This report was originally published by Paul Joseph Watson at Infowars.com
A leftist teacher celebrated the horrific massacre in Las Vegas because many of the victims are likely to have been “white Trump supporters”.
An anti-Trump activist with the Twitter name ‘Ann #TheResistance’ who is also a teacher reacted to the deadliest mass shooting in American history by tweeting, “Lots of white Trump supporters in Las Vegas at route 21 watching Jason aldean. Pray only Trumptards died! #prayforvegas.”
After the tweet began to go viral, the user deleted it and then wiped her entire account.
“Very disturbing that this woman is a teacher,” commented the Columbia Bugle. “Tragic that a woman as sick as her is teaching young minds.”
Appears she has deleted her account since her tweet. Tragic that a woman as sick as her is teaching young minds.
— The Columbia Bugle (@ColumbiaBugle) October 2, 2017
Another Twitter user lauded the massacre by tweeting, “Shooting at country music festival in Las Vegas?! Looks like revenge on those Trump supporters.”
If this kind of thing were rare, I wouldn't post it. It isn't. pic.twitter.com/uYdu6hYQQn
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) October 2, 2017
“I hope they killed more than 25 Trump supporters lol,” tweeted another.
Other leftists wasted no time in hijacking the tragedy to push for gun control, with the hashtag #GunControlNow trending on Twitter and Piers Morgan attempting to collectively impugn white men.
If the shooter was Muslim, we'd call this a terrorist attack.
This was a terrorist attack, committed by a 64-year-old white American. #vegas— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) October 2, 2017
The massacre is the deadliest ever on U.S. soil, with at least 50 dead and over 200 injured. The shooter has been named as 64 year-old Stephen Paddock. His motive remains unknown.
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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com.
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how about it, selco, are we THERE yet?
Don’t know about selco, but hell yeah we’re there – rid the Nation of “The Enemies From Within” … link up, bone up, fuck up !
YES it is way past time for a good cleaning!!!!!!!!!!!
Not even close, what selco went through was 1000 times worse
BTW, there ARE some GOOD teachers left, so don’t lump ALL of them together.
Some fishy stuff here about vegas. For one thing, windows in vegas hotels DO NOT OPEN, I read that they found the guy dead in his room, pretty convienient for the people that could have been using him as a patsy. I seriously doubt that guy could have shot and done so much damage by himself.
Get ready for the gun control parade again. They say he had full auto weapons but the lefties are too stupid to know they are ALREADY extremely restricted. Also read he converted to muslim (if it was him which I doubt). Smells like a CIA op….
The amount of rounds fired at one time indicates it was a belt fed machine gun. 2 windows on the same level shot out. So 2 different rooms and belt feed gun hmmmm… Some mexican woman warning people they were about to die? No fookin’ way it was 1 man.
Genius, agreed about it being fishy. I smell ‘antigun lobby false-flag operation’ all over this.
Absolutely. Just waiting for the Politicians (DemoCommuCrats) to start filing out to the T.V.’s screaming to have the 2nd Amendment Repealed.
This is DEFINITELY Another Psy-Op, yes, a Government Psy-Op. They will stop at Nothing to condemn, outlaw and Repeal the Second Amendment.
This is the give-away and is ALWAYS the case; the shooter kills themself just as or just before the Police get to them…. BULLS**T!!
I have gone over and over the first sequence of the shooting and ANYBODY who knows firearms will Know this too; there were at least two DIFFERENT weapons firing at the same time. Two different types of ammunition bursts AND, most noticeable, one “Rifle” went empty as the other continues firing. I would think it likely that one weapon discharged a large capacity “Clip” in the area of 30+ rounds and the other had a “Drum Magazine” with a 100+ rounds. This guy was a Patsy who never fired anything, he was killed by the real assassins who actually did the shooting.
You’re an absolute idiot! He shot the windows out! Unplug your computer in Mom’s basement and get outside…….go to work and get your head out of your rear end!
To all the leftist freaks out there celebrating the deaths of white people, STFU! Any of you want to challenge me on it then bring it. I don’t follow PC crap.
Lynn- YOU are an absolute idiot. He busted them out with a hammer, shit-for-brains!
I agree. I feel there was some “others” involved, whoever that may be. This guy probably had nothing to do with it.
This is DEFINITELY Another Psy-Op, yes, a Government Psy-Op. They will stop at Nothing to condemn, outlaw and Repeal the Second Amendment.
This is the give-away and is ALWAYS the case; the shooter kills themself just as or just before the Police get to them…. BULLS**T!!
