A Siberian super-volcano is worrying scientists after it’s shocking and sudden eruption flung hot ash six miles into the sky. This volcano is one of the most active in Russia.
Scientists working at the geophysical department of the Russian Academy of Science in north-eastern Russia’s Kamchatka Krai region have confirmed the giant eruption took place at the site of the Shiveluch Volcano yesterday over a 20 minute period. They also verified and saw the volcano spew piping hot ash 10 kilometers (6 miles) into the sky. So far, no locals or villages have been affected by this volcano’s eruption, but it’s sparking fears that a larger and more powerful explosion could occur in the very near future.
This eruption comes just days after Mount Agung in Bali in Indonesia began erupting, causing thousands to flee. The head of the volcano station, Yuri Demyanchuk, said the eruption was powerful. “It was a powerful outburst, although it wasn’t accompanied by pyroclastic flows. There was much lightning in the ash column,” according to Demyanchuk.
The volcano began forming about 60,000 to 70,000 years ago. Before this explosion, the most recent eruption was in February of 2015 when ash was shot around 30,000 feet into the air crossing the Bering Sea and into Alaska.
Volcanologists have been monitoring this and the Bali eruption closely for signs of an impending and more violent explosion. Siberian volcanic eruptions are thought to have caused the Permian mass extinction about 250 million years ago, which prompts scientists to study any volatility closely.
The instability around many of Earth’s volcanoes is putting researchers on edge. While most say we shouldn’t be concerned about a super volcano such as the Yellowstone caldera erupting, we are seeing an increasing number of earthquakes and volcanic activity as we inch toward 2018. Could the Earth be sending us warning signs?
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Mother Earth putting up her Christmas lights
uhhhhh, like I said before, what else would it be spewing? Unicorns?
Cayce predicted volcanic eruptions in tropical regions first, then in the arctic, before Mt Etna erupts (gigantically) prior to the BIG ONE and subsequent Pole Shift. This is exactly what we have seen since the turn of the millennium.
Be there to get there. 🙂
“Could the Earth be sending us warning signs?”
THAT is a voice from God. Always has been, always will be. Many in the past have ignored him and His Commandments just like today.
See? This is what happens when you run out of virgins to throw into the darned things. One more reason to get rid of Islam and all those jihadists. They keep getting all their 32 or whatever for their afterlife. This just has to stop.
Faith is nice and eases ones sojourn through the tine speck of life experience upon the planet but it is presumptuous of you to expect others to have been indoctrinated similar to your unprovable belief system.
“THAT is a voice from God.”
I spoke with God today … She said this was none of her doing … then she went on to make a joke saying … Russia Did It!!!
God has a good sense of humor ツ
Yes I do lol. (joking)
That’s not the voice of god…….he is just clearing his throat.
Off topic- School shooting in New Mexico…
Another gun grab op…
Probably carried out by one of the alphabet agencies…
I saw that. Obviously “fake news” since it couldn’t happen in a gun free zone like a school.
On a more serious note, condolences and prayers for the families of the two students killed and the shooter’s family.
“Earth sending us warning signs”
What the hell are we going to do about it?
Put a cork in it?
Volcano’s are a fact of life on this Earth.
They screw up the weather and the environment.
This volcanoe has been erupting since 1999.
On February 27, 2015 Shiveluch erupted shooting ash into the atmosphere about 30,000 feet
“Siberian volcanic eruptions are thought to have caused the Permian mass extinction.’
Interestingly, socialist eruptions are thought to have caused the almost worldwide so-called Detroitian extinction, which coincides with the de-evolution of man from thinking primate into half man, half sheep. This coincided with the late 1960s, LBJ created War on Poverty (now at $20 TRILLION spent), which is marked by drops in human intelligence, moral reasoning and fatherless children.
A slam dunk post Test! Thanks for the clarification.
God has nothing to do with it. mans activities have nothing to do with it. That volcano would still be doing whatever its doing even if man had never walked on the earth. Its simply a end of an age shifting of the planets magnetic poles. That shifting causes a lot of clatyclismic events.
