If you aren’t happy with how things are going in Congress you’re not alone. The most recent Gallup Survey, which asked respondents whether they “approve or disapprove with how Congress is handling its job,” shows that nine out of ten Americans are not happy.
It’s the lowest approval rating Congress has received in Gallup’s 38 years of performing the survey.
Congress approval was 30% in Gallup’s first measure using this question wording in April 1974, and has averaged 34% across the more than 230 times it has been measured since.
Before 2007, Congress approval had been below 20% only twice — in 1979 and 1992. The highest congressional job approval in Gallup’s history was 84% in October 2001, a month after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C.
Congressional approval is down among all political groups and is now virtually the same across these groups — with Democrats at 9%, independents at 11%, and Republicans at 10%. Democrats’ approval declined the most, from 18% in July.
Although Americans have generally been more negative than positive in their assessments of Congress over the past four decades, opinions have been especially negative in recent years — and approval has again in August fallen to the record-low reading of 10%, last measured in February. Americans’ views of Congress are so bad that it has now been more than a year since Gallup’s monthly assessment was as high as 20%.
It is difficult to pinpoint precise causes for these extraordinarily negative views, although the continuing poor economy is certainly a major factor. The fact that control of Congress is now divided, with a Republican majority in the House and a Democratic majority in the Senate, may provide an opportunity for Americans of all political persuasions to dislike some aspect of Congress. With Congress divided, however, it is difficult to assess what impact its low ratings will have on the November elections, now less than three months away.
Source: Gallup
Why should we be?
During the convening of the 112th Congress, which first met in January of 2011, our country has seen a drastic decline in the quality of life, with Americans having lost 40% of their wealth, their homes and their jobs. Some 100 million Americans are now receiving some form of distribution from an already overburdened government safety net. Not mention that we have continued to see our individual liberties eroded by the passage of scores of thousand-page long legislative actions that benefit the elite members of society, while the government on the local and federal level has continued to apply the pressure of the police state boot to the throats of the people.
That even one in ten Americans still approve of what Congress (and the Executive branch) has done in the last couple of years is a surprise.
Obviously, what we have here is an issue where democrats, republicans, and those currently without party can agree: Washington D.C. is a mess.
What will be most interesting (but not at all surprising) to see in November is how the majority of these 90% of disenchanted Americans return to the polls only to re-elect exactly the same people to represent them as before.
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Greetings Everyone!
Are there any bets that it falls to 5%?
How about 2%?
Just asking….
Better yet;
Are there any bets that the other 10% asked were the friends and family of the congress?
No, the 10% were criminals who are proud of how much the CONgress gets away with.
I just wonder why the Obama numbers show close to 50% approval. They must be calling only those they know still have their jobs with military contractors, especially bullet manufacturers.
It’s pretty clear GC, when the majority of the minorities, the majority of the liberals/progressives, the majority of the gov. workers,the majority of the uneducated/young/brainwashed, and half of the so-called christians, vote for the status quo; you can easily come up with a 50% approval rating.
We are witnessing a population of self-lovers, set the stage for an end to life as we once knew it.
Join the Constitution Party and support Chuck Baldwin; or the Patriot Party, or America First!
Its not too late to BEGIN. America is OURS to win or lose again. If not US who? If not now, when?
Dylan Ratigan for President!! One of the few that says, ‘it is what it is’.
Remove the * to watch.
How about a better survey, ask how many LIKE their congressman. I bet the approval goes up high. Everyone despises the OTHER GUY, not my guy’s fault, it is the always someone else who is the problem in this country.
These “ratings” are meaningless. 90% of my coworkers despise Congress for not being far enough communist. I despise congress for being too communist.
I agree, but we need more granularity. For example, for starters, how about asking how many approve of the way the Senate and the House of Representatives separately do their jobs. There is a huge difference between the two houses: the House just impeached the Attorney General while the Senate has neither proposed nor voted out a budget in three years. The House has voted on a number of measures which the Senate has ignored.
I have no idea how such a poll would turn out, but simply asking about “Congress” is worthless.
The words below just seem appropriate right now. They should be familiar to everyone. And the situation today is not dissimilar to the one that existed when it was written.
“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
how about the error margin, maybe it is below 0% or so, maybe its like -30% or something, is that even possible. disapprove of what they are doing, how about all of us out here that HATE congress, does that count for anything! how about the ones out here that want to blast their ass into hell, how about us? there any stats for that??? there sure as hell should be.
If you vote, you’ve got nothing to complain about, cuz you’re the one who put the bastards into office.
REALLY? I didn’t vote for Obumster!!!
C’mon folks, how about a little levity? I was just turning that old adage around.
The fact is that no matter who you voted for — if you did vote — the Repubs, Dems, TP’ers and Indies almost all overwhelmingly have represented TPTB, and not us. The N.D.A.A. passed overwhelmingly and was signed into law by Obama. That was bipartisan. So have been the fiscal and debt atrocities being inflicted on the American people, the continued devastation of our water resources, the enormous subsidies to Big Ag, Big Pharma, the prison-industrial complex, the military-industrial complex, the wars, and the ever-increasing assaults on American liberties and freedoms.
You can count on a single hand the representatives who have consistently opposed this clusterfuck.
If you vote for either Obama or Romney you should be tried for treason.
“bipartisan” does that really have any true meaning anymore, come on?? oh hell did it ever have any.
No, but you participated in the process, lending legitimacy to the process. Your vote was nullified by some voting in the name of someones pet.
Really? I didn’t vote for Bush either time, but I still had to put up with him for eight years.