I have gone over and over the first sequence of the shooting and ANYBODY who knows firearms will Know this too; there were at least two DIFFERENT weapons firing at the same time. Two different types of ammunition bursts AND, most noticeable, one “Rifle” went empty as the other continues firing. I would think it likely that one weapon discharged a large capacity “Clip” in the area of 30+ rounds and the other had a “Drum Magazine” with a 100+ rounds. This guy was a Patsy who never fired anything, he was killed by the real assassins who actually did the shooting.
The time is almost upon us, were we will have to make a stand against dangerous people like her. Because if people like her ever get into positions of power over us, they will surly use that power to kill us.
Not the largest…
I remember Happy Land in the Bronx, when I was younger..
Less than 1-gallon of gasoline used in that.
“An arsonist who torched 87 people at Happy Land club…”
Ya, but that is an arson, not the largest mass shooting.
She’s a hateful idiot. Doesn’t speak for liberals, democrats, teachers, or anyone but herself.
Quit trying to make it about partisan conflict. God knows we have enough of that already with nuts like Michael Snyder running for Congress.
Maybe he was just a nutcase, but I’m thinking at this point that he was probably motivated by partisan political agenda’s and rhetoric.
If so, the usual case is that you have to dig and dig into the news to find mention of it, it won’t be in the headlines (the way it would be if they found, say, a MAGA hat in his hotel room or house).
You are the NUT!!!!!!
I’ve read postings in this forum where the self styled “Real Americans” celebrate and wish for the death of people with the opposing political view.
Disgusting polarization from either side that is anything but American.
I despise Democrats.
I would not miss them if they all died.
It is not polarization, it is
self defense. I live in single
party state and I live constantly
in fear of the government which
is Democrat. Fortunately they
collectively are so incompetent,
that I’m relatively safe.
Take all of those on the Left and dump gallons of burning Napalm all over their heads and save America – save the world actually!
Folks, whether or not this is labeled as a terrorist attack, revenge killing, etc. one thing is for certain. Do not ever rule out a false flag event. As has often been said on this site, all you have to do is stir something up in one place to distract attention and carry something else out in another. Also, do not ever underestimate the liberals! Another tragedy to take advantage of! Do not get me wrong, the absolute worst thing in this narrative is the loss of human life! That must be first and foremost, but never, ever underestimate TPTB and how heinous and insidious their actions can be! The ripples from this event coupled with the other mass shootings this country has experienced over the last decade could very well have ramifications yet unseen. Everyone; STAY VIGILENT AND PREP!
I totally agree with you – how convenient that the lone shooter killed himself – probably programmed to do that – let alone all the fire power – it will be a deep state psy – op I am sure – probably CIA – who knows for sure – getting to the point one cannot go to any public arenas – they would never do that at a NFL game for instance – too many $$ involved
I thought the deadliest mass shooting was in Orlando. Easy to tell when the official story is a lie, the suspect is never proven guilty and always disappears completely from the fake news msm.
Yeah, that disheartening is usually the tip off to what really happened.
The deadliest shooting in US history has name. It was called Wounded Knee. Roughly 300 women and children, who were disarmed, were shot and killed by the government. Funny, the gun control folks never mention that one.
And what happened to his girlfriend? First they said they were interviewing here. Then the news said she flew out of the country the very next day, and then i hear they are going to “interview” her again….but how can they when she is out of the country?!! FISHY!! And of those poor people who died – how many had dogs and cats at home waiting for them? How come they never mention that?
1,000,000,000,0000,000,000 FLASE FLAG TO TRIGGER THE CIVIL WAR.
Remember Jim in the Va the mental health patient, I know that you are a mental patient and feel for you, but you need help. Old guy told you all, don’t listen to Hicks. He is too paranoid, worries too much, this type of stuff will never happen.
I told you all about this Month, didn’t I. The cabal has one last month to trigger SHTF. Good luck with that you rat bastards. Don’t try that shit I Texas, Texas patriots don’t put up with false flag.
According to Paul Martin east coast Black Ops source in the last Hodges interview. Hodges Alabama source told him that the UN equipment is massing and literally surrounding the Northern part of Alabama. Its obvious that they Muslim UN, is up to something. Alex Jones was at the shooting range this past weekend and saw muslim women in full burkas firing fully automatic AR’s and Ak’s, and the he had to leave when he was being followed around by them and the muslim men. They are getting to ready to wipe us off the map. Well, no surprise around here. I just finally got some more SHTF supplies delivered today in my office that I have been waiting on for over 6 weeks, since supplies are wiped out. If this is the crap that’s going on the 2nd of October, one can only imagine what the hell is coming next? Guys, tough guy me is worried like everyone else.
October 2017-2025? You be the judge.
Onward to the SHTF EVENT Horizon.
Hang in there HCKS!
Hicks..I’m not a mental health patient I.m a resident of Virginia. get your facts right for crying out loud! You are the one going off the deep end. how about increasing your meds and getting your facts right before flooding this site with your mess.