Old Guy – Something Ed Leedskalnin said for you……… As I said in the beginning, the North and South Pole magnets they are the cosmic force. They hold together this earth and everything on it, and they hold together the moon, too. The moon’s North end holds South Pole magnets the same as the earth’s North end. The moon’s South end holds North Pole magnets the same as the earth’s South end. Those people who have been wondering why the moon does not come down all they have to do is to give the moon one- half of a turn so that the North end would be in South side, and South end in the North side, and then the moon would come down. At present the earth and the moon have like magnet poles in the same sides so their own magnet poles keep themselves apart, but when the poles are reversed, then they will pull together. Perhaps Nibiru is closer than we think?
Im very skeptical about NIBIRU. I actually hope its real. I would prefer NIBIRU to what is eventually bound to happen.
Old Guy –
I can safely say … “it’s not gonna happen”
Nibiru is fictional … just as much as the History lessons we learned in sKool.
Maybe I wasn’t clear about Nibiru….Its the MOON!
We are indeed experiencing a great amount of pole shift and weird weather and Clatyclismic events. I am not real worried about those things. Its the political landscape that Im concerned about. There are those who place societys problems on differences in race and religion. No one wants to address the real problem. The real problem is too many Parasite Takers. And too few Producing Makers. They have long ago run out of other folks money to spend. So they make up the shortfall with Debt. That situation is not long term sustainable. Eventually there will be a culling of the Parasites and it will not be very much fun. NIBIRU is pauseable at best.
Please note from above the line….. “At present the earth and the moon have like magnet poles in the same sides so their own magnet poles keep themselves apart, but when the poles are reversed, then they will pull together” So when we have a pole reversal as has been spoken of as imminent then you can see what will happen. Moon approaches earth and electrical discharges of enormous scale blasts craters and lash like marks across the earth and the moons surface. Then once the moons magnetic poles are reversed by the process it will move away again. A rouge planet hidden in plain sight.
Last time I looked, the moon wasn’t red.
If its proximity to earth is such that its in the edge of the Earths shadow it will be red……Blood red I believe.
Thanks for the map showing us the location. Oh, right.
Oh, okay, maybe the volcanoes started the whole ball rolling… but it was the methane gas that actually did the trick!! I will send a video. (THE METHANE GAS IS COMING AT PRESENT DUE TO THE FACT THAT THE ARCTIC IS HEATING UP 2-3X THE REST OF THE PLANET– THE POLES ARE MELTING)!!
I Blame COW FARTS….!
BIBLE: “I will destroy those who destroy the earth.”
(Think real hard about that statement before spouting bull crap saying global warming is not occurring!)
BIBLE: “I will destroy those who destroy the earth.”
So … why hasn’t God destroyed those Political people in power?
Governments have been destroying and polluting the World for decades.
People like you and I make a small footprint in this world … Governments on the other hand???
All humans destroy the earth to a degree. The reason corps. and govt. destroy the earth is to satisfy the appetite of the masses consumption and thirst for blood. If it wasn’t for 7 billion consumers none of this would be an issue.
Methane Thought To Be Responsible For Mass Extinction …
Methane Thought To Be Responsible For Mass Extinction Date: August 28, 2003 Source: Northwestern University Summary: What caused the worst mass extinction in Earth’s …
BBC Nature – Catastrophic methane release videos, news and …
Catastrophic methane release. Catastrophic methane release has been suggested as a possible cause of mass extinction. Methane … gas. Global warming results and …
The perp in the greatest mass extinction on earth? Methane
Home News The perp in the greatest mass extinction on earth? Methane … event. The Great Dying was probably caused … methane reverts to a gas and …
How Methane-Producing Microbes Caused The Largest Mass …
How Methane-Producing Microbes Caused The Largest … as the end-Permian extinction event … Producing Microbes Caused The Largest Mass …
The Perp in the Greatest Mass Extinction on Earth? Methane
The Perp in the Greatest Mass Extinction on Earth? Methane … after any other extinction event, … atmospheric carbon dioxide to cause the mass extinction.
