a few days with out electric what are you going to do in a real SHTF situation when there is no place to get anything hot and there are no cell phones?
Wait for the government to come along and feed you?
Dear anonymous, I fully believe this very sentiment will be common with your generation. Even the ones that lead the “protest parade”, they are badasses till they have to face reality. When shtf these idiots will drop like flies. Can you imagine the despair when they can no longer “use wi-fi at the library”, hahahaha. Anonymous, you should pull your head outa your ass and learn some real skills instead of how to find the strongest wi-fi signal. In your present form, unfortunately “YOU” are what is wrong with our society. You better get a move on, you’re way behind. Good Luck
It gets to SHTF you better have a group of people with resources and better protection. If you are by yourself you’ll be missing sleep. Other eyes are needed to cover while you all sleep in shifts. A variety of skills would be nice and a defensible property to be protected.
In all likelihood 4 people would pretty much be the minimum and just about a maximum. More people require more supplies. More people increase the probability of more interpersonal conflicts. Granted the upper numbers are inherently flexible.
Good comment. “Interpersonal conflicts”, yup, people nowadays are all VIP’s (Valuable Intellectual Properties). Millennials are all know-it-alls, and automatically hate older ones, or at least despise them.
Apocalypse movies have people always running somewhere with whoever conglomerates with them. People getting other people killed because they won’t listen to wiser ones. No one knowing or caring about ‘lights out’ or ‘no noise’. Drama Queens having hissy fits, kids crying because they are bored and hungry. I know they’re movies, but somehow I beleive that’s how most people are, unreliable and chaotic, ready to do exactly what will get them killed, and everyone around them.
After a few weeks of collapse, I think people will empower the government to do ANYTHING. Government kills people on an industrial scale. When the collapse happens I would be better in the wilderness of the mountains with my guns eating acorns. Society would never be the same again, i’m sure a Marxist state would take it’s place.
Son of patriot
Collapse on the scale envisioned with roving gangs and sustained anarchy will be the result of a physical catastrophe, war, asteroid strike, massive solar storm or Yellowstone. Economic will not result in it this bad as the US has a developed infrastructure, food and energy. Under the worst case scenario people will be a problem and the further distance from them the better.
I agree: just as America has ALREADY decayed, it will continue to do so. Countries can function with the majority of the population under tight control and the standard of living low. As long as the government has the upper hand, this situation can go on indefinitely.
I think America will just look like Brazil. Most of its population will come from low IQ populations and this will impact the economy. A super predator high IQ class will rule over it. The low IQs will be separated, however. A ‘porno’ class will be kept for the pleasure economy. These cocoa and cafe au lait coloured women will be very pretty but not too bright upstairs. But thinking is not what they will be for.
As for blonde, brunette and dark haired women, they will be part of the thinker class. A high IQ blonde will cost you a ton to get. You won’t get one of these lovelies unless you can provide a big house in Malibu and a nice car. And for the surplus blonde lovelies, they will shack up with rich Asians. “Small pee-pee but he lets me holiday in Africa every two months, so allls good, honey!!”
S.o.P. ~ Remember in ‘Road Warrior’ there is one woman who chooses to ignore the horrific rapes and murders committed by the followers of Lord Humungus; and who argues that they should accept his “generous offer” that he will spare their lives if they simply walk away from their compound?
I suspect that in real life that it would be a lot more than just one person… especially if Lord H. maintained a prolonged carrot-and-stick P.R. campaign as he laid siege to the place. The longer the siege, the more people would be swayed to desperately grasp at straws. I continue to steadfastly believe that most people are little more than overgrown children.
For some reason, that woman in the movie always reminds me of Nancy Pelosi….
Great movie, I agree.
I can sleep just fine. I have a little dog who stays alert and lets me know when somethings amiss. And I certain he will not stab me in the back.
i have owned little dogs, and they are the BEST for letting you know about all those noises outside. i just realized though, that the lil darlin may just “rat you out” to the badguys looking for buildings that are OCCUPIED. have some body armor, just in case they burn you out, it may give you a chance.
I wonder if joining a hunting or trap shooting club would give you access to a couple hundred guys with guns?
The NRA Convention is in Ind Ind. in a month. Join-Go. Learn a lot about stuff. Should be about 80,000 right wing gun nuts there. Bunch of survival goodies. I’ll be there, just look for the guy packing a gun in a MAGA Hat, that’s me.
or, you can just go to the gunshow near you….
I would consider anyone I saw with a Molotov cocktail to be a target of opportunity…..to be shot on sight. It’s a poor man’s WMD.
I’d shoot the bottle first if I could. Now that would REALLY teach him a lesson.
Honestly….I hate the thought of all of this. Not looking forward to violence in any form. I’m hoping it can be avoided.