I’m not so sure about that Nehweh, I’m in the camp that thinks the vote is a farce. We vote, they tell us the results, and the results are manipulated to make the winner the criminal that the elites want in.
I’m four-square with you on that SilverFox. Actually, that was kind of my point, although the attempt at humor fell pretty flat apparently.
If voting made any difference, they wouldnt let us do it……Mark Twain.
I wondered where that quote came from. I have used a paraphrase of it myself on several occasions.
And it is quite evident that it is absolutely true.
Nope. That was Emma Goldman.
It isnt a farce, it is the biggest joke in the history of this country. I know it is going to suck, and that a bunch of good innocent people are going to die(probably including me), but I am ready to hit the reset button. We need a major change in the attitude and moral compass of this country. I believe we are too far down the road to turn around and go back, so change is gonna hurt a lot. Keep on prepping my friends, cause it is gonna get ugly
3-1 against, eh? Well, I’m not the only one with this view of voting.
“‘All voting,’ says Thoreau, ‘is a sort of gaming, like checkers, or backgammon, a playing with right and wrong; its obligation never exceeds that of expediency. Even voting for the right thing is doing nothing for it. A wise man will not leave the right to the mercy of chance, nor wish it to prevail through the power of the majority.’ A close examination of the machinery of politics and its achievements will bear out the logic of Thoreau.” — Emma Goldman
Oh, and that gives me a better approval rating than Congress! ;0)
Politicians are elected based on who manages to fake more votes. None are elected by the people, they are installed by their party. You cannot vote them out.
Congress has been made irrelevant by Executive orders and weak Congressional leaders with no spines.
Since Congress is irrelevant, so is the American public, who they theoretically represent.
On a side note, I believe that obama is about to put Hillary Clinton on his ticket. They are THAT desperate to keep power. Lord help us.
Read Clinton Casualties…take a deep breath first and a stiff drink.
The accounting of these mysterious deaths began in 1994 when in a letter to congressional leaders, former Rep. William Dannemeyer listed 24 people with some connection to Clinton who had died “under other than natural circumstances” and called for hearings on the matter
Thanks and Wow!
Remember Vince Foster?
Biden is the “force field” protecting his boss. Biden for President, anyone??? He ain’t coming off that ticket!!
Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and Happiness.
How true, but in two months, more or less, none of it will matter. Remember seeing ‘urgent” on the Gov’s ammo orders?
Who would give this a thumbs down? These are the words of the Declaration.
Its intriguing this distinction and poll result. Just what obama ordered…and clearly more important than a group of veterans espousing “STFU” to the president of the US about operational security. I can’t find much in the news about that or unemployment again rising today – not unless I search for it.
I for one am elated the Tea Party rose up and got 80 people elected in the last election and stopped obama. I’m glad they are stopping our government from doing more than it should; meanwhile our president hasn’t signed a budget in 36 months now? Yet the house has adopted several he doesn’t like them so he gets the senate to vote them down…oh and the senate has voted on 2 of his budgets; yeah 2 of obama’s budgets were brought up for votes in the US senate the past 2 years – both of them got exactly ZERO votes.
The media wants us to blame congress; and they are no angels but this mess is on the failure at the top.
Yep, Jim.
This is about demonizing the GOP and TP House members.
HAHAHA,DECIEVED,this country has been sold and the whole population of america was watching a football game when it happened…They didn’t care then and they don’t care now…..YOUR police and military will help to give them(chinese) your house and everything you own,they will be driving your cars,living in your house,running the farms,they will be the NEW americans,and you will be the dead ex-americans,and if you think I’am kidding ask your wife or the police or your military children,they hate you and Its your own fault…………..
While I agree with you as to the country being sold out from under us I am fairly sure that regular American troops will not be very inclined to start killing the rest of us. However there is nothing to stop Obamas Civilian National Police Force or foreign troops being used. Any of you who heard the comments made by that NBPP dimwit about skinnning whites alive and some other fun things and are not concerned are really dumb. The worst part is the lack of comment by anyone in this(Obamas)administration. That combined with the massive purchases of ammunition by our govt. for who knows what should give anyone a reason to be concerned especially with Obams admitted hatred for whites and the US.
What makes you think they won’t? The .gov has their families as “hostages”.
Besides which the whole Tiannemen Square strategy works wonders… take troops from one part of the country and deploy them in another part of the country that’s packed full of a demographic they hate…
Even a small mouse has anger. – Tribe Unknown
You do sound angry little one.
yup and the 10% remaining are them, thier kids and direct family members..so in essence its 100% Disapproval
It all doesn’t matter. We are screwed, BIG time!!! I can’t see one possible way out of this mess, MAYBE war. Go ahead and vote, but it’s not going to get you anywhere. We’re broken. I”m thankful to be aware and prepping! Self sufficiency RULES!!!!!!
Y.D.N.T.K. It is truly a sad day in America when more than just a few nut jobs think like and agree with you but I sadly do. 2 thumbs up.
These are not the bullets you are looking for. /waves hand
Nice Star Wars reference…
First post and I comment in wrong thread… Meant this for dhs ammo thread
Welcome, Hopeforthebest!!! 🙂
Been there, done that.
Take care
No worries, somehow it still applies 🙂
YOU patted your veterns on the shoulder and said good job as they were in some other country killing the women and children for the queen of england.and now you think they will be on your side…….hahaha…..boy are the fools in this country decieved,the marines are bragging about what there going to do to the people of montana-NO MERCY,and you think there going to care about you…stupid really runs deep in the minds of americans….THIS is going to be the end of this country,90% of “americans will throw their GUNS down and try to surrender not realizing they will be killed for sure now because their really cowards at heart………..
have you ever wore a uniform? If not shut up about troops killing women and children. You dont have a clue about what war is like.
