Remember that debate between Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich, where Mr. Gingrich suggested we should expand and strengthen the Patriot Act in the name of protecting US citizens from terrorists? Mr. Gingrich indicated that there exists a line between criminal law and the war on terror, and that we need not worry the government will overstep its bounds.
While Americans enjoy the Thanksgiving weekend and join the annual running of the bulls celebration at malls and retail outlets, something sinister is taking place in Congress – and it should scare the hell out of you. If the President and Senate have their way, your front lawn will soon become a battlefield, and you’ll be subjected to military, not criminal, law.
From the ACLU Via The Daily Sheeple:
The Senate is gearing up for a vote on Monday or Tuesday that goes to the very heart of who we are as Americans. The Senate will be voting on a bill that will direct American military resources not at an enemy shooting at our military in a war zone, but at American citizens and other civilians far from any battlefield — even people in the United States itself.
The Senate is going to vote on whether Congress will give this president—and every future president — the power to order the military to pick up and imprison without charge or trial civilians anywhere in the world. Even Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) raised his concerns about the NDAA detention provisions during last night’s Republican debate. The power is so broad that even U.S. citizens could be swept up by the military and the military could be used far from any battlefield, even within the United States itself.
The worldwide indefinite detention without charge or trial provision is in S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill, which will be on the Senate floor on Monday. The bill was drafted in secret by Sens. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) and passed in a closed-door committee meeting, without even a single hearing.
I know it sounds incredible. New powers to use the military worldwide, even within the United States? Hasn’t anyone told the Senate that Osama bin Laden is dead, that the president is pulling all of the combat troops out of Iraq and trying to figure out how to get combat troops out of Afghanistan too? And American citizens and people picked up on American or Canadian or British streets being sent to military prisons indefinitely without even being charged with a crime. Really? Does anyone think this is a good idea? And why now?
This is happening right now – IN AMERICA! A law that is designed to specifically bypass Constitutional protections and one that will undoubtedly be used against the American people to further advance and expand the national police state.
Once signed into law the President (or anyone of his minions within the Justice Department or Homeland Security acting on his behalf) can issue orders to arrest, detain and imprison an American citizen in the United States without due process. Since most terror arrests fall into the realm of national security, and therefore are secret, no evidence would ever need to be presented for the permanent detainment (and who knows what else) of an American imprisoned under this law.
Hat tip Bear
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WOW. These people have no shame. McCain, just as I thought – he would have been just another Obama.
No, he was pro-illegal; he may have been worse!!!
Obama is pro-illegal also so I don’t get your point!
Prisonplanet.com has a similar article, except that you can click an ACLU link that sends a letter to your senator and Congressman. Here’s the ACLU link:
at least obama does not pretend to be the friend of conservatives. he’s easily identified as an enemy of conservatives. mccain is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and like so many false republicans pretends to be a conservative to sheople who think republicans are automatically conservative. it’s good to know who your enemies are!
Mr. Obama is ill-legal as the president! Not a natural-born citizen! So, where are the “guts & the nuts”?
Agree…and it would have been really worse, since Obama has caused libertarians and Republs and independents to come together in opposition….McCain would have conflicted many Repubs and our opposition would not have been as firm. So thank God for Barack Obama!!
Thank Allah did you mean?
McCain is progressive light. Sad he’s willing to detain people, indefinately and without probable cause, considering he was a POW for 6 years!
McCain Quotes Chairman Mao, what in the world?
Bear is a coward and served only himself
Being a little hard on the old dude aren’t you bear? You are probably one of those funny little coward geeks that hide behind your mama and chuck their bombs at people that have the courage and honor to stand up for their country.
You may not like the man but he deserves respect for his service. You are probably one of those hippy types that cursed and spot on returning Vietnam veterans. You sure are a pussy.
I respect his service in the military but his service in the Senate is rather suspect. He appears to be for everything the American people are against, like illegal immigration. I just don’t know why we don’t replace him and some of his colleagues.
I believe he was refered to as “song bird McCain” in the Hanoi Hilton, by his fellow comrade-in-prision! He sang and sang and sang. Also, his dad, Adm. McCain oversaw the cover-up of the 1967 attack on the USS Liberty in the Mediterrainian Sea. Oh yes, Senator McCain put forth a law to denine “we the people” vitamins and suppaments! Just nothing seems good about McCain.
I’m also a combat wounded veteran. Airborne Ranger and Special Forces.
I told McCain 20 odd years ago I wouldn’t vote for him for dogcatcher.
I have called him the Manchurian Candidate for decades.
Just being a combat vet doesn’t make one good. See John Kerry and Al Gore, and others. I would be willing to agree that McCains brain got screwed up in POW camp. But, that doesn’t change the fact that he has consistently voted against the US and for more government control of its people…..totalitarian.
And had we gotten him for prez I believe that the only possible difference would be that he may not have repealed DADT…..but I wouldn’t put any money on it.
When the Posse Comitatas Law was repealed, Americans did not say a word. That law prevented US military from taking actions on US soil and against Americans.
There is also a law that allows Canada and the US to “share” military forces for the purpose of emergencies which can include civil unrest. So if American troops will not go against Americans, the Canadians will be brought in and out troops can be sent there.
There was a very good reason for Posse Comitatas. It was to protect this nation and it’s citizens.
The Canadian military occupy the U.S.? The typical Canadian would be far less likely to shoot American civilians that the typical U.S. soldier… Ignoring the fact that the Canadian military doesn’t have the capability to occupy the U.S.. The more likely scenario is a U.S. invasion of Canada.
Spot on, the Canadian authorities are flat terrified of the average armed American. With good reason, the last time they came down to the US was Sept 14. 1814, Battle of Plattsburgh/Chazy and a collected New England, New York militia kicked their ass outnumbered 4 to 1. Canadian tropps come to the US to suppress us. Not gonna happen. Did you see what their pussy cops did after the Canucks got wiped by Boston in the Stanley cup. That would nuthin’.
Living in a small Arizona town that has 20000+ HEAVILY ARMED citizens, 3500 with FULLY AUTOMATIC weapons, I say Bring on the “troops” canadian or otherwise, and alot of bodybags too…
Posse committatas was repealed? Where did you get that? I’m trying to research that bit of info.
C’mon ski! Is that what they’ve re-written the history books to teach you? During the war of 1812 Washington DC was occupied, the White House & the partially built Capitol buildings burned. Washington fell to the invasion!
That said I agree with Retarded Rabid Elk. Canadian soldiers would be even less likely to fire on US civilians than would US troops.
Thats my 2 cents worth…
check out in the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (H.R. 5122), which was signed into law on October 17, 2006.
After reading almost all the posts- I think Canada should start to build a very secure wall coast to coast along the border. I am more worried about American troops invading my country then any possiblity of Canadian troops ever entering yours. Your country (sadly) has a history of limited respect for human rights… be it their own citizens and minorities, or others around the world. And that’s the really sad part – you still think you are a democracy – the rich and Banksters OWN YOU. Almost 46 million of you are on food stamps, and 30% of the total US population is a month away from living on the street if not for government handouts. Do you have a democracy left? And for disclosure..I have lots of US relatives.
somewhat better than kissing the arse of a queen.
Actually the statistics you mention are more indicative that the US is becoming more and more a socialist as opposed to capitalist society. For good or bad we “democratically” elect the people who set up the socialistic system. The idea is that you can more easily control people who depend on you. It’s the “Golden Rule”: He who holds the gold makes the rules.
That having been said, we here in the US are slowly but surely losing our rights, freedoms, and liberties. We are one step away from a national identity card so we can ostensibly identify illegal aliens. Under current “anti terrorist” laws, we, too, can be arrested and detained indefinitely without trial or access to a lawyer just because someone overheard something out of context. We are virtually strip searched before boarding a plane and detained without probable cause at random checkpoints. We’re tracked via CCTV, cell phone use is recorded and every transaction that uses anything other than cash is tracked and monitored.
Laws like this are just another step to totalitarianism and domestic tyranny.
And for full disclosure, I have lots of Canadian friends.
Amen wtCanadian; We do not have a democracy left…and yes the rich and Banksters OWN our sad little asses! Me and my sister wonder where they are hiding all the homeless!!!
canada soilders said they would not fight american people but stand with us and fight
this is a fact its been on the news tonight i watched c-spain today and it was not voted on i will be watching c-span i will be watching tomorrow it will be voted on in the senate
Dude, or dudette, do some research. Several of his fellow POWs said he sang like a canary. But, in fairness, had I been caught I’da probably sang also….most of what they’d get would be old and useless anyway…..especially from a point man…I was Airborne Infantry and LRRP (Ranger), not a high speed pilot.
However, look at McCain’s voting record. Look up some of his speeches. Oh yeah, and check out his situation during the savings and loan crisis.
See, as a fellow Viet vet I want to like the man. However, as a patriot I find him at best lacking, and at worst…..
The un-united states needs no new laws to become more
actively facist! Just in case your high-school history
didn’t teach you, this ‘democracy’ (the term does not
appear in the constitution!) has had two tax revolts,
one in 1787 in Boston (Shay’s Rebellion) and another
much longer one the so called ‘Whiskey Rebellion’ which
ran from 1791-94! In the second of these ‘rebellions’
Mr. George Washington took off his chief executive’s
suit and donned full military dress as commander in chief
of armed forces and commanded 13,000 well trained and
equipped troops to smash that uprising! But that’s not all, Mr. Washington’s general staff approached him with
a proposal to storm congress, seize control of the government, and delare him emperor of america! I’m sure the average american is totally unaware of this and other untaught significant historical events. Another indication of the obsene ignorgance of the average american concerning their own history!
Who needs new laws when the american constitution already
provides for a dictatorship if and when the ‘natives’ get a bit too uppity and too big for their britches? Why
do you think the articles of confederation were trashed?
Erick Tippett
Retired Musician/Teacher
Chicago, Illinois
if americans knew the things that go on behind closed doors they would vote differently than they do. who do you trust. the best policy is to limit terms and income of our politicians.
It seems so absurd the “bennies” these politicians get. They should get at best an above average insurance package while they are in office. These guys are already millionaires! How much does the average american pay out of pocket each year…Yeah, we can really afford it! I suppose to make things look GOOD, we will all have Insurance eventually…but if we can’t afford the deductibles and co-pays it doesn’t matter if we have Insurance or not.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, … when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their DUTY, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Right on brother.
I can only think back to my childhood and my dad reading to me out of a big illustrated book about Robin Hood. I’d love to find that book again, it was all written in a pseudo-middle-English and had tons of illustrations, and all sorts of merrie tales ….. I think put out by Golden Books, they did a lot of great books. It’d be considered Young Adult reading now. Anyway I was perhaps 8 ….. hearing my dad’s wonderful resonant voice telling of the great adventures of Robin and the bunch, all of course outlaws, and if caught, to “have their ears shorn close to their heads” or worse, worse being hanging.
Later it was Spider-Man, that awful 70s TV show with Spidey swinging over the city, from skyhooks perhaps? In glorious black-and-white. If you were a young teenager about that time, Spidey was great. He was a role model, really, and, he was an outlaw. J. Jonah Jameson was always crying for his blood, you could tell he wanted Spidey splattered in a hail of gunfire.
I was too young to catch the whole cowboy-hero thing, but there’s that, the 1920s “gangsters”, etc. Those of us raised on American culture, (not tellytubbies and captain planet) are gonna push back. We always have.
We won’t confiscate your guns, we’ll just confiscate you. We won’t make your gold illegal, we’ll make you illegal. Protesting the president?, gulag. Don’t want to be good proletariat?, gulag. Father Obama has a present for you under his holiday tree comrades…..
repeatedly and hard.
Good for you! You’ve learned how how to spell four-letter words. I’m sure your parents are their proudest today as you’ve ever made them!
Levin and McCain really are a bunch of tools and no wonder that congress is on 9% approval. Is the Senate trying to race them to the bottom? Time for a second revolution! The only possible good that could come out of these laws is that they usually come back to personally haunt the ones that signed it. Bring the troops home and get them to help force these crooks out of office.
I hope this proves what I and many others have been saying for a very long time: that there’s no real difference between the Demopublicans and the Republicrats. If you vote them out you’d better relace them with people who will uphold the constitition like Libertarians. Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results is the surest sign of insanity. No Dem or Rep will ever bring us back from where we are now, so get smart and vote for liberty, not the staus quo.
You’ve got that right brother. There is absolutely no
difference now between the two parties. They both SUCK!
They are nothing but bought and paid for “whores” to the
corporate and monied special interests.
The same conditions exist today in the USA, as existed in
Germany in the 1930’s prior to Hitler with his brown shirts and Third Reich Nazi Party seising control of the
Werhmacht Republic. The government and major corporations
such as the arms manufacturer Krupp became virtually one
and the same with complimentary agenda’s. And we all know now, what occured there.
To Gregory8 and Anonymous….You Guys (Gals) ROCK the TRUTH!
Notice how they don’t seem to give a crap about their low rating with the People? That’s ’cause they don’t work for us.
gather the largest group of patriots, march into congress and arrest them all. allow them bail only on constitutional merits. at that point we will see what the military does. stop beating a dead horse. i think every american knows there is no vote that will change these treasonous turds. these people pass laws in the middle of the night. the whole thing is kaput.
I so agree!
That is why “we the people” need Dr. Ron Paul for President! I have not seen no “sumutt” on him.
ron pauls foreign policy is another disastterous can of worms in the making. President may be to high an office for Mr. Paul. I only came to this realization as teh debates have shone a light on a lax foreign policy, especially to Iraq. We ned to storm the capital with enough force to overpower the military( you know who controls THEIR pay and gives then weapons.
Let that Fat Fascist F*** know what you think of him:
Even on Thanksgiving, all these ruthless statist totalitarians can think of is, “Hmmmm, how can I destroy this country further in favor of the government, and make them our slaves, while empowering ourselves?”
“Destroying what’s left of America makes me proud . . . next up, confiscation of arms . . . Ol’ George III never had it this good, hahahaha! Life is good when you live like a perpetual parasite!”
Carl Levin:
We are watching you.
You are deliberately eroding our freedoms on behalf of a foreign power.
You wish to make all Americans into suspects and terrorists, thereby annihilating the Bill of Rights.
Your efforts are responsible for turning this country, once a bulwark of freedom, into a vast police state.
