The following article was originally published by Brandon Smith of
Frankly, in my view, the sporting world should be a politics free zone, and the fact that I am compelled to write about politics in sports in America today is bewildering beyond belief. That said, to be clear, I am not a fan of the NFL. I think the sport, like most professional sports, is overrun with whiny, juiced-up morons paid millions of dollars for providing nothing to the public except sub-par entertainment and little-to-no loyalty to the state or city in which they happen to be employed. NFL players are not legitimate role models for society anymore that costumed television wrestlers are role models for society.
Add to this the rampant politicization of the NFL over the past several years with social justice undertones and overtones, and I can’t think of a single redeeming quality to the arena. The best thing that could possibly happen to U.S. athletics would be if the entire system was scrapped and rebuilt from the ashes with truly local teams composed of local players driven purely by the desire for athletic excellence and healthy competition.
To me, it seems the appeal of sports, at least for spectators, is the possibility that anything could happen according to the merit of the players and the teams. In a society in which so much is restricted and controlled and dictated by political correctness and appeals to artificial “fairness,” the idea that, at least on a football field, baseball diamond or hockey rink, all of that garbage goes out the window for a few hours is enticing to say the least. Spontaneous moments of greatness are what people want to see, not blithe displays of ideological ignorance.
There is no social justice in real sports. There is no affirmative action. There are no safe spaces. The best men or women rise to the top and the losers go home with nothing. That is the way it should be. Champions soar to the heights as easily as they fall to the depths, and underdogs can shock the world through sheer determination. You cannot lie or steal your way to athletic superiority. You cannot use victim-group status to win trophies and medals. You have to work hard. You have to earn it. If you are a fraud you will be found out eventually. This is a philosophy which has been lost in modern athletics. Leftists in our culture are also oblivious to the notion.
When I see one of the last fields of American heritage and meritocracy being destroyed by cultural Marxism, I do feel what I’m sure many people feel — enraged. However, the situation is more complex than surface conflicts suggest.
NFL players refusing to stand for the national anthem is not really the issue here. Donald Trump admonishing them for their actions is also not the issue here. It is the motivations behind both sides that concerns me.
For activist NFL players and owners the motivation is rather clear; social justice cultism has seeped into their profession and some of them have decided to use the platform they have been given to pontificate rather than play the game they are paid to play. Protests attacking non-existent racism and “patriarchy” against a system that has made these men multi-millionaire celebrities regardless of their skin color would be relegated to the idiocy of college campuses if any of these people had any sense of judgment.
For Donald Trump, the motivation is far more foggy. I would prefer if the president of the United States spent his energies on fulfilling his campaign promise of “draining the swamp” of banking elites and neo-con warmongers instead of loading his cabinet with them and spouting off on Twitter about forcing a few football players to stand for a national anthem that praises the freedom of rebellion.
My readers are well aware that I view Trump as a pied piper, leading conservatives down a path back to neo-con totalitarianism rather than towards libertarian virtues of individual sovereignty. In other words, I am not seeing much difference between Trump and Obama so far. Perhaps in rhetoric, but certainly not in action.
The circus surrounding Trump’s latest feud with the NFL is just another distraction away from the fact that this administration is following a very similar policy path to every other corrupt administration before it. And conservatives are so tired of the trespasses of the social justice cult, many of them are eating up every minute of the farce. Though, this is not what a bunch of football players are concerned about.
Let’s summarize the actual problem…
If NFL players refused to stand for the national anthem because they believed in the ideals it represents but felt that our government no longer represented those ideals, then I would be in full support of their motives. Obviously, this is not why they are protesting. If their motivation was about speaking against corrupt government, then they would have refused to stand for the anthem back when Barack Obama, a Constitution-wrecking cabana boy for the elites, was in office.
If Trump’s attacks on the NFL were motivated by a love of liberty as the anthem inspires, then he would not demand that players be forced to stand, which is indeed a violation of their First Amendment rights. Instead, he would have dropped that concept completely and stuck with the rational side of his position, which was for spectators to vote with their wallets and stop supporting the league with their dollars.
