This article was originally published by Brandon Smith at Alt-Market.
Every disaster contains a lesson or a message that needs to be examined. Every tragedy, no matter how terrible, should be absorbed into the public consciousness and adopted as a cautionary tale; a part of our mythos. These events should not be cast into the memory hole to make life less stressful, they need to be taken seriously. Otherwise, the damage done and the lives lost are all for nothing.
Refusing to examine the dark side of life and its dangers has become a staple of our society, to the point that it has given birth to a kind of religious cult. Naive optimism has become a virtue, a misplaced form of faith that encourages people to remain oblivious in the face of adversity. And the more precarious our system becomes, the more these people see unicorns and rainbows. It is truly bizarre.
Some of us understand the mechanics of our economic, political and social machine and recognize that they are broken. The system cannot be fixed because it has been corrupted by people with evil intent (globalists); it is designed to fail. The agenda? To crash almost everything and then replace it with a centralized behemoth, a global empire. The intent is to force the masses to accept this “new world order” using a false choice – We can have chaos and death, or “order” through total Orwellian control. Peace, sovereignty, and freedom are not offered as choices.
As Richard N. Gardner, former deputy assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations under Kennedy and Johnson, and a member of the Trilateral Commission, wrote in the April 1974 issue of the Council on Foreign Relation’s (CFR) journal Foreign Affairs (pg. 558) in an article titled ‘Hard Road To World Order’:
“In short, the ‘house of world order’ will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great ‘booming, buzzing confusion,’ to use William James’ famous description of reality, but an end-run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.”
The answer offered to every disaster is always more centralization, even if centralization was part of the problem from the beginning. The coronavirus pandemic event will be no different.
As was hinted at during Event 201, a coronavirus pandemic exercise run by Johns Hopkins, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum only three months before a REAL coronavirus outbreak took place in China, the goal will be to use the event to create a central economic authority to distribute resources to “counter the virus”. You see, the elites never let a good crisis go to waste.
But this plan requires complicity and apathy among the public. It requires our consent in order to work. For if we continue to undermine and resist it the globalists will never feel safe and secure. Like cancer, they will eventually have to be cut out and removed if the system is to ever be truly fixed.
The pandemic might be an opportunity for the elites, but it is also a learning experience for the rest of us, and it might even bring some clarity to issues that have been hotly debated for several years. But what are some of these lessons?
Lesson #1: The Prepper Movement Was Right All Along
Over the past decade, I have seen some extremely odd responses to the prepper movement, including a lot of aggression and hostility not to mention numerous hit pieces and hatchet jobs in the media. What is it about individuals being prepared for a potential crisis that sends so many snowflakes into a meltdown? Why do they care?
If you think that survivalism is all “conspiracy” and “doom and gloom” then why not ignore it like you ignore everything else? If preppers were wrong, then nothing happens, and all we did is spend some of our money on supplies that we will use anyway over time. No harm no foul. Yet, the mainstream acts as if the preparedness mindset is a criminal action that damages the rest of society.
Of course, as we can see from the coronavirus event in China, preppers were right all along. Almost every single potential problem we have warned about and written about over the years is now plaguing the Chinese citizenry, and most of these problems could have been solved by a prepared citizenry.
Over 600 million people in China are now under lockdown; essentially martial law. Supply lines are dwindling in some areas, food is limited, medical treatment is nonexistent for many. The people in quarantine are completely dependent on the government for their survival and that same government has been systematically dragging people out of their homes and forcing them into makeshift “hospitals” (prisons) where they are almost certain to become infected. If ever there was a scenario where prepping was called for, this is it.
I can’t recall how many times I’ve heard people argue that prepping is “pointless” and that all our concerns over a crisis event are “overblown”, but we are now facing a pandemic in modern times, not to mention possible economic collapse. The only argument these people can make now is that the virus “won’t spread to the West”, but that is an assumption based on blind faith rather than science or logic. And even if it ends up being correct, what does it hurt to prepare anyway?
Lesson #2: Supply Lines Will Be Damaged Or Restricted
As noted above, preparedness is the first step to solving most problems, because most crisis events tend to result in similar consequences. In China, food and other goods are being rationed and supply lines in some areas are shut down completely. The only option is to have what you need BEFORE a breakdown occurs.
5 Often Overlooked Emergency Foods To Consider
In the US, retailers are dependent on highly coordinated “just in time” freight networks that supply only what a store needs for normal shopping traffic for the week. In the wake of a calamity, stores will empty in a matter of a couple of days. If freight lines are slowed down or cut off because travel is restricted due to a viral outbreak, then what you have in your home is basically all you will have until the restrictions are lifted. After studying the history of plagues and pandemics, I would conclude that the average viral event will last at least 1 year, sometimes longer. The Spanish Flu of 1918 did not burn out in the US for two years.
