This article was contributed by Future Money Trends.Â
National polls will tell you which candidate has more support in general, but in the U.S., each and every citizen does not vote on a national level, but on a state-by-state level. In other words, if one resides in California, they will influence which candidate will win in their state alone.
This might create a situation where the popular vote, which is the candidate who gets the most total votes, does not become president.
John Quincy Adams in 1824, Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876, Benjamin Harrison in 1888, George W. Bush in 2000, and Donald Trump in 2016 all won despite losing in the popular vote.
This system, where each resident can only influence locally, is called the electoral college, and it is only practiced in the United States, even though surveys show that between 60% and 80% of Americans don’t approve of it.
Each state also gets to send two senators to the Senate.
Here’s how this works in real life: in Texas, there are just over 25M residents, so it has 36 congressmen in the House. A state like Vermont is tiny, with less than 650,000 residents, so it has one congressman. The way the electoral college works is Texas gets 36 votes for each congressman and two for its Senators, so it’s worth 38 votes in Tuesday’s elections, compared with Vermont’s 1 congressman + 2 Senators, which gets them 3 votes on Tuesday.
This is just one example. What this does is make it so that each vote is not equal to another due to the number of residents each delegate ends up representing.
Take Oregon, which will vote for Biden. It is worth seven votes. Its population is 4.2M, so it means each delegate is in charge of 600,000 voters (4,200,000 / 7 = 600,000). In other words, every 600,000 people are worth one vote. In red-voting Montana, there are 1.07M residents, which influence three votes, so every 356,000 voters are worth a delegate. This makes their votes more valuable.
In 2016, in New York, a blue state, 2.8M people voted for Trump, but since Hillary got 4.5M votes, those people’s political opinions got buried.
This system goes back to the early part of the United States when it made more sense, but it seems to be inefficient for the 21st century.
Back to the markets, we can see that as hedge fund manager David Einhorn says, fundamentals have begun mattering since September 2nd because liquidity isn’t enough to move prices higher anymore.
This is a warning sign shouting at us.
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The failed ideology and circular logic of the fake revolutionaries was once again demonstrated on Sputnik’s Critical Hour with political cartoonist guest Ted Rall, who basically fell back on the ends justify the means and by any means necessary mentality, which are counter-intuitive, counter-revolutionary ideologies because a revolution cannot be based on lies. If a so called rebolution is based on lies, it guarntees a permanent state of chaos and social unrest because many individuals would be denied justice since the fake revolution would be based on lies. A revolution that denies justice is not a revolution, it is tyranny.
Ted Rall claimed that something good may come out of the covid crisis but is not willing to acknowledge, at least not on pro-covid tyranny Sputnik, that the covid response is a Scamdemic based on scientific and economic fraud. The United States was under unprecedented crisis during 9/11, which was another creat a crisis event by insiders and created no revolution. The 2008 financial crisis was challenged by the Occupy Movement which was shut down and failed to create any revolutionary change as well.
In fact, the only successful attempts for revolutionary change have been instituted by ending corruption and exposing bad actors and uniting on the truth. The Joseph McCarthy hearings, Watergate hearings, and the Pentagon paper hearings were all examples of this, and the end of slavery, the womens surffrage movement, and black voter intimidation, also relied on the truth movement and a society that united around the rights of individuals and demanded that the rights of those individuals be allowed to flourish.
Andrea Iravani
The failed ideology and circular logic of the fake revolutionaries was once again demonstrated on Sputnik’s Critical Hour with political cartoonist guest Ted Rall, who basically fell back on the ends justify the means and by any means necessary mentality, which are counter-intuitive, counter-revolutionary ideologies because a revolution cannot be based on lies. If a so called revolution is based on lies, it guarntees a permanent state of chaos and social unrest because many individuals would be denied justice since the fake revolution would be based on lies. A revolution that denies justice is not a revolution, it is tyranny.
Ted Rall claimed that something good may come out of the covid crisis but is not willing to acknowledge, at least not on pro-covid tyranny Sputnik, that the covid response is a Scamdemic based on scientific and economic fraud. The United States was under unprecedented crisis during 9/11, which was another create a crisis event by insiders and created no revolution. The 2008 financial crisis was challenged by the Occupy Movement which was shut down and failed to create any revolutionary change as well.Â
In fact, the only successful attempts for revolutionary change have been instituted by ending corruption and exposing bad actors and uniting on the truth. The Joseph McCarthy hearings, Watergate hearings, and the Pentagon paper hearings were all examples of this, and the end of slavery, the womens surffrage movement, and black voter intimidation, also relied on the truth movement and a society that united around the rights of individuals and demanded that the rights of those individuals be allowed to flourish.
Andrea Iravani
The retarded hacker won’t stop hacking. It is all that the hacker is capable of doing. Hacking and causing typos. What kind of total failure would waste their limited time on earth doing something so pointless and destructive?
Where I come from the people will overwhelmingly vote to re-elect Pres. DT. Not only do we much prefer DT’s policies and proven record, but around here Biden and his family is seen as white trash. If Biden was running for any local office here he would not even be considered a viable candidate. Rather, a local public service organization would be making sure he was taken to his doctor appointments and getting his meals on wheels. And without the clout of being a VP, the rest of the trash in his family would have been held responsible for crimes committed.