CEASE AND DESIST your abuses, deceptions, insults, and assaults upon our Constitutional protections.
Your presence in D.C. is sponsorship of the organized crime of a totalitarian state.
We are watching you.
We are watching you.
You are a tool of the military industrial complex.
Great Comment!
However, it is a Bill of Limitations on the Federal Government. The People are only limited by their lack of Knowledge that We are Sovereign.
We Declare Our Rights and Laws.
Why did you only include the Democratic email in your post? Do you sill believe this is a divided issue. Are we still so retarded as a nation that even this issue is about left and right. The center must rise. Be truly independent. Left and right both have sold out. Pizza as a vegetable? Give me a f#%kin break. How many jobs did that make?
Quit giving so much power to Obama, thats childish and uniformed. congress is the devil you know and bought and sold by lobbyist.
Fire them all!
Hi Dennis! I think that it is not even about right vs left, nor about Communism alone. I believe that there are Communists, Fascists, and Anarchists oon both sides of the isle! I think the correct way to define this struggle is between Transformationalists, who are those who would transform our Constitutional Republic into something else; and the Constitutionalists, who are those who wish to restore this country to its original Constitutional roots!
I believe that IS the new paradigm…Transormationalists and Constitutionalists. Evolution vs Restoration! I will stick with the Constitution, and put those who would destroy this country for their own ends to the blade… or noose…or bullet…or my bare hands given the opportunity!
“The only good Communist, Fascist, or Anarchist, is a DEAD one!;” this is the saying that I believe in!
In the Spirit of Liberty,
“Robert Stripling’s The Red Plot Against America was published in 1949, but has long been forgotten due to the liberal memory hole that dictates our popular recollections of that era. Having served ten years as Chief Investigator of the bipartisan House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), Stripling provided a substantive primer on the precise nature of the Communist threat against the United States of America — specifically, the threat from within the United States of America. The Red Plot narrates HUAC’s meticulous work — names and dates, details and wranglings — which had been underway since 1938 and in which Stripling had been a prime mover.”
Yeah, don’t forget to “vote” in the next shell-game, I mean “election” cycle. Oh yeah and “vote” for your fave pre-approved establishmant figurehead,(s)he can save Amerika!
“It is enough to say there was an election. Those who cast the ballots decide nothing. Those who cast the ballots decide everything.” – Joseph Stalin
Ack typo!
“It is enough to say there was an election. Those who cast the ballots decide nothing. Those who COUNT the ballots decide everything.” – Joseph Stalin
Joe Brooks, The Red Fog Over America by William Guy Carr is a good read!
Surprise…..I guess this Levin doesn’t want to here from us, as the link won’t go through. Not so surprising! I think the “Levins” of the world are oxymoron’s that say the exact opposite of what they do. The “Levins” of the world are 2% of the nation and control media, banking and it seems the government.
Anyone seen V for Vendetta? Just replace England with America and here you have it. Kinda’ funny when you think of it really with the comparison. As far as the Military is concerned, I currently wear a uniform and if ordered to do something insane before I ETS and get out of this Bull S**T I have no problem doing what it takes to protect fellow Americans even if that means taking out others like me. As much as I hate to say it, this is how I feel.
Akvalmet that just makes you an Oath Keeper, congratulations and thanks for your service.
Ever seen “Cold Mountain”? Just replace Civil War era America with modern Amerika and that is what you will have post SHTF. All those Home Guard crisscrossing the countryside looking for deserters, confiscating food, killing anyone who opposed them as traitors and without recourse. Funny that everyone was armed but no one messed with them because they had the weight of authority on their side. When the SHTF, I think a lot of military members will be forced to do things against their will because of the implicit threat to their family members concentrated on military installations in military housing and under the thumb of military police.
so many wrongly think that our military will rise up like the Cavalry of the 1800’s and rescue this dying nation when the shtf but, as you have stated, they will not nor will they have the abibilty nor the will… their own families will be held hostage against any “Oathkeeping” efforts… also, the gang members that have swollen the ranks of our military are all to eager to start stomping on true Americans just because they will have the authority to do so… if 1 of 1000 will really uphold the Constitution, that 1 will be the exception to the overwhelming rule… do i not love our military..? yes i do – for what it USED TO BE… the spin on the truth and outright indoctrination and brainwashing that goes on now has turned many into police-state zombies who will steam-roller Americans “because they were ordered to”… if my thoughts offend you, temper your response with the knowledge that i have 15 years military experience between 1972 and 1993 and i wasn’t even a part of “the Old Corps” as things had already begun to change even in the Marine Corps as early as 1972…
Yeah, and one of those of whom you speak, posts on here regularly. I won’t say who but most of you know.
Old Corps 72-93? Don’t think so, I was in the USMC 63-69 and I’m not even “Old Corps”. That aside, unless and until all conservative, patriotic, democracy-loving Americans band together and prepare for the worst and vote for like-minded politicians, we will see in America what is happening across the pond. This country is very close to anarchy and takeover by very bad people. What the liberal socialists don’t think about is the 23 million vets out here that will not allow a takeover without a big fight. By the way thanks for your service also.
I salute you, sir!
…and thank you for your service.
UNFUCKUCKING BELIEVABLE! This is scary stuff people. Tell your friends and write your congressman…… If this passes, it’s game over. Might as well move to cuba.
Historically I’m very distrustful of government in general and authority in particular. I strongly believe that line about power corrupting. I however would not believe without proof that something like this was being seriously considered. This is too nuts even for these nutty times.
I know people so brainwashed with the “Love it or leave it” that think in todays time that Vietnam was a good idea and the problem was not the war but rather loosing it. They will support this with the mentality of “if your doing nothing wrong you don’t have a worry”.
Wait until the economic protests get bigger and leaders behind it just go missing.
It seems like the only Amendment not messed with yet is The Third. Give them time.
Really hoser, are you that naive and gullible? I don’t say that as a “slight” to you but maybe you stated that as tongue-in cheek. C’mon folks what were you all expecting? It’s pretty much about the end game and lining all their ducks in a row. Every T has to be crossed and every I dotted, so nothing is left to chance.
My sailboat awaits as an escape vehicle.
BTW, it has a desalinator, lots of solar etc.
It’s no ordinary daysailer….
Well, I grew up here but never imagined that it would turn into a military dictatorship.
I suspect that any action by the military will take time. Time enough for me to move my family far away from here and establish a new life.
The international bankers have said that they want an orderly transformation to a new world order. This is happening as planned.
Far away?
Good luck with the Blowboat.
Yeah, write your congressman! And send a wishlist to Santa, too…*rolls eyes*
Writting your Congressman only puts you on a red, blue list for the fusion centers. Do you really think they listen? They all are in on this, or would you rather have them “wag the dog”? Right now with the withdrawls in affect, they do this to justify keeping solders jobs, which put them closer to their REX 84 and HR645 plan. Careful who you comlain to if articles like this are true
More importantly, who wrote this bill?
Yes I’d like to know who the author is more than just the sponsors. Some evidence that Obama wants this and his reasoning would be good too.
I don’t care for Republicrats; and hope that the Republicans the Tea Party got into the House last year will put a stop to this crap. Unlike many around here I have some hope in them – not a lot – but some.
@ Jim: You’ve got to be kidding. Tea Party as a good choice? They’re the nutters that thinks that the constitution’s outdated and should be thrown out! And people actually buys into this propaganda! Heil Hitler! And bring on 1984! That’s what this is all about.
I’m tea party and I’m absolutly against this, and so is every tea partier I know.The tea party in my area are freedom loving Americans who want to see the constitution restored as the law of the land.FYI, the gov’t hates our guts and spreads as many lies about us as they can. Look up the facts, ppl
A lot of polititions will call themselves tea party just to get elected. If they don’t uphold the constitution, they are not tea party exept in name only. That way the sheeple get disillusioned
It says in the article that Senators Carl Levin (D-Mich) and John McCain (R-Ariz). But the real culprit behind the Patriot Act was a Bush appointee, named Michael Chertoff, who ran Homeland Security and drafted the Patriot Act. BTW, Chertoff is a dual citizen of Israel and the U.S. He may hold other passports. He heads or sits on the board of a number of companies at present. There is overwhelming evidence that 9/11 was a false-flag operation conducted by Israel’s Mossad and with the complicity of U.S. government officials and intelligence services. Although several Israeli’s were arrested in conection with 9/11, they were all allowed to leave the U.S. without being charged. Of the 4,000 Jewish people working in the Twin Towers, only one showed up that day. There was definitely foreknowledge of this false-flag event. The commission that was appointed toinvestigate 9/11 completely ignored the Israeliis who were detained and released.
At least 270 Jews died in the 9/11 attacks, you bigoted, credulous cunt.
————-WHAT??? 270 jews died on 9/11?————
….HOLY HOLOCAUST Batman! By noon tomorrow, jewish mathematicians will have increased the sum to…..
……………………6 million………………!!!
—Film at 11—
where could i go to read more bout this?
Actually our current VP wrote the patriot act. Cheryoff owns the company that makes the TSA scanners. Get the conspiracy theories right before spouting off, it makes the rest of us nuts look bad. Sorry folks had too…
According to all I have read, The Israelis warned the govt about the attack, apparently so did the german govt sources. Even FBI agents tried to warn highers up but were warned off…there seems to have been advance knowledge authorities chose to ignore. Despite all rhetoric and posturing, Israel follows orders from Washington to keep in good standing as an important asset in the Middle East – or funding and military support goes. Think about it – how could Israel order a Norad stand down?
Look up “the five dancing Israelis on 9/11” accused of being Mossad. On live Israeli TV they said they were in NY with their cameras to DOCUMENT the event. How did they know that this would happen??? There is so much testimony that was left out of the 911 Commission Report that pointed to our support and military funding for Israel, yet NONE of it made it in the report. And Osama bin Laden? He was not wanted for the 9/11 attacks. On the FBI most wanted list it says: “Murder of U.S. Nationals Outside the United States; Conspiracy to Murder U.S. Nationals Outside the United States; Attack on a Federal Facility Resulting in Death.” Hmmmm…. And the poor soldiers who supposedly killed OBL are all DEAD from some helicopter explosion — how F***in’ convenient — murdered by our own government to keep them SILENT.
Building 7….OK? The FBI stood guard over the towers as engineers “FIXED” the design flaws three months prior to 911…look it up…or not ,some people you just cant reach…
Seal team six….my ass, eyewitneses IN pakishit say NOBODY left that compound alive…Kinda makes it hard to “bury at sea” ANYONE now doesn’t it??
Thanks Eulalie….Like I said, “the Levins of the nation” are 2% of the population and control the Media, Banking and it seems the Government.!
Seems my rights are disappearing as fast as my federal reserve notes. Oh America, we hardly knew ye.
Just like an apple., they are taking a small bite each time from our rights as citizens and getting very close to the core. Then toss it away into a new realm of totalitarian government. 🙁
CITIZENS OF WHAT WAS ONCE AMERICA: This is for your own good. Bend over, grab your ankles, and enjoy what your duly elected representatives are trying to shove-up-your-ass. THEY know what is best for you. “sigh”…..When will we ever learn?!?
Read as intended: SARCASM.
GOOD CITIZENS OF AMERIKA. Your “duly” elected “representatives” KNOW what is best for you. Bend over, grab your ankles, and receive THEIR blessings right up your “south pole”. WE will all be safer and “filled” with the congressional love and respect that THEY all have for US.
And just in case :SARCASM!
Very astute, and eloquent.
Forgot to sign in, previous anon, first draft.
Wow, these people truly have no shame. I must say though that their timing is great, while all the sheep go run to get their latest unnecessary gadget at walmart and target they stick this right under our noses. I hate to say this but this country is truly done; most people could give a crap about their freedoms as long as they have their toys and supposed comforts. Take care of yourselfs, your families, and other preppers you have built a relationship with. I truly feel that things are going to get ugly in the next 3 to 5 years. God Bless, be safe.
The Federal Reserves control over the US economy was done over Christmas break.
They know very well what their doing and how to get it done.
3 to 5 years? You really give it that long?
I guess I was trying to be somewhat optimistic, if their is such a thing anymore. I do not think though that a crash will occur within the next year. Again I was probably being optomistic with 3-5 years. I hope I am rigth as it will give all of us more time to make last minute preparations.
“Time to prepare” … … for WHAT, and HOW do you propose? Seriously, state steps 1
thru 10 in your scenario. Thanks. BEARx
I give it at least through the next election, mr.transparency will decide if the people are naughty or nice to him in the election; if not….well
Put me down for NAUGHTY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3-5 MONTHS this all starts going down….All of the “players” for WWIII are taking up THEIR positions and economic collapse in Europe, quickly followed by the “dollar” is the “guarantee” THEY have written for THEMSELVES.
I fully expect a MAJOR FALSE FLAG in a large European and/or American city anytime now. HEADLINE in the lame-stream-media: IRAN SUCKER PUNCHED US!
Before next July 2012………….
That would mess with the part in Nov 2012….can’t mess with the party….some measure to kick the can another few months will occur till the party is over.
Nothing to mess with. Prior to Nov ’12 is MARSHAL LAW and NO ELECTIONS – all for “your own safety” of course…
Explains the FEMA camps. They were just waiting to introduce the “law” that would “authorize” the imprisonment of American citizens. There is no way I am getting on that train. I have seen where those tracks end. Not afraid to die, but will do so on my own terms.
“Not afraid to die, but will do so on my own terms.”
rgr that, KB
keep your powder dry and close
well,actions speak louder than words…but a bullet is louder than both.
Not with a good silencer…
I just sent Email sent to levin. Anyone else?
YES! What about that a-hole McCain?
hate to say it, buti highly doubt an email from you nor anyone will mean anything to these criminal legislators. did it in the past, during the obamacare votes? shuting down the capitol switchboard with the flood of phone calls during the stimulus debates, massive yet peaceful tea party events in dc? no- in their eyes our opinions mean nothing. they certainly dont need our votes to remain in office- the power brokers behind the scenes control their fate. if anything, your email ID’ed yourself as a threat to the regime. its pointless to speak out and can be downright danger from a OPSEC persepctive..you can expend your energy in more useful ways..keep prepping..you cant hold back what awaits us.. just sayin..sorry..i am a realist
This is ALL beyond the point of no return. Politically, econonmically, or even for the sake of humanity. Top off the “preps” and lock-n-load!
yeah I will and Ill email my own senators from california too but what is the number/name of that bill?