Jim, I had to step in and get on HCKS’ ass. I’m starting to think everyone’s right about HCKS being a nutjob.
HCKS, WHOA THERE about Jim in VA. Jim is NOT a mental patient. Jim in VA is one of the BEST posters on this site. Maybe some of the others are right about YOU being the nutcase
Thanks Brave…..he’s driving the wrong way on a one way street, he needs to chill.
We are in deep do-do if the muslim women are learning to shoot. They can easily hide guns under their burkas!
The posters here call for violence like this every day. The website owner does not decry them or delete them. Anyone who wishes for the death of others is sick. No American patriot would call for murder. Murder is a violation of all religions. Remember, it took the founders YEARS to discuss and decide on the declaration and then the revolution. It was a last resort to decades of tyranny. Thomas Jefferson did not mount a bell tower with ten muskets and start shooting at British troops. Grow up and get help, gun nuts. We need peace in the world, not more hate.
Storm Drain: Don’t be so naive, my little one. Peace in this country and especially within this world – yeah, good luck with that one pal. When the SHTF, I will think of you for all of 1 second as I change my magazine and take care of business. Speaking of nuts, maybe you need to bust one for real. And no, your left hand does not count Sparky.
CC, stormy sounds like a wimp.
one notch lower-a whimp.
I have been peaceful all my life, was raised that way, the others drew first blood, repayment will be rough
Stormy, it’s really the libturd nutjob groups like antifa, Black CRIMINAL Lives Matter, LGBT groups feminazis, etc. who have no problem calling for violence and destruction against white, conservative, Christian people. We don’t have any obligation to let evildoers have their way with us. People who believe in self-defense are not nuts and don’t need help. WTF would you do if you suffered a home invasion and the thugs starting raping your wife and/or your daughters? Sorry pal but pacifism is for dreamers, not real people.
@stormy. perhaps you could benefit from the support group for all those “wishing for peace” that is being held in downtown los angeles today. please report to the phone booth at the corner of 6th and crenshaw streets at 6pm…..they apologize that a smaller venue could not be found on such short notice.
The Left and MSM seem too overjoyed about this.
Watch Paddock turn out to be some Leftist, Muslim, or Antifa type (maybe a combination of all three).
In any event, I’d be willing to bet he had a criminal (and probably psychiatric) history that should have warned he was dangerous and should have been dealt with before this happened.
I doubt very much it was him.
Well, he was there in the room, had the weapons to do it, and killed himself to avoid capture.
It’s not likely someone else was in there with him and escaped out a 32nd floor window to avoid being seen and leaving his body behind to be found and blamed. Or that he wouldn’t be seen making that escape with so much attention from the outside focused on those windows.
it’s too hard for you to believe the CIA or some other three letter agency couldn’t hire a whole FLOOR…..or even a whole HOTEL to do a false flag?
November 4th is coming…mark it on your calendars and have your weapons ready.!!!!!
What is the significance of Nov. 4th?
I think the Left said they are going to riot on Nov 4th and block the highways.
Really having a problem believeing that a 64 year old could get this many shots off in that amount of time and hit this many people
You know the narrative is a singe gun man
I’m not buying it
And how convenient that he’s dead when they finally storm his room
This smells way different than the surrounding msm story they are pushing
Too many huge open holes in this version of events
*single gunman
Someone tell me how we know for sure that any of these shooters are dead. For all we know they could be living in the lap of luxury under a new identy
It sure sounds like full auto fire to me in the videos that are out there.
It’s a setup/false flag. 2 windows were shot out in different rooms.
I wondered about that. Could it be the same suite?
No, they are way too far apart.
There’s nowhere safe. And surely not in a large crowd.
The guy’s brother said it’s completely out of character for him. It is no doubt a flag event. Sucks really bad and the lone wolf white guy narrative is circulating already.
This is DEFINITELY Another Psy-Op, yes, a Government Psy-Op. They will stop at Nothing to condemn, outlaw and Repeal the Second Amendment.
This is the give-away and is ALWAYS the case; the shooter kills themself just as or just before the Police get to them…. BULLS**T!!
I have gone over and over the first sequence of the shooting and ANYBODY who knows firearms will Know this too; there were at least two DIFFERENT weapons firing at the same time. Two different types of ammunition bursts AND, most noticeable, one “Rifle” went empty as the other continues firing. I would think it likely that one weapon discharged a large capacity “Clip” in the area of 30+ rounds and the other had a “Drum Magazine” with a 100+ rounds. This guy was a Patsy who never fired anything, he was killed by the real assassins who actually did the shooting.
My bet is there were others, 32 floors, the first responders would take a while to clear the access point, gunman? Knew this, who was in adjacent rooms? Hiding? Worked there?
