Because of America’s fierce reputation for being a heavily armed nation, it would probably surprise most foreigners to learn that the majority of American’s don’t own any firearms. And of the people who are gun owners, most only own a couple of firearms. What makes America such a heavily armed nation are the private collections belonging to “super-owners” (who gun control advocates love to complain about). This demographic, which amounts to 3% of the population, owns half of the firearms in the United States. Each person in this group owns an average of 17 guns.
That may sound impressive, but there’s another level of gun ownership that blows those numbers out of the water. That level is occupied by Mel Bernstein, also known has Dragon Man (the image above explains his nickname), and he likes to brag that he is the most well-armed man in America.
It’s a well deserved title, considering that he owns 3,000 weapons, including machine guns, bazookas, and swords.
Bernstein estimates that his collection, which is on display at his sprawling privately owned museum in El Paso County, Colorado, is worth $10 million. The museum nets him roughly $600,000 per year in visitor fees, is reportedly the size of a typical Walmart, and takes several hours to walk through. However, his collection isn’t just limited to firearms and swords. It includes tanks and other military vehicles.
In case you know anyone who doesn’t think that America is the coolest place to live in the world, feel free to show them this. Where else can a private citizen amass an awesome, multi-million dollar collection of weapons?
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You Must See These Mind-Boggling Photos of 10,000 Illegal Firearms Seized By Spanish Police
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I’m green with envy !!! 🙂
So the Oath Keepers and that fucking cuck Stewart Rhodes started beef with the Alt Right.
Baby Boomer logic: we’re gonna protect and defend the constitution by attacking white men, the only group of people who care about the constitution, and defending the mud people who dont give a shit about the constitution and want to turn America into a third world shithole.
The fact that in the last 50 years we’ve reduced the white population by 20% just shows how fucking worthless the military and police really are.
Did you see Chris Cantwells speach at Washington rally. Seems he was one of the sharpest guys there? Must see?
Do you people believe another civil war is imminent?
Keep stackin.
I do. One can hope anyway. “Times are tough, you can’t refute it, buy a rifle and learn to shoot it.”
I think the ignition point for us three percenters would be if President Trump is impeached by the Marxists. The scenario would be Rightists death squads would then target the leftists media figures, then you’d see Leftists squads and lone rogues going crazy to the right.
In this country, underground warfare would emerge first, then above ground, as the state could no longer contain it. Especially if the legitimacy of the government was called into question, which it would if Trump was deposed.
Deposing Trump would definitely cause a Civil War. The Left does not really understand this. The Progressive Left see weakness in the Right and think by their aggression they will soon re institute their Utopianist plan, dragging us kicking and screaming along their dark vision. They are wrong.
It’s like having a big trunk full of costume jewelry. Just use your imagination.
Let’s see if he has his collection and limbs in tact 45 days from now. He was an idiot to go public, so its on his own head.
Dude, this guy has been around for years! I live in the Colorado Springs area and drive by his place every morning to work. He has never hid what he has…
He is a ?, sorry about his wife getting killed by a grenade.
BDJ-I do as well. What building do you work at?
Nothing there worth steeling, it is yard art junk
I’m camo green with envy!
Kind of guessed he didn’t live in the North East!
I do like the Tank photo. Would luv to own one. I have a couple of those tools hanging on the wall in his bedroom.
OK you Married Guys are you a Man or a Woose? If you want to buy a gun, do you need to go ask your wife for permission? Or do you just go buy it?
My wife is on board with me, I just buy it.
I buy for him – he buys for me. If you can’t do that, guys – you need a different woman.
If your in that 3% your wife never knows when you buy a new gun. Don’t know about foreigners being surprised that the majority of Americans don’t own guns, but it sure surprised me. I figured that most Americans would be in that 3%. Trekker Out. How Naive!
Yeah the tank is great !!! Even if the muzzle is plugged, a potential intruder may not know that and when the turret rotates towards him and his band of snowflakes … they will shit their pants.
I still remember the tanks rolling out around each side of the building at Ft Knox when my dad told them over the intercom that we were there to see the gold.