Just my humble opinion.
Bulldog ~ Arizona must be the newest disinformation misdirection troll assigned to tick us off and get us off topic.
He got me riled up too. When I saw your post, I saw quite clearly his tactic.
He’s clearly not very subtle in his approach.
And the lack of response shows alot.
When people start the ALL troops are crap stuff, you can see the truth behind the words.
With all due respect to your service and your insights, Bulldog, and with all due disdain to Arizona’s delusional ranting, I want to point out that Tomahawks and GBU’s do not have the same concern for innocence that our ground forces do. (U.S.M.C. here.) We DO kill a lot of women and children. It’s just done from 30,000 feet, or from a warship 200 miles away, or from an office building at Langley. Just sayin’.
nehweh gahnin,
agreed about the drones ant missles, however, the “troops are baby killer” thing was one of the tactics used in the 60s and 70s to demonize and demoralize soldiers that were on the ground. It is now becoming commonplace again for Iraq vets. I feel a great many troops will side with the government if there is a false flag, but to lump all into the nazi style attitude is BS. Alot of civilians are starting to believe the hype that all troops are mindless robots doing the bidding of the dictator in chief. As a Marine, you know as well as my cavtrooper ass knows that our oath to the constitution and the people of this country are very important to most of us. And far more important than any president or executive order.
@ Bulldog: Oorah.
@Arizona, I sorta get where you’re coming from, since there will be military soldiers who won’t have any issues killing women, children, and Americans. But just like saying it’s all women’s fault or all soldiers’ faults..>REALLY??? I’ve had 4 kids and no abortions. How did I as a women kill children? If you used the words, some or a few, people would agree with you, but the way you wrote your posts, lumping all women and soldiers into the evil category, you just eliminated ALOT of decent people; which is too bad for you!
Arizona, it’s not going to be our Military on USA Soil it’s going to be Russian Military caring out the will of the Powers that Be to corral up the American People. Have you not heard that Russian Troops are doing drills down in Hawaii, Colorado.
I am Veteranrn myself and not all US Military will follow their orders.
You should not be putting all Military Personnel in the category of killing the innocent.
No one said anything about “all”. How about “just enough”?
Not trying to be inflammatory but I’m legitimately worried.
Here’s a scenario. You’re called on to quell… I dunno. Pick some State full of people you have no fealty toward. Like say South Central Los Angeles.
On the one hand you could to it.
On the other hand you could not do it, but a number of higher ranking people have insinuated your family might just come up missing if you don’t.
Now what?
The average soldier/marine doesnt want to go against his own countrymen. Some would. Just like some cops would. i think about half would take their ball and go home. The only way the PTB can get a large majority onboard with it is for them to acomplish a major false flag that would create a hatred of a certain group of citizens. Then declare ML and it is on.
Look at N.O. When the people started acting like savages, the troops did what they were told. They saw the people as the enemy in a way. If the PTB can create an atmosphere where the troops/cops would think they are doing the right thing we would be in a world of hurt. That is one thing we need to watch for. If they can turn them against us they have given them a reason to carry out the mission. If not, we may have a few tanks and bradleys on our side.
Each bird loves to hear himself sing. – Arapaho
I think you may be part vulture.
Arizona, I am a proud veteran and I still believe in this country and what it stood for. The whoremongers in charge have destroyed this country. So please watch your tongue about soldiers.
Voting for just a president is not enough! We, the people need to weigh in on all issues that effect our way of life. If we can bank online, we oughta be able to vote online. The game is rigged, no change expected in 2013, just gonna get worse…guaranteed!
Yes, voting online is what I’ve been thinking for years..but TPTB would find a way to even screw with that….I have total trust they would.
THE women threw the LORD out of america,AND THIS is after HE warned you IF YOU HARM MY LITTLE ONES,I will destroy you for it,THE military was NEVER for use against the children of the world and thats all its been used for…ROBBING and MURDERING…..the LORD is about to get involved now and there will be a BLOOD BATH beyond anything the world has ever seen now,THE QUEEN WHORE DRUG DEALER OF ENGLAND will now show americans what EVIL really LOOKS LIKE………………
You, Arizona, are a moron.
Blanket generalization is a sign of a lack of critical thinking skills.
Daisy, he is refering to Madaline O’Hare which is one woman not women.
Like I said, DRD – blanket generalization. 🙂
Arizona…you are definately a Moron!
and by the way….the Lord isn’t “about to get involved” The Lord has been “INVOLVED” the whole time. He is just very tolerent of our stupidity.
@daisy you need to check yourself hard. your wrong here.
@arizona is actually right on all points. he’s just using a big brush and big strokes to paint with.
@daisy check yourself or i will. And you owe @arizona an apology. your wrong here and he is right !!!
Really, N.O.?
Women are the scourge of America and the cause of all the country’s ills? Can you provide evidence of that? Do you personally believe that the bad things happening in the US are the result of God’s punishment for abortions?
I disagree with you here, aside from the whole “Queen of England” part.
I stand by what I said. His was a misogynistic rant with poor reference to scripture. No apology is forthcoming.
You were military I think I remember you referring to yourself as a veteran, this ‘gentleman’ refers to family ties to the military but mentions no service of his own…the inference seems to be that all
Military are killers of women and children.
I am gobsmacked that you seem to go along with those views considering you are a patriotic veteran.
With regard to the women comments…I will treat them with the utter contempt they deserve.
