Travelers are experiencing cold and icy conditions all across the United States. While it’s not always possible to avoid driving in winter conditions, you should prepare for the worst while hoping for the best.
The first and best way to prepare is to know the weather beforehand and whether or not the trip should be made given the circumstances. Next, you’ll want to load up the car with some items to ensure you stay warm and well in case the worst happens.
Layering Clothes Effectively To Stay Warm Outside In Winter
3. Chemical Hand/Foot Warmers – If you happen to get stuck in a remote location, staying warm will be your first priority. Chemical hand and foot warmers can also help stave off the cold.
4. Water – While snow could be melted inside the car, provided it’s warm enough, having extra bottled water with you will also prove invaluable.
5. Food – have some nonperishable snacks readily available. They could also be needed, especially if you get stuck in a days-long storm.
6. Tow Kit – Make sure you are ready to be pulled out if help comes along. If someone does want to attempt to pull your vehicle out, you are going to want to be able to have the equipment ready to do so, such as a tow strap, chains, and/or D-rings.
7. Phone Charger – you may or may not have phone service, but if you do, it’s imperative that your phone is charged or can be so you can make a call for help.
After you’ve loaded your car with these items and decided to make the drive, you should also consider safety measures if you do get stuck. If you do, stay in your car. Do not leave to try to find help.
You should also clear the exhaust pipe of snow from time to time to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.
Preparedness: A Winter Survival Kit for Your Car
Winter preparedness is simply understanding the possibilities and making sure you are ready if the worst happens. Unfortunately, no matter how good of a driver you are, a quick change in weather and road conditions could render you stuck and awaiting help. It’s always a great time to remind ourselves that we are not invincible.
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