The mainstream media, which has been the mouthpiece for the government puppets who dance for the banking cartel is losing its grip on public perception. Once that goes, so will the power of the government and those elites who are pulling the strings.
This is good news for the future of humanity. The mainstream media, at the behest of governments, has propagandized information and lies in order to shape perception and keep Americans firmly stuck in the left-right paradigm falsely believing that they have some kind of a choice. Well, the facade is fading away. The apocalypse or “lifting of the veil” is here.
After Brainwashing People For Decades, MSM and Governments Are Losing Control of People
Americans’ trust in the mainstream media to report the news honestly continues to spiral downward. A whopping 86 percent of respondents in a new Knight Foundation/Gallup poll say they see either “a great deal” or “a fair amount” of political bias, toward on side or the other. Mainstream media’s goal has been to give people the illusion that their vote matters making them believe they have a say in how the government is run. Sadly, this has led to the tyranny most Americans are living under today.
Greg Mannarino: It’s Critical To Understand That The Goal Is “Full Control By The Federal Reserve”
“Most Americans have lost confidence in the media to deliver the news objectively,” Knight Foundation Senior Vice President Sam Gill said. “This is corrosive for our democracy.” Good. Democracy is nothing more than two wolves and sheep voting on what’s for dinner. No amount of humans should have any rights, whether through voting or otherwise, to control any amount of other humans beings by appointing a master over them. The fact that people are finally realizing this, is going to make for a shaky immediate future, but a great one in the long run.
Manipulating The Masses: Edward Bernays & Why The System Needs Your Compliance
The survey of 20,000 Americans also showed that respondents believe the biased and erroneous reporting is by design. A total of 74 percent believe that media company owners are influencing news coverage, while 54 percent said inaccuracies are reported on purpose. Some 28 percent said reporters make up their stories entirely.
As public distrust goes, the media’s influence diminishes. When their influence diminishes, so does the power of the government, and when that slips, so will the banking cartel’s grip around our necks. We all need to wake up to the prison system we were born into. Being a free-range slave (although that’s even questionable now that the scamdemic seems to have emboldened political parasites to take away the few liberties we had left) still means we are slaves.
We were all born free. We had to be taught to be obedient slaves to the ruling class puppets.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
Egg theft is becoming the new heist, as thieves set their sights on breakfast foods because of the...
This article was originally published by Kenneth Schmidt at Arktos Journal. Kenneth Schmidt...
This article was originally published by William L. Anderson at The Mises Institute. The editors...
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My guess is that the government is quite aware of how much they are utterly detested since most of congressional members live in same sex group homes, probably because they are afraid that hundreds of millions of people wish that they were dead. They are all quite wealthy, so unless they are all gay, there is really no other reason. The quintessences of their beimgs are those of rotting onions.
Andrea Iravani
I thought that the psychopathic propagndists in the media, and the psychopaths in society lacked consciences. I have realized that that is just the tip of the iceberg as to their deficiencies.
They obviously also lack souls, and they are the living dead,- zombies and vampires.
Welcome to the apocalypse.
Andrea Iravani
Go to brighteon.com, look at the video of the explosion at the port in Beirut, the cause was a missile, you can plainly see it in its trajectory. The only logical questions to ask is who sent it and why.