Scientist Claims Human Microchip Implants Will Become “Not Optional”

by | Apr 24, 2014 | Headline News | 788 comments

Do you LOVE America?



    And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.…

    Revelations 13:16-17

    Technologies designed specifically to track and monitor human beings have been in development for at least two decades.

    In the virtual realm, software programs are now capable of watching us in real time, going so far as to make predictions about our future behaviors and sending alerts to the appropriate monitoring station depending on how a computer algorithm flags your activities. That is in and of itself a scary proposition.

    What may be even scarier, however, is what’s happening in the physical realm. According to researches working on human-embedded microchips it’s only a matter of time before these systems achieve widespread acceptance.

    Chances are you’re carrying a couple of RFID microchips now. And if you are, they’re sending out a 15-digit number that identifies you. That number can be picked up by what’s called an ISO compliant scanner. And they’re everywhere, too.

    It’s not possible to interact with society in a meaningful way by not having a mobile phone. I think human implants are likely to go along a very similar route. It would be such a disadvantage to not have the implant that it essentially becomes not optional.

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    Your initial reaction to this idea may be one of disbelief. There’s no way society would accept such a device. Why would anyone want to implant this in their body?

    Consider for a moment where we are right now. For decades Americans rejected the notion that they would submit to being tracked or recorded.

    Yet, just about every American now carries a mobile phone. They’re so prevalent, in fact, that many consider it a “right,” prompting the government to actually provide subsidies to those who can’t afford one on their own.

    Embedded in every one of those phones is an RFID chip that can track our every movement via GPS or cell tower triangulation. Moreover, those microphones and cameras that come standard on every phone can be remotely activated by law enforcement surveillance systems, a capability that has existed since the early 2000’s.

    But as intrusive as these devices are, they are accepted as the norm by billions of people world wide. Not only that, but no one had to “force” them on us. We are, it seems, the masters of our own enslavement. And we pay top dollar to have the best tracking device money can buy!

    Granted, one can simply disconnect from “the grid” by throwing away their cell phone. But, the direction these new monitoring technologies are moving coupled with continued government expansion of surveillance suggests that microchip RFID technology will eventually be non-voluntary.

    Michael Snyder of The Truth Wins asks What will you do when you can no longer buy or sell without submitting to biometric identification?

    This technology is going to keep spreading, and it is going to become harder and harder to avoid it.

    And it is easy to imagine what a tyrannical government could do with this kind of technology.  If it wanted to, it could use it to literally track the movements and behavior of everyone.

    And one day, this kind of technology will likely be so pervasive that you won’t be able to open a bank account, get a credit card or even buy anything without having either your hand or your face scanned first.

    It’s difficult to imagine a populace that will freely submit to such digital bondage. But as has been the case with the degradation of personal privacy and rights in America, be assured it won’t simply become law over night.

    First, the technologies will need to be generally accepted by society. It’ll start with real-time consumer based products like Google Glass. The older generations may reject it, but in a couple of years you can bet that tens of millions of kids, teens and younger adults will be roaming the streets while sporting cool shades, interactive web surfing and the capability to record everything around them and upload it to the internet instantly.

    Next, as we’re already seeing from early adopters, RFID chips will be voluntarily implanted under our skin for everything from access to high security buildings to grocery store purchases.

    Eventually, once the concept is generally accepted by the majority, it will become our new “social security number.”

    To gain access to official services, you’ll need to be a verified human. Without verification you won’t even be able to purchase a six pack of beer, let alone get medical care or a driver’s license.

    Whether we like it or not this is the future. Every purchase you make and every step you take will be tracked by a tiny 15-digit passive microchip, meaning that the only way to “turn it off” will be to physically remove it from your body.

    In essence, we’ll soon live in a world of Always On Monitoring.

    Our children and grandchildren – at least most of them – will likely not only submit to implantation, they’ll gladly pay the costs so that they, too, can “interact with society in a meaningful way.”


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      1. They have two choices….

        1. They can leave me alone.

        2. They can kill me (Be advised, I will not go quietly)

        Tired of the tyrannical B.S.

        • “It’s not possible to interact with society in a meaningful way by not having a mobile phone.”

          Really??? I’ve been able to “interact with society” for 5 years now without a “mobile phone!”

          “microchip RFID technology will eventually be non-voluntary.”

          Only if the you/people allow it!

          “To gain access to official services, you’ll need to be a verified human.”

          Who needs “official services?”

          “Whether we like it or not this is the future.

          It sounds like Mac has “thrown in the towel.”

          • I wasn’t too worried about all of this until I read the part about not being able to buy beer. Now it is serious.

            • The sign says,
              Brew your own beer.

              • How can a person interact with anything in a meaningful way when they are hunched over and staring at a tiny screen while ignoring everything around them?

                • just take a look around you at disneyland…..EVVVERRRRYYYYONE has a “smart”phone, sending pictures, texting, talking. our kids don’t know what to do without them anymore! it aint no good thing, that’s a surety!

                  • You’re the parents and you allow it. You are responsible.

                  • Just hook it into my brains likee a HUD display. I’ll be staring straight at you and not even seeing a thing as I surf… basically everything.

                    Oh wait Google BeerGoggles… right right…

                  • You forgot to say they were missing everything they did not see by putting their faces in those phones.

                  • Most families are dysfunctional! using smart phones in stores, on the streets, or in movie theaters, Dr’s ofc even tho’ not allowed- yakking away like a mindless parrot. Parents buy their kids this crap and don’t spend quality time, and kids aren’t disciplined because cowardly parents are intimidated by their kids turning them in for abuse. The prepaid $15. a month basic phone is all I need and rarely use it. I try to stay in the real world, yet live a semi reclusive lifestyle as I have given up for the most part on mankind and prefer reading instead of socializing as most people are shallow airheads, stuck in stupid. Few savvy folks nowdays.

                  • I don’t have one. I am not getting one either. I refuse to be one of those people who have no life other than their phone (if that’s what we can still call it now). No, I am using a good old fashioned PC to write this. I hardly ever use my computer at home anymore and I do not have a laptop. What do I do for fun you ask? I love hiking with friends, gardening, going to the zoo, museums, etc. Wow, you know…living!

                  • Henry Kissinger said Military men are dumb stupid animals, but this really applies to most people. If you have a cell phone, Facebook account, and Twitter, then there is probably no saving you from your stupidity. The rest of you should search tax regs for “excluded income” then obey the law.

                    ecfr DOT gov

                    what is taxed DOT com

                  • Only idiots go to Disneyland.

                • You hit the nail right on the head there! People walking side by side down the street, texting each other instead of talking, is NOT what I would ever call a meaningful interaction!!
                  The world wide fiat paper currency financial system is on the verge of collapsing anyway, and when it does, there most likely won’t be enough of a “cushion” between the collapse and any available alternative for it to be able to step in and take over.
                  And how about THIS; Just THINK about how much infrastructure will be needed for that RFID chip system to work for even just one hour, let alone the rest of your natural life. From the making of the components of it to actually inserting it into people and then reading the outputs, WHO will be paying for it all when virtually no one is producing anything anymore?!?!
                  If you do not have food, water, protection and coins set aside, you will be soooo screwed when TSHTF you won’t believe it!!

                  • I agree with what you have typed. The ‘fat lady’ is warming up for her last song.

                  • If you’re not saved and sealed with the Holy Spirit you’ll be screwed even of you’ve preppedto thenines.

                • Well, a long time ago, we all use to MAIL hand written letters, what happened to that, IF you ever get one of those letters it’s a BIG THING…. that just doesn’t happen anymore, we just email or text… it’s a lot faster but less personal . Times are changing and will continue to change with or without us… BUT I must say, what was said in the BIBLE about not to take the mark of the beast… you won’t be able to buy or sell food,,,, that kind of freaks me out on these micro chips, but the micro chips doesn’t say its 666 or the name of the beast.. so I wonder if it’s referring to these chips or some other kinds that haven’t come around yet…?

                  • “either the name of the beast or the number of his name.…”

                    I don’t think it will necessarily be called “666” or the mark of the beast. What it may be talking about is something like (I’m just throwing this out there) having to do with “the world”. Satan is the god of this world so it doesn’t necessarily have to be called by his name. I can’t think of any good examples but most likely I think it will be something to do with worldliness or the Earth or maybe one of the 7 deadly sins.These things represent Satan. So maybe the name will be a symbolic representation of satan.

                  • We are in a digital world. Everything is made up of 1’s and zero’s, the basic language of a computer, at it’s root. How do we know what set of on and off switches, creates the name of the beast or it’s number 666?

                  • Most people don’t realize that the numbers “666” are already embedded in EVERY bar code – notice there are three long lines on each bar code…the first one on the left side, in the middle and another one as the last one on the right side. These lines all represent the number “6”. So no matter what product it is, if it has a bar code, it is already marked. The bible tells us that when that mark is transferred to humans (think bar code tatoo or RFID device) that will be the event that is known as the mark of the beast. Having it on a product you buy is much different that having it permanently embedded in your body. We as humans were bought with a price by the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. We cannot identify with both Him and the world system. We must choose this day whom we will serve.

                  • The mark of the beast is for people to go to the church on Sunday which is the first day of the week. This is the opposite of the mark of Yahweh which is keeping the seventh day sabbath. Constantine implemented the change and it carried a death penalty if you wonder how or why people would go along with it, they did not want to, but they wanted to live. This is so simple, The evil Unholy beastly system changed the sabbath, and everyone just goes along with it. Look up the mark of Yahweh and you will see that it is a mark upon your hand and between the eyelets showing that Yahweh has Sanctified you (set you aside for a holy use). The opposite is when people go along with the masses mindlessly doing what the crowds do without doing any studying (to show themselves approved) at all. This same mark applies in a broader context to those religions who are not following bloody Mary. Anyone who clings to any of the righteous laws Yahweh gave us for our protection is targeted for destruction. The message can be clear but you have to wake up to see it. The sign says “Follow the queen of heaven or we will kill you”. And yet those who follow her will die anyways from the curses they bring upon themselves. My favorite thing to read these days with regard to killer viruses is “Scientists are stunned/puzzled/baffled and can’t figure out how that virus which contains pieces of man’s dna got into that Pig/Cow/Camel/Bird. Gotta love how easily they are fooled/stunned/amazed. Leviticuz chapter eighteen will tell you how that virus came to be able to infect man. It came from man, did some studying while in the pig, and then comes back to man, every time garanteed. No puzzle

                  • Certainly the world wide web is an important component of our daily lives. Consider the”www” in all the URLs
                    within the context of the Hebrew alphabet. The phonetic value of the letter “w” is 6 ( translates to

                  • @TellTheTruth

                    How’s the weather in make believe land? You like things up apparently.

                  • What the Bible describes is coming. What we see now and what this article is talking about are steps along the way to what the Bible describes. Don’t disbelieve the Bible’s prophecy just b/c what it describes isn’t here yet or b/c the 666 number isn’t a part of what this article describes. Be wise and believe the Bible. You won’t go wrong!

                  • 666 / 2 = 0
                    333 / 2 = 1
                    166 / 2 = 0
                    83 / 2 = 1
                    41 / 2 = 1
                    20 / 2 = 0
                    10 / 2 = 0
                    5 / 2 = 1
                    2 / 2 = 0
                    1 / 2 = 1

                    = 1010011010

                  • yes this is the mark of the beast believe that no human has to take this on the body,we have a choice stand up be counted everyone

                  • Revelation 13 (666 number, his name, etc.) can only be activated when the ‘Anti-Christ’is revealed.

              • “””Every purchase you make and every step you take will be tracked by a tiny 15-digit passive microchip, meaning that the only way to “turn it off” will be to physically remove it from your body.”””

                Good business to get into now is the removal and deactivation of RFID chips.

                They can not force anyone to do anything. When it gets so uncomfortable to live without it that you can’t really do it, don’t get chipped. Instead, go and shoot one or many the “watchers and enforcers” and let God bring you back home.

                The alternative is to forsake God while remaining alive. Better to aid in His task or killing the machine.

                  • I actually took the time to go to the web sites that you listed. They were, totally, useless.

                  • The newer RFID chips do not have any metal in them, therefore they cannot be detected or removed from the body. The new ones are made from a tiny dot of a gel like substance and float around in the blood stream freely. Certain devices can “read” them if a person has one in his/her body, but they cannot be removed. I choose to let God seal me with His seal (see Revelations, Christians will be sealed on their foreheads by God in the end) rather than take a mark that separates me from God forever. Half of the people on earth right now are under the age of 30. Many of them think nothing about tattooing or piercing their bodies. Imagine what an evil government system could do with that fact. Billions of young people would never even know they are selling out to Satan by taking the mark, which they would think was the latest trend. Satan’s greatest lie is that he and hell do not exist. Imagine the shock to find out in the end that you’ve been lied to and it’s too late to reverse your eternal destiny.

                  • What would happen if you wore a magnetic bracelet, necklace or whatever?

                  • keywords: Faraday cage RF-shield Counter-frequency’s

                • When they attempt to “chip” me I will get three. If they try to “chip” you, be sure to get two. The numbers are with US.

                  Any Rogue Administration that demands the population be “chipped”, for any reason, has declared war on the American people and their Constitution. Violence is justified.

                  Aim small, miss small. 🙂

                  • The war was declared on us long ago.

                    This is but one more in a long series of attacks.

                  • This, we all knew was coming. The only question is—what are we going to do about it? I’m not an animal and I will make it very unpleasant for anyone who tries to treat me as such. I will not be chipped. I will die, or leave this damned place first.

                  • DK-

                    Sorry dude, you forgot the primary “target” of any rogue regime, per said chipping/mark-o-the-beast….

                    ..that being “GOD (the creator)”.

                    If ever this shit goes down on our watch, there will be “NO DMZ”…the line will be thin & very sharp…no grey area, bro!


                    Men are easier to “hunt”…than deer!!!!

                    They’re predictable in the extreme….its called/termed….routine!!!

                  • The last time people were marked it wasn’t nearly as high tech, “tattoos”, and that worked out real well for the powers that were. This will not end well.

                  • DK: if gov forces chips on anyone, blame it on the useless, cowardly scumbag lowlife corrupt politicians! And the dumb asses that voted them in who were stupid enough to go to the circus/show up at the polls.

                  • Laura m: Failure to show up at the polls by the American People is EXACTLY what elected officials want. Then they can take power by a few votes of their crony capitalist friends and the mass of useless eaters; and legitimize their enslavement of the American People one rule, regulation, and euphemism at a time.

                    What the elected PTB fear most is an engaged and enraged electorate, like those who recalled certain lawmakers in Colorado who pushed gun control. Your perspective is the perspective of a loser, a sheeple who will roll over for the PTB and allow them to do whatever they want. Grow some balls laura. get some backbone.

                    I oppose the free grazing by Rancher Bundy, but the willingness of some to organize, and defy the BLM to the point of armed resistance, shows what the American People can do if they are willing to engage their masters. You will always be a slave, because that is your mindset. 🙂

                • This is the sign of the “Beast!!” You can bet this will happen! Mabey, not in my lifetime, but our children and grandchildren may be threatend with the “mark”. We need to fight against this, for them! I will die, before I accept this evil tattoo!! Our rights and our privacy, they are being taken away from us!

                  • They can kill me! I won’t take the chip! (or mark) This world won’t be worth living in anyway!

                  • Im with you on that.

                  • 99 out of 100 people DO NOT KNOW what the Mark of the Beast is. This chip, should it ever be implanted, IS NOT the Mark. It may be a way to ENFORCE the Mark but it is not the Mark.

                    666 is not the Mark of the Beast. It is the NUMBER OF A MAN… who is identified with the Beast Power that ENFORCES the Mark of the Beast.

                  • I don’t know how old you are but if you’re 60 or less, I believe the possibility that this happens in your lifetime is very, very real. I believe that event are going to take place that will cause these things to happen quickly.

                    For instance, what if the Rapture is true. Personally, I don’t know what to believe. But if it were to take place, that would be such a chaotic event that life on this planet would change in an instant. If there are more Christians in the U.S. than anywhere else, the U.S. would be hit the hardest and would cease to exist as it presently does. It’s power and influence would potentially fade away almost overnight.

                    If a series of significant terrorist attacks were to take place worldwide, people would be more accepting of Big Brother and a system such as the one described in this article. Look what’s happened in the U.S. the past 10 years after 9/11.

                    I believe the events described in the Bible are closer than we think. The events in Ukraine and Iran’s drive for a nuclear bomb are going to hasten the end-time prophecies in the Bible. That’s my belief.

                • When you start killing the enforcers you have already abandoned God, because God said “thou shalt not kill” and he also said “If someone hits you on one cheek, turn to him the other also.” Don’t allow “them” to change who you are (or should be), which is a likeness of Christ. Did Christ retaliate at the roman soldiers who mistreated, flogged, and crucified him?

                  If you truly had faith in God, you wouldn’t be worried about the devil’s plans for mankind and his attempts to starve you into submission. You’d know that God has promised in his word that he will take care of you. Even if you are destined to suffer for His name, you will trust that ultimately there will be eternal life and a reward in heaven for you. That’s why we need to build our faith NOW and grow close to God, otherwise how will we make the correct but tough choices when the time comes?

                  • Seven million Jews turned the other cheek in 1940’s Europe. Lesson learned, never again!

                  • I think the actual translation is thou shalt not murder.
                    Defending oneself and ones community does not qualify. Resisting is not immoral. Do you think the jews being led to the gas chambers under the nazis should have resisted?

                    Sane people do.

                  • The OT command in the original Hebrew said do not commit “murder” which is very different from killing in self-defense. Since you are quoting the OT, you might want to read it and see how many time God told His people to kill their enemies. If all Christian’s followed you way of thinking we would still be a part of the British Empire or maybe even speaking German right now. As a Christian I am commanded to walk in love and to pray for those who don’t like me or wish me harm, and I do. However, if/when they come after me and mine with lethal force I will defend myself with lethal force. Freedom is never free and I will fight to the death (theirs or mine) to keep mine.

                  • I agree. We will be persecuted in his name. We need to encourage people to read the Bible.

                  • I will sacrifice myself and take an eternity in hell if it means those that come after me don’t have to live in the way envisioned. And just maybe God will cut me a little slack for that.

                  • God never said ‘thou shalt not kill’. He said ‘thou shalt not murder’. A murder is an unjustified killing. There is nothing wrong with a justified killing. I think someone trying to take my god given rights from me, and turning me into a slave of the state, would be grounds for a justified killing.

                  • It also says live in peace with all men, as much as lies within you, there is a line where living in peace with all men is breached.

                  • The turn the cheek quote was an instruction by Jesus to those who went forth preaching. If your preaching was to come on to strong or upsetting and you got slapped then you were to turn the other cheek. Real Christians are not door mats.

                  • Its actually “Thou shall not murder”. Murdering and killing are seperate things. If you break into my house, I am obligated to kill you, and will. If you make me mad, and I pull out a gun and shoot you, I murdered you, which is against the commandment. It depends on the situation and the motive whether its murder or killing.

                  • Christ’s death was different than anyone else’s could or would be. It redeemed all mankind. He received all sin from all time into his sinless body, spirit and mind — as the sacrificial lamb of God. He was the savior. He came to Jerusalem knowing He was there to meet his destiny, His death, and that it was necessary. His death, as he had said, was even why he came into this world — not so much to teach moral behavior as to perform a supernatural act of our redemption. The teaching and the miracles were to put all eyes on Him and authenticate His divine identity, but without His death and resurrection they wouldn’t be of much value because we don’t have the power to follow those, just as under law all men were condemned.

                    Now the lives of we mere mortals are different, not sacrificial in a way that benefits anyone vicariously. Your death wouldn’t save me. Mine would not save you. We are commanded to be strong and show our courage. Didn’t God appoint Moses to go forth and defend his people, then Joshua … and of course David, a warrior and a man of blood. Jesus didn’t cancel out the past in that regard, instead he came to fulfill the law as the only one who could. He removed it by fulfilling it because beneath it’s weight all would fail and die condemned.

                    Would God respect a woman or a man who cringed at aggression while pretending it was righteousness that prevented them from fighting to defend the innocent? I don’t think so. Who ever told you that?

                    What implications does your pacifism have for all the soldiers who have killed the enemy (not to mention died themselves), from the revolution through world wars. They were fighting systems that were trying to make mankind unfree (sometimes not that clear in all wars of course) but certainly considering WW2 you can see that.

                    Forget about yourself in this. Would you allow your children to be taken, mentally and physically molested, turned into a Godless citizen — or killed? Would that weakness you rename as righteousness impress the Lord. Obviously not.

                    Would you fight to protect the little one’s? If you have a dog, wouldn’t you fight to defend it against the soldiers of satan, which is what they are. And as far as turning the other cheek, please understand that’s an act of defiance, not of surrender. Read more about that elsewhere.

                    Do you not understand that when a nation goes to war that isn’t covered by the commandment “Thou shalt not kill.” Nor does that apply to protecting your family or neighbors or yourselves.

                    The Hebrew word for kill in the commandment was “fonyonce (sp?) meaning to “commit criminal homicide,” ie. premeditated first degree murder. Certainly to fight the enforcers of a satanic regime, by definition murderers for Satan is the son of perdition, the son of death, is not criminal homicide. It’s heroic righteousness, I believe.

                    Were those GIs who rolled into the death camps in Germany committing sin by saving those in prison. Believe me the Germans didn’t welcome them, but strove to kill them — and they outkilled the enemy.

                    Certainly the Apostles were all martyred one by one, but they also performed miracles, heard directly the voice of the Lord, had help from angels on occasion and healed the sick and even raised the dead. We’re not empowered that way and our rules are of a different category.

                    Do not transform the Christian faith into a cowardly cult of do-gooders. We should be the staunchest warriors of them all, and we are in fact just that – the only ones whose ideology is an obstacle to the totalitarian statists and their plan to enslave the human race. Where does resistance to that evil come from — the tenets of the faith of those who believe in Christ, the King of Kings.

                    Jesus came the first time to die for us. He comes the second time on a white horse at the head of army of saints. He won’t be coming as the lamb of God but as the Lion of God — come back to judge the world. He Himself is peace, but won’t be coming back in peace. The kingdom he establishes will be a peaceable kingdom, and He will rule it personally. But to establish that He comes in with a sword. Ever heard of the battle of armageddon? Israel and the church get help, and not a multitude of turned cheeks.

                    Jesus said He came here not to make peace — but He came with a sword. That sword divides truth from lies, brother from brother, the living from the dead. Be on the right side.

                    You’ve been duped into preaching surrender to satan. Let us all sing Onward Christian Soldiers and go forth and kick satan’s lying ass. There can be no treaty with the arch liar of them all, the father of lies, only victory over him or death. Jesus has given us victory through his resurrection.

                    God bless you. May he also enlighten you and set your feet on the path of peace — which travels through some smoking battlefields and much travail. There is no peace outside of Jesus Christ.

                  • The commandment is “Thou shalt not murder”. Even Jesus said sell your blanket and buy a sword.

                  • Henry- Did our forefathers abandon God when they started the revolution? You need to consider how much you love your kids before allowing anyone to take the rights that so many have died for, in my opinion your just a coward.

                  • Christ was rightfully flogged and crucified because he willingly took on our sins and we are guilty! Why do you think he made no defense? I was responsible for his death as were you. Nevertheless he saved me by his grace. That’s Love.

                • They that live by the sword shall die by the sword. So, you recommend people violating one of the 10 Commandments then. You can see that the book of Revelation is in fulfillment. Jesus said you must be born again. Why not accept Christ as Saviour ask Him to come into your heart and to forgive you of your sins. He is able to take care of His own.

                  • No one here has recommended living by the sword. When the article suggest that taking the implant might not be voluntary it’s establishing a circumstance in which that act of compelling people who God sacrificed to set free — is actually the living by the sword. Then let them also die by the sword. You think if mankind through history let any tyrant run over them without resisting by force of arms there would be any truth or freedom left?

                    David was a man of faith. He killed Goliath through the power of that faith – but used a weapon to do the job. Was David living by the slingshot or living by his faith? All his brethren had weapons superior but lacked David’s degree of faith and trust in God — but he still had to walk out on the killing ground and take the monster down.

                    Why are you confused? God provides our food as well, but we have to plow the ground and plant the crops. According to your theology we’d sit around and starve and complain that God had failed us. The earth is cursed with thorns and we’re subjected to the laws of nature since the fall. Of course we have our faith and God’s help to assist us, but it’s up to us to be the hands of God on earth. What kind of mad, psychotic God do you imagine, one that comes and imparts truth to his people, telling them to submit to evil, let their families be raped, impoverished, miseducated, overcome by armed tyrants? Not hardly.

                    You obviously have problems reconciling facts with more general truths. Those who defend themselves in righteous causes are honoring Jesus Christ, who with his life defended us from the sword of death. Of course he died. That was his appointed destiny, as he said. He was also resurrected in a singular moment of cosmic history. His death and resurrection was also our own, but when he said pick up your cross and follow me — He wasn’t advocating that all go get crucified. He was saying — pick up your death and follow me. Death in the spiritual sense is now quite dead, as long as you follow Christ.

                    It’s written that Jesus Christ died to set men free — free form what, may I ask? Free from lies, deceit, darkness, sin, tyranny and death, the final death, the second death, because we still must die once as it’s appointed unto man.

                    Our job is to maintain the world as best we can, keeping the field clear for truth, being guardians of that, opposing lies and satanic heresy. That social duty of the Christian includes the execution of murderers, and the armed defense of country. If a foreign nation attacked us would you think it virtue not to resist?

                    Is it any different when your own beloved nation has been subverted, stolen by liars and usurpers and turned against the righteous truth that God intended for us.

                    Why is this the home of the brave, land of the free? Why and how has God shed his grace on thee (us?) Even those song lyrics have been marginalized by the current secularist (pro-moslem) progressive regime. (progressing toward what?)

                    That’s to make the people forget who they are. But we haven’t. We are a Christian nation. We are the salt of the earth — and Jesus asked the question what good it was – if the salt has lost it’s savor, it’s character?

                    America needs encouragement, not stupid talk of surrender, not the peddled lies that dissuade our people from the truth — and thus possession of the courage it will take to defend our families and our lives.

                    The idea that Americans can be made to buy Obamacare is clearly unconstitutional, and Justice Roberts had to twist his logic to justify it as a tax, something the administration clearly claimed it wasn’t. But the fix was in or that case would not so quickly have gone to the Supreme Court. However, following that logic that the government can legally compel us to all things raises the question where will the tyranny end?

                    Maybe there should be implants inserted in the genitals of women and of men, allowing government planned population control, or at least racial or sexual reapportionment, if there are to be races at all — sort of bio-affirmative action, or mandated quotas of temperament or brain wave patterns. The same goes for religion and politics as it does for race.

                    Nature is too unpredictable. The government should anticipate the problem patterns or people and change them or else not allow their birth – the ultimate destiny of birth control.

                    Or when the mind is duly mapped, let’s not have so many conservatives or even religious individuals (those with larger temporal lobes, according to our research) as it’s interfering with the implementation of the leader’s policies. Is that something you might resist?