Dad’s idea of Disneyland I guess. 🙂
A plugged barrel is a useless barrel, thanks NRA!
I buy then beg for for forgiveness. wears holes in the knees of my pants but my safe is full!
Lol, this guy is awesome. And he has the ammo as well……
Very badass but they will send a hellfire or two to end this. Too bad. Loose lips sink ships.
I think his wife was the only casualty ? Of this arsenal.
Ahhh! The good ol’ days, before the NRA helped ban it all?
Wow! I haven’t seen so much WWII junk in one place.
The singer Warren Zevon had a song, “Lawyers, Guns and Money”. To obtain this collection one just needs money and lawyers because then comes the guns.
Yeah just read this article over on Fr-PH site. This Guy sure Blew his OPSEC.
I like the story of the Guy Buying an Iraqi T45/69 Tank for $30,000, and later found $2 Million dollars in Gold Bullion stashed in the Gasoline Tank when he was restoring it. That is like 1800 Oz of Gold, or 4.5 x 400 Oz Gold Bars.
British collector finds $2.5 million in gold inside Iraq tank’s gas tank
Monday, April 10, 2017 3:10 – ht tp://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2017/04/british-collector-finds-2-5-million-in-gold-inside-iraq-tanks-gas-tank-3498573.html
Its pays to collect war relics. Where is Ukraine’s Stolen Gold, or Libya’s stolen Gold. Somebody has it. Probably hidden in Hillary’s and Bills basement or John Kerry’s hidden enclave basement digs in Antarctica.
The full article said this Guy lost his wife on the shooting range when she was hit by some smoke bomb grenades while filming some show. He said he lost his best friend.
So who puts their best friends on a hot range, where smoke bombs are hitting and going off? Something strange going on here.
They were filming a TV show when the accident occurred. I don’t believe Mel would ever put his wife in danger. She was a very nice woman and was very helpful every time I went to their shop to buy guns or ammo.
“Somebody has it.”
Corruption / theft at that level isn’t a Bernie Madoff type scam but rather one orchestrated by the very highest level.
Who has it? The Federal Reserve. Why because far more gold has been sold (on paper) than exists. Certain entities demanding their gold held in safe keeping make it very difficult to stall forever.
Preppers want to pick up your game,.. We’ve talked about the Art of War, Sun Tzu The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the 5th century BC and is attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu (“Master …
Check this out. The Mind is the battle to win.
Propaganda, How this all started here in the states.
37% of the population will go along with the crowd.
Rule from the Shadows – The Psychology of Power – Part 1
Situational Awareness. Did you know that during a building fire, about 90% of those in the building will all try to go out the same door, they all originally came in? Its True,.. Many all running to the same door will gather and follow in a herd mentality. Many will be crushed and killed all trying to flee out the same door.
Think Situational Awareness when you go into a building, or mall or a store, find the exit doors lights with the exit doors below. Play what if, how would I get out of here besides the door you came in, if you needed to in a hurry.
I went to a Prepper conference, once, and in the entrance doors of the big auditorium where this event was held. The staff locked all doors with chains, but a few that were unlocked for entry. They just didn’t want people going in those doors or sneaking in they said.
I summoned the management and told then to take those chains and locks off all those doors, as that is a Fire Violation code. If a fire were to take place all the exit doors should be operational. Not locked up that’s how people die. They took them off, and I said if they didn’t, I would call the Fire Marshal. Idiots. SO have plan B and C and D what if.
As soon as he dies the feds will swoop in and collect all that up. I hope all that hardware is missing firing pins or non-working and his real stash is somewhere else for his kids or good friends. He damn sure has some mighty fine toys.
My bet is that they’re on an NFA Trust and there is a succession of legal owners in the event of his death.
PO’d Patriot, if that was a gun dealer, I’d be like a kid in a candy store, LOL!
Actually from a cost perspective post FOPA 1986 those guns are on his business as a class 3 dealer. The dealer only non transferable stuff is 20% of the cost of the registered pre 86 guns.
Po’d Patriot, let a group show up at the next anti-Trump protest with only a fraction of that guy’s guns…..
He is a gun dealer.