The bottom line is, whether or not you or I support their motives, constitutionally, legal precedence is on the side of the players. They have every right to act like bitches on an SJW plantation, kneeling and virtue signaling to their heart’s content. And, the public has every right to stop watching the NFL, drop their ESPN subscriptions, throw their overpriced sports jerseys in the trash and move on to more important issues… like what the hell is all this nonsense with North Korea? And why do we keep hearing about economic recovery when the average American can’t make it from month-to-month without running up their credit cards? And why are so many of us so damn fat and unhealthy?
Hell, here’s an idea — how about more people stop watching sports and start playing sports instead? Why not simply let the NFL die out along with every other venture poisoned by social justice?
The point is, the NFL battle with Trump is irrelevant compared to the greater battle of ideals behind it. It is not for Trump to fight this battle; it is for the spectators and consumers to fight this battle. The solution is not Trump’s Twitter account or his interference. The solution is for Americans to walk away and take their money with them.
The solution is also not to attempt legislation or government force to strike fear into those who might disagree with us. I have seen far too many so-called “liberty minded” people repeat the fanatically stupid mantra of “stomp my flag and I’ll stomp your ass!” The great sacrifice of living in a free country is that you have to support the individual rights of EVERYONE, even people who don’t believe in individual rights.
Some might argue that this is not a path that is being pursued so we should not be concerned. I say the social undercurrent today is ripe for zealotry on both sides, and conservatives need to take the high road even if it means things will be more difficult for us in the short term.
Finally, to the players that have so far jumped on the Colin Kaepernick bandwagon; understand that you have delusions of grandeur. You are NOTÂ Jesse Owens proving your worth in the face of Hitler’s Aryan dystopia. You are not important or effective activists in the grand scheme of things because your political and philosophical views are ill informed and generally incompetent. In fact, your views work in FAVOR of the corrupt system, not against it.
While you do have the right to sit during the national anthem, knowing why you are sitting is more important than the action itself. If you are sitting because you have bought into a cultural Marxist con game that is using you as fodder for political division, then perhaps you should rethink your little protest and try working towards concrete solutions.
If you are going to use race and social inequality as a crux for your theatrical displays of “defiance” as you are cashing checks for millions in sponsorship deals paid for primarily by white people, then I think you will find most of America laughing at you in the end. Show us your true resolve and refuse that dirty imperialist money. Otherwise, you are just another over-privileged punk pretending to be under-privileged in order to gain notoriety at the expense of reason.
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You can contact Brandon Smith at:Â [email protected]
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This guy is an idiot.
The vast majority of these loudmouth football and basketball players would not even be qualified for janitorial work if they weren’t good at their sport.
Trump could fix this with one Presidential Order. Void out the NFL’s 501(c)3 Charity Status and make them start paying their fair share in Taxes. They Make Billions with a loophole. End the Loophole. Then they can do what ever they want. Churches are banned from talking and taking political stands, if violated that they too loose their charity tax free status. And their stadiums are mostly at tax payer expense.
If I was Trump, I would ask the NFL, take care of that problem or loose your 501c3 status. Half the Team Owners are 3ews. See where they were all going with this? (((That Group)))is destroying another American cultural tradition. NFL Football.
Both the NFL and NASCAR have a Charity Tax Free Status. I have no idea whey they do. Take away the charity subsidy from tax payers and I could give a rata ass whet they want to say or protest. The NFL makes Billions I programming, and game day proceeds all TAX FREE!!! Yep. Like WTF and local communities have to also pay for the stadium. WTF again for?
Had enough of Fascism? Demand the NFL Loose their 501(c)3 Charity status exemption.
Churches also need to loose their charity status and pay taxes. It peddling Fear and Fraud fleecing the sheep.
The NFL gave up its not-for-profit status in 2015.
