President Donald Trump made history yesterday with his record number of executive orders in the first nine days of becoming the ruler of the United States. He has taken to ruling by executive order, something his base rallies against when it’s used to initiate edicts they disagree with.
According to a report by RT, the scale and speed of Trump’s executive decrees rival only those of the 46th US President Joe Biden and 33rd US President Harry Truman, both of whom had issued 40 executive orders in their first 100 days in office. Analysis by the news outlet Axios shows that since being sworn in as the 47th US president on January 20, Trump has signed 38 orders – more than any of his predecessors at this early stage of their presidencies.
With more than two months remaining in the critical 100-day period, Trump could far outpace his predecessors at this stage of their presidencies. His early orders have covered a broad range of policies, including immigration, trade, energy production, and the restructuring of federal agencies.
However, the “radical expansion” of executive authority could lead to a wave of legal challenges, the outlet noted. –RT
Trump is said to be reshaping the federal government with a shock-and-awe campaign of unilateral actions that pushed the limits of presidential power; however, his predecessor, Biden, also issued a slew of executive orders once he was instituted as ruler of the U.S. as well. This radical expansion of power is going to be used against those who see this as an “epic win” right now.
Biden Will Sign A Whole Bunch of Executive Orders After Inauguration Today
Power corrupts, and ultimate power corrupts ultimately. What’s is being done will continue, and when a more liberal ruler takes the throne, those on the right are going to lose their minds just as those on the left are currently.
The president has been set, and the descent into a dystopian political landscape has intensified. Anyone’s expansion of power should always be rejected. As one person gains, those under the ruler who are expected to obey are the ones who lose their freedom.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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