                    Or what if there were determined to be destructive thoughts (such as belief in constitutional freedoms or even thoughts regarding Jesus Christ) and so an implant is created that will monitor and phase cancel out such magnetic waves that flow through the brain, making of yourselves and your babies (for those allowed to breed) a reality in which God himself was impossible to conceive — thus making into God the leader of the state. Is that okay with you?

                    Just go along, cooperate. Though the apostles weren’t men of war they were amazingly defiant and were constantly under pressure from the other Jews (as they themselves were Jews). They were spat on, ridiculed, threatened, stoned, imprisoned, assaulted, and ultimately killed — but they kept coming on. This is why Jesus said the gates of hell would not prevail against his church. That means the church is the one attacking, since gates do not attack.

                    No, the church does not attack to kill, but anyone may defend his or her own life – and as in all the Jewish law a life implies a household, even the animals.

                    Is it your assumption that to accept the Holy Spirit, to become a Christian, is a path to inevitable martyrdom? In that case you should be a moslem, because your martyrdom in Islam is a guaranteed path to salvation. In the Christian faith only the death of Jesus has anything to do with your salvation or eternal life.

                    Your thoughts on passivity is an exhortation to allow our lives to be taken — and an encouragement to let satanic powers make your children and their children blind to truth, to turn us all into slaves. If you heard someone preaching on the virtues of slavery as an acceptable condition for anyone, you’d probably resist. But there is no more odious form of slavery than the slavery of the heart and mind — yet the Christ you recommend is weak and false.

                    I don’t mean to be offensive but He is. If Jesus thought the way you suggest then why did his chief apostle — Peter — carry a sword? Wouldn’t Jesus through the years of ministry have noticed and said to Peter, get rid of it? Three years in intimate contact and Peter still was armed. Jesus had no problem with it. What do you imagine that sword could have been for?

                    It was for Peter’s defense. No one could hurt the Lord except by His own allowance, but Peter was a mortal man. You make up a theology that obviously no Christian intellectual along the centuries has embraced. And certainly not Jesus himself.

                    Peter was told by Jesus that he would one day face a martyrs death. That was again an appointed role. But Jesus said nothing about expecting us to fail to defend ourselves, our loved ones, or the truth we’d been given.

                • The bible says that we will be able to refuse the mark of the beast and are to refuse it. We are to die before accepting it. Even if it means death, we are to die before we denounce our Lord. Stick to your values. Cling to Christ. Don’t take my word on it. Read Revelations foryyourselves. Be prepared. And trust that God will keep his promises to those that stand with him.

                  • I have to reinerate…

                    If you do not know what the Mark of the Beast IS, how can you avoid taking it?
                    Are people just going to GUESS at what this mark is? Speculation on what the ‘mark’ is could get you into a heap of trouble!

                    ALL DOCRTINE is to be centered in Jesus Christ. People speak of the ‘mark’ and say that no matter what they will never take it or receive it… but I never hear of anyone speak of the “seal of God”. You have those who will take the ‘mark of the beast’ and you have those who have the “seal of God in their foreheads” (Revelation 7:3)

                    There must be something that those who are saved have, that those who a THINK they are saved don’t have. It’s called an ‘abundance of the Holy Spirit’ and you can see evidence of this in Scripture. (see Matthew 7:21-23) And how do you get this abundance of the H.S.? You OBEY Christ! You keep His Commandment and do those things that would PLEASE HIM. Those who do this will be sealed- and those who chose to walk according to their own desires will be lost.

                    It is nice to know Biblical truth and to have peace and contentment on all these ‘spiritual matters’ that are troubling our world at this time in history. The word of God tells us that “you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” (John 8:32) Any and all who come to God with an OPEN and TEACHABLE HEART and MIND- will be feed with the “Bread of heaven”.

                • It will only be just under the skin for a little while, then swallowed and directed to middle body requiring major surgery for removal.

              • the barley will have GMO prion RFID genomics……….

              • That sounds great on the surface. Sure, Go buy all of your ingredients at the local brewing supply store….don’t forget to “wear” your microchip to make the purchase! People, always work things backwards (leave out no steps) and you’ll always find someone, at some level, trying to control your behavior, know your actions, or whereabouts.

              • Not only brew your own beer, make beer and sell it to your friends in exchange for underground currency or barter with no need for biometric scans. And if a bureaucrat comes to your house to arrest you for transacting off the grid – SHOOT THEM.

              • still need to buy your supplies…

              • Right on, Signs! Making beer is easy and its fun. Of all the prepper skills I have acquired in the past few years, brewing is one of the best… along with reloading ammo, of course. 🙂

            • Seriously, they have two options:

              1) They can fuck off and kill me

              2) or i’ll just leave this shit hole country and move to S. America. Since I speak Spanish i’ll have little problems adapting.

              Maybe i’ll defect to Cuba and piss off the US Gubmint while i’m at it. 🙂

              • Please get your Butt out of my country. You have not the right to be here. Leave and go back to your Homies and Bromance.

              • And ALL had the mark of the beast. Running away to South America will not save you. You will either -RESIIST. or SUBMIT. Either way your going to die, but your going to die sooner or later anyway, right? You’ll just have the chance to do it on your own terms.
                “I’d rather die on my feet like a man, then live on my knees as a slave”

                • Indeed. Not only that, but for anyone who believes in Valhalla, geting there with several slaves in tow that you have defeated in honorable combat IS a big deal. Might as well get SOME use out of those fud-puckers.

              • Go Now.

                • shut up

              • What makes you think this is only going to happen in America?

                The Bible says this system will apply globally with one man — a dictator called the Antichrist — in total control. He will require worship. Taking his mark {I’m convinced this computer chip is it} will demonstrate that worship. The reward will be the TEMPORARY ability to survive until the terrible judgments begin. By then the people with the Mark have irrevocably sold their souls to Satan and cannot change their minds.

                I pray people will get serious about salvation and accept Christ NOW. No one is promised tomorrow.

            • Very serious. Just think about how it went with Bundy’s 400 cows. Now expanded that x 70 million beer drinkers. That would be the point where there would be lynchings.

              • When I first saw this article all I could think of was how it was said long ago that you would not be able to do business without the mark of the beast. You could not function without the chip. Well, I would rather live in a cave somewhere and eat grass and grasshoppers than have some Borg nanotechnology shoved into my body. It is beyond frightening to think of what these chips can do beyond just being scanned. These chips can eventually take away your self identity, a type of internal lobotomy.

                ONLY pure evil can come from these WEAPONS against humanity. The mere thought of being forced to have these put into your body would be a second holocaust. Yet this time there is thankfully a much higher number of very well armed people that would NEVER allow themselves to be poisoned with these “devil’s tools”.

                • BI, good evening, and I agree totally. The only chips I ever accept are potato chips, or corn chips, or tortilla chips.

                  • Hershey s chips.

                  • agree with the above. Should this come to pass in my life time, looks like I`ll just start taking what I need. Sign me up and make laws to make me an outlaw,well, so be it.

                  • @ bravheart. What bothers me the most are all the people that would be so easily fooled into thinking that such implants would make their lives so much easier and convenient. This is the way any wicked government passes any bad laws, with enough approval of the majority of the the people.

                    One word I can think of to describe any RFID chip put into the flesh of any human beings.


                  • I think Shootit is pretty close in saying there would be lynchings. I think (well, mostly) that this would be the real line in the sand. I know too many people who wouldn’t go for this, no matter what the actions. The shouted words “From my cold dead hands” and “Molon Labe” would echo louder than the rounds going off around here in rebellion to this insane idea. I do think there would be enough of a fight that it wouldn’t get too far without the feds tucking tail and running.

                  • corn chips = GMO

                  • Don’t forget….”Poker chips”

                • BI,

                  You kinda hit the nail on the head.

                  The least of people’s worries should be whether or not they can be tracked. The PTB can find you because they have “eyes in the sky” or “eyes in the hills”; because there are idiots willing to rat anyone out for a buck, or to think they are getting a leg up on people.

                  The problem is, that TPTB are wanting to change the genetic makeup of people to make them vulnerable to their whims.

                  What may seem like a little chip to help with transactions and locate you in case of an emergency, or keep medical records in/on your person, may very well be a DNA modifying chip that will change your whole genetic structure. The aliens/demonic beings, have been doing this for decades. It is estimated that as many as four million may have been abducted or secretly chipped and violated by them. The real tragedy is that there is a possibility that members of our own leaders are working with them.

                  Believe it or not, they walk among us, and are breeding among us. Just like in the days of Noah, they are trying to denegrate the gene pool, and make “hybrids”. We have had a sort of hybrid with us since the time of Adam and Eve, known as the Kenites (sons of Cain). They are evil because of their genetic makeup and their allegience to Lucifer. Not a specific race of peoples because they have inner bred with all races.

                  It will be ramped up just before the return of our Saviour. Watch, read, and learn.

                  I wish I were wrong, but, I’m not, and the truth will come out soon enough.

                  • You can bet your ass that if this chipping-shit is mandated by govt, it will begin amongst the top echelon types (i.e the elite, mega-rich & national politicians), who’ll accept said chip for two reasons:

                    1.> ..they’re already/currently followers/worshipers of Satan!

                    2.> set an example for the clueless!

                    That said, I believe those receiving any form of govt assistance or any/all employed by govt, including the armed services, will be the second tier/level to be chipped. Followed by the rank & file population.

                    Therefore I predict, when such efforts are first initiated, you will see a substantial number of real Americans…become hard focused, driven “HUNTERS” of those perpetuating/advocating/mandating such wickedness/evil…the elite/politicians/bureaucrats…WILL BE TARGETED. Many (Satan’s useful idiots) WILL BE ELIMINATED!

                    The HUNTERS will understand that the “sitrep” is biblical…and being true to their belief in GOD, they’ll voluntarily commit to his WAR EFFORT on Earth!!!

                    …yes, there will be others who will run, hide & try to stay below Satan’s govt radar, in an effort to avoid the “chip/mark”.

                    …but in the end, it boils down to this:……



                    ***(there is no other honorable way out)***

                  • Heavy Metal band Judas Priest wrote a ‘song’ about the surveillance state way back in 1982.

                    “Electric Eye” is an allusion to the book Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, in the use of the name of the pseudo-omniscient satellite that watches over the community at all times. In this dystopia, the form of government, Ingsoc (Newspeak for English Socialism), is utterly totalitarian, and if citizens are caught rebelling in any manner, they “disappear”. The song has been called “prescient” for its depiction of a modern surveillance state.

                    “Electric Eye”

                    Up here in space
                    I’m looking down on you.
                    My lasers trace
                    Everything you do.
                    You think you’ve private lives
                    Think nothing of the kind.
                    There is no true escape
                    I’m watching all the time.

                    I’m made of metal
                    My circuits gleam.
                    I am perpetual
                    I keep the country clean.

                    I’m elected… electric spy
                    I’m protected… electric eye.

                    Always in focus
                    You can’t feel my stare.
                    I zoom into you
                    You don’t know I’m there.
                    I take a pride in probing all your secret moves
                    My tearless retina takes pictures that can prove.

                    I’m made of metal
                    My circuits gleam.
                    I am perpetual
                    I keep the country clean.

                    I’m elected… electric spy
                    I’m protected… electric eye.

                    Electric eye… in the sky
                    Feel my stare… always there
                    ‘s nothing you can do about it.
                    Develop and expose
                    I feed upon your every thought
                    And so my power grows.

                    I’m made of metal
                    My circuits gleam.
                    I am perpetual
                    I keep the country clean.

                    I’m elected… electric spy
                    I’m protected… electric eye.
                    I’m elected…Protected! Detective! Electric Eye!

                  • “Believe it or not, they walk among us, and are breeding among us. Just like in the days of Noah, they are trying to denegrate the gene pool, and make “hybrids”.”

                    Until now, I read this sort of thing on the internet always with some scepticism (which I still think is adequate) but now I feel I have to accept the truth of this more and more. It takes a particular kind of human beings to actively want all this upon us.

                  • Our DNA has always been altered, but it is done with viruses.

                  • I wasn’t born with a chip or a tattoo., and I will die without one. If necessary, I will take those who try to force me to comply with me

                  • To P,in the wind, You are so accurate in your comment it`s mind boggling,there are some 2-3billion of them interacting with humans on a daily basis, when they inter-breed with humans the off-springs usually have the same mind set as them on a lower lever, it is literally impossible to know them unless one has direct and indirect experiences with them, this needs to be explained: there are very few on the planet who they fear, and they let this fear known by showing themselves directly or incomprehensible, and what are their fear? “THE TRUTH”, and as you rightly said: they have been amongst us since they took over this planet..they uses a pyschology that is not taught in any institutions, they can be found in all races, their food comes from the negative emotions we emit, which makes it evident as to why we are condition to accept their considered norm..90% can be found on the pulpit,councils, police, the entire legal system, and schools, the low lever ones creates havoc and influences humans of their level,I see all of this as a good, what saddens me is the stubbornness of the human beings where there are compelling info around…

                  • @Hunter…

                    “You can bet your ass that if this chipping-shit is mandated by govt, it will begin amongst the top echelon types (i.e the elite, mega-rich & national politicians), who’ll accept said chip…”

                    Yeah? Well we can also bet that any chips implanted into these yo-yos will be deactivated so as to not reveal where they are or record what they are doing. That would be the LAST thing that any of this gang would want.

                • BI–if ONSTAR can shut down the engine of a stolen car, think cyborg!!! Shut down your heart??
                  Some fricking hacker gets crazy one day and all those computerizes records get compromised??

                  I have so much faith in the powers now, you know the ones that can’t keep s**t straight as is, just add more complications and see how this works.

                  • One of the most frightening movies just about this attacking the body from within via implants called “Fortress”. People were imprisoned like in China for having a second child and every other crime they could come up with. The implant cuased someone’s insides to explode if they crossed a certain point. The couple were afraid of their child becoming a kidbot because newborns got all sorts of implants.

                    Just proves that those evil will try to find anyway and everyway of keeping people in line, everyone. Freedom is something so many take for granted and never lear to truly appreciate as one of the essentials of life and is something that is the easiet to lose.

                  • Not to forget, population control is in effect. If one is really dumb enough to sell their soul to Satan and take the Mark of the Beast, imagine how sad it will be to find out they are going to remove you anyway. Current population goal is 500 Million. Billions are going to die, even if they take the chip! Why do you think they are pushing for war. Kill the people! Makes less people to put into FEMA camps. Look, we are all going to die, it’s a certainty. I’d rather die thanking God, than die knowing I’m going to Hell for taking the Mark, just so I could live longer! Are you awake yet?

                • According to some, many of us are already outlaws! Taking that RFID or not will SEPERATE the Sheeple. Talk about taking the “Wide and Easy” path versus the “Straight and Narrow” this is IT !!

                • I swear there are nanobots in those damn flu shots they constantly “scare” people into getting. I never have and never will.

                  • I produced the flu vaccines for 6 years. No tracking device in it. I am also a born again Christian, I could never do any such thing because the bible is clear on what it stands for.

                  • I don’t know about that but wouldn’t be surprised. You know what I did find out they have been increasingly sneaking into our immunizations though? Read the articles for yourself and do you own research. I was curious the other day when at the doctors office I saw a sign offering preservative-free vaccinations. I wondered how they did that/what that meant and decided to look I up… Apparently many of them use a form of aborted stem cells and many of the immunizations that we all received and gave to our children also utilized a form of aborted stem cells…




                  • Man that is wild that you said that! Just a minute ago while reading this thread I emailed someone, saying that these chips remind me of those damn flu shots! Such evangelical zeal they use to push people to get those shots!! I refuse!!

                  • I’ve been saying this for years!!

                • The chips could also contain a remotely released poison.

                • Amen!!!!!!

                • Have you had your colonoscopy yet? Are you SURE they didn’t leave anything behind?

                  • Yeah, I’ve had 3 of them and, no, there is no way to know if anything ‘got left behind’. But, I’d be dead by now without this treatment. As to voluntarily accepting some damned chip, no way, Jose. Not ever… and I do not care what reason is offered for accepting it.

                • I agree with you 100%. What worries me is how these chips can be ‘implanted’ in you without your consent i.e. going to a medical provider for a routine surgery, outpatient procedure and possibly the dentist or gynecologist. I don’t think it is that much of a stretch to think that these things can be implanted without a person ever knowing. Heck, with nanotechnology, anything is possible. That is one reason that I refuse to use any nasal spray medication–because it can cross the blood/brain barrier and who knows what could happen if some rogue nanotechnology device was hidden in the spray.

                  This is a very scary, sobering article.

              • First, they will chip the ignorant. It will probably start with the youth. They will make the chip seem cool and hip by giving it some “neat” capabilities. The majority of the herd will see this and voluntarily comply. Yes, most Amerikans are that dumb.

              • It’s already happening with drivers licenses…I don’t know how many men clearly 50+ years old I have bought alcohol for after they were refused because they didn’t have a valid ID. I’m having the same problem myself, my DL is now expired and the state just gave me a piece of paper, still haven’t got my renewed license that I paid for, almost 6 months ago! I guess it doesn’t pay to be put on the sh/t list.

            • If I can make my chocolate syrup that tastes better than Hershey’s, I can figure how to make my chocolate bars!! 🙂

            • Brew your own. Beers too damn expensive now anyway. I just brewed up 5 gl of 7.9% dark German that’s exquisite. Damn buddies won’t leave though.

              • Bubba T,
                I’ve been thinking about brewing my own beer. I would appreciate any recommendations,suggestions and advice from the knowledgable folks.
                Thanks in advance
                — Miss Dee Dee

                • Miss Dee Dee
                  I don’t have a link for you, but the guys in my Bible study class just brewed and bottled 5gal of Light India Ale from a kit purchased at a specialty business in Nashville. The guy teaching the “brew” part of the class has had only one bad batch in the several that he has brewed. The brewer stated there are lots of good kits and other materials available on the market. This also goes for wine making and vinegar making. It’s easier than making chocolate chips cookies; you really should give it a try.:)

                  • AgAr,
                    — Miss Dee Dee

            • The part about buying beer? I’ve been hearing noises coming out of the despicably evil Communist rat turds on the left that they want to claim that people who ‘drink too much alcohol’ (quantity and frequency to be determined by the commie rats) should not be permitted to own firearms.

              This forced chipping idea is a totalitarian commie’s favorite wet dream. They can then monitor how many 6-packs of beer you purchase each week, and if it exceeds the standard that they will have imposed – then, they’ll claim that you are a dangerous boozed up redneck who can no longer be trusted to possess firearms, because you might lapse into a drunken rage and start liquidating greasy, gun-grabbing liberal maggots.

              You know, kinda like how that highly suspicious and not entirely believable incident occurred in Kansas, where that Glenn Miller character (or some patsy who ZOG recruited who had a faint resemblance to Miller) was supposedly ‘drunker than a skunk’ and decided to go on a shooting rampage that allegedly killed several people, none of whom were jews.

              Can we all see how these evil gun hating bastards like to plant seeds, in advance, to lay the groundwork for their totalitarian and diabolically evil agenda later on down the line?

              • @Tucker

                “…because you might lapse into a drunken rage and start liquidating greasy, gun-grabbing liberal maggots.”

                And the problem with that is… ? 😉

            • I’ll sell you beer.

            • You will have to make your own

            • Ah. Joe Six-Pack weighs in.

            • Make your own.Buy from micro brewers.

          • The monitoring is beyond bad, but

            they haven’t mentioned the little

            ‘kill switch’ yet.


              • You can bet that it’ll be mandatory at the VA…

                That’s went the balloon goes up.

              • Me too. I’ve already resigned myself to that.

              • What also ties into this most probobly is. They keep Re-Floating the idea of Govnt central to possess ALL 7 billion peoples DNA on File.

                Its touted as the best ID identifier yet. But they already Have fingerprints, photos, driv lic, eye retina scans etc etc used as ID’s…

                Suppose besides a Tracker chip implant to Locate all persons in seconds global wide, they also decide that very rich folks, VIP’s, Corp ceos, Politions, CERTAIN races….Certain Religious Unmentionables, who will soon need a Heart-Lung-Kidney transplants to keep alive to keep spending all that vast wealth.

                Are unable usually to remain alive while awaiting the usual methods to obtain said body parts, due to many various laws and long waiting lists of other folks also needing same Limited supply of “parts”.

                What if Mandatory DNA files Laws got enacted, And such DNA lists could then be used by computer tracking to locate a proper donor match person…Send out private contractor Black bag kidnapers, take the perfect dna donor person to an undisclosed location where there is already waiting a Surgeon capable to Removing whatever body internals and parts neded by Mr or Mrs Multi Billionaire that desperatly needs a new Heart or kidney etc.

                Think there aint plenty doctors willing to do a secret surgery for big cash payments?….Hows about in Thiland, Pakistan or India?….Even perhaps in Israel.

                How hard would that be if all global persons DNA by Law is obtained and kept on file in one central computer bank of DSNA parts donors?

                Especially since its been proven such events are already happening by same type black bag kidnappings and body parts sold on black market.

                just Two examples of suspisious ordeals were JR ewing(Dallas TV show) and David Crosby of crosby stills nash band 20+ yrs ago….Each guy TV news said needed a heart or liver….Two weeks later Wallah! by some sheere coincidence in Both guys cases even though each was listed at Bottom of waiting lists for hearts or liver transplants….By coincidence an “Car crash” occured and the Perfect Young 17 yr old specimen with Organ Donor box checked off on driver lic just happened to die, and NO others on LONG wait lists was a “match”..Except of course for them two millionaire famous guys.

                I am NOT saying either one did any covert or illeagle donor scams etc…Just that it did seem funny both are very famous and wealthy, both desperate for parts, and both got parts within a couple weeks of learning parts were needed to survive alive longer…Hmmmmm.

                Picture that magnafied a million fold if DNA files are mandated soon. Anybody who don’t believe unscrupulous various polititions or movie stars types aint willing to Pay big cash xtras for a new heart or lung or kidney asap regardless of leagalities or ethics, is not paying atten.

              • As I!!

            • Nor will they, Mich. That’s just their little secret.

          • Two societies will emerge: The “mainstream” society, and an “underground” where people were not born in hospitals and have no chip or SSN. .gov will be constantly chasing after “outsiders” trying to bring them into the fold. And go bankrupt and collapse trying (if not before). Governments are awlays chasing the ultimate means of oppression, and end up collapsing under the weight of their own mechanisms. Hi tech systems almost always have cheap, low tech counters. Alas, this will not stop them from trying, it never does. Great evil will be perpetrated in the pursuit of oppression.

            • Connie,
              An “underground” where people are (present tense) born free without hospitals with no chips or SSN…

              Happening now in the nascent Alpine Republics of the American Redoubt.

              The “beast” is rapidly being exposed and the “beast” will consume itself.

              The new society must rise concurrently with the fall of the old lest we have a thousand years of darkness in the interregnum.

              • New Ordnance- you the same one growing the painted mountain corn? If so, I bought some from you previously… Saving me own seed stock now, $30/lb is spendy if trying to get any amount of seed. And selecting on my own climate/pests/soil/etc…

                Or you’re not him, and I’m speaking gibberish 🙂

                • Hawk,
                  Yep. We (our family) are growers and sellers of Painted Mountain Corn Seed. That’s the only seed we sell.

                  I am honored and pleased to hear that you are going forward with the Rocky Mountain Corn Project to establish and adapt the seed in your area. If enough people do what you are doing, we can lay a foundation to build a new civilization on the ruins of the old. We trust that a remnant will survive and preserve the arts of civilization so we don’t regress to the stone age.

                  We feel that Painted Mountain Corn is key to survival because it is the most efficient and productive grain
                  that can be grown and harvested entirely by hand, particularly in the marginal soils and harsh climate of the inter-mountain western United States. It is ideal for decentralized small land holders who are not beholden to big Ag.

                  Our part-time business, rockymountaincorndotcom, is break-even in a good year and is often on life-support with other jobs in the family required to keep it afloat.
                  We never planned to be a big seed company. If you guys out there develop your own seed and share, sell, barter and trade across the territory, then the project will have succeeded and we will retire from the seed business and grow food for family, friends and neighbors.

                  The Project is catching fire now from the reports we have received. We pray that more people will jump on board and buy all the 2013 seed. We urge everyone who can grow anything to go all out for food independence going into this dangerous summer of 2014.

                  Thanks again Hawk. We appreciate your endeavors.
                  We are grateful.

                  • New Ordance,
                    I could’nt grow an ingrown toenail
                    if my life depended upon it.
                    Maybe your site is the one for me.
                    Take Care,
                    — Miss Dee Dee

            • I read that, and I agree with you.

              But for some reason, my tongue is sore.

              Sorry…….couldn’t help myself. 🙂

            • Yeah, like in that POS movie Elysium, except the poor will get everything and the middle class will be stuck with nothing! Oh Wait! That’s NOW

            • @Connie… I can’t believe that some dickhead gave you a thumbs down for your comment. It was great, IMO.

          • YMWW, I understand your points, but I don’t believe mac has thrown in the towel on anything.

            • All preppers will take the chip. You’ll need it to get your TP. Without TP you’ll die.

              • ***All preppers will take the chip. You’ll need it to get your TP***

                Not for the first 6 years…. and then, it’s old cloths; see, many take theirs to Goodwill, etc.
                I have boxes fillin with rags in the attic. When time allows, they are cut into squares. 🙂

                • JayJay, that’s all the more reason why everyone needs to get everything they can now while there is still time. I’m not taking any RFID chip, period!

                • Yep, and wash and reuse, my kids wore cloth diapers.

              • Corn chips,
                I haven’t read many or rather any of your comments before. I will take the lighter side and presume you were only being sarcastic. If so, I like your comment.
                — Miss Dee Dee

            • Braveheart,
              I’m with you on your statement. Just the fact that Mac posts such articles long before MSM is evidence he is on top of his game. The ( or any ) article should convey both sides of any view. One or two lines about his or someone else’s thoughts that the eventual inevitablilty of mandated chip identification is under consideration is not a submissiom unto Satan. The good folks on this site are somehow tuned to their mission and will not be distracted even if they disagree with Mac or some the information he personally deems noteworthy.
              Take Care
              — Miss Dee Dee

              • Note — I said Good Folks

          • I have no intent to argue or push my Christanity upon anyone. But we like to refer back to the book “1984” which was written just a few decades ago, and it does seem to carry some weight. But I cannot understand how anyone with their eyes wide open cannot see the inspired word of GOD to be true, when all of it comes to fullfillment, and it was written Two-Thousand years ago. This is just my thought, your entitled to your own. But disregard at your own peril. Trekker Out.

            • Amen Trekker…

              God Bless,

            • Amen Trekker…

              God Bless,

            • I agree History is wrapping up EVIL will look like it is winning and then when you think all is over evil has won Jesus Christ will return as He said He would and take hold of evil and banish it and judgement will begin and righteousness will reign. Its coming just a matter of when. I believe it will happen in my lifetime and Im 58

          • yourmother,
            I’m with you on the “mobile Phone” issue. Who needs the infernal little doo-dads? But Mac didn’t say that; some pencil-neck Englishman named Gasson from U. of Reading said it.

            As for “Whether we like it or not this is the future.”, it IS the future for the ant-hill that we will be living in. But individuals can reject the “future”, as I certainly will. CERTAINLY will…

            The statement “To gain access to official services, you’ll need to be a verified human.” is added to accentuate the preposterous premise of the essay. I’m not even a human anymore unless I have a chip that vouches for me, you know? And once again, collectivist douches can eat a bag of dicks.