The National Football League said Tuesday it will end its tax-exempt status, squashing one of America’s most baffling corporate tax breaks and granting the mega-business more secrecy about its inner financial workings.
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The progressive globalists scream that we have to tax the rich, but if the NFL is any example, the left never lets it happen. We a also need to look at the tax loopholes that Hollywood hides money with. Washington hypocrisy on display.
Now the NFL says they are going to send aid to Puerto Rico? What ever happened to Houston?
I am sick and tired of rich niggers pissing and moaning about life not being fair.
Life isn’t fair. And whites are not killing niggers. Niggers are killing other niggers. Numbers don’t lie. 100% of the 96 murder suspects in St. Louis, were, wait for it, black.
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I don’t know anyone that makes one million dollars a year. No one. These idiots should shut up. The number one rule for entertainers is to not insult your audience. When these idiots are unemployed, guess who they will blame? Themselves? Nope. They will keep blaming whitey for every problem in their life. Old story and it won’t change anytime soon.
That might be true, but he is right about one thing.
This whole NFL take-a-knee, protest & show disrespect for the National Anthem baloney – is a deliberate distraction. Trump didn’t start it, of course – unless someone can prove that Kapernick and his squeeze are on the Donald’s payroll. But, Trump’s close advisors – who control his puppet strings – quickly saw an opportunity to take advantage of it and to milk it, so they could bamboozle the 63 million mostly White voters who elected Trump, but who were showing signs of recognizing what a liar Trump was during the campaign – and how he is stabbing them in the back on almost every promise he made in order to get their votes.
Remember when the loathsome (and I hope soon to be reunited with his Father, Satan) Poppy Bush – ran for the first time against Mike Dukakis? Anyone besides me remember how that sorry slab of Bush family hyena dung pissed away the entire presidential campaign – pissing and moaning about how Rosanne Barr had sung the National Anthem on TV and then she took a Yankee Flag and wiped either her rancid crotch or equally rancid backside with it?
That was a similar distraction and Poppy used it to avoid any serious discussion of the important issues – such as securing our borders, putting an end to all these wars that the state of Israel and their 5th column of treasonous neocon rats keep lying America into, or terminating all these off-shoring and outsourcing and dishonest ‘free trade’ deals that have decimated the job and career opportunities for millions of native born Americans. And, the rubes fell for it. Never seriously challenged Poppy on the issues and demand that he outline his intentions and solutions.
Domestic distractions of this type are always a favorite tactic of the globalists to misdirect the pathetically limited attention spans of the average nose picking kwan-zombie and I believe that Trump and his inner (((circle))) are repeating the same devious maneuvers in order to keep that hook set in the jaws of those 63 million voters who thought they were voting for an America First candidate.
I second that. This guy is an IDIOT!
I think the author is right, and many years ago said adios to professional football and most other professional sports.
A bunch of people making way too much money for playing ball. Can’t even show good sportsmanship or be decent role models. Piss off.
It’s been more than 15 years since I made my decision not to watch and they’re still pulling their particular brand of bullshit.
Total prats.
Stop playing the national anthem, then what are they going to do? Or, maybe they could play Cuba’s national anthem, or, Venezuela’s national anthem instead. I bet they would love that.
UNY, better yet why not play the RUSSIAN national anthem. It was originally the national anthem of the SOVIET UNION.
musically, the Russian anthem is beautiful.
not for Russia or against USA
just sayin’
The Russian National Anthem is in fact the most beautiful on the planet. Puts ours to shame.
Personally, I always thought “America the Beautiful” was much more inspiring.
Either you love this country and the opportunities it makes possible or you are “collectively” committed to its destruction.
If you are hell bent on its destruction.,NFL….then the fans have a choice to either support or withdrawal their support…
Live Free or Die….by the evidence on fans in the seats….your’e losing
But the fans are still in the seats aren’t they?
Hardcore “fans” who spend all their money to wear some other asshole’s jersey will always be there. They may grouse a bit but “sports” are the only meaningful thing in their petty lives.
