Global debt has reached a staggering $253 trillion. This is a disaster waiting to happen, as the world’s total debt surged by some $9 trillion in the first three quarters of 2019, according to data from the Institute of International Finance. That’s a terrifying 322% of its GDP; and a record high.
As Axios points out, in times of economic strength, economists suggest that countries pare back their debt burdens and pay it down to protect against future unrest and downturn. But even though we are apparently living in great economic time, the United States and the overwhelming majority of the world have done just the opposite. Horrifyingly, 2019 saw the world’s debt-to-GDP ratio rise at the fastest rate since 2016.
Conversely, global growth fell to its slowest pace since the 2008–2009 financial crisis, showing diminishing returns for the increasingly large debt pile. This is simply put, a disaster waiting to happen. Anemic economic growth could also be caused by the alarming levels of debt taken on, said Liz Ann Sonders, chief investment strategist at Charles Schwab. “The effect may be a subtle crisis over time,” she said.
The Cataclysmic $243 Trillion Global DEBT BOMB Will Explode Impoverishing EVERYONE
All signs are pointing to the debt binging continuing for the foreseeable future, with the U.S. leading the way. Government debt grew at its fastest annual pace since 2009 and the U.S. government led the way in debt accumulation last year, with government debt-to-GDP rising to an all-time high of 102% of GDP, IIF finds.
Mature markets like the U.S., eurozone, and Japan ratcheted up their government debt levels last year while emerging markets like China, India, and Latin America saw the sharpest increase in non-financial corporate debt. China’s debt notably rose to 310% of GDP, despite the nation’s drive to deliver and clamp down on runaway borrowing.
IIF estimates that total global debt will exceed $257 trillion in the first quarter of 2020. This all bodes ill for the “booming” economy we live under.
Central Banks Collusion: Global Debt Will Cause The Ultimate Destruction Of The System
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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A trade in job positions and other vital resources is supposed to settle the odious debt, which America-firsters do not repudiate.
I don’t usually agree with MS, but this article is spot on. Global debt is irrevocably intertwined among nations, and so unbelievably massive, that a default of a nation’s debt (public and private) may initiate an unstoppable cascading effect, especially if its US debt.
Though propagandized headlines say otherwise, global debt and a default is by far the greatest threat to stability in the world today. This is because it would deeply affect populations politically, socially, and economically on a large scale, sowing the seeds for major disruptions.
TPTB know this, and it won’t affect them directly, but you can bet the first thing they will do is declare official emergency powers like; nationalize all police forces under some form of unified command, suspend citizen rights in an effort to contain the resulting unrest due to dramatically declining standards of living and quality of life, initiate censorship and take control over all electronic forms of communications and media to include the internet, restrict freedom of movement, confiscation of privately held wealth including precious metals, confiscation of privately owned firearms, and sooner or later – a return of rationing.
No one knows when default when occur, but the die is cast, it is not if, but when. The massive debt and it possible effects are not addressed seriously, at least publicly. Citizens will be the last to know. TPTB, “elites”, insiders, etc. will know long before, so that steps can be taken to protect them and theirs, and to increase their ability to establish maximum control over the masses when it hits the fan. The only way Amer. citizens could mitigate the effects would be to personally secede (to include their families, friends, neighbors, and communities) withdrawing from any inter-connectedness with the “system”, then organize with the goal of secession of states.
Though likely, it need not be long-term catastrophic. A managed jubilee would still cause major financial problems, but would go a long ways to mitigate the effects of an outright financial meltdown.
Oh, Yeah! We’re gonna party like it’s 1929! Make banking great again!
America is the most exceptional country on earth and in world history, with the most exceptional people in the history of the universe. This is a problem that the brilliant geniuses at the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, and the government can easily solve.
America has the greatest military in the world, single handedly winning two world wars, defeating al Qaeda, ISIL, ISIS, IS, Daesh, and assassinating the global tyrants Momar Qadafi, Saddam Houssein, and General Soleiman.
Whether Trump, Biden, Buttigeig, Bloomberg, Warren win the 2020 election is irrelavent, because the Washington establshment will ensure that the winner is guiding America on a path to victory, so that the entire world will benefit and look to the shining beacon on the hill with a thousand points of light, mesmerized in total awe.
Hey Bots for Amer: I agree, America is a blessed and exceptional nation; but a slight revision is necessary for your post. We did basically defeat Japan single-handedly, but did not win all of WW II that way. 80 % of land-based war in WW II was fought on the Eastern Front (Germany & Soviets). By the time Allied troops were finally on European soil in 1944 the German war machine was in no way anything like it was just a few years before, and already in retreat.