I did send one to Levin, just because I live in Michigan. I was repectful and polite, asking him not to be part of something that limits our rights. If that puts me on a watch list, so be it. All it takes for evil to prosper is for good to do nothing. I am not afraid to die for what I believe in. I would rather die fighting for my beliefs than live cowering under a rock. Be safe all and keep prepping. God Bless
The powers that be know whats coming and they have been preparing for it for a long time. The PATRIOT ACT, Homeland Security, Fusion Centers, the TSA etc are not for terrorists….they are for us. Us being people that are awake, knowledgeable, self reliant and will resist their BS. THIS NEW LAW ” drafted in secret” of course, is just more of the same. It`s called tyranny, get used to it.
“I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.” James Madison
Rights… what rights… you dont have any rights-
– accused right to a fair trial GONE
– evidence agaist you verified GONE
– charged within 48hrs or released GONE
– no more phone call GONE
– they just make you vanish (like detainees post 0911) GONE
– attorney representation GONE
Oh, come on! You don’t need “rights”! After all, what would you do with them? You would really rather have safety, would’nt you? After all, only a terrorist would’nt rather have safety…You’re not a terrorist, are you?
*grabs another beer, and goes back to watching some stupid reality TV show…*
Damn…you nailed that one! Keep posting dude!
—Look what the BASTARDS did to Edgar Steel—
When the second revolution starts I am on your side. This is terrible…it sounds illegal, isn’t making this law a violation of something in your Constitution?
Take are x
Hello! Its not a law, its an act. Its doesn’t apply to people or men or women, it applies to PERSONS. There is a difference.
The problem Ranger is that the military doesn’t know the difference, nor can it be proven to such idiots. The only solution is to be invisible and avoid them.
Hey fuckstick. Why do you always bash the military? Not all who served or are currently serving are idiotic. For a self-proclaimed “smart guy” and Mensa member, you really say some stupid shit. Here’s hoping one of those “idiots” doesn’t tread lightly when he/she meets your sorry ass. You are a dispicable human being.
True. I don’t trust those SOBs either.
I have one that is a neighbor. I tried telling him that the US Dollar is the world’s reserve currency.
He told me that my statement was a “conspiracy theory”.
BTW, “God’s Cremation”, f*ck you for hoping the military shoots on Patriots.
You are the dispicable one.
True. They just “follow orders”. Few will buck them until things get really apparent that is unconstitutional then the ones who actually understood the oath they took will take action.
But, you are right! Most of the people on here will stay out of sight and out of their way unless forced.
You are simple God’s Creation. You have never served. You are in it for yourself only! Post your DD-214, other wise…
I didn’t think so.
some of the military have proven to be solid patriots
Smedley Butler saved this country from becoming a Fascist dictatorship
when the big money boys tried to bribe him into heading up a coup d’etat
under Roosevelt…Bradley Manning may die in prison for blowing a whistle.
Dont sell our military short they may be the ONLY thing keeping the present
invisible govt from liquidating 80% of us. Our military is us.. our kids and dads
and moms…dont sell them short.
To Netranger, convenient how changing one little word like “act” instead of law, can change everything! Thats why lawyers are so rich!
Constitution? You mean the one in the museum, that TPTB grudgingly pay lip-service too, for appearances? It’s just an inconvienient impediment to progress, you understand. The cattle will never understnd, but this for thier own good….
“The cattle will never understnd, but this for thir own good…”
This statement is so absolutely true. The cattle will never understand, TPTB are hoping for this. You need to understand but you don’t. Until you understand that what most call “government” is not government at all, its is corporation. It is in control of the military.
Unlike Gods Creation, however, I believe that proper statements and declarations will get you out of jail. Without going into detail, the mystery religion of TPTB must provide for some stiff penalties for not following their law.
The Constitution is a piece of parchment enumerating some of our God-given, God-guaranteed rights. No Act, Treaty, Exec. Ord., etc. can remove what is God-given. The Constitution STATE my rights; God GIVES me my rights. But it is up to each of us to defend those rights. I went to Viet Nam with a few oaths under my belt, and took more once I got there. But what sustained me in our efforts at real people-changing, Nation-Building was these words from The Pledge of Allegiance: “… with liberty and Justice for ALL.”, (MY emphasis.) I did my part. I changed hearts, instilled dreams of Liberty, and left hope. I helped with exit Visas to get 33 people out of the country, legally, safely. I am not ashamed. I was in God’s will. My Constitution is written above the clouds, above the stars, in the mind of God. I don’t care where any OTHER is supposed to be. BEARx
One last point…
McCAIN is not just a RINO – he is a god damned traitor to the United States Constitution and BoR…
If you haven’t read them recently – read’em again NOW before it becomes verbotten!!
Its just MIND BLOWING that our US Senators would be party to any of this.
It is not much of a surprise considering how corrupt Congress is. Led under Prince Harry there is little that catches me by surprise. What’s worse is the fact that the American public continues to install such people to represent them. Further, it is amazing how violent people were to get the greatest (and latest) item for Christmas. Just wait until the Federal Government ceases to have the ability to continue cutting entitlement checks of any form.
Not really that mind blowing – they all live a very good and comfortable lives, get to engage in highly profitable insider trading that would land us in jail, and will never have to worry about food, shelter, or money ever again. Why would it be surprising that self-serving, ego maniacal pieces of shit would support something that gives them more power and wealth insurance at the expense of those they look down upon and despise so much?
Amen, I totally agree with you MVP..
Thanx for the link newton but here is another with phone and fax numbers for DC office for Carl levin. Call write email fax do everything you can to stop this NOW before it goes further. Let’s crash there email,phones,faxes,etc… With words against this. http://www.congressmerge.com/onlinedb/cgi-bin/newmemberbio.cgi?lang=&member=MISR&site=congressmerge
Here is another link to all 8 of Carl levins offices. Please spread this and call your own congressmen. I will try to find a link to each states representatives. http://levin.senate.gov/contact/offices/
8 offices? I wonder how much that’s costing the taxpayers!
It is real and it is now. The great “it” is not something that will happen in some unforeseen future. The “it” is happening now. Sort of lack-luster and un-catastrophic eh?
I implore all these readers/bloggers. Don’t go about your prepping and stowing away of various and sundry things, waiting for something to happen. Just start living rightly now. Screw MRE’s. Buy seeds and grow a garden. Plant fruit trees, etc, etc. Get out there a grow the vittles you are eating and watch the obesity problem in this country go away. Get in shape. Plan to feed your neighbors, not kill them. I marvel at the hawks on this blog that can’t wait for something terrible, for the “hordes” to come pillaging so they can shoot them. What?!!! You bunch of cowards. Killing is terrible business and nothing good in it. Plus, it is hard work. I bet the vast majority of the gun freaks out there with thousands of rounds couldn’t run a hundred yards with gun and ammo in hand, loaded down, without passing out. Get a dose of reality, please.
Hey my Brother. Some of us “Gun nuts” don’t plan on running anywhere! Yes, I am heavily armed. TPTB may have my ammunition, one well placed round at a time! OOOOORah!
80 million gun owners in America can restore the American principles of government; by ballot next year, or bullet the year after that.
Engage your government NOW or be enslaved by it later. The choice is YOURS.
America First. Just saying …..
Would any of you spend $100 to ensure the future of your liberties for yourself and your progeny?
Would any of you spend HALF the time you spend online, knocking on doors in your neighborhood taking the message of the Constitution Party to the masses?
Have any of you connected with a local tea party in your neighborhood, region, or area?
NOW is the time to save the America WE know and love; not tomorrow. Success is 99% preparation.
NOW is the time to take America back;not tomorrow.
NOW is the time to gage your government or join the sheeple, because you will be sheeple if you do not make a difference now.
If you want to see Ron Paul President, join the Republican Party NOW and vote for him in your primary.
You get the government you deserve. Its your choice. Its time to make a decision … now.
Americans must organize, participate, donate, and volunteer. If you let George do it …..
Engage people. Engage. Now is the time.
Actually by NRA count, it’s over 90 Million now!
Anybody here tired and sick of voting for the lesser of two evils?? I hated doing that in 2008, but never again.
I always felt there was something really wrong with McLame–now I’m convinced.
~~~The bill was drafted in secret by Sens. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) and passed in a closed-door committee meeting, without even a single hearing~~~
This should be interesting.
Cathulu For President! Why vote for the lesser Evil!
(saw that on a bumper-sticker, very appropriate though)
Ditto…and I tell folks that the Republican & Democrat parties are merely opposite cheeks on the same “ASS”!!!
Does anyone ever actually read the damn “Bills” before commeting? I do/did and this bill does not include U.S. citizens, in fact it specifically states that the detention of persons DOES NOT EXTEND TO U.S. CITIZENS!
That verbage is on page 362 of the bill in question. Google the damn thing and read it!
Click to section called “Bill Text.”
Page down to 359.
Start reading Section 1031.
Page 362 states “…the requirement to detain a person in military custody …does not extend to citizens of the United States.”
For crying out loud people, I don’t trust the bastards in Washington either but lets keep our heads!
Mr. LedMizer,
yes but……..you’re not a citizen buddy. all those documents you have are clever forgeries. shut up you terrorist douche bag commie punk spy and crawl back into your gulag solitary confinement sub-basement mini-cell. oh yeah, phone calls and legal representation for you are denied.
we’ll see you in a couple of years IF YOU CONFESS…
I am a Common Law Citizen of New York , I guess I’m Screwed.
nice to know
but hasn’t the U.S. government already assassinated at least one American citizen ?
You are referring to JFK?
Yes, Obama ordered the assassination of the Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen, with no indictment, no public evidence, no trial. He was killed in a US drone strike in Yemen on Sept. 30, 2011. Another US citizen, Samir Khan, was also killed in the strike.
Text Below
There is a concern however. If an allegation was made that the individual was involved in a foreign act the below would not protect them. The problem is no grand jury. No formal charges. A person is missing, the government says terrorism overseas and case closed, no lawyer, no nothing.
BILITY TO UNITED STATES PERSONS.—The authority to detain a person under this section does not extend to the detention of citizens or lawful resident aliens of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the
VerDate Mar 15 2010
•S 1253 RS 02:07 Jun 23, 2011 Jkt 099200 PO 00000 Frm 00360 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 E:\BILLS\S1253.RS S1253
tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with BILLS
361 United States except to the extent permitted by the Con-
stitution of the United States.
I’d like to read the bill. Do you have a link? What is the bill #? Thanks.
Search S 1253
Why, the senators don’t need to read it.
I guess I care more than they do.
Of course you care more than they do. The senators will make sure it doesn’t apply to them. Why should they care AT ALL. Its just paper and words.
Yes, I did read it. Sec 1031 authorizes the indefinite military detainment of “covered persons.” There is no exclusion for US citizens. Sec 1032 requires the military to detain a subset of these covered persons, and excludes US citizens.
So, this bill authorizes the military to detain US citizens indefinitely, but doesn’t require them to do so. Somehow, that doesn’t give me much comfort.
Does anyone really think that they couldn’t take you because of a LAW! hahahahahahaha
They may do as they please and they will.
JJ: If you hate voting for the lesser of two evils, join a third party like America First or The Constitution Party and take your light to the arena.
Donate if you can. Contribute in some way.
Pursue your freedoms at the local level.Work for a third party at the local level.
Articulate the arguments for your neighbors. Join the Republican Party now so you can vote for Ron Paul in your primary.
Ladies and gentlemen, when good men and women do nothing, nothing changes.
YOU are change. YOU are OUR hope. YOU are America. Be the America YOU want. Engage.
Dk…my lack of faith in compromised voting machines will not let me vote this next time..
Those that still believe their vote counts, or isn’t changed,..well, let’s just say, bless your little naive hearts.
Discovering that those machines that can be tampered by remote control now, no need of hackers or chips installed, sort of dimmed my light.
JJ: Where is the proof to your accusation? Give me a link. If this is factual everyone would be screaming bloody murder.
Otherwise your response is just another excuse to rationalize your non-participation. If it is true YOU should be doing something about it.
Otherwise you are an “Armchair Patriot”. I think you are better than that.
Don’t disappoint me! 🙂
google ‘Greg Palast” and ‘voting Fraud’
He was the first reporter to break the story of the fixed voting machines
since then it has been over the Internet. Even a programmer who was
hired to fix the voting machines came forward and testified in congress
about how easy it was to change the counts. Voting fraud has been
endemic since those voting machines were allowed to be used…in
several states. And Greg Palast had to move to Britain to follow his
career in journalism since he could not get a job in the USA..his book
“The Best Democracy Money Can Buy” …do some research.
JJ you are exactly right! The voting process has been rigged for years! Does NOT matter who you vote for. Their guy will get in ! 53% DID NOT VOTE FOR THE NEGRO! That’s all bull crap! He was groomed for that job years ago! The
Elite have run this Country for a VERY long time! Voters
I expect Toby Keith to come out with some bs in the next couple days…”If I had to give up all my rights, so my family could stay alive, I’d gladly do so…cause they came to kill us, they came to tame, say hallelujah in my country’s name.” or something.
Even the best rollercoaster breaks down, and it’s best to get off before it flies off-track…how bout a few of us take over a pacific island and try a new experiment, lol
I don’t know if it’s true or not. The ACLU often lies or exaggerates about laws and their consequences. There is a legitimate need for the military to take people into custody when they’re found working with terrorist groups in foreign countries. The military would’ve arrested Americans in Nazi Germany during World War II. I don’t see this as being any different. Any abuse of arresting US citizens by the military would have serious political consequences for any president.
OK my peeps! No need for anyone to piss, moan, or complain. Engage:
We will have to change the American Constitution then so that the people can vote for the President.
We do not elect a president; something called the electoral college votes him in.
We have no say about who is on the Supreme Court either (remember they were the ones who said Corporations were ‘persons’). We actually have only our few senators and congresspeople to elect. So we will have to begin with a constitutional amendment then, allowing the citizens of this republic a direct vote for president and vice president. While we’re at it, maybe Attorney General too.
AA: The great thing about this new process is that it is an ORG looking to create the machinery for a potential third party candidate to get on the ballot in all 50 states.
I believe they would also have a slate of members to fill the Electorial College seats available to each state.
Aren’t these EC seats typically filled by the winning party apparatcheks at the state level? I don’t know, just asking.
