Thousands of people in Sweden are microchipping themselves in an effort to speed up their day. The Swedish are inserting microchips under the skin in their hands to make their daily lives easier.
According to a report by NPR, the microchips can be used for a plethora of different things. The chips are designed to speed up users’ daily routines and make their lives more convenient when accessing their homes, offices, and gyms. The microchips make it is as easy as swiping their hands against digital readers. The microchips can also be used to store emergency contact details, social media profiles, e-tickets for events, and rail journeys within Sweden.
At least one scientist is speaking out on the possible negative outcomes of having a massive number of people microchipped. Ben Libberton, a British scientist based in southern Sweden, is among those starting to campaign for lawmakers to keep a closer eye on developments. “What is happening now is relatively safe. But if it’s used everywhere, if every time you want to do something and instead of using a card you use your chip, it could be very, very easy to let go of [personal] information,” he says. Libberton, a trained microbiologist now working in science communication, says one of his main concerns is how the chips could be used to share data about our physical health and bodily functions.
“Because it’s implanted in your body, when more health-related information starts being used and incorporated into the chip and being transmitted — that could create an extra layer of privacy that we really need to look at and take care of before it’s widely used,” he says according to NPR.
So many in Sweden are signing up to be chipped that the main company producing the microchips says it cannot keep up with the demand for this technology. More than 4,000 Swedes have decided the technology would be perfect for them and have a microchip embedded in their hand, but with one company, Biohax International, dominating the market, demand is outpacing supply. The chipping firm was started five years ago by Jowan Österlund, a former professional body piercer. After spending the last two years working full time on the project, Österlund is currently developing training materials so he can hire Swedish doctors and nurses to help take on some of his heavy workloads.
“Having different cards and tokens verifying your identity to a bunch of different systems just doesn’t make sense,” Österlund says. “Using a chip means that the hyper-connected surroundings that you live in every day can be streamlined.”
Erik Frisk, a 30-year-old Web developer and designer, says he was really curious about the technology as soon as he heard about it and decided to get his own chip in 2016.
“It’s just completely passive, it has no energy source or anything. So when you tap it against a reader the chip sends back an ID that tells the reader which chip it is,” he explains. –NPR
Proponents of the tiny chips say they’re safe and almost pretty much protected from hacking. Almost…
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The force of the dumbass is strong in Sweden.
I told you humanity is an EPIC failure….
Genius, it’s DEFINITELY a failure in Sweden. They’re socialist, part of the stinkin’ EU, allowed feminazis to run their country, let in scum muslim savages that commit all kinds of crimes against them, etc. They deserve whatever they have coming to them.
Must be something in the reindeer meat.
Lol! :~)
LMFAO !!! 🙂
This should come as no surprise to anyone. These are the same people letting Muslims into their country by the tens of thousands and then SUBSIDIZING these invaders to assault, kill, rob, and gang rape their daughters !!!
Hoe many Swedes does it take to screw in a lightbulb ??? 🙂
How many ladders do stupid Swedes need to screw in one bulb? at least four, maybe with 3-4 people on each ladder?
They give you a soda pop, salsa, chips, and doorkey, at the “chip” party. All you have to do is impale yourself.
The lithium core would cause grievous ulcers, if it was broken, cancers form around the coarse, inert surface, and it is a focal point for EM radiation — an all-in-one convenience.
Can’t fix stupid, but ya can chip it. Holy shit, what a deteriorating society.
Swedes (like other Euro folks-French, Germans, British, etc.) are freakin’ crazy morons. Allowing invaders to take over installing Sharia law, now they are branded like livestock. Sorry bunch of loser reprobates. They will comply when their women and girls are sold as sex slaves and the cowardly males are lined up for execution. The Euro leaders are paid big bucks by Mr. Soros and friends.
not sure how much time this really saves even if you’re going thru multiple access controlled areas daily. total time saved = 5 minutes? is is really worth it? if 5 minutes extra of stuffing your face or watching tv is really that important then maybe you need to loosen up your schedule.
What I’m looking forward to is when people start using their chipped arms to pay tolls on the highway, and the reported number of “accidental” amputations surge.
The Swedes think chipping is the answer in a country that does not support a national identity card.
So, the Swedes are living in a country that is being taken away from them, and as a reward for their cultural, social and political stupidity, they all want to be 1984’d. What’s not to like? [sarcasm]
Maybe 1984 was never translated to swedish….looooool
The scientists is worried about their personal information, they should be worried about their souls,the chip is the mark of the beast.
We have a winner! I was thinking the same thing. I am shocked it took so long for someone to say it! Jesus will return as a lion!
Yes, it is.
May smart people keep busy, and whiggers be damned.
The great self culling has begun.
Stupid Swedes.
Idiots indeed, worse than stupid. Males are gelded in the E.U. and wear pink panties.
The only chips that will ever be in my hand are Kettle Brand, lightly salted. With creamy onion dip.
These Europeans have been brainwashed for a very long time.
When you puncture the skin you are susceptible to infection. Your body mounts it’s defenses and your immune system attempts to destroy the invasive object. The long term result could be allergies, more severe colds and flu because your immune system is overworked. Cancer or other maladies created by the foreign object under your skin. These people are Ginny Pigs. The long term trials will show long term negative effects not yet known.
No privacy.