Gun dealers won’t give you gun unless you “deal” and you may old pre 1986 crap is transferable. My friends all buy machine guns but a cheap one 9mm uzi is $13,000 bucks. I would rather buy ammo. Ammo is harder to make from scratch than a gun is.
Don’t worry, the Feds have no need for antiques. They have the good powerful laser and sound cannons. Just ask the dead folks at Waco who had 50 cals and autos what good they were against a real but small tank. Thanks NRA?
That is fucking cool!
Send him to Chicago, Furguson, and Baltimore.
He is a junk collector. Try finding a video of him fireing his bazooka or tank. They have been deactivated thanks to the NRA and Heston hahaha what a ?
You’re full of shit and your pathetic anti NRA jive is sickening. You’re nothing but a freeloading deadbeat and you keep your rights due to the valiant efforts of those you despise. I’m actually thankful that you aren’t a member as you would merely give further reason to those looking to try and paint up good NRA members as toothless single-wide dwelling boobs. Go back inside your trailer and shut up libtard.
ATTA BOY Jonny!!! You the man. Trekker Out
I have seen that tank, the barrel is plugged and the ammo is fake. It is nothing more than drivable antique yard art.
Private citizens can’t have live ammo other than non-exploding practice rounds for those types of weapons. You can own an M79 grenade launcher but you can’t fire exploding rounds. Same with main gun tank rounds. A licensed manufacturer of ammo for destructive devices can have the ammo. But they are inspected mercilessly by the Feds. Over the years, small businesses that thought they could get into that line of manufacturing got a big surprise. It looks like the big guys don’t like competition from newbies.
I know for a fact he is inspected every year, and is still in business.
The whole time I was reading it, I thought: What a F’in Idiot! Why would anyone be SOoo Stupid and advertise an arsenal like that? Gotta be the Biggest Bullseye a person could have. Might as well put up a flashing neon sign saying: Welcome Cabals, Jihadists, mercenaries & psychos to the supply house, oh and did we mention we were remote and isolated???? F’in Moron!!!! Pride goeth before the fall… Jeez!!!!
It’s a museum open to the public. He nets $600,000 a year in admission fees.
ShareBlue, is that you!?
I don’t know about the small arms,but their is an individual in Northwest Wyoming that has at least 3 tanks and maybe more as well as other heavy military equipment. So people that have the money to purchase this type of equipment sure have the ability to make it operational. Trekker Out. God Bless America!!!
No they don’t, that home made tank in Granby is more dangerous than this collector junk. Thanks NRA!
He probably works for the CIA, NSA, or some other government agency or Bankster Group.
I hope I’m wrong.
“What makes America such a heavily armed nation are the private collections belonging to “super-owners” (who gun control advocates love to complain about). This demographic, which amounts to 3% of the population, owns half of the firearms in the United States. Each person in this group owns an average of 17 guns.”
Average of only 17 guns ??? Plus, I usually keep a minimum of 1,000 rounds per gun. I need to get to work!
I can’t deny nor validate any of those statistics because everyone I know owns a gun. It must be the company I keep.
The NRA made sure you have to register any working machine guns. Plus that tank was decommissioned and rendered useless by plugging the barrel. Plus it is illegal to mount and shoot a machine gun from a vehicle. This is fake news that people have this stuff that works. You can only have stuff that is rendered useless by welding the action and plugging the barrel unless you have govt permits for small arms. Notice that ? Didn’t post a video of firing his “antique tank”
Guess that is ONE house that won’t be burgled any time soon!
Actually he is quite the target and regardless of all of that firepower he can only effectively handle one at a time. Street gangs, crazy’s domestic or foreign, a false flag designed to intentionally arm nuts to demonize gun ownership. The list of potential threats are endless and his security is unlikely comparable to a military or law enforcement armory that houses similar weaponry.
I feel far safer.
My nephew once took me on a tour of an National guard armory. he only used three keys to get to everything and there was nobody in the armory except us. Tanks, cannons, MA Deuce’s, SAW’s, M4s, ammo, vests, et al.
This stuff is everywhere in America. Un-guarded.