In the end this will blow over and everyone will go back to watching their favorite nigger.
Stuart the fans are almost as stupid and pathetic as the
punk low IQ players. Just less money.
Yea they got the right. And the public has the right to boycott sports and anyone who advertises in such things like the halftime show. years ago I forbid any Pepsi products from being purchased with my money.
Old Guy, damn right we can make our own decisions on who the hell to do business with. Boycott whoever you choose. I do.
Just Ban any 3ews from Owning any US Sports Teams. Problem solved.
1. Miami Heat, 65% owned by the Ted Arison family of Tel Aviv, Israel
2. Washington Redskins, owned by Daniel Snyder (Jewish)
3. Indianapolis Colts, owned by Jim Irsay (Jewish)
4. New England Patriots, owned by Robert Kraft (Jewish)
5. Tampa Bay Buccaneers, owned by Malcolm Glazer (Jewish)
6. Denver Broncos, owned by Pat Bowlen (Jewish)
7. Philadelphia Eagles, owned by Jeffrey Lurie (Jewish)
8. Cleveland Browns, owned by Al Lerner (Jewish)
9. Minnesota Vikings, owned by Zygi Wilf (Jewish)
10. New York Giants, owned by the Mara & Tisch families (Jewish)
11. Atlanta Falcons, owned by Arthur Blank (Jewish)
12. Seattle Seahawks, owned by Paul Allen (Jewish)
13. Philadelphia Flyers, owned by Comcast (Brian L. Roberts, Jewish)
14. Philadelphia 76ers, owned by Comcast (Brian L. Roberts, Jewish)
And congress? That would be 100% or very close.
Some good news? Most so called minorities go into the military for civilian job skills? So not many combat trained or experienced.
The DOD was paying the NFL as a Recruiting Center on Game Day at stadiiums. They look for stupid ripe young men to enlist in their phony Nation Destroying Scam. Then the Military does Stadium flyovers costing Tens of thousands at tax payer expense. Drop some parachuters out and land on the field, yep sign up here too, to fleece tax payers. Its all a scam at Tax Payer expense. Get the Government Propaganda out of Football and the NFL’s charity status be voided out forever.
Its a big fascist partnership scam.
Lately I’ve been noticing some really freaky looking peeps in the media and especially entertainment. If you closely observe most any of them there is something that’s off with their looks.
They Live, don’t need the sunglasses either
Blacks have proven to be better at football in general than whites. Fans can watch or support their favorite team without racial overtones. When it is your team competing player color goes out the window. Somebody said dissention is the greatest form of patriotism. I agree with that. It is a fundamental right to protest written into our nation’s founding freedom documents. The flag is just a piece of cloth, it does not represent soldiers lost in battle, how absurd a contention. What I hate about pro football is the barrage of commercial ads. Most fans feel the same way, easy to lose the flow of the games with so many distractions. You can use a stopwatch to time the actual action on the field from the snap to the whistle, add it all up and get less than 10 minutes of football plays in an entire game.
Only one answer: Do not watch the NFL (and many other forms of entertainment) anymore. Your a moron anyway if you spend countless hours (and $$$) watching a stupid game, played by stupid gangbanger over-paid thugs.
Turn off all sports, grow up, and get a life….instead of being a stupid moron watching others have a life….and laughing all the way to the bank.!!!!
J, damn good points. I got rid of the boob tube many years ago.
Yup, i honestly could never understand that whole football cult thing, not interested, not in any of that crap,
Thats something to watch
my sister loves that stuff
What’s that?
Have always wondered what the average IQ of a sports fan is? Watching a bunch of guys in tights playing with a ball? Is it a gay thing? I’ve always thought baseball for kids teaches them to swing a club and throw a handgrenade , and catch a handgrenade and throw it back? We should be watching the kids.
Brave Americans gave there lives to protect our rights.
there lives should be honored as to so should our Flag and
National Anthem.