TRUST BUT VERIFY…. I’ve been thumbing through the bill and I can’t find that part.. I did however find the section that says that American citizens are “EXCLUDED”….
Chapter 669 – Subtitle D – section 1032
So what? So its okay to treat everybody else like that?
Hello? Its an act. The “government” can pass laws but a “corporation” can only pass acts. I’ll dig it up and I’ll just bet you its says that they can detain “persons”. Of course, that is the only thing an act has authority over. Persons. If you think you’re a “person”, well then you can be detained. However, if you claim yourself to be a “natural person” or a “man”, they can’t and they won’t.
The problem most Americans have is that they don’t know who they are, The corporation posing as our government does.
I am a man under the authority of common law and I do not consent and I waive the benefits. Freedom is simple until you complicate it with ignorance.
The “legislation” is entitled “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (Placed on Calendar Senate – PCS)” – As I suspected. Its an act, its not a law. There *IS* a difference. Anyone care to prove me wrong?
Under “Detainee Matters” : Sec. 1031. Affirmation of authority of the Armed Forces of the United States to detain covered PERSONS pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force. (upper case emphasis: mine)
Covered “persons”. Hmmmm. Suspicious yet?
There are various sections that say this and say that. The majority of this act does not deal with detaining persons commiting or aiding in terrorism. But, they *ONLY* refer to person. Section 1031 is the kicker! Lets look at Sec. 1031, subsection (e). it says it all!:
(e) Requirement for Briefings of Congress- The Secretary of Defense shall regularly brief Congress regarding the application of the authority described in this section, including the organizations, entities, and individuals considered to be `covered *PERSONS*’ for purposes of subsection (b)(2).
So, uh, in the language of subsection (e) “organizations”, “entities” or “individuals” can be “covered persons”. Hmmm. Are you more suspicious yet? They have created a “person” when they created your birth certificate. Organizations, entities and individuals can be “covered persons”. That birth certificated registered your birth and created a trust. YOU are not that trust, however, that trust can be a person and you can claim to be a person if you willing sign on the dotted line.
You are not a “covered person”, you, all of you are “natural persons” or Men or Women. Never once did it mention that “a man” or “a woman” could be responsible.
…in legal language if you don’t think this matters you’ve not been paying attention.
Get a clue! Find out who you are.
Keep up the good work, Net Ranger! Please do continue sharing your edu re the “personal sovereignty” & Common Law issues. We are listening! (When I used to work for lawyers, even then I enjoyed deciphering the legalese. It’s all in the WORDING, as you point out).
Was it you who posted in a prior article the GeorgeGordon.com link? I would love to take his “Law” courses. However, his site does say the strawman argument is false & won’t work, so not sure what to make of that.
Thanks for the kinds words Thumper.
The wording I’m looking at, however, is hidden. Its not in the act or legislation itself, its buried in lawful maxims that few know or understand but lawyers.
The key in this act is “covered persons” and our sovereign immunity to acts keeps us from having to worry about it.
Under common law. I do not consent. I waive the benefits. Its creepy but say that to yourself over and over. It has changed me as it will change you.
Good try Ranger, but it is beyond the comprehension of most of the slaves to think they have the key.
It is called Sovereign Immunity, and it exempts the sovereign People of the states from any and all statutes and acts of the corp.
But they have to know who they are first. Most are afraid to even try to figure that out.
i know of only 1 individual who has ever bothered to stand up against the Corp. and go to court – he won and best part is he represented himself… moral of the story is: IT CAN BE DONE… but the more who try, the more desparate the Corp will act…
Yep, it saddens me that in most cases you are right. However, I’ve been pounding the pulpit (with your help) for a while now. The more I pound, the more clear it becomes and the more convincing I become. Lord willing, I’ll get through to as many as I am supposed to.
They are afraid to figure it out because the corp paints us as lunatics and crazy people. Couple that with generational brainwashing and, well, its difficult to free them from The Matrix of Control.
I still say, in many ways, the movie “The Matrix” has so many parallels to the subject at hand that it gives me goosebumps every time I watch it.
Wise up people! You are far more than our government wants you to know.
yep..Im a “Man”, that will fight for his freedom, and If they try to come and take it calling me a “person”, that “person” will fill them full of lead, and go on being a “man”, as long as they dont get a better shot in.
Traitors need to be called out and made rid of this nation, especially if they are trying to trap persons or men in their web of deception..either way the traitors must go either by their own wake up call, or by the hole a 44 makes
Do Not Tread on ME..least you lose the ability to ever tread again
these stupid politicians and lawyers forget (yes they are all lawyers , look into the fact they all passed the bar) they forget the one major rule of War…the rule that if you push a patriot too far, when the line in the sand snaps..no laws will apply ..and they will be the intended target.
pass all the fuckin laws Or Acts (in this case), you want chicken shits..it aint gonna matter when the lead flies..that law aint going to stop some patriot from showing you the error of your ways
I see this as nothing but fear..their fear..they are so fuckin scared of what they have done and that the pay day isnt too far off..shake you fuckin trators..you will still be frozen in your tracks when the SHTF
Did I go back in time to 1930 Germany? How many people actually know that Hitler and the Nazi’s were elected along with help from the communist party?
We are reliving history, but will anyone learn from the mistakes and keep it happening again?
I heard a neuro-surgeon on the mark levin show talk about the obamacare and how people over 70 will not be called people, paitents, or clients but UNITS! Wake up or end up on a train to a creamator.
Thank you for that tip re UNITS! Another example of shifty legalese! (I bet “Units” can be “combined” into a “hoard” or “ward” & summarily “dismissed” aka “eliminated”!) Stay away from doctors, hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, etc. They are all being brainwashed like the police & military, public schools, etc.
Got a health problem from a cold to cancer? Switch to an all raw fruits/veggies diet ASAP & do a long water-only fast (designed by God for the human body). Fasting will cure anything & it is Free.
If this is the shape our nation is taking, i doubt many of us will have to worry about making it to 70.
Just saying…
It is time for americans to stop being pussies. How much will we take. Will we accept a Nazi like or Stalinist police state? Now is the time to answer that question.
Will we? More like it happened a long time ago. All you see now is the facade coming off…
*grabs another beer and surfs to some stupid game where over-paid morons chase balls…*
Heads up.. the Ready Store has freeze dried scrambled eggs on sale for $18.34 per #10 can, $110.04 per case with $9.95 shipping. That’s $1.15 per serving..
How much are they selling a #10 can of fresh $10 bills for?
Sauteed in butter & garlic?
No. Not *THAT* Mushroom. The one floating in manure and kept in a cave. The $10 bill Mushroom.
I think I figured out the Mushroom 10 dollar bill mystery. In fact, the answer is tatooed across my abs.
Amendments #1125 and #1126 are pending to S.1867, The DOD Defense Authorization Act. The amendments address issues raised in this blog. Source: http://democrats.senate.gov/2011/11/18/amendments-to-s-1867-the-department-of-defense-authorization-act/
My email to Levin:
“NDAA detention provisions. Are you serious? Bit by bit, our America is eroded away by one myopic law after another. Sir, you cannot with good conscious enact another law that prohibits basic democratic freedoms.
Why is it that law makers are so frightened of the future they will demolish the past freedoms that held this country against terrorism, communism and any other ism you can name?
I understand that terrorists can become Americans or are already Americans but how can you possibly be this paranoid that our past and future efforts require another totalitarian rule to imprison the innocent among the guilty. Have you surrendered to the ideology of collateral damage to honest citizens on American soil?
I remember when writing a civil letter like this didn’t put fear in me that I would be on a ‘list’ of undesirable people. In todays Fox News valued freedoms, I feel I have to look over my shoulder for Homeland Security.
It is too much, too far sir.
Recuse yourself from this law seeded by terrorist in order for you to create a terrified nation.”
I thought these goons alredy , more or less, had these powers under the zionist patriot act? are these politicians insane? i am not sure what the grand goal of the latest crackdown is…. its been gaining momentum for them in the past couple of weeks though… i am afraid we are about to fall into worldwide communism.. only it wont be pretend anymore…. strangely, russia and china will be the only holdouts from this zionist system.we are in dark times and im afraid darkness is about to become darker….
Come and get me, you will meet your end if you seek to falsely imprison me and the people i care about
One day we will see them pissing themselves as they hang dangle from the limbs of the traitor’s tree. If they pass such treacherous legislation is it long before the Tree of Liberty need to be nurtured with the vile Blood of Tyrants?
I am stunned by Americans.
Your constitution is dead, a worthless piece of paper.
No more real that the Dead Sea scrolls.
Laws, rules, decrees, directives and orders are made by those in power.
Power is the only thing that matters.
You have lost!
You have demonstrated that NOTHING is dear to you.
God, gone.
Sound money, gone.
Gold standard, gone.
Education, gone.
Private property, gone.
Enjoy your comforts and lifestyles.
Freedom is overrated and leads to social ills.
Stop discussing the constitution, its no more real than Donald Duck or Shrek.
1776 was a hick-up of history, its long gone and is no longer relevant.
Move on, stop complaining.
Very Astute! To which I will repeat:
Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage.
-Alexander Tytler
Tytler said “The People go from this or that…”
I say, blah, blah, blah. Not that I don’t agree with what Tytler says, its just that the people simply need educated. The truth, the courage, the liberty, the abundance, the selfishness, the complacency, the apathy, the dependence and the bondage is ALL RIGHT THERE ALL THE TIME!!!
Its is each individuals responsibility. Freedom does not belong to people. It belongs to each man or woman. This idea we have that we are all supposed to be free is just nonsense. We each can be free but each person has the responsibility to keep it that way. It has simply been neglected. Of course the corporation posing as our government likes it that way. Dumbed down sheople are much easier to rape than wise, free men and women.
It is to the point now that you have to study and think on it long and hard before you realize that you really are free already. I came to this realization just months ago.
Once you understand how it all works the light comes on and its hard to keep from dancing around.
The amazing thing is that you don’t have to deny yourself the benefits of the superstructure which is bearing down on you. You can take its advantages when you want them and want to follow their rules and then you can step out of that position and say, “No. I’m free now.” In effect, you can step in and out of your corporation, your trust, as the need requires it. Just BEWARE! The corporation is smart and they will try (and have been trying) to trick you into verbal and written contracts. This they do and have done for 140 years.
They have made it much more difficult to be free. In fact, for the less intelligent and those less willing to put out the effort, they have made being a slave much more attractive.
If you don’t want to study it and you don’t want to do the hard work then, in this day and age, you cannot be free. There are those of us that want to change that. We don’t believe that any of us should have to guard our freedom with so much vigilance and study. Myself and most of my sovereign brothers and sisters feel that you should be free by default. Unfortunately, it is not that way. You literally must fight your way to it. No, you don’t have to fight the system or the corporation. YOU HAVE TO FIGHT YOURSELF!
Once the battle is won, however, there is a peace that surpasses all peace but one that will come over you.
Under common law. I do not consent. I waive the benefit. Just keep saying it. Study what it means and where it comes from.
The battle starts in your own head.
The constitution and the bill of rights are not dead!!! You just don’t know how to make yourself a party unto them.
Very well said!
But, the end af Amerika is still almost here.
There are so few people left who even bother to read the US Constitution, it’s worse than disgraceful. You can proclaim your freedom, but there still others bent on making it otherwise.
I give it 5 years at the most before you have zero freedom of speech/communication/association, etc. There will be no common law that will stop what is coming.
@ Constitution is dead :
Give up…Move on, stop complaining……????
I will never just move on. There will be a day when I will be pissing on the graves of the tyrants……don’t know how long it will be, but I guaranfuckingtee you that I am not defeated….or going away. As Charleton Heston said….”From My Cold Dead Fingers” I keep a low profile, but I’m their worst freakin nightmare. I believe that there are a lot like me on this page. We walk softly….but when the SHTF…we will pull out the Big Stick. There is paid military force that is stronger than a man protecting his own. The Don’t tread on me flag out front & on my truck is not a joke. I’m not looking for trouble….Praying that the 2012 elections will make a difference……but getting more prepared every day for what ever is to come.
Montgomery County Texas
There is NO paid military force that is stronger than a man protecting his own.
I still need to work on my proofreading !
Montgomery County Texas
Random; An excellent job ! SEMPER FI !
well if u haven’t figured it out by now its too late for returns. The government will evaluate you & decide if you are worth the effort of keeping afloat or just doing away with you.
The government if given Obama power to decide whether you live or die will be left to a Kangaroo court to decide if your are worth living or dieing. what are you worth to the environment food, labor, reproducing children. Are you too old & receiving benefits of unemployment. welfare, social security. Are you a drag on the economy. PULL YOUR HEAD OUTA YOUR ASS SHEEPEOPLE CALL & WRITE YOUR WORTHLESS CONGRESS, SENATORS, LEGISLATORS & TELL THEM WHAT YOU THINK. RELOAD & GET PREPARED SHIT HITS THE FAN & BAMB UR GONE. because the government has 222222222much control 20 year roll back on laws. hoouse bills etc. Get It??
Really??? here’s another naive that thinks they read emails and letters, or listen to constituents.
As George Carlin said, it’s a big club and you ain’t in it.
They DO read mail; you CAN make a difference.
When they get a landslide of mail, they will do
something because no matter how much the
lobbyists get to them, their office is what gives
them their power and importance and that is what
WE can take away from them. Don’t fall under the
‘helpless’ syndrome;.
I don’t know what else to say that hasn’t been said already. If you have children and love and care for their future then you must fight. To tell you the truth I would rather take the fight to them rather than wait until it’s at my front door. Believe it or not we could change this government if we 350+ million Americans wanted to do so.
To Gator: Yes, 350 million could do a lot; however, they have so many ways to divide us and so many tricks. It’s like administrators administrate and people in power divide and conquer; it’s what they do to keep the goods!
Wonder if they’ll pick up any of the banksters, or perhaps MF Global’s Jon Corzine?
Oh, wait… I’m sorry. The are the ones CONTROLLING the whole charade!
Yes JR … which is a division of the rothscild bank which is an extension of the vatican.
