Talk about a mismatch of power, and use of excessive force.
An unnamed ‘ally of the U.S.’ apparently felt so picked on by the pesky tactics of the other side that it decided to fire off a $3 million Patriot missile to take down a small hobby-sized drone.
No details are released in this report about where the incident took place, or who was involved, because it was a story in an army presentation. However, Iraq was mentioned as an example, and mention was made that the drones were allegedly being used to deliver weapons across a threshold.
via BBC:
A Patriot missile – usually priced at about $3m (£2.5m) – was used to shoot down a small quadcopter drone, according to a US general.
The strike was made by a US ally, Gen David Perkins told a military symposium.
“That quadcopter that cost 200 bucks from Amazon.com did not stand a chance against a Patriot,” he said.
“Now, that worked, they got it, OK, and we love Patriot missiles,” the general said.
However, Gen Perkins suggested deploying large surface-to-air missiles as a defence was probably not economically wise.
“I’m not sure that’s a good economic exchange ratio,” he told an audience at the Association of the United States Army’s Global Force symposium in Alabama.
“In fact, if I’m the enemy, I’m thinking, ‘Hey, I’m just gonna get on eBay and buy as many of these $300 quadcopters as I can and expend all the Patriot missiles out there’.”
That’s the definition of overkill, for sure.
And it’s quite absurd.
Somewhere down the line, that was taxpayer money used to outgun the wrong target. And at home, tanks are used to SWAT raid American neighborhoods.
Here’s the video of what, if it actually happened, is a completely ridiculous military spending and scaling up of war everywhere.
U.S. Army Gen. David Perkins, Commanding General, U.S. TRADOC at the Army’s AUSA 2017 event, used it as a call to refine and improve military doctrine and strategy:
Read more:
“Something Terrible Is Brewing”: Psyop/False Flag to Label Patriots As ‘Domestic Terrorists’
New Patch for U.S. Troops Fighting ISIS… Looks Like ISIS Logo
ISIS Fires American-Made Missiles At Syrian Army: “U.S. Funding, Arming ISIS From the Beginning”
Propaganda War Exposed In Aleppo: “About To Die, Saying Goodbye… But Available for Interview”
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I imagine using a patriot on that was a kind of overkill demonstration of its capabilities.
The military has far cheaper ways to take down drones and they are what would be used in practical combat circumstances.
OK, I will enlighten you a little I cannot say more than this, or I will be in trouble, what you did not see about that $200 dollar drone, is the part that they don’t want you to know, there are some things going on that a small drone like that has the capability of shutting down some military hardware, that is ALL i am allowed to discuss so DON’T ask, just be assured that the Patirot missile was CHEAPER than what that drone could do!! sometimes what you think you see is NOT what you really are seeing!!! LOL
The technology you see being displayed for the public is only the tip of the iceberg of what the military is actually already doing. Think Area 51 and add 50+ years.
Efficiency is not the US military’s strong suit. They could care less, its not their money they waste. Hell the Pentagon still cannot account for 25% of their annual Budget.
If I was Pres, I would cut the US Military’s Budget by 25% annually until they find the missing money someone stole. Why are not some or many sitting in prison for theft yet?? Oh they hush hush this BS..
They (we) do care. Read again. This was an “ally”
Ok…so we charge them $5 million for a replacement missile.
That way…we make a $2 million profit on the deal and it will encourage them to be a little more discriminating of their targets.
This isn’t rocket science. (sorry for the pun)
Well, that they were able to hit a target that small is sort of an amazing thing. The radar signature of a quadcopter is probably smaller than a duck.
Priceless !
25% off Sale, I will sell my $400 hammers for $300. Bargain deal folks. Get em’ while they are hot!!
What’s wrong with just using a 12-guage shotgun loaded with buckshot. What a waste of taxpayers money.
“What a waste of taxpayers money.”
The waste of taxpayers money (and lives) is being there to begin with. Its a couple of trillion and 4497 lives.
THAT I will agree with
blackMoe, on my last trip to the BOL in Jan. one of my cousins brought down a similar drone with 12-ga. birdshot. Just as effective as buckshot. Cost? Only a few bucks. Chump change compared to a Patriot missile. Other small arms calibers can also be used for drones. BTW, my same cousin brought down another drone with a .22LR rifle. Yes, .22LR will bring down a drone, but of course you’ve got to be a good shot.
How about a 12 year old with a rock?
You’re going to send a 12 year old out to throw rocks at a flying bomb?
Wake up. Warfare as you know it has changed. Dramatically.
Doesn’t work. And yes, it’s been tried repeatedly.
“What a waste of taxpayers’ money.”
That money was never yours anyway. The government just allows you to use it. Thats why they demand so much of it back because they consider it theirs! They’re doing you a favor by letting you keep some of it.
Kinda like the gov paying $400 for a hammer many yr ago.
Judd Hirsh in “Independence Day” . “Where did they get the funds to build this without Congressional approval”? Hirsh, “You don’t think they paid $300 for a toiler seat do you”?
ain’t it the truth
If the toilet seat was only 300 dollars it was cheap. That toilet was for an airplane. Anytime you change the airplane from the original FAA certified configuration, you have to do lots of paperwork for the different part. If supplier X supplied a hammer eg the emergency Axe supplied on KC135 as part of that airplane and you want to change it to a different kind of Axe, you have to do paperwork and run it past the FAA. Boeing used to charge $120 per hour for engineering labor, today it is closer to $250 an hour. Most internal engineering changes ran $50,000 just for paperwork, before we started the FAA paperwork.