I don’t want to deal with waking up at night with nightmares of what I’ve done…whether it was a righteous act or not. It’s still the taking of human life.
The only people who are not affected by that are people with sociopathic personalities.
“When you have a bunch of civilians with a lot of weapons, some strange situations can occur”
Bullisht. Source: i’m swiss
Well boo fucking hoo
Our US cities have been under siege for decades but nobody really gives a shit about the nightly death toll not yet.
From your comments about freezing. I’m gonna ask wtf happened to your power?
Second I’d defend you saying come on guys.
When it comes to freezing food you need a consistent -15c. It warms up during the day and refreezes at night making for questionable food safety; moreover, the weather is warming now winter is over.
Go easy guys his comment about not being able to freeze food is a valid one.
Excellent point AB
Also I might add …it seems in recent years I’m seeing more 40°temperature swings between day and nighttime temps…something I used to only see in the desert southwest.
Leave all that tactical tommy gear behind. People will kill you for it.
Don’t die for stuff. Move. Hide. Run. Distance is your friend, not “preps”.
I have been there.
People don’t kill you if you look tough enough to defend yourself, but you have nothing of value worth taking.
Look like a bum.
Get out of bad area. Move out of the war zone.
Don’t defend shit-preps-stuff.
Superior firepower nearly always win.
You will be outnumbered.
Avoid conflict. Leave.
SELCO sounds like bs. Never die for stuff. Die for people you love. Better yet RUN and live.
There was an article that I had bookmarked ” why 90% of Americans would die without electricity”
But now all thats left of the sevenpod.com website are some spicy meat rubs and shit…WTF?
7pod may switched post-shtf plans and now suggest cannibal barbecue….
stranger things have happened in our circle
Don’t know if this a real story or just some made up “fear porn” either way, pretty dark stuff.
Worked for ten years in an O.R. at a County Hospital in Ft. Lauderdale. Saw many gun shot wounds/stabbings etc. The worst tissue damage always seems to be by Shotgun. However, even a kitchen knife can kill, as I learned when a guy came in with one sticking out of his kidney. Wife went to prison for murder.
We humans are capable of all kind of nasty things, just ask the lady who’s boyfriend gave her a pool acid douche for sleeping with his best friend.
As always, watch out fur dem hogs.
Lol I just finished watching everyone’s favorite movie, RED DAWN.
I also just noticed in the movie the scoreboard says home Wolverines and the visitor the grizzlies.
Our local jr hockey team bares the name Wolverines thier main rivals are indeed named the grizzlies.
Whitecourt grizzlies and swan hills Wolverines.
Cool eh.
you in/around Mi? Theres a great run-n-gun event at MTC called the Wolverine 5k patterned after the movie. fills up fast. Highly recommend 🙂
WWW DOT wolverine5k DOT com
A fascinating aspect of these crises is what happens to women. And it isn’t pretty. Women become tradable sex commodities. They are shifted about to serve the needs of the fighting forces. They are used as rape weapons and inseminated by the enemy. When Berlin fell in WWII the quantity of rapes was on a record scale. While the Russians and Tatars were the worst, allied troops also did it. Keep in mind: German women are beautiful, many would have been very fit blondes. The soldiers would have gone bananas.
There are also many accounts of gang rapes of young teens as well. This is why is a feminist issue. In war women always lose.
I always say choose your shtf group wisely. Pickup SHTF groups with young women in it will get you killed. The guys will mostly tend to follow the women and do what they say to get in good with them, and these millennial women will mostly be liberal airheads. That’s okay to a lot of guys because they are all seeking to score.
They will fight each other for the women. I will never have my own family in a group with young single guys in it. Tensions in groups like that will either get you killed or at least be totally dominated by the Leftist queens every one is pursuing. Justs something to take into account in SHTF.
BTW, Im not trying to put down women or anything in my post, just comment on the tensions that run among people of different demographics, and be wary of them. Plenty of good conservative, or even liberal women, need to maybe find a family group to hang with.
In NOLA at the big sports facility during katrina, people who took shelter in the coliseum would form circles around the women in their group to protect them. It got to the point that the bathrooms were rape traps.
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“In war women always lose.”
as well as the children
GENIUS:Ya I have expenses for travel, motel etc. but it still far exceeds what I would make here. I make over 45 an hour a lot when on overtime. And probably 35-45% or so of my income is overtime
This might just be another genius tall tale
Look stupid, the job and the union are in the same city. Perdium? GTFOOH, they aint payin me to travel there lol. I chose to move away years ago and therefor have to pay my own shit. Another tall tale? I have NEVER LIED on this forum EVER! And ya I do make a lot of overtime as in all weekends, after 8 hours, after 10pm and before 6 am, and doubletime on holidays. Sorry you weren’t smart enough to find out this job… it is in several bigger cities. Too bad, so sad, for you!