On the bright side, I’ll bet Obama and his band of travelling crooks, czars and corruptocrats could probably hire a bunch of unemployed East German Stasi for cheap.
awesome… glad to see it truly is coming… game on… i suggest everyone looks up their own congressmen and congressladies and senators home addressess and mapquest em’ and print out the directions… they’ll all have the best supplies, best vehicles and tons of stuff you’ll be able to use as the world goes to hell during martial law… they all have nice new bunkers and safe rooms build with tax payer dollars at their homes for you too shelter in… they are mostly all millionaires thanks to you electing them, and legally enslavin you while commiting inside trades on the very companies hired to enslave you further… gettin’ filthy rich off your families pain and suffering!
the least you can all do is pay em’ a visit at their homes and thank them and their families on MARTIAL LAW DAY!
for all they have done … for you and you families!
I’ll second that emotion!
Nina, will you marry me?
@justme… as much as i appreciate the offer , ;o) blush blush… i am a solidly entreched bachelor! i enjoy my “nagging free zone” an being able to leave my toilet seat up all day and peeing in the shower too much… to give it all up just for a gurl! ;0P pssszzt… besides i like my troll cave just as it is… messy!
ask @usmarines ;0) he’s the better catch here on this blogsite!
Darn! Jilted again… :p
Hugz anyway
nina… they are congressmen….. sheesh…. feminazism(political corectness) is one of our biggest problems. AND I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!
Regarding their bunkers, be sure to dump a gallon or two of gas down their air vents…followed by a lit Zippo!!!
——–Oh yeah, then haul ass!!!——-
“Bring the troops home and get them to help force these crooks out of office.”
Agree on forcing out the crooks and the sooner the better. The military is another matter, though. Historically, armies fight for those who sign their pay checks… and that is not us… at least directly. It is the sell-outs in congress.
Although the US military is forbidden by law to run military ops inside US borders, the federal government has gotten really good at ignoring the law (US Constitution) whenever it suits them. The 10th amendment to the constitution is THE most violated section of that document. The feds are into thousands of things that they have no constitutional authority to do… such as creating the Federal Reserve System and handing over congressional authority to create money. Nothing in the constitution allows them to do that. But they did it anyway. So too could something like this come to be. Keep ’em oiled, loaded, and close, friends of liberty!
Has anyone seen on CNN an advertisement named “Gerry riggers:Why your vote may not matter” That’s going to be an interesting view.However,I’m not surprized that our government might do this to the US citizens.I’m beginning to feel like a stranger in my own country.WTH is going on?
Here is the text of the bill. It seems to exclude US citizens in the section below
(b) Applicability to United States Citizens and Lawful Resident Aliens-
(1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.
(2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.
Below is everything in context. It appeaars to me that the ACLU article is inaccurate but I could be wrong.
(a) Custody Pending Disposition Under Law of War-
(1) IN GENERAL- Except as provided in paragraph (4), the Armed Forces of the United States shall hold a person described in paragraph (2) who is captured in the course of hostilities authorized by the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40) in military custody pending disposition under the law of war.
(2) COVERED PERSONS- The requirement in paragraph (1) shall apply to any person whose detention is authorized under section 1031 who is determined–
(A) to be a member of, or part of, al-Qaeda or an associated force that acts in coordination with or pursuant to the direction of al-Qaeda; and
(B) to have participated in the course of planning or carrying out an attack or attempted attack against the United States or its coalition partners.
(3) DISPOSITION UNDER LAW OF WAR- For purposes of this subsection, the disposition of a person under the law of war has the meaning given in section 1031(c), except that no transfer otherwise described in paragraph (4) of that section shall be made unless consistent with the requirements of section 1033.
(4) WAIVER FOR NATIONAL SECURITY- The Secretary of Defense may, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Director of National Intelligence, waive the requirement of paragraph (1) if the Secretary submits to Congress a certification in writing that such a waiver is in the national security interests of the United States.
(b) Applicability to United States Citizens and Lawful Resident Aliens-
(1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.
(2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.
(c) Implementation Procedures-
(1) IN GENERAL- Not later than 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the President shall issue, and submit to Congress, procedures for implementing this section.
(2) ELEMENTS- The procedures for implementing this section shall include, but not be limited to, procedures as follows:
(A) Procedures designating the persons authorized to make determinations under subsection (a)(2) and the process by which such determinations are to be made.
(B) Procedures providing that the requirement for military custody under subsection (a)(1) does not require the interruption of ongoing surveillance or intelligence gathering with regard to persons not already in the custody or control of the United States.
(C) Procedures providing that a determination under subsection (a)(2) is not required to be implemented until after the conclusion of an interrogation session which is ongoing at the time the determination is made and does not require the interruption of any such ongoing session.
(D) Procedures providing that the requirement for military custody under subsection (a)(1) does not apply when intelligence, law enforcement, or other government officials of the United States are granted access to an individual who remains in the custody of a third country.
(E) Procedures providing that a certification of national security interests under subsection (a)(4) may be granted for the purpose of transferring a covered person from a third country if such a transfer is in the interest of the United States and could not otherwise be accomplished.
(d) Effective Date- This section shall take effect on the date that is 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, and shall apply with respect to persons described in subsection (a)(2) who are taken into the custody or brought under the control of the United States on or after that effective date.
Right Jiradog,
i was just looking at the text of the bill and was going to point out what you have already noted.of course, this doesnt stop our Govt from killing US citizens in other countries , when they are suspected of being terrorists, so why will it stop them from killing US citizens in the US? instead of a drone strike, maybe something cleaner like suicide by drowning or maybe suicide by multiple gunshots to the head?
You are forgetting that with being combined with the patriot act the government can, without any proof or reason, determine that anyone is a “terrorist” and once doing so, any stipulations in this act to “protect U.S. citizens” becomes null and void. Therefore this act affects us all. They always find loopholes in the law…
You knew they didn’t build the FEMA prisons so they could sit empty. My son just joined the Army. I hope he remembers the oath he took about defending and protecting the US Constitution and knows that an order to detain US Citizens would be an unconstitutional order and refuse to carry it out. Every single member of the senate or house that even gives a supporting speech should be voted out or recalled if not up for re-election. Wake-up America now is the time to act. You can not sit back and hope this won’t go through. If you do I hope you are one of the first they come to get.
The patriot act started out vague but the keeping adding on to it. With this new law you could see where the military could be sent around in a time of national emergency (declared by executive order from Obama) to establish Marshall Law and confiscate all the registered guns like the did after Katrina in New Orleans. What will happen to the crime rate then. I am afraid this is only the beginning. Read Judge Napalotano’s book “Why it’s Bad to be Right When the Government is Wrong”
Not to worry. The door swings in both directions. When the government assumes it can detain me indefinitely without charging me with a crime or taking away my right to an attorney or jury, I will assume the right to defend myself with extreme prejudice and intense indiscretion against any and all threats. In other words Rule of Law is nullified. Nuff said.
I must say that when one side of a contract is broken, the other contractee has no obligation to abide by the terms of the contract. At that point it would be lock and load and take down anything that moves and sports a poser government logo.
They know this. While many of you may have ideas of mass roundups, etc, think of this: There are 50 million Joshua10s out there. They’re pissed. They’re armed. They may hesitate but they won’t hesitate much.
If that wasn’t bad enough, there are 50 million more VRFs.
I thank The Creator for the likes of them both. Without them, in the end, we’d have nothing. If there are round ups,they’ll be short lived and very bloody.
No worries. All they have to do is shut down the interstates and wait for us to kill each other or starve.
how about the fact that a corporation can be owned
> therefore <
so can you
or else a corporation is not a person ?
You know it! But, who owns the THOMAS SEAMAN that you are so used to signing for? You?
McCain and Obama work for the same people – the bankers. Other than party affiliation, there isn’t a bit of difference between them. McCain was a showpiece for the last election. He was not going to win, nor did he plan on winning. He was there to give Obama an opposition people could wrap their heads around. Now here he is helping to push the same dictatorial agenda that Obama wants. In the end it did not matter which one was sitting in the White House. Our only hope on this bad law is for some organization to step up to the plate and sue to have it struck down.
“same dictatorial agenda that Obama wants”
That language is rather strong and I believe inaccurate from a substance viewpoint. I don’t believe Presidents want a lot of what they push nor do they not want it. It’s more amoral then immoral. Feelings and desires don’t come into it.
They sell a policy drafted, crafted and approved by many others. A President considered “successful” can sell the idea to the masses.
This is “making war on citizens of the United States”; in other words, treason. I’m not surprised this came from the hands of Vietnam War collaborator, John McCain. McCain is NO hero, as anyone who has ever done the research knows.
Is anyone really surprised? This kind of thing is nothing but a formality. Another step, acclimating people (those who burden themselves with original, un-approved thoughts) to accept another level of control. You think they do not already have all the psuedo-legal fine print they need, to twist how they see fit, to do what they want? This country was sold out long before most people alive today were even born. The Facade is fading. Soon, all that will be left of Amerika, will be the Flag, until they tire of that, too.
So, grab another beer, and some junk food…make yourself comfy on the couch, and witness The End. And please accept the explanation the Presenters give…
McCain killed innocent parents and children by dropping bombs on them from his plane. The Vietnamese never did any terrorists attacks in our country before this illegal war. McCain should still be in a Vietnamese jail for his war crimes along with the politicians that promoted this war that was based on lies. Yet this criminal is re-elected time after time in his home state. McCain is just a reflection of what the general population of this country has turned into. Our country has turned into a war mongering, evil, banker controlled fascist state. The constitution is the supreme law of the land, yet the politicians who give their oath to it, never abide by it. I am disgusted by this scum and the majority of my countrymen for allowing this to happen.
As much as I dislike McCain’s positions, you don’t know what you are talking about. The SV wanted our help from the NV and if the politicians had let the military do it’s job, less people on both sides would have died. instead the politicians tied one arm and a leg behind the military’s back and then cut and run. After we did that, millions died in SV and Cambodia at the hands of the wonderful peace loving communists. Read factual stuff before making stupid left wing commie posts.
You might want to read the book Secretary of Defense Mc Namara, the SecDef under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, wrote shortly before he died. He stated that nobody in leadership positions knew anything about Vietnam. And that they didn’t realize it was a civil war in the middle of a centuries old effort to expel foreign invaders. Like the Japanese, the French and us.
The Vietnamese position was Vietnam run by and for the Vietnamese. It was not a “domino theory” war of communist conquest. The SV ruling elite were suck ups to foreign imperialists. The NV were Vietnamese nationalists first and “communists” because that’s where they could obtain weaponry to throw the imperialist out.
McNamara said, paraphrasing, those 58,000 American troops, and all those hundreds of thousands of Viets died for nothing. Gosh, he’s sorry. The “go kill a Commie for Christ” cannon fodder are still dead. And their families are still shredded. For absolutely fooking nothing. Hey Joe, let’s do that again in Iran, yes?
You bought the Koolaid. You don’t know what you are talking about.
Oh, you read a book. Silly me.
After we left, it was not hundreds of thousands of SV that died, it was millions my friend, killed by the communists. Yes the NV nationalists are at peace now under there peace loving COMMUNIST government. And they only had to kill a few million countrymen and drive out over a million more to do it. They are at peace now because the opposition has been murdered and any opposition will be dealt with the same way. Lets all thank heaven that America turned it’s back on the murdered people that wanted our help
You need to get your facts straight BUB, I know what I am talking about.
And another thing, Walter kronkite should have been thrown in prison for life for the way he lied to the American people about the war.
It was not our job to draft 18 years old to die on foreign soil. You obviously are somewhat brainwashed. What the hell we doing in that part of the world? By the way, the SV govt. was very corrupt in it’s own right. Millions were made by the war mongering contractors that had their lobbyist throughout DC.
I am far from being left wing, I am one of the so called 1% well off businesmen, who believes in a the Constitution and the right to keep ones profit and not to waste it on the lazy and crazy with welfare handouts.
You don’t know what you’re talking about. You swallowed the militarist propaganda.
Read the book Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, wrote shortly before he died. Nobody in the US leadership knew a thing about Vietnam. Didn’t know Vietnam had been fighting to oust foreign invaders for hundreds of years. Most recently the Japanese, the French and us.
Didn’t know it was a civil war between the SV leadership, who were suck ups to the imperialists (the French, us). Didn’t know NV were Vietnamese nationalists first and “communists” second. NV got its weapons where it could to repel the foreign invaders. The “domino theory” was hokum designed to take in the ignorant. It worked just fine. Domino they say? Russia has had a phobia about being encircled by enemies for hundreds of years. Try reading a little history.
Paraphrasing McNamara, that war was a mistake. For absolutely nothing. Those 58,000 Americans and hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese died because the Ivy League pukes running the US didn’t know as much as they thought they did. The “go kill a commie for Christ” guys are still dead. Their families are still shredded.
Hey y’all, let’s all jump next time the war mongers need bodies to go die for their lies. Iran is next.
This is the second time I’ve posted this. Someone ignorant of history can’t stand it when someone didn’t drink the Koolaid he drank. Let’s see if this post stays up.
@to jim, not to patrick faiola
So you read a book and that made your small brain enlightend.
Sorry, anonymous
LBJ, and McNamara should have spent the rest of thier lives in prison for what they did.
I guess I have to post twice also.
Oh, you read a book. Silly me.
After we left, it was not hundreds of thousands of SV that died, it was millions my friend, killed by the communists. Yes the NV nationalists are at peace now under there peace loving COMMUNIST government. And they only had to kill a few million countrymen and drive out over a million more to do it. They are at peace now because the opposition has been murdered and any opposition will be dealt with the same way. Lets all thank heaven that America turned it’s back on the murdered people that wanted our help
You need to get your facts straight BUB, I know what I am talking about.
And another thing, Walter kronkite should have been thrown in prison for life for the way he lied to the American people about the war.
Patrick, yes, sen McCain is a bought and paid puppet. However, he did grow up as a real, solid patriotic American. He did his duty, without quetion when called upon. He did not start the VN war. He paid a terrible price for his role there. I stringly disagree that with your assertion that he should still be in a VN prison. That is the kind of BS statement the left would make.
And, this is no longer “our country”. Amerika was sold out long ago. All you are witnessing is the end of it. The US Constituion has become a dead letter to the people whom the owners have installed. No “election” will save this place, or turn things around. The people in this country are no longer even counted as “citizens”, that to is just a facade.
Disgusted? You are certainly not alone. But geuss what? The inhabitants of this country want only to consume, and be safe. They will bend over and take the chip. There are not enough “real Americans” left to change that.