Why do you think Boeing wants 1 billion dollars for two customized 300 million dollar aircraft?
Typo should be 4 billion not 1 billion.
From brilliant Germans with 160 IQ we got rockets to the moon. With 60 IQ idiots in positions of authority (affirmative action) we get this.
Really? What German ever got a rocket to the moon?
Tidy Bowl:
German Scientists were the most advanced in the world. After WW2 Stalin was shattered because he thought he would be the one to score the team of German Rocket Scientists. America beat him to it. Operation paperclip was a secret operation. These Germans brought to America, headed the Missions to the moon. Really.
B from CA, scientists were not the ONLY Germans brought over in Operation Paperclip. Former members of the SS and Gestapo were also brought over and formed part of the core of today’s CIA. CIA was born out of members of OSS AND SS/GESTAPO.
Too bad the Germans were too incompetent to win any wars…got their arses handed to them. But thanks for the rockets.
Germans started loosing the war as soon as the US got in it. Some of the guys posting on
this site will glorify anything Teutonic. It has to do with their beliefs. I’ll leave it at that.
IQ 60? Feeling generous today, I see!
There is two way at looking ant this.
#1 Killing and ant with a 16 LBS sledge hammer.
#2 Let say the drone was armed with a Bio toxin or some kind of Bio weapon. Now a Patriot hitting it and burning it up would kill the Bio-whatever.
Sgt. Dale,
SARGE, that drone HAD nothing to do with ANY type of BIO weapon, what I will do is lead you a little in the correct direction, IT has to do with electronics, and that is all i will say! there are somethings going on that are bringing in a whole new era of military!
Thanks for the INFO.
What I was getting at is a WHAT IF QUESTION on a drone carrying a Boi weapon or some such thing, and a Patriot took it out. Nobody would care how much one cost. Just as long as it saved our Bacon. Or Does the Guberment know something we don’t about the next Attack/False Flag on the USA.
But using a Patriot to take out a drone is going over board. Then again if a Patriot can take out something as small as a drone what is the next step for what a Patriot can take out.
Sgt. Dale,
I can tell you that we have technology that allows them to see a direct hit on a incoming rocket and they can tell within ONE INCH of WHERE on the rocket our missile hit that rocket, from ground level to sub orbit. so again do not be fooled by propaganda about using a patriot rocket to down a drone. there would be a defined need for that to happen. I wish i could say more would not be wise on my part! LOL
Thank God we have patriots like you to give us INFO we need to know. Even though you can’t say too much.
Again Thanks
Agree. That’s why WE ARE NOT DOING IT.
This was an ally.
We are doing extremely efficient things to down them.
True. But, what the hell are you talking about?
Off topic
Over that JIHAD WATCH there is an article where the Prime Minister of Turkey states that he expects civil war/religious war in Europe to break out very soon.
Wars and rumors of war
Actually the war has already begun, but the problem is the Muzzies are doing all of the killing.
Europe today the USA tomorrow.
That is why I need all the gun from the last article.
SW, that Turk bastard ought to know since he’s one of the instigators behind the Muslim invasion of Europe. The Turks ought to be nuked.
When all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail.
I guess this is what you call asymmetrical warfare?
What’s next? Another Patriot missile to take out a hostile grasshopper?
And before anyone says it’s good for the economy, you might refer to the story of Bastiat’s broken window….
High tech medicine is somewhat the same way. Without extremely good insurance, you survive but are deep in debt. warfare is getting too expensive to wage.
Aim small, miss small, right Sgt.?
Sure thing!!!!
Simple solution. Buy a similar drone and attach Nancy Pelosi’s picture to it. Other drone scurries away after seeing monster…
A $200 drone? Most drones that will fly that high are more than $200 (more like 400) but were I the Drone Enemies of (whatever ally), I just pull another one off the charger and send it up in its place. “Hey! Come and get it assholes!” and just keep sending them up. One thing you learn about war is that one of the next best things to hurting your enemy is to let him waste his resources. Basically, thats a 29999800:200 ratio. Pretty damn good ratio. Rinse and repeat and you drain the enemies ability to use those funds for other purposes. I bet the enemy is ROFLing while they’re charging the next one!
Rabbit01, I’ll go one even better. Put a picture of HILLARY on that same drone. People would fight each other for the chance to bring it down, LOL!
I have a drone of the type shown in the pict and it is NOT $200. More like $1300, but still the disparity exists I acknowledge.
An electrical pulse emitted from the drone? Instead of a roadside bomb converted to an overhead bomb, but the have missiles??
A camera taking video of sensitive of ISIL/ISIS/IS/MB etc.. at the dining hall with US Officers/CIA??
Who could be the unnamed ally with a patriot missile?
Read on Drudge where Pat Buchanan is claiming that McCain is hijacking Trumps military.
All of you are missing the real story a patriot middle can hit a quadcopter.
………………….. impressive…….. most impressive
War is absurd. Problem solved.
May I suggest the use of an eagle? Look at what the French are doing.
“Born killers: French army grooms eagles to down drones”
Problem easily solved.