My thoughts let them protest and do it some where else like
Iran or simulator country and see what happens to there kneeling then after that I am sure that they would stand proudly.
Until they can find respect. To hell with the NFL and the players that disrespect what our nation is. I served 1968-1976 US Army.
My Father WW2 , Korea and Viet Nam.
As for the owners and players that show disrespect you might want to look else where for many I know say to _ _ _ _ with you
The NFL and all their minions need to go find a country that works for them.
yes because in this country only people I agree with should be allowed!
Sounds like you are advocating that the US become more “like
Iran or simulator country”. Protesting, non-violently I might add, is allowed here but you’d like to change that? Or is it that you just want everyone to agree with you and protest only what you disagree with? You see the problem with that?
Contact the NFL sponsors and tell them you will boycott their products if they continue to support this disgraceful behavior.
Hit these players, managers and owners where it hurts……their wallets!!!!!
Yep I quit purchasing Nxxxxr Pepsi long ago. Dind even watch when he caught fire. OJ got away with two murders simply because he was a black guy that was good at playing a stupid game.
So easy a caveman could do it.
Somebody gave him the green light to do this. Just like those Hollywood celebs that regurgitate the same old bullshit. These people are way more controlled and handled than it appears.
We all know what will happen when these people gain the majority. Third world shit hole.
I hope they get exactly that and more, serves em right
I guessing the is a ALT right redneck peckerwood site cause that all I seen in the comments y’all Caucasians sound hurt
And your a token. Atleast we all can look at ourselves and thank God we weren’t born a n I g ger
Na, were just patriotic and cant stand this bullshit anymore,,, if they think they got it so bad maybe they should go to south africa for a bit, maybe spread some of their un earned wealth helping those who really have a problem
On second thought maybe its cause you naggers are just fuckin stupid
Y’all watch too many war movies bro y’all completely miss the point of the protest got damn you whites piss me off sometimes yo its protesting police brutality not the flag not the anthem its protesting the constitution you Dumb fake patriotic fucks matter of FUCK yo anthem that shit weak anyway pussies
Well they’re going about it wrong, you don’t take a knee on a song which in it’s self about resistance against overwhelming odds.
The rich sports star can afford to fund candidates who hold the leash on cops.
I’ve met good cops, bad cops, stupid cops and greedy cops,been in the position in a traffic stop with one cop at the window, driver side and one at back window passenger side.To say I could’ve been shot, but I kept my hands on the steering wheel both hands’ 10 and 2 and moved very slowly when asked for my drivers license. I’ve been there. I know what it’s like when they get it in for you. It was being pushed by a loony detective who ended up losing it in public.
Rules are, avoid cops, keep your mouth shut and stay calm, because just as sure as the world they will see a weakness they start the escalation tactic.
Always assume you are being watched, like the rest of us. You are.
You funny, you black folks always throwing in with those who’ll use you. Don’t like the white man, who cares. Most of us whites don’t. Just because someone told you you were special doesn’t mean you are. In fact it’s a backhanded way of calling you a fugging moron. Which with you, might be be on the barrel head.
So let’s see what you are.
You are a victim = weak.
The govt gives you special points for you birth/race category. which means they think you’re a fugging idiot.
You like Marxists (that comes from your use of the term alt-right to group all the posters to this forum), but do the Marxist like you or are you just another useful fugging idiot.
Got your eyes one the prize. what prize ? What would do with it. Get your Mugabe on, just like in Zimbabwe, you could have your picture on a million dollar bill.
The slavery thing, oh that,s a good one, 99% of white people never benefited from slavery, crowded them out market share of labor. Slavery is cheap labor, duh.
I could do more, but…………………. so go back to your Marxist Lords ,tow the line and walk two steps behind them. I do believe you know your place and that’s where your are and want to be.
Not too bright fella but you are a prime
example of a dumb, black, racist.
