Right now, a major cover-up is going on in the media and among leftists all over the country. Many Democrats are involved in separate and equally disturbing sex scandals, but they are all being swept under the rug.
According to the Daily Wire, the Democratic Mayor of Seattle, Ed Murray, resigned Tuesday after more allegations of child sexual abuse surfaced. Murray’s resignation, which was effective 5 p.m. on Wednesday, comes after the fifth allegation of child sexual abuse surfaced on Tuesday. This time, the accusations came from a family member. But Murray isn’t the only Democrat neck deep in scandals of this magnitude, in what is becoming a disturbing pattern of Democrats politicians involved in crimes and allegations of child sexual abuse. These scandals are horrifying and largely ignored by the mainstream media.
Several major Democrats are facing charges or received convictions regarding sexual crimes related to children over the past year. Perhaps the most well-known example is that of Anthony Weiner, soon to be ex-husband to Hillary Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin. Weiner, the disgusting and disgraced Democrat has a long history of sexual misconduct which most recently landed him in legal trouble when he became involved in an online sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl. Weiner pleaded guilty to transferring obscene material to a minor and faces up to ten years in prison. He also must now register as a sex offender.
The Daily Wire also compiled a list of Democrats that the website has donated to. The website is allegedly directly linked to child prostitution and trafficking and the co-owners gave a lot of money to Democrats recently, including donations to:
If that isn’t enough to make this horiffingly cringe-worthy already, Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) is currently on trial facing federal corruption charges, which started in 2012 over allegations that he and another man were having sex with underage prostitutes. But not to be outdone, Jacob Schwartz, a 29-year-old up-and-coming young Democrat who worked on New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s staff was arrested in May. Schwartz is accused of child pornography charges in which he allegedly kept more than 3,000 images and 89 videos of pornographic acts committed by children.
Most have heard of convicted sex offender and longtime friend of former Democratic President Bill Clinton, pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. The perverted man was accused in January in a federal lawsuit of luring a woman into “his elaborate sex trafficking enterprise,” the Daily Mail reported. “The lawsuit alleges that Epstein had a compulsive sexual preference for little girls as young as 13-years-old.” And Bill Clinton hasn’t exactly been known for his fidelity to Democrat and wife, Hillary Clinton, who’s campaign chairman John Podesta was front and center of the “PizzaGate” pedophilia scandal the media desperately tried to label as “fake news.”
And last week, a Democrat Councilman in Connecticut, Scott Chamberlain, was forced to step down after photographs of him allegedly emerged on a private website for “furries,” a weird subculture of people who dress up in furry costumes of odd looking animals for sexual gratification.
It seems a little more than convenient that the media is willing to look the other way when Democrats are caught doing disgusting things.
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Most on this site know
I hate Democrats.
It should come as no surprise to
us that Democrats have been
fucking us for years, so
this thread seems to be
redundant and obvious.
So what? Politicians caught up in scandal span the political spectrum.
This is not a Rep or Dem problem, as there have been lots of Reps caught in similar scandals (Denny Hastert, anyone?) I believe it is more of a problem of folks who are powerful and think they are above the law, lose their moral and ethical grounding, and give in to whatever urges they may be subject to. Career politicians are the root of the problem, and the issue of “power corrupts.” As we heard our president say, they will let you grab them by the p*ssy.
“Furries”, that’s a new one. Weird, but sounds harmless enough.
I don’t for a minute believe that perversions are limited to democrats.
We must remember in the midst of these allegations, not to allow this to become a witch hunt. Allegations are not the same as convictions. And sex with an under aged person of seventeen is not the same degree of misconduct as sex with a seven year old.
Although I would like to hang real pedofiles by their balls and then cut them into a thousand pieces and feed them to wild animals, I still keep in mind some well publicized cases that turned out to be hysterical reactions to what was proven in Court as impossible.
_ once the accusation is made, one’s reputation is forever tarnished.
_this can be used against dissidents and Constitutionalists
__let’s be sure we know before freaking out about nothing
__glad the fight to protect children is being waged.
Hang them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Exactly! Any adult that has sex with a child needs their head blown off. After their arms and legs are sawed off with a chainsaw first.
