Joe Rogan is once again making headlines, but as we’ve mentioned before, is far from a liberty or freedom activist. Most people are absolutely fine with harming, stealing from, and acting out against those who refuse to be slaves to any form of government, and Rogan just proved, he’s one of those.
What’s wrong with wanting true freedom? Nothing. Unless you’re a coward and statist (but hose are synonyms). If you cannot live your life without a master and need to constantly defend what y9our master is doing, you have a form of Stockholm syndrome, which is a mental disorder.
To be clear, Rogan does not deserve to be censored, but as human beings, we need to decide if we are going to listen to his illogical rantings and support of the slave state. As for me, personally, slavery is unacceptable in any form, even if you call it “government.” Therefore, deep state or not, the problem is that a throne exists, not that there’s a “puppet” on it.
The Freedom Convoy Is Great, but Justin Trudeau Is Only the Surface of the Problem
In an interview with former CIA officer Mike Baker, Rogan made his case. “One of the things that the tinfoil-hat brigade likes to talk about is the deep state,” he said.
“They always like to talk about the deep state. What I was saying is, what if we didn’t have a deep state?” he continued. “Do you know how f–ed we would be if we didn’t have career politicians and career intelligence agencies? People who are there for a long period of time who do understand it.” –Yahoo News
“Listen, I’ve disrespected Joe Biden enough, I don’t think I should do it anymore,” he stated. “I’ve said enough about him being mentally incompetent. He’s just compromised, he’s an old guy. We know everyone knows, the guy is falling apart.”
Joe Rogan Backs Down And Vows To “Do Better” At Obeying The Rulers
Rogan is nothing but a slave, like most others on this slave planet. It’s time to open our eyes to what’s really going on, and the problem is, and has always been the slavery we are all subjected to.
“The best slave is the one who thinks he is free.”―
“The illusion of freedom is just another sort of prison.”— Lisa Mantchev
“With thinking men, the question can never arise, who ought to be free? Because no one ought to be free. All government is slavery.“ — George Fitzhugh
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
An older woman in Wyoming has been hospitalized with bird flu. This marks Wyoming's first human...
Another type of avian influenza has been reported in a backyard flock in Canada. Highly pathogenic...
According to former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, a Ukrainian drone strike on an...
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C’mon…Rogan got a lot of street cred. He moderated a show called Fear Factor where people ate bugs and he was an announcer for the UFC where people beat the shit out of each other in a cage.
I like to listen to Rogan sometimes, but he is in it for the money…not “liberty” or “freedom”. Expecting more than middle-of-the-road from him is a mistake.
Never listened to the guy. Heard of him. Guess I didn’t miss much. IN OTHER NEWS: Putin wants rubles for oil and gas! Ha, were fooked again. Goodbye petrodollar. hello poverty from hell. Partnering up with the rest of the world to get rid of US and our BS. War is definate now. With the perfect poopets in charge to be the fall guys. The coming destruction of the US will be mind blowing (financially). Whatever the owners can do to fook us they have and will continue. Ah well, I had a good life. Tell yer kids bye bye. Were gonna go down faster than the titanic….
Bullshit. Russia’s economy is the exact same size as the state of Texas. The world doesn’t need Russian oil or gas. Quit spreading fear and disinfo.
Good luck with that paradigm. Russia has all it needs, and is a founding member of what is going to replace you. You’re circling the drain and you’ve got nowhere left to go. Smile as you go down but you’re going down the drain bloke.
What an idiot, we would be so much better if it was not for the deep state.
hey baker….
you got a cold? or you been down to see my man Tobias in miami?
Rogan would think that shit is funny …maybe baker too..lol
“We are being
to view our
as selfish”
Psst….Rogan’s one of them.
He’d not have the success and platform if he wasn’t in “The Church”. The oldest religion on earth and they love to flaunt it. Look for their hand-signs. Even the few I want to believe in show them and it’s simply not a coincidence or joke. Besides the joke being on us. It is the oldest religion on earth. The one they always forget when debating which one that is.
Yes, Joe is the Deep State’s new Timothy Leary. $100 million contract outs him as a Deep State cluck.
I agree that no one should be censored, but I believe Joe is part of the deep state. The rumor is that he is part of the FreeMasons/illuminati (They are the deep state/new world order/the cabal/WEF/Council on Foreign Relation/Skull and Bones, etc, etc). There is a long video on Health Impact News that goes over all of the masons, etc. Crazy stuff. I suggest you check into it.
