This article was originally published by Sara Tipton at Ready Nutrition.
We live in the golden age of technology, whether we want to or not. And because of the need or desire to have a smartphone and keep it on your person at all times, there are things we can to that will boost our “technology health.”
In 2018, 95% of Americans said they owned a cellphone of some kind while a whopping 77% of Americans said they owned a smartphone. That’s up from just 35% in Pew Research Center’s first survey of smartphone ownership conducted in 2011. Smartphones are used for everything anymore. They have become our maps and weather sources. They are a reprieve from our daily lives and a way to stay connected in a world that is both increasingly interconnected and distant at the same time.
But because of this phenomena, our phones can also have an impact on our health and it is rarely for the better. Infectious germs, poor eyesight, eye strain, and muscle strains can all be some of the negative side effects of using a phone for a long period of time. Often, a complete technology detox is what is needed. But when that won’t due, try these tips for help with common technology health problems
If you find yourself staring at your phone for long periods of time, try to take breaks every 20 or 30 minutes. This will relieve the neck and shoulder muscles working hard to keep your head bent down. Consider rubbing your own muscles to relieve the tension and stretch out for a few minutes before returning to your phone. Muscle strain can lead to knots and spasms, as well as nerve pain that radiates down the back. Take caution to keep your head up to provide minimal straining on the neck if you must look at your phone for a long time. Some people are fine using their phone for hours on end, while others will definitely need to take breaks and soothe their sore muscles.
Nasty germs lurk on the surface of smartphones. Most people don’t do anything to clean those infectious organisms off of their screen either! In fact, one study showed that smartphone screens harbor three times more germs than a toilet seat. Yikes! Researchers swabbed different phones to test for aerobic bacteria, yeast an, mold. The findings of the study showed that all areas of the smartphone” harbor at least some quantity of each type of organism.” E. coli was even found on some phones!
More than a third of people (35 %) have never cleaned their smartphones with wipes, a cleaning fluid or a similar product, according to the study done by Insurance2Go, a gadget insurance provider based in Portsmouth, England. Take the time to wipe off your smartphone now! I know I did as soon as I had written this! With superbugs on the rise, it just makes sense.
Staring at any screen can strain the eyes and lead to poor vision. Scientists and doctors say that blue light is so dangerous because the lens and cornea of the eye cannot block it. Shorter wavelength blue light that is emitted by smartphones, lights, and computer, tablet, and TV screens causes damaging health effects. Exposure to this wavelength of light disrupts circadian rhythms and exposure to blue light after the sun goes down interferes with sleep. Try wearing blue light glasses if you have to look at your phone (or if you work on a computer for long hours during the day). I personally picked up some cheap blue light glasses on Amazon because staring at a computer screen for 9+ hours a day was heavily straining my eyes. These ones are inexpensive, yet offer protection from the dangers of the blue light.
Eyesight itself can be damaged too if you look at your smartphone long enough. This is also the fault of the blue light. It is also one more good reason to protect your eyes with blue light glasses. According to the New York Post, researchers at the University of Toledo, in Ohio, have found that exposure to blue-light promotes the growth of “poisonous molecules” in your eyes, leading to macular degeneration. “It’s no secret that blue light harms our vision by damaging the eye’s retina,” professor and study co-author Ajith Karunarathne said about the study, which was published in the journal Scientific Reports.
I can’t even begin to describe how many times I’ve seen a person driving while typing away on their phone. Some are in their own lane, while others are completely oblivious to the world around them as they travel at 55 mph down the highway. Texting while driving distracts you from what’s happening on the road and takes your eyes away from what you should be paying attention to. Texting while driving could actually hurt someone else too! It only takes a few seconds of inattention to lead to an accident. In 2015, nearly 3,500 people were killed and approximately 391,000 people were injured in car accidents involving distracted drivers.
Put the phone in your purse and put the purse under your seat or even under the back seat out of your reach. Turn off the sound before getting in your car, or simply shut it off if you are one of those who can be tempted to check your email while behind the wheel of a moving vehicle. Making the phone difficult to get to will help prevent you from being distracted by it, and if you can’t hear it, you will have less of a desire to reach for it. If you like to listen to the music on your phone while you drive, make sure your playlist is set up before you put the car in gear, and then turn off all notifications. Limiting your distractions is just one way to keep yourself focused on the task of arriving safely to your destination. Your family and friends will thank you!