I silently cheer on every shrill rant and excess by the leftist liberal socialists, and here they’ve now alienated and repulsed even more Americans by implying they are all racists not to join them disparaging the anthem and flag. Thank you, best recruiting tool yet for galvanizing public sentiment against all your BLM and Antifa anti-American crap!
1- Football is a barbaric sport that injures youth and potentially kills adults. If we must have football, then let’s make it FLAG football. If most Americans disagree, maybe they need their heads examined.
2- Why do more people worship football on Sunday than their God at Church that day? Has football become the new $9-billion dollar Golden Calf? Is the NFL our modern day idolatry?
3- Let’s outlaw the playing of the National Anthem at all football games. Or restrict it to locker rooms before the game begins. Fans aren’t there to honor their country, just to watch male aggression disguised as sport.
4- Unless I read Brandon’s article too quickly, he left out that the NFL makes $9-billion a year AND IS TAX-EXEMPT!
Is there anyone here tax-exempt? I’m not.
– the Lone Ranger
I think the NFL players should be banned from wearing protective equipment and helmets. Let they play and scrape the bodies off the field when needed.
#2 yes
#4 not any more
Like I said. Make America white again and the problem’s will be solved.
Good luck with that we’re not in the 1950’s we’ll shut you fucking crackers down real quick
No you won’t. Blacks are less than 15% of the population and are only armed with throw down pistols they really aren’t proficient with. You won’t be so much “shutting down” anyone as getting wiped from the face of the Earth.
Says the racist niglet. How was that first 1/2 black,
gay president that was raised alone by his white side
of the family? How proud can you be?
yeah cuz that worked so well for Germany.
That kapernack fooker is a dumb looking boy
I wish these discussions would leave out the Constitutional issue (only briefly mentioned in the Article)
The Bill of Rights is a list of limitations on GOVERNMENT (originally the Federal Gov, but now all levels) with respect to the Rights enumerated.
You can speak your mind on most any subject, but my Right to not listen (assuming I can get away)is equal to it.
You have a Right to publish and I have a Right not to read or buy that is equal to it.
But, if you want to work for me and I have some conditions of employment that limit some of your Rights (There will be no discussion of politics at this workplace.) then you have a choice to accept employment with me or not.
The courts have historically backed employment based limitations on Rights as valid conditions because you don’t have a Right to work for me.
Often people default immediately to “He has a 1st Amendment Right…”
Yeah, if you beat me up or burn my church cause you don’t like my message there are criminal statutes that kick in to take care of that.
That right there is the best reason that Trump should have stayed out of it. He is using the office of the potus as a bully pulpit. It was wrong when Obama did it it is wrong now.
One sponsor has pulled all ads and support from the NFL and any networks or stations carrying the games. Allan Jones, owner of Hardwick Clothes, has also told NBC that their on-air “talent” will no longer get free suits and jackets from Hardwick.
PS, I’ve been to his home, and it’s really nice.
I hope that everyone how knees gets fined or loose their job to true patriots that wants to play football. I hope the teams that let these scum bags loose so much money this year they have to cut these kneeing turds.
When the SHTF these guys will still be on their knees like the BITCHES they are.
I don’t agree that players have a right to these displays.
They are in a uniform, on company time, surrounded by corporate advertising, representing corporations some of whom receive preferential tax status. They are working in stadiums built mostly by tax dollars, while appearing on for profit media channels like Disneys ESPN.
Sorry but every place I ever worked, forbid me for using company time, name / logos, resources of any kind as a platform for making political statements of any nature. The penalty, instant termination with possible liability claims. I saw people terminated for this, even for helping recognized charities.
We hear some owners went into locker rooms and told players they should participate. Pressuring employees to publicly take part supporting the politics of the owners that players may not agree with is patently illegal.
For any corporation to directly engage in politics carries all kinds of tax implications. They have spent millions already in player time and television air time protesting against the lefts political foes. They are become like political packs, without registering as such or following federal election laws for financial reporting.
So no I don’t agree they have a right to protest like this, except on their own time, out of uniform, and on their own dime.
