This article was originally published by Lisa Egan at Tess Pennington’s ReadyNutrition.com
Tess is the author of The Prepper’s Blueprint: How To Survive ANY Disaster
It’s almost that time of year again: the sniffling, aching, coughing, feverish misery that is flu season.
In the United States, “flu season” occurs during fall and winter. The exact timing and duration of flu seasons can vary, but influenza activity often begins to increase in October. Flu activity typically peaks between December and February, but activity can last as late as May, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The CDC is pushing hard for everyone to get the flu vaccination, but due to the flawed science behind the egg-based manufacturing process and the 2017-18 botched flu vaccination, many doubt it’s really worth it. Fortunately, there are things you can do to reduce your risk of contracting the flu, but we will get to that later in this article.
US health officials are trying to get ahead of the flu this year to avoid a tragic recurrence of the 2017-2018 flu season, which the CDC claims led to 900,000 hospitalizations and 80,000 deaths, including 180 children. So many people caught the flu that it was at epidemic levels and some hospitals and pharmacies across the US ran out of antiviral drugs like Tamiflu.
According to a recent article published by Bloomberg, the flu vaccine is expected to be more accurate this season. In the Southern Hemisphere, influenza activity hasn’t been too bad so far, which is a good sign for the US and Canada, the article says.
However, it is still too early to predict what things will be like once the virus starts spreading. The only thing that is predictable about the flu is its unpredictability.
Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security, warns:
“It really exposed how vulnerable we are. It seems like we’re in a better position this year. But it’s the flu and it can do a lot of tricky things, so we won’t know for sure until the season begins in earnest.”
Bloomberg’s report also notes that vaccine science is “flawed”:
Drugmakers still grow vaccines in chicken eggs – a technique developed in the 1940s. Eggs don’t support all virus types and allow for mutations in the ones they do. The process takes at least six months, allowing time for circulating viruses to change and adapt.
Bruce Clark, the chief executive officer of Medicago, a company that owns the first plant-based seasonal flu vaccine to reach late-stage clinical trials, explains that “Human viruses were never meant to grow in eggs. The basic technology of growing vaccines in eggs has been a solution historically because we had no other options.”
Egg-related complications are what led to problems with the 2017-2018 season’s vaccines, according to Nathalie Landry, Medicago’s senior vice president of research and development. That’s because certain types of H3N2 can’t be grown in eggs without mutations that make vaccines less effective.
What is the CDC doing to help people prepare for this flu season?
Promoting vaccination, mostly – take a look at the agency’s Frequently Asked Flu Questions 2018-2019 Influenza Season and you’ll see an abundance of information about all the different vaccination options that are available, which viruses they will protect against, when to get vaccinated, and information on how many people get sick (and die) from the flu each year.
The agency does have a page that is dedicated to other ways people can avoid the flu called Preventing the Flu: Good Health Habits Can Help Stop Germs. Here, one can find useful common sense guidelines, like:
While “practice other good health habits” is wise advice, unfortunately, the CDC does not elaborate other than this blurb:
Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food.
Perhaps an agency called the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention should put a lot more emphasis on educating the public on prevention.
What YOU can do to prepare for the flu season
Rather than relying on a government health agency to guide you, there are steps you can take to get your family through flu season.
Boosting your immune system before a virus has had a chance to invade is far easier than bringing your health back from a full-on flu assault.
The common-sense flu prevention tips offered by the CDC and listed above are certainly useful, but there’s a LOT more you can do.
In the article The Flu Fighting Arsenal: 5 Ways to Naturally Stop the Flu Dead In Its Tracks, Tess Pennington explains that “the best defense is a natural one”, and discusses how to boost your immune system and add some natural flu preventatives to your flu arsenal. Eating a healthful diet, drinking plenty of water, taking vitamins to supplement your diet, and getting plenty of good quality sleep can all help you stay healthy during cold and flu season.
Vitamin C and Zinc, in particular, are helpful immune-boosters. Since our bodies do not naturally make Vitamin C, we need to get it through supplementation in order to boost our bone, muscle, cartilage and vascular health. The best way to get Vitamin C is right from the source. Rather than taking a GMO vitamin, make your own vitamin C powder.
Should the flu descend upon your family despite your best efforts to avoid it, there are things you can do to reduce your suffering.
First, let’s review flu symptoms as a refresher.
Symptoms generally include:
Natural flu remedies
While none of these remedies will actually “cure” the flu, they can ease your symptoms and aid healing.