Take care
;0P pssszzt
sigh … i gave you the very book about this very topic @Daisy … remember the national education system socialism control direction … he’s referring too how “modern woman” left her biblical christian place in the family unit due to societal pressures womans lib rights progress … left the family without the proper christian values home environment and abandoned the children of said family units national in swarms … to seek financial independence and personal freedom to be equal to “man” … thereby creating whole generations of dysfunctional Latch-Key children an explosion of teenage births delinquency youth crime waves and pretty much the destruction of the once very solid Christian value ameriKan family unit !!! thereby removing “man” from his traditional role as head of a household … obliterating the red white and blue once very solid ameriKan christian values family unit . duh !!!
thats what he’s refering too . he’s just using a very big brush and painting with very big strokes lumping all women in the same ameriKan christian family values sinking ship !!!
thats what i’m pointing out to you all.
he’s just sayin womens lib destroyed the ameriKan family unit… which it did. WHICH IS WHAT IT ACTUALLY WAS PLANNED TO DO by the ptb ALL ALONG ACTUALLY , DIVIDE AND CONQUER THE ameriKan FAMILY UNIT! GET IT ??? IT JUST MAKES YOU ALL MORE DEPENDENT ON THE ZIONIST FASCIST COMMIE central mind control FEDGOV brain washing education programs !!! GET IT !!! it takes control of how whole generations of children are raised educated socialized out of the household out of the parents circle of influence control and gives it instead too the national fedgov controlled brain washing intentionally dumb-downed socialist fascist commie fedgov national educational system !!!
as for the bibble stuff ;0) … bleh ;0P each to his own B.S. belief system as long as it doesn’t harm others. i don’t care what imaginary ghosts friends he chooses to worship as his Deity Gawd Savior !!!
Hey coco, can I thumbs up you like a million times?
Your paradoxical response brings me back to my original point (which you actually even agreed with in YOUR response).
“Blanket generalization is a sign of a lack of critical thinking skills.”
I understand what you are referring to, with the demise of the classic nuclear family, women going to work, children going to daycare, etc. But I strongly suspect you are giving too much credit to Arizona. Unless he re-emerges and says that he meant just that, I have to doubt that his opinion is so well thought out.
You do have facts behind your opinion; he has a bunch of religious rhetoric behind his. BIG difference. Just because you two have reached a similar conclusion does not mean his thought process is accurate. It’s like a math problem where you have to show your work – you can get the right answer and still lose points for using a flawed process to get there.
The umbrage I take is the gross generalization of ALL women, ALL military. I also have never been a real fan of the whole “God’s punishment” theory.
Without further evidence of Arizona’s opinion merely being poorly stated, you and I are going to have to agree to disagree on the merit of his post(s).
I would like to point out the fact that “modern day women” while some strive for the career and getting an upper hand, most would love to stay at home with their children but are financially unable to.
I would also like to say that while statistically a lot more women go to church than men, I feel like, in my family at least, and probably countless others, the religious parts of a family come from mother AND father so if your family is religiousless or you were raised in a non believing family you can blame both parents. Not just the mother.
She cried that first time she dropped you off and had to go to work. She misses her babies dearly but does what she has to do for her family. Just like us men.
Cheers @CarolieUK ;0) i hope you and your family are doing excellent.
sigh … technically he’s right again . the u.s.s.a. military works as one unit from the top to bottom in a pyramid hierarchical shape !
at the very tip of the pyramid top is the GLOBALIST FREEMASON ZIONIST BANKERS an the cia zionist controlled manchurian puppet prez of the united zionist fascist commie states of socialist ameriKa .
one man directs controls a million soldiers and millions of pieces of war equipment . one man is responsible for all from the secretary of war/ defense , staff generals to the lowest rank of private – soldier airman seaman marine coast-guard merchant-marine it all operates as one functioning cohesive unit under uniform code of military justice ucmj an the cia puppet prez of ameriKa !!!
so under the UCMJ “all are responsible” for the actions they are ordered to commit from the upper chain of command including the cia puppet prez’s orders .
presently the u.s.s.a. pentagon and u.s.s.a. military is being used illegally unconstitutionally in illegal foreign actions wars and in violation of the “posse commitatus act” nationally on the interior of ameriKa and the once free american citizens as a tool threat of military martial law terror to control the national population .
are you following me so far ???
cia puppet prez’s obama bush jr clinton bush sr reagan ford carter etc etc etc all have used the once proud U.S. Military to serve their globalist zionist fascist commie banker masters and international banker family Rothschild of england/ germany to pretty much enslave destroy commit genocide to the global 99% brown peeple population , on most of the known world and that territory which the USSA UNITED SOCIALISTIC STATES OF AMERIkA has not been able to take with diplomacy financial sanctions blockade it sends in the cia jackals wolves to destroy kill the foreign political opposition government with first money then assassins eventually they all crumble or the get the stick – the us marines , drones and cruise missiles .
still reading ??? ;0)
so technically @arizona is right again .
obama is using the ussa military and cia/ special forces black ops plus al-CIA-duh cia backed trained financed terrorists to literally terrorize the global community the world to do as his goldmansachs wallstreet globalist international banker shadow government masters tell him to do CONTROL THE WORLD BRING INTO FRUITION UN AGENDA 21 EUGENICS GLOBALLY AND KEEP CHINA RUSSIA UNDER CONTROL and in the process he’s killing defenseless innocent women and children in the 100’s of thousands globally through direct intentional military DRONINGS killings starvation and weaponized designed EUGENICS diseases .
so he’s @arizona is right !
the ussa ameriKan military under the UCMJ uniform code of military justice are all guilty accessories to global illegal UNCONSTITUTIONAL cia fedgov false-fag terror wars , illegal invasions of sovereign countries , theft of foreign countries natural resources and genocidal murder of the worlds poor .