Fuck everything you just said honestly fuck every last word you mom should have swallowed you like gah damn can’t believe I wasted 20secs reading that BS they have the rights to kneel and protest a social injustice issue that’s been plaguing this country for 60years against minority’s and we’re sick of you whites with the BS, and don’t state that “if you don’t like this country then leave” bullshit my ANCESTORS built the MOFO off their back this is our fucking country you pink belly cave Dweller
Your ancestors didn’t do shit but pick cotton.
Why is it that in EVERY society on the face of the Earth from the beginning of recorded history the blacks always end up on the bottom?
Don’t sound too equal to me.
There is no social injustice – only whinny, violent niggers who always blame someone else for their self induced problems.
Devastating counter argument…
I am just amazed at your ability to logically debate and pick Plan twice’s argument apart sentence by sentence.
Looking forward to more crisp and incisive comments from you.
Black Guy,
Do you even know what color I am?
What I said is real, ignore it if you wish.
Your response was, but a series of personal and racist attacks. Yet you don’t even know what race I am!
Often I have supported you in the past, check your posting history. Why would I have done this if I was a flaming racist!
You need to chill, it makes me question if you are even black, or are you a shill.
Plan twice…BINGO!
Help me out. I could be wrong; I was once, a long time ago.
As I understand freedom of speech, it goes like this: I have the freedom to speak out against my government and any of its elected officials without fear of persecution, arrest, death, or retaliation because they didn’t like what I said.
Freedom of speech is not the right to say anything I want to about any subject I want, and never expect any consequences. For example, I have the right to say anything I want to about my employer. I do not have the right to expect my employer to bend over and take it.
If I have misunderstood freedom of speech, feel free to speak
This too shall pass. My prediction is that some agreement or gesture will be made, things will go back to normal, and all will soon be forgiven and forgotten. I remember the 1987 NFL season. The fans felt betrayed when their rich athlete heroes went on strike. Then they got mad at the greedy owners for not cancelling the schedule. After three weeks of games featuring replacement players, the fans were back in the seats and in front of their sets eager to see the real teams again like nothing ever happened. Personally, those replacement player games were interesting to me. Those guys weren’t very good but they busted their chops for one short moment in the sunshine. The games were more … human. I don’t watch pro football anymore.
Pussy cracker not posting my comments I know you reading this
Colin Kaepernick posting as “Black Guy” – get a job – ‘ya tittybaby slacker!!!
It’s a machine dumbass.
This is one of those cases you can protest with your $. Don’t watch the games on tv they lose ratings don’t go to the game they lose ticket sales and parking $ and food $ . Don’t buy jerzeez or any NFL merchandise. Boycott all things NFL. If it bothers you that much you can do the right thing for yourself. No need to worry about what others do.
WE also Have A First Amendment Right To: “BOYCOTT” these over paid fools!
If there is soooo much social injustice and racial prejudice going on… why are there so many black millionaires in NFL? It seems to me that it is disproportionate. Where are all of the white NFL players? Shouldn’t there be a quota? If its good for the goose it should be good for the gander… would not that be racial equality?
Bottom line…….1st amendment doesn’t apply in the workplace.
The NFL has rules against the very thing these overpaid moral idiots are doing.
I suppose the NFL (National Felon’s League) can choose to enforce those rules or not.
Evidently, they’ve chosen not.
I’ve decided I won’t watch their games anymore. I’ve written Roger Goodell and told him exactly that.
Enough people stop watching and buying their products and the players will once again stand for the anthem, hat in left hand, right hand over their heart. I’ll guarantee you that.
End of story. I’m done with ’em.
“1st amendment doesn’t apply in the workplace”
Yes it does but you have to realize that exercising that right has consequences. These people want their “rights” to be consequence free. That’s why Americans are loosing respect for them.
If the first amendment applied in the workplace, then there would be no consequences for exercising it.
The Bill Of Rights provide for limitations on government….not limitations on non-governmental entities.