Homemade elderberry syrup: Elderberries have a long history of use for colds and flu. Studies suggest that elderberry extract may offer potent anti-virus-fighting, immune-boosting, and anti-inflammatory effects. Research has found that not only can elderberry ease symptoms for those with the flu, but it can also help prevent influenza infection. To make your own elderberry syrup, try this recipe.
For more homemade natural flu medicine recipes, please see these articles: Natural Flu Medicines From Around the Web and Cold and Flu Remedies from the Pantry.
Herbal teas and tinctures offer an abundance of medicinal benefits. You can buy herbs and organic raw unfiltered honey in bulk, and you’ll have plenty leftover to make more syrup throughout the flu season.
Here is a list of great herbs to add to your natural medicine cabinet:
Add honey, lemon, ginger syrup to herbal teas.
Essential oils can also be used for assisting in relieving a myriad of medical ailments associated with the flu. Some more popular ways of using essential oils are aromatherapy, herbal soaks, compresses, tinctures, and salves.
You can make a steam bath and add a few drops of essential oil. The steam helps to loosen mucus and acts as a carrier to help the essential oil quickly alleviate flu-like symptoms.
Herb Infused Face Steam
This soothing face steam will help loosen congestion and kill viruses and bacteria in the lungs, bronchials and sinuses.
- 2 cup boiling water
- 2 drops thyme
- 2 drops rosemary
- 2 drops oregano
Cover pot for 5 minutes and then put face directly over pot with a towel covering your head. Breathe in the steam for up to 15 minutes.
Another way to create a soothing steam bath is by adding essential oils in bath blocks.
Don’t wait until flu season is in full swing to prepare: the flu comes on fast and furious, and you probably won’t feel like running out to pick up supplies when you are coughing, aching, and sniffling.
Stay well!
Additional Reading:
Are We Due for a Pandemic Flu? Here’s How to Prepare Just in Case
The Prepper’s Blueprint: The Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Through Any Disaster
Tess Pennington is the author of The Prepper’s Blueprint, a comprehensive guide that uses real-life scenarios to help you prepare for any disaster. Because a crisis rarely stops with a triggering event the aftermath can spiral, having the capacity to cripple our normal ways of life. The well-rounded, multi-layered approach outlined in the Blueprint helps you make sense of a wide array of preparedness concepts through easily digestible action items and supply lists.
Tess is also the author of the highly rated Prepper’s Cookbook, which helps you to create a plan for stocking, organizing and maintaining a proper emergency food supply and includes over 300 recipes for nutritious, delicious, life-saving meals.
Visit her website at ReadyNutrition.com for an extensive compilation of free information on preparedness, homesteading, and healthy living.
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The CDC is a private company and only in business for the profits.And you’re still listening to them? Seriously folks!
Lately I’ve been thinking that some people are just genetically highly susceptible to the flu, others aren’t and still others are highly resistant to it.
For those in the highly susceptible category, I think the flu shot may be of some benefit, for the others probably less so or almost of no value at all depending on the individual and his personal resistance to it to start with.
You can probably work, be dirty, and diet, through all of the above conditions, but they will not go away.
Vaccination is a failed science. Sanitation is the real reason diseases disappeared.
I found out in the early 80s that there is only one thing on earth I’m allergic to. Egg-yolk-based vaccines. Worked as an engineer in a power plant and they were free to all employees … and encouraged. Got mine, had a normal commute home that took about 25 minutes (getting off @ 7 a.m. after a night shift) and by the time I was at the house… deathly ill. Spent the day hugging the porcelain goddess, feverish, …. Reported all that to the company medical doctor on coming in for my next shift. His words, “It is called ‘egg-yolk’ based; but, it has many other components. You’re not allergic to eggs or anything else…. it’s some chemical compound in the vaccine other than eggs.” . And he told me specifically to NEVER – EVER – get another one for it could kill me.
Heartless, I was getting a flu shot every year for 15 years. I was good for those 15 years, until last year. The VA gave me a double dose because of my age. I developed stomach problems that caused me to loose 35 pounds over a 6 month period. It was egg related. Can’t eat eggs any more. Can’t eat any bakery that has egg products in it. No more egg rolls. No French Toast. Bummer.
I am. If I get sick I’m just going to stay in bed until it passes.
I don’t get a flu shot and haven’t had the flu in over 20 years. I get spooked seeing “Free Flu Shot” everywhere; what gives? Lets say I’m distrustful.