Anyone who claims the coronavirus will be gone in a matter of a couple of months is probably lying or is making ignorant assumptions. Prepare for the long haul if the pandemic hits US shores hard.
Lesson #3: Never Trust Government
All governments lie. They will claim they do this to “protect us from ourselves” and to “avoid panic”, but politicians and elites do not care about this. They do not lie to protect society, they lie to maintain power and control, and sometimes, they lie because they want to keep the public docile and vulnerable. For, the more inactive and vulnerable we are, the more dependent we will all be on them when disaster strikes.
The viral outbreak in China has thoroughly illustrated why governments cannot be trusted. China has consistently lied about the infection and death rate surrounding the coronavirus. Numerous health officials in China have leaked information indicating the threat is FAR larger than the government admits. Some of these brave people been punished or have died in the process of trying to warn the rest of the world.
Currently, China is claiming a minimal and slowing infection rate, but on the Japanese cruise ship Diamond Princess, we have a large scale example of the coronavirus in action. The 3700 passengers of the Diamond Princess are being slowly tested for the virus, and authorities have found at least 175 people infected out of 490 tested so far. That’s an infection rate of at least 35%! Some people may argue that a cruise ship is close quarters and so the infection rate would be higher, but your average Chinese city is also very close quarters. The data coming from the Diamond Princess suggests that the Chinese are lying extensively about the scale of the outbreak.
With hospitals completely overwhelmed by a 30% to 35% infection rate, the quality of care would collapse and many people would die.
The Chinese government has resorted to censorship and threats in order to keep the citizenry quiet. This includes punishing people who are accused of “posting rumors” about the true extent of the damage caused by the virus and the threats have been specifically directed at medical staff that are the closest witnesses to the outbreak. The overall purpose of the lockdown appears to be an attempt to suppress the real infection rate and death rate. The mass quarantine itself allows the government to streamline the cover-up; they can more easily imprison the sick and then dispose of their bodies with less public observation, and they never have to report the real death statistics.
If the government has nothing to hide, then why try to restrict all information coming from professionals on the ground? They claim they want “transparency” after the debacle that was their response to the SARS outbreak in 2003, but obviously this is not true.
Do not think for one second that this would not happen here in the US or in Europe either. We have already heard Donald Trump dismiss the virus threat on multiple occasions, and if it does strike here, do not be surprised if Trump’s response is as draconian as China’s. To understand why read my article ‘Trump Cannot Be Anti-Globalist While Working With Global Elites’.
Lesson #4: Expect The Virus To Eventually Arrive In Your Country
In the US, the argument from the apathetic crowd is that we only have 12 cases, so what is there to worry about? I would remind those folks that the ONLY people that have actually been tested for coronavirus in the US are people that have arrived specifically from China in the past few weeks, who are showing symptoms and who voluntarily bring up this fact to health officials.
This means that people who come from Singapore, Thailand or any other nation in Asia that has also been exposed to the virus have likely not been tested at all. With a dormancy period of two weeks (and according to some studies up to 24 DAYS), the coronavirus has no symptoms yet it can still be highly contagious.
I would also point out that hospitals nationwide have been given a very limited supply of coronavirus tests (only 200 tests nationwide), some of which have been proven faulty, so, if the outbreak becomes prominent, they won’t be able to give an accurate number of infection cases anyway.
We are in the early stages of this pandemic. I definitely would not give the all-clear yet. Unless the US government plans to shut down ALL flights into the US right now, there is no way to prevent the outbreak from coming here in the long run.
Lesson #5: Enforced Quarantine Is Not Necessarily For Your Benefit
As I noted in my article ‘How Viral Pandemic Benefits The Globalist Agenda’, there are many times in which the establishment creates crisis events deliberately, or, they exploit natural crisis events to further their agenda. In the midst of a viral outbreak, most people given the proper information and warning would prepare. They would stock supplies and self-isolate (or group isolate if they are organized) until the infection burns out. But this is not what the establishment wants. They do not want people who are independent and self-reliant during a disaster; they want people that are completely unprepared and dependent.
This is why they will continue to lie about the extent of the danger until it is too late. This is why it took the UN’s World Health Organization at least two months of the coronavirus spreading through China before they finally admitted there might be a crisis in the making. And, this why forced quarantine will be used to push people out of their homes and into centralized areas where they will be more susceptible to infection, not less.
