The bird flu outbreak is continuing to spread in human beings. More cases have been confirmed in California as Canada reports its first human case.
Five new human cases of H5N1 bird flu have been detected in California, according to a report by The Los Angeles Times. The health “authorities” say all of the human cases were transmitted from animals to humans; there is still no evidence of human-to-human transmission.
As of now, about 75% of wastewater sites monitored in California show evidence of H5 bird flu. As the H5N1 strain of avian influenza spreads among California dairy herds and southward-migrating birds, the “authorities” are warning that human cases are more “widespread” than originally thought. Health officials announced Friday that six more human cases of infection: five in California and one in Oregon, which is the state’s first.
All of the reported cases have been described as mild, and each person is believed to have contracted the illness from infected livestock or poultry. In California, the infections occurred among dairy workers. In Oregon, the patient was a poultry worker. -LA Times
“I would still call these sporadic animals or human infections, and there’s still no evidence of any human to human,” transmission, she said. “These are all workers who are at risk of exposure based on their work exposures,” said California’s state epidemiologist, Erica Pan.
Pan added that while the announcement of five cases today may sound like a sudden explosion or acceleration in cases, it was an artifact of state reporting deadlines. Three cases had been confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday after California’s reporting deadline. The other two were confirmed Thursday, the only day that California does not make reports on case counts.
This can be expected as the United States has insisted on entering the “mass testing” phase of this outbreak.
CDC Calls For Mass Testing Of Farm Workers After 8 More Human Cases Of Bird Flu CONFIRMED
Mass testing always has the added “benefit” of finding random cases of whatever it is the rulers need the slaves to panic about.
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