I’m with you. Just say no.
I’ll stick with my assorted herbal and other natural helps for health.
Exactly! why is it free? why is everyone, everywhere pushing it.. If you say no thankyou, somehow they are mad…. very concerning to me!
Avoid crowds, walk in the fresh air and sunshine. If it rains and you get soaked take off the wet clothing right away even if (especially if) it is cold and drafty inside.
If you must work in a drafty doorway, wear warm clothing. If you are not allowed to wear a hat consider wearing a wig, hair piece, and a turtleneck sweater.
Cold weather alone may not give one the flu but it can lower your resistance to viruses.
Garlic added to chicken soup or chicken broth fresh finely diced or smashed uncooked just before serving is a natural medicine.
Tea with ginger turmeric and black pepper also fights a cold or flu.
Where are all of these flu victims? I have never known a single person in my 50 years who’s died from flu. In fact, I can’t even say that I know anyone who has ever had anything more than a cold or GI bug.
Flu actually has to be tested for on the cafaver and is actually quite rare. Most “flu victims” really just had pneumonia or co-morbidities.
Javelin, I think the old and people with weak immune systems can die from the effects of the Flu. Extreme dehydration is the main reason. Caused by vomiting, etc.
What about the epidemics, from before 50yrs ago.
With those same living conditions, we are seeing those same co-morbidities.
Load up on tissues, fever reducers, face masks, gloves, thermometer covers, expectorant, etc.
javelin, totally spot on, I was gonna say it but you got it 🙂
Apple Cider Vinegar.
The bad people have made a free book about it banned. No need to burn books.
Take before bed to lower sugar levels by up to 40%.
Kills weeds just spray them.
And 80 more uses. Get it with “mother” the cloudy kind.
Consider all the fear porn, which has come out of Africa, and that miracle cures were reported from raw garlic and fresh lemon. (Suicidal) Westerners paid a vist, to cook them dinner.
Antivirals, in the bush, are sold as industrial precursor materials, while they tell you it’s false hope. You collect it, on two legs, wash enough, eat enough, rest enough.
Someone was trying to convince me that plain, ordinary, pomegranate could be damaging. She uses the scooter at Walmart, in real life. (It’s not just a fictional stereoptype). Only in a society, based on lots and lots of sweet, bland pablum, could I be called a weird eater. I walked to a sports park, for fresh air and sunlight. Another one of these bed ridden types told me the human body was not made for that.
Consider, who are the book burners.
Bloomberg’s report also notes that vaccine science is “flawed”…
‘Medicines’ are tested on third worlders and indigents, from the bad side of the tracks, before some petty drug store clerk hard sales your doddling grandma.
Bad batches are tracked and recorded, as per the scientific method, imhblo.
An immune compromised relative became numbed and partially paralyzed with polio-like symptoms. It starts as an enterovirus, leads to trembling, and weakness. People in those old school, iron lungs eventually recuperated, I was surprised to learn, and so did she.
And, now a second member of my family.
Both were exposed to the welfare office, medical students, and/or continual, routine vaccinations.
What is so unhealthy, they say —
being too clean and to eat rich foods, out of the weather.
I think, this is how a sturdy person would tend to recuperate and not to spread it around.
Please heed the lessons of history.
When our Government gave out FREE Hepatits B vaccine shots to young gay men in the late ’70’s, they ALL came down with AIDs; they were the very first cases.
They killed the man who proved this, that AIDs was a germ warfare experiment, the late Dr. Boyd C. Graves.
Just about all vaccines have been hijacked. Bill Gates’ vaccines in Africa have sterilized over 125,000 young women.
My life, and I dare say everyone else’s, depends on our NOT getting the flu shot!
As Gandhi said so well, “Truth needs to be repeated as long as there are men who disbelieve it.”
– the Lone Ranger
There is another sympton of Flu – depression; this is caused by the T-Cells not being able to distinguish flu virus cells from serotonin, so they are both destroyed by the bodies defence.
For the first time in my adult life I got the flu last January, with complications aka chest infection. Changed sense of taste and smell that made everything I usually eat taste bad, and not wanting or can be bothered to do anything.
Anyone who tells you they dont know whether they have the flu or a cold has not got flu.
Taking a sauna 2-3 times a week is 65% better than a flu vaccine. ‘British scientific Journal”
Forgot to add, the best cure for the flu is what one zerohedger wrote – catch it!