            When Mac writes “microchip RFID technology will eventually be non-voluntary”, he is anticipating Michael Snyder’s comment “And one day, this kind of technology will likely be so pervasive that you won’t be able to open a bank account, get a credit card or even buy anything without having either your hand or your face scanned first”. Michael is a Christian who is looking for the fulfillment of eschatological prophecies.

            Look how he ends up: “Our children and grandchildren – at least most of them – will likely not only submit to implantation, they’ll gladly PAY THE COSTS…”. This implies that we who are alive today will NOT submit, but that our progeny will, because they will be like cattle, bought and paid for; glued, screwed, and tattoed. As terrifying as it may be to think about that, it is likely that our children WILL gladly accept the “mark of the beast”. Most of them who are alive today are already suffering from the lack of a moral compass, and we haven’t helped much with our exemplary (not) leadership.

            • Well said, NH.

            • For NSA tracking devices (mobile phones), I use a rubber-lined 7.62mm ammo can in my rig. For commo, we use single side-band radios in our rigs and base.

          • Interacting with society is easy. Open your mouth and talk to neighbors, friends, etc., etc.. I’m not bound by a phone. Call me old school, but if cell towers all went caput tomorrow, I wouldn’t shed a tear.
            I have actually heard people say they would rather die, then to be without their cell phone/services. That is a pathetic shell of a human being.
            Truly, things will get worse before getting better. Stay the coarse and keep your head in the game free Americans!!!!

            • SoapDish,
              Here-Here for your statement.
              The other night I was at a resturant and happen to be peoplewatching at the time. I fear for the idiotic younger generations ( I know not your age so I am sorry if I insult you ) There was a lovely young couple at a table facing eachother. Not looking at the beauty of eachother’s presence.Their cell phones in their hands were being manipulated like some sort of extended organ of their fingers. I could not resist approaching them and asking them if it was their first visit to the establishment. — YES — they both replied. Then I questioned if it was their first date together. — YES — once again. Finally I asked to whom they were texting – she nodded her chin upward — HIM– and then he replied — HER — I ended my brief visit into the brave new world of a modern day courtship. I’m so glad I am an old fart.
              — Take Care,
              — Miss Dee Dee

              • Shame, shame, Miss Dee Dee… those kids were probably having what they call sex at the time you spoke to them. lol

            • Count me in as another low tech sister 🙂 I do not have a fancy cell phone nor any social media accounts. Yes, I am old school and I am not old. I like to talk to people, send cards through the snail mail, read books and magazines that are paper and in my hand. I have seen what you have observed–people ‘together’ but not together–just looking at their devices.

              I am getting pressure to ‘upgrade’ my phone by certain family members. I do not need a fancy phone so I am standing firm.

          • “To gain access to official services, you’ll need to be a verified human.”

            Interpreted–to get your welfare checks, you will be chipped.

          • This my friends is nothing less than the Mark of the Beast.

            I’ll face my judgement at the pearly gates before I’ll accept taking the mark that will doom my soul forever.

            By now you are not a self-respecting experience prepper if you haven’t learned how to brew your own tipple, but just in case you’ve just face-palmed at such a terrible oversight –

            “Booze for Free” by Andy Hamilton.

            Hopefully you’ll be able to send the grand kids foraging and have a little sumpkin, sumpkin brewing away in the shed by the week’s end. I’ve taken the trouble to trial several of the recipes in the above volume and can confirm that they work – even if you are a complete novice. It’s a must have prepper text that should sit on the same shelf as “where there is no doctor” imho.

            • I had to go add that one to my wish list on amazon.

          • You’re five years old? Whoah. You write really well.

            I’m 60, and somehow manage to interact with society without a device.

          • Katherine Albrecht has been exposing chips for a long time (spychipsdotcom/katherine-albrecht)

            Mac and all here add critical mass. Keep piling on.
            Flip the light switch and watch the cockroaches scurry.
            Take their names and publish. Follow the money. Save and archive for the trials at Nuremberg II when it’s over.

          • it’s inevitable and you know it.

            • So is death but that doesn’t mean we have to volunteer for it.

          • RFID technology is already required to drive on roads that are EZ-PASS only. Those roads are proliferating because they can be privately financed.

          • I see no point in carrying around a cell phone.. I leave the house so I don’t have to deal with distractions from business and life.

            I only carry a cell phone on long trips, generally, and even then its a old type flip phone..

            I even sell cell phones. I have sold many smart phones.. That doesn’t mean I want to use one.

            My wife has more than one smartphone, but again, I could care less about them.

            And I am a computer programmer, complete internet and software geek and I COULD CARE LESS about having a cell phone on me.

            I see no purpose in having an RFID chip implanted..

            If you are that DAMN LAZY to pull out a credit card to swipe, you have serious issues.

            What other use will there be? Medical records? Why not carry it SEPARATE from your body?

            Why can’t you put all that info on your key chain? So atleast, you don’t have to carry it on you.

            I find this all to be complete bullshit..

          • All of our protests are now just Sound and Fury signifying Nothing (MacBeth) Future Gens will have an implanted tracking device with a termination date.

          • Article linked on Drudge.

            Attaboy Mac!

          • I do not have a mobil phone either and have been surviving just fine. But the technology is spreading. We had to give our fingerprint to get our Six flags season passes and it freaked me out. It is the “conditioning process” for us to get used to doing business this way. The mark is rapidly approaching and if we are not raptured out before the chip implant madness takes over, how WILL WE interact with society? IF we are still here on earth and the chip is implemented we will have to drop out of work, society and trust the Lord Jesus to care for us. Or lay our heads on the chopping block. Give me the grace Lord to lay it down and not deny your Name! Amen! (even now this email will be read by those ‘trackers” and I’ll be thrown into the “terrorist” category)….

            • Tamela,
              Do not let anyone get your fingerprints. Nothing on your body is for sale.

            • That’s OK, Tamela. TPTB thought that Jesus was a terrorist too. I’d say that puts us in pretty good company. 🙂

          • i dont give a shit what it does it dont go in me period

          • I bet the left is just drooling over what they could do with this….

            • Only so long as THEY control it. If not, then they will be its greatest foes.

          • There are reports of those who have accepted such implants for themselves and their children on the assumption that the government is there to help them, for example, find their children if lost or kidnapped.

            Another reason people might accept an implant is for the welfare. Seems government is working hard to destroy private enterprise so they are the only provider, enforcing the central control and command like the USSR. This will be bad, a terrible tyrannical government that says, you want a place to live? food? water? you must take the implant.

            We don’t have freedom in the USA when the government can make us pay rent for our land (property taxes), when they can control and destroy companies via arbitrary regulations from the EPA, OSHA, IRS, etc. This is happening today. No wonder they are working so hard to eliminate the right to keep and bear arms.

            • “Seems government is working hard to destroy private enterprise so they are the only provider, enforcing the central control and command like the USSR.”

              Yeah? Well, that worked out well for the Russians.

          • Let me think: got a cell phone freshman year (because I had to work and mom was concerned. Didn’t make a Facebook until November of my Senior year (I am a senior right now.) And I interacted with people just fine before that, when it was people that were actually worth talking to of course, rather than just the standard idiot that is sadly prevalent in the people of the young generation.

          • So are we going hto give free chips to ILLEGALS

          • Guys just think
            about immunization
            and see how the agenda
            becomes now compulsory.
            no immunization sorry
            your kid is not welcome
            in this school

            • yes God will save his people.God also would like people to gather together and stand up no mark no micro chips.goverment get it first if its so safe,nursing has taught me whats in needles dont be a sheep we have rights ,its not hitlers time over devils you can never defeat God king of all .

              we already have brain body scans from america in australia air port ,my friend went to america got scaned 4times come back to australia and died,its a cancer machine,people just walk in.even her surgeun said its like putting a cancer bomb in the body,now this even the airport men use protective gear why,we are silly humans that follow the crownd dont think about yourself repect.put the goverment people through this 5 times test it

            • well do home school,dont poisen your off spring,parents they look up to you

          • Whatever happened to live, face to face conversations? No longer going to be politically correct?
            Nonsense. It’s time, if anyone is to be monitored, we rein in these out of control techies and scientists.

          • more scare tactics and fear based news. there will always be an option when approached w/ one of these illegal and evil devices, simply, One barrel or both barrels?
            Also remember that these things are weak, fallible and very vulnerable. There will be counter-devices to block the RF, & devices to kill the things dead, also counterfeit ones, black market ones…….and finally realize @ the pace this Country’s going, we’ll never make it that far to see all their tyranny get fully implemented, the money junkies are going to get us all blown to atoms.

          • I would not dismiss the capability of technology to subvert our lives. I recommend a site Locutions To The World. There is a timeline of revelations from Mary about world events. If you read through the past and present messages you will get a better understanding of world events. For example, Russia, Syria and the Arab Spring. Something to ponder.

        • You’re not the Lone Ranger, Walt.

          • Actually, we’re ALL the Lone Ranger, partner!

            – (one of) the Lone Ranger(s)

            • “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
              -John Dalberg-Acton

              Obamacare was never about healthcare, it was about CONTROL.

              Some even admitted it…
              When radio host Paul W. Smith asked liberal Congressman John Dingell (D-MI) why it will take the government until 2014 to fully set up the ObamaCare system.

              Dingell said this: “It takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to CONTROL THE PEOPLE.”
              Source: News Talk WJR Radio with Paul W. Smith – 3/23/2010

              The economy hasn’t improved. Businesses are cutting back or closing. People are being laid off or have decreased hours. The coal mines being shut down. More cuts are planned for food stamps.

              Food and healthcare are both BASIC needs.

              In the future, under the guise of ‘healthcare’, I believe the government will push to have the chip implanted into the population. The RFID chip implanted into people would enable ‘control’ of the masses.

              The RFID chip can be used to store and retrieve data – medical, financial, location, etc.

              In the future will salaries and payments from the government (food stamps, social security, etc.) be downloaded remotely directly on to an RFID chip?

              The chip also has many ‘other’ uses. Those who control and monitor the chip, would have great POWER over the people.

              They can remotely locate and shut down a car that is many miles away – because it has a ‘chip’ in it.
              Likewise, I believe with an imbedded chip, they could locate and if desired ‘shut down’ individuals by causing a heart attack or some other fatal condition.

              The technology also exists now to plant ‘suggestions’ into your head. All that is needed is ‘direct contact’ or an implanted chip.

              Sky Deutschland has developed technology to transfer ads from train windows directly and silently into commuters’ heads.

              “Passengers leaning their head against the window will “hear” ads “coming from inside the user’s head”, urging them to download the Sky Go app.

              The proposal involves using bone conduction technology, which is used in hearing aids, headphones and Google’s Glass headset, to pass sound to the inner ear via vibrations through the skull.”

              • Or a small high yield chargem in the device to maim if required

              • It will happen one step at a time. The next step is digital money with the current system,tweaked just a bit. For the GB’s to be protected, Internet Security has to be foolproof.

                That requires quantum computing. Still some years away, but it will be installed after the next major war. Keep prepping. 🙂

              • Yes, the ACA, ObamaCare, is about more government takeover, no question about it. It is to spy on people more via data collection from health care providers. It is about controlling access to health care providers. It is about the eugenics agenda in the USA. It is about direct access to people’s financial accounts.

                Repeal the ACA ObamaCare now. A clean repeal. I will only vote for those who repeal it.

            • Or we should be. Not enough in my opinion. It’s choice a lot of people choose not to be.

            • Lone Ranger-


          • I think what Unreconstructed Southron was trying to say is…….I’m not alone.

            And I appreciate the sentiment.

            • Yes, that’s exactly what I was saying. Unfortunately, even on this site there’s a lot of ignorant folks.

              • Sometimes it’s hard to discern exactly what people mean. On an Internet forum you can’t read people’s intent. I try to cut slack to folks who can’t quite read between the lines.

                But then….there are a lot of trolls out there as well.

                Thanks for you comments Unreconstructed Southron. I caught what you meant right away.

        • I’m absolutely amazed at how many Christians I know who call themselves “pre-tribulation believers” who will have NO problem taking this implant – why, because according to their pastors, the church is going to be RAPTURED off this world BEFORE “…the last seven years called the tribulation begins!”
          Believe me, I’ve tried to talk to these people, but it’s almost impossible to show the fallacy of a flawed fantasy to the Biblically illiterate. Sad, very sad.

          • yep , that same type of thinking killed a bunch of followers to a man that thought the next coming was a comet.

            as far as im concerned if they followed him and killed them selves , they did us all a favor

            • Except for the innocent children they took with them.

              That was a loss.

          • Jerry,
            FEMA 501c3 Clergy Response Team at work.
            See Pastor Chuck Baldwin for another point of view on Romans 13 and his sermon at the Bundy Ranch.
            From Kalispell, Montana in the American Redoubt:

            • Romans 13 has nothing to do with OUR I see it now.

              • This kills the argument for Christians to follow Romans 13..

                ‘Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been ESTABLISHED BY GOD.’

                Pfft, by Satan maybe, but God, no!!

                • JayJay, Romans 13 is the most misinterpreted and misunderstood scripture in all of God’s Word. These people at the seminaries and bible colleges have been misled about Romans 13. They are taught that they must obey manmade government without question and without reservation. they are taught to never question authority. They are taught to have blind, unquestioning faith in government, that government knows best, etc. Read Romans 13 for yourself. I use the King James Version since that was what I was raised on. It’s the only true version of the Bible and these other versions are just as bogus as the day is long. Romans 13 lays out certain guidelines for rulers to follow in their dealings with the people they rule over. If they violate any of the guidelines, then their rule is no longer legitimate and we are commanded to replace them. God said if they don’t follow the guidelines He set for them to follow, then we don’t have to follow what they’re saying. But this crap of “obey orders without question or hesitation” sounds like something straight out of Nazi Germany, etc. I’ve always been too independent-minded for things like that. I don’t fit nice or neat inside anyone’s box. I’ve never been a 100% “yessir, no sir, yes ma’am, no ma’am” type of person. I don’t have what it takes to be anyone’s mindless robot, good little Nazi, good little Commie, etc. I don’t change one damned thing about myself to make anyone else happy. I am me and will remain so until my last breath in this world. People can accept me like I am or reject me. It’s their choice and I never force myself on anyone. k treat everyone ese the same regardless of who you are, etc. I don’t get on eggshells for anyone. I don’t see anything special about anyone. I don’t submit to anyone who would have bad intentions toward me. Such people have a choice. they can avoid me if they want to live or just go ahead and try something stupid and pay a price for it. The morons promoting the RFID chips need to just back off altogether if they value their own lives.

                  • you are right about Romans 13….read chuck baldwins book on it.


                    You’re stance on King James being the only true version of the bible is off. The Geneva is closer.

                    King James was a disgusting pervert!

              • When looking at Romans 13 and attempting to apply it to the current situation, you have to ask yourself, “What is the supreme law of the land?” The answer to that question is, “The Constitution of the United States”.

                The government in D.C. has abandoned the Constitution years ago. As such….it is the government that is acting lawlessly. Refusing to obey the tyrants in D.C. is NOT a violation of Romans 13.

                Jefferson summed it up when he said, “Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.”

                • WK, AMEN to your comments.

                  • Yes amen to your comment and to Bj , I say, the bible was was translated for King James, King James did not write it.

              • Presidents are not chosen by God but they are supposed to be chosen by the people.In the Old testament times they were chosen for awhile by God. God never wanted us to have Kings but the people asked God for a King. But in America we chose our ruler. We also reap the consequences of those we choose. Our Constitution was of Godly design and if our Government oversteps our rights we have a right to remove them from office.

                • @Susan… “But in America we chose our ruler.”

                  Do we? Or is this just a farce that is put on every 2 years to occupy us and make us think that there is a choice? Seems to me that we get to choose between two wings of the same group of wannabee tyrants. That is not choice. It is like two separate doors that lead into the same room… yes, you CAN pick which door you use, but the end result is the same. Presidents come and go but the basic policies in DC do not change. That should tell us what our choice is really worth.

          • “but it’s almost impossible to show the fallacy of a flawed fantasy to the Biblically illiterate”

            “For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false,” 2 Thessalonians 2:11

            But, if pre-trib rapture is a lie (like you and I both believe) there is tremendously strong delusion helping the biblically illiterate believe in a pre-trib rapture, i.e. those who are not considered biblically illiterate selling the others on the pre-trib lie: Hal Lindsey, the late great planet earth; Tim LaHaye, the left behind series, David Jeremiah, Shadow Mountain Community Church and Turning Point; John MacArthur, Grace to You; Jimmy Swaggart, Jimmy Swaggart Ministries; Dr. Ron Rhodes, Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries; Mark Hitchcock, The End: A Complete Overview of Bible Prophecy and the End of Days; The Scofield Bible; and anyone excluded that preaches and teaches a pre-trib rapture.

            Those mentioned above are not considered to be “biblically illiterate”, therefore they are powerfully strong delusion to those who believe the lie of pre-trib rapture that these men teach.

            Jesus warned us: “For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many.” Matthew 24:5 and Cory Ten Boom confirmed it in
            her 1974 letter.

            • It gives me great pain to know you are so right on, that multitudes believe in the pre-trib rapture myth.

              It’s one of the reasons I wrote the book, DISCOVERY TO CATASTROPHE. But I am disheartened to say purchases of the book are in the dozens, not in the thousands.

              It is written as a fiction like the Left Behind series, but clearly shows from a biblical position the truth that we as Christians will go through the tribulation. I would that people would read it and see scripture after scripture stating clearly that we will suffer during the tribulation. We will NOT be zipped out of here before the tribulation happens.

              So many people’s lives have been changed as a result of reading it. I’ve been blessed to hear that, but getting copies out to the general public has been a challenge.

              Please pray for the success of these Scriptural truths.


              Son of Liberty

              • I got a copy on the way. Looking forward to reading it.
                Thanks Son of Liberty!
                the Wild Goose

              • I just bought the last copy of your book on amazon. I will report back. It may take awhile. Intend to fall asleep after a few pages of about any book.

                • I tend to fall asleep after a few pages of any book. I don’t intend to fall asleep while reading your book

              • Thanks to you and those that are open to the biblical truth instead of man’s doctrines that cause many to fall away.

                For the reason, forementioned, God will cause them to believe that “rapture” lie, by sending them strong delusions.

                If anyone has even a hint of doubt about there being a pre-trib rapture or not; all they have to do is pray about it and ask. If they are a true believer, they will get the message, if it is God’s will for them to see and understand.

                The rapture is nothing more than a “change” from a physical/flesh body into a spiritual one. All will be changed at some point. That point, or time, is when a person dies a physical death, or if they are here upon earth, at the return of Christ.

                No “any moment”, pre-trib, “fly away to escape”, “change”; as is commonly taught by the ignorant, such as Hagee,Stone, Van Impe and many old timey preachers. This “feel-good”, holier-than-thou, message is like a cancer that has spread since the 1830’s.
                Satan has many workers right in the modern day pulpits.
                It all fits into his plan.

                Satan comes as Antichrist at the sixth trump, screaming the rapture message.
                Problem: The “true” Christ doesn’t return until the seventh trump.

                For those that dislike my posting this message and call it proselytizing, I ask; What better way to be prepped than to know the truth before the SHTF.

                • @PWTW, I think you’re right on the money about the seventh trump… well said

                • PWTW:

                  Great post! Any home having literature put out by these modern day “Christian Imposter Preachers” had better put it in the garbage can.

                  Anyone attending the churches of these imposters or suppoorting their congregation had better see the light.

                  For anyone who makes fun of Christians and their belief in the Bible this article at SHTF should give you pause. How many years ago was it written in the Bible about the MARK OF THE BEAST? It, as well as other signs and predictions we are seeing in the present should give unbelievers reason to rethink their position.

                  Like PWTW said, get on your knees and ask the Lord Jesus to open your eyes. Not all will have “eyes to see or ears to hear”. Do not be one of them.

                  • Perhaps YOU should get down on your knees and ask that YOUR eyes be opened… who denigrate those of the Jewish Faith at every opportunity….
                    When you get right with your Maker, you must cast such hate aside…

              • Son of Liberty–have you seen ‘Heaven is for Real??
                I read the book and saw a trailer today of the movie–it is on my Netflix list.
                Book is awesome.

              • I agree with you Sons of Liberty. I was fired last year from my job because I told my boss she will have to live through tribulation if it comes when she told me she will be raptured before these type events happen so she doesn’t have to deal with it. Unfortunately for people like her she will be saying, “My master delayeth his coming and she shall smite her servants, etc.” She already smited me.

                Nearly every TV Church program teaches this wrong doctrine, and why many won’t be prepared. Your book should educate, but as you can see, it comes with consequenses. I pray eyes will be opened.

            • Wild Goose, there are only 2 preachers I listen to who speak the truth and they are Pastor Chuck Baldwin and Pastor Butch Paugh. All of the ones you just mentioned are just as bogus as the day is long.

            • Wild Goose-

              I agree, per your list of modern “false prophets”…although its in dire need of expansion/updating!

              That said, perhaps you should reflect upon who’ll manifest, push for and finance the advertizement/marketing of the “mark of the beast” and who’re the modern purveyors of such…


              So grab a crayon & draw the “star”, which is basically an equilateral triangle superimposed upon an inverted equilateral triangle (see zionist flag for details)..


              Step 1.> -count the # of points of said star & write # on paper (=6).

              Step 2.> -count the # of small triangles about the star’s perimeter & write # beside the 1st # (=66).

              Step 3.> -count the # of sides to the inner hexagram at the center of said star & write said # beside the other two numbers (=666).

              …Hello!!!! Recognize that number????


              FYI, the same tribe that brought us (and financed all belligerents, btw)…WW-I, WW-II & soon WW-III, plus finances in your face homosexuality/pedophilia/trans-sexuality, racial tensions, all communistic & anti-Christian/anti-family/anti-humanity/anti-life/anti-US Constitution-BoR causes.

              All the while, seeking global political, economic & social domination/control over the earth’s populace.

              …via the combined application of 21st century technology, anciently scripted (see Babylonian era) and adapted to a Satanic inspired TALMUDIC DOCTRINE.


              ..a (small) case in point per their evil, please reference SCJ tribal member, Ruth Bader Ginsburg:

              ..that wicked bitch authored an opinion (pre-surpreme court days), that the age of sexual consent between adults/children be lowered to age 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              WTF is up w/ that???

              How ’bout 1973 Roe vs. Wade…legalizing infanticide?

              ..go down the rabbit-hole, Goose…dig deep…follow the money$$$ and the law firm/lawyers…and the justices’ voting records…per every decision taken to the point where liberty and the founder’s (and GOD’s) intentions were/are being vilified, rejected and neutered!!!


              I & others could go on for decades, chronicling the evils perpetuated on this country, its citizens and even all humanity, by certain select members of the self-chosen.

              ..but the really odd reality, inherent to their tribe, is that so very few of their nondescript/everyday brethren…ever publicly condemn or berate their degenerate leadership…for their malevolent transgressions against all of GOD’s children/followers and the rest of non-kosher humanity!



              Methinks, the GREEK interpretation website…is a circle jerk down a dead end cul-de-sac!

              See Occam’s Razor for details!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


              Otherwise…good post!

              • Hunter~

                I appreciate the comments. Would you say Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Rahm Emanuel, the young god father, are cut from the same cloth and otherwise on the same (evil) team?

                I do recognize the number and have ran across that specific example you made somewhere before. If the list of unrighteous causes they finance is so, then there may be a stronger connection than you first perceived with the “GREEK interpretation website”. How far down that rabbit hole did you travel?

                On Occam’s Razor:
                “The idea here is that a simple theory applies to more cases than a more complex one, and is thus more easily falsifiable. “

                If it is a circle jerk down a dead end cul-de-sac then it should be easily falsifiable based on clear evidence, i.e. the greek that the book of revelation was initially written in was wrote in all capital letters. (I’ve not found substantial proof of that), Or, John penned the book in Aramaic and not Greek (neither have I found substantial proof of that). hmmm, I guess I see it as a simple theory. Did you? Or, did it fall in the complex category for you? Just curious. I don’t want to make and then hang on to any false assumptions. Neither do I want to hang on to something as if it is so, when it is not.

                One thing’s for sure: taking the mark will represent ones willing support of unrighteousness (calling good evil and evil good) whether it is one, some, or all those items you listed: “homosexuality/pedophilia/trans-sexuality, racial tensions, all communistic & anti-Christian/anti-family/anti-humanity/anti-life/anti-US Constitution-Bill of Rights causes.”

                Thanks for the info you shared.

                • Wild Goose-

                  Congrats, a very intelligent reply on your part.
                  Good questions also.

                  No! The posited theory of acceptance of “homosexuality”, solely being the mark of the beast is too simple, imo.

                  Yes, homosexuality will be a “part or portion” of the mandated criteria inherent to the mark. But I cannot help but believe that accepting the mark, incorporates both a spiritual AND physical denial of the existence of GOD (in the form of the Holy Trinity), at the individual level. Call it a broad spectrum condemnation of the soul!

                  Rejection of GOD is not the same as denying his existence, as rejection in many cases manifests as rebellion so to speak.

                  Personally, I believe that the ‘mark’ is of Satan himself and yes, I’m sure he enthusiastically approves of faggots, but he also supports everything else related to wickedness!

                  Thus I don’t see the mark as a one horse show, per a singular abomination before GOD.
                  The mark will be a complete denial of him and an acceptance of Lucifer in his place, along with his baggage of evil, of which homosexuality is included.


                  Yes, I lump Rahm Emanuel w/ the Ginsburg types. Ditto, David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, Elaina Kagan and a slew of their wicked fellow tribesman.
                  They are the descendants of the pharisees, who were the enemies of GOD and man.

                  • Good hearing back from you Hunter. You’re observations are all very valid. You’ll find no argument here. Whatever the mark is, it will be open and obvious rejection of God for those that know anything about anything, and an embracing and (your words said it best) acceptance of Lucifer in his place, along with his baggage of evil, of which homosexuality is included. Homosexuality just seems to be the most blatant, in your face of calling good evil, and evil good I’ve ever witnessed. It is even compromising “so called” christians, i.e. Rahm and the gang are unfortunately wickedly shrewd operators capable of doing much harm before all this is over.
                    IMO Ephesians 6:13 is probably the most important scripture anyone who loves Jesus and claims Him as their Lord can pay attention to these days. If someone is diligent to put on the Full Armor of God all the other important scriptures are also included.

                    Thanks for your thoughts…

                    Kind Regards,

                    the Wild Goose

                  • I tried to embed this youTube as an example of “so called” christians seriously compromised. It looks like the embed code didn’t take. Here’s the link:

                  • Wild Goose-

                    Your point of stressing that the abomination of homosexuality, being a prime example of calling evil…good, carries much merit.

                    In my opinion, other than outright denial of GOD’s existence, homosexuality is only superseded by the so called ‘personal benefits of abortion/infanticide’.
                    Yet another and now mainstream accepted example of:

                    **evil is good**

                    Kudos to you!

              • @HUNTER

                Check out Chief Justice Roy Moore in Alabama in regards to roe v. wade.