Lots of questions,
Sure its possible, just not propable
He had an automatic weapon, dum-dum. They are made specifically to slaughter lots of people quickly and efficiently.
The fascist/communist left MURDERED over 100 million last century, per The Black Book of Communism, so this comes as no surprise. This misanthropy started with the first leftist movement under Robespierre, and has NEVER changed.
For the most part, Stormy, it has been us “gun nuts” with our weapons at hand who PREVENTED a great many of these hideous massacres. It is the “haters” like this man who must be dealt with by any means possible to bring an end to this cycle of hatred and violence so that it no longer serves any purpose. As for the posters calling for violence here, they always infer a method of self-defense in the face of such actions. You really need to pay closer attention to what is posted here.
it DOES say in the bible, that the other cheek shall be turned, until you’ve had enough of chewing on your cheeks. then ye shall kick ass and take names, and the victimized shall be left in a ditch…..naked, and bleeding….from an orifice……doesn’t it? i KNOW i read that in there. well, it might not have been in those EXACT words.
Blame this shooting on the left. The next one on the Right. Sounds like a ploy to keep America divided. Wake up folks it’s all in the plan. The out come that has The Politicians dying of fright. Would be Right and Left standing as one.
The war is chewish bankers versus all peoples.
Others need to unite and destroy all monopolies, esp. INFORMATION and MONEY.
MONOPOLY- State enforced monopolies- are the basic enemy.
So far the facts are very few and not verified. Stay away from crowds. Do Not go anyplace you are not allowed to carry your weapon. The Teacher needs to be fired. Im certain she will try and force her vile belief on to her students. I don’t like the way the left keeps on hateing?
This attack I believe was done intentionally by the german natzi cabal to gauge the Patriots to see how they react and how we will respond. You see they have to role out the chi-com, and UN in military uniform eventually to kill us in public. I heard some of the people that were taken our were cops. Keep pulling that shit and keep pissing off the cops, you don’t them that well that they are on our side. They have planned since Jade helm 2015, the UN military equipment is here, right here is Texas and all states, they just positioned assets in Northern Alabama. Hodges sources just confirmed one MASSIVE UN BATALLION IN ALABAMA. They want to see how we react. Let me help you cabalist pedofiles and tell you fucks something. When you start that civil war, the patriots will start a revolutionary war parallel to your war. Then once you show them that America is done, that its violence, shootings rapes, murders and non stop killing of the American people all over the US continent. This is when the fun starts. You fucks might was well go to your DUMBS BECAUSE YOU WILL BE NEEDED THEM BECAUSE IF WE CATCH YOU FUCKERS, YOUR GOING TO PAY THE PRICE.
Cut back on the coffee HCKS!….and thats Jim in VIRGINIA!
Stephen Paddock is Jimmy Shifflett.
I have to agree Old Guy, that teacher must be fired.
The fact that he had cameras in the hall leaves questions, also. If there were two or more suspects, they could have run to (or from) a nearby room before police arrived, possibly shooting the suspect upon leaving the scene, not likely, but possible.
At any rate, it is curious that the Bedwarmer was not there…(out of the country?)….really? How convenient. Safe in Communist mooslime country, I would bet? She has answers.
Which ones work with the CIA ops…?
No, i don’t think she went to a muslim country. The radio said something about Philipines or someplace like that, but not a muslim country. Why was she allowed to leave???!!!
I do not see one person doing this. Do you realize how far up in the air 32 stories is?This sounds just like the cia.I doubt the truth will come out any time soon.
The last great persecution of the Cristian church? Now the Tares they burn.
False Flag…
If President Trump were to support, enact some form of Gun Control… I would expect at least 80% of his base to walk away from him. SO, if you are the Democratic Party of GS that would make your day… How else to take down President Trump, loose his base support…
Huh? Interesting us and them–sounds like some of you would massacre just for belief but under the guise of your political beliefs. You might have even hoped that some of these people could have been leftest liberals–I can see that their is the same sentiment in what you post.
Alex Jones – and I take him with a grain of salt – said 2 weeks ago that October will be the month that the shadow government will make their move. An insider told him that the SG planned to target music events, sporting events etc. where large people gather. There will be multiple attacks and Jones also said that the President will be killed. So far 1 incident has come to pass, will there be others? The SG want civil war. This way they can divide the country and Marshall law can be imposed. Reflect back to Orlando. The same MO occurred there. Do you remember any info coming out? Do you remember the MSM going quiet after the first couple of days? Then nothing. Talk at the time said that there was no way he could have shot the amount of people he did. witnesses also remember the doors being locked and one witness saw a hooded man standing in front of a door. Something is very wrong including the flip flopping of the President.