Not all that long ago a scientist proclaimed that humans would soon have to start eating insects to save themselves. Now, another scientist is saying that to save humanity, we should save the insects instead of consuming them.
Humanity must save insects, if not for their sake, then for ourselves, a leading entomologist has warned. “Science” is becoming strange lately. First, we are told humans should learn to eat “maggot sausages” to save the planet, and now we are told to “save the insects” to save the planet. Insects are “the glue in nature,” said Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson, underpinning the food and water we rely on according to the Guardian.
“Insects are the glue in nature and there is no doubt that both the [numbers] and diversity of insects are declining,” said Sverdrup-Thygeson, at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. “At some stage, the whole fabric unravels and then we will really see the consequences.”
On Monday, the largest ever assessment of the health of nature was published and warned starkly that the annihilation of wildlife is eroding the foundations of human civilization. The IPBES report said: “Insect abundance has declined very rapidly in some places … but the global extent of such declines is not known.” It said the available evidence supports a “tentative” estimate that 10% of the 5.5m species of insect thought to exist are threatened with extinction.
The food and water humanity relies upon are underpinned by insects but Sverdrup-Thygeson’s new book, Extraordinary Insects, spends many of its pages on how wonderful and weird insects are. “The first stage is to get people to appreciate these little creatures,” said Sverdrup-Thygeson. – The Guardian.
There are also a lot of insects. “If you shared them out, there would be 200m insects for each human,” said Sverdrup-Thygeson. But the problem is, that for all their abundance, insects are in trouble. “Global data suggests that while we humans have doubled our population in the past 40 years, the number of insects has been reduced by almost half – these are dramatic figures,” she said. Some researchers warned in February that falling insect populations threaten a “catastrophic collapse of nature’s ecosystems”, while recent studies from Germany and Puerto Rico have revealed plunging numbers over the last 25 to 35 years.
While the ecosystems are dependent upon insects, it has been suggested that humans eat less meat and more bugs as a way to save the planet. These two ideas appear diametrically opposed to each other.
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Yesterday’s article said we will be eating Maggots but today it’s we must save insects..
This site is has become so dysfunctional and full of sensationalism…
Control but do not eradicate nuisance plants and animals.
Use frugal means.
Be mindful that something giant you planted will not wreck your roof, foundation, or plumbing.
All shapes, sizes, and colors of living things will regard your house as a sanctuary, if you are the only altruist in the neighborhood.
Mankind can improve the carrying capacity of the land so become a boon to nature.
I am not a pest specie.
Have been talking with my mom (who is also an avid gardener) about the lack of honeybees the last couple years. Have also noticed a decline in windshield splatter as well driving down the highway. Maybe just a regional phenomena but if not it is very concerning.
Go ahead and eat the maggots as the recipe possibilities are endless. Banana cream maggot pie anyone?
Libturds are pests and should not be saved.
Honey Bees are building a hive in a split between two palm trees at 2ft above ground level in my front yard. I guess here in Florida you make do with what you have. I’m fascinated how close you can get to them w/o them attacking, 6 ft away and they don’t break stride from their work and work they do. If there is welfare in their community I haven’t seen it.
Save the insects? You just told us yesterday to start eating them!
Get your story straight Mac.
Yes Stuart save the insects, and then when the SHTF put them in a jar with the Vinegar you stocked up on, let set for two weeks and then enjoy. Preferably June Bugs. Trekker Out
The last couple of years I noticed a lack of insects. This year the windshield looks like there was a mass suicide event. I think it depends on where you’re at. A back and forth population of bugs happens. Lotsa bugs this year in the Valley,lotsa rain too.
Jim, in rural areas it’s common to get bugs all over the front of a vehicle. Every time I go to and from the BOL my windshield looks like the Jonestown Massacre for insects, LOL. Lotsa bugs in north GA today but there’s also been a helluva a lot of rain too.
Jim and DR y’all are going to have to stay home, your not helping the situation, no wonder the bug population is down. Trekker Out
Reading the comments about all the bugs down south. I went for a 60 mile drive today beside cricks, a major river, and a mountain range and nary a bug splat did I get. 5 inches over the average of rain for this time of year, so that isn’t helping the bugs out around here. Either they drowned or went down south for vacation.
The SCIENTIST”S need to come to my basement and yard, the insects there are doing exceedingly well!
Those scientist should visit my yard and basement. The insects there seem to be doing exceedingly well, despite my best efforts to eliminate them.
The only insect problem I have is ants. I live on one large anthill evidently. I read somewhere ants are considered “caviar” of the insect world and sell for $40.oo a pound. I guess if I can’t beat them, then I should sell them. I do not use pesticides around my house. Also have plenty mosquitoes, different types of beetles, and wasps. If I see a bee, it’s the smaller types.
Come to think of it, they said that animals were unsustainable.
So, we were supposed to eat bugs, which they say are unsustainable.