                God bless that man!!!

            • Thats Not the Only strong delusions they teach!…Check out their teachings regards israel or zio jewish issues etc also!

          • Taking the chip/number(mark of the beast) is pledging your soul to Satan(the beast). If you pledge yourself to Satan you will not be spending time in Heaven. Will the mark of the beast be forced on everyone before or after the Rapture? If you miss the Rapture you can still become a Christian, but don’t plan on living very long.

            • All the pre-trib preachers claimed many will be getting saved during the tribulation, however Matthew 24:10 says “At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another.” NASB The bible doesn’t say may will be getting saved. So, who are you going to believe?

              • What would rick warren say? 😉

                Certainly not that we’ve been lied to for centuries…

                • Dude, if you ever get to heaven will you still be chucking grenades at Rick Warren, or will you be crying over the time you lost not telling people about the Lord?

              • Yes, the bride will be taken away. There will be very few that receive God’s eternal gift after that point in time, but it will still be possible.

              • If you miss rapture can still ecome a christian?! HOW?

                Acording to pre trib “experts” (as Seen on TV!) main reason for a Pre trib event is due to the holy spirit Must first get Taken Out of earth in order for the antichrist guy to be revealed. IE bible verse that says about hes held Back etc…They say only the HS(holy spirit) can hold back antichrist so if its removed, and if it dwells or Lives Inside human christians, then if HS gets taken so to HAS human christian folks must be also taken out or pre trib raptured out…

                Well “if” that was truth(no its not) then how can anybody become a true christian AFTER the spirits removed as indwelling of Gods spirit IS the ONLY method one can be “Changed as if reborn again” into a “New creature in Christ”?…They Cannot be….Wont be….Ergo that Fact alone fully Dispells this deludional long taught(since mid 1800’s) Falsehood of Darby, Cyrus Scofield(huge falsehoods and wrong interpretations etc Published by a son of orig Rothschilds grandpa bankster zio talmudic swindler extrordinaire scammer).

                Those pastors in Cahoots with previously mentioned pharisee talmudic zios etc have Invented the myth of a 2nd set christians who only become christian AFTER a pre trib event…Because how else do they explain so many biblical verses that define or outline so many misseries and tribulations and evil stuff thats told to happen to CHRISTIANS Before Christ returns?

                There is no such thing as pre trib move to heaven 7 yrs and Wait….Then return With Jesus etc as they say.

                Caught UP to MEET the Lord event aka rapture simply means caught Up in air to MEET Him part way DOWN for Jesus…Then the DEAD in Christ(the saved ones) can get Reunited with their Souls or spirit that Left their body at death and went to reside in heaven etc…Bottom line is. Where is jesus true return TO? EARTH!…For how long? Forever!…Meet Him in Air THEN RETURN to earth WITH Him to help Him Rule etc…

                What do you not yet get? If bibles read IN context properly no need exists for any scofiled swindlers interpretations or haggees etc etc…It plainly states whats to come or be. And thats what it says.

                Only pastors teaching falsehoods like pre trib events or bless them Khazars crap, must invent ‘xtra” biblical verses, or Xtra ‘events” to make it all…”FIT” their versions…How 50-60 MILLION in usa alone can still be so delusionally fooled by likes of john hagee or scofield bible and swaggert or perry stone etc?….Amazeing!

                What they really say while doing Fake Prophetic Babbleings(they call it speak in tongues) On stage pastor babbles incoherently “Who wants to be dumbed down even More?!”

                Crowd goes Wild! Arms and hands fly to celing with great shouts of Joy!… “PICK ME PASTOR! Please Pick me!”

                Bunch of deluded lunatics eh.

                • Start here. There are 3 parts.

                • Those who have never heard, or have never had a clear presentation of the gospel will have an opportunity. But NOT those who have already heard before the Rapture. THEY are the ones who will believe “the lie.” They will not be saved.

                • Them Guys,
                  I’m praying for a “pre-trib”, but prepping for a “post-trib”. I have heard conviencing arguments both ways. My faith is actually pretty simple and methodical. Do you know of a book that is simple, methodical, historical, with lots of evidence that I could buy from Amazon? If it gets into lots of fluff and name calling, for me, it just becomes “smoke and mirrors”. Thanks!

                  • AgDR: The Only book I can recomend is the bible. That and the great acurate advice it mentiones for christians, and those who desire truth to be one.

                    Cannot recall xact verse now, but it says to fully understand Gods word aka bible verses one MUST first Pray, Seek truth and ask the Lord to empower His holy spirit to dwell or Live inside You. And then for the Holy Spirit in you to Teach you and to Reveal to You what real truth is.

                    It also states that all unbelievers, deniars of God and truth etc etc will Never be able to comprehend it, and to those type folks it, as well as God Himself, will always remain what the bible calls as “Folly”.

                    You can recognize many such folks as they are everywheres today. And they act exactly as the bible describes such fools.

                    A verse syas that they are those who spend their days filling themselves full of knowledges of the World, Ways of the worldly types, and they ever strive to gain more and more knowledge(also called higher education etc aka college and lifelong “learners students” that join college at age 18 and never exit it!)

                    Yet as they keep increasing levels of worldly knowledge, and the Ways of the Flesh…And they then profess themselves to be so filled with said knowings…

                    They have continued to move farther and farther away from Truth and God…So while in their Own eyes they are “IT”…They are “the ONES!”…in Gods eyes they have become utter FOOLS!….For only the biggest of Fools says in his heart “there Is NO God”!

                    So basically none, zero other books should ever be required if one has Gods holy spirit indwelt within him, prays for WISDOM(knowledge withOUT wisdom also describes the afore mentioned Fools type folk)…God Shall grant understanding of His words aka Bible.

                    That is what I did, and it works swell and is the Only thing that ever did work so I can comprehend what truths the bible is able to reveal to one who truely seeks it..

                    And You sound like a perfect xample of one who does so desire it!…..As for, convincing arguments both ways pre trib and after trib or whatever its called..

                    To me the definition of Real Truth means there cant be any such alternate views thats remotly valid.

                    Kinda like laws of Gravity eh…if You climb to a roof, then walk off edge or fall off edge…You do Fall and you do fall DOWN…No matter how convincing an alternate therory may sound, regardless of what professional preacher gobbly gook wordings used…Real Truth on laws of gravity says You always will Fall DOWN. Period, end of debate. Thats Real solid Truth so why any need for alternate debates?

                    Truth is elusive, most never recognize it ever. Most folks will at least once per a lifetime stumble over truth…And 99+% will fall down due to that truth stumble, then get back upright, stand there confused, see that the stumble was caused by that truth roadblock, but will calmly walk away from it as if it never occured.

                    1% seem to notice it right away and their life changes profoundly and forever. Thats the folks like Us..And once we do learn real Truths…none of us can ever again be fooled even by the greatest swindlers or scammers of satans synagouges.

                    Just Try this biblical method I outlined it as written to do and see how swell it really does work…As you Read bible verses even difficult Revelation verses all a sudden your head will seem as if truth knowledge and Wisdom is flooding in so fast you cannot keep up with it!

                    Like a “I cant describe it well…but will Know it when I see it”

                    ps: I also highly recomend to stay far away as possible from ALL/Any books or interpretations manual books if written by ANY prior here named TV pastors like hagee et al, and that includes most All of em. especially if they label selves as “jewdeo-christian” or “jewdeo christian zionists” etc. Thats 100% total delusional materials.

                    Several good posters here have posted very informative replies on many various bible issues and can be found by look back at past articles at SHTF site forums…

          • There are no Christians, all that exist today is religious fanaticism, newageism, and liberalism. all the Christians died long ago.

            • BILLYBOB:
              You are wrong sorry to say.
              I’m a Christian. I’m not perfect but I try to live by the word of GOD and his laws. Not mans
              S.T.S.F.P. N.R. N.S. N.REB

          • I do not interpret Luke 21 as a pre-trib rapture philosophy.
            Just saying.
            I see it as saying stay strong; I’m coming back to get you; hang on and endure till the end..which is not really stated.

          • It seems to me that most so-called Christians are not following the written Word of Jesus or the Bible. I would agree, any one who calls them self a Christian, but accepts an implant, is not a Christian. I would go further as there many things against Christ which so-called Christians do, for example, enjoying most mass-media for which it depicts and supports things against God and Jesus, for example, violence and fornication.

        • +1 WaltK
          If they choose #2 they better bring body bags,

          • I’m with you kula. If it comes down to being a slave to a computer chip I will go out as I came into this world, KICKING AND SCREAMING WITH SOMEONE ELSE’S BLOOD ON ME! You never want to corner a dangerous animal because it can be violent and unpredictable.

          • KULA:
            I fell the same way. I’ll go down fighting, but I’ll fill a few bags befroe they put me in one.
            S.T.S.F.P. N.R. N.S. N.REB

        • The time will come when we all have to make a choice. Comply or resist. That time is here. Make up your mind which one it will be. It is unfortunate that it is happening in our lifetimes. However fortune favors the prepared !

        • Did you see the futuristic movie with Arnold Schwarznagger(sp?) about computer chips? In the movie, the government “turned people off” when they needed to…

          Problem is, the government has already chipped people and the idiots felt important to have it done.

          Also, I heard they were going to chip drivers licenses…maybe already have.

        • WK, I’m with you. they’d have to kill me after I’ve taken a few of them with me. No one is taking me alive for a FEMA camp, etc.

        • I suppose it is possible I could be implanted with a chip. Would be a waste of time though as I would be dead and I fully intend there to be a few other corpses scattered around me first!


          • They’d better plant it deep, or it’s coming right back out. I’ve had to stitch myself up before—I can do it again.

        • Is this part of Obamacare?

          • James Kirk, yes it is mentioned in the ACA, don’t remember what section, but if you look it up online, you’ll find it.

          • Yes, it’s buried in the fine print, towards the back…out of sight.

        • Dont know if anyone else said this but for me they have two choices also…they can leave me be or they can die…sorry but they dont get to off me…aint playing their game!

        • This is when Liberty or Death enters….for the masses. For most, it’s been the battle cry for a long azz time.
          Make no mistake….it will be accepted widely. Squishy so called Americans would rather die than fight.
          Tick tock serfs……..

        • You and millions of others. Leave us the hell alone!

        • Idiocracy predicts this, only it was a tattooed bar code, plus Electrolytes!

        • Just had a conversation regarding the erosion of out rights with friends today. 14 years in the military, four years a Chicago cop and I feel like I’m able to have an opinion on the state of our nation, and that state is we’re screwed. Take Chicago, for example. We have automatic red light tickets, speed cameras, and parking citations issued by unsympathetic DoR people, most of whom have troubled backgrounds to say the least. Our streets were pimped out by mayor Daley for 75 years to Laz yet we the citizens pay to maintain the very streets we are forced to pay a private company handsomely to utilize. With the inception of red light cameras, people said “oh no way” to speed cameras. Years later (2014), we now have speed cameras as well, under the guise of “protecting children from speeders.” At the airport I watched in disgust as an old lady was forced out of her wheelchair for a forced scan in those new machines, her body shaking as she fought to keep herself from falling. I see taxes upwards of 43% when factoring in sales taxes while I work in the ghetto with able bodied people who never had, nor will they ever seek, employment. To be voiciferous and say this is not right is to be called a racist. To be clear, I have no problem with public aid but if it is abused the way it has been is ridiculous, regardless of the color of the abuser. We accept these incremental erosions of our freedoms, financial, core amendment freedoms or otherwise. It is not right but we are all to willing to go along with this crap. Good article, bad reality.

        • Hail Satan!

        • Puuuleese
          Their is no ‘S’. On the end of Revelation !!!

        • If someone is willing to die to ‘force’ me to have it, i am willing to accommodate them!

        • you have one choice either decide to renounce citizenship and move to where there is no chipping or live here and abide by the rules

        • Blah, Blah, Blah. I’ll believe it when I see it.

        • We have 3 choices

          Give in
          Fight back
          Get out.

          I choose option 3 like my forefathers did
          in their times in Europe. Get out while you
          still can. The time of civil war is over,
          the Marxists have too much power in the
          developed countries now. Move to
          more favorable small refuge nations around
          the globe.

        • When they come to implant something in my body, they better bring a persuader. and I mean a BIG persuader.

        • You will be absorbed. You will know the bliss of being with the One, Landrew who looks over you all.

          Also called the government or New World Order.

          Thank you for coming and please enter the chamber for installation.
          Have a nice day.

        • Why not a 3rd option?

        • why not a third option?

        • Ever hear of the black market ? How do you stop that ? The Resistance Insurgency is getting underway. See: happenings in AZ in contravention of Harry Reid et al. Join the resistance. Don’t comply. Know your fellow resistors well. And yes, brew your own beer. Load your own bullets. Buy a gun. Lock and Load.

        • I’m with you. If they come to my door to force this on me, I will give them a few new lead implants

        • I have some lead-based implants for anyone that wants to insert these implants in me.

        • I agree with you!!!! In fact, could this be the Mark of the Beast?

        • I will never let this be in my body never.. This is to much like the Mark Of The Beast spoken of in the Bible.. God wrath will be on anyone that takes it.. Bowing down to the NWO is something I will never do..This chip is part of that order called CONTROL.. I am not a animal and I don’t need to be tracked like one..

        • I”d Like to Plant Something in Their Ass, but it will mostlt be Lead!!! SCREW THE NWO ….

        • Walt, better plan: How about 10,000 of your well armed neighbors stand with you and say, “Walt aint getting no chip and neither are we!”

        • I’m writing software that is going to help to this. What should I do?

        • I will not take it. It is the mark of the beast as written in the book of revelations. Be warned. Die for the Lord before they do that to you.

        • If the Feds can make you buy a product (ie health insurace) then I’m sure the Feds can make you buy an implant and ram it up an orifice of yours…

        • I going with plan B myself.

          Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

        • First we must get the PUPPET MASTERS (Rothschilds ,Soros ) …Then we must get the PUPPETS ..(Obama and administration ,Merkel,Hollande ,E.U. N.W.O.

        • Yet requiring an id to vote is racist, chipping people is what?

        • Yet requiring an id to vote is racist, chipping people is what?

        • They are ready to murder, do not doubt that so prepare to defend yourself

        • I predict there will be a black market for chip removal in the future!

        • Who in God’s name are the 13 downvoters??? Holy crap, I don’t understand that mindset.

        • My dog has a chip “its the mark of the beast”” he is a beast and its there for man to find him. But I do not need a beast chip, I was lost and Jesus found me, I’m not lost. I work hard, worked hard all my life… live paycheck to paycheck…the government is giving away too the witch giving away the apple…its coming folks, something horrible is coming. Revelations stated we will not be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast.

        • I’m with you. Live Free Die Free.
          If you don’t stand for something you’ll did for nothing.

          • If you don’t stand for something you’ll die for nothing.
            misspelled die on the last post.

        • Agreed.

        • The end of days. Anyone that thinks 24/7 monitoring is a good idea should spend a month or 2 in China.

        • They will die trying to chip me. I have 55000 rounds of ammo. Bring it on. My family of five can all shoot. Bring it and lose it!

        • Cut the chip out.

          Stuff it in a cats ass..

          Light cats tail on fire in dry field.

        • You poor dumb fuck

        • I’m with ya. We really need to start organizing, so we can execute these globalist scumbags.

        • Ditto

        • Yep. No mark or chip going into this body without a firefight. So phckoff.


          • If you were smarter, you’d pay more attn to the folks fingering these finger puppet, Holder and Oblabla.
            You really need to wise up if you’re going to survive…gluk

        • Pretty sure all those who signed for Obama care would be asked to have the RFID implanted under the pretense of, “we want to provide our citizens with the most realtime service. This chip will help us serve you better and cut down on healthcare costs.”

          Who could refuse to that ?

        • Yes, the same people that fight for abortion rights are the types behind this, taking away your right to choose the implant. Hypocrisy!

        • Good luck getting that enforced on everyone if they can’t even pass a law mandating people get a simple I.D. card to vote.

        • oh theres an option alright but most will be cowards when it comes time to die honorably. can u?

      2. I live in the woods for the most part, I brew my own beer, I make my own honey for mead, but in all seriousness…how can it be the “mark” if it is forced on us…I was under the impression you had to accept it. If it refers to Corp America as the beast and we accept the chip so we can use its stuff then maybe remember what the Hopi have said. Those who forget their Mother are doomed to die. At the risk of repeating myself EAT THE WEEDS!!!!!

        • 36 Ways to Reduce Stress

          1. Pray

          2. Go to bed on time.

          3. Get up on time so you can start the day unrushed.

          4. Say No to projects that won’t fit into your time schedule or that will compromise your mental health.

          5. Delegate tasks to capable others.

          6. Simplify and unclutter your life.

          7. Less is more. (Although one is often not enough, two are often too many.)

          8. Allow extra time to do things and to get to places.

          9. Pace yourself. Spread out big changes and difficult projects over time; don’t lump the hard things all together.

          10. Take one day at a time.

          11. Separate worries from concerns. If a situation is a concern, find out what God would have you do and let go of the anxiety. If you can’t do anything about a situation, forget it.

          12. Live within your budget; don’t use credit cards for ordinary purchases.

          13. Have backups; an extra car key in your wallet, an extra house key buried in the garden, extra stamps, etc.

          14. K.M.S. (Keep Mouth Shut). This single piece of advice can prevent an enormous amount of trouble.

          15 Do something for the Kid in You every day.

          16. Carry a Bible with you to read while waiting in line.

          17. Get enough rest.

          18. Eat right.

          19. Get organized so everything has its place.

          20. Listen to a tape while driving that can help improve your quality of life.

          21. Write down thoughts and inspirations.

          22. Every day, find time to be alone.

          23. Having problems? Talk to God on the spot. Try to nip small problems in the bud. Don’t wait until it’s time to go to bed to try and pray.

          24. Make friends with Godly people.

          25. Keep a folder of favorite scriptures on hand.

          26. Remember that the shortest bridge between despair and hope is often a good “Thank you Jesus.”

          27. Laugh.

          28. Laugh some more!

          29. Take your work seriously, but not yourself at all.

          30. Develop a forgiving attitude (most people are doing the best they can).

          31. Be kind to unkind people (they probably need it the most).

          32. Sit on your ego.

          33. Talk less; listen more.

          34. Slow down.

          35. Remind yourself that you are not the general manager of the universe.

          36. Every night before bed, think of one thing you’re grateful for that you’ve never been grateful for before.

          TRUST IN HIM

          • I think one of the hardest things to do on your list is to tell someone No…you want to be helpful to people but people (mostly myself) need to learn to say NO.

            • I’ll recommend a great book dealing with the subject of not being able to say no: “Boundaries.” It’s pretty good, written by Christians. Practical and helpful.

          • you forgot
            37. go to the range and blow some holes in some shit!

            • LOL! 🙂

          • When I was working, more and more tasks were put on me. Whenever I felt it was too much, I told the manager that it was too much and some of it needed to be done by someone else. The manager would then give some of my tasks to someone else. She knew I could blow a gasket any time and walk out. I worked there almost 20 years.

            • Archivist, I can relate to that. Especially if some black employees refuse to do anything and it gets dumped on me just because of race and gender. I don’t mind pulling my own weight; that’s how I was raised. But when I started saying I’m pulling ‘lazy black boys’ weight’ for them, well someone thought my remark was racist. I told that someone that’s how I view the black male employees because they didn’t make a good impression on me. Even the manager agreed with me ‘in private’. But nothing happened to them because of something called ‘civil rights’.

              • -NOTE to Braveheart-

                In their case (Negros)…its termed “SNIVEL RIGHTS”

          • Ky Mom, I already follow those guidelines except for #30 to some degree. the only people I don’t forgive are Haitians, especially the one who ran over my wife. I know, I know, we should try to keep our hearts free of hatred, but in my case no can do.

          • “7. Less is more. (Although one is often not enough, two are often too many.)”

            Kinda defeats the prepper mandates, doesn’t it?

            Maybe “7. Less is more. (Although one is often not enough, two are often not enough either.)”

          • As long as “HIM” is not the NSA and other N.W.O. filth…. My God is Jesus.

          • No.14 ….. I will be a “SHEEPLE” …. I will act for my Food .

        • Stew, Good!
          We are developing independent food supplies and trade networks to feed the free force (FREEFOR) up here in the free states of the American Redoubt. We aim to create a
          beast-free/leviathan-free/chip-free civilization post SHTF.

          If yawl don’t want to take “the mark” or want to be “dechipped”, head on up here or learn how to do it in your area of operation. For more detail, see the essays about the Rocky Mountain Corn project here: RockyMountainCorndotcom.

          • I’ll have a look thanx

          • Would love to move there…….

            Not enough work, at least good paying work and real estate is high compared to other places, like say the U.P where you can get 40 for 40.

            • U have a link for a deal like that?

              • I like an average of only 11 people per sq mile for when I get there, so I don’t want anyone else thinking about moving there….LoL

                Na, Craigslist has a lot of deals like that as well as land and farm dot com

                • sweet…thanx for the direction to start…me Imma troll near Ossineke on 23. would love to snag square up there even if just to hunt.

                  • dont be taken up good property just to have a place to come and hunt ya troll 🙂

              • Stew

                Lots of land for sale in the u.p. Some of it may have some lower ground on it but in my experience you can find lots of good property up nord. Bring your snowshoes.

                • Made my first pair this last winter lol.

          • P.S.
            Remember the episode from “Catching Fire” in “The Hunger Games” when the FREEFOR rescues Katniss Everdeen?
            The first thing they did was cut the chip out of her arm.

            Well, I don’t always use my K-Bar. We have Docs up here too. lol

            • a lil thought if “forced” to take chip , remove it and place under Band-Aid when needed lol

              • If you remove it and save it for later use, you could collect and also trade some of them.

                • People would start digging chips out of dead bodies and selling them on the black market. If you were a wanted man you’d just buy another guys chip and implant it instead.

                  • In fact, innocent people might get murdered for their chips.

                  • If they’ll kill you for your tennis shoes, they’ll kill you for a chip.

                • I’ve got 35 Cabbage Patch Dolls
                  ——– 5 Beenie Babys
                  —–35,000 Pokemon Cards
                  —- A sixpack of Billy Beer
                  and a host of other collectables
                  Willing to trade for New to slightly used Human RFID chips.
                  No PayPal – No Cashiers Checks and no shipping to Nigeria.
                  Thank You
                  — Miss Dee Dee

                  • That’s why the chip may be literal but not the “MARK” of the bible. The mark of the bible is spiritual, which is worse! This is rather easy to prove. A literal chip would be to easy to tamper with as is discussed here. A spiritual mark as indicated in REV is the mark of Satan to whose sold out to him. Read Rev 18:18 and then 14:1 you see the difference?

                    [email protected]

                  • Who with a chip was innocent?

          • And will this be the result of not being chipped?
            The prepared binding together as a community?

            Prep, Pray, and Prep more.

            • At least until someone snitches the community out and they send in the stormtroopers, like Ruby Ridge or Waco…or the rajneeshi’s for that matter.

        • “how can it be the “mark” if it is forced on us…” Good point Mr. Pedaso!
          Not being allowed to buy or to sell unless one takes the mark will be strong coercion to receive the mark. In a manner of speaking one could claim it was forced on them. But, they won’t hold you down and make you take it against your will although you will be considered a pariah if you choose to refuse it.

          Choosing to reject or accept the mark of the beast will be the toughest rock and a hard place some have ever found themselves in. Especially those who have been counting on a “Pre-trib” rapture to save them from any need to prepare for worse alternatives. Those who believe in a “Pre-trib” rapture, don’t believe they will ever be faced with the decision to accept or reject the mark, because they are supposed to be gone. That will make it extra hard to refuse it, when they find they are still here and accepting it will be the only means they have to continue to buy and sell.

          “And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, Revelation 13:16

          I personally believe the claim that the RFID chip is the mark of the beast is a red herring for these reasons:
          1). an RFID chip like a social security number is values neutral. It doesn’t care if you live a righteous life or love indulging in debauchery. The RFID technology is like a firearm in that it can be used for good or evil depending on who is behind the trigger so to speak.
          2). Revelation 13:16 clearing states that “the mark” will be on the right hand or forehead. Instead of allowing them to place the RFID chip on their right hand or forehead, a person simply has to state that they have serious religious concerns about those two locations and they would simply prefer it to be placed in their left buttock or some other location besides the right hand or forehead. The RFID chip won’t care and will still function properly even if it is not on the right hand or forehead.
          3). The bible says “… “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand,” Revelation 14:9 So, many who take the mark will worship the beast and what the mark signifies. Many will be proud to display the mark that shows their allegiance to the beast. So, I believe there will be more to what the beast and his mark entails other than just a practical need to continue to enjoy the convenience of the corporate world, e.g. ability to shop at Home Depot or anyplace else that won’t want your money if you do not take the mark.

          You can find practically an endless amount of arguments for what or who the beast or the mark is; from the RFID chip to Nero, the papacy, or Islam, but everyone should consider this linked short article: Is it “666 or χξς”

          For those who read and know their Bible and love Jesus as their Lord, there will be no doubt that accepting the real mark of the beast, whatever that may prove to be, will be like purposely spitting in the face of Jesus the Man from Nazareth, and all He signifies.

          “But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved. And, this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:13&14

          p.s. Previously I have long believed that the implementation of the mark of the beast would require a cashless society and technology like the RFID chip to make it happen. But, I no longer believe that based on resent examples in our news. Those who worship the beast will be fanatical, and they will hate you for not also worshiping their precious beast. “Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. Matthew 24:9
          “The Criminalization of Christianity” by Janet L. Folger can shed more light on the matter for those who want it spelled out more clearly.
          “Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.” Ephesians 6:13

          • Wild Goose, that’s a very interesting analysis you give and nothing in it I can dispute.

          • You know what the difference between a “pariah” and a “piranha” is?

            A pariah slinks off into the shadows, alone.

            Piranhas school together and bite back.

          • Agreed the mark of Rev is NOT likely literal. It has to be spiritual. It would take too long to explain why I believe this. The spiritual mark is binding and fits the scriptures a literal one does not. [email protected]

            • Also this is not to say there will not be a literal chip waiting for human beings to be implanted in fact I think it is going to happen. The implantation is probably going to happen but it is the one of the bible without question NO!

              You just have to think it through. Read the scripture. Its says ALL small great rich poor…
              Does that mean all-its say ALL. The do bushmen in africa recieve it? a new born baby?
              What about someone in a body cast?
              Plus the chip can be tampered with taking out traded sold etc. I could go on and on.

              The mark or Rev is spiritual and believe me spiritual is worse! Well its time to church Ill check in later.

      3. Scary days ahead….

        • A couple key verses are missing from this article:
          A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and its image AND receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb.”
          – Revelation 14:9-10

          One cannot unknowingly condemn themselves. Satan cannot overpower the blood of Jesus on a technicality.

          • Actually? Kinda sounds a lot like he can given how that verse strictly reads.

            An adult has a choice. A 3 year old that they chip? How ’bout that one?

            I fail to see an exception made anywhere in there. Just like I’m sure there had to be at least 2 or 3 half-decent people in Soddom and Gamorrah before it got tactical-nuked. Didn’t matter. Collateral damage.