@arizona is correct … just sucks at telling it like it is .
i’ve videos showing ameriKan troops under cia direction raping foreign women in military prisons in iraq afghanistan videos showing israelis jooo troops torturing young palestinian children in israeli jooo military prisons shooting them dead as the lay on the ground handcuffed – children and women being slain by your and our own troops in the name of LIBERTY PATRIOTISM FOR GAWD AND COUNTRY AND ITS ALL ILLEGAL IMMORAL AND STRAIGHT UP GENOCIDE OF DEFENSELESS WOMEN AND CHILDREN BY YOUR AND OUR MILITARY MEN AND WOMEN !!!
Oh I agree that it is NOW financially impossible to have a single income family. As long as we keep letting the media turn us against each other based on demographics it might just stay that way.
But the situation is correctable. It would take maybe three generations to do it in a way that isn’t unbearably painful. Voluntarily have fewer kids, voluntarily lower your standard of living. With one kid and a standard of living somewhere in the lower middle class spectrum, it should be quite possible for a wife to take off work until the child is 10-ish… assuming of course everyone also eschews hedonism when they are teens and young adults and saves all their money for next-generation’s college.
Of course, failing to embrace lower-middle-classdom pretty much ensures a completely lopsided distribution of financial responsibilites in this scenario, leading to a failed marriage.
But in three generations, once the labor rates are no longer divided by 2 (or, more accurately, once the prices of goods and services have found their new normal, at a rate approximately divided by two), we’ll all be good.
Of course this won’t work without tarrifs. And here again we open up another can of short to medium term (extreme) pain as the price of everything rises initially…
Cooking sum shit are you…… hot sun and drugs don’t mix retard!!!!
I wondered how long it would be before you had to start yelling again. If he meant women’s lib he should have said so, are we all meant to be psychic ?
So women are fembot dummies are they?
Granted we may have our stupid moments, we do afterall give birth to boy children some of whom grow up to be complete and utter wankers, happily there are only a few on here, the rest of the men on this site seem to be able to have a good argument/debate with a woman without resorting to name calling.
If you want to take the time to get to know me and then include me in your sweeping, generalised distorted views of women fair enough, not everyone likes everyone, drop me a line, the email address is on the blog.
If you are not prepared to know more about me than appears on these posts, shut your trap and mind your business. You are not the only one with opinions.
All your name calling and derogatory comments show is that underneath your sometimes visible intelligence you are basically a bad communicator as well as an extemely arrogant chauvinist who thinks he can dictate and throw a tantrum and start name calling everytime someone disagrees with him.
I would appreciate it if you would grow up or shut up.
Take care
Cheers, but I am intelligent enough to know most of what you have just explained. Genuinely thanks for taking the time to do that though.
Take care
wait .. i put all that effort into the post explaining his point of views and why and your gonna attack me for “DUH Fembot Dummies!” wtf ?
;0P pssszzt
whatever …
its obvious you folks are truly sheep READY for the slaughter and will never wake up SEE the truth of THE WORLDS reality.
Umm….notice the times on Burt’s posts.
LMAO. Yowzah! You GO, Burt!
Oh puleeeze, get a grip mam…woman…whatever.
Take care
;0P pssszzt
sigh … i gave you the very book about this very topic @Daisy … remember the national education system socialism control direction … he’s referring too how “modern woman” left her biblical christian place in the family unit due to societal pressures womans lib rights progress … left the family without the proper christian values home environment and abandoned the children of said family units national in swarms … to seek financial independence and personal freedom to be equal to “man” … thereby creating whole generations of dysfunctional Latch-Key children an explosion of teenage births delinquency youth crime waves and pretty much the destruction of the once very solid Christian value ameriKan family unit !!! thereby removing “man” from his traditional role as head of a household … obliterating the red white and blue once very solid ameriKan christian values family unit . duh !!!
thats what he’s refering too . he’s just using a very big brush and painting with very big strokes lumping all women in the same ameriKan christian family values sinking ship !!!
thats what i’m pointing out to you all.
he’s just sayin womens lib destroyed the ameriKan family unit… which it did. WHICH IS WHAT IT ACTUALLY WAS PLANNED TO DO by the ptb ALL ALONG ACTUALLY , DIVIDE AND CONQUER THE ameriKan FAMILY UNIT! GET IT ??? IT JUST MAKES YOU ALL MORE DEPENDENT ON THE ZIONIST FASCIST COMMIE central mind control FEDGOV brain washing education programs !!! GET IT !!! it takes control of how whole generations of children are raised educated socialized out of the household out of the parents circle of influence control and gives it instead too the national fedgov controlled brain washing intentionally dumb-downed socialist fascist commie fedgov national educational system !!!
as for the bibble stuff ;0) … bleh ;0P each to his own B.S. belief system as long as it doesn’t harm others. i don’t care what imaginary ghosts friends he chooses to worship as his Deity Gawd Savior !!!
You say wtf, well I’ll tell you what the fuck, you are rude. You treat people as if they are imbeciles
I give credit where it’s due, I thanked you for taking the time to explain but that does not absolve the fact that you can be extremely rude.
For your information I am not a dummy, fembot or otherwise. I am me, a woman, nothing great, nothing grand, just an average person but one who takes great exception to being called names for no other reason than disagreeing with you.
Now if you want to call me a bitch fair enough, I can be a first class one without too much effort
Now if you want to call me fat fair enough I need to lose 15 lbs
Now you want to call me old fair enough I won’t see 50 again
But dummy? Stupid? Forget it mate those are two things I can assure you I am not.