~~~Yet this criminal is re-elected time after time in his home state~~~
Patrick, if it’s widely known the presidential election voting machines are compromised by remote control now, then why not Arizona voting machines??
It’s widely known he was always pro-illegals– one of the reasons I held my nose in 2008– why would arizona accept that?? I say they didn’t..the criminal cabal did.
Just saying.
JJ, McCain is just another political hack that would sell his soul to be elected. Nothing surprises me anymore – it is possible that the machines are compromised.
I get so upset seeing history repeat itself, we have learned nothing from the past, nor does it look like we will ever learn. I feel like dropping off the planet. I am depressed to see what our country has degenerated into. The future now scares me, I do not like what I see. I now have a better understanding of the French Revolution and all the heads that went rolling.
No one is meant to learn anything from the past…TPTB work overtime to see to that.
Depressed? Welcome to 2011, on Earth.
The future should be frightening, that means you are awakened, thinking.
Or, you could just fuhgeddaboudit, n’grab another beer…there’s some stupid game on TV…
Lock and Load Baby!
Im not to concerned about when SHTF. I have plenty of toilet paper, food, and of course, lots of precious metals lead and bronze to give back to the government.
Bronze did I say bronze, sorry im half asleep I meant to say brass. I hate working grave-yard shifts
The legislation solves nothing. The super committee came up empty handed for solving our economic recovery problems.
Our elected officials are incompetent.
We will be slaves to these morons.
Will be? Ahem…wake up please…
passing something like this on american citizens will start a war, a civil war, because if people know they have nothing to lose and will be jailed for nothing and kept without charge ,,they will act in a deaperate way and do something that will justify the detainment or imprisonment..and that my friends means lock and load, the only thing these traitors will recognise is flying lead, and I for one will give them everything I have until im not standing, they wont have to worry about detaining me..just bring a body bag or more..because I aint going down alone.
Molon Labe
Si Vis Pacum Parabellum
Molon Labe indeed!!!
…The bottom line every genuine American male needs to comprehend is…Washington CANNOT WIN a SNIPER’s WAR!!!!
When the illegitimate ZOG makes their move, there will be an enormous amount of “back-ground noise” & the smart shooters will hunt the enemy’s leadership!
Let the amateurs consume the regime’s resources via their defense of home posture/mindset. The pros will go after the real targets!
Also, think resource denial to the regime…starve the beast while you’re attacking him.
Illegitimi Non Carborundum
—(don’t let the bastards get you down)—
“Usurpation is the exercise of powers by an agent which have not been delegated to him by the principal. In a constitutional republic like the United States of America, acts by officials are legitimate only if they are consistent with and based on a constitution, a body of laws which are superior to all subsequent statutes and other acts of officials, which embodies all delegations of power, and which may recognize certain rights to further define the limits on the powers delegated. It is a fundamental principle that all acts of officials not derived from the delegated powers of the constitution are >>> null and void from inception <<<, not just from the point at which a court may find them unconstitutional."
http:// put this at the begining of the web site at the end of the post
see (no pun intended) this guy that hunts down protesters to shoot them in the eye..is now a target of the public..read the article
our politiciaans will soon become targets due to their policies and failing to up hold the Men and Womens righs of this country..
Like I said, pass all the acts and laws you want,, wen it goes to the point where man has no choice all bets are off on any law or act written on paper..some one is going to dot this fuckers eye..that is if he isnt already cowering in some corner.
I just watched a show on the internment and enslavement of the Aleutian people in Alaska during WWII… it made what happened to Japanese-Americans on the mainland look like a cakewalk. Believe me, when the next big contrived war comes, all bets are off. You’ll have two choices: get on the cattle cars and die a slow death in a camp or do what the Polish resistance did in Warsaw… die while still free with a rifle in your hands.
This could be a true false flag event, instigated by the ACLU pukes to rile up the “SHEEPLE” in the Prepper Movement to make all sorts of seditious statements and prove to one and all that preppers are truly nuts. If this is so secret how did we find out about it. Sources must be verified and vetted brfore you believe them. As for MCCAIN’s alleged complicity in this “Act”, since when has he voted to protect the rights of the common person in this country? If you intend to either condemn the man for his apparent “Manchurian Candidate” actions or his alleged “heroism” in Vietnam, go to original documents for your research efforts, not the pablum spouted about him when he began to run for political office way back when. Did he pull a John Kerry,to gain personal fame?
As for the military, TPTB pays their way now, but what happens when the true money situation becomes evident to them and they realize they have ordered to kill their fellow citizens for a very few pieces of silver. Fortunately, the majority of the military folks I know and trust will follow their oath of enlistment and protect and defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC(congress critters.
Dont waste your time contacting the congress critters, all you will get is some poor harried telephone operator or lower level staffer who is arrogant and snotty.
What you have in your larder and ammo safe is the only solace for the future.
My son has been given instructions where the cache is located in the event of my death. He will carry on.
RED DAWN!!!!!!!!!!
The Revolution Started Sept 17 Why Have We Not Joined? We Sit And Armchair QB.Dream Of Surviving S.H.T.F. In 1775 Only3% of The Colonialist Were Involved. Had Their Fence Sitters Like Us. They Gave Us A Great Start.It’s One Thing To Prepare Another To Act.
If the Democrats sponsored a bill to burn the Library of Congress, the Republicans would want to do it over a 2 year period.Democrats are communists,Republicans are socialists.A socialist is just a slow moving communist!
it has been said that theier are 2 differences between dems, & repubs.:
1) It will take the repubs a week longer to accept Communism.
2)Dems want to take us to Hell in a handbasket. Repubs want to take us ther in a shopping cart…
Oh, no need to burn the Library of Congress…people don’t know how to read anymore…
The Military isn’t completely full of idiots and brainwashed ready to die for I$rael zealots as some would think. However, to affirm what a lot fo people would think about a fair percentage of military men and women being blinded to what is really going on, I can concur. I have tried to talk to fellow soldiers until I have lost patience with their unreasonability and unwillingness to accept cold hard facts about the Government they swore to protect. It is really exhausting to even attempt to lift the veil from the eyes of some who believe everything their beloved “Uncle Sam” tells them. For most, they will learn the hard way as their system, their false sense of security, and everything they know falls apart be it by financial system failure or complete Government capitulation……or ultimately both. Now for the few, the proud, the open-eyed soldiers from any branch of the Military, I actually expect for there to be more of them than most would assume to lend a helping hand or at least defy orders and find a way home should the worst come to pass. I just hope that enough Americans in general will be prepared to an extent before all this finally goes down, for every hand that we have holding a rifle in the defense of our country, the better our odds are as a people.
Someone is being intentionally hysterical here. While it is a really bad bill all around, you should READ (not take someone’s word) section 1031 and 1032. The bill specifical EXCLUDES American citizens and legal aliens.
so in other words it authorizes what they already do…. invade and kill other people for no reason….
@ Pete O, Excludes American citizens. Existing POS “legis-rape-tion” already allows American citizens to be detained indefinitley without charges or trial.
Designated terrorist are no longer afforded the “rights” (LMAO) of “citizens”. And Mr. Prez can evidently strip you of your “citizenship” with a word.
You are coming off as naive, a plant, or both.
This is freakin ridiculous.
Looks like another trip to the store for more ammunition.
Good luck everybody. Tell your friends and get ready if this crap load of a bill passes.
This sure is a steaming pile of crap.
It tells me two things:
#1~ TPTB are ready to act to create the NWO and they want to be able to get dissenters out of their way ASAP.
#2~ TPTB are scared of the dissenters, the revolutionaries, the patriots – the people like US who are going to fight tooth and nail for our future!
Why else is this act so important to them? The whispers of the people are getting louder and TPTB want to squelch those whispers before they become a dull roar that moves everyone to stand up for their rights!
Okies Declaration Of The Bill Of Constitutional Independence Of Gettysburg Or Something Or Other
When in the course of human events,(we get fed up) it becomes necessary for one people to throw off the bonds by which they are enslaved to another(mortgages, taxes, atm fees, etc), it is the Right, and the DUTY, of the oppressed to use every means at their disposal to ensure the complete elimination of their enslavement, and, if possible, the maximum amount of pain inflicted upon the enslavers. (note- electrified nipple clamps are prohibited by the Geneva Convention. However, the Geneva Convention has been nullified by the patriots, so go ahead).
We hold these truths to be self-evident(duh)…that all men are created equal (some, more equal than others), and are endowewd by their Creator with certain inalienable rights. That among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of the ultimate hot wings.(any use of force to promote watered-down tobasco sauce will be met with resistance, up to and including Monty Python-style taunts)
Four score and seven years ago(give or take a few years), our forefathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation, concieved(during a keg party at the frat house)in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that….that…we can’t remember, but it was one heck of a proposition!
We have nothing to fear but fear itself. And small lead objects traveling at 1200fps. And flying gargoyles, and pole shifts, and bubonic plague, and spiders. Especially those big tarantula-looking ones with the huge hairy legs that crawl under the bed at night and…(sorry Daisy, I couldn’t resist!)
Walk softly and carry a big stick. Or carry a rifle and walk as loudly as you want.
Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do to avoid what your country wants to do to you.
The End. Amen. Repeat Chorus. May Not Be Combined With Coupons Or Other Discounts.(your mileage may vary)
where do i sign?
my dh says Smokie Okie just may be a real comedian disguised here to post..maybe??
Whatever!! We like it.
I’ll never tell! 🙂
Here are those sections of the bill
In this subtitle, the term ‘individual detained at Guantanamo’ means any individual who is located at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on or after March 7, 2011, who–
(1) is not a citizen of the United States or a member of the Armed Forces of the United States; and
(2) is in the custody or under the effective control of the Department of Defense.
Section 127b of title 10, United States Code, is amended–
(1) in subsection (c)(3)(C), by striking ‘September 30, 2011’ and inserting ‘September 30, 2014’; and
(2) in subsection (f)(1), by striking ‘December’ and inserting ‘February’.
Am I missing something here…….
Tea Pot gonna boil over.
Just stop for a minute and think about it. Most of you are outraged that this kind of injustice might be directed against US citizen… I have yet to see a comment where the very idea of having ANY HUMAN BEING detained and held against his/her will is challenged. I mean – I am not an US citizen… so it is OK for Old Ironsides to drive tank through my wall, seize me and tuck me away, until I change my “undemocratic” ways?
I know that all of you are exactly the opposite from what I say, but I just wanted to point that out… sorry for the rant.
oh, one more thing on this topic – remember what was one of the factors of the undoing of Romans – they had this “law” that prohibited any enslavement and bodily punishments. all other people were OK to be beaten, raped, crucified and enslaved… history repeating, anybody?
USA could have been truly grand country, even as a world police, you just had to be consistent in your actions i.e. if US decides that no dictatorship is to be allowed on earth, than that what should have transpired – North Korea, Chile, Byalorussia, etc, and not just Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya.
we came to a point where people should feel TOTALLY responsible for what their gooberment does. only this sense of responsibility could spur them into action against despicable acts that most gooberments do, be they Russian, Lithuanian, Greek or American.
(having said the above, I must point out that I am a convinced supporter of untouchable sovereignty of nations, that is no nation should be allowed ANY troops on the soil of other nation no matter how corrupt, dictatorial or pervert the said nation’s gooberment is)
rant off 😀
Not everyone here in Amerika believes it’s OK to drive a tank through your wall because you don’t buy thier brand of corporate-demonocracy. And, personally I do not think such detainments are a good thing. Only the people who still buy the star-spangled dogma, despite evidence to the contrary believe it.
The USA was once a very grand country, our people are still good-natured, but they are afraid, and frustrated into apathy and resignation. Some have known nothing but a diversionary facade of reality for thier entire lives. How can you expect them to feel responsible, when they have been told otherwise for generations? And what would you expect people to do, when they have zero control over what is done in thier name?
Sadly, most of our people are simply told what to think, and they accept it without question. They will accept thier ultimate fate without question, as well, because they know nothing else. And, they are afraid.
oh I know that… and as I said – I believe that most if not all here are exactly the opposite of what I described…
and I understand the inability of poople to even begin grapple the said problems… it is not exclusively your problem. same here, in Lithuania poople don’t seem to understand that what we are doing in Afghanistan is exactly the same what Soviets did to us – outright occupation. and I have no idea what measure of despair or disaster could turn the sheople around… the masses seam to be impervious to truth 🙁
We need to arrest Levin and McCain, with or without the help of the institutional powers that be. Resurrect the de jure grand jury, charge them with and try them for treason against the Republic. Give them the due process they wish to deny us, and if found guilty we should hang them in the public square. Enough is enough.
Um. Me thinks we need to declare war on McInsane. Oh, but wait. To much work. Is it bad to pray to God for a sniper with an accurate aim?
Yes, Murt—but it’s not bad to pray for GOD to come and smite the evil bastards.
I guess this means when the government raids your home in the middle opf the night based on faulty info it’s time to shoot back. Cause you, me or any of us may never see the light of day again.
it’s called “Black Baggin'”… only option at that point is to kill as many ofem’ as you can with your sawed off 12 gauge… before they drag you off to be water-boarded and anal-probed with a cattle-prod – zzzzzzzzzzzt! YIKES! ;0p
U my friend will be the first to “GET PHUCKED OFF” really !
FEAR since 9/11 and the ensuing destruction of our liberties to preserve “security” got us HERE. Continuing to FEAR speaking your mind and follow through at the right time, will not only keep us here, but take us to new “depths”.
Grow some EAGLE feathers Old Crow.
you should change yur’ name to @oldbaldchicken… an i ain’t yur lil’ friend… some of us are already geared up and packed… come martial law day… i’m turning into a ghost and going huntin’!
it’s better to be the preditor than the prey… p.s. fly away old crow before i clip your wings – permanently!
Cattle-prod is “primitive” technology. Much prefer to stand,and go down FIRING than end up at the “best possible definition” of THEIR “MERCY(less)” alternatives.
the united states of amerika has secret black ops cia prisons around the world not only on land in various warlords an allies cities , but on oil platforms, tankers/ freighters and diego garcia island.
amerikan soldiers have been trained and do use electrocution, water torture, rape female and male… an even threat of harm to captives children to gain access to useless lies ! most amerikan captives are innocent civilians dimed out by neighbors for $$$ or for a grudge… and the few actual fighters they interogate are patriots for their on country , fighting for freedom from the nwo banker cartels just as YOU ALL ARE!
sigh… catchin on yet?
amerika tortures and terrorizes the worlds poor and brown people , simply cause it can! which makes all you americans GUILTY of the SAME CRIMES TO THE WORLD! As you All benefit from their pain deaths and suffering! so you can have whAT??? more shit from china!
america is a lie and should be destroyed!