            Now, is the verse correct as to the consequences? Oh. Yes. Certainly at least in this life. Sucks to be that three year old.

            • I would have a hard time worshiping a God who would condemn a child, for an assault on his person, of which he had no choice or say in.

              He would still be innocent of “accepting” the mark. God judges us on our intentions as well as our actual deeds.

            • That’s why I’m saying.

              I believe there is a God. I also believe he’s not what I think he is. He’s not some guy or anything.

              Do I believe the Bible is correct on the consequences of actions, EVEN IF you’re just innocently ignorant (meaning, literally, having no idea… not the bad connotation of “ignorant”)? I sure do. God knows when I was a kid I bucked it enough to see first hand just how right it is. You and every one you are connected to will get very very VERY extremely horrifically bad consequences. It’s infectious too. Anyone dumb enough to stay in your immediate vicinity will become infected, just as if it’s a disease. This is why you see people ditching bad behaving people. It’s utterly heartless. And utterly NECESSARY.

              For all practical purposes, that tells me what I NEED to know.

              Making sense of it in terms of the whole “higher meaning” behind it is still utterly challenging (to say the least) for me.

              Then again you can’t get down on a… Being… for fictional situations that do not presently exist. I ASSUME (given what I feel about the infectious nature of bad behavior)… that He wouldn’t stop it, and those kids would grow up to be a-holes… and you’d end up with a society of a-holes.

              Then again I’m not so sure we’re not 90% of the way there already.

          • So far it appears their main plan to worship the beast and show allegience to it will be an acceptance not just of the implant chip id but to also accept Their new law system. And that looks to be what They call “NOAHIDE Laws” for the goyims. TWO seperate law systems…Noahide law for goyims(non talmudic judaics) and the talmudic judiac Law aka “Torrah” for the rest, aka non goyim jewish talmudic and zionists.

            And all the goyims only get to choose one. Thats the Noahide laws system.

            There is no such law system as noahide laws. But it does exist as reality in Their Minds. Theirs being talmudics minds. They are who invented that fable similar to the way they invented many other fables and Myths. And they Are working and planning fevereshly to Make noahide laws a real reality of nwo laws for all of earth.

            Its likley they are going to demand You first agree to Noahide laws first before they allow you an implant chip that will act as Proof you are “ONE” with the global new ager society of Goyim Kommies Cult.

            it cant be forced or it wont count biblically as the mark.

            But a new system of “Gobal NWO Jwo Laws” can be. or be required to recieve their Mark chip.

            Plus ALL Law violations listed in Noahide laws carries a mandatory Death penalty when convicted, and it is always Death By Decapitation!…Dont bible state Saints get heads cut off etc…It…All…..FITS! All of Their Past, Present and future plans perfect.

            Many current deluded folks everywheres today would do well to put away their Old testement prophetic verses or books for a while, and Read/Study what the enemys aka antichrists Books and other many vast writings state for a deeper look see into what Their minds think, what They desire, what They plan on doing.

            Because besides THE antichrist guy…ALL who Refuse to admit to Who Christ really Is etc are also “antichrists” as PER John the Apostle bible writer, and maybe Paul also(?)…Who or which group is the main opponents of Jesus Today?….And…Since they first learned of Who He was etc?….Who caused and Demanded His Murder?

            And who has constantly Killed off or Caused Others to assist in the mass killings of Christians ever since the Year…34 AD or so?(Hint whos group got Booted Out of jerusulem in 70 AD?…Bingo!)

        • Not scary, expected.

          You guys seriously couldn’t see this coming given cell phone tracking, onstar car tracking and the TSA essentially becoming people herders.

          It doesnt bother me because i am already sure if someone wants to track anyone in the usa down and find them, they can do it in one day, given all the technology that reports your activity today.

          Regardless of if this chip becomes mandatory or not, every person’s privacy in the usa is with 10 years of being gone. Your house will report your activity and what you’re eating and your job will know if youre not at your assigned station working,

          your kids’s kids will never know freedom unless they work on a farm.

          • good points lena,

            I feel that the timing could be more like ten months, instead of ten years though.

      4. This may be a dumb question, but: WHEN WILL THE COLLAPSE HAPPEN?? in a week? month? year? Any ideas?
        Thanks to all of you for all your help. You are all in my prayers. Jan

        • NAP – No one really knows, but if you are like most of us and have one ear to the tracks, you can see that we are several feet into it now. I expect that things will rapidly continue to deteriorate around us. Just try to prepare as best you can for when your “dollars” won’t be accepted anywhere (if you even have any!) and for when people become so agitate over the planned divisions by our Government that they lose it and the riots start. You do not want to be out hunting for food at that time. Keep in mind, as this Obamacare garbage deepens in our lives, that alone could trigger an all out collapse.

          Hope this helps!

          • I’m not a date setter by any means, however;

            After studying prophecy and TPTB intentions, along with many other indicators, for the past 15 years; I see the indicators ramping up and lining up exponentially.

            If there is any truth to the four blood moons prophecy, and i believe there is; we could see much tribulation and it culminating into a economical/financial collapse of society within the next twelve months.

            If, and it’s just that, “if”, things continue to worsen, we could see Antichrist come on the scene before summer 2015.

            “If”, the Lord tarries, and the “blood moons” along with the Solar Eclipses, just move us into a more severe tribulaton period; we could possibly see another 17 or 18 years of this messed up world, before the next set of four blood moons with a Total Solar Eclipse, before the Saviour returns.

            It is my opinion, based on studies, that the tribulation period started in September 2008. So, I will be watching with much anticipation for our Redeemer in September or early Oct. 2015.

            The most important thing is to be prepped as though you will see it happen at any moment. No one really knows when their time in the flesh is about to end, or when they will have a personal financial collapse, so it is better to be prepared, pronto!

            • I certainly hope Jesus returns as soon as you say!

        • @Not a psychic

          I believe the collapse will happen whenever consumer confidence is this whole fiat system is revealed. No one can tell you when it will happen but I put it to you like this.

          I have 4 tires on my truck, but I still carry a spare just in case. Thats my logic behind prepping.

          GOD BLESS Jan

          • My prediction is, it will come when it comes. I just need to be ready whenever that is.

        • It could happen overnight but most likely continue to be the slow descent into hell that it has been since ’08…
          For some it has already happened when they lost their jobs, homes and lifestyle. Others are hanging on by a thread.

          • The descent started much earlier than that. It just took a while to realize it.

        • June 16th, 2015.

        • June 16th, 2015.

          • 2042
            whites@49% LOL why the f*ck am I laughing?

        • Tomorrow, I assure you.

        • N.O.T.:
          I have no clue. I have been prepairing for it since 1974 or 75. That is why they call me a Prepper, back in the 70’s I was a Survivalist!!! I do KNOW that things are at the point of NO RETURN.
          Over 17 trillion in debt, a very small millitary, an inapt government, 50% entitlement population. unsecured borders, erosion of the constitution, government and the people turning there backs on GOD.
          If you add all this up it leads to a collapse of society.
          All one has to do is look at history and usually two or three of these thighs would bring down a nation.
          The U.S.A. has them all.
          Very sad rough road ahead and there is no turning back because we have burnt all the bridges except one.
          May GOD forgive us and help us through this mess.
          S.T.S.F.P. N.R. N.S. N.REB

          • If people are turning their backs on God, it can only be because you and your fellow Christians are not doing your job of fulfilling the great commission. If you and your ilk did you job and truly lived by your professed beliefs, the “turning their backs on God” would never happen. So, in short, live my your prepper mantra of personal responsibility and accept the responsibility for your failure and stop blaming others for your failures.

            • NC..
              You can lead a horse to water but you can not make them drink.

        • Not a psychic/Jan

          When “they” can no longer keep kicking the can down the road and they have to cut deeply into (or out altogether) what the “gimmedats” aka parasites take for granted. That’s when the riots will start.

          Bear in mind we can always be blindsided too – a massive and civilisation destroying pandemic is bubbling away in various forms – bird flu, SARS, MERS, Ebola – in various places in the world. There are plenty of nutcases – Iran, North Korea – who would love to nuke us and would if they could and to hell with the consequences.

          And of course there is the Russian Bear who isn’t real happy with the West right now.

          An EMP or natural solar flare could also stuff things up.

          I enjoy prepping. It doesn’t rule my life though. Still enjoy family and friends, hunting and fishing.


        • I will just say most here agree–IF you ain’t prepped, you best be starting!! 🙂

          • I just always come back to this one theme.
            WHY? Yep–why did I get up one morning and decide I needed to start preparing for famine, draughts, floods, aerosol sprays, Monsanto damaged foods, food riots, all the things leading to food/supplies scarcity?
            Was it online headlines?? Nope.
            Was it tv?? Nope–don’t have one.
            Was it neighbors’ urging??LOL. Nope.
            Then why?? and why your calling to store food and supplies??
            Was it a higher calling? Are we the intended survivors of this?

            Food for thought.

            • JayJay:
              Your questions Why?
              Well I really don’t know other than after my 1st son was born in 1975 and even more after my second son was born 1977. I told myself that they would never want for anything that they had to have to survive.
              I thought it was a father thing, but after the grow up I still will not let them want for anything they have to have.
              I have been bless, I have had some hard time and money was very short and I thought I was going to lose everything, but we never went without what we had to have to live.
              Am I ment to survive this crap that is coming at us or is this just what has to be done. Maybe it is both.
              If I don’t survive the preps I have I know will take care of my family and friends for awhile. If this my lot in life so be it, I know I did my part.
              I have a felling it just might be a higher calling.
              We all have a talent and maybe we are using it like we are suppose to.
              Now you can add that to your questions!:-)
              S.T.S.F.P. N.R N.S. N.REB

            • For me it was the couple of days I spent hungry, with no way to get anything to eat. I swore it would never happen again.

              • For me it was a book I read while my wife was pregnant with our first child. I vowed that I would do everything and anything to survive any event that may come our way.


        • I think the collapse will happen the summer or fall of 2015, but prices will really start rising by this fall so prep as much as you can before then.

        • Like the man falling off the 100 story building when he reaches the 75th floor: “So far, so good.” It’s happening all around us. Jesus said, “When you see all these things, lift up your heads, your redemption is drawing near.” Just be ready, because “at an hour when we think not, the Son of Man returns.”

      5. At what point do we go on the offensive? It’s getting close. Don’t you think?

        “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. … God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion; what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.” — Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, 1787

        • Very! 🙂

        • A.P.
          I thought I could smell burnt gun powder this morning.
          Yes it is getting very close.
          I do say that with a sad heart.
          S.T.S.F.P. N.R. N.S. N.REB

      6. This Microchip Implant will be the First Step in line, as you enter the FEMA Camp, and just before the 2nd step which will be a table of Sandwiches. Prepare my friends get your “I’m NOT Going to a FEMA Camp “Bug Out Bag” ready.

        • Free bag of potato chips, when you get chipped.

          I can see the lines form now. ;0)

          • O.O

          • probably throw in a coke and it’s a deal for some

        • my friend has one in his right forearm.. he is in the army and told me about it..
          I thought he was just messing with me, I tried to feel it, but couldn’t. his girlfriend says hes serious…
          he said its like a piece of rice. now I see this article, that chip looks a lot like a piece of rice..

      7. Something tells me they will have a very hard time sticking that in me

        how do i know this?, well…. its very hard to stick a needle in the arm of a man holding a .45 to your HEAD!

        • VRF–what if we don’t know??
          Which is why I refuse to have a vaccine/shot of ANY kind.
          When Gene had his second seizure, his nurse completing his paper work after getting settled in his room asked if he had his vaccine—I asked what she was referring to–and she said flu shot—I..went..ballistic…on her.
          And stated if he had any sort of injection/vaccine there would be a law suit they didn’t want.
          He’s 65 and never had the flu and never had a flu shot.
          End of story.
          And I drill that in Gene for me also.

          • Yes, I do know he had injections during carotid surgery.
            Nothing I can do about that.

          • I think I’d be looking at every injection I get from this day forward..its small but not microscopic #1 the needle would be a lot larger in diameter than usual , #2 I think you’d see it in the fluid of the needle

            maybe its time to start asking “Is that all thats in there doc”? because if not sure dont want to get sued now would you?

            come right out and tell them..if you stick anything in me other than that medicine..I’ll kick your ass and all of your help

            Like I said before..its very difficult to be the boss over someone holding a .45 to your skull telling you you better behave

      8. There are 2 types of people out there. Those who just want to be left alone, and those who just won’t leave you alone.

        • And many times the latter is also the former.

          They’re generally called “hypocrites.”

          Down here we usually call them Damn Yankees.

          • nuff said


            • Not all Yankees are Damn Yankees, fellas.

              A whole lot of them have a better head

              than that. For many, being from the north

              is only a matter of geographical birth.

              • I know what you mean, Mich. I was born in the North (Dallas). I got down here in the Big Thicket as soon as I could, just the same.

          • Damn LIBERAL – PROGRESSIVE Yankees. You were only two words short.

          • …some of my best friends are yankees….then theres them damned ones…they generally work for the govicorp….

          • Good night man! Do you have to try to divide the majority of us in the North from believers in the South who basically have no idea what war you’re still trying to fight? Can’t we all stay together with a few opinions without infighting over who won or didn’t win the Civil war?

      9. We are Borg. You will be assimulated!

        • That’s exactly what this nonsense feels like. Thanks for the laugh.

        • No doubt, FF.

      10. I believe this will be used as a security measure in merchant transactions. Zombies will take the chip after being fed the concept of identity theft and loss of card data. PCI (payment card industry) will require these types of payments due to the data breaches like target.

        Remind anyone of the mark of the beast??? I need not type threats but I assure you that me and my family will not accept this evil control chip from the NWO.

      11. Not going to happen. No way.

        Try to implant me or mine with that chip, and I’ll be doing a little implanting of my own. I can guarantee my implants will be moving a lot faster.

        KySSG . . . out.

      12. What a Hoot!

        Hackers will then have me as:

        White Caucasian of African American racial race

        Born in 2020 with the same eyesight

        No know rights from the 1st through 10th amendment

        No knowledge of the list of the thirty-three amendments to the United States Constitution

        Does not have any representative, relative or person that cares

        Actively questions – What is congress for? Who am I? What am I here for?

        However, does know what TP is for and knows how to use it

        Is able to vote six times after death

        With the new dildo implant, will vote six times before birth

        Y’all Beware! Keep some Neodymium magnets handy.

        • and you can get neodymium magnets from a computer hard drive…desktop 3.6 inch is the best bet because the magnet’s bigger than the laptop sized ones.

      13. Do you ever wonder if everyone else is seeing the same thing on their screen as you are. Question! Right below where it say’s Comment (#) Join the discussion. does your screen show a Amazon Add of a Book By Tom Hutto titled Touching the Wild. The reason for my question is that I made a comment about his book The Light in High Places a few days ago and I’m wondering why this add is on here, and if I’m the only one seeing it. I’m not promoting his books, just wonder about these invasive things we call computers. Trekker Out. Wonder Who’s Watching!

        • not on my screen

          • MT; “who’s watching”… they all are watching. the .gov, the vendors, mac (no offense mac). You can’t be online without someone knowing.

            My screen shows an ad for metlife. And shocker… I just renewed my life insurance last week. Coincidence? Nope.


        • Nope – mine is a Victoria Secrets ad because it’s the last thing I did on the Internet purchase some underwear. They are tracking your searches and interests and giving you ads to match! They know what you’re up to! They follow you everywhere!

          • I’ve got just two words to remind everyone that there are no boogymen, no NWO conspiracies, no Big Brother:
            EDWARD SNOWDEN. A 29 y/o contract employee walks out of NSA HQ with all it’s secrets-REALLY! It show that these morons couldn’t find their own asses with two hands and a flashlight, then they sure as hell aren’t going to be able to track 330 million people when they can’t even spot one kid stealing from right under their noses. It’s all smoke and mirrors like the Wizard in the Wizard of Oz. They (TPTB) want all of us to think that they know and control everything. It’s all a con game and now they know we know is all bullshit. Snowden walks out free and clear with everything, a rancher in Nevada and his friends chase off armed government thugs, gun owners in Conn. and N.Y are refusing to register their guns by the tens of thousands, and millions more are just not signing up for Obama Care. The dam is cracking all over and these folks who wants us to think they are in charge know that they’re loosing ground every single day. So no one is getting chipped unless they’re hardcore welfare recipients. They are terrified of us and what WE may do. I think they’re prepping themselves and finding places to hide and ride out the coming chaos because they all know that they’re on a short list of traitors to this Republic.

        • not on my screen–guess you are being tracked 🙁

          Back to the garden. Southern middle tennessee is just right for planting at the moment.

        • yup,noticed it right next to the Viagra ads!

        • Whatever you looked at recently on Amazon or other websites is what is chosen to advertise to you.

          • I use “hidemyass” software, so they can’t track me if I don’t want to be followed by ads. Firefox also has an add-on called “https everywhere.” HTTPS Everywhere is a Firefox, Chrome, and Opera extension that encrypts your communications with many major websites, making your browsing more secure.

            Here’s the EFF dot org download link


          • IL mom,
            Correct you are. I had been looking for a new vehicle thus visiting Automobile WebSites. Low and behold I have been swamped with Car advertisements as lately.
            — I think I will look on line at some butcher shops.
            I’m going to query ” Beefcakes ”
            Take Care,
            — Miss Dee Dee

        • i see a add for ILBE backpacks and surplus
          the adds change depending on what you have been lokking at ( gotta love them cookies)

        • Hey Thanks to all for your input. Seems we’re really under surveillance from all directions at all times. But it is kind of suprising how some things are put together buy those that would snoop in our lives. I have gone to various sites and catalogs and have never had them to come up on SHTFplan adds. But when I did a search on a certain site and then made a comment on SHTF, I get a add on my screen from that company. Very interesting! Seems our comments pack even more importance than we know. Trekker Out. Big Brother & Who Else!

        • @MT, Google, Yahoo, your ISP et al track ALL of your interactions on the web. They have very sophisticated programs that analyze all of your emails, comments, clicks on other ads, clicks on news articles and a lot more that then “push” similar ads at you. Once you log on to the web, unless you are using an anonymous browser, like Tor, you’re being tracked, analyzed and sold to. Just a fact of electronic life these days. If you don’t want to see ads use Ad Block Plus and Ghostery. They’re both free and mostly “fire and forget” types of software. Ad Block does just what it says, blocks almost all ads. Ghostery disallows the loading of tracking cookies from any website that uses them. With Ghostery, blocking is not automatic. You need to go into it periodically and turn any “new” trackers added to the list by Ghostery’s auto update feature. Happy surfing.

          • Excellent advice Navy Vet. Those are exactly the two extensions I use with my browser to block all the crap.

          • Thanks for the Intel Navy Vet. Much appreciated !

          • I don’t mind the ads–I just ignore.
            But what does bother me is the ‘to the side’ vids that start playing when I visit a site and I want to read–not wake Gene!!

            How to solve that??

        • The ads are based on the cookies that are in your browser MT. You gotta turn them off or clear them when you shut down your browser to prevent them from targeting whats recently been on your mind. If ya need some help, lemme know.

          • For Firefox, there’s an add-on called self-destructing cookies. It makes cookies, well, self-destruct after you leave a page. Saves some time from manually deleting them.

        • Just you buddy, it’s called IP tracking.

        • Close your browsers and run CCleaner several times a day. Also, open up a blank browser and type in “about:config” in the address area, press return then type in “javascript.en”. Leave that browser open and everytime you get an annoying ad you can quickly turn off javascript by double clicking on javascript.en. It comes in particularly handy when surfing through multiple news sites. Just leave javascript turned off unless you want to interface with something then turn it back on and refresh your browser. Of course, nothing is perfect, but it beats all the annoying ads that incessantly blink all over the page and it will stop all the movie ads that automatically start when you are trying to read. I usually turn javascript off unless I want to post a comment or vote like or dislike, then I’ll turn it back on. It makes for a much more pleasant surfing experience. Just saying

        • It’s a “designer” ad that caters to your browsing habits. They bug you to death until you buy the damn thing or search for something else which then will follow you around like the previous product. You can disable by clicking on the ad info and following the links. Pain in the butt. What can I say.

        • On my screen there was an ad for prepper food supplies. I have never bought anything prepper online. The only real “prepper” food supplies I have ever bought was a case of MREs over 15 years ago for cash.

          The ads may also take into account the YouTube videos you watch.

          • Maybe it’s because you are on a prepper website? just maybe?

        • I just downloaded atlas shrugged from barns and noble….that’s what all my ads a for..

        • No ad showing on my computer, but I’ve had the same thing happen with different books or other merchandise. I ordered heirloom seeds from one site, and ads for more followed me for over six months. They were usually showing at the side of the page, though, so the placement you’re seeing is odd…..

        • This is happening because your internet activities are being monitored by, not the NSA, but by businesses such as Amazon so they can target you with marketing to attempt to get you to spend money with them. A mark of the beast is not needed when you surf the internet, use assorted customer loyalty cards and use credit cards or debit cards. All these items provide data about you for marketing purposes. Why the uproar over NSA spying when corporate America is much more intrusive.

          • The sad thing is even after you buy that dehydrator, the ads follow you for weeks.
            So, if the computer memory is sooo damn smart–why not know you purchased it??

        • MT
          You need to install AdBlock Plus. Then you wont have any of those user specific ads.

        • MT

          According to anonymous you had better buy some undies from Victoria Secrets. May be better than a book..

          I’ve noticed what your saying quite a bit. I was looking for a multimeter on line several days ago. Now all my ads are from companies selling them.

          I’m sure Amazon knows what I want before I look. Probably not good but I’m not changing what I do because of it. Fuck em.

          • Wrong, I’ve never played or even looked at a video game and I’m continously blasted with those video ad’s with all those little pixy looking girls, some look like they’re 12 years old. I sure hope I don’t hit the wrong button when I delete those ad’s off my screen. Would probably endup on some kind of child predator list. Same with the Victoria Secrets, you would probably be listed as a sexual pervert by TPTB.

      14. they are calling Bundy a Racist now , because he made the remark that he felt the Negroes would be better off with jobs or a skill, than to be enslaved by the government hand outs.( he did use the “pickin cotton” as a job so thats what set them off)
        Of course they skewed his words and MADE it racial

        well here are some of the Racists we have in political power and what they said

        We don’t need a history lesson to see how the Democrats’ fought against ending slavery and their well documented Indefensible, Pitiless and bigoted, hateful, Racist statements:

        Obama is “a light-skinned African American with no N…… word dialect, unless he wanted to have one” – (Democrat) Senator Harry Reid

        “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian Accent.”
        – (Democrat) Senator Joe Biden

        “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” – (Democrat) Senator Joe Biden

        Mahatma Gandhi “ran a gas station down in Saint Louis.” – (Democrat) Hillary Clinton

        “A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Getting Us Coffee” – (Democrat) Bill Clinton

        ” That’s all Hymie wants to talk about is Israel. Every time you go to Hymietown that’s all they want to talk about.” – (Democrat) Jessie Jackson

        ‘It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.’ – Barack Obama

        “The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t. But she is a typical white person…” — Barack Obama

        ‘I ceased to advertise my mother’s race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.’ – Barack Obama

        ‘I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s race.’ – Barack Obama

        ‘There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.’ – Barack Obama

        • What! Bundy is a racist?! What a suprise…not. The ONLY suprise is that, it took this long for him to be labled, tar & feathered with the charge of racism. I expect Bundy soon to be called a sexist, homophobe, islamaphobe, hater, mean spirited, nazi, wants people to breath polluted air, drink polluted water, a climate change denier. So evil that he eats meat, wants to strave children, throw little old ladies into snow banks to freeze to death cause their social security money was taken away from them to be given to Republican rich fat cat CEOs. Oh yeah he hates cute puppies and kittens.

          I pray for a guardian angle to protect him and his family. May his enemies get every thing that they deserve. Muwahahaha.

          • Yup, as soon as the BLM & FBI goons backed down, there was no other choice. The racist, homophobic, sexist white male attack machine had to be cranked up. I bet if you listen to NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSN, they will be parroting the exact same phrases from network to network. They all get their talking points and marching orders from the White House.

            • Yes, leave it to the ‘tribe’-controlled corporate media to spread the usual anti-white propaganda.

              • Here was my response when I saw the first article this morning. My intention on an open blog was to appeal to the sheep…I realized that I wasn’t on SHTFplan where people think more alike.

                “They are trying to change the focus from the illegal land grabs and the complicity of Nevada Senator Harry Reid, to a race war against a man for his not-very-articulate ponderings.

                SCREW HARRY REID. First he called us domestic terrorists, and when that didn’t get much traction, he found the race card. Harry Reid is a “POLITICAL TERRORIST”. He uses his authority as a U.S. Senator for profit and financial gains, stomping on the rights of his own constituents in the process of lining his own pockets. HARRY REID IS ILLEGALLY SELLING OUR PUBLIC LANDS TO CHINESE CORPORATIONS.

                THAT IS WHERE THE FOCUS NEEDS TO REMAIN. Don’t let them play us for fools.

                Do I need to remind everyone, including and ESPECIALLY Mr. Rand Paul, that THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY TRIED TO DO TO HIS FATHER. As soon as Ron Paul looked like a viable presidential candidate, they pulled the race card on him. They had to dig real deep and twist real hard, but they did it. When that didn’t work out as well as they had hoped, they busted out the family death threats, and Mr. Paul stepped down as a candidate. Mission accomplished.


                Every single gay, LBGT person in this country should be up in arms over this. They are trying to use a person’s own thoughts to take away his rights. You should remember all too well, the persecution of people with different views. They tried to deny you your freedom, using the contents of your own hearts — until you finally stopped apologizing for who you are and how you choose to live.

                As for African Americans — when are you going to say enough is enough? When they didn’t like rap music, especially “gangsta rap” they used your race against you. They tried to keep you from expressing yourselves through your music. Now they are trying to use your history as a tool, to take away the rights of others. THEY DON’T OWN HISTORY, AND THEY DON’T OWN YOU. So stop letting them use you when it fits their purpose.

                STOP LETTING THEM USE US AGAINST EACH OTHER when they feel like it…”

                • So, what are you saying?
                  Are you a lesbian?

                  • No. What I’m saying is that TPTB are using us against one another for their own ends, and it has to stop. Everyone has their own plight and the constitution guarantees that they may pursue their lives as they see fit, as long as they don’t harm others in the process.

                    I’m saying the personal preferences of other people, are none of my business–nor are mine, theirs.

                    I’m pointing out that the TWO BIGGEST WEAPONS that are being used to divide and conquer WE, The People, is race and sexual preferences.

                    What I’m saying, to a mixed audience, is that we need to stop allowing them to goad us into rising up against each other with a war of nothing more than words.

                    Sometimes it’s not the message itself, but how you present that message that determines whether it will be accepted or not.

                    When speaking to the masses, you have to learn how to communicate with sheep.