Even in Hilo there are three Black hawks sitting at the airport.
anybody who knew how to fly one could walk up and take one. If someone is keeping an eye on them I’d bet they are not armed.
The reserves make up a large portion of our military and most are not located on a guarded base.
If you have the balls, in Anacortes, there is a Coast Guard boat with two .30 cal machine guns. It is parked most the time. Easy pickings if you want to go for it. There is no one there to stop you at 0200 hrs.
My point is this stuff can easily be obtained, by people that have decided to make a point.
This story is verified from several people.
Shortly after the US entry into WWII they armed the tug boats with a Lewis Gun fore and aft in NJ ports. By 1944 the aft guns were missing, at wars end they were all gone. I know one was recovered in the attic of a deceased longshoreman foreman when the home was being renovated by a couple in the 1980s.
I thought that in todays time they were more secure than your story describes.
The above was relayed to me by a NJ State Trooper.
We are the militia. I once took and oath that did not have a time limit on it.
Realistically we can’t afford to keep everything manually guarded 24/7.
America has lots of guns and “stuff” stashed away under lock and key only, everywhere.
That may be our saving grace if a SHTF event occurs. You just have to know where to go.
He’s now up for a homeland security full cavity check … it only takes 1 staged police involved incident for this guy to loae his rights to have ANY of this crap he’s so proud to be showing off.
And let’s get real here… in a shtf world.. your on a constant shooting, (if you want to live) taking Ammo and guns from the guy you just killed and repeating the process until a better shot takes you out .. and the process continues..
You don’t need a license for yard art.
I think I just found my spirit animal….
All that , and probably not one live cartridge
Typ museums aren’t anything but a display
Chances are , nothing different here
Or every one of those weapons is disabled in some way
With that guy I would not count on it.
He’s pretty serious, rich, and likes his toys.
@Rebel Son,
WRONG: It’s a live range open to the public, along with paintball and motocross. Mind you, not every single gun of his is active, but a sizeable stockpile of it still is and fully functional, as he’s a Class III dealer.
His range is well east of Colorado Springs off of Hwy 24, a stone’s-throw past Peterson AFB near the ass-end of El Paso County.
Did you just say a motocross cross live range? LOL
He’s RICH, he can afford to fight the government legally. I’m sure whatever the laws are pertaining to his collection, he is probably in compliance. He’s not worried.
Put all your business out there in the internet and then wonder later why you get robbed and persecuted and prosecuted and investigated…
If you are going to go and seek attention, don’t whine later when it all backfires in your face because of an incessant need to be interviewed photographed and paraded around like a freak. The problem with modern day society, narcissism and public confirmation of your business…and they go crying boo hoo later when someone royally screws you because you gave them all they needed to do so. You know why private people don’t get victimized, because they are PRIVATE and exercise restraint on putting their business out their in the public realm. Interesteing story, but this guy is headed for a major ball buster when the gangs or others govt agencies suddenly decide use him to push an agenda of gun control…or angry white men and reason why they all need to be killed off that they are gun nuts and bible thumpers and insecure (on and on ad nauseum of Obama talking points and racist insults.)
That would be me if I had the money for it. Lol
The Federal Reserve has money, they own F16s, lasers, nukes, gas, and young men Feds Willing to protect the bankers’ USA.
Since the founding of the country Americans have owned firearms. compare our history to Europe or Asia or Africa and you will note that we are very peaceful compared to them. where freeholders live they are armed and the country is peaceful Look at Switzerland No one messes with it the people are armed. the Japanese in WWII did not invade the US because they said there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass we were armed as a people
Dragon man is a Colorado Springs institution. He is a dealer, has shooting ranges, paintball courses,and has days you can go out there and fire a 50 cal. or other machine guns. The museum is cool as hell too. I pity anyone who tried to enter his property uninvited after hours.
Dragon man is a Colorado Springs institution. He is a dealer, has shooting ranges, paintball courses, and has days you can go out there and fire a 50 cal. or other machine guns. The museum is cool as hell too. however, I pity anyone who tried to enter his property uninvited after hours.
I bet if the balloon goes up ATFE will be at his door first.
Must be nice to have money though.