Ruling Class Warns of Lockdowns Amid China’s “White Lung” Outbreak

by | Dec 5, 2023 | Headline News

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    Republican members of the ruling class are concerned about the pneumonia outbreak spreading in China, even though it isn’t being caused by any novel pathogen. Many of the political parasites are demanding travel restrictions and have been warning that new lockdowns are coming to help prevent the spread.

    Many parts of China have been hit by a surge in the illness, which has particularly affected children. Northern provinces in China experienced a jump in cases for five consecutive weeks since mid-October. The news triggered global concern following China’s lack of transparency regarding the origins of COVID-19, the spread of which prompted strict public health restrictions and quarantine measures, according to a report by Newsweek.

    But China isn’t the only totalitarian ruling class to suggest strict measures to control the population once again. Senator Marco Rubio, a Republican from Florida, has since urged the leader of the rulers and head tyrant, Joe Biden to ban United States travel to and from China to stop the spread of any contagions. The World Health Organization (WHO) has requested more information from China about the illness, but Rubio advised that Biden shouldn’t wait any longer before implementing the travel restrictions.

    Children All Over The United States Are Starting To Develop “White Lung Syndrome”

    Several states in the U.S. have also reported an uptick in child pneumonia cases this week. This has further raised the alarm about the illness, although health officials alleged there is “zero evidence” that the increase is connected to China.

    But the ruling class got away with completely controlling and surveilling the public before over a COVID-19 scare, a pathogen that amounted to nothing more than a common cold. We have always felt that if the tyrants feel like they could get away with another totalitarian lockdown they will attempt it.

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    A letter to Biden from republican rulers reads:

    “We must take the necessary steps to protect the health of Americans and our economy. That means we should immediately restrict travel between the United States and the [People’s Republic of China] until we know more about the dangers posed by this new illness. A ban on travel now could save our country from death, lockdowns, mandates, and further outbreaks later.”

    Ruling Classes Blame “Multiple Pathogens” For Mysterious Pneumonia Outbreak In China

    “The Chinese Communist Party has proven that they cannot be trusted to provide transparency about diseases originating in China,” Rubio told Newsweek. “I hope that President Biden will take our request for a travel ban seriously. A travel ban is necessary while we wait for more information about this pathogen.”

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that it is continuing to monitor the situation in China and the U.S. “Initial reports indicate that there have been simultaneous increases in a number of known respiratory illnesses, resulting in a spike in hospitalizations. We continue to monitor the situation, collaborating with global health partners,” a CDC statement said.


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