            • Funny how none of the Bundy affair was News worthy to the Pravda News Media ( ABC, CBS, NBC & CNN) when the Patriots backed down the FEDS, but now that they have determined he’s a racist, we’ll hear about it on every network. But that’s the way it will always be, anytime someone takes a stand against TPTB, thats the reason the sheeple are so easily led. There has only been one perfect human on this earth and that wasn’t one of us. So if and when any of us take a stand, they will always be able to use a smear before they attack. I saw that at Waco, and made the statement to my fellow works that the raid was going down, the day before the Feds made their raid, it was blasted all over the Media “Koresh is a Child Molester” sure made the killings alot more palatable to the general public. Trekker Out. Si vis pacem, para bellum!

              • What I want to know is, what they said to Bundy to get him to say something they could use. Bundy isn’t a politician who automatically screens his thoughts for PC. He’s a real person who says what he thinks without self-censorship.

            • Bundy did open his mouth, no one to blame but himself. He didn’t stay on message.

        • If Bundy is a Racist, then so too was President Abraham Lincoln a Racist. Here are some of Abe’s Quotes RE: Slavery

          “Free them [blacks] and make them politically and socially our equals? My own feelings will not admit of this . . . . We can not then make them equals.” (CW, Vol. II, p. 256).

          “There is a natural disgust in the minds of nearly all white people, to the idea of an indiscriminate amalgamation of the white and black races” (CW, Vol. II, p. 405).

          “What I would most desire would be the separation of the white and black races” (CW, Vol. II, p. 521).

          “I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and black races . . . . I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong, having the superior position. I have never said anything to the contrary.” (CW, Vol. III, p. 16).

          “I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races . . . . I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people . . .” (CW, Vol, III, pp. 145-146).

          “I will to the very last stand by the law of this state, which forbids the marrying of white people with negroes.” (CW, Vol. III, p. 146).

          “Senator Douglas remarked . . that . . . this government was made for the white people and not for negroes. Why, in point of mere fact, I think so too.” (CW, Vol. II, p. 281).

          Until His Dying Day, Lincoln Plotted to Deport all the Black People Out of America
          “I have said that the separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of amalgamation . . . . Such separation . . . must be effected by colonization” [to Liberia, Central America, anywhere]. (CW, Vol. II, p. 409).

          “Let us be brought to believe it is morally right , and . . . favorable to . . . our interest, to transfer the African to his native clime . . .” (CW, Vol. II, p. 409).

          “The place I am thinking about having for a colony [for the deportation of all American blacks] is in Central America. It is nearer to us than Liberia.” (CW, Vol. V, pp. 373, 374).

          Lincoln must have been referring to Chicago!! lol

        • Those comments Obama makes about his Mum are VERY disturbing.

          I never trust a man who has a poor relationship with his Mum – invariably they turned out be disturbed individuals. Even toddler lads won’t tolerate outsiders criticizing their Mummy’s. It’s an almost primeval instinct in a normal well-balanced human being.

        • Who Caused all this Kommie Racist crap to happen?

          ISRAEL COHEN (1912)

          “We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”

          Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957

          Isreal Cohen was in 1912 era the MAIN Kommie party Head Honcho in England at that time. Seems his jewdeo kommie Racial Plan for america has worked as intended and in Spades eh!

          PS His “Process” consists of Promote whitey women to marry Black Men, make “beige” babies together…Then once that Final Group of only whites that still remain(like Noahs family aka remained Pure in their Race and dna etc) Die Off…Only NON whites shall be left to continue on and make new generations to keep forever Serving Our Master Race tribe(jewish/zio/kommies) as Our Slave worker groups etc……Some Book eh! kommies like israel cohen Never rest, Never stop, never sleep and only One major method exists in truely Halting all of Their combined Evils!…I shall let You the reader determine what that method may be.

      15. Not gonna happen…..

        … from the rooftops will see to that.

        Three things that will push it over the top:

        — forced implant.

        — confiscation of pension.

        — confiscation or lock down of all our children.

        I can provide an implant for all who infringe on my Rights…….at 2100 FPS.


        • Roger that B.A.

          ^^^ to ya!

      16. Off Topic: More silver uses

        Genital Herpes
        Genital herpes is a virus affecting the genital area. Applying silver sol gel topically can help the outbreak improve more quickly. It should be placed on the genitals as soon as the outbreak occurs. In addition, drink two teaspoons of silver sol liquid twice a day. Daily silver use will also help prevent future outbreaks.
        Silver sol can be placed into the dental floss container and disinfect the floss that carves food off the tooth and gums. It also cuts into the gums and can cause infections, so pour two tablespoons of liquid silver sol into the dental floss container and use this disinfectant floss between your teeth.
        Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that destroys its function and can be caused by viruses or bacteria. It is very difficult to treat but silver sol can be used in high doses to be beneficial. Silver sol liquid can be swallowed 4 ounces a day for the first two weeks, and then swallowed two tablespoons twice a day for the next 3.5 months. This is a four-month attack on hepatitis. Gel can be used anywhere there might be contamination or transfer of germs.
        Several successful subjects have used the drugs interferon and ribavirin at their lowest prescribed doses in combination with this protocol of silver sol. The liver numbers were reduced to near normal in one month and back to normal in two months and symptom-free in four months.
        Human Papilloma Virus
        The human papilloma virus is usually what causes cervical cancer in women. To reach the cervix, place silver sol gel on a tampon and insert it for at least 90 minutes. Another way to affect HPV is to pump two ounces of liquid silver sol as a douche intervaginally. Hold it for 10 to 12 minutes before releasing. This will allow the liquid to have access to the cervix for a long enough time to destroy the virus.
        Immune Modulator
        In HIV patients silver sol liquid was used 1 oz. twice a day for four months and improved immune function an average of 40%. This means in an autoimmune and virus induced compromise, the silver sol liquid can improve the cellular number and reduced all symptoms of the AIDS patients. In normal people the improvement is less but the over protection is greater.
        Impetigo is a bacterial infection of the skin that shows up as blisters usually around the mouth. For prevention, drink one teaspoon of silver sol twice a day. If you already are suffering from impetigo, drink two teaspoons twice a day and, more importantly, apply the gel topically one to four times a day. By keeping impetigo moist with silver sol gel, it will spread less and improve much quicker. Since impetigo is contagious you will want to apply the silver sol gel to your hands as well in order to prevent contaminating yourself or others.
        Inflammation and Swelling
        Inflammation is almost always caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites, or mold. Silver sol can fight these causes. Drink two teaspoons twice daily and apply the gel to inflamed areas as needed. Sometimes an inflammatory response is found around an open wound like an MRSA or staph infection. In this case, spray the gel on the affected area twice daily.
        Itching and Scaling
        Itching and scaling can occur for a lot of reasons – bacteria, viruses, fungi, and allergies are just some. Regardless of the cause, dry skin is always a factor. Silver sol gel will reduce pain, inflammation, itching, and scaling. The gel can be applied to children and adults of any age. Silver sol can also be used to remedy poison ivy.
        Dr. Gordon Pederson
        Page 6 of 10
        Jock Itch
        Many men suffer from jock itch, or red, inflamed skin. If you live in a warm, humid, or tropical climate, you may have a fungal or bacterial infection that grows in the warm, moist folds of the skin, including the groin. Simple application of the silver sol gel twice daily should keep it under control. For more aggressive cases, it can be used five times a day. In addition, one teaspoon for silver sol liquid should be taken twice a day.
        Many people have precancerous lesions from sun damage on their shoulders, chest, and face. It presents itself as dry, flaky skin spots or small, reddened, inflamed areas on the skin for years before it becomes a skin cancer.
        Silver sol gel can be applied topically once or twice a day, and one teaspoon of liquid silver can also be taken twice a day. I have seen a case of keratosis remedied in as little as two weeks. Treatment should generally be followed for at least two months.
        Kidney Disease
        Silver sol passes through the body totally unchanged and does not produce harmful metabolites. It will pass through the intestines, bloodstream, kidneys and urine, producing anti- bacterial and anti-viral effects.
        To help kidney disease, drink two teaspoons four times a day. (A smaller person will use one teaspoon four times a day.) This high dosage is necessary because it needs to pass through the kidney on a regular basis. As it passes through, it will disinfect and help bring the kidney infection under control in as little as 12 hours.
        Leprosy is bacteria that have become resistant to antibiotics. In biblical times, it was the worst contagious disease in existence. Those suffering from it were quarantined to leper colonies. It may surprise you to know that there are still leper colonies today in Hawaii.
        Silver sol can destroy leprosy. By drinking two teaspoons two to three times a day and applying silver sol gel topically three times a day, you can fight even the most serious leprosy wounds. Lepers have been able to bring their disease under control within two days using silver sol.
        Leichmaniasis is a parasitic infection. It shows up just under the skin as a purple rash and raises welts and boil-like symptoms all over the body. Soldiers in Afghanistan have been suffering from this infection and it has been very difficult to remedy.
        The army hospital at William Beaumont Army Medical Hospital conducted a study on leichmaniasis, using silver sol liquid and gel. They found that the parasite could be destroyed by drinking two teaspoons two to three times a day. The gel should also be applied two to four times as needed. You can expect to see a benefit over the course of eight weeks.

      17. Feds Beg Supreme Court to Let Them Search Phones Without a Warrant

        American law enforcement has long advocated for universal “kill switches” in cellphones to cut down on mobile device thefts. Now the Department of Justice argues that the same remote locking and data-wiping technology represents a threat to police investigations–one that means they should be free to search phones without a warrant.

        In a brief filed to the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday in the case of alleged Boston drug dealer Brima Wurie, the Justice Department argues that police should be free to warrantlessly search cellphones taken from suspects immediately at the time of arrest, rather than risk letting the suspect or his associates lock or remotely wipe the phone before it can be searched.

        in my opinion
        A Supreme Court that grants warrantless searches of smart phones or warrenttless searches of anything is a Supreme Court deserving of the title Last Supreme Court of The United States!

        • If the SC approves this, they will all need to hang from the tree of Liberty!!!

      18. The way some prepper authors write, you have to wonder if they walk around their homes having panic attacks. (joke)
        Mac, Mac, don’t you think someone will hack these things? Carry fakes with them? Are they going to make a new form of TSA to verify them?
        Just like the home detention bands put on pets, there will be workarounds.

      19. OFF Topic again….don’t know if you all already know this…Eisenkreuz is haunting the daily sheeple….posters there are not happy….just read one post that said something like “Go back to SHTF, we don’t want you here….”



        • Sybil E. returns…

        • Too effin’ funny!

        • PKLL, thank you for the heads-up on Eisen. If he comes back on here, even under a different name, there will be hell to pay.

          • BH: 🙂

            ….although I do think he has made an appearance here under another name.


        • I saw that too. I guess his mom gave him back his computer privileges.

          • I was having such a pleasant day.
            Then the subject of Sybil / E enters my life.
            I could only recall How Sienfeld would say the name
            —NEWMAN—- whenever he would encounter Newman.
            —- Miss Dee Dee

      20. dems started kkk what does that say

      21. For the record, I aint getting one of these things implanted in me. If it is attempted, I’ll put something in theirs.

        • Eppe, if Sybil e. returns, there will be war.

          • Braveheart,
            I understand your hatred for Eisen but you must admit that the reason he left this site is because we all as a group ended the war on our terms.
            Take Care,
            — Miss Dee Dee

      22. Moo.

      23. Know what’s cool?

        When God drops you into a situation completely beyond your power to control, and the giant (human) asshole in charge basically says “comply or I kill your children in front of you”.

        So you comply.

        And then God telss you to go fuck off and die for eternity because you did.

        So yeah that.

        This is why I cannot believe in a “personalized” (aka, anthropomorphized… human-acting) God. Because I mean what choice do you have at that point but to call a spade a spade? What would you call a human being that did that?

        I have no doubt on the other hand that if you say “yes” and prevent your kids’ death in this hypothetical situation, reality will kick you squarely in the nuts. Of that I have absolutely zero doubt.

        It just helps me to think of God as… I dunno. The Deist philosophy isn’t quite taking it far enough. He’s like “blind laws of physics” or something.

        • The mean old man in the sky is better for controlling the peons. Been working for millenia.

        • TheGuy, when God drops you into a situation beyond your control, that is when you have to depend upon God. And you say, what would you call a human-being that would do this or that, therein lies the problem. Man is always trying to equate God to a human-being. Just on this site alone, we get a hundred different opinions on various subjects, boy wouldn’t it be great if God could be jerked around like that. I don’t think so! Many have given their lives for Christ, so us Christians may one day also have to do just that. Man can build a house or even somthing as complicated as a computer, but what about a Universe. Think maybe we better leave that up to God. Just remember life as a human-being on this earth is just a cloud shadow, but eternity is somewhat longer. Trekker Out.

          • Very Well Stated Mountain Trekker…

          • Believe me, I’d love to be convinced.

            I post something so incendiary to try to figure out what it is I am missing in this picture, because clearly I am missing something rather important.

        • Suffice it to say, Guy, that God is not a “thing” or an “object” that humans can think about the way we think about Santa Claus, or a star, or even a galaxy. He is transcendent, immense, and beyond our wildest imagination.

          Having said that, God has spoken to us in “baby talk” (as C. S. Lewis said, in so many words). He has told us that He loves us. Even though we all suffer in this life, we must have faith that God has saved us, is saving us, and will save us.

          • Nimrod:
            Very well put, you have nailed it.
            We will only know who the real GOD is when we are in his presents.
            S.T.S.F.P. N.R. N.S. N.REB

            • …in His presence ! presence–not presents.

      24. Good day everyone: Above the clouds, the Sun is always shinning. It has been clear to me and many millions of others that this is winding into a confrontation. NO MORE: Wounded Knee, Ruby Ridges or Waco’s baby killing Army Cag Delta /SAS Unit 22 having nothing but ‘blood lust”. The SOCCOM community is either with us/U.S. or against! This includes you “green bennies”, seal DevGrp. and any other units that think they are beyond the law. If you do, your final destination will either be a rope or a bullet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Some of us/U>S> wrote the unconventional books/ manuals and tactics when you were sperm waiting to run down your daddy’s leg.

        • Big Sal,
          Yep. Crimes against humanity.
          Did they use ropes at Nuremberg?
          Justice will be served. Nuremberg II beckons.

        • Big Salley

          I’m with you on that concern, when I left the community 10 years ago I would have said 99% were with us, today I can’t say the same based on some of what I hear coming out of the Special Ops community.

          Sadly I think we’ve lost 20% in a very short time, much of the problem and harm has come from our education system and the steady stream of propaganda.

          • y99-

            Yet the lowering of standards for the Q-course didn’t help either.

      25. Way O/T- but very disconcerting!

        I was home sick and sleeping in bed today when I heard a very unusual jet/turbine engine sound very low over my house. Being familiar with the sound of most commercial and many military aircraft engine noises it made me curious enough to go have a look. Turns out it was an MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor (U.S Marines and 58th Special Operations Wing of the Air Force are the ONLY operators of these at this point in time). The valley my house is in is only a bit over a mile wide, but he was easily doing 200 kts., then slowed down and transitioned to hover above the hire-wire lines about 300-400 yards behind my house, hovered for about 30-40 seconds, then transitioned to forward flight and did another high speed lap around the valley. We have ZERO Navy or Marine Corps air stations around here. We do occasionally have some Air Guard and Army Guard Blackhawks from the Salem airport do some touch-and-goes at the local municipal airport, but I’ve NEVER even seen a single Navy or Marine air asset in this part of Oregon before. Quite odd. And for those who don’t know what an MV-22 is…look it up. You’ll quickly see that they are totally unique and it’s not possible to confuse them with anything else. And it was painted Navy grey, just like you’d expect it to be. And this one had Air Force insignia on it.

        • MCAS Cherry Point might be missing one. I used to live in New Bern, NC, and an Osprey flew low over my house. It doesn’t sound like any other aircraft. It would seem to be inefficient and a waste of fuel.

        • I know The Prowlers are going road in 2019 up on NAS Whidbey and apparently, Marines been doing some new training up there. Is it possible they are getting MV-22’s up there? Whidbey’s got the room and as I understand it, MV-22’s have the range to get here from there…possibility?

          I reassigned from Whidbey to 32nd Street, San Diego in 1982, so I haven’t seen a gate grunt since 1984. I don’t know why they’d have to come down here, Washington has plenty of hills and trees. I’d figure they’d be training up on Adak or something…

          • This one was Air Force though.

            • There’s Lewis-McChord air force base and Fairchild AFB as well. McChord is the closest, I think.

      26. It doesn’t look like a microchip. It looks EXACTLY like an aquarium heater. It has a metal rod wrapped in copper wire to produce heat. And some kind of insulation at the bottom of the test tube to keep the glass from getting too hot.

        • They probably dont want to show you the real might not even look anything like that

          Or, is like that and the wound wires are an antenna within the capsule

        • Actually it is a microchip…an older model…Kathrine Albrect(sp?) is a lady who has fought this thing for years…talked to her alot back in the anti NAIS days…the tech has changed some in the last half dozen years but its still basicly what the pic shows….

      27. I’m with Wilson on not being all that concerned until they brought beer into the picture. :>)

        There was a thread, maybe in here, maybe not, where someone asked when enough was enough and violent revolution was imminent. I believe mandatory chipping would be one such breaking point, right up there with forced gun confiscation. Someone tries to force one of those chips into me or any member of my family, and they’ll need to bring a few body bags…one for me, and one for every last scum sucking bastard I can take with me.

      28. Disneyworld already is desensitizing people to this tracking with their new wristband technology. People seem to love it! It is so convenient! So I believe when they get the RFID perfected people will already be used to it and accept it willingly. Not looking forward to that day.

        • Unfortunately, I believe you are correct. There will be a significant number of people, possibly even the majority, who will go cheerfully along with it. I do believe, tho, that there is a large enough segment of society who will not, and things would get very ugly if such a mandate were attempted. If we see this kind of thing come to fruition, and a revolt doesn’t break out, then that would be a true sign that we are lost.

      29. Obama bans himself and most other DC politicians !

        President Signs Law, Bans Himself From Entering the US

        big surprise ???

        hell NO

        U.S. Rejected Offers by Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya to Surrender … and Proceeded to Wage War…_and_Proceeded_to_Wage_War/34719/0/0/0/Y/M.html

        and now the CIA
        is knowingly aiding the Syrian rebels
        who are either AlQaeda or who have openly said
        they favor AlQaeda

        CIA Is Quietly Ramping Up Aid To Syrian Rebels, Sources Say

        anybody got a playbook?
        I can’t tell who the good guys are

        • That’s because there aren’t any good guys in there.

          • Yeah sort of the Return to Castle Wolfenstein scenario… Nazis versus zombies. Who do you root for?


      30. O/T
        Anyone have experience with or can comment on the Ron Paul Curriculum? Positive or Negative comments from those familiar with the program are welcome. 🙂

        • Took 1-day FACL workshop, good info. One of the key folks from their winning campaign in MI on right-to-work led workshop.

          Enough info for our group to kick off drive to Stop Spraying AZ! Goal to make AZ legislators enforce 50 USC 1520(a) prohibiting DoD from spraying civilians with chemical/biological agents without their consent. We have been chemtrail-bombed almost daily here in PHX for 2+ years. If anyone wants a serious site on this aerial assault by our gov’t, check: geoengineeringwatch dot org

          • Following FACL workshop guidelines, we held our kick-off at the very corporate downtown PHX ‘Earth Day’ event with a pro bono exhibitor table.

            And, collected over 180 signatures in 180 minutes with 10% joining the fight to Stop Spraying AZ!

            With many states pushing back on many fronts, it’s time to stop taking chemtrail photos and start taking action.

            • Outraged in Arizona:

              It is time for us to get outraged in central Oregon. They are turning our blue skies to milky gray. Thank you for the link…..we are being poisoned.

              • POG,
                You are right, we ARE being poisoned. Aluminum, barium strontium, among others. Think Monsanto GMO, aluminum-resistant seeds, HUGE spikes in Alzheimer’s, autism, respiratory and neurological disorders…
                Al Gore, self-proclaimed Mr Environmentalist, declared on Ellen Show Feb2013 (see YouTube clip) that they’re spraying 90 MILLION TONS A DAY and that he thinks it’s ‘completely nuts’!
                So, if the geniuses back east cannot agree on merits/dangers of this aerosol spraying program to stop ‘global warming’ and there has been no Environmental Impact Study or health study done, WHO THE HELL DO THESE PEOPLE THINK THEY ARE?
                Time to get OUTRAGED and use their rules for radicals back at ’em…

            • Outraged….I have been filming the sky for the last couple of months to show my sheeple family and friends….they have sprayed like CRAZY today….amazing….how do I get involved? Our little town is sick and has been for about 6 months+. No one can get rid of the sinus and lung problems and headaches. All symptoms worse on heavy spraying days/weeks.

              I am to the north of you about 2.5 hours.


              • PKLL, Thanks for your comment, this IS a hostile chemical assault by our gov’t. If you want to join the fight to make AZ 1st state to enforce USC 1520(a) email me at: stopsprayingaz @

                We have flyers, dvd copies of 2 documentaries “What In The World Are They Spraying” (can see free online) and “Why In The World Are They Spraying” if you want to inform friends/family. Also, watch neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, MD on YouTube discuss ‘what chemtrails do to your brain’.

                And, if you get outraged as I am, I’ll send you hard copies or a pdf file of the (simple) AZ petition for signatures!

                • Yes, yes and yes….I just sent you an e-mail….


      31. This article looks far into a technological future that is just not going to be there. Soon there won’t be enough oil to support technological development much less mass manufacturing. The article is interesting, but moot.

      32. You are already being tracked, this implant stuff is so not needed. Cell phone, tracked by GPS or cell site triangulation. Passport, tracked via RFID. You smoke that chip, your passport is invalid. You are on this site? Tracked via you IP address assigned to you. Spoofing your IP? Tracked by MAC address of your network card. Using spoof software to “mask” this information? Tracked by the spoof software.

        People have already accepted this intrusion. Everything you do is tracked. Ads are targeted based on your browsing habits. Your food purchases are tracked. Banking and cash withdrawals are tracked. Try getting anything more that $500.00 cash from your bank. If you do, form is filled out and reported.

        So it makes me laugh when people say, “You’ll never get those trackers inside me!”. There simply is no need. We track you a hundred different ways from Sunday. We can track you from space. We can track you using other people’s cell phone in your vicinity.

        We like to watch. We are scared you, well you know, might do something to hurt yourself or others. Based on your participation on this site and others we calculate a 87% chance you will resist us when we come to take your (fill in the blank).

        • You can leave your cell phone home and use a library computer. They want to be able to track YOU, not your device.

      33. Hey CWinOr – haven’t had your bird here, but for the last 2 days we’ve had a pair of grey helicopters buzzing town. Definitely military. Late at night and daytime. Don’t know if they’re doing t & g’s, but they’ve been staying pretty low, even over the residential areas. Was too far away to see insignias, but have never seen the grey copters here before. Always Army green. Was commenting today that they were new to the area. Wonder what’s up!

      34. So what all are these chips in besides phones? Article says we are all carrying a few around or maybe I read that on a link someone posted above that talked about how to kill the chip?

        Anyone have real information on these? I have heard driver licenses have these in thenm in some states?

        We shouldn’t be doing the normal tough talk about how we aren’t going to alow this or that and bring body bags….ad nauseum! We should be talking about how to detect, find and destroy them or to counter this with our own innovative inventions. We are supposed to be preppers, and by now should be smarter and ahead of their game…..that’s what we should be talking about. We need to share information and knowledge, and less opinions and emotions…..just my honest opinion.

        • I don’t know about the chips being in phones, but they are supposedly in certain credit and debit cards, drivers’ license, and passports. Put it in the microwave until you hear a loud “POP” and that will kill the chip.

          • There’s no chips in any cards I own. I just examined my NC driver license and noticed some fun features. There is laser etching all over the face of it. There is a picture of the Wright brothers’ plane and a plan drawing. There are two NCDOT seals. At the lower left, there is almost microscopic print that seems to be about the Wright brothers. And across the top is a list of all 100 NC counties. I don’t know why all that text is on there and so small you can’t see it easily. There’s also a background picture of Cape Hatteras lighthouse. There are two bar codes on the back, one of them 2D, the other more like a UPC code, but no chip.

            All my information on the front is correct except for one thing. They left my race blank. So I don’t have a race anymore.

        • Sure, we should be smart about things, but AFTER you are chipped is not the time. My comments about body bags, which I thought obvious, concerned a forced implantation. Are you saying that you would just lay down and let them do it? What happens when you can’t disable it without physically harming yourself? What if you can’t get it out of your daughter without causing her harm? No, I’m afraid that some things will, and must, prompt physical resistance. If we get to the point that citizens are being forced to accept implanted chips, we have moved well beyond mere survival and prepping.

          • you misunderstood part of my post

      35. Peace be with you,

        Compromising with temporal powers can never lead to redemption. Most “Christians” have accepted the unrighteous code of the State, instead of insisting that the State follow the Laws of Almighty God. This article will examine the difference between the two. Between Law and force. The kingdoms of this world use force, for there is no love in what they do. Whereas the kingdom of God uses Law, for love is the fulfilling of the law (Romans 13:8).
        There is only one lawgiver (James 4:12). This one lawgiver is the Lord (Isaiah 33:22). Man does not have authority to make laws, but only the authority to make ‘ordinances’ which enforce Laws already in existence, which are the Laws of God. To obey the so-called ‘laws’ conjured up by the worldly governing authorities is to set aside the gospel of our Lord, and place oneself under a separate government, other than His.

        Bondmen of Christ are not citizens of any country on this earth, our citizenship is in heaven, and so our first loyalty is to God, not “our” country (Ephesians 2:19, Philippians 3:20). Ours is a better, heavenly country (Hebrews 11:16).

        Throughout the scripture, governments have always been the leader in bringing people to sin (Daniel 3:4-6, 1 Kings 12:25:33; 14:21-24, 2 Kings 13:2; 17:21; 21:11,16, 2 Chronicles 21:6,11-13, Isaiah 9:16). God condemned Israel for wanting to be ruled like other nations, by a human king (1 Samuel 8:4-5,20). When they chose to be ruled by a human leader, our Father considered that to be a rejection of Himself because He would not then reign over them (1 Samuel 8:7; 10:19). The people later realized their sin against God when they asked to be ruled by a human government (1 Samuel 12:19). Notice their kings never had any power to make new laws; nor did their best and wisest of kings make any, as in the cases of David and Solomon. And when a return to the ways of the Lord was made among them, as by Hezekiah and Josiah, it was not by making any new regulations, but by putting the original Law into execution; and by directing and requiring of the judges, and other officers, to act according to that Law.

        To serve an earthly king, or his government, is to serve other gods (1 Samuel 8:8-9), which is violating the First Commandment (Exodus 20:3). It is wickedness and a sin to ask to be ruled by a human government instead of God (1 Samuel 12:17-19). Our Father condemned Israel for following the statutes of their disobedient government (2 Kings 17:7-8). He rejected those who followed the statutes of governments instead of His Commandments (2 Kings 17:19-20). He specifically said not to follow the ordinances of earthly governments, but to follow his laws, ordinances, and statutes instead (Leviticus 18:1-5). Throughout the history of Israel, the majority of the kings of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord (1 Kings 11:4-9, 2 Kings 8:18), which shows that most rulers and governments are corrupt because of their carnal nature (Romans 8:7). The Jews eventually chose king Caesar over King Jesus (John 19:15). Those who do the same are just like them.