Mass Extinction Time Bomb: Methane – Tikkun Daily Blog
Such Arctic soils currently lock away billions of tons of methane, a far more potent greenhouse gas than … the cause of this mass extinction event … video. So …
Earth’s worst mass extinction was caused by global warming …
Researchers from Brock University in Ontario have shed new light on the world’s worst mass extinction event, … worst mass extinction was caused … gas emissions …
Triassic Extinction Caused by Methane Gas From Seafloor …
Two hundred million years ago, at the end of the Triassic period, a mass extinction, often attributed to major volcanic activity, wiped out half of all …
Mass Extinction: It’s the End of the World as We Know It …
The change in climate is thought to be the key to what caused the extinction of … sixth mass extinction event. … methane – a greenhouse gas 100 times …
Methane Hydrate: Ki
At science daily– Methane Thought To Be Responsible For Mass Extinction …
At Northwestern University website–
Methane Thought To Be Responsible For Mass Extinction
BBC Nature – Catastrophic methane release videos–
Catastrophic methane release. Catastrophic methane release has been suggested as a possible cause of mass extinction. Methane … gas. Global warming results and …
American blog– greatest mass extinction…methane in the greatest mass extinction on earth? Methane … event. The Great Dying was probably caused … methane reverts to a gas and …
How Methane-Producing Microbes Caused The Largest Mass …At science times…/methane…caused-largest-mass-extinction
How Methane-Producing Microbes Caused The Largest … as the end-Permian extinction event … Producing Microbes Caused The Largest Mass …
The Perp in the Greatest Mass Extinction on Earth? Methane– at truth out website…in-the-greatest-mass-extinction-on-earth-methane
atmospheric carbon dioxide to cause the mass extinction.
Mass Extinction Time Bomb: Methane – Tikkun Daily Blog…/2013/12/03/mass-extinction-time-bomb-methane
Such Arctic soils currently lock away billions of tons of methane, a far more potent greenhouse gas than … the cause of this mass extinction event … video. So …
Earth’s worst mass extinction was caused by global warming …
At daily mail website uk…Earth-s-worst-mass-extinction-caused-global…
Researchers from Brock University in Ontario have shed new light on the world’s worst mass extinction event, … worst mass extinction was caused … gas emissions …
Triassic Extinction Caused by Methane Gas From Seafloor …from the ny times– 2011/07/26/science/
Two hundred million years ago, at the end of the Triassic period, a mass extinction, often attributed to major volcanic activity, wiped out half of all …
Mass Extinction: It’s the End of the World as We Know It … At alter net website– /environment/mass-extinction-its-end-world…
The change in climate is thought to be the key to what caused the extinction of … sixth mass extinction event. … methane – a greenhouse gas 100 times …
Methane Hydrate: Ki
Methane huh? Well take this mofo!
Dinosaurs did not go extinct. We still have dinosaurs. crocks alligators ,snakes ,liazards ,turtles are still with us. The big dinosaurs where killed of by the event of Mammals. Those mammals ate the eggs of plant eating dinosaurs. pretty soon the meat eaters didn’t have any plant eaters to consume and they starved. Those mammals also brought parasites like ticks and lice. those gators and crocks eat mammals, the snakes eat mammals, Turtles lay well hidden nest and lay enough eggs some young survive. It was mammals that did them in.
I like your theory.
I hold to the idea that life needs to
and is designed to adapt to a dynamic
Earth. The volcano I live on moves up to 8 cm per year.
That is pretty impressive for the tallest mountain
in the world, which abuts the most massive mountain in
the world..
Our local solar system
is constantly changing and affects us.
Our climate is driven by a star 98,000,000
miles away that is it’s self constantly changing.
Life that adapts to change the
quickest is most likely to survive.
Volcanoes cause global cooling, expect a cooler than normal winter. Not much else.
Dammit! Now I have to go cut more firewood!
Of course, we’ve been told by climate “scientists” that volcanoes don’t affect climate or the ozone, no it’s only freon and other types of aeresols that can do that out of little spray bottles, but a volcano, naw…no effect…
Kamchatka is not in Siberia. It’s in the Russian Far East. Siberia is all of Euroasia who’s waters flow into the Arctic. The Far East is all (of Asia) who’s waters flow into the Pacific.
Mac …. it is not a supervolcano, it is a stratovolcano … still potentially deadly, but not near as much … it is generally a VEI-5