Shocking: CO’s Bird Flu Testing Regimen Found More Bird Flu In Dairy Herds

by | Aug 7, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    The Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) reported that, based on mandatory weekly bulk-tank milk testing, which went into effect on July 22nd, more dairy herds have been identified as having bird flu. This is incredibly unsurprising, considering that’s what “mass testing” is for.

    Bird Flu Could Be About To Enter The “Mass Testing” Phase

    The testing turned up nine more outbreaks in dairy herds, according to the CDA’s line list, which now reflects 63 herds affected since late April. The University of Minnesota’s CIDRAP said that more than half of Colorado’s licensed dairy herds have been hit with outbreaks, many of them in Weld County, where the virus spread to large commercial poultry farms and infected 10 livestock workers and poultry cullers.

    As of today, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has confirmed 179 H5N1 outbreaks in dairy herds from 13 states. Among the total are 52 from Colorado, which has the most of any state.

    Colorado Demands Dairies Test Milk Samples For Bird Flu As Mammal Spread Increases

    Colorado Governor Jared Polis extended an emergency declaration an extra 30 days on August 2nd. It now runs through September 1st and is said to free up resources for the avian flu response in Weld County.

    Moderna Is “Standing Ready” For The Human Bird Flu Pandemic

    The ruling class has already commissioned a “vaccine” from Moderna, and the Big Pharma company is “standing ready” for the human bird flu scamdemic. It seems like this will likely be something that is at least attempted in the United States, considering it’s in dairy cattle and chickens, affecting the food supply.

    The Overhyped Threat of a Human Bird Flu Pandemic is a Hoax to “Reset” Our Food System

    This bird flu outbreak has the potential to get everything done the ruling class needs. It’ll panic people into taking yet another mRNA injection while simultaneously making them afraid of meat, dairy, and eggs, some of the most important foods for human beings to be consuming. THey will likely tie this into climate change and try to make it humanity’s “fault”.


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