        The whole duty of man is to live by God’s commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13), not man’s commandments which turn from the Truth (Mark 7:7, Colossians 2:20-22, Titus 1:14). What duty is there to a servant of Christ except to fulfill God’s Law (Romans 13:8)? When we pray, we pray to do our Father’s Will, not man’s will (Matthew 6:10, Luke 11:2). God rewards those who place His Laws above man-made laws (Exodus 1:17,20). We are even instructed to avoid going to courts of law before the unjust and unbelievers (1 Corinthians 6:1-8). How incredible that the just would go before the unjust for justice! Therein no blessings are found:

        Psalms 1:1, “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.”

        The kings and rulers of the earth are against the Lord, and against his anointed (Psalm 2:2). Governments frame mischief and sin through their laws:

        Psalms 94:20, “Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law?”
        Isaiah 10:1-2, “Woe unto them that prescribe grievous laws and take away the right from the poor.”

        When a government is ungodly, and people trust in that government, then God will punish those who trust in that government and obey their laws (Jeremiah 15:4; 46:25, 2 Kings 21:11-12, Isaiah 9:16, Ezekiel 11:10-12, Micah 6:13,16). The people will be cursed for trusting in man (Jeremiah 17:5, Hosea 10:13). It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man and governments (Psalm 118:8-9). We are told not to put our trust in human governments (Psalm 146:3). We are commanded to “turn away” from those with certain characteristics (2 Timothy 3:2-5), and governing authorities possess most of these said characteristics! Governing authorities are “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away” (2 Timothy 3:5). So we are to turn away from governing authorities with these characteristics. They proclaim their own power (force), which becomes a ‘law’ unto itself. The law is made for evil-doers, not for the righteous (1 Timothy 1:9-10). Therefore, we are to obey God’s Law, and whatever laws that man creates are irrelevant to us.

        Esther 3:8, “And Haman (the highest prince in the kingdom of the Medes and the Persians) said unto king Ahasuerus (the king of the Medes and the Persians who reigned from India to Ethiopia), There is a certain people (people who were obedient to God’s Laws) scattered abroad and dispersed among the people in all the provinces of thy kingdom; and their laws are diverse from all people; neither keep they the king’s laws…”

        As we can see, God’s children were following God’s Law, which were diverse from the government’s law, and His children did not keep the governemnt’s law! When one reads the book of Esther, one will see how God protected His children when they followed His law and disregarded the government’s law. One cannot obey both laws, because one cannot serve two masters.

        Written by the grace of God by a fellow brother Richard Anthony

        • Great job!

      36. The Human Micro-Chip will make it easier for the Army to track their Human Worker Prisoners at the AKA: FEMA CAMPS

        US Army Regulation 210-35 – Civilian Inmate Labor Program

        Summary. This regulation provides guidance for establishing and managing civilian inmate labor programs on Army installations. It provides guidance on establishing prison camps on Army installations. It addresses recordkeeping and reporting incidents related to the Civilian Inmate Labor Program and/or prison camp administration.

        Applicability. This regulation applies to the Active Army , the Army National Guard of the United States, and the U.S. Army Reserve unless otherwise stated. During mobilization, the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management may modify chapters and policies contained in this regulation.

        Proponent and exception authority. The proponent of this regulation is the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management. The proponent has the authority to approve exceptions or waivers to this regulation that are consistent with controlling law and regulations. The proponent may delegate this approval authority, in writing, to a division chief within the proponent agency or a direct reporting unit or field operating agency of the proponent agency in the grade of colonel or the civilian equivalent. Activities may request a waiver to this regulation by providing justification that includes a full analysis of the expected benefits and must include formal review by the activity’s senior legal officer. All waiver requests will be endorsed by the commander or senior leader of the requesting activity and forwarded through their higher headquarters to the policy proponent. Refer to AR 25–30 for specific guidance.

        Many things caught my eye while reading this 34 page Army Regulation. A few random snips:

        Page 9:
        Inmates are not Department of the Army employees and are not regarded as such. Inmates must not be referred to as employees. They will not be paid from Department of the Army funds, nor receive any personal or private gratuity for work accomplished or services rendered. Interservice, interagency, or interdepartmental support agreements
        and/or memoranda of agreement with the corrections facility must not create any appearance of employment of inmates.

        Another page 9 goodie:
        Work performed. Work performed by inmates will not interfere nor conflict with approved projects for which resources have been allocated and funds made available for performance by contract or Army civilian labor force, or with work which can be accomplished within authorized personnel ceilings. The Civilian Inmate Labor Program was created to provide installation commanders with an alternate labor source to perform valid requirements. Civilian inmate labor does not compete with existing in–house or contractor resources.

        Page 10:
        Army military or civilian personnel may oversee the work to be performed by inmates or inmate labor details. Oversight is defined as telling inmates what they must do by specifying work to be accomplished. This oversight includes training inmates in performing assigned work, using special equipment, and safety precautions. Oversight also includes showing inmates the location of the work site and performing quality assurance inspections of inmate work to determine if the work performed meets quality, quantity, and timeliness specifications. Oversight may also include requiring inmates to sign time cards at intervals established by the Warden and/or Administrator of the local corrections facility. If an inmate cannot be located to sign a time card or is otherwise found missing from an assigned work area, Army personnel will immediately notify the local corrections facility point of contact staff supervisor and the installation military police.

        To view the entire version of AR-210-35 visit the following link:

        • WWTI, I already have that manual saved on my computer since 2010. Everyone should download it and read. Very chilling.

        • Sounds like they are going to be running it like “forest camp”. Inmates from the penitentiary are ‘loaned’ out and live/work off the prison grounds. If they mess up, they get shipped back inside the walls.

          • It looks to me that this program is designed to facilitate a prison work force far beyond the amount of the prison population now in residence. Besides that , The present prisoners are far more savy to the hierachy of work details. Whom do you think is going to get the most labor intensive and degrading assignments. The seasoned hard-core fellon or the new-bee Patriot that is incarserated for being ( just accused of or ) caught with prepping supplies and a BB gun for self defense. Remember we are all now guilty until proven innocent under the homeland security provisions of the new military code of law.
            Take Care All,
            — Miss Dee Dee

        • They mean “or everyone else will fight for us.”

      37. To TPTB.
        Like a suppository you can stick this up your A#%.
        I will let you put one in me when I’m no longer breathing.
        By the way better make your first shot count, because I know I will!

        If by some chance they do get one in me I will stick that body part in a Micro Wave for about 3 to 5 sec, and that will cause the thing to go POP. I do this to my FOID card and my DL, because they have Micro Chips in them.

        • Hello, Sarge, and my message to TPTB is the same as yours.

          • R.B.
            Got back from your area.
            Looks like we might have found some land. Looking good

            • Sarge, glad to hear it. You’ll love the South.

        • Hello Sarge,
          Thank you once again for your insight.
          It made me wonder if I can use your microwave solution to rid myself of these damm hemorrhoides.
          Just kidding – Please no-one use this advice at home.
          — Miss Dee Dee

      38. @CWinOR… MV22s don’t really fly; they just beat the surrounding air into submission. And you’re right, the sound they make is quite unique.

        • yeah….whenever they’re airborne it’s nothing more than a controlled crash-landing.

      39. you cant argue against biblical prophesy… Sorry

      40. Not a chance in hell!

      41. Slavery by chip. Not for me.
        I live by the motos: Security Through Superior Fire Power and NO RETREAT NO SURRENDER.
        I know I’ll be turned into worm food. We all have to go sometime.
        You can bet there will be a few that goes down before I do.
        GOD SAVE US!!! PLEASE!!!
        S.T.S.F.P. N.R. N.S. N.REB

      42. Military helicopters overhead in the sw burbs of Chicagoland…last several many evenings and nights….

        • Molly:
          Sgt. Dale better be on his toes and watching his 6 that not far from his neck of the woods!:-)
          S.T.S.F.P. N.R. N.S. N.REB

          • NR
            Been watching them before I went to Tenn. and they were all over. I just got back home on Tuesday and I haven’t seen in the last two days.

            • SGT:
              Maybe they think you are still down there, since fried your chips in the microwave.!;-. Now you have been posting on SHTF PLAN. They will be looking for you.
              I got your “6”
              S.T.S.F.P. N.R N.S. N.REB

        • MOLLY:
          Which burbs. I have one son that lives In Plainfield and one in Oak Forrest. I hope there not looking for the offspring (that devil seed) of the Northern Reb!:-). After all they are like there old man and boy am I proud of them.
          S.T.S.F.P. N.R. N.S. N.REB

        • Isn’t maudy frickets in the Chicago area? Haven’t heard from her in a while. Maybe she can provide some insights about the area.

      43. Not to worry. We’ll be blown to bits in WWIII, or starved to death in the collapse, plaqued, or shot by an over-zealous cop (officer safety) first. Besides, there ain’t no six sonabitches can hold me down long enough to get one of those things in me. Teeth and claws.

      44. No matter how hard things get, and no matter how tempted you may become to receive the mark of the beast, aka, the implantable microchip, do not do it. Absolutely under no circumstances at all. If anyone does, they will be damned to eternity in hell. Do not be deceived by anyone who tells you that this is not so.

        “9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

        10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

        11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.” (Revelation 14:9-11)

        • Amen Seer! Reguardless of what you believe, whether Pre-Trib, Post-Trip, Pre-millennium, Post-millennium, Christian, Agnostic or Atheist. Under NO circumstance ever recieve the Mark. You may oneday see things in a different light. Trekker Out.

      45. Probably something very like this was necessary to cause individual cells to give up their individuality so that they might be made into liver cells, skin cells, gut cells, blood cells. . . .

        Meantime, amoebae still exist, and bacteria in my (oh-so-sophisticated) body outnumber my bodily cells 10:1.

        The human equivalent of independent, single-celled organisms will continue long after the rest have been assimilated, Borg-like, into some uber-organism. The funny part is, The Powers That Be have no idea that they, too, will be so assimilated; they may think they will be the equivalent of “brain cells”, but:

        Me, I prefer being human as I know it — i.e., an “amoeba” or paramecium to the uber-organism to come.

        Oh, and consider a dinosaur. Then consider a bacterium. Which one is still around?

        Vive decentralization!

        • both.

        • Good post!

          Everyone should see this.

          TPTB are slowly killing Americans thru the one thing everyone needs…..WATER.

          See this video and remember what you are putting on those vegetable plants that you consume each summer.

          Ever wonder why there are so many cases of childhood cancers?
          Ever wonder why so many elderly have Alzheimers and mental disorders?

          It has been said that 50% of illness and disease could be eliminated by just avoiding flouridated water and enchriched white bread. What a concept!

          I haven’t used municipal water for cooking or drinking, in my home, for over twenty years. I haven’t had a flu bug or even a common cold, in over seven years.

          To eliminate all municipal water ingestion, a person would have to stop drinking all purchased beverages.
          Sorry, beer drinkers, that includes you also…. EXCEPT…Those that drink Coors or products bottled by Coors. I drink primarily, Coors Banquet beer in the bottle. It is only brewed in Golden,CO; and the water used for brewing comes directly from the underground aquifers around the plant. The same thing goes for their brewery in Virginia; it sits directly below the Blue Ridge Parkway, so there is no commercial runoff or waste nearby. How do i know this? I have been to the Virginia brewery in the Shenandoah Valley. I used to be a Coors light drinker until they started using the blue can liners. I called Bill Coors office amd talked with his secretary for about 30 minutes and got the low down. She was employed there for over twenty-five years, at the time, and was very knowledgeable.

          Anyways, everyone should own a countertop water distiller and give up the tap crap.

          • Pissin….I heard something about the blue liners….they are bad why?


            • I believe they are bad because they are made from chemicals that possibly leech into the beer. They are some sort of plastics/vinyl. I believe the alcohol may cause a quicker release of the chems. It’s just my theory because i started getting more and more headaches after they put in the liners.

              Not that aluminum is any better, it just takes longer to leech out and aluminum releases toxins at high temps.
              I don’t use aluminum pots or pans anymore unless they have a coating. Especially when it comes to deep frying.

              The can and liner thing is not an issue anymore since i only drink bottled beers.

              The toxic chemicals found in aluminum has been linked to Alzheimers.

      46. I won’t be allowing any implant placement in my body either. No injections from anyone besides myself. When I was drafted in ’70, and sent to Vietnam, there were about a dozen shots to be taken before departing. I evaded them all. Now receiving VA healthcare, they attempt to push multiple vaccinations on every visit, I refuse them all. This implant plan sounds to me like the vets will get the orders to be guinea pigs first, seeing as how they are the unstable terrorists since returning and realizing they served a pure evil government who really wanted them all dead soldiers.

      47. will never happen

        • For the majority, unfortunately IT WILL HAPPEN. As for me, unless THEY start “chipping” corpses, I will never receive the “MARK”!

          I can, do, and will accept whatever physical detriment associated with denying the “MARK”. Death is an absolute. How I approach/endure it is MY CHOICE!

          That will not change, “NO OPTION CHIP” or any other eternally meaningless threat!

      48. There’s a video on u-tube with Rockefeller and some deceased hollywood director Aaron Russo, in which the con-fab led into the world populations being {chipped), and if that person or family doesn’t comply with rules and regs, then their chip will be “turned off”. So this plan was inked long ago, and looks like it is ready for implementation fairly soon. It’s not the mark of the beast, but it will make you sick, so I will definitely pass!

        • Aaron Russo blew the whistle after Nick Rockefeller told him about the elite’s NWO agenda…thus, probably why he is now dead.

      49. There are passive implants (pets, farm animals) and there are active implants. Have been active implants for YEARS. They have been for the two legged animals previously… Red or blue.

      50. Hello everyone; been watching this site for years but first time posting. Love this site, it makes me laugh, gasp, ponder, and once or twice even made me blow milk thru my nose. Ha, but seriously…I am a nurse, and as a requirement for my job the Hospital required we have an annual flu shot. I protested, no way no how am I ok with injecting a substance into my body that I don’t want. It’s my body, my choice. However, if you want to keep your job you must take it. So what comes first, supporting your family, or standing by your morals/ethics. Year one, I took the shot, I totally betrayed my beliefs for the security of the job, to keep others “happy” with me.

        Very few people understood why I was being so “difficult”. Year two, I just couldn’t do it. I wrote all the letters, talked to all the administrators, made my case, and was totally humiliated. Was accused of not caring about my patients. But it didn’t matter, take the shot or quit, so I quit. Took a while to find a job in the medical field that doesn’t require you have a flu shot, but I did and I love it.

        The system is demanding we comply or deal with the consequences. Taking a stand for your beliefs labels you a nut. I have no problem believing that in the future we will be required to take “the mark” if we want to feed our families and be “good citizens”. We have already allowed the system to dictate so many aspects of our lives or deal with the consequences. what we eat, what we say, where we go, how we go, who we go with. It saddens me how many of the people have been conditioned to just go with the flow.

        I have learned how to grow my own food, preserve it, hunt it. I’ve learned how to care for my family using the herbs and edibles that grow on our property. Thanks to Mac and some of the regulars you have inspired me to learn, be vigilant, be ready, thanks for what you do. It helps me not feel so alone…..

        • Right on Molly Mo, thanks for sharing, these POS bureaucrats are coming up with all sorts of control stuff, I’m dealing with the realities of the Food Safety Modernization Act, its going to kill my farm as its been operating, so a more self sufficient life it is for me, make do with less or deal with compliance, wont be doing that so its going to be more beach time or hunting time and wayyyy less working the farm to sell time.
          Only kinda chips ill take in are corn or kettle cooked!

        • Molly–good for you.. I stated above how I told the nurse there would NOT be a flu shot given to my husband.
          I’m sure it was a hard call. But, they shot you once and maybe that was once enough.
          I am paranoid to the point I wonder what they do at VA to these guys during surgery–Gene had carotid surgery..
          I don’t think they would have let me in the operating room–so I let that pass!! 🙁

          • Hi JayJay, been a nurse for 30 years, and my policy is never, ever, let anyone you care about be in the hospital alone. Work ethics are so bad these days, and now it is all about computerized charting, so nurses rarely actually have time to care for the patient. Yes the OR is off limits, they wouldn’t be able to cut up (no pun intended) as much if family was watching. Hope Gene is recovering well.

            • MollyMo-

              Ever consider “bribing” the one who sticks you w/ a couple of 20s or a 50, to simply check the box/sign off…or whatever?

              …just a thought.

              BTW, welcome!

        • MollyMo, welcome aboard. I love nurses. I was married to one but lost her to a drunk driver. We’ll be glad to answer any questions you have about survival-related topics.

        • Hello and Welcome MollyMo,
          Being in the medical field for many years I share many of your concerns.
          As you have probably realized this site is the best place to have fun while learning about “Gloom and Doom”.
          Just trust your heart and instinct to filter information. That is true to any situation as you must know by the fact that you eliminated Flu injections from your life. I have learned much from the Good Folks here and I expect I will learn much from you.
          Take Care and once again Welcome Aboard.
          — Miss Dee Dee

        • Welcome… 🙂

      51. People need to understand the seriousness of this so called ‘technology’. If everyone is ‘chipped’ it won’t matter if you have a phone or not, you will be very traceable and controllable…even remotely ‘killable’. Both things TPTB want and are actively pushing.

        I had posted this quite awhile ago, so here’s a reminder of the evil that men do, coming soon to me and YOU.

        As usual, they start with our children. Innocent and unsuspecting (usually)they are the easiest ones to ‘force to conform’. Read about how bad RFID and tracking has gotten in schools and other places.
        h t tp://

        And how about THIS lovely RFID implant complete with ‘remote kill switch’ that releases CYANIDE?
        Saudi Arabian inventor created that one and tried to get it patented in Germany…they told him- NO! But the cat is out of the bag…that means others WILL make and use this. Count on it.

        New World Order: Implantable RFID chips capable of remotely killing non-compliant ‘slaves’ are here:

        h t tp://

        Soon they will have the full tilt economic meltdown and the ‘One World Currency’ will be here along with all the other vile, evil it brings. 🙁

        • Socrates–you forgot the situation that caused soldiers to drop their weapons and surrender to our soldiers.
          Can’t think of the weapon, or the war, but I read it several times.
          If this can be achieved–there is no limit to what can be done to us.
          Aerosol sprays? Scary.

            • That’s called the ‘Active Denial System’ and has already been proven to work. It has also already been countered, lucky for us. 😉

              • I’m interested in how to counter it…links???

      52. No chips for me, unless they come with a bowl of salsa.

      53. “Without verification you won’t even be able to purchase a six pack of beer, let alone get medical care or a driver’s license.”

        I guess I won’t be buying anything in the future, or getting standard medical care, or driving legally. Of course they may decide in the future to require a license to be a pedestrian.

      54. SurvivalBlog is down again. The Swedish server version has April 22 content, and the US server doesn’t come up at all.

      55. If I have a chip inserted, but not into my hand or head, will I still go to Hell?

        The Bible is very specific about the “mark”, so I’ll just find a loophole and have it put in my wrist, forearm, neck, etc. Therefore it can not be considered the Biblical mark of the Beast as it does not fit the criteria.

        • Be careful about loopholes – I remember reading something about “hand” in acient txt not being just your hand but including your arm as well

      56. Oh goody. Now Obama will know when I’m constipated and will come to the rescue.

      57. OK, I’ll play. You couldn’t get me to sign up to 0shit Care, or take a flu shot. What the devil in your little pea brain, makes you think I’ll allow you to inject a capsule under my skin? You try and you’ll have a hot lead injection coming(Not Optional). Your days of buying and selling would be over. So stop on by. I’m here.

        • I was thinking they would do it like they chipped Fat Bastard on Austin Powers!
          Bwahahaha. Bwahahaha

      58. Did you catch the subliminal propaganda? “You need to … you must … you will.”


        I threw my cell phone away a year ago. I am de-banked. I don’t use plastic I use cash. If necessary I can find medical care from providers who are sick of the system and will accept cash. There will always be an underground market.

        Liberty means far more to me than my comfort. Far more than mindlessly being one of the herd.

        The “historical imperative” he presumes ignores that the house of cards is going to collapse one day. When it does, at best we’ll have a mid-Nineteenth Century lifestyle.

        Not now. Not ever.

        • Amen!

        • Dept of energy wants bulk explosives for nuclear weapons transport? — Why would they need explosives to transport a warhead? Wouldn’t the too be more like ammonia and chlorine —DO NOT MIX?

          • @ 6pk- if they wanted explosives for anything besides forced entries….they ordered the wrong stuff.

            • yep

      59. Of course, what technology man develops, man can also bypass or disable.
        Anyone with a tech/hacking/cracking background knows that…
        So bring on your biochips. The mindless masses will, not surprisingly, tow the line because they’re good little American sheeple carefully bred and trained to be so for generations, but the other 0.01% sure won’t …

      60. our dogs already have the “chips” Normal banks and other means of payment for employment will have the ID. Without commerce the country will collapse. We are setting ourselves up for the great collapse for if this is the only way that we can have trade the grid go down for any time and many people will starve.

      61. if you read Rev.chap.13,vers 16-17 in the KJV it says in the hand and head, not on ,which changes the real meaning as RFID

      62. I would cut mine out if they ever put one in me.

      63. The good news is that they can be fried from a little distance.

        • depends on who’d doing the frying…

      64. OFF TOPIC………….get your butts to Nevada…it’s ALL about Nevada………….stop the pigs in Nevada this topic is a MUTE point.

      65. the war is gonna start SOON.GET YOUR BUTTS TO Nevada..BATTLE BORN our constitution

      66. fathom this…………Bundy announces a all inclusive “FED-UP” TURKEY SHOOT, and BBQ, peace and liberty to all.regardless of genomes.

      67. I do not think that any Panther would pass up the opportunity to shoot a FED turkey…

      68. I think it will start with the following groups:

        1) Children: you just have to mention the words ‘pedophile abduction’ and most parents will agree to have their child chipped.

        2) Violent offenders: anyone who has assaulted another person will get chipped for public safety. The days of going out on Thursday night and fighting in the streets and repeating that week after week with no consequences, will be over. Those individuals will be chipped and tracked and treated like pariah. Think of British hooligan scum or hoodie gang members, so-called ‘yos’.

        3) Violent extremists or potential violent extremists: think any terrorist group or community that harbors or encourages terrorism (muslims etc.). They will be chipped and tracked. Already, their neighborhoods are hyper-surveilled via microdot cameras. Real-time tracking of muslims will be the norm.

        4) Sex offenders, petty thieves, scam artists: anyone who has been arrested for these offenses will be forced to be chipped in order to be able to get back to a normal life.

        These four groups will be the gateway groups. This will occur over the next 10 years before it goes to the general civ-pop. Expect this program to be accelerated if there is a Black Swan/ 9/11 type of event.

      69. ***** IMPORTANT MERS CoV UPDATE *****

        Saudi Arabia reports pilgrim infected with MERS

        “RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) — In the past 24 hours, Saudi Arabia has reported four new deaths from a Middle East virus related to SARS and 36 more cases of infection, including a Turkish pilgrim in Mecca.”

        36 cases in 24 hours !

        be watching this CLOSELY

        ESPECIALLY for any cases that pop up out of Saudi

        the former Saudi Health Minister was forced to resign last week
        I bet the new guy is wishing he could get his old job back

        I bet that secretly the Saudi government and the World Health Organization are sweating bullets right about now

        • Satori…thanks for the updates….keep ’em coming.


      70. Maybe all our representatives should be chipped. So the populace wont need to be

        • watch,, if they ever do enact some crap like that they will be the first to make it so they dont have to, sorta like Ooodumbocare,, congress and their aides and staff are all imune from having to follow the same law that they are going to fine us for not following,,,
          big middle finger salute to them ALL

          • How much will the chip cost the taxpayer?

      71. Disney world now requires a Magic band=rfid bracelet and finger print. Will start as stick and carrot approach with rfid.promise of faster service special deals and publicity and perhaps a media blown efforts of why all must get chipped. Then gov ratchets up with false flag or illegal amnesty program and the all need an I’d that has rfid chip. Sold as being for our safety.
        Private companies will be contracted to gather Intel gov is technically prohibited from acquiring and nsa Utah database will be hub for tracking storing data. The grid is here.

      72. good news from Fukushima

        they found the nuclear core

        bad news from Fukushima

        they found the nuclear core

        Fukushima Didn’t Just Suffer 3 Meltdowns … It Also Suffered Melt-THROUGHS and Melt-OUTS

        and yet AGAIN


        I wonder how many more thousands or tens of thousands of cancer victims there will be in Japan because of Fukushima ???

      73. this is a story from 2008

        I don’t know whether or not they followed through

        British Bobbies To All
        Be Microchipped

      74. Here are 2 articles that you need to read, print out and keep: Representative Sam Rohrer (Penn.) wrote the article: “Read ID: connecting the dots to an international ID” (at newswithviews, they have “guest opinions”..they keep an archive of them…this article and the next are located there) Also, NAIS, national animal identification system, that USDA tried to impose on the animal owners…who, when they found out about it, and its 3 parts…Premise ID, Animal ID (rfid, 15 digit international number), and animal tracking…(all these events in an animals life: when born, tagged, bought, sold, died, leaves its premise, etc)…the people fought back, led by many great lawyers, individuals, R-Calf USA, etc… Read Leo Swartz’ article on it, 2006: (The head of USDA at the time was Michael Johanns..under George W. Bush…after a few years of backlash, he quit..went back to Nebraska, and came back to government as a senator).. And, please keep the following website: This is naisinfocentral…at the left sidebar…go down it to: RFID chips and RFID p2… you will learn so much, in particular why these chips are dangerous..can be reprogrammed, possible cause cancer, can move around in the body…etc.. a highly recognized expert on this technology..its danger,is Katherine Albrecht.. google her name… whether you are an animal or human..the goals of this ID system rhyme!

        • Sams a good man…alot like Ron Paul…he’d make a great gov’ner or prez…spent lots of hours with him and others back in the day on the Real ID issue…he helped me in the fight against NAIS…NAIS was the first big political fight I got involved in…cut my political teeth on it so to speak…lots of good people and lots of good memories…NAIS by the way is a fight that aint over…these commie pieces of trash may back off for awhile but they never quit…I keep my radar upforany signs of it resurfacing and I still talk to the old warriors of that campaign from time to time…keeping our powder dry so to speak…good points you make… 🙂

      75. BULL CRAP !

      76. well this seems to put a different light on things

        Unedited Video Shows Bundy Making Pro-Black, Pro-Mexican Comments…-comments.html

        the head of the NY TImes heard to say

        “damn those UNEDITED videos”

      77. Massive Tornado outbreak being called for Saturday to Monday in the Miss. valley from Texas to Tenn. Stay alert and stay safe!

      78. On my previous post, for the last website, leave off the www ..just put,

      79. La puce RFID, c’est de la tyrannie !

      80. a company called somark inovations has developed a rfid tattoo. so get your mark. scary as hell !

      81. The chip will be accepted easily! Example: This chip will increase the size of this or make you feel like this or live longer! Look at the pictures and testimonials! Just that easy!

      82. Best to stay away from any federal-run institutions.

        If they attempt to advertise the chip ; 1st – ignore them,
        if that will not work, 2nd – tell them to go fuck themselves and snub them, or IF that won’t work, 3rd – defend yourselves and don’t be afraid of the war THEY started.