While it seems like not much can be done to limit the use of smartphones, things can be done to mitigate the negative health effects of their use. Let us know your techniques for not allowing your smartphone and other technology to steal your health!
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The easiest way I’ve found to beat technology is to find the button labeled “off”. Push it. Works every time.
No you cannot turn off tech. Only way to beat them is not have them. Every day I wake up I am a winner. I do not have a cell phone.
FYI/FWIW — In Sweden, as of recently, cash is no longer used. You can no longer pay for anything with cash. You can only pay for things with either your phone or bank debit/credit card. Coming soon to the USA.
Speaking of theft, My Peeps ….. does anyone recall the guest article posted here about a month ago extolling the virtues of digital money by an Insider / Asshat / Profiteer of a crypto currency ???
Don’t get sucked into this nonsense. You may as well be buying tulip bulbs. Your money would be better spent on beans, bandages, and bullets. Keep stacking & packing. 🙂
Simple ways to beat technology?
90% of the population are addicted to and dependent on modern technology and wouldn’t last a month in a conventional,non-technological environment..As beneficial as modern technology has been in certain areas,in other areas it has hurt more than it’s helped..
Ironically, reproductions of Stone Age tools are sold on the internet at boutique prices.
I miss the days when the phone was hard wired, and mounted on the wall. “Can you hear me now?” “Can you hear..click….Aww Damn it !
I miss the 50’s through the 70’s.
I don’t have a smartphone, I don’t even have text, I don’t have mastercard, I don’t have ANYTHING with the word smart attached to it. If you see anything with the word “smart” attached, run run run. Smart meter, smart tv, smart phone, it is bullshit. They should relabel it as appliances for stupid knuckledragging assholes.
Cellphone addiction is an epidemic that is affecting 95% of people under 50 years of age..I challenge anyone to go to a shopping center or mall and find just 5 people who are NOT clutching their beloved phone and starring at it..
This article reminds me of one of my all time favorite bumper stickers. It reads:
“You’re gonna look might funny with that cell phone stuck up your ass….”
I suspect that this bumper sticker was a rip off of a great line in the Clint Eastwood movie, High Plains Drifter – but, it’s still funny as hell.
BTW: I have noticed a particularly infuriating habit when driving around town. Whenever I am waiting behind a row of cars at a stop-light, when the light turns green – the moron who is in the first car in line is preoccupied with his stinking cell phone, probably surfing the web, or texting, or checking his email or whatever – and not paying attention to the fact that the light has turned green, or the fact that that green light will only stay green for a very short period of time. This delay will continue until someone in line behind the moron will get pissed off and honk their horn in frustration, whereupon the moron might then snap out of his cell phone zombie state, glance up at the light, see that it is green and then proceed forward.
This has rapidly turned into a major pain in the neck in the area where I live, because instead of 5 or 6 or more cars being able to make it through the green light – this inattention to driving will reduce that to maybe 2 or 3, and then the light turns red again. Whereupon the NEW moron who is #1 in line at the light will immediately decide to start dorking around with his or her cell phone and the process is repeated.
Someone needs to invent a cell phone jammer device and attach it to every traffic light to put a screeching halt to these cell phone addicted zombie drivers.
I’ve noticed the same thing in Middle TN.
Again, SHTF blames the wrong culprit.
And now I have to see you fatties without your jackets on. Enjoy your processed carbs and your victim-hood.
You must live in the city and are a Millennials
There were obese people 50 years ago but they didn’t behave like Millennials..
Cellphones addiction has destroyed Millennials.
I don’t have a cell phone and have never written a text.
Something which humans have successfully lived without for 2 million years is not a necessity. I don’t want to be connected to everyone and everything; I’ll choose the connections I want. There’s much to be said for solitude and silence; one can hear the universe and oneself.
(Setting my ideas of communist diploma mills and the gender roles aside, just to make an example…)
Some of my womyn acquaintances will have disappeared from social media, to get their “education”. They show their face, again (in 3-4 dog years) with a diploma and “married” to the new man toy.
“Real” life happened, off the internet. (It looks like about 100yrs of real life.)
Are people legally, morally, or physically accountable, over this medium of communication. When that happens, I believe that screen time is productive.
Try to keep your phone away from your body as much as possible to reduce radio exposure. Do not leave near your head while sleeping. Or not your pocket while working if you can leave it somewhere nearby instead.