Take care
Every animal knows more than you do. – Nez Perce
where can I purchase the book of awesome one liners?
The federal government is becoming more and more irrelevant by the day. They’re broke. They’re spending a lot more money than they are taking in and getting the private banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve (The FED) to continue printing notes out of thin air to prop up the government which has bailed out their buddies in banking, finance, and other large industires like GM. They all owe more money than they possibly pay back and they don’t know what to do about it other than print still more money in the hopes that it’ll a get better some magical way, if we don’t pay to close attention. Close attention to what you may ask: the fact that unemployment is much larger than the government says because they don’t count the folks no longer eligible for unemployment benifits and those that have stopped looking for work and have moved in with relatives. It also ignores the under-employed; those working part time or those working at much lesser pay than their former jobs. They hope that we also don’t notice that prices are still climbing. Think not; look at the size of most containers, they’re small and lighter than a year or two ago, but selling at the old volume prices. That’s called stealth inflation. Those in elected office are bought and paid for by these corporations that have caused this colossal mess so don’t expect anyone in D.C. to do anything but rearrange the deck chairs on the USS Titanic. Voting is a stupid waste of time if you’re just going to vote for either a Demopublican or a Republicrat. That’s giving your vote to a corprate whore which makes you a sucker just like a Hooker’s “John”. You deserve the disease you get.
Congress is NOT SUPPOSED to work! It was designed as a conservative institution where very little COULD happen because the actual power in the country was supposed to be back at the local level. I say let them meet for two weeks a year, and if they don’t have a budget passed in that time, everything takes a 10% cut the next year.
We would be safer and more financially sound as a nation.
you say “everything takes a 10% cut” I say if they cant get it done , they get NOTHING and like it!
Exactly, kind of like commissioned sales. You produce (within the constitution of course), or you get squat!!!!
OH-I wish that I could give your comment 12 thumbs up!!! Congress has become 180o diameter from where the Founding Fathers wanted it. The “Elites” now vote themselves lavish pensions, lavish salaries, unbelievable perks that fit a King or Queen-and then we wonder why it is broken. ALL government servants were expected to serve the government in a part time basis while keeping their own jobs and futures of fortune. California has had the same misfortune to go from part time to full time legislatures. We all know what that means-grow wealthy on the public t-x-t and do anything you want.
and the public keeps electing the same yahoos.
LET ME TELL you something BULLDOG,I was raised sitting on the knee of guys who were in nazi prison camps and every guy in my family has been in the military,my dad was on the arizona the morning the japs sank it.the LORD says some will be BLIND to the truth,YOU better wake up BULLDOG or you will lose your life when the shit storm comes to america,and its coming…the biggest, worse shit storm the world has ever seen……
I have no doubt that a storm is brewing. And yes, I am very awake as to what is coming. But if you want anyone to take you seriously, stop the “all troops are murderers” BS. I actually was one of the troops you so lovingly refered to as killers of women and children and I have never killed a woman or child. The way to get the military on our side is to awaken them to what TPTB are going to ask them to do, not to degrade them for what YOU think we have done. Being related to soldiers does not make you an expert on the military.
Just my humble opinion.
@arizona … your on the right track here sir ;0) .
don’t let the naysayers here @shtfplan deter your message .
you though might want to “check your fire” cause your alienating some of your biggest supporters … leaving a wide bloody swath behind you of info mass murder with your info machine gun ;0) .
Millions will lose their lives when the shtf…do you get that? Millions across the globe, men, women and children are going to die, one way or another, as a direct result of the greed and selfishness of TPTB.
My father was military, he saw service also, what is that to do with this? Bulldog is awake Arizona, or he would not be here, is he awake to the Lord? I have no idea and being a believer does not mean a person will survive what is coming.
I am not clear n the point you are trying to make
Take care
Listening to a liar is like drinking warm water. – Tribe Unknown
O si yo, Ohcumgache, Dto hi tsu?
o-s-da! ni-hi-na-hv
wouldnt let me reply below yours.
os da dv
Still learning, need to up the amount of ppl who speak this, was reading only about 10k still do.
Your arguments are too simplistic.
Why have women come into the workplace? Could it be that the inflationary governmental policies have made it nearly impossible for families to survive without two incomes?
Don’t the modern men have anything to do with the situation either? I know plenty of women who have found it easier to raise children alone than try to care for a family under the hassles of dealing with wife beating, drug using, low life husbands. A stable family life is a two sided arrangement.
I suspect that you have been heavily hurt by some woman in your life. Maybe eventually you will find a way to move past the hurt and anger to achieve some peace of mind. At least that is how you come across to me.
“Americans disapprove” Really? Imagine that.
And it comes down to, “Yeah? So what?”
This is no longer your father’s or grandfather’s world. Things are changing and all the surveys showing disapproval make not a whit of difference.
The politicians/rulers/elite could not care less about what the people (peons) think. They’ve got theirs and you don’t. So sorry (not really).
For entertainment’s sake, recall the three-pronged supposed “Chinese Curse” –
“May you live in interesting times”
“May you come to the attention of those in authority” (Sometimes rendered “May the government be aware of you”)
“May you find what you are looking for.” (This is sometimes quoted as “May your wishes be granted.”)
Interesting times, indeed. Good luck.
The remaining 10% said: Que?
what the average American thinks about Congress is irrelevant to them
THEY DON’T CARE what we think
they have LITERALLY been bought and paid for by their and our
corporate masters
Be carefull ARIZONA just maybe one of them. He or she sounds like some of the other SHIT FOR BRAINS on here. But people may think I’m one to. I have worn the uniform and seen combant up close and personal, so for him to call me a baby killer is over the top. I’ll give you a 20.00 dollar bill he’s or she is for abortion, talk about baby killers. So ARIZONA go FU-K yourself!