      83. Meet AISight – The “Pre-Crime”-Detecting Software Being Installed On Global CCTVs
        (From ZeroHedge site)

        If you thought that CCTV cameras tracking your every move in public was bad enough, you’re going to just love AISight (pronounced “eyesight” of course). The invention of a Houston, Texas based company called BRS Labs (which stands for Behavioral Recognition Systems) is headed by former secret service special agent John Frazzini, and this Orwellian surveillance platform brings artificial intelligence to all of those creepy cameras that have been installed everywhere around you. Apparently, this system is currently being installed in Boston, and has already been implemented in Chicago and Washington. The most disturbing part about this platform is that this artificial intelligence defines what is “normal” behavior and anything that falls outside of that narrow band can be flagged for “pre crime” potential.

        ***OFF TOPIC*** but worth knowing anyways.

        Hear that? That’s the sound of many bubbles popping. More to follow.

        -NASDAQ down as AMZN down over 10%

        -Merkel Says Geneva Accord Has Failed; G-7 Preparing Action Against Russia

        -Gold Tops $1300 As Russian Rumblings Stumble Stocks

        Russia raises interest rates to 7.5% (FT)
        •Shanghai to Allow Raw Material Exchanges in Trade Zone (BBG)
        •US, Japan Fail to Clinch Trade Deal (WSJ)
        •’We don’t have a magic wand’, says ECB’s Constancio (Reuters)
        •Tokyo Inflation Quickens to Fastest Since 1992 (BBG)
        •Demand for Home Loans Plunges (WSJ)
        •EU banks urged to grasp chance to raise capital (FT)

        -.S. Exports A Record Amount Of Gold To Hong Kong In January

        The figures are out and it looks like the United States exported a record amount of gold to Hong Kong in January. Not only is this 3 times more gold exported than January 2013 (17 mt), it was 84% more gold than the record month set in August (31 mt). As we can see, gold bullion is fleeing the U.S. and heading to the East. Again… that 57 mt figure is just gold bullion. As the West continues to play games with Monopoly money and Derivatives manufacturing, the East accumulates as much gold as it possibly can. While Main Stream Media and its Banker cohorts release bearish $1,050 price targets for gold, the Asians and Indians smile as they build the largest amount of gold stocks in the world.

      84. The irony in this article is that there was a time, not so long ago, where a sizable segment of the population was aware of this rather dystopian ‘future’ and what it is based upon. Today however, that knowledge and wisdom has been largely forgotten – i.e., expunged from societal discourse. Therefore, what is coming will be seen as ‘new’, when in fact it is as old as creation. The difference is, we have forgotten and turned our collective backs on our blessings and our station here in the mortal realm.

      85. By far the stupidest and least questioning demographic for this are the youth 30 years old and down. That is Generation Dumb. They are caught in a Gordion Brown Knot where, in order to get ahead in life and try and escape all the debt they have, they need to bed down with the beast (being chipped and tagged) and make their money from it.

        It will just accelerate as this generation becomes increasingly more desperate for work and money and will basically do anything for it (think of all the Germans who went along with Hitler so they could get a job). That generation is done so don’t even waste your time trying to talk to them. Even better is to get kids from third world to do it since they hate whitey anyway and will think it is funny.

        • Hello Frank Thoughts,
          Both You and Agent P above you have very valid points of interest and fact. What I see as a small problem with this site is that we all are mostly preaching to the choir in most instantances. Yes we are learning something new or revelant every day. Yes we can express our thoughts and beliefs feeling we will be respected ( on the most part ). We can have fun and make light of the lighter side of prepping.Usually there can be a multiple of thousands of readers here, Signifcantly less responses and comments. What I would like to see is SHTFPlan become a home base to a legion of everyone here spreading all our concerns to the not so enlightened. As long as we approach this in a way that is sensible and non demanding the tide will change in favor of what our forefathers fought and lost their life and limb obtaining. We don’t have to be some organized contingent or tin capped extreemist. We only need being ourselves and gently restructure the thought process of our network of friends and family. Then they may wake up to what is being systematically rammed down their throats.
          Just a thought.
          — Miss Dee Dee

        • Their in love with all technology too believing anything and everything new in that arena is beneficial.

          They won’t be forced. Hell they’ll probably purchase it.

          • oops… pays to proof read


            They’re in love with all technology too believing anything and everything new in that arena is beneficial.

            They won’t be forced. Hell they’ll probably purchase it.

      86. Mirochips will tag you like the Socialist Nazi party did to the Jews in WW2.If this country keeps putting progressive facists in office, expect conservatives, Christians and constitutional supporters to be shipped off to consentration camps.

      87. I can see now a black market of implant chips pillaged and plundered from the rich.

      88. Bring a sack lunch M-F’ers, you’ll need it.

      89. One thing you are forgetting is that the masses are very resourceful. Look what happened when the iphone first came out – within days some smart cookies had learnt how to hack it. It could very well be that these chips could be hacked in some advantageous way, not that I am promoting implants, clearly they are most heinous – digital facism, if you will. But I’m sure someone will work out how to hack these chips making them slightly less Orwellian. But still, the idea of having one of these in your body is pure digital filth.

      90. Frank Thoughts – I think the cynical young will be our salvation.

        For a start at the centre of the EU beast they can’t get the street protests under control. There have been violent protests everywhere now from Paris down to Athens, sweeping across parts of E. Europe along the way. The young are NOT going meekly to their enslavement anywhere across the global plantation.

        Here in the UK, Cornwall, the land of my Mother, has just been declared a separate country. I’m praying we’ll join with the Welsh and then follow the example of the Scots and leave the nefarious “Union” before the bloodshed starts!. Common sense has not yet died out along the Celtic & Viking fringes of the British Isles just yet. In NI they’ve even retained their right to own and carry handguns ; )

      91. I do have a cell phone, I spend time listening to iHeart Radio with it, I keep the GPS function turned off, and even if the NSA or some other group of government marble heads are tracking it, all they a getting is the location of my desk at home since I rarely carry it with me. The story of the Mark of the Beast says that people will take it voluntarily, but the only way they will implant a microchip in me is either without my knowledge or by physical force at which time it would soon after, be removed.

      92. Dear hyperventilating people.

        The mark of the beast is just that, A MARK OF THE BEAST. THREE 6’S. It is NOT a “Chip”. That’s an idiot talking. Moreover the TAKING OF THE MARK OF THE BEAST HAS TO BE VOLUNTARY!!!! They can’t “Sneak it in” on the back of some “chip” since the POINT in taking it is defiance of the Lord. It has to be an intentional act that those who were too stupid to become born again in this dispensation by being BAPTIZED IN JESUS NAME (ACTS 2:38) and filled with HIS SPIRIT (ACTS 2:4) which comprises the new birth (John 3:1-8, John 7:38,39). In spite of their failure to receive Him when he was freely offered in His grace and mercy they can STILL BE SAVED DURING THE TRIBULATION, but unfortunately they will be those who had their heads cut off for their testimony of Jesus Christ. Which is the point I’m trying to make. Things will get so bad that not only can you not “buy or sell” without accepting the MARK OF THE BEAST but that you will also be KILLED OUTRIGHT FOR YOUR TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST which heightens and emphasizes the importance to Satan that you take his mark, VOLUNTARILY, with the full knowledge of what it is. A covert “chip” implant wouldn’t do.


      94. article says you would need chip to do anything including get a drivers license, why would you even need a drivers license or any other card or devise for that matter. I say they can kiss my a$$, wont do it, Ill do without or die. I read the article on getting rid of RFID chips I have seen video’s on how to make small EMP’s that kill cell phones, sure they would work on RFID chips.

      95. When there is a world shortage of food or even locally to countries, water….even by manipulation of those in control….people will be forced to go along with the program unless they are willing to starve or watch family members starve. If they do go along they will become owned as slaves and the thought/mind control will be much worse than today’s PC orders. The number 666…was just symbolic for when humans will become only numbers in the great scheme of things. Even now, with all the hacking of personal info, every major company is planning to only accept chip cards….it’s fully in place in Europe now. Yep, once again, it will all come down to individual choice of people to fight it and things aren’t previewing too well the way things are going.

      96. The quote from the book of Revelation at the beginning is not “Revelations”. Delete the ‘S’. It is the revelation of Jesus Christ, not revelations.

      97. No kidding. Have you read the Bible???????

      98. He!! will freeze before they put one of those things in my body. And I don’t mean He!!, Michigan either.

      99. “…with continued government expansion of surveillance suggests that microchip RFID technology will eventually be non-voluntary.”

        Go for it.

        When I go down, I’ll take some hob-nail booted brownshirts down with me.

      100. I did not read the comments, but this comes to mind. I have been waiting for this….

        Revelation 13:16
        It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads,

        Revelation 13:17
        so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

      101. Chipping is already happening.
        Parents are chipping kids “experimental”, and very old people.
        The question is if your new born child is chipped you will never know, or children at school or condition of working or shopping… has already begun.

      102. I’ve been hearing for a few years now that mechanized particles are in much of what we consume. If this is true, would there even be need for a chip, and haven’t we all already been ‘infected’ against our own choice? Anyone have any info on this?

      103. I am so glad I’m 64. Hopefully that means I’ll be long gone before this nightmare actually happens. Quite honestly, I would rather be dead than live in a world like this.

      104. Revelation 13:17

        …..and he(Satan) provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.

        The bible has it clearly written….just as it always has.

        Accept the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart, before its too late…as you can see….it is truly coming…” the axe is at the tree”.

      105. It will be marketed to protect against identity theft and to protect the children from predators. Most will line up and willingly take the Mark of the Beast.

      106. Not to worry here. Democrats are against IDs for voting and surely couldn’t support an RFID in everyone if it could be used as a voter ID.

      107. Given the speedy decline of America since the enlightened years of the 60’s, I’d say the majority has been brainwashed and messaged by the trolls on the left pretty efficiently. Notice the excellent volume of whack jobs in Colorado that couldn’t wait until pot was legalized. Twelve more states are awaiting the dopes in their states to pass bills to legalize marijuana and down we go. The very lib-tards that vomit ideology to launch America into a higher state of awareness and enlightenment are the same jackasses that will send us into an abyss of socialism and idiocracy. See you in line at the Obamacare injection ward.

        Libs are winning the battle against good and evil – right and wrong – tradition, language and culture to outright chaos. Unless people wake up, take these disastrous concepts seriously and pull their heads out of that planetoid between their legs called “Ur-anus” – America will eventually succumb to the activist left winged lib-tard radical mindset. So pucker up baby.

      108. And liberals seriously believe I will turn over my weapons peacefully?

      109. Rev 14:1 And I looked , and, lo , a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.

        So, Is God going to give us a Christian micro chip or is this a tattoo?

      110. They will put a toe tag on me before they put one of those in me…

      111. Isn’t this already part of Obamacare?

      112. You put or try and put that in me or my kids I will kill everyone I see

      113. Since no one has read the 2300 pages of Obamacare nor examined the regulations and interpretations of Obama’s sycophants, and since Obama doesn’t give a damn about the Constitution or anything else except his dynasty, our imperial emperor may have already made microchip implantation the law.

      114. “And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark …”

        ^ Important: please take note, it does not say he forces — it says he causes. Huge difference! Why? Because he is causing it now! Think about it: paranoia, stress, economic uncertainty, political divide, terrorism…and, the response to terrorism (paranoia = police state, etc.).

        He will not force…he will cause!

      115. Scientists are always saying stuff. I’m still waiting for my personal robot and my flying car.

        • Both are available.

          Where is your imaginary god now?

      116. It’s all a bunch of BS wrapped in a myth. Enjoy your burrito.



        • Actually it is. But you have to know which Jew. Did you know there’s 2 different ones?
          Rev. 2;9 & 3;9 Those that are of the synagoge of satan which say they are Jews and are not, but do lie…
          They are the kenites. They give our brother Judah (the true tribe of Jews) a hard time.
          Kenite = Strongs # 7014,7017 are the ‘sons of Cain’. Read John 8:44, (who was Jesus talking to? The Sadducee’s and Pharisee’s, the Priests and religous leaders). Who was the 1st murderer? > Cain!
          Cain’s geneology is in Genesis 4. Adam’s in Genesis 5.
          Cain is NOT in Adam’s geneology. Ever notice that?
          I could go on… but the point is… the kenites always stuck with Judah. And anyone living in that area (Judaea) would be called a Jew. Just like if you were from TX, you would be called a Texan. They have always hid behind Judah’s skirt so to speak.
          If follow them through the bible, you’ll start to see their agenda. 1 Chronicles 2:55 (Jer 35) they were part of the nethinim = given to service. They had jobs in the temple (like cutting wood etc.) Ezra 7:20. They eventually worked their way up through the Priesthood, and beyond.
          How can you tell a kenite?
          1. You’ll know them by their fruits.
          2. Go back to Genesis 4:11-12 and look at the limits God put on Cain and his descendants. Then read Jer 35.
          These are the ones running things today.
          Jesus really did foretell us ALL things!

          • GIG-

            Excellent post!

      119. The day I am told I must get implanted I will do a little implanting of my own, a .223 to be exact.

        • Nice thought, but they’ll probably roll up in an MRAP and blast you with an M2.

      120. The rapture will happen first & the idiots will be left to accept the mark of the beast.

        • Sorry, your spiritual leader/interpretation is false. There is no PRE TRIBULATION RAPTURE. You will pass through the “purification fire” before ANY RAPTURE occurs.

          The 5013c’s have done their job of deception well. (The majority of “Christian church’s in this land) Wake up!

          “No need to prep or fear, YOU will be spared the tribulation.” Guess again and pray for guidance. Time is short.

          • Where do you find that ‘purification fire’… in the book of Hezekiah? Idiot!

      121. They may have no choice but to require an all-electronic currency for all transactions. There is no question that we are currently in the greatest credit bubble of all time. When this finally crashes, it will be epic – the greatest crash ever. The only way they will be able to hold the financial system together and prevent mass starvation and chaos is to have a system that us under total central global control. Interest rates will have to go sharply negative. To make life function for the masses, money will have to be given a “color” so it can only be spent on designated items (like food stamps), and people will have to be forced to spend to prevent excessive savings. You can’t have a totally centrally planned global economy with negative interest rates across the whole yield curve unless it is impossible to withdraw cash from the system. Implanted RFID chips make implementation easy and keep fraud to a minimum.

        • It will keep fraud to a minimum? LOL. You are retarded.

        • I think you are 100 per cent correct. The beta testing is already happening all over the world for this new system: it is already in an advanced stage and is just waiting for the switch to be thrown.

          Basically, the debates around ‘real money’ (gold etc.) are a distraction and will never be accepted by governments. Think of the economy and wealth in the new society to be like Plato’s cave parable: the shadows dancing on the cave’s wall are all the electronic digital ones and zeros and that is where wealth will be projected to ‘dazzle’ the general public. There will be little gods (Internet tycoons etc.) and temples (shopping malls etc.) and idols (reality TV stars etc.) but it is all bs and will exist with the direction of government and the super wealthy and powerful (power being the most important thing).

          Gold, silver, precious metals will be illegal to own or hoard. Everyone will need to do all transactions via their mobile phone: cash will not be possible. Central computers like those used in high-frequency trading will determine prices and also extract tithes and taxes to fund governments. The velocity of money will be centrally controlled and everyone will be forced to spend. If you don’t spend it, it will be taxed off of you.

          The goods and services available will be trinkitised and are essentially meaningless crap, but because of sophisticated demand creation, will be highly desirable.

          “Mommy, mommy – I want the pink jewel lump of plastic crap!!”

          “But honey, it costs 2 million mobi credits: that’s all our savings.”

          “Mommy, mommy – must have, no more abuse!!!”

          “No, no, no! Not the abuse threat: okay, I will buy it and just not eat much this week.”

          I agree also mobi credits will be distributed according to what is healthy and right for people. So, for example, no mobi credits will be available for buying cigarettes if you are on welfare. Same goes for booze, high fat foods, candy, etc. The welfare crowd will have to spend it on organic rice, veggies and fruits etc. But because of widespread shortages, these things will be in short supply and it will be hard to spend all the mobis. Thus, surplus mobi credits will be snatched back via the phone and redistributed elsewhere. The ‘use it or lose it’ principle (big posters will be everywhere reminding people of this). People will get thinner and healthier as they will be unable to consume excessively. Health care costs will drop at this point, creating a surge in wealth for the state, which then can go into weapons to enforce the new financial regime across the globe.

          • Frank Thoughts

            You discount the inevitable underground economy which always appears. My friends wife lived through the period of a functioning USSR and its post collapse in Belarus where she ate according to her, “Beets and potatoes” for a year. Those that had gold ate meat.

          • “mobi credits will be distributed according to what is healthy and right for people.”



        • “The only way they will be able to hold the financial system together and prevent mass starvation and chaos is to have a system that us under total central global control.”

          I thought “Central Control” was tried in the USSR and was the problem which facilitated mass starvation.

          “The more things change the more they remain the same”. They keep trying to put the square peg of communism in the round hole of a functioning economy and it hasn’t worked yet.

      122. What’s everybody excited about.It’s no big deal.This is how I get by without RFID chips. First you go back to using your old checking account & cash,easy.Then always use your hard land line,just like the old days. I have no cell phone.Now you are are pretty much off Big Brother’s Grid.

      123. Here’s something to think about.
        1. The mark in the head = your brain
        2. The mark in your hands= the work you do.
        If you don’t know that satan comes 1st and then Jesus, then when satan comes saying he’s Christ, all of them will believe his is Christ. He is supernatural (and so are the angels coming with him Rev. 12:7-9) He will convince quite easily the masses that he is Christ.
        Because of this, they will believe him (brain) and will do the works for him (hands).
        Remember, in Rev. 7;3, the elect are sealed also. (marked) They know (through studying God’s Word) how to know when he is here. They (elect), will not bow a knee to him or do any works for him.
        People (including family members), will be delivering people up to satan and his people thinking he is the real Christ. Thinking their doing these people a great service.
        Example… Jesus, please have mercy on my child, he doesn’t know any better. He’s a good child…. get the point?
        May I also add… at the time satan is here, ANYONE who calls on the name of Jesus Christ to help him (the real your prayer), Will be helped.
        It’s a good time to start getting a relationship with God and Jesus Christ. God is VERY intelligent. Just talk to him, HE can hear you, and so can Jesus. Always pray to God, and always in the name of Jesus.
        God Bless all of you, and repent often.

      124. Here’s something to think about.
        1. The mark in the head = your brain
        2. The mark in your hands= the work you do.
        If you don’t know that satan comes 1st and then Jesus, then when satan comes saying he’s Christ, all of them will believe his is Christ. He is supernatural (and so are the angels coming with him Rev. 12:7-9) He will convince quite easily the masses that he is Christ.
        Because of this, they will believe him (brain) and will do the works for him (hands).
        Remember, in Rev. 7;3, the elect are sealed also. (marked) They know (through studying God’s Word) how to know when he is here. They (elect), will not bow a knee to him or do any works for him.
        People (including family members), will be delivering people up to satan and his people thinking he is the real Christ. Thinking their doing these people a great service.
        Example… Jesus, please have mercy on my child, he doesn’t know any better. He’s a good child…. get the point?
        May I also add… at the time satan is here, ANYONE who calls on the name of Jesus Christ to help him (the real your prayer), Will be helped.
        It’s a good time to start getting a relationship with God and Jesus Christ. God is VERY intelligent. Just talk to him, HE can hear you, and so can Jesus. Always pray to God, and always in the name of Jesus.
        God Bless all of you, repent and repent often.

      125. Everyone should read The Contract On The Government. It is the book the politicians and bureaucrats DO NOT want you to read. Find out more here:

      126. I am guessing then that our ‘political masters’ would obviously be exempt from this draconian measure; and their use to prevent voter fraud would be verbooten.
        Additionally, they would obviously be Ripe for literal identity theft, with every two-bit wannabe hacker scanning, buying and selling people’s 15 digit numbers, using them to comit crimes etc. while leaving the ‘legitimate’ person holding the bag.
        “Citizen, you are under arrest for the robbery of Ghetto Max convenience store last night at 11:15”
        “I was home at 11:15”
        “Your personal RFID was monitored entering Ghetto Max; put your hands behind your back…”

      127. A non-chipped person will be blamed on a terror event and the Gubbernuts will say, looky thar, we need to chip yall.

      128. Aaron Russo interview talking to a Rockyfeller,
        15 years ago. and they called me a conpiratal

      129. Stories like this remind me of the historical context from the Dune novel series, specifically, the Butlerian Jihad that the author kept mentioning (as an explanation of a culture where computers were replaced with “mentats”, experts in higher math.)

      130. Anything can be made to fit a religious prophecy. It is also done with Nostrodamus. Its all whacko crap

        • A book from 2000 years ago told you a time was coming when everyone would have to take a mark or they couldn’t buy or sell

          You believe this mark is just BS ??? That people are forcing it to prove prophecy?

      131. Being an American, I instantly see a booming “chip removal” industry on the horizon….

      132. I first heard of the digital angel microchip being implanted into a dog in 1990-91. I am sure the capabilities have greatly improved since then. The Bible records those who fail to worship the beast shall find themselves beheaded. Jerusalem shall be the final capitol of the new world order of satan.

        Sadly most preachers and churches are already beast controlled via the 501 C 3 IRS approved tax exempt status. They preach ear tickling messages for they know more members = more TITHES.

        Jesus warned of persecution over and over and over and the modern church teaches the pre trib rapture. Sadly most so called “christians” shall be deceived since they neglect readig the Bible being too busy with TV watching dancing with the idols.

        Does God allow deception?
        You decide based upon the Bible alone

        Rev 12:9 – And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him

        Satan deceives the whole world to one degree or another and I am sure that includes me.

        1 Kings 22:22: And the LORD said unto him, Wherewith? And he said, I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And he said, Thou shalt persuade him, and prevail also: go forth, and do so. Now therefore, behold, the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the LORD hath spoken evil concerning thee.

        God does deceive people who refuse to listen to him.

        Eze 14:9: And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel.

        Could all preachers who preach pre trib rapture as a FACT be false prophets?

        I do not mind someone teaching pre trib as long as they say it is a theory and they MUST also teach post trib and tell people to read for themselves and make up their own minds per the Holy Spirit of truth and be prepared to die for their faith, IF called upon.

        2 Thess 2:10-12: And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

        There are a whole bunch of “church people” who live in unrighteouness like the world.

        People too lazy watching TV to read the Bible can and shall be deceived

        2 Ti 3:13: But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

      133. I’m not surprised by any of this. Look at how willing Bostonians were to bend over, grab their ankles, and surrender their rights after the Boston Marathon bombing — ironically, in a place that’s considered the birthplace of American liberty.

        We’re doomed, and the liberal sheep out there are more than willing to be sheared, all in the name of so-called security.

      134. Will the author of the article PLEASE get the name of the book of the Bible correct?

        It’s the book of Revelation, NOT “revelations.”

      135. I hate cell phones. I refuse to upgrade to a “smartphone”.

        If you have a U.S. Passport it probably has a microchip in it already. I suggest you put that sucker in the microwave for about 20 seconds and kill it. Be prepared to snuff out the green flame.

      136. “Jerry C says:
        Comment ID: 3033447

        April 24, 2014 at 1:22 pm

        I’m absolutely amazed at how many Christians I know who call themselves “pre-tribulation believers” who will have NO problem taking this implant – why, because according to their pastors, the church is going to be RAPTURED off this world BEFORE “…the last seven years called the tribulation begins!”
        Believe me, I’ve tried to talk to these people, but it’s almost impossible to show the fallacy of a flawed fantasy to the Biblically illiterate. Sad, very sad.”

        Jerry C, you’re painting Pre-trib believers with too broad of a brush.
        That’s where my beliefs fall, and I know of NO ONE who believes as I do who would ever take any form of anything that resembles the mark, an implantation, or whatever. I feel sorry for the couple of people you may know who believe that way.

      137. Find out who that scientist likes in the super bowl and bet the opposite.

      138. Revelation 13:15-18

        New International Version (NIV)

        15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

        18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[a] That number is 666.

      139. Thank a lib!!!

      140. “It’s not possible to interact with society in a meaningful way by not having a mobile phone.” – I was not aware that I did not interact with society in a meaningful way. After all, I choose not to have a short chain called a cellphone on my person all the time yet I seem to pay bills, purchase items at multiple stores, attend parties and movies and enjoy dinners out with many good friends.

      141. It is amazing to me to think of the exponential increase in captured data that is available.

        I am not a surveillance expert, nor am I involved in gov’t spying–however, I do know how to access major datamining through facebook. It shocks me to think that I have access to that type of information at my fingertips.

        Each of us has a digital profile that allows our future intentions to be mapped out–the only thing missing is our exact location–voila! Locator chips!

        Have you seen the one about cell phone data capture?

        What about the one about China’s “Cultural Revolution” that pre-dated modern technology?

        Fortunately for all of us that refuse to be tracked, this time around we can starve to death in a high-tech society, versus a low-tech society.

        Better brush up on those survival skills!

      142. “and it was recorded to let there be abuses by the tyrannical despotic self annoited man made Gods who were the progressive politicians”……check out my song I composed talking about how “We The People” are being abused already. Thanks

      143. I have NEVER owned a cell phone and I have been interactig with society in a very meaningful way for years.

      144. It has been written that a time is coming when you will be told it is better to DIE then take the mark.

        9 Then a third angel followed them, shouting, “Anyone who worships the beast and his statue or who accepts his mark on the forehead or on the hand 10 must drink the wine of God’s anger. It has been poured full strength into God’s cup of wrath. And they will be tormented with fire and burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and the Lamb. 11 The smoke of their torment will rise forever and ever, and they will have no relief day or night, for they have worshiped the beast and his statue and have accepted the mark of his name.”

        12 This means that God’s holy people must endure persecution patiently, obeying his commands and maintaining their faith in Jesus.

        13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this down: Blessed are those who die in the Lord from now on. Yes, says the Spirit, they are blessed indeed, for they will rest from their hard work; for their good deeds follow them!”

      145. You/We have only ONE option left people.
        And its not putting the right person in office, marching, protesting ect… The only solution we have is GOSPEL PREACHERS!!
        True Gospel Preachers, preaching a POWERFULL GOSPEL, A MIGHTY GOSPEL, MIGHTY TO SAVE.–NOT what we have today, preachers that preach a powerless gospel, not to offend anyone.
        You CANNOT enslave a BIBLE reading people!!!

        If this dosen’t happen– PREPARE!!! We are on a 100 lane HWY GOING 186,000 MPH INTO THE WORST TIME IN HISTORY– A WORST TIME ON EARTH NEVER SEEN!

        Repent and Believe the gospel.

      146. Everyone seems to be missing the point of implants – It seems to be for tracking our every move, every day of our lives. What they’re NOT telling you is:
        1. Not everyone will get implanted – special people won’t need it, like those paying for the technology.
        2. The next step up from monitoring is Mind Control so that when they send to the Showers it will eventually reduce the over-population problem by 95%. Leaving those who aren’t implanted to a world of their own making.
        If you don’t believe me, then stick around …