What we were taught in school was mostly pure propaganda, created by establishment historians. Yes, Germany committed horrible crimes, but the Soviets did far worse. The Soviets took a real beating though, tens of millions dead and vast areas of their country totally devastated. Actually, the destruction and death Germany inflicted on them in WW II helped the US win the Cold War. Though the Soviets did recover to a degree, the damage was too great, the effects of devastation lasted a long time, it was generational, and they realized they could not sustain a huge conflict for long without themselves being destroyed.
By the way, read John Wear’s new book “Germany’s War”, it shows the Soviet Union had built up gigantic armies and air forces, in both men and material, being offensively deployed on Europe’s eastern borders, and was actually preparing to attack and overrun all of Europe in the summer of 1941, Germany prevented that and saved the West.
In more recent times the destruction of ISIS is necessary, more so, they must be permanently annihilated. But propagandists done their work here too. Thank God ISIS is no longer a big threat, but most Americans believe we are solely responsible for their defeat. The Russians are the ones mainly responsible for their defeat, and saving secular Syria from rabid fundamentalists. It turns out Israel and a few other countries were supplying Islamic groups seeking to overthrow Syria.
As for Qadafi, Libya is a desert country of fewer than 6 and 1/2 million people, the population of the state of Indiana, that had a very small military, who couldn’t have defeated them.
PRAY for the lenders of that US$253 TRILLION for it is probably YOUR bank, retirement fund, or Pension savings that have lent it.
Don’t worry about the debt! The establishment hasa plan for that! Bernie/Gabbard 2020! Fake socialism and fake anti-war movement!
*Free Healthcare for eveyone YES
*Free College for everyone YES
*Free Housing for everyone NO
*Free Food for everyone NO
*Government takeover of failing corporations PROBABLY
*Government takeover of monetary system with debt free currency NO
Tulsi Gabbard claims to be anti-war, but not only had a rush to judgement to enlist after faked 9/11 attacks, and criticized the government and military for evil regime change wars, but re-enlisted voluntarily for what she knew to be an organization with adiabolically evil agenda.
Tulsi Gabbard has lived her entire life as though she was being groomed to be president. Her father was a senator, so she really can’t claim that she came from an impoverished and uneducated family.
Why would someone volunteer for an evil organization with an evil agenda unless they were evil?
Neither Sanders or Gabbard have acknowledged the faked 9/11 attacks.
Why would a normal person have any desire to elect these fakes?!
Housing and Food is a higher priority than Healthcare and Education!
Socializing the money supply is a higher priority than socializing Facebook and CocaCola! I don’t use either! I have no interest in funding either Facebook or CocaCola!
Sanders and Gabbard want more welfare for the wealthy! Wall Street Bail Outs like the world has never seen and useless services that do not give Americans real help!
Fake Generosity! A Harvard education was $2,400 a year in 1964 and the average salary was about $7,000 a year. Now a Harvard education is about $150,000 a year and the average salary is $31,000 a year!
In 1992 insurance with no deductible or co-pay was about $125 a month and the average salary was $24,000 a year. Now average healthcare is at least $325 a month, with a $10,000 deductible and high copays.
All of the gains have gone to healthcare, education, Wall Street and its share holders and bond holders, Banking, and government sectors!
They are still not satisfied and demand even more!
They consume everything in and out of sight!
Don’t let them get away with the biggest heist in world history!
Boycott the ballot 2020!
Every single one of them is 100% Plastic !
Sanders and Gabbard are just gold toned plastic!
Sanders and Gabbard want more welfare for the wealthy! Wall Street Bail Outs like the world has never seen and useless services that do not give Americans real help!
Fake Generosity! A Harvard education was $2,400 a year in 1964 and the average salary was about $7,000 a year. Now a Harvard education is about $150,000 a year and the average salary is $31,000 a year!
In 1992 insurance with no deductible or co-pay was about $125 a month and the average salary was $24,000 a year. Now average healthcare is at least $325 a month, with a $10,000 deductible and high copays.
All of the gains have gone to healthcare, education, Wall Street and its share holders and bond holders, Banking, tech sector, defense, and government sectors!
They are still not satisfied and demand even more!
They consume everything in and out of sight!
Don’t let them get away with the biggest heist in world history!
Boycott the ballot 2020!
Every single one of them is 100% Plastic !
Sanders and Gabbard are just gold toned plastic!