And if your on some kind of medication, kiss that bye bye too. Better stock up asap. Or find a natural substitute (which you should have anyway). You can grow your own medicine if you have too.
Look up anything at “herbreference dot com”
thanks, Genius.I’ll check it out.
As for Rogan. I can’t stand this guy. Hes no
different than kosher Howard Stern. Two loud
mouths, foul-mouthed tools. With nothing to offer
but blah blah blah. Were all done. Some into
further enslavement, some euthanized, and some
firing squads in the streets. Either way, it’s pretty well
guaranteed. They’re in full swing.
good luck yall
Funny that at the bottom of the article it says “SHTFPLAN is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.”
So you use the system exactly as he does…. Glass houses bro…
I get it. You gotta fund the website and provide a living. It’s expensive.. and Amazon provides a decent and easy way to do that. I like your site. You write great articles. But your participating in the same system as Joe. You can’t have it both ways.
Just some food for thought
Love the site.
Agree that Joe Rogan is just a comedian.
We are all out to protect and build OURS though and your Amazon affiliation most certainly shows that. I’ll stay off my soap box but maybe you should strengthen yours.
A Just Cause: Oh, you noticed that too. And yes, they CAN have it both ways, as evidence right here, right NOW. It’s true; all the world’s a stage.
agree or disagree and I do both about equally when it comes to Rogan’s podcast.
admittedly I cherry pick which episodes to watch.
but there is one recurring question that
all you MSM font slingers and talking heads have to ask yourself …one question…
why is that podcast so wildly popular?
if you think it’s because people like me and millions of others are just dumbasses….
well maybe you should keep dry humping that keyboard or green screen for another 20 years until you figure it out.
hardly an episode goes by (at least the ones I watch) that Rogan doesn’t encourage MSM to ask why his podcast is #1 and has more views than all of them put together.
so ask yourself that and don’t make shit up.
this week’s “Media Hat Tip” goes out to Howie Carr at the Boston Herald
well said my man…
ht tps://www.bostonherald.com/2022/03/19/howie-carr-oh-now-we-remember-hunter-biden-and-his-laptop/
The collaborators used to say that all the intellectuals would join the Party, so at least they would have some creative freedom in a uniform, rather than spending all their time, actually resisting.
And, those risque talkshow hosts always seem to a find a point, when some man in black comes to visit, and asks for a favor…
Sixth plank of Karl Marx’ Communist Manifesto — Centralization of the means of communications and transportation in the hands of the State.
You were never realistically allowed to own your own tv or radio station broadcast tower, to say what you want free-and-clear.
All of these public speakers have their breaking point and were never… ever going to bring you up to the level of self-ownership, nor self-sufficiency, particularly not to own the means of production.
He is Controlled opposition, sure he had the interview with Dr. Malone on the MRNA shots.
Why no follow up on the 9 pages of possible side effects that big pharma is looking for?
It’s all about the Benjamin’s when you got a 100 million dollar contract.
A more accurate question would be is, is Big Brother a benefit or not anymore? The Deep State only covers the State – not non-state actors.
After all, we live in a world of Little Brother non-state actors who have become every bit as dangerous if not more than the Deep State, who can force the hand of the State and therefore the Deep State.
Behind COVID-1984 and Biden’s Bearbait wars are non-state actors.
Remember dear sheeple no one gets famous and lots of free press if they aren’t part of the deep state at some level. Rogan is next to impossible to listen to and has the vocabulary of a 6 year old. The deep state are the problem. Life is not complicated and they are not needed.
You won’t even be interviewed as a witness, by the media if you’re involved in some kind of newsworthy event, unless you’ve been pre-selected.
Really? He said that? Then he is compromised and NOBODY should listen to him anymore.
Listen to everything, with due diligence and common sense. You’ll have to do this, glean what truth there is and never, ever, place your faith in any man. The logical implication of what you suggest would mean we’d all be left listening to our own heartbeats.
And there always has been and always will be that little thing called . . . ‘an offer you can’t refuse’
Imagine giving more a fuck about his opinions than they are worth. Just imagine that. Imagine “listening” to him. I never liked listening to him. I went to his show ever on accident and ONLY because I wanted to hear from the person he was interviewing. And that was rarely, and I kep tabs on him only because he was somewhat forcibly made relevant by the Deep State. In fact, if it weren’t for the Fifth Column and their activities, I wouldn’t have even noticed someone like Joe Rogan. Now that I have actually heard hin talk from his own heart’s abundance, I no longer need event be faintly concerned with him.