Methinks, he sounds an awful lot like (*), merely taking a different tact.
Bulldog, thanks for both posts today. The first is a valid quote, however the govt pukes have penetrated all means of communication, and passed “laws” to make sure that none will stand to alter or abolish. The second puts AZ in his place. I don’t even have to wonder if he ever swore the oath.
Agreed on the quote. I dont think there are enough folks left in the newer generations that will have the patriotism to take that quote and run with it if we all dont make it. My hope is that if these times are not the endtimes, that we can survive the storm that is brewing and rebuild with an actual constitutional government or at least several states that can make it happen.
Does anyone under 30 even know what “constitutional government” means?? It’s not taught in schools or on facebook, so they don’t know, don’t care.
some do. we homeschool our youngest. she recently went to a leadership course called teenpact. they teach government and how it all works on a constitutional/biblical level. These kids are pretty bright and patriotic. they are all homeschoolers. They are the future of this country (if there is one). They are a small percentage, but there is a glimmer of hope with them. Get your kids out of the government training camps and into real schooling. kids in government training camps (public school) are more worried about who is cheating on who in the stupid vampire movies than real life.
Come on folks…
Is there anyone here who truly believes that any politician has put forth all the time effort and money to get into a position of power, and is “Just there to do the peoples work”.
The most basic human characteristics are survival and advancement.
Once elected it is human nature for them to try to wield influence and attain power.
Power is represented by their attainment of personal wealth and how much money they can influence and throw towards their “chosen” partners that will ensure them even greater wealth and standing.
If they happen to swerve into a cause and there is a positive result that benefits you, then you just happened to be damn lucky.
It is not arguable that the desirable goal for throwing trillions of dollars at the poverty class and producing programs that rob otherwise descent human beings of their dignity and self worth, is to ensure the class will continue to vote for the guy that gives them the goodies…i.e. power.
Same with the trillions of dollars in breaks and advantages for the big Wall Street types. The political class knows where it’s “bread is buttered”, and let’s face it, the more you got, the more you can get…i.e. wealth and power.
I don’t begrudge anyone working hard, smart and getting wealthy. But the amount of money the uber rich have enjoyed because of the rules being bent, broke or in many cases written to benefit them, by some self serving politician, makes the amount pissed away on poverty programs miniscule in comparison.
Once you realize that putting any hope and or belief that the system is in place to benefit you, and or you have any real influence on what really matters to the political class, then you can get back to reality and focus on what you can do to best prepare for you and your families future.
Honestly, if there were truly thinking Americans, the rating would be 0% approval!!
(“Underground” Bunker)
Sorry poor proof reading!
Come on folks…
Is there anyone here who truly believes that any politician has put forth all the time effort and money to get into a position of power, and is “Just there to do the peoples work”.
The most basic human characteristics are survival and advancement.
Once elected it is human nature for them to try to wield influence and attain power.
Power is represented by their attainment of personal wealth and how much money they can influence and throw towards their “chosen” partners that will ensure them even greater wealth and standing.
If they happen to swerve into a cause and there is a positive result that benefits you, then you just happened to be damn lucky.
It is not arguable that the desirable goal for throwing trillions of dollars at the poverty class and producing programs that rob otherwise descent human beings of their dignity and self worth, is to ensure the class will continue to vote for the guy that gives them the goodies…i.e. power.
Same with the trillions of dollars in breaks and advantages for the big Wall Street types. The political class knows where it’s “bread is buttered”, and let’s face it, the more you got, the more you can get…i.e. wealth and power.
I don’t begrudge anyone working hard, smart and getting wealthy, but the amount of money the “Uber Rich” have enjoyed because of the rules being bent, broken or in many cases, written to benefit them, by some self serving politician, makes the amount pissed away on poverty programs miniscule in comparison.
Once you realize that putting any hope and or belief that the system is in place to benefit you, and or you have any real influence on what really matters to the political class, then you can get back to reality and focus on what you can do to best prepare for you and your families future.
Honestly, if there were truly thinking Americans, the rating would be 0% approval!!
Sorry, Mac, another ‘kiss my ass Obama’ story; makes my day.
Customers flock to Radford bakery that turned Biden away
Came across an interesting stat today. 10% disapprove Congress, but over 50% approve of THEIR Congressperson/Senator. How can that be?
Exactly… It’s always the other guy. Can’t be my Senator!
Obama did promise us Change! This is not the change people wanted!!!!!!!!!!
When Congress is doing nothing….. they’re not fucking us.
May be a blessing in disguise.
Unhappy would be a dramatic understatement. Some of us down right have our blood boiling about the things these asshats have been doing to us without our consent. I see them wasting thousands of dollars just flying these Damn blackhawks, chinooks, p3 orions, c130’s above my house doing circles and shit with the aircraft either blacked out with subdued insignia or shiny aluminum with absolutely zero markings on them, just so you cowards know the flight plans have been mapped out and I’m watching for any changes. Personally I believe that the aircraft which are shiny aluminum which also happen to mostly be transport c130’s are under control of spetsnaz and or dhs so every tank or armored vehicle you see traveling down the railroad track or on the back of a semi there are hundreds of troops and cargo flying overhead. I’m fairly confident these aircraft are either flying into l3 at majors apt or ft hood either way not good.
Sometimes I feel like a three legged cat covering shit in an ice storm.
wars,wars and MORE wars
better get used to it
Pat says re the article:Yeah, he may be telling the truth. But why do these guys always come out of the woodwork years after the fact. It doesn’t mean a damn thing now unless he’s got proof which he doesn’t. If he’d said something at the time it might have meant something.