When every other “armed” citizen gets this, WE may not only make a lasting impression, but actually MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
For clarification, comment @ rachel.
thats exactly what this will bring.
How terrible this crap has become. Contact the Pope asap.
I am not at all sure how contacting “one of the heads of the snake (Pope)” will help. Maybe a LONG swim in the historical affiliations of the ZIONIST movement and the catholic church will shed some light on the “questionable nature” of that comment.
Yeah! And don’t forget to leave that tooth under your pillow…
There is a war coming and this time we will be the bad guys.
Will be? We already ARE the bad guys, every one of us who frequents this site and others like it are the enemy.
we always were patrick… just masqerading as the good guy.
Isn’t the element of surprise a valuable tool in war? So you make the enemy think they’re an ally or, in the very least, not an enemy, then you strike.
TREASON! They’ll get treason’s rope in the end and they will whine and cry and moan about it. Let them. I’ll still pull the trip for the door they’re standing on with just as much vigor and conviction.
These new laws that might be passed, are just another indicator that we are close to very edge that many have thought we were at. Now we have more proof. It is soon going to be game on, and our leadership in Washington know this. If anyone thinks voting for this guy, or this guy is going to make a difference, you need to have your head examined .
We are way past voting making a difference in anything. The PTB can see what is happening, and they know they are losing control, and control is what it has always been about. Make no mistake, the PTB will do what they have to, to maintain control. You are now seeing their next step. These next few months are going to be very telling. get ready as you will. You don’t have much time left.
It seems to be heading in that direction.
I read the bill, S 1867 Sec 1031 and sec 1032. I suggest some of you read it as well. The bill specifically states that this does not apply to American Citizens and legal resident aliens.
So, you know, people can just take other peoples word for it, or read it themselves. It’s not hard to find, just type S1867 into the google browser and edumacate yourselves.
I can see it now with the military abusing this law. You know that there is untrust worthy people in the government and yet they want to pass this unbelivieabley stupid act? An innocent couple walking across the street and an MP comes arrest them and put them in prison with no reason or question asked or answerd as to why they’re being arrested. They are imprisioned and then mentally and physically abused for the governments own pleasure. Yah! If this passes everyone is screwed!
Ladies and Gentleman, I proudly still serve in our military and my 30th year is on the horizon towards retirement.There are open documents out there for you as the public to read and come to your own conclusions on what to expect from this up coming vote on wheather it can or cannot pass . I strongley encourage you to read Army Regulation AR210-35 that was signed off for distribution during the Bush administration. I hate reading long drawn out regulations, but this Reg may shed some LIGHT for me, and probably for you too. It’s dated 14 Jauary 2005. Thank you and read with good judgement!!!
So, WE have an official Army Regulation concerning “proper procedure” for initiating/maintaining CIVILIAN INMATE LABOR CAMPS and CIVILIAN INMATE PRISION CAMPS.
All draped in the “usual” long-winded legaleeze rhetoric of every other “regulation”. Bottom line, THEY already have “official” plans in place for “the likes of us”.
I get it, and I think most here “get it”. The “pissed-off” and “had enough” factors are resulting in a growing number of brazen comments and responses on this site as well as most others I visit.
We know this is in place, let the REVOLUTION begin. The “fear campaign” that began with 9/11 and has continued to be force fed, in growing quantities down out throats, combined with another “false flag option” to “keep us in line”, is more of a “fear” than this regulation.
Also more of an immediate threat. IMO.
Have you tried going to church today brother yental?
If not, back off the caffine a bit and read the link, http://www.scribd.com/doc/14063625/AR21035 and take a deep breath and tell your self this aint hill 309 in the ashau valley of Vietnam. Read the link, process it, and (BUILD from there bro. Remember..the six “P’s, (PRIOR PLANNING PREVENTS PISS POOR PERFORMANCE).Go easy, go easy.
I reviewed the bill S. 1867 (all 658 pages) and didn’t find where there was any authority for the military to detain US citizens or more specifically in the US of A. In fact the bill PROHIBITS this action:
(b) Applicability to United States Citizens and Lawful Resident Aliens-
(1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.
(2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.
Can someone point out the section and paragraph that authorizes citizen detention as purported by this article?
This is “waging war on citizens of the United States;” in other words, treason. I wonder if the Senate knows how average Americans with 330 MILLION firearms will handle traitors.
Treason? They laugh mokingly at such a statement.They are’nt too worried about the 330 million guns either. They know that 79.5 million (out of roughly 80 mil., who have most of the guns) “gun owners” do not have the spine or focused direction to do anything, and will give thier guns up when told to do so. That will take most of the guns away. They will be happy to let local zombie-hordes kill resisters, and they will use the military and police to mop up those isolated people who persist.
Spoken with any “Texas boys” lately. The ones I grew up with won’t be “giving up anything” but lead. Speak for yourself.
I only hope THEY under-estimate US to the extent you assume.
I’m not sure who posted it, but I had a long talk with a ex soldier last night. After talking about all this he ask me if I was a member of the NRA. Someone mentioned this before and I found it odd that he ask. I would have to say that the ex soldirs are going to ask the NRA members for help when the shtf.
Take it for what its worth, but I have joined this morning..
Or he knows they will start by arresting NRA members…
Sections 1031 & 1032 pertain to the detaining of Americans is true…..BUT I found a link to whitehouse.gov where there is a big push to have these sections omitted. http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/omb/legislative/sap/112/saps1867s_20111117.pdf
The above link takes you to a “Statement of Administration Policy” from the Executive Office of the President. Read this and you will see the Prez & his supporters want to take these sections out so it can include American citizens on American soil.
Oops, revise that last comment…the prez & his supports fighting to keep those sections in the bill.
Sorry, had it right the first time.
All they would have to do is,announce a sale at Walmart and half the damn country would come runnin. Lock em up get rid of em for us.
Lost your rights? Oh well, get used to it. They took mine and alot of others’ a long time ago but nobody screamed about that then, welcome to our world. Better learn to adapt if you want to survive.
This is how it happens when you’re silent about the rigths of others being taken, standing back with an attitude that it doesn’t affect you. Nobody is left to stand with you now, you’re all alone. Guess you shoulda spoken out a bit sooner when you had some allies to help fight….
( Rolls hands ) This is going to be fun, Thieves protecting thieves….All in the name of Law. They are making up the laws as they go along.
Bring it.
Have always felt eventhough I am a Republican that mccain was a manchurian candidate. This now proves it.
Well this is because of the stupid sheeple, the conservative war mongers I blame the most but the stupid illiberals that used to cry fowl when something like this used to happen seem complacent because there is a (D) behind the administration. Believe me other than Ron Paul whoever wins we lose!
Oh come on Americans……can this be true….?
If it is, PROTEST!!!
No sane democracy would allow detention of citizens
without trial or evidence, or else it is not a democracy!
Don’t get the parallel with England early in the comments………
it isnt a democracy
I pledge allegence to the flag of the United States of America..And To the REPUBLIC for which it stands, one nation, under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
Democracy..Mob Rule
Republic..Rule of law
I guess this is how they will get around The Posse Comitatus Act.
Does the Posse Comtitatus Act still exist?
Our president of the USA needs to be tried for war crimes just like all the other leaders of other nations have been. Some didn”t make it trial, and those that did, were either hung, or shot.Justice to all should be the same. No exceptions!
What’s the matter with most of you people!!!
This is a bunch of BS scare tactics! Just look at the author: ‘ACLU’ – the most unAmerican organization in the country! Sure, Congress is a mess, but don’t knock everything they do. The terrorist threat is real, even among so-called americans who have twisted minds.
I think The Posse Comitatus Act was a casualty at Waco, but there is a pretty good write up in Wikipedia. The discussion here should stay focused on the idea the military could do whatever it wants without having to follow Constitutional Law. Once that happens we are just another occupied country in the “War On Terror”.
Any discussions about democrats, republicans, neocons, libs, and illegals are just distractions or a clever change of subject.
You have to look at the source of this story ACLU. Don’t get me wrong this is very bad but doesn’t apply to U.S. Citizens yet. Read b 1.
(a) Custody Pending Disposition Under Law of War-
(1) IN GENERAL- Except as provided in paragraph (4), the Armed Forces of the United States shall hold a person described in paragraph (2) who is captured in the course of hostilities authorized by the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40) in military custody pending disposition under the law of war.
(2) COVERED PERSONS- The requirement in paragraph (1) shall apply to any person whose detention is authorized under section 1031 who is determined–
(A) to be a member of, or part of, al-Qaeda or an associated force that acts in coordination with or pursuant to the direction of al-Qaeda; and
(B) to have participated in the course of planning or carrying out an attack or attempted attack against the United States or its coalition partners.
(3) DISPOSITION UNDER LAW OF WAR- For purposes of this subsection, the disposition of a person under the law of war has the meaning given in section 1031(c), except that no transfer otherwise described in paragraph (4) of that section shall be made unless consistent with the requirements of section 1033.
(4) WAIVER FOR NATIONAL SECURITY- The Secretary of Defense may, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Director of National Intelligence, waive the requirement of paragraph (1) if the Secretary submits to Congress a certification in writing that such a waiver is in the national security interests of the United States.
(b) Applicability to United States Citizens and Lawful Resident Aliens-
(1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.
(2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.
Note (4) WAVER FOR NATIONAL SECURITY allows for waiving the statement in (b)(1) that it does not apply to US citizens.
So, for once the ACLU is correct. The restriction to not detain US citizens is subject to waver. Thus, the Constitution is subject to waver.
Jct: You’ve been living in Gulag Amerika since the Patriot Act, now it’s just more official. It’s like watching our neighbor to the South turn into the despotic regime Russia used to be. Just a matter of time before the stoke up the execution chambers in their FEMA concentration camps. Scary stuff watching elected representatives vote to turn their country turn into an authoritarian regime in front of our very eyes. And you can bet they’ve got a Canadian Patriot Act waiting in the wings for the first “terrorist” grenade in a mailbox which worked last time in 1972 to incur the War Measures Act and take away our civil rights with minimum murmur of discontent.
You seem to understand the importance of what the patriot act is. Scary!
I cannot believe that people actually think that the POTUS drafts legislation. This is a continuation of the erosion of civil liberties that began with the passage of the Patriot Act.
If anything, we should be lobbying the POTUS to veto this bill should it actually pass through both houses of Congress. If you make it a national issue and gain support on both sides of the spectrum, he’ll have no choice but to veto it. I doubt this makes it off the Senate floor though.
Possibly true, but the fact that they even contemplate it, tells me something about what kind of “representation” we as Citizens really have in this game they play ..
any rep. that backs this or votes yes for this, needs to be voted out , or jailed indefinetly with out charge, to get our point across that if you doubble cross the people who put you there..we will use your policies against you immediately! if they dont follow the constitution of this republic.
let them suck on thier own policy and see if they like it first before spreading it across this nation
this also puts a huge target on our police, and local military..im sure you can figure out why that would be
cage an person for no reason or a lie for why it is caged..and let the word get out to all the others..so when the others are sought after, the rebellion begins
maybe lindsey would like to be the first to test this himself?..wonder how he would respond to being arrested and thrown in G-bay and left to rot..for no charge or crime proven to come from his actions?
problem is..these types think they are above this type of action..maybe we as the citizens of this country and the driving force of this government (should be) we should innact a law that imprisons these so called leaders and representatives if they dont do the peoples work and represent us..imprison them for life for the most simple of infractions..
I think all 535 of them would be behind bars already..they all have a pretty lousy track record..
Detaining Americans without charges, yet another violation of our rights. The gov’t constantly violates our rights.
They violate the 1st Amendment by caging protesters and banning books like “America Deceived II”.
They violate the 4th and 5th Amendment by allowing TSA to grope you.
They violate the entire Constitution by starting undeclared wars.
Impeach Obama, support Ron Paul.
Last link of “America Deceived II” before it is completely banned:
Like I have said for years, the government (both Parties) are Nazi, Communist and Marxists. They are going to take by force whatever you have to keep their kingdom built.
God help us because a civil war will come if this law is passed. Scary government we have. The patriot act is not for terrorist but for the citizens of this country.
Buy more ammo, you will need it!!! Large caliber…
I wish I had my 5 inch,38.again. It played hell on the
Don’t these cretins know congress cannot “bypass the constitution”? The only lawful, constitutional way to “bypass the constitution” is to pass a constitutional ammendment. Congress is now a 100% treasonist organization, and has been for some time.
TREASON BY GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you haven’t seen the recent movie “The Conspirator” you should. It is about the military tribunal trial and military execution of Mary Seurat — an American citizen arrested on U.S. soil and accused of being one of the conspirators in the Lincoln assassination plot. It’s an excellent film, very topical to this discussion, and it’s at Redbox and Blockbuster Express kiosks everywhere now. At the end of the film there was an epilogue which stated that a year after the execution the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that an American citizen arrested on U.S. soil must be charged and tried before a jury in a criminal court. The suggestion of this article to the contrary may well be overstated. Of course, that would leave open the issue of U.S. non-citizens who are arrested abroad. I think it is fair to draw a line between the cases of U.S. citizens arrested on U.S. soil and non-citizens arrested abroad.
Folks, examine the language of gobblygook that just ushered in U.S. military seizing U.S. citizens:
(a) IN GENERAL.—Congress affirms that the authority of the President to use all necessary and appropriate force pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107–40) includes the authority for the Armed Forces of the United States to detain covered persons (as defined in subsection (b)) pending disposition under the law of war.
(b) COVERED PERSONS.—A covered person under this section is any person as follows:
(1) A person who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored those responsible for those attacks.
(2) A person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.
(c) DISPOSITION UNDER LAW OF WAR.—The disposition of a person under the law of war as described in subsection (a) may include the following:
(1) Detention under the law of war without trial until the end of the hostilities authorized by the Authorization for Use of Military Force.
(2) Trial under chapter 47A of title 10, United States Code (as amended by the Military Commissions Act of 2009 (title XVIII of Public Law 111–84)).
(3) Transfer for trial by an alternative court or competent tribunal having lawful jurisdiction.