And so, every able-bodied soul must throw down from the parapets and raise Hummingbirds and such. Drink plenty of koolaide wine and move to Dearborn MI. Or vice-versa, or neither, at one’s pleasure, then, stop killing snakes in the wild. Even my pooch doesn’t do that. But exterminating vermin is OK.
Romans 6:20-22
Read it and see we are all slaves to a master…those redeemed are slaves to the Lord Jesus Christ and those still dead in sin are slaves to sin and master of sin is Satan…
the hypocrisy and fallacy of thinking you are free is far from the truth.
As a Muslim, one we also await the return of Jesus, whom is to us the greatest prophet. However, we are slaves only to Allah. This doctrinal difference aside, you should understand the war in which we are enegaged has many levels. One which most Westerners are not aware is this. There is on one side Jews and Catholics. They have been opposed to the other side,, for over 1000 years, when they first launched their crusades which destroyed Constantinople and laid waste the Middle East at it’s Golden Age of Islam. The greatest Christian Empire and Muslim Empires were set upon by Jewish popes and catholic Kings. This was at the root of the two world wars also. It is also the root of the problem in Ukraine and the aim is once again a great war between the Jewish/Catholic dominated West and the Orthodox/Liberal Muslims of the East.
As a Muslim, one we also await the return of Jesus, whom is to us the greatest prophet. However, we are slaves only to Allah. This doctrinal difference aside, you should understand the war in which we are engaged has many levels. One which most Westerners are not aware is this. There is on one side Jews and Catholics. They have been opposed to the other side,, for over 1000 years, when they first launched their crusades which destroyed Constantinople and laid waste the Middle East at it’s Golden Age of Islam. The greatest Christian Empire and Muslim Empires were set upon by Jewish popes and catholic Kings. This was at the root of the two world wars also. It is also the root of the problem in Ukraine and the aim is once again a great war between the Jewish/Catholic dominated West and the Orthodox/Liberal Muslims of the East.
Ecclesiastes 10:6-7, I Timothy 6:13-25
Mordecai would not bow, although it is written that the faithful would be given crowns.
Simple explanation, it’s a phenomenon that repeats. A talking head gains popularity spouting what is actual truth. Once they gain a huge following, the “powers that should not be” pull the plug and leave them no choice but to mislead their audience into a more desirable thought paradigm. It has happened before. Rush attended JBS meetings in Kansas City during his stint as a ticket salesman for the Royals. There; he learned the truth about the Tri-Lateral Commission, the Council On Foreign Relations, and the plan for a One World Government. When he got a chance at a talk show on KFBK, Sacramento, he had something to talk about, he was revealing the existence of what would much later be known as the Deep State. What is not widely known is that he had the attention of the Deep State and was invited to the George H.W. Bush White House. There, I suspect, he received his instructions on how to have a bright and successful future. I loved Rush, was a loyal listener, but I understood that his support of NAFTA, his ridiculing of Ross Perot (who was right about NAFTA), Rush’s support of the Iraq wars, his support of the Patriot Act, support of W’s $700,000,000 bank bailout, and his once open denial to a caller that a conspiracy to create a One World Government exists; was necessary for him to continue on as a public commentator. Public personalities who openly reveal the Deep State are either ridiculed into obscurity; converted into pied pipers, or eliminated. Another example: Congressman Larry P. McDonald gave a televised speech in front of Congress and appeared live on the PBS show, Crossfire. He said “There is an elitist core in this country that has seen value in subsidizing communism, in protecting communism. There is an elite core in this country that has dominated American society (the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations) that have dominated the State Department for forty years and pretty much openly so. Their objective is to bring about a gradual transition in our society, a dissolving of sovereignty, and a moving steadily to the left on the political spectrum … on the road to world government.” Congressman Larry McDonald, Crossfire around May of 1983. McDonald just happened to have been a passenger on Korean Flight 007, “accidentally” shot down by a Russian Mig over the Sea Of Japan.
Trust me: it is the ‘deep state’ that ensures you can travel across the planet safely and all you have to do is flash a US passport.
The deep state does all the stuff necessary that your average ninny man could never do. There are backward cultures, races, ethnicities. Who do you think disciplines them; makes sure they get back in line, say, for example, after inner city rioting?
When the number of homeless and drug addled gets too much, who makes them go away?
Who makes the sun shine?, chases the rain ☔️ away? It is the deep state man, he makes the world ? A-OK ?
The more famous they
become and the more money
they receive – the more
compromised they become.