When a person takes a job, he does not surrender his basic rights as a human being, but he does give up some of his rights to certain behaviors while he is on the job. And in some cases…even when he is not on the job.
This principle has been adjudicated many times in our courts.
When a player signs that NFL contract, he accepts the conditions of the contract….which include how he behaves when the National Anthem is performed prior to the game.
So “No.” Practically…..and legally speaking, you don’t have freedom of speech or expression in the workplace.
So you can’t talk about politics except in the privacy of your own home. No wonder the people in reality have no voice about which crooked puppet gets “voted” into office. No public discussion of politics, just say and do what you are told, shut up and get in line like the obedient or else robotic programmed peons whose anger boils at the mention of political opinion contrary to their own. This US political prison of the mind is highly fortified to hide your actual freedom, rapidly shrinking free speech zones including censorship of Internet opinion. How do you build an opposition movement without free speech?
Again…..freedom of speech does not apply in the workplace.
That’s a fact.
Facts are stubborn things. –John Adams–
Puerto Rico has a sever shortage of truck drivers. The containers are sitting there but no drivers. The gov is looking for volunteers. here in the northeast there is driver shortage as well. I’ve said before and others have too. Get what you need now to be on your own. The supply chain is breaking down. There is shortage of mechanics too. There is no qualified managers either which means loads not moving. I’m in the business and other companies drivers say the same thing. Logistics is how you get your groceries at the store. Get your shit now cus it’s going down soon. Drivers are getting tired of being abused and quitting driving because the pay is low for the headaches. Honestly there are easier ways to make a living and drivers are going those routes. The older drivers are retiring early because the decline of the business. The supply chain is collapsing. Our regional manager is deluded and is playing the fake it till make it game. He refuses to see the problems and take action. There will be supply shortages coming. Anything you use daily you should have a supply on hand. Gas food water diapers laundry soap and other supplies you use daily. Don’t wait.
Why do you think the trucking industry is moving ahead as fast as they reasonably can with Driverless Rigs?
Coming soon to an Interstate near You !
With them on their knees …they will be in the right position for other game full employment.
The NFL doesn’t follow its own handbook concerning the protocol on the national anthem. If they are not going to enforce it then throw it away. I will turn off the tv and not buy the products of the sponsors. Multiply that by millions and see the results. Money talks. Many of those players have no idea what they are protesting.
I don’t think an uglier pic of Kaepernick could be found anywhere.
When I go to a restaurant I expect my waiter to do his job. Take my order, bring my food, get my check.
When I go to a game (football, baseball, checkers, whatever) I expect the players to do their job. Stand for the Anthem, score on the other team, win the game.
I don’t want my waiter to protest anything nor do I want to listen to his political views before he does his job and brings my food. Neither do I want to be forced to do that before I get to watch my game.
Do you want your Doctor to take time out of you surgery to protest stuff? Or how about the Paramedics racing to your kid’s accident?
DO YOUR JOB. That is what I/we pay you to do, not disrespect my/our country or “protest”. I can spend my ticket money and time on a lot of other things, like my family.
What Joe Bea said.
The NFL has a labor issue. If I tried to do a public protest at work and on company time, I would be fired. Period. The players have a right to protest and I have a right to turn them off. Who loses? They do. I win. On another issue. The players that were fake students in college and are now in the Pro’s and claiming they are oppressed should give back the scholarship money, now. Ingrates.
Yes, we all have some amount of rights. I have the right to no longer buy tickets to their games, as an American I will no longer support their method of discriminating against me and America.
I will no longer buy tickets for sales promotions or any of their events —- So long professional Football !!!!!!!!!!
off topic
re alt rt in Charlotte in December
led by unknown group “anti-communist action”
logo here:
logo from “antifacist action”
looks like common origin- not even trying to hide it
I never allowed my employees to talk about politics or religion to customers. It is stupid business and I have no sympathy for what is going to happen to the NFL.