JayJay says: I second that!
We are the problem. We are the ones that have elected the idots in Washington. Too many people standing by with their hand out expecting Big Brother to take care of us. Wait till the system falls apart and it will not be long. God help us all.
interesting insights
8 Deadly Myths About Survival
I didn’t know 10% of the country are lobbyists. Surprising.
My dh said he read each CON gress person has 35 lobbyist.
According to a study by The Center for Responsive Politics, special interests paid Washington lobbyists $3.2 billion in 2008—more than any other year on record.
$32,523 per legislator per day.
harry reid needs to have a non lethal accident that will take him out of the senate temporarily requiring a substitue who will call all those pending bills, budget proposals to the floor for debate and vote. my goodness, would’nt that just frost obamas’ preserves! and would go a long way to ending some of the bull sh&* .
I like how you think! good post
And do you realize they have outsourced the counting of the votes to SCYTL a company from Spain and is a George Soros holding……We are so screwed
As ridiculous as this sounds, there are 10% of the population that are so awe struck with the government that they will approve of it right up until there are herded into some cattle car. To think that 1 in 10 people could approve of this mess, this utter train wreck shows something that is frightening. First of all these individuals are driving cars. Next at least half of them or better vote. All of these 10% have absolutely nothing prepared for disasters. There is an excellent statistical chance at least one of them is going to be on a every jury in the country. AND that 1 in 10 people could even give a slight approval rating shows either shear stupidity, no speak~a~the~english, or they are part of the pure corruption and evil.
Your statistics are correct, but your conclusion is backwards. Most people today hate congress because congress isn’t giving them more, [so-called] “free”, undeserved, unearned “goodies”.
You think I’m kidding? Go talk to “regular folks”. If you’re a liberty-advocate, this means DO NOT talk to your friends, who are grossly selected for being liberty-oriented too. So, at least at the start, go ask random people about your gripes, and they will OVERWHELMINGLY support every authoritarian abuse practiced by government, and spout back at you the totally bogus, clinically insane soundbite provided to them by TSA or other government agency PR department.
The USSA is FINISHED. It is FAR, FAR, FAR beyond hope. You better run (get out of dodge), or be very, extremely good at hiding in the extreme boonies somewhere — and be totally self-sufficient too.
The USSA is FINISHED… and after a few more decades of overt, blatant pain and agony, mankind will be finished too. All you proud liberty-advocates can thank yourselves too, for repeating blatant insanities like “we must fix things only by begging the predators-DBA-government to change the laws” and other overtly stupid things. The fact is, and always has been, that predators do not listen, they do not reason, they do not compromise — they destroy. By refusing to take real, physical action so long, you have doomed yourself and everyone else.
OK, here i go. CC and Arizona: Both of you are as FOS as a sewage treatment plant. I know LE and military have some bad apples, BUT ONLY A VERY SMALL % AT BEST! We all know what’s coming down the pike and it’s going to be primarily foreign troops on our streets and when they appear they will be fair game. My wife made the most difficult decision of her life in 1967 when she decided to leave her island nation of Cuba because of what the Castro brothers and their brand of evil did to her nation; some of her family including her father were among 200,000 Cubans to lose their lives to those butchers since 1959. She experienced a real live police state firsthand. The stories she told me about her life under Castro just blew me away. neither one of you morons could imagine it. I, for one, am ready to stand up and fight for this country. As for Congress, they along with the rest of the elites are the “useless eaters” as far as I’m concerned. The day of reckoning is coming. Take care and keep prepping.
“It is difficult to pinpoint precise causes for these extraordinarily negative views,…” Sorry, but I don’t think it is that difficult to figure out!!! In the most recent years most of our employees (Congressmen and President) have made themselves wealthy rigging the game. The very same way that Congress was except from the “wonderful” ObamaCareTAXX because they have something better going on! Do they want to realize that their pay comes from us “poor hard workers” in the real world? Absolutely not! There are happy in their pseudo-world.
Well, the Heart of America is ANGRY now. The stupid laws and Executive Orders since Obama took office have put so many more hurdles in everyone’s life…not to speak of what Obama’s policies have done done to business’ ability to create more jobs is immense (those on Capital Hill do not realize that they “create” anything…they only take from those that produce!)
I feel every so less secure in my own country now that they have bought enough HOLLOW POINT BULLETS to kill each and every one of us that disagrees with the policies now about 3 fold over. They aren’t going to shot those on the government tit! I am afraid in my own country and their job was to make me feel safe. What an EPIC FAIL!
Apologies to all…run and tonic fueled rant!
This is a test.
Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500 employees and has the following statistics:
29 have been accused of spousal abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
19 have been accused of writing bad checks
117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
3 have done time for assault
71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year
Y’all Beware! Can you guess which organization this is?
It’s the 535 members of the United States Congress. The same group that cranks out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.
Love it!
Now who has committed the most crimes? Anyone know?
I’m thinking it might be Rep. William Jefferson, the guy who had all that ca$h in his freezer.
“Nine-term Democratic Rep. William Jefferson of Louisiana was indicted .. on 16 federal counts of bribery, racketeering, fraud and money laundering. The indictment includes charges that he paid off a Nigerian official. Almost two years ago, investigators found $90,000 in cash in Jefferson’s freezer.”
Who else?
The sheeple will vote em all in for reelection
been happening for 100’s of years
rest my case
It makes perfect sense when you look at the vast amount of people working for, or supplying the government. Of course they all think congress is just great.
Americans need to get out of the voting booths and into
the streets.