A Russian Security Council member has argued that the United States is becoming a major exporter of deadly biological weapons to nations across the globe. Yuri Averyanov, the first deputy secretary of the country’s top national defense body, said the body count would be in the millions if this type of weapon is ever deployed.
According to a report by RT, in an interview with RIA Novosti on Tuesday to warn that “lethal and dangerous microorganisms… could potentially be released into the environment, allegedly by mistake.” He added that such an attack if used against Russia, “would lead to a massive destruction of the civilian population” both within the country and in neighboring states. He also said that Washington is currently working to increase biological weapons capabilities.
Dr. Anthony Fauci has known ties to “germ warfare” so is Averyanov’s accusation out of left field? You decide. Use critical thinking and discernment and look into things. It’s getting crazy out there, and problems could really begin if people actually face biological warfare against them instead of just a fake scamdemic designed to impoverish and control them.
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These biological warfare programs seek to weaponize viruses and other pathogens “primarily for military purposes,” says Averyanov.
Last month, the secretary of the Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, also warned about research facilities near the borders of Russia and China, suggesting that they could be used as part of a concerted biological warfare effort against the two nations. “There are research centers where Americans help local scientists develop new ways to combat dangerous diseases,” he said, but claimed that “the authorities in the countries where these centers are located have no real idea what is happening within their walls.” –RT
The U.S. along with 183 other countries have “banned” biological warfare, but they wrote the rules, and there should be no expectation that they will follow them. Afterall, they wrote down a bill of rights that is supposed to “protect” the rights of those being ruled over by the ruling class, but the regularity disregard that piece of paper. So who’s to say they won’t break other agreements?
It’s time to wake up to the reality that government is slavery and we should stop relying on the worst of humanity to save it.
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Oh come on, we all know the United States would never do such a thing – not even by “mistake” – would they??
Just threaten to bomb them with one of the 515 new variants of covid – that’ll really scare em!!!???