People that get rings in their noses like an African cannibal are fools. Getting chipped is the illogical second step to body modification masochism which was promoted specifically to make people more susceptible to the suggestion to get themselves chipped.
I feel sorry that people don’t resist becoming owned. Poor fools.
The biggest danger does not lie in the small risk of infection or the cancer causing lithium content. I sense trouble if everybody starts using the chip and daily living depends on it. Nobody there seems to realise that if this system falls into the hands of a dictator government, the users of the chip can be :
Tracked wherever they are.
Hacked and information stolen or altered.
If the chip is required to access banking or financial transactions, the user can be forced to comply by means of exclusion.
It simply represents the ultimate means of facist control over a human being. Wake up!!!
the mark of the beast. if this is not it then it is a precursor of somthing far worse, what numbers or digital bits does it contain? is it upgrade able, can it be removed ?
These rfid chips now are the dumb versions of what the advance chips will be as the advanced chips will be connect from the hand via the nervous system to the brain chip which will control who they are, humanity will disappear and the controllable animal man will remain, this animal man destined for Hell.
Revelation 13:16-17 New International Version (NIV)
16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
Revelation 14:9-10 New International Version (NIV)
9 A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, 10 they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb.
If God’s light is rejected by a country then darkness will come and that is evident by what’s happening in that country and these new people coming in to destroy it.
God tells us in His Word that the AC will come into power when the people have become so wicked that they will elevate this man as king so it is no wonder every where you go every thing is been filthed up because the AC is itching to become a king instead of his current position of prince.
Sweden will not fall due to God. God has not yet stepped aside to let the AC take control, but He is letting man continue to make poor decisions.
No, this microchipping movement WILL become mainstream, and there is nothing we can do to stop it. I personally will NOT get an implant or any other mark that some business or government requires, and I will pray for those that succumb to the brainwashing that chipping is a good thing. The Bible scares the hell out of me, because I am seeing God’s word and works in action.
Prepping for survival means so much more than having guns and food. “For what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life?” I don’t want to lose my compassion and humanity, but I do hope and pray that God is with me when I am put to the test.
Imagine the viruses they will get……..
The mark of the beast is coming (666 probably a microchip in your right hand or forehead!) DON’T take it or you are doomed!
This is a big part of the end times scenario, please study the Book of Daniel, Ezekiel 38 and the Book of Revelation! No man can change these events, the 7 year Tribulation (Jacob’s Trouble) is right around the corner. It will start with a peace treaty made by the antichrist Please don’t take his mark and don’t worship him or you are doomed! There’s only one way out: you have to accept JESUS CHRIST – Yeshua Ha Mashiach – as your personal Lord and Savior who paid on the cross for your sins and came back to life on the 3rd day!!! We have to come to the cross as broken sinners. All born again Christians will be raptured before the 7 year Tribulation begins – please don’t get left behind! JESUS CHRIST will come back to earth for the Battle of Armageddon to set up HIS 1000 year kingdom and rule and reign the earth from Jerusalem, the future world capital.
The Beast’s Mark is already here: once implanted it can disable your free will, it will implant thoughts in your mind you cannot turn off, and you will be powerless to resist doing what the voice commands you to do. Furthermore, a Visionary was also told that embedded in the Mark/Chip is a disease designed to kill hundreds of millions of people. Lastly, since the Mark can disable your free will, a person can or will be consigned to Hell who gives up/rejects God’s gift to each of us: free will.
The failure to think, wrote Dr. Peck, is laziness. Those who take the Mark fail to think and they fail to trust in Almighty God. Everything that Swedish chip can do can be accomplished with pen, paper, and a little bit of effort.
Several years ago the September Naval Yard shooter heard voices, he said, and was powerless to disobey them.
The Mark is here. Pray for God’s protection. These are not the end times. This is THE End Time.
God bless you all!
– the Lone Ranger
“Whenever you have eliminated the impossible, whatever is left, however improbable, must be the truth.” Sherlock Holmes/Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (Revelation 13:16-18)
Millenials will be standing in line waiting to be chipped and will video the whole experience so they can share it with their 5k so called “friends” on FB.
This is just a distraction. The dystopian future where you are forced to carry a chip or bar code is already here in the form of smartphones. Had to put up in Asia for work recently and the situation is beyond nightmarish.
If you don’t carry one of those tracking devices with the requisite apps installed, you’re outcast from civilization and everything it offers. *ALL* communication is done on Whatsapp and Facebook (or Wechat in China), a smartphone is required to “activate” your bank account (no app, no bank account, no excuses), apps for payment, apps for bookings, apps for transportation, the list goes on. For every single thing you need to do, you’re forcefed an app that requires permissions to your entire phone and its contents.
Every local I brought the topic up with defended it staunchly with the template reply of “convenience”, spiced with insults to my intelligence.
Here, folks, is a preview of humanity to come – a herd of stupid, lazy cattle ripe for slaughter.
Thanks for sharing that information. That reminds of the “social credit score” system that the Chinese have started implementing.
The Chinese “Social Credit” system that the MSM can’t stop hyping up was nowhere to be found when I was around and about in China.
Sure you’re forced to use Alipay and the various Chinese apps, but there’s no opaque, big brother style credit score system like how it’s presented in the articles.
How I see it, it’s not entirely unlike how it’s done here in the West on Facebook, Google or Paypal where you get banned at whim and fancy or for speaking out of line, revoking your access to services and screwing you over. As simple as that.