One time a democratic precinct captain visited my Grandmas farm. Before leaving, he snuck around to the barn and had sexual relations with a goat. The bad news is that it was a billy goat!
…and the guys wife was asked if this mans act on a goat bothered her and her response was Naaaaaah!
…and the guys wife was asked if this mans act on a goat bothered her and her response was Naaaaaah!
One mayor claimed his 4 year old victim had consented. Huh!!!!
“When men cease to believe in God, they don’t believe in nothing, but *anything.* – GK Chesterton
The “anything” often defaulted to is drugs and distorted sex (Bill’s assaults, pedophilia, and yes, homosexuality). In other words, just look at the Democrat party. True, Republicans aren’t far behind in SOME cases, but the true conservatives/libertarian – think Reagan in the day, or today Joe Miller, Sarah Palin, Ron and Rand Paul, Col West, Mike Pence, etc. etc. – all of them have ZERO stains on their lives relative to improper sexual relations and/or drugs.
Libturds are notorious perverts and think they can preach to US about something? I’ve always said that libturds can go f#$% themselves. I’ll say it again: LIBTURDS CAN GO F#$% THEMSELVES!
This is what happens when you raise children without a christian upbringing to believe there is something bigger than your eggo and selfish wickedness can be respect. No respect, no humility.
Ok, I hear all of you yelling about all the religious leaders who have commited such obominations…. but like I said, their selfishness doesn’t believe in anything bigger than their own desires. God is not the center of their world….truly, it is their own body they worship. These people exist everwhere….they are evil predators no matter how powerful their titles. Mothers don’t teach respect to their sons any more, and fathers don’t practice what they should be preaching, ( if there is even a father living in the home) or whether both parents together are raising the children.
These predators only choose children because they are cowards who need to prey on the most defenseless of our society.
Both Bush presidents are notorious pedophiles, and top of the line criminals to boot. Above the law and untouchable.
I would like to know where aljamo gets proof that the Bush presidents are pedophiles. I am open minded if you have some reason or proof for your accusation. Otherwise I do not tend to believe it. I know that Republicans are also doing many things they shouldnt .There is no other reason why they would sit idly by when they should be stopping many of the harmful things Democratic and Republican leaders have done to the country. They have to be compromised or they would speak out.That said I believe there are good Democratic representatives as well. I do believe the Democratic Party is very bad right now. It is full of mischief and trouble for our country. Still the thing we must do is rid Both parties of anyone who does not do the right things doesnt matter which party get rid of them!
Add a republican ex-politician to the list:
Indicted ex-senator sought sexual contact from young males through Craigslist, FBI says
while i am not surprised. The Republicans probably have far more Pedophiles than the Democrats. The Grand Old Pedophiles.
thats why i hate Both parties.
It’s time to start slaughtering all liberals
If the voters tolerate sexual misconduct and corruption, that is what they get.
This is what happens when you raise children without a christian upbringing to believe there is something bigger than your eggo and selfish wickedness can be respect. No respect, no humility.Ok, I hear all of you yelling about all the religious leaders who have commited such obominations…. but like I said, their selfishness doesn’t believe in anything bigger than their own desires. God is not the center of their world….truly, it is their own body they worship. These people exist everwhere….they are evil predators no matter how powerful their titles. Mothers don’t teach respect to their sons any more, and fathers don’t practice what they should be preaching, ( if there is even a father living in the home) or whether both parents together are raising the children.
These predators only choose children because they are cowards who need to prey on the most defenseless of our society.
Pedophilia is the Honey Trap used to Blackmail everyone in a position of power, if they take the bait, or can be set up. They must do the bidding of their Masters of face public exposure of their crimes.
I can name that tune in two words..
Little devils.
If we eliminated all of the pedophiles in high places we’d have to start the country all over again.
Yes that includes governments, corporations, churches, etc.
Sounds like a plan…
It’s not just politics, the media are the same and hollywood.
Back when PizzaGate broke some people were predicting up to a third of them could go – it would change the whole thing.
Democrats are just as sick as Republicans. Both parties are truly terrible. After all same stuff different butt.