Take the example in China to heart, because it may be exactly what we face in the near future. The point being – If you and your neighborhood or community already have a plan in place to survive an outbreak, do not allow the government to interfere with it, because your chances of getting sick or dead grow with every moment of government involvement. Remember, these are the same people that tried to keep you in the dark about the danger; they are not to be relied upon or cooperated with.
Lesson #6: Expect Martial Law
If a viral outbreak spreads through the west, do not be surprised if martial law measures are implemented. If you live in a major city and you see or hear about checkpoints being set up, get out immediately. As we’ve seen in China, once the walls are put up you will not be able to get out.
Rural areas are less likely to be effectively locked down by authorities because it would require too many personnel to achieve this. Major population centers, on the other hand, will be easily cut off.
There is a question here is how to respond. Should Americans go along with martial law? Would it be for the “greater good”? I am highly skeptical. Like I said, all governments lie and they lie to control, not to help. If martial law measures are interfering with an effective quarantine that individuals or communities have already put in place, and if the government is putting you at risk, then you might have to fight back.
At least in the US, we have the means to do this if necessary. You will not be seeing many people dragged from their homes as easily as they are in China right now. Frankly, if I was a CDC or FEMA employee trying to force people into centralized quarantine I would fear for my life as last I checked those hazmat suits are not bulletproof.
Hopefully, we will get lucky, this will not be the case and the coronavirus stays primarily overseas. If it doesn’t, though, then expect that everything that is happening in China today will happen here tomorrow.
World Health Organization: The Globe Isn’t Ready For A World-Wide Pandemic
Apparently Amazon is selling out of oxygen generators quickly.
You don’t need no stinking 0 generator for bio….for chem attack yes.
level 5 bunker like mine yes
If you decide to occlude a single room ,bathroom preferred for obvious reasons a airtight occlusion will not allow for outside air penetration.
A simple solution can be found here Here
An addition of clothes dryer flex hose and bulk” hepa”material around outside of bucket5.
For outside air source.
good luck finding bulk hepa not made in china.
other measures are to address bathroom venting pipe and serviceable return air source.
this is just a starting point thank you.
As quoted from me now how many seasons?
You cannot kill single cell animal with Ar15. ChopChop
(*Bad link
Hey Tyler D
Why you no approve account ?
You fear boy sooky sou?
Ok so I found this Google corona virus tracking app on state run
Did a quick search of Google play store and none of the CORVID-19 tracking apps are the same as the one on (bet the Intel is diff too)
Tryed download it and ..
Now I can’t translate anything from CCP China news site.
Cue the twilight zone music…
simultaneously Wood (木 mù), Fire (火 huǒ), Earth (土 tǔ), Metal (金 jīn), and Water (水 shuǐ) followed in systematic succession by fire, water, earth, wind.
BS said, “…all governments lie and they lie to control, not to help.”
They’re saying the Executive Order is a backdoor census, that asks citizenship questions and instigates the entry / exit VISA, out of every nook and cranny.
shared central air-cold air returns sounds like a death sentence to me, just sayin’
h ttps://
“the actual text of a speech delivered in December, 2005 by Comrade Chi Haotian –the Vice-Chairman of China’s Military Commission to top officers and generals.”
“We are capable of achieving our purpose of ‘cleaning up’ America all of a sudden. When Comrade Xiaoping was still with us, the Party Central committee had the perspicacity to make the right decision not to develop aircraft carrier groups and focused instead on developing lethal weapons that can eliminate mass populations of the enemy country…Biological weapons are unprecedented in their ruthlessness, but if the Americans do not die then the Chinese have to die. If the Chinese people are strapped to the present land, a total societal collapse is bound to take place…etc.”
In many respects following the Chinese model, the US is importing the diseased, into defecting population centers, as best I can tell. What are their politics.
We are positioned, legally, to use the virus as an excuse for surveillance and containing whomever, at will.
“The 3700 passengers of the Diamond Princess are being slowly tested for the virus, and authorities have found at least 175 people infected out of 490 tested so far. That’s an infection rate of at least 35%! Some people may argue that a cruise ship is close quarters and so the infection rate would be higher, but your average Chinese city is also very close quarters.”
It’s not the same situation at all. “Close quarters” in a cruiseship goes for practically all the people on the ship”. “Close quarters” in a city like Wuhan goes only locally *literally*. This means, on the cruiseship if there is one infected person, that person will be mixing with many other people day after day after day, over and over again, and the same people will have been close to that infected person many times, over and over and over again. If the infection was not transmitted the first time, it will have had numerous subsequent opportunities for yet doing so.
This is very different from a city population. It’s simply not comparable.