(4) Transfer to the custody or control of the person’s country of origin, any other foreign country, or any other foreign entity.
(d) CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this section is intended to limit or expand the authority of the President or the scope of the Authorization for Use of Military Force.
(e) REQUIREMENT FOR BRIEFINGS OF CONGRESS.— The Secretary of Defense shall regularly brief Congress regarding the application of the authority described in this section, including the organizations, entities, and individuals considered to be ‘‘covered persons’’ for purposes of subsection (b)(2).
(1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in paragraph (4), the Armed Forces of the United States shall hold a person described in paragraph (2) who is captured in the course of hostilities authorized by the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107–40) in military custody pending disposition under the law of war.
(2) COVERED PERSONS.—The requirement in paragraph (1) shall apply to any person whose detention is authorized under section 1031 who is determined—
(A) to be a member of, or part of, al-Qaeda or an associated force that acts in coordination with or pursuant to the direction of al-Qaeda; and
(B) to have participated in the course of planning or carrying out an attack or attempted attack against the United States or its coalition partners.
(3) DISPOSITION UNDER LAW OF WAR.—For purposes of this subsection, the disposition of a person under the law of war has the meaning given in section 1031(c), except that no transfer otherwise described in paragraph (4) of that section shall be made unless consistent with the requirements of section 1033.
(4) WAIVER FOR NATIONAL SECURITY.—The Secretary of Defense may, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Director of National Intelligence, waive the requirement of paragraph (1) if the Secretary submits to Congress a certification in writing that such a waiver is in the national security interests of the United States.
(1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS.—The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.
(2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS.—The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.
(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the President shall issue, and submit to Congress, procedures for implementing this section.
(2) ELEMENTS.—The procedures for implementing this section shall include, but not be limited to, procedures as follows:
(A) Procedures designating the persons authorized to make determinations under subsection (a)(2) and the process by which such determinations are to be made.
(B) Procedures providing that the requirement for military custody under subsection (a)(1) does not require the interruption of ongoing surveillance or intelligence gathering with regard to persons not already in the custody or control of the United States.
(C) Procedures providing that a determination under subsection (a)(2) is not required to be implemented until after the conclusion of an interrogation session which is ongoing at the time the determination is made and does not require the interruption of any such ongoing session.
(D) Procedures providing that the requirement for military custody under subsection (a)(1) does not apply when intelligence, law enforcement, or other government officials of the United States are granted access to an individual who remains in the custody of a third country.
(E) Procedures providing that a certification of national security interests under subsection (a)(4) may be granted for the purpose of transferring a covered person from a third country if such a transfer is in the interest of the United States and could not otherwise be accomplished.
(d) EFFECTIVE DATE.—This section shall take effect on the date that is 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, and shall apply with respect to persons described in subsection (a)(2) who are taken into the custody or brought under the control of the United States on or after that effective date.
It is being mentioned in other blogs such as FreeRepublic.com and InfoWars.com that:
If this new law did not apply to US citizens then §1032(b)(1) would not say:
1. UNITED STATES CITIZENS.—The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.
Instead, it would say:
1. UNITED STATES CITIZENS.—Sections 1031 and 1032 does not extend to citizens of the United States.
The exception of U.S. citizens being exempt ONLY applies to Section 1032, meaning section 1031 still authorizes without exception the US military to detain a person for suspected terrorist involvement. It would give military authority to hold even US citizens — they are not REQUIRED to — but they may if they chose to, and it subordinates civil authority to military authority in matters of terrorism and war.
There’s nothing in the bill that says U.S. Citizens are exempt from being policed by the military.
This is the modern equivalent of Hitler’s “Enabling Acts.”
Check this out, posted on FreeRepublic.com, Lindsay Graham the tyrant authorizing this bill and admitting the Zero administration wants U.S. citizens to be DETAINED INDEFINITELY —
from the congressional record debate pdf,(NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012 — Senate – November 17, 2011)
These comments were from Sen. Linsay Graham regarding the Bill
“..But we need to let this President know, and every other President, that if you capture someone in the homeland, on our soil–American citizen or not–who is a member of al-Qaida, you do not have to give them a lawyer or read them the rights automatically. You can treat them as a military threat under military custody, just like if you captured them overseas.(page 44)
..This bill is a very sound, balanced work product, and I will stand by it, I will fight for it, and I respect those who may disagree. But why did we take out the language Senator Levin wanted me to put in about an American citizen could not be held indefinitely if caught in the homeland? The administration asked us to do that. Why did they ask us to do that? It makes perfect sense. If American citizens have joined the enemy and we captured them at home, we want to make sure we know what they are up to, and we do not want to be required, under our law, to turn them over to a criminal court, where you have to provide them a lawyer at an arbitrary point in time. So the administration was probably right to take this out.(page 45)”
If this new law did not apply to US citizens then §1032(b)(1) would not say:
1. UNITED STATES CITIZENS.—The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.
Instead, it would say:
1. UNITED STATES CITIZENS.—Sections 1031 and 1032 does not extend to citizens of the United States.
The exception of U.S. citizens being exempt ONLY applies to Section 1032, meaning section 1031 still authorizes without exception the US military to detain a person for suspected terrorist involvement. It would give military authority to hold even US citizens — they are not REQUIRED to — but they may if they chose to, and it subordinates civil authority to military authority in matters of terrorism and war.
There’s nothing in the bill that says U.S. Citizens are exempt from being policed by the military.
Kai ,Bear and Eulalie: Where did you get the asinine idea that Tea Partiers want to get rid of the constitution??? What a bunch of ridiculous garbage. Are you all brainwashed Zerobama lovers or just ignorant?
Everything Zerobama has done since he was pushed into office by know-nothing ignorant sit-on-their-asses and those who think they are super-intelligent and better than anyone else, has been against the constitution. And the tea party is the one group in this country that is doing something to get this country back on the right track and trying to save us from being destroyed by he idiotic leftist democrats. Unbelievable how little some of you people know about what goes on around you!!!
Things like the S1867, the National Defense Authorization Act Bill, Remindes me of another country leader that used like tactics and called themselves the Gestapo……Need I say more……While running for office Obama said that “what this country needs is a police force with the power of the military”—–Oh no we don’t……And these “closed door” meetints to place things in effect that we Americans will object to is another blatant attempt to “undo” what our forefathers were attempting to do.
To all you sheeple that think the ACLU has your back…you might be interested in reading the actual bill here Senate version NDAA FY2012 (original) http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/F?c112:1:./temp/~c112SVK7tR:e462417: That ACLU Progressive Chris Anders said to call your Senator and Demand Senator Udall’s amendment (this WOULD remove our protections). Now I would like to direct you to C-Span to hear the Senate Session for NDAA Bill FY2012 http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/302754-1 now foreward to time tag 05:13:40 and hear Senator Kelly Ayotte discuss the “Administration’s” deletion of the protections for American Citizens and Legal Resident Aliens afforded by Subtitle D–Detainee Matters,Sections 1031 and 1032 “Requirements for Military Custody”: paragraph (b),subparagraphs(1)and(2)
“America was founded by men who understood that the threat of domestic tyranny is as great as any threat from abroad. If we want to be worthy of their legacy, we must resist the rush toward ever-increasing state control of our society. Otherwise, our own government will become a greater threat to our freedoms than any foreign terrorist.” – Ron Paul
Yeah right!..LMFAO
I thought joining an armed militia was a bad idea until now.
“For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so,
a well organized and armed militia is their best security.”
~ Thomas Jefferson
The writing has been on the wall for years.(since 9/11)Our governments slowly taking away our rights
until we are in a police state. Prepare for war I say.
Next comes right to bear arms…next president…guaranteed
Remember that the puppet you vote in will follow the agenda
and his controllers are funding both sides of all conflict.They funded all the great wars and were paid for all the rebuilding. OPEN YOUR EYES AND WAKE-UP TO THE SICK REALITY OF IT ALL
Excuse me! What do you mean “until we are a police state?”
Just because they haven’t started rounding people up into camps and shooting the resisters, does not mean we are not a police state. Laws are written and forces are in place for a police state RIGHT NOW.
You ARE living in a police state.
The Republican primary voters had better wake up and get behind either Michele Bachmann or Herman Cain because they are the most honest out of all of them who actually cares about the good of the American people not to mention neither one of them would ever support something like this.
Obviously, when you wake up in the morning, you crap on the constitution too, just like Bachmann and Cain.
Ron Paul is all we have,or we will see bloodshed on our streets.
I am not a supporter of Obama but it seems he wants to veto this legislation. If this is true my opinion of him has gone up considerably.
Thank goodness that sinister statist McCain was soundly defeated in the last Presidential election. With him sponsoring this pile of merde, and that imbecilic friend of his Lindsey Grahamnesty saying it would be a good law, we know the nation is in t-r-o-u-b-l-e now.
To those readers in Arizona: Next time you have a chance to vote out the criminally incompetent McCain, I suggest you do it–for the good of the nation. Besides, how many more bills will he have to remind us of whereby he “went across the aisle” to pass legislation? One was too many, and two is tragic. Get rid of him–quick!!!
Just my opinion Kevin, but McCain is superfluous, the system is corrupt, rigged and broken. It won’t be fixed because too many are profiting and it’s getting worse by the day. Obama, McCain — they both rot — what’s the diff? Why aren’t you calling for Obama’s ouster as well? He’s just as incompetent?
You folks are so easily misled. Don’t believe everything you read here as it’s designed to elisit rage!
And Curtis is so funny, he has it all backwards! Bachmann and Cain are of the few who are for following the constitution. Obama wants to rule from the throne as a dictator, stealing your freedoms. The ignorance here is appalling. I can’t believe what I am reading!
The idea of FEMA detention camps have long been considered a conspiracy theory. However this bill to be introduced, lends credence to these allegations.
The United States houses more violent criminals than any other country in the world. That we know for sure. We also know that there are criminal elements working within our government who are seeking absolute power over the lives and freedoms of our citizenry.
Think of this as a possible scenario. To enforce dictatorial rule over the people, you must have “police” with no regard for human life, and who will enforce that dictatorial power with ruthless efficiency. This was the case in NAZI Germany, and by the communists in Russia, China, and every other nation that came dominated by the totalitarian umbrella.
Suppose we look at our system of State and Federal prisons as potential FEMA camps, and the current prisoners as new prison guards and police?
The possibility of a rapid conversion of these facilities to be used for the detention of “dissidents” using this formula could be effectively carried out in a manner of a few weeks.
I certainly cannot substantiate my feelings about this being fact, however this is has happened in other nations, where the criminals became the enforcers, and the incarcerated were made up of law-abiding people. One example is Pol Pot’s Cambodia, where “intellectuals” were rounded up and disposed of with the help of criminals. Could it happen again? History has a way of repeating itself, and a bill such as this is certainly questionable in its intentions.
Time to stock up on ammunition. There is more of us than there is of them. We take action NOW. We overthrow our government and start fresh.
Several years of heartache to follow but we’ll come out better on the other end.
How far out of hand are YOU willing to let things get before you get off your ass and take action.
Obama, McCain, Gingrich, Romney, Cain — what does it matter??? They are all in it for themselves and they don’t want to extend freedoms for us little people, they want to empty our pockets and keep us poor and stupid. As a person with native roots — this country started out mean and evil and nothing has changed — it just keeps getting progressively worse. Until greed, selfishness (i.e. people’s, especially males’, consciousness levels) are elevated and a rigged system is torn down, all anyone can do is scratch at the edges. The corporate/political/military system is corrupt and evil…as is this country. Thank G.S. I have land in Canada when it’s really time to get the hell out of here. The helots are at the door people!
“We the people” do not have the power to impeach these traitors. And elections have become a shell game in which evil always wins. So what can be done?
Maybe it would make sense to organize non-violent “watch groups” that would put the criminals at the top on notice and remind them that they are being supervised.
These “representatives” are supposed to be our employees. We the employer may not be able to fire these corrupt employees, but we should at least know what they are doing. Power begins with knowledge: Know the enemy.
If this bill passes, I wonder if it will create the need for a national ID, so the military can tell between citizens and non-citizens.
Next up, exit visas to travel outside the country.
So what’s the bill number??? If you have that you can see what it says on Thomas.loc.gov
S. 1867
We need to educate people within the intelligence, police communities, and US citizens (the 99%) that:
1. the people who were involved in the terrorist attacks of 9/11, London 7/7 and other contrived “strategy of tension” terror attacks designed to instill fear and provide the pretext for the police state;
2. are connected to the MSM “usual suspects” who continue to fan the flames of the so-called “war on terror”, the Muslim boogie-man (destroy Palestine) agenda;
3. are part of the same groups of allied individuals who continue to contrive intelligence on the “war on terror”;
4. are part of the same criminal groups pillaging the tax-payers, profiting from the “war on terror”
5. are part of the the same group of fraudsters using DHS grants to spy on and criminalize those opposed to them;
6. are connected to the corrupt politicians who propose, advocate legislation criminalizing the freedoms necessary to determine the identities of this same oligarchic clique now pillaging the world one nation state at a time, and transforming the world into a global gulag.
So, Why don’t we just identify the individuals within these groups, and throw these people in jail, rather than the American citizens opposed to this criminality?
Whether you are oriented to the left, right or center, this provision of the defense authorization bill should terrify you. We all need to remember that we are living in a state where there is no separation between big business and the government and they both protect each other at the expense of small business and the average person. The alliance of anyone who cherishes freedom with either government or big business demonstrates blindness to reality.
As an outsider (English)it worries me like hell that the new law sets the US as The assumed Elite that can do what it wants, wherever it wants and say “to hell with you, were doing it!!!”. The legislation “suggests” that its okay to take a commando group into a foreign country without that countries permission and “snatch” that countries citizens if they have spoken out against the US. Extradition laws and agreements would count for zilch!!! Yes, this would be the straw that breaks the camels back for those eyeing The Worlds Greatest nation with suspicion.
I am a Canadian and I now know what an American friend of mine meant when he said, “I love my country, it is my government I am afraid of”.
The US is no longer a democracy; of course, we aren’t much better.
We must call for the arrest of McCain, Levin and any person who votes for this insanity. This is treason pretending to be a new ‘safety policy’…where is the data that any of this is needed? Where are the people who allow this to happen in America? This is fascism out and out and must be stopped or it will ruin the life,liberty and